Problème d'activation de l'équipement principal Somfy

Impossible d’activer l’équipement créé Somfy par le plugin Protexiom
Atlas V4.2.20 connecté en local IP Fixe
Protexiom V4 même réseau aussi IP Fixe
Pour info j’ai vérifié en me connectant avec l’application mobile → OK
Donc pas d’autres sessions en cours.
Déconnexion de l’application mobile.
Activation du l’équipement toujours impossible.
Par avance merci pour vos aides.

Quelque soit la case que je coche la modif n’est pas sauvegardée

Pour reprendre le problème à la source, quelle est la version hardware de votre protexiom détectée par le plugin protexiom sur votre RPI3B?
C’est sur la page de configuration de l’équipement principal.

Si pour « le nouveau plugin Protexiom v4 », vous parlez de ce fil: Alarme Protexiom Somfy et Jeedom V4.2
Les modifications faites ne concernent que l’interface utilisateur. Le dialogue avec la centrale Protexiom, n’a pas été modifié.
Veuillez noter que la Protexiom n’accepte qu’une seule session http. Avant d’activer le plugin sur l’ATLAS, arrêtez le daemon du plugin sur le RPI3B et déconnectez vous de l’app sur votre smartphone.

oui en lisant l’info sur la V4 avec le RPI3 par pooling, j’ai pris le problème dans l’autre sens celui qui marche a la place d’écrire avec la V4. Je ne prends pas le risque de régénérer les clé API au risque de perdre ce qui marche en partie.

1 « J'aime »

Oui je sais pour les session d’ailleurs j’arrête le démon, quand je veux me connecter avec les outils Somfy. Pour le RPI j’ai peut être pas fait, je vérifie…
je suis en version 4 pour la somfy sur le RPI3

J’ai arret le démon SOMFY du RPI3 pour reprendre les essais sur l’ATLAS
Je n’arrive pas à activer le plugin les cases a cocher retombent après sauvegarde alors que le bandeau vert me dit sauvegarde ok
J’ai revérifié la table des codes je ne voie pas d’erreurs

du coup le démon ne se lance pas

voir les logs…

[%time%][ERROR] : [SOMFY-782] 4980 Hardware version guessing test result Connection to host: OK HW Version: 3 Login URL recognition: FAILED HW Version: 1 Login URL recognition: FAILED HW Version: 2 Login URL recognition: FAILED HW Version: 4 Login URL recognition: FAILED Deactivating SOMFY
[%time%][ERROR] : [SOMFY-782] 1964 Hardware version guessing test result Connection to host: OK HW Version: 3 Login URL recognition: FAILED HW Version: 1 Login URL recognition: FAILED HW Version: 2 Login URL recognition: FAILED HW Version: 4 Login URL recognition: FAILED Deactivating SOMFY
[%time%][DEBUG] : [SOMFY-782] 1960 Running postsave method...
[%time%][DEBUG] : [SOMFY-782] 1960 Logging off during daemon_stop
[%time%][DEBUG] : [SOMFY-782] 1960 Logging off during daemon_stop
[%time%][DEBUG] : [*-*] 1960 Daemon unlaunchable. Won't start (launchable=nok)
[%time%][DEBUG] : [SOMFY-782] 1960 Running postsave method...
[%time%][DEBUG] : [SOMFY-782] 1960 Logging off during daemon_stop
[%time%][DEBUG] : [SOMFY-782] 1960 Logging off during daemon_stop
[%time%][DEBUG] : [*-*] 1960 Daemon unlaunchable. Won't start (launchable=nok)
[%time%][DEBUG] : [SOMFY-782] 1960 Running postsave method...
[%time%][DEBUG] : [SOMFY-782] 1960 Logging off during daemon_stop
[%time%][DEBUG] : [SOMFY-782] 1960 Logging off during daemon_stop
[%time%][DEBUG] : [*-*] 1960 Daemon unlaunchable. Won't start (launchable=nok)
[%time%][DEBUG] : [SOMFY-782] 1962 Running postsave method...
[%time%][DEBUG] : [SOMFY-782] 1962 Logging off during daemon_stop
[%time%][DEBUG] : [SOMFY-782] 1962 Logging off during daemon_stop
[%time%][DEBUG] : [*-*] 1962 Daemon unlaunchable. Won't start (launchable=nok)
[%time%][DEBUG] : [SOMFY-782] 1962 Running postsave method...
[%time%][DEBUG] : [SOMFY-782] 1962 Logging off during daemon_stop
[%time%][DEBUG] : [SOMFY-782] 1962 Logging off during daemon_stop
[%time%][DEBUG] : [*-*] 1962 Daemon unlaunchable. Won't start (launchable=nok)
[%time%][DEBUG] : [SOMFY-782] 1962 Running postsave method...
[%time%][DEBUG] : [SOMFY-782] 1962 Logging off during daemon_stop
[%time%][DEBUG] : [SOMFY-782] 1962 Logging off during daemon_stop
[%time%][DEBUG] : [*-*] 1962 Daemon unlaunchable. Won't start (launchable=nok)
[%time%][DEBUG] : [SOMFY-782] 6415 Logging off during daemon_stop
[%time%][DEBUG] : [*-*] 6415 Daemon unlaunchable. Won't start (launchable=nok)
[%time%][DEBUG] : [SOMFY-782] 3724 Logging off during daemon_stop
[%time%][DEBUG] : [*-*] 3724 Daemon unlaunchable. Won't start (launchable=nok)
[%time%][DEBUG] : [SOMFY-782] 1960 Running postsave method...
[%time%][DEBUG] : [SOMFY-782] 1960 Logging off during daemon_stop
[%time%][DEBUG] : [SOMFY-782] 1960 Running postsave method...
[%time%][DEBUG] : [SOMFY-782] 1960 Logging off during daemon_stop
[%time%][DEBUG] : [SOMFY-782] 1960 Creating protexiom_ctrl ctrl-lights
[%time%][DEBUG] : [SOMFY-782] 1960 Creating protexiom_ctrl ctrl-shutters
[%time%][DEBUG] : [SOMFY-782] 1960 Status refreshed
[%time%][DEBUG] : [SOMFY-782] 1960 Setting new battery value to 100
[%time%][DEBUG] : [SOMFY-782] 1960 Elements refreshed
[%time%][DEBUG] : [SOMFY-782] 1960 Creating protexiom_elmt elmt-507307
[%time%][DEBUG] : [SOMFY-782] 1960 Setting Centrale/pause as binary.
[%time%][DEBUG] : [SOMFY-782] 1960 Cmd Centrale/pause created.
[%time%][DEBUG] : [SOMFY-782] 1960 Setting Centrale/battery as binary.
[%time%][DEBUG] : [SOMFY-782] 1960 Cmd Centrale/battery created.
[%time%][DEBUG] : [SOMFY-782] 1960 Setting Centrale/tampered as binary.
[%time%][DEBUG] : [SOMFY-782] 1960 Cmd Centrale/tampered created.
[%time%][DEBUG] : [SOMFY-782] 1960 Setting Centrale/alarm as binary.
[%time%][DEBUG] : [SOMFY-782] 1960 Cmd Centrale/alarm created.
[%time%][DEBUG] : [SOMFY-782] 1960 Setting Centrale/link as binary.
[%time%][DEBUG] : [SOMFY-782] 1960 Cmd Centrale/link created.
[%time%][DEBUG] : [SOMFY-782] 1960 Creating protexiom_elmt elmt-795592
[%time%][DEBUG] : [SOMFY-782] 1960 Setting Badge Gris/pause as binary.
[%time%][DEBUG] : [SOMFY-782] 1960 Cmd Badge Gris/pause created.
[%time%][DEBUG] : [SOMFY-782] 1960 Creating protexiom_elmt elmt-165861
[%time%][DEBUG] : [SOMFY-782] 1960 Setting Telecommande/pause as binary.
[%time%][DEBUG] : [SOMFY-782] 1960 Cmd Telecommande/pause created.
[%time%][DEBUG] : [SOMFY-782] 1960 Creating protexiom_elmt elmt-805706
[%time%][DEBUG] : [SOMFY-782] 1960 Setting Clavier/pause as binary.
[%time%][DEBUG] : [SOMFY-782] 1960 Cmd Clavier/pause created.
[%time%][DEBUG] : [SOMFY-782] 1960 Setting Clavier/battery as binary.
[%time%][DEBUG] : [SOMFY-782] 1960 Cmd Clavier/battery created.
[%time%][DEBUG] : [SOMFY-782] 1960 Setting Clavier/tampered as binary.
[%time%][DEBUG] : [SOMFY-782] 1960 Cmd Clavier/tampered created.
[%time%][DEBUG] : [SOMFY-782] 1960 Setting Clavier/alarm as binary.
[%time%][DEBUG] : [SOMFY-782] 1960 Cmd Clavier/alarm created.
[%time%][DEBUG] : [SOMFY-782] 1960 Setting Clavier/link as binary.
[%time%][DEBUG] : [SOMFY-782] 1960 Cmd Clavier/link created.
[%time%][DEBUG] : [SOMFY-782] 1960 Creating protexiom_elmt elmt-355282
[%time%][DEBUG] : [SOMFY-782] 1960 Setting Buanderie/pause as binary.
[%time%][DEBUG] : [SOMFY-782] 1960 Cmd Buanderie/pause created.
[%time%][DEBUG] : [SOMFY-782] 1960 Setting Buanderie/battery as binary.
[%time%][DEBUG] : [SOMFY-782] 1960 Cmd Buanderie/battery created.
[%time%][DEBUG] : [SOMFY-782] 1960 Setting Buanderie/tampered as binary.
[%time%][DEBUG] : [SOMFY-782] 1960 Cmd Buanderie/tampered created.
[%time%][DEBUG] : [SOMFY-782] 1960 Setting Buanderie/alarm as binary.
[%time%][DEBUG] : [SOMFY-782] 1960 Cmd Buanderie/alarm created.
[%time%][DEBUG] : [SOMFY-782] 1960 Setting Buanderie/link as binary.
[%time%][DEBUG] : [SOMFY-782] 1960 Cmd Buanderie/link created.
[%time%][DEBUG] : [SOMFY-782] 1960 Setting Buanderie/door as binary.
[%time%][DEBUG] : [SOMFY-782] 1960 Cmd Buanderie/door created.
[%time%][DEBUG] : [SOMFY-782] 1960 Creating protexiom_elmt elmt-612901
[%time%][DEBUG] : [SOMFY-782] 1960 Setting Sirene/pause as binary.
[%time%][DEBUG] : [SOMFY-782] 1960 Cmd Sirene/pause created.
[%time%][DEBUG] : [SOMFY-782] 1960 Setting Sirene/battery as binary.
[%time%][DEBUG] : [SOMFY-782] 1960 Cmd Sirene/battery created.
[%time%][DEBUG] : [SOMFY-782] 1960 Setting Sirene/tampered as binary.
[%time%][DEBUG] : [SOMFY-782] 1960 Cmd Sirene/tampered created.
[%time%][DEBUG] : [SOMFY-782] 1960 Setting Sirene/alarm as binary.
[%time%][DEBUG] : [SOMFY-782] 1960 Cmd Sirene/alarm created.
[%time%][DEBUG] : [SOMFY-782] 1960 Setting Sirene/link as binary.
[%time%][DEBUG] : [SOMFY-782] 1960 Cmd Sirene/link created.
[%time%][DEBUG] : [SOMFY-782] 1960 Creating protexiom_elmt elmt-289528
[%time%][DEBUG] : [SOMFY-782] 1960 Setting Sejour/pause as binary.
[%time%][DEBUG] : [SOMFY-782] 1960 Cmd Sejour/pause created.
[%time%][DEBUG] : [SOMFY-782] 1960 Setting Sejour/battery as binary.
[%time%][DEBUG] : [SOMFY-782] 1960 Cmd Sejour/battery created.
[%time%][DEBUG] : [SOMFY-782] 1960 Setting Sejour/tampered as binary.
[%time%][DEBUG] : [SOMFY-782] 1960 Cmd Sejour/tampered created.
[%time%][DEBUG] : [SOMFY-782] 1960 Setting Sejour/alarm as binary.
[%time%][DEBUG] : [SOMFY-782] 1960 Cmd Sejour/alarm created.
[%time%][DEBUG] : [SOMFY-782] 1960 Setting Sejour/link as binary.
[%time%][DEBUG] : [SOMFY-782] 1960 Cmd Sejour/link created.
[%time%][DEBUG] : [SOMFY-782] 1960 Creating protexiom_elmt elmt-786396
[%time%][DEBUG] : [SOMFY-782] 1960 Setting Badge Blanc/pause as binary.
[%time%][DEBUG] : [SOMFY-782] 1960 Cmd Badge Blanc/pause created.
[%time%][DEBUG] : [SOMFY-782] 1960 Creating protexiom_elmt elmt-232438
[%time%][DEBUG] : [SOMFY-782] 1960 Setting Etage/pause as binary.
[%time%][DEBUG] : [SOMFY-782] 1960 Cmd Etage/pause created.
[%time%][DEBUG] : [SOMFY-782] 1960 Setting Etage/battery as binary.
[%time%][DEBUG] : [SOMFY-782] 1960 Cmd Etage/battery created.
[%time%][DEBUG] : [SOMFY-782] 1960 Setting Etage/tampered as binary.
[%time%][DEBUG] : [SOMFY-782] 1960 Cmd Etage/tampered created.
[%time%][DEBUG] : [SOMFY-782] 1960 Setting Etage/alarm as binary.
[%time%][DEBUG] : [SOMFY-782] 1960 Cmd Etage/alarm created.
[%time%][DEBUG] : [SOMFY-782] 1960 Setting Etage/link as binary.
[%time%][DEBUG] : [SOMFY-782] 1960 Cmd Etage/link created.
[%time%][DEBUG] : [SOMFY-782] 1960 Creating protexiom_elmt elmt-784866
[%time%][DEBUG] : [SOMFY-782] 1960 Setting Badge Noir/pause as binary.
[%time%][DEBUG] : [SOMFY-782] 1960 Cmd Badge Noir/pause created.
[%time%][DEBUG] : [SOMFY-782] 1960 Creating protexiom_elmt elmt-274965
[%time%][DEBUG] : [SOMFY-782] 1960 Setting Couloir/pause as binary.
[%time%][DEBUG] : [SOMFY-782] 1960 Cmd Couloir/pause created.
[%time%][DEBUG] : [SOMFY-782] 1960 Setting Couloir/battery as binary.
[%time%][DEBUG] : [SOMFY-782] 1960 Cmd Couloir/battery created.
[%time%][DEBUG] : [SOMFY-782] 1960 Setting Couloir/tampered as binary.
[%time%][DEBUG] : [SOMFY-782] 1960 Cmd Couloir/tampered created.
[%time%][DEBUG] : [SOMFY-782] 1960 Setting Couloir/alarm as binary.
[%time%][DEBUG] : [SOMFY-782] 1960 Cmd Couloir/alarm created.
[%time%][DEBUG] : [SOMFY-782] 1960 Setting Couloir/link as binary.
[%time%][DEBUG] : [SOMFY-782] 1960 Cmd Couloir/link created.
[%time%][DEBUG] : [SOMFY-782] 1960 Creating protexiom_elmt elmt-289527
[%time%][DEBUG] : [SOMFY-782] 1960 Setting Garage/pause as binary.
[%time%][DEBUG] : [SOMFY-782] 1960 Cmd Garage/pause created.
[%time%][DEBUG] : [SOMFY-782] 1960 Setting Garage/battery as binary.
[%time%][DEBUG] : [SOMFY-782] 1960 Cmd Garage/battery created.
[%time%][DEBUG] : [SOMFY-782] 1960 Setting Garage/tampered as binary.
[%time%][DEBUG] : [SOMFY-782] 1960 Cmd Garage/tampered created.
[%time%][DEBUG] : [SOMFY-782] 1960 Setting Garage/alarm as binary.
[%time%][DEBUG] : [SOMFY-782] 1960 Cmd Garage/alarm created.
[%time%][DEBUG] : [SOMFY-782] 1960 Setting Garage/link as binary.
[%time%][DEBUG] : [SOMFY-782] 1960 Cmd Garage/link created.
[%time%][DEBUG] : [SOMFY-782] 1960 Pull elements... Done
[%time%][DEBUG] : [SOMFY-782] 1960 Pull status... Done
[%time%][DEBUG] : [SOMFY-782] 1960 Logging off during daemon_stop
[%time%][DEBUG] : [*-*] 1960 Daemon started (launchable=ok)
[%time%][INFO] : [SOMFY-782] 1960 HwVersion set to 4
[%time%][DEBUG] : [*-*] 17638 Starting protexiom pull 2022-08-27 21:12:26
[%time%][DEBUG] : [SOMFY-782] 17638 running scheduled equipement update
[%time%][ERROR] : [SOMFY-782] 17638 Login failed during scheduled pull. Pull aborted. Returned error was: Login failed: Somfy protexiom returned : Session déjà ouverte. Veuillez réessayer ultérieurement.
[%time%][ERROR] : Erreur sur protexiom::pull() : Login failed during scheduled pull for the protexiom device SOMFY. Pull aborted. Returned error was: Login failed: Somfy protexiom returned : Session déjà ouverte. Veuillez réessayer ultérieurement.
[%time%][DEBUG] : [SOMFY-782] 1960 Status refreshed
[%time%][DEBUG] : [SOMFY-782] 1960 Setting new battery value to 100
[%time%][DEBUG] : [SOMFY-782] 1960 Elements refreshed
[%time%][DEBUG] : [SOMFY-782] 1960 Pull elements... Done
[%time%][DEBUG] : [SOMFY-782] 1960 Pull status... Done
[%time%][DEBUG] : [SOMFY-782] 1960 Logging off during daemon_stop
[%time%][DEBUG] : [*-*] 1960 Daemon started (launchable=ok)
[%time%][DEBUG] : [SOMFY-782] 1960 Running postsave method...
[%time%][DEBUG] : [SOMFY-782] 1960 Logging off during daemon_stop
[%time%][INFO] : [SOMFY-782] 1960 Disabling Centralisation lumières from parent.
[%time%][INFO] : [SOMFY-782] 1960 Disabling Centralisation volets from parent.
[%time%][INFO] : [SOMFY-782] 1960 Disabling Centrale from parent.
[%time%][INFO] : [SOMFY-782] 1960 Disabling Clavier from parent.
[%time%][INFO] : [SOMFY-782] 1960 Disabling Couloir from parent.
[%time%][INFO] : [SOMFY-782] 1960 Disabling Etage from parent.
[%time%][INFO] : [SOMFY-782] 1960 Disabling Sejour from parent.
[%time%][INFO] : [SOMFY-782] 1960 Disabling Sirene from parent.
[%time%][INFO] : [SOMFY-782] 1960 Disabling Buanderie from parent.
[%time%][INFO] : [SOMFY-782] 1960 Disabling Garage from parent.
[%time%][DEBUG] : [SOMFY-782] 1960 Logging off during daemon_stop
[%time%][DEBUG] : [*-*] 1960 Daemon unlaunchable. Won't start (launchable=nok)
[%time%][DEBUG] : [SOMFY-782] 1960 Running postsave method...
[%time%][DEBUG] : [SOMFY-782] 1960 Logging off during daemon_stop
[%time%][DEBUG] : [SOMFY-782] 1960 Logging off during daemon_stop
[%time%][DEBUG] : [*-*] 1960 Daemon unlaunchable. Won't start (launchable=nok)
[%time%][DEBUG] : [SOMFY-782] 26456 Running postsave method...
[%time%][DEBUG] : [SOMFY-782] 26456 Logging off during daemon_stop
[%time%][INFO] : [SOMFY-782] 26456 Enabling Centralisation lumières from parent.
[%time%][INFO] : [SOMFY-782] 26456 Enabling Centralisation volets from parent.
[%time%][INFO] : [SOMFY-782] 26456 Enabling Centrale from parent.
[%time%][INFO] : [SOMFY-782] 26456 Enabling Clavier from parent.
[%time%][INFO] : [SOMFY-782] 26456 Enabling Couloir from parent.
[%time%][INFO] : [SOMFY-782] 26456 Enabling Etage from parent.
[%time%][INFO] : [SOMFY-782] 26456 Enabling Sejour from parent.
[%time%][INFO] : [SOMFY-782] 26456 Enabling Sirene from parent.
[%time%][INFO] : [SOMFY-782] 26456 Enabling Buanderie from parent.
[%time%][INFO] : [SOMFY-782] 26456 Enabling Garage from parent.
[%time%][DEBUG] : [SOMFY-782] 26456 Status refreshed
[%time%][DEBUG] : [SOMFY-782] 26456 Setting new battery value to 100
[%time%][DEBUG] : [SOMFY-782] 26456 Elements refreshed
[%time%][DEBUG] : [SOMFY-782] 26456 Pull elements... Done
[%time%][DEBUG] : [SOMFY-782] 26456 Pull status... Done
[%time%][DEBUG] : [SOMFY-782] 26456 Logging off during daemon_stop
[%time%][DEBUG] : [*-*] 26456 Daemon started (launchable=ok)
[%time%][DEBUG] : [SOMFY-782] 26456 Running postsave method...
[%time%][DEBUG] : [SOMFY-782] 26456 Logging off during daemon_stop
[%time%][INFO] : [SOMFY-782] 26456 Disabling Centralisation lumières from parent.
[%time%][INFO] : [SOMFY-782] 26456 Disabling Centralisation volets from parent.
[%time%][INFO] : [SOMFY-782] 26456 Disabling Centrale from parent.
[%time%][INFO] : [SOMFY-782] 26456 Disabling Clavier from parent.
[%time%][INFO] : [SOMFY-782] 26456 Disabling Couloir from parent.
[%time%][INFO] : [SOMFY-782] 26456 Disabling Etage from parent.
[%time%][INFO] : [SOMFY-782] 26456 Disabling Sejour from parent.
[%time%][INFO] : [SOMFY-782] 26456 Disabling Sirene from parent.
[%time%][INFO] : [SOMFY-782] 26456 Disabling Buanderie from parent.
[%time%][INFO] : [SOMFY-782] 26456 Disabling Garage from parent.
[%time%][DEBUG] : [SOMFY-782] 26456 Logging off during daemon_stop
[%time%][DEBUG] : [*-*] 26456 Daemon unlaunchable. Won't start (launchable=nok)
[%time%][DEBUG] : [SOMFY-782] 26456 Running postsave method...
[%time%][DEBUG] : [SOMFY-782] 26456 Logging off during daemon_stop
[%time%][DEBUG] : [SOMFY-782] 26456 Logging off during daemon_stop
[%time%][DEBUG] : [*-*] 26456 Daemon unlaunchable. Won't start (launchable=nok)
[%time%][DEBUG] : [SOMFY-782] 1964 Running postsave method...
[%time%][DEBUG] : [SOMFY-782] 1964 Logging off during daemon_stop
[%time%][INFO] : [SOMFY-782] 1964 Enabling Centralisation lumières from parent.
[%time%][INFO] : [SOMFY-782] 1964 Enabling Centralisation volets from parent.
[%time%][INFO] : [SOMFY-782] 1964 Enabling Centrale from parent.
[%time%][INFO] : [SOMFY-782] 1964 Enabling Clavier from parent.
[%time%][INFO] : [SOMFY-782] 1964 Enabling Couloir from parent.
[%time%][INFO] : [SOMFY-782] 1964 Enabling Etage from parent.
[%time%][INFO] : [SOMFY-782] 1964 Enabling Sejour from parent.
[%time%][INFO] : [SOMFY-782] 1964 Enabling Sirene from parent.
[%time%][INFO] : [SOMFY-782] 1964 Enabling Buanderie from parent.
[%time%][INFO] : [SOMFY-782] 1964 Enabling Garage from parent.
[%time%][DEBUG] : [SOMFY-782] 1964 Status refreshed
[%time%][DEBUG] : [SOMFY-782] 1964 Setting new battery value to 100
[%time%][DEBUG] : [SOMFY-782] 1964 Elements refreshed
[%time%][DEBUG] : [SOMFY-782] 1964 Pull elements... Done
[%time%][DEBUG] : [SOMFY-782] 1964 Pull status... Done
[%time%][DEBUG] : [SOMFY-782] 1964 Logging off during daemon_stop
[%time%][DEBUG] : [*-*] 1964 Daemon started (launchable=ok)
[%time%][DEBUG] : [SOMFY-782] 1964 Running postsave method...
[%time%][DEBUG] : [SOMFY-782] 1964 Logging off during daemon_stop
[%time%][INFO] : [SOMFY-782] 1964 Disabling Centralisation lumières from parent.
[%time%][INFO] : [SOMFY-782] 1964 Disabling Centralisation volets from parent.
[%time%][INFO] : [SOMFY-782] 1964 Disabling Centrale from parent.
[%time%][INFO] : [SOMFY-782] 1964 Disabling Clavier from parent.
[%time%][INFO] : [SOMFY-782] 1964 Disabling Couloir from parent.
[%time%][INFO] : [SOMFY-782] 1964 Disabling Etage from parent.
[%time%][INFO] : [SOMFY-782] 1964 Disabling Sejour from parent.
[%time%][INFO] : [SOMFY-782] 1964 Disabling Sirene from parent.
[%time%][INFO] : [SOMFY-782] 1964 Disabling Buanderie from parent.
[%time%][INFO] : [SOMFY-782] 1964 Disabling Garage from parent.
[%time%][DEBUG] : [SOMFY-782] 1964 Logging off during daemon_stop
[%time%][DEBUG] : [*-*] 1964 Daemon unlaunchable. Won't start (launchable=nok)
[%time%][DEBUG] : [SOMFY-782] 1964 Running postsave method...
[%time%][DEBUG] : [SOMFY-782] 1964 Logging off during daemon_stop
[%time%][DEBUG] : [SOMFY-782] 1964 Logging off during daemon_stop
[%time%][DEBUG] : [*-*] 1964 Daemon unlaunchable. Won't start (launchable=nok)
[%time%][DEBUG] : [SOMFY-782] 4976 Running postsave method...
[%time%][DEBUG] : [SOMFY-782] 4976 Logging off during daemon_stop
[%time%][DEBUG] : [SOMFY-782] 4976 Logging off during daemon_stop
[%time%][DEBUG] : [*-*] 4976 Daemon unlaunchable. Won't start (launchable=nok)
[%time%][INFO] : [SOMFY-782] 4976 Removing master remote control Centralisation lumières
[%time%][INFO] : [SOMFY-782] 4976 Removing master remote control Centralisation volets
[%time%][INFO] : [SOMFY-782] 4976 Removing element Badge Blanc
[%time%][INFO] : [SOMFY-782] 4976 Removing element Badge Gris
[%time%][INFO] : [SOMFY-782] 4976 Removing element Badge Noir
[%time%][INFO] : [SOMFY-782] 4976 Removing element Centrale
[%time%][INFO] : [SOMFY-782] 4976 Removing element Clavier
[%time%][INFO] : [SOMFY-782] 4976 Removing element Couloir
[%time%][INFO] : [SOMFY-782] 4976 Removing element Etage
[%time%][INFO] : [SOMFY-782] 4976 Removing element Sejour
[%time%][INFO] : [SOMFY-782] 4976 Removing element Sirene
[%time%][INFO] : [SOMFY-782] 4976 Removing element Telecommande
[%time%][INFO] : [SOMFY-782] 4976 Removing element Buanderie
[%time%][INFO] : [SOMFY-782] 4976 Removing element Garage
[%time%][DEBUG] : [Somfy-836] 4976 Running postsave method...
[%time%][DEBUG] : [Somfy-836] 4976 Logging off during daemon_stop
[%time%][DEBUG] : [Somfy-836] 4976 Logging off during daemon_stop
[%time%][DEBUG] : [*-*] 4976 Daemon unlaunchable. Won't start (launchable=nok)
[%time%][DEBUG] : [Somfy-836] 9537 Running postsave method...
[%time%][DEBUG] : [Somfy-836] 9537 Logging off during daemon_stop
[%time%][DEBUG] : [Somfy-836] 9537 Running postsave method...
[%time%][DEBUG] : [Somfy-836] 9537 Logging off during daemon_stop
[%time%][DEBUG] : [Somfy-836] 9537 Creating protexiom_ctrl ctrl-lights
[%time%][DEBUG] : [Somfy-836] 9537 Creating protexiom_ctrl ctrl-shutters
[%time%][DEBUG] : [Somfy-836] 9537 Status refreshed
[%time%][DEBUG] : [Somfy-836] 9537 Setting new battery value to 100
[%time%][DEBUG] : [Somfy-836] 9537 Elements refreshed
[%time%][DEBUG] : [Somfy-836] 9537 Creating protexiom_elmt elmt-507307
[%time%][DEBUG] : [Somfy-836] 9537 Setting Centrale/pause as binary.
[%time%][DEBUG] : [Somfy-836] 9537 Cmd Centrale/pause created.
[%time%][DEBUG] : [Somfy-836] 9537 Setting Centrale/battery as binary.
[%time%][DEBUG] : [Somfy-836] 9537 Cmd Centrale/battery created.
[%time%][DEBUG] : [Somfy-836] 9537 Setting Centrale/tampered as binary.
[%time%][DEBUG] : [Somfy-836] 9537 Cmd Centrale/tampered created.
[%time%][DEBUG] : [Somfy-836] 9537 Setting Centrale/alarm as binary.
[%time%][DEBUG] : [Somfy-836] 9537 Cmd Centrale/alarm created.
[%time%][DEBUG] : [Somfy-836] 9537 Setting Centrale/link as binary.
[%time%][DEBUG] : [Somfy-836] 9537 Cmd Centrale/link created.
[%time%][DEBUG] : [Somfy-836] 9537 Creating protexiom_elmt elmt-795592
[%time%][DEBUG] : [Somfy-836] 9537 Setting Badge Gris/pause as binary.
[%time%][DEBUG] : [Somfy-836] 9537 Cmd Badge Gris/pause created.
[%time%][DEBUG] : [Somfy-836] 9537 Creating protexiom_elmt elmt-165861
[%time%][DEBUG] : [Somfy-836] 9537 Setting Telecommande/pause as binary.
[%time%][DEBUG] : [Somfy-836] 9537 Cmd Telecommande/pause created.
[%time%][DEBUG] : [Somfy-836] 9537 Creating protexiom_elmt elmt-805706
[%time%][DEBUG] : [Somfy-836] 9537 Setting Clavier/pause as binary.
[%time%][DEBUG] : [Somfy-836] 9537 Cmd Clavier/pause created.
[%time%][DEBUG] : [Somfy-836] 9537 Setting Clavier/battery as binary.
[%time%][DEBUG] : [Somfy-836] 9537 Cmd Clavier/battery created.
[%time%][DEBUG] : [Somfy-836] 9537 Setting Clavier/tampered as binary.
[%time%][DEBUG] : [Somfy-836] 9537 Cmd Clavier/tampered created.
[%time%][DEBUG] : [Somfy-836] 9537 Setting Clavier/alarm as binary.
[%time%][DEBUG] : [Somfy-836] 9537 Cmd Clavier/alarm created.
[%time%][DEBUG] : [Somfy-836] 9537 Setting Clavier/link as binary.
[%time%][DEBUG] : [Somfy-836] 9537 Cmd Clavier/link created.
[%time%][DEBUG] : [Somfy-836] 9537 Creating protexiom_elmt elmt-355282
[%time%][DEBUG] : [Somfy-836] 9537 Setting Buanderie/pause as binary.
[%time%][DEBUG] : [Somfy-836] 9537 Cmd Buanderie/pause created.
[%time%][DEBUG] : [Somfy-836] 9537 Setting Buanderie/battery as binary.
[%time%][DEBUG] : [Somfy-836] 9537 Cmd Buanderie/battery created.
[%time%][DEBUG] : [Somfy-836] 9537 Setting Buanderie/tampered as binary.
[%time%][DEBUG] : [Somfy-836] 9537 Cmd Buanderie/tampered created.
[%time%][DEBUG] : [Somfy-836] 9537 Setting Buanderie/alarm as binary.
[%time%][DEBUG] : [Somfy-836] 9537 Cmd Buanderie/alarm created.
[%time%][DEBUG] : [Somfy-836] 9537 Setting Buanderie/link as binary.
[%time%][DEBUG] : [Somfy-836] 9537 Cmd Buanderie/link created.
[%time%][DEBUG] : [Somfy-836] 9537 Setting Buanderie/door as binary.
[%time%][DEBUG] : [Somfy-836] 9537 Cmd Buanderie/door created.
[%time%][DEBUG] : [Somfy-836] 9537 Creating protexiom_elmt elmt-612901
[%time%][DEBUG] : [Somfy-836] 9537 Setting Sirene/pause as binary.
[%time%][DEBUG] : [Somfy-836] 9537 Cmd Sirene/pause created.
[%time%][DEBUG] : [Somfy-836] 9537 Setting Sirene/battery as binary.
[%time%][DEBUG] : [Somfy-836] 9537 Cmd Sirene/battery created.
[%time%][DEBUG] : [Somfy-836] 9537 Setting Sirene/tampered as binary.
[%time%][DEBUG] : [Somfy-836] 9537 Cmd Sirene/tampered created.
[%time%][DEBUG] : [Somfy-836] 9537 Setting Sirene/alarm as binary.
[%time%][DEBUG] : [Somfy-836] 9537 Cmd Sirene/alarm created.
[%time%][DEBUG] : [Somfy-836] 9537 Setting Sirene/link as binary.
[%time%][DEBUG] : [Somfy-836] 9537 Cmd Sirene/link created.
[%time%][DEBUG] : [Somfy-836] 9537 Creating protexiom_elmt elmt-289528
[%time%][DEBUG] : [Somfy-836] 9537 Setting Sejour/pause as binary.
[%time%][DEBUG] : [Somfy-836] 9537 Cmd Sejour/pause created.
[%time%][DEBUG] : [Somfy-836] 9537 Setting Sejour/battery as binary.
[%time%][DEBUG] : [Somfy-836] 9537 Cmd Sejour/battery created.
[%time%][DEBUG] : [Somfy-836] 9537 Setting Sejour/tampered as binary.
[%time%][DEBUG] : [Somfy-836] 9537 Cmd Sejour/tampered created.
[%time%][DEBUG] : [Somfy-836] 9537 Setting Sejour/alarm as binary.
[%time%][DEBUG] : [Somfy-836] 9537 Cmd Sejour/alarm created.
[%time%][DEBUG] : [Somfy-836] 9537 Setting Sejour/link as binary.
[%time%][DEBUG] : [Somfy-836] 9537 Cmd Sejour/link created.
[%time%][DEBUG] : [Somfy-836] 9537 Creating protexiom_elmt elmt-786396
[%time%][DEBUG] : [Somfy-836] 9537 Setting Badge Blanc/pause as binary.
[%time%][DEBUG] : [Somfy-836] 9537 Cmd Badge Blanc/pause created.
[%time%][DEBUG] : [Somfy-836] 9537 Creating protexiom_elmt elmt-232438
[%time%][DEBUG] : [Somfy-836] 9537 Setting Etage/pause as binary.
[%time%][DEBUG] : [Somfy-836] 9537 Cmd Etage/pause created.
[%time%][DEBUG] : [Somfy-836] 9537 Setting Etage/battery as binary.
[%time%][DEBUG] : [Somfy-836] 9537 Cmd Etage/battery created.
[%time%][DEBUG] : [Somfy-836] 9537 Setting Etage/tampered as binary.
[%time%][DEBUG] : [Somfy-836] 9537 Cmd Etage/tampered created.
[%time%][DEBUG] : [Somfy-836] 9537 Setting Etage/alarm as binary.
[%time%][DEBUG] : [Somfy-836] 9537 Cmd Etage/alarm created.
[%time%][DEBUG] : [Somfy-836] 9537 Setting Etage/link as binary.
[%time%][DEBUG] : [Somfy-836] 9537 Cmd Etage/link created.
[%time%][DEBUG] : [Somfy-836] 9537 Creating protexiom_elmt elmt-784866
[%time%][DEBUG] : [Somfy-836] 9537 Setting Badge Noir/pause as binary.
[%time%][DEBUG] : [Somfy-836] 9537 Cmd Badge Noir/pause created.
[%time%][DEBUG] : [Somfy-836] 9537 Creating protexiom_elmt elmt-274965
[%time%][DEBUG] : [Somfy-836] 9537 Setting Couloir/pause as binary.
[%time%][DEBUG] : [Somfy-836] 9537 Cmd Couloir/pause created.
[%time%][DEBUG] : [Somfy-836] 9537 Setting Couloir/battery as binary.
[%time%][DEBUG] : [Somfy-836] 9537 Cmd Couloir/battery created.
[%time%][DEBUG] : [Somfy-836] 9537 Setting Couloir/tampered as binary.
[%time%][DEBUG] : [Somfy-836] 9537 Cmd Couloir/tampered created.
[%time%][DEBUG] : [Somfy-836] 9537 Setting Couloir/alarm as binary.
[%time%][DEBUG] : [Somfy-836] 9537 Cmd Couloir/alarm created.
[%time%][DEBUG] : [Somfy-836] 9537 Setting Couloir/link as binary.
[%time%][DEBUG] : [Somfy-836] 9537 Cmd Couloir/link created.
[%time%][DEBUG] : [Somfy-836] 9537 Creating protexiom_elmt elmt-289527
[%time%][DEBUG] : [Somfy-836] 9537 Setting Garage/pause as binary.
[%time%][DEBUG] : [Somfy-836] 9537 Cmd Garage/pause created.
[%time%][DEBUG] : [Somfy-836] 9537 Setting Garage/battery as binary.
[%time%][DEBUG] : [Somfy-836] 9537 Cmd Garage/battery created.
[%time%][DEBUG] : [Somfy-836] 9537 Setting Garage/tampered as binary.
[%time%][DEBUG] : [Somfy-836] 9537 Cmd Garage/tampered created.
[%time%][DEBUG] : [Somfy-836] 9537 Setting Garage/alarm as binary.
[%time%][DEBUG] : [Somfy-836] 9537 Cmd Garage/alarm created.
[%time%][DEBUG] : [Somfy-836] 9537 Setting Garage/link as binary.
[%time%][DEBUG] : [Somfy-836] 9537 Cmd Garage/link created.
[%time%][DEBUG] : [Somfy-836] 9537 Pull elements... Done
[%time%][DEBUG] : [Somfy-836] 9537 Pull status... Done
[%time%][DEBUG] : [Somfy-836] 9537 Logging off during daemon_stop
[%time%][DEBUG] : [*-*] 9537 Daemon started (launchable=ok)
[%time%][INFO] : [Somfy-836] 9537 HwVersion set to 4
[%time%][DEBUG] : [*-*] 3844 Starting protexiom pull 2022-08-27 21:32:01
[%time%][DEBUG] : [Somfy-836] 3844 running scheduled equipement update
[%time%][DEBUG] : [Somfy-836] 9537 Status refreshed
[%time%][ERROR] : [Somfy-836] 3844 Login failed during scheduled pull. Pull aborted. Returned error was: Login failed: Somfy protexiom returned : Session déjà ouverte. Veuillez réessayer ultérieurement.
[%time%][ERROR] : Erreur sur protexiom::pull() : Login failed during scheduled pull for the protexiom device Somfy. Pull aborted. Returned error was: Login failed: Somfy protexiom returned : Session déjà ouverte. Veuillez réessayer ultérieurement.
[%time%][DEBUG] : [Somfy-836] 9537 Setting new battery value to 100
[%time%][DEBUG] : [Somfy-836] 9537 Elements refreshed
[%time%][DEBUG] : [Somfy-836] 9537 Pull elements... Done
[%time%][DEBUG] : [Somfy-836] 9537 Pull status... Done
[%time%][DEBUG] : [Somfy-836] 9537 Logging off during daemon_stop
[%time%][DEBUG] : [*-*] 9537 Daemon started (launchable=ok)
[%time%][DEBUG] : [Somfy-836] 9537 Running postsave method...
[%time%][DEBUG] : [Somfy-836] 9537 Logging off during daemon_stop
[%time%][INFO] : [Somfy-836] 9537 Disabling Centralisation lumières from parent.
[%time%][INFO] : [Somfy-836] 9537 Disabling Centralisation volets from parent.
[%time%][INFO] : [Somfy-836] 9537 Disabling Centrale from parent.
[%time%][INFO] : [Somfy-836] 9537 Disabling Clavier from parent.
[%time%][INFO] : [Somfy-836] 9537 Disabling Couloir from parent.
[%time%][INFO] : [Somfy-836] 9537 Disabling Etage from parent.
[%time%][INFO] : [Somfy-836] 9537 Disabling Sejour from parent.
[%time%][INFO] : [Somfy-836] 9537 Disabling Sirene from parent.
[%time%][INFO] : [Somfy-836] 9537 Disabling Buanderie from parent.
[%time%][INFO] : [Somfy-836] 9537 Disabling Garage from parent.
[%time%][DEBUG] : [Somfy-836] 9537 Logging off during daemon_stop
[%time%][DEBUG] : [*-*] 9537 Daemon unlaunchable. Won't start (launchable=nok)
[%time%][DEBUG] : [Somfy-836] 9537 Running postsave method...
[%time%][DEBUG] : [Somfy-836] 9537 Logging off during daemon_stop
[%time%][DEBUG] : [Somfy-836] 9537 Logging off during daemon_stop
[%time%][DEBUG] : [*-*] 9537 Daemon unlaunchable. Won't start (launchable=nok)
[%time%][DEBUG] : [Somfy-836] 24482 Running postsave method...
[%time%][DEBUG] : [Somfy-836] 24482 Logging off during daemon_stop
[%time%][INFO] : [Somfy-836] 24482 Enabling Centralisation lumières from parent.
[%time%][INFO] : [Somfy-836] 24482 Enabling Centralisation volets from parent.
[%time%][INFO] : [Somfy-836] 24482 Enabling Centrale from parent.
[%time%][INFO] : [Somfy-836] 24482 Enabling Clavier from parent.
[%time%][INFO] : [Somfy-836] 24482 Enabling Couloir from parent.
[%time%][INFO] : [Somfy-836] 24482 Enabling Etage from parent.
[%time%][INFO] : [Somfy-836] 24482 Enabling Sejour from parent.
[%time%][INFO] : [Somfy-836] 24482 Enabling Sirene from parent.
[%time%][INFO] : [Somfy-836] 24482 Enabling Buanderie from parent.
[%time%][INFO] : [Somfy-836] 24482 Enabling Garage from parent.
[%time%][DEBUG] : [Somfy-836] 24482 Status refreshed
[%time%][DEBUG] : [Somfy-836] 24482 Setting new battery value to 100
[%time%][DEBUG] : [Somfy-836] 24482 Elements refreshed
[%time%][DEBUG] : [Somfy-836] 24482 Pull elements... Done
[%time%][DEBUG] : [Somfy-836] 24482 Pull status... Done
[%time%][DEBUG] : [Somfy-836] 24482 Logging off during daemon_stop
[%time%][DEBUG] : [*-*] 24482 Daemon started (launchable=ok)
[%time%][DEBUG] : [Somfy-836] 24482 Running postsave method...
[%time%][DEBUG] : [Somfy-836] 24482 Logging off during daemon_stop
[%time%][INFO] : [Somfy-836] 24482 Disabling Centralisation lumières from parent.
[%time%][INFO] : [Somfy-836] 24482 Disabling Centralisation volets from parent.
[%time%][INFO] : [Somfy-836] 24482 Disabling Centrale from parent.
[%time%][INFO] : [Somfy-836] 24482 Disabling Clavier from parent.
[%time%][INFO] : [Somfy-836] 24482 Disabling Couloir from parent.
[%time%][INFO] : [Somfy-836] 24482 Disabling Etage from parent.
[%time%][INFO] : [Somfy-836] 24482 Disabling Sejour from parent.
[%time%][INFO] : [Somfy-836] 24482 Disabling Sirene from parent.
[%time%][INFO] : [Somfy-836] 24482 Disabling Buanderie from parent.
[%time%][INFO] : [Somfy-836] 24482 Disabling Garage from parent.
[%time%][DEBUG] : [Somfy-836] 24482 Logging off during daemon_stop
[%time%][DEBUG] : [*-*] 24482 Daemon unlaunchable. Won't start (launchable=nok)
[%time%][DEBUG] : [Somfy-836] 24482 Running postsave method...
[%time%][DEBUG] : [Somfy-836] 24482 Logging off during daemon_stop
[%time%][DEBUG] : [Somfy-836] 24482 Logging off during daemon_stop
[%time%][DEBUG] : [*-*] 24482 Daemon unlaunchable. Won't start (launchable=nok)
[%time%][DEBUG] : [Somfy-836] 9537 Running postsave method...
[%time%][DEBUG] : [Somfy-836] 9537 Logging off during daemon_stop
[%time%][DEBUG] : [Somfy-836] 9537 Logging off during daemon_stop
[%time%][DEBUG] : [*-*] 9537 Daemon unlaunchable. Won't start (launchable=nok))


Ca progresse. Le hardware est maintenant reconnu. Version 4.

On voit dans le log que tous les équipements avec leurs commandes sont créés.

Avec les [%time%] partout les logs ne sont pas clairs.

Pour les cases à cocher ( de l’équipement principal ? ) ça doit être le daemon qui les désactive car il n’arrive pas à se logger à cause d’une session déjà ouverte:

Erreur sur protexiom::pull() : Login failed during scheduled pull for the protexiom device Somfy. Pull aborted. Returned error was: Login failed: Somfy protexiom returned : Session déjà ouverte. Veuillez réessayer ultérieurement.
[%time%][DEBUG] : [Somfy-836] 9537 Logging off during daemon_stop
[%time%][DEBUG] : [*-*] 9537 Daemon started (launchable=ok)
[%time%][DEBUG] : [Somfy-836] 9537 Running postsave method...
[%time%][DEBUG] : [Somfy-836] 9537 Logging off during daemon_stop
[%time%][INFO] : [Somfy-836] 9537 Disabling Centrale from parent.
  • Arrêtez le daemon Somfy après avoir désactivé sa Gestion automatique
  • Activez et rendez visible l’équipement principal. Sauvegardez le. Vérifiez qu’il reste actif.
  • Attendez le timeout d’une session Somfy. ( voir sa durée sur l’app Somfy )
  • Redémarrez le daemon Somfy

Un redémarrage de l’Atlas avec une pause du timeout de session Somfy peut aussi être bénéfique.

C’est le plugin d’origine ou celui de mon github que vous utilisez?

Insistez, elle va bien finir par tomber en marche!

J’utilise le plugin d’origine de Fdp1.
Dois je utiliser le tien ?

J’ai désactivé la gestion automatique

Impossible d’activer l’équipement créé Somfy par le plugin Protexiom
Atlas V4.2.20 connecté en local IP Fixe
Protexiom V4 même réseau aussi IP Fixe

Quelque soit la case que je coche la modif n’est pas sauvegardée

Pour info j’ai vérifié qu’il n’y a pas d’autre session en cours en me connectant avec l’application mobile → OK
Déconnexion de l’application mobile pour arrêter la session.
Activation du l’équipement toujours impossible.

Par avance merci pour vos aides.

Quand j’installe le plugin v3 de fdp1 du market sur une 4.2, sur l’équipement principal, les cases à cocher Activer, Visible sont présentes plusieurs fois sur la page.
En haut:
Puis sous la liste des commandes:

Si vous avez plusieurs cases à cocher Activer et Visible sur la même page, il faut pour activer l’équipement et le rendre visible, les cocher TOUTES et utiliser le bouton Sauvegarde du haut.

Sans installer le plugin de mon github, le résultat sur le dashboard est:

OUI c’est le cas avec votre réponse je viens de découvrir d’autres cases plus bas !
La sauvegarde est ok le démon aussi !
Je vais installer votre plugin a suivre.
bravo :wave: trop fort :muscle:

Grand merci. :grinning:

J’avais fait le correctif sur mon ancien jeedom RPI3 qui fonctionnait.
Sur un nouveau jeedom RPI4 aussi en V4.2 avec le plugin Beta Somfy, je refais la manip Gitub, ça ne fonctionne pas, j’ai dû rater qq chose, je ne voie pas où ça coince.


Le nom du dépôt n’est pas correct. La première lettre est en majuscules.

1 « J'aime »

Merci pour ton aide, mais ça n’a rien changé.
J’ai aussi essayé avec le plugin de fdp1 en beta ou stable, à chaque fois je recharge ton Gitub après.
Je ne sais plus lequel utilser.
Il y a t-il un problème de droits ?

mes infos:
Catégorie Sécurité Sourcegithub
Auteur Fdp1 Version d98ef8e27e1d382dd2ab…
License WFTPL Prérequis 3.3.16

[%time%][DEBUG] : Lancement de : /var/www/html/core/class/../../core/php/jeePlugin.php  plugin_id=protexiom function=pre_update callInstallFunction=1
[%time%][INFO] : Début d'activation du plugin
[%time%][DEBUG] : [somfy-762] 20813 Logging off during daemon_stop
[%time%][DEBUG] : [somfy-762] 20813 Cached protexiom cookie found during initSpBrowser.
[%time%][DEBUG] : [somfy-762] 20813 Successfull logout during daemon_stop
[%time%][INFO] : Info sur le démon : {"log":"","state":"nok","launchable":"ok","launchable_message":"Gestion automatique d\u00e9sactiv\u00e9e","auto":"0","last_launch":"2022-10-24 23:41:17"}
[%time%][DEBUG] : Lancement de : /var/www/html/core/class/../../core/php/jeePlugin.php  plugin_id=protexiom function=update callInstallFunction=1
[%time%][INFO] : [*-*] 14508 Running protexiom post-update script
[%time%][DEBUG] : [*-*] 14312 Polling interval updated
[%time%][DEBUG] : [somfy-762] 14312 Logging off during daemon_stop
[%time%][DEBUG] : [somfy-762] 5892 Logging off during daemon_stop
[%time%][DEBUG] : [*-*] 14312 Daemon started (launchable=ok)
[%time%][DEBUG] : [*-*] 5892 Daemon started (launchable=ok)
[%time%][DEBUG] : [*-*] 15552 Starting protexiom pull 2022-10-25 13:35:09
[%time%][DEBUG] : [somfy-762] 15552 running scheduled equipement update
[%time%][DEBUG] : [somfy-762] 15552 Sucessfull login during scheduled pull. authCookie cached.
[%time%][DEBUG] : [somfy-762] 15552 Status refreshed
[%time%][DEBUG] : [somfy-762] 15552 Setting new battery value to 100
[%time%][DEBUG] : [somfy-762] 15552 Elements refreshed
[%time%][DEBUG] : [somfy-762] 15552 Pull elements... Done
[%time%][DEBUG] : [somfy-762] 15552 Pull status... Done
[%time%][DEBUG] : [*-*] 15552 Starting protexiom pull 2022-10-25 13:35:22
[%time%][DEBUG] : [somfy-762] 15552 running scheduled equipement update
[%time%][DEBUG] : [somfy-762] 15552 Cached protexiom cookie found during initSpBrowser.
[%time%][DEBUG] : [somfy-762] 15552 Status refreshed
[%time%][DEBUG] : [somfy-762] 15552 Setting new battery value to 100
[%time%][DEBUG] : [somfy-762] 15552 Elements refreshed
[%time%][DEBUG] : [somfy-762] 15552 Pull elements... Done
[%time%][DEBUG] : [somfy-762] 15552 Pull status... Done
[%time%][DEBUG] : [*-*] 15552 Starting protexiom pull 2022-10-25 13:35:33
[%time%][DEBUG] : [somfy-762] 15552 running scheduled equipement update
[%time%][DEBUG] : [somfy-762] 15552 Cached protexiom cookie found during initSpBrowser.
[%time%][DEBUG] : [somfy-762] 15552 Status refreshed
[%time%][DEBUG] : [somfy-762] 15552 Setting new battery value to 100
[%time%][DEBUG] : [somfy-762] 15552 Elements refreshed
[%time%][DEBUG] : [somfy-762] 15552 Pull elements... Done
[%time%][DEBUG] : [somfy-762] 15552 Pull status... Done

Le plugin sur mon github est complet. Inutile d’installer celui de @fdp1 avant.

L’installation avec la source github ne fonctionne plus (Jeedom 4.3.5 pour le mien). Malgré le message « Sauvegarde réussie » rien n’est installé.

Il faut utiliser la source fichier.

  • Pour cela aller dans la configuration de Jeedom et sur l’onglet Mise à jour/Market, cocher:
  • Ensuite sur mon github GitHub - jpty/Jeedom-plugin-protexiom , il faut télécharger un zip
  • Puis dans la gestion des plugins, cliquez sur image
  • Sélectionner alors le type de source fichier et renseigner l’ID du plugin: protexiom (sans espace avant ni après)
  • Cliquez sur Envoyer un plugin et sélectionnez le fichier téléchargé précédemment sur mon github.
  • Cliquez ensuite sur Sauvegarder. Le plugin doit s’installer et etre présent dans Gestion des plugins
  • Ensuite c’est comme d’habitude. Activer, configurer …

Après install :
La version, c’est la date de l’install.

Sur mon github, il y a aussi une branche alpha que vous pouvez tester.
Il suffit de sélectionner la brancha alpha avant de créer le zip et d’utiliser le fichier pour l’ajout/maj du plugin. C’est un peu plus avancé que la beta Mais pas terminé.
Le résultat de son install:

1 « J'aime »

L’installation de votre plugin s’est parfaitement déroulée.
Après configuration, tout est redevenu fonctionnel.
Du coup je n’ai pas testé l’alpha.
Grand merci.

Pour info je suis en V4.20
J’avais posté sur le forum une demande d’amélioration pour basculer les thèmes par une info.
Maintenant ça fait partie des évolutions de la V4.3.5
Je n’ai pas compris si le plugin alfa en cour de dev avec la fonction mise a jour, fonctionne en V4.3.5 ?


Content de savoir que ca fonctionne pour vous.
Il me reste à chercher pourquoi l’install par github ne fonctionne pas.

J’ai testé l’alpha sur une 4.3.5 cet après-midi en rédigeant le message et ça fonctionne.
Mais il n’y a pas les dernières modifs pour la 4.3

Un message a été scindé en un nouveau sujet : Impossible d’activer mon alarme

Ce sujet a été automatiquement fermé après 24 heures suivant le dernier commentaire. Aucune réponse n’est permise dorénavant.