Debian 12 pour quand avec plugin-wifilightv2 en beta

Bonjour, à quand une version du plugin wifilightv2 compatible debian 12 ? (cela pour éviter un Docker avec un raspberry PI5) ?

Bonjour, je viens de m’acheter un Raspberry PI5 avec installation Jeedom sur Debian 12 en Alpha puis j’ai restauré une ancienne config Jeedom avec plugin-wifilightv2 (qui fonctionnait sous Docker) mais le plugin lors de la connexion m’affiche :
Interface « Psr\Log\LoggerInterface » not found
Mes appareils Zigbee restent vu dans le dashborad mais ne communiquent plus.
Est il prévu que wifilightv2 fonctionne pour un Raspberry PI5 (sans Docker) en alpha à minimum ?

Le plugin n’a pas été testé en Debian 12 et le sera quand Jeedom l’utilisera, pour l’instant c’est Debian 11 et le plugin est OK.
J’utilise des libs qui ont provoqué des incompatibilités avec d’autres plugins, voire pour certaines j’ai dû les modifier ou gérer en catastrophe des sauts de version qui dépendent de quel plugin charge en premier. Donc le plugin embarque une copie des libs, souvent renommée ou avec un namespace.
C’est pas joli mais je ne me prends pas la tête et je pense que le core devrait les embarquer, comme guzzle en particulier.
Néanmoins, je viens de pousser une beta qui supprime le chargement d’un module logs que je n’utilise pas. En regardant le code il y a peut-être d’autres soucis dans la lib guzzle justement.
Je n’ai pas Debian 12 et pour l’instant pas l’intention de tester. Mais si quelques aller/retour avec vous permettent de faire fonctionner le plugin en 12, je suis OK pour poursuivre les échanges.

La modif fonctionne en Debian 10 et 11 V4_4

pas de retour de votre part.
J’ai reproduit le souci mais lors du chargement d’une sauvegarde en 4.3 .
J’attends le passage en stable de 4.4 pour tester ensuite en debian12.
J’ai remarqué que le plugin teleinfo a le même souci et même qu’il n’était plus possible de désactiver un plugin. Avez-vous ces soucis ?

Merci pour votre retour, désolé pour ma réponse tardive.
Je vais donc, pour l’instant, abandonner Debian 12
J’ai rétrogradé en 11 et je vais devoir je pense relancer l’installation à zéro car là en restaurant ma sauvegarde jeedom sous Debian 12, j’ai après l’installation de jeedom puis restauration de la sauvegarde puis vérif wifilightv2 une erreur 500 juste après me déconnecter juste en me reloguant ce qui m’empêche d’alller dans les paramètres de Jeedom pour vérifier les logs… :frowning:

entre-temps j’ai fait pareil deb12+J4.4
Le souci que j’ai eu est que j’ai fait une restauration depuis une 4.3 et 4.3 + deb12 ce n’est pas compatible.
J’attends de passer en 4.4 quand j’aurais fait tous les tests, pour avoir une sauvegarde 4.4 de ma prod.

Merci de cette confirmation
Je vais patienter alors pour debian 12 :slight_smile:

en beta compatibilité debian 12
fesh install debian
install Jeedom
Install plugin beta à ce jour
→ OK

1 « J'aime »

Merci de l info
Je vais tester cela ce we je pense


Debian 12 et PI5 ==> fonctionnement ok avec modules sonoff (DIY et eweelink) + Bulb YEELIGHT :+1:

Au top comme toujours ! ! ! :slight_smile:

question :
comment as tu fait pour monter en debian 12
quand je met la sauvegarde 4.2 plus rien ne fonctionne.
Tu es passé en 4.4 (sur une autre debian 10/11) avant de monter en debian12 ?

Sinon, vas voir la page santé et fais moi un retour s’il y a des choses bizarres en particulier Yeelight.

dsl pour la réponse tardive.
Pour répondre à tes questions :
En fait, j’ai un Rasberry pi5 (donc Debian 12) depuis peu et je m’amusais à essayer quelques plugins. J’avais donc fait quelques test avec la version stable et l’ancienne beta de ton plugin mais pas grand chose ne fonctionnait. J’ai vu ce fil de discussion et donc, que tu avais prévue de faire quelques essais sur Debian 12. J’ai donc patienté…

Ewelink :
J’ai fait une découverte d’équipement par l’inclusion et je dois dire que tout fonctionne parfaitement.

Sonoff DIY : fonctionne très bien aussi.

Pour Yeelight : je me suis un peu emballé…
J’ai bien fait des commandes on et off qui ont fonctionnés mais suite à ton message, je me suis aperçu que les commandes ne fonctionnent pas systématiquement et loin de là…
De plus sur la nouvelle page santé, l’équipement communique bien mais l’indicateur reste au rouge.

Version beta installée : 2024-04-06 11:47:04
page santé:

log en debug Yeelight :

0000|[2024-04-07T06:35:04.537449+02:00] DEBUG  : >>>>Daemon Started
0001|[2024-04-07T06:35:04.537571+02:00] DEBUG  : >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Search for Tuya/Yeelight devices - V1.95 <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
0002|[2024-04-07T06:35:04.539503+02:00] DEBUG  : ** Spot térasse - YeeLightRGBW @ - cha:1 **
0003|[2024-04-07T06:35:05.088312+02:00] DEBUG  :      New device: created ADD New device SocketKOConnection to socket impossible Code:115 = Operation now in progress
0004|[2024-04-07T06:35:05.088360+02:00] DEBUG  : >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>       End       <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
0005|[2024-04-07T06:35:36.002014+02:00] DEBUG  : >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Search for Tuya/Yeelight devices - V1.95 <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
0006|[2024-04-07T06:35:36.007092+02:00] DEBUG  : ** Spot térasse - YeeLightRGBW @ - cha:1 **
0007|[2024-04-07T06:35:36.513611+02:00] DEBUG  :      Connection impossible. Err=115 : Operation now in progress
0008|[2024-04-07T06:35:36.513677+02:00] DEBUG  : >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>       End       <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
0009|[2024-04-07T06:36:07.010949+02:00] DEBUG  : >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Search for Tuya/Yeelight devices - V1.95 <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
0010|[2024-04-07T06:36:07.013813+02:00] DEBUG  : ** Spot térasse - YeeLightRGBW @ - cha:1 **
0011|[2024-04-07T06:36:07.521577+02:00] DEBUG  :      Connection impossible. Err=115 : Operation now in progress
0012|[2024-04-07T06:36:07.521638+02:00] DEBUG  : >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>       End       <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
0013|[2024-04-07T06:36:33.399180+02:00] DEBUG  : Receive from Jeedom to Send cmd to device @ channel:1
0014|[2024-04-07T06:36:37.999569+02:00] DEBUG  : Receive from Jeedom to Send cmd to device @ channel:1
0015|[2024-04-07T06:36:38.022909+02:00] DEBUG  : >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Search for Tuya/Yeelight devices - V1.95 <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
0016|[2024-04-07T06:36:38.027590+02:00] DEBUG  : ** Spot térasse - YeeLightRGBW @ - cha:1 **
0017|[2024-04-07T06:36:38.561666+02:00] DEBUG  :      Connection impossible. Err=115 : Operation now in progress
0018|[2024-04-07T06:36:38.561731+02:00] DEBUG  : >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>       End       <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
0019|[2024-04-07T06:36:59.881584+02:00] DEBUG  : Receive from Jeedom to Send cmd to device @ channel:1
0020|[2024-04-07T06:37:03.942802+02:00] DEBUG  : Receive from Jeedom to Send cmd to device @ channel:1
0021|[2024-04-07T06:37:09.001215+02:00] DEBUG  : >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Search for Tuya/Yeelight devices - V1.95 <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
0022|[2024-04-07T06:37:09.006295+02:00] DEBUG  : ** Spot térasse - YeeLightRGBW @ - cha:1 **
0023|[2024-04-07T06:37:09.538235+02:00] DEBUG  :      Connection impossible. Err=115 : Operation now in progress
0024|[2024-04-07T06:37:09.538300+02:00] DEBUG  : >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>       End       <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
0025|[2024-04-07T06:37:16.022047+02:00] DEBUG  : Receive from Jeedom to Send cmd to device @ channel:1
0026|[2024-04-07T06:37:18.411991+02:00] DEBUG  : Receive from Jeedom to Send cmd to device @ channel:1
0027|[2024-04-07T06:37:40.016529+02:00] DEBUG  : >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Search for Tuya/Yeelight devices - V1.95 <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
0028|[2024-04-07T06:37:40.021181+02:00] DEBUG  : ** Spot térasse - YeeLightRGBW @ - cha:1 **
0029|[2024-04-07T06:37:40.466995+02:00] DEBUG  :       New device
0030|[2024-04-07T06:37:40.467062+02:00] DEBUG  : >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>       End       <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
0031|[2024-04-07T06:37:40.467196+02:00] DEBUG  : << Update state 1 of: Spot térasse @
0032|[2024-04-07T06:37:40.482012+02:00] DEBUG  : Receive from:
0033|[2024-04-07T06:37:40.482045+02:00] DEBUG  :     Update state of yeelight: Spot térasse
0034|[2024-04-07T06:38:11.013018+02:00] DEBUG  : >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Search for Tuya/Yeelight devices - V1.95 <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
0035|[2024-04-07T06:38:11.016026+02:00] DEBUG  : ** Spot térasse - YeeLightRGBW @ - cha:1 **
0036|[2024-04-07T06:38:11.554260+02:00] DEBUG  :      SocketKOConnection to socket impossible Code:115 = Operation now in progress
0037|[2024-04-07T06:38:11.554319+02:00] DEBUG  : >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>       End       <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
0038|[2024-04-07T06:38:42.011484+02:00] DEBUG  : >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Search for Tuya/Yeelight devices - V1.95 <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
0039|[2024-04-07T06:38:42.013472+02:00] DEBUG  : ** Spot térasse - YeeLightRGBW @ - cha:1 **
0040|[2024-04-07T06:38:42.528430+02:00] DEBUG  :      Connection impossible. Err=115 : Operation now in progress
0041|[2024-04-07T06:38:42.528481+02:00] DEBUG  : >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>       End       <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
0042|[2024-04-07T06:39:13.005911+02:00] DEBUG  : >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Search for Tuya/Yeelight devices - V1.95 <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
0043|[2024-04-07T06:39:13.009226+02:00] DEBUG  : ** Spot térasse - YeeLightRGBW @ - cha:1 **
0044|[2024-04-07T06:39:13.037385+02:00] DEBUG  :       New device
0045|[2024-04-07T06:39:13.037434+02:00] DEBUG  : >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>       End       <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
0046|[2024-04-07T06:39:13.037531+02:00] DEBUG  : << Update state 1 of: Spot térasse @
0047|[2024-04-07T06:39:13.068128+02:00] DEBUG  : Receive from:
0048|[2024-04-07T06:39:13.068153+02:00] DEBUG  :     Update state of yeelight: Spot térasse
0049|[2024-04-07T06:39:44.017417+02:00] DEBUG  : >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Search for Tuya/Yeelight devices - V1.95 <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
0050|[2024-04-07T06:39:44.020789+02:00] DEBUG  : ** Spot térasse - YeeLightRGBW @ - cha:1 **
0051|[2024-04-07T06:39:44.142179+02:00] DEBUG  :
0052|[2024-04-07T06:39:44.142228+02:00] DEBUG  : >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>       End       <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
0053|[2024-04-07T06:40:12.798970+02:00] DEBUG  : Receive from Jeedom to Send cmd to device @ channel:1
0054|[2024-04-07T06:40:12.799100+02:00] DEBUG  :     No state to update
0055|[2024-04-07T06:40:14.188860+02:00] DEBUG  : Receive from Jeedom to Send cmd to device @ channel:1
0056|[2024-04-07T06:40:14.188965+02:00] DEBUG  :     No state to update
0057|[2024-04-07T06:40:15.015405+02:00] DEBUG  : >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Search for Tuya/Yeelight devices - V1.95 <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
0058|[2024-04-07T06:40:15.020391+02:00] DEBUG  : ** Spot térasse - YeeLightRGBW @ - cha:1 **
0059|[2024-04-07T06:40:15.098940+02:00] DEBUG  :
0060|[2024-04-07T06:40:15.099002+02:00] DEBUG  : >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>       End       <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
0061|[2024-04-07T06:40:16.665348+02:00] DEBUG  : Receive from:
0062|[2024-04-07T06:40:16.665374+02:00] DEBUG  :     Update state of yeelight: Spot térasse
0063|[2024-04-07T06:40:16.681479+02:00] DEBUG  :  - On:0
0064|[2024-04-07T06:40:24.733398+02:00] DEBUG  : Receive from Jeedom to Send cmd to device @ channel:1
0065|[2024-04-07T06:40:24.733531+02:00] DEBUG  :     No state to update
0066|[2024-04-07T06:40:43.431908+02:00] DEBUG  : Error on: is :Connection reset by peer n:104  diff:27
0067|[2024-04-07T06:40:46.001525+02:00] DEBUG  : >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Search for Tuya/Yeelight devices - V1.95 <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
0068|[2024-04-07T06:40:46.004490+02:00] DEBUG  : ** Spot térasse - YeeLightRGBW @ - cha:1 **
0069|[2024-04-07T06:40:46.048767+02:00] DEBUG  :       New device
0070|[2024-04-07T06:40:46.048830+02:00] DEBUG  : >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>       End       <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
0071|[2024-04-07T06:40:46.048956+02:00] DEBUG  : << Update state 1 of: Spot térasse @
0072|[2024-04-07T06:40:46.063498+02:00] DEBUG  : Receive from:
0073|[2024-04-07T06:40:46.063530+02:00] DEBUG  :     Update state of yeelight: Spot térasse
0074|[2024-04-07T06:40:46.566141+02:00] DEBUG  : Receive from:
0075|[2024-04-07T06:40:46.566163+02:00] DEBUG  :     Update state of yeelight: Spot térasse
0076|[2024-04-07T06:40:46.571320+02:00] DEBUG  :  - On:1
0077|[2024-04-07T06:40:49.561791+02:00] DEBUG  : Receive from:
0078|[2024-04-07T06:40:49.561819+02:00] DEBUG  :     Update state of yeelight: Spot térasse
0079|[2024-04-07T06:40:49.568097+02:00] DEBUG  :  - On:1
0080|[2024-04-07T06:40:56.964856+02:00] DEBUG  : Receive from:
0081|[2024-04-07T06:40:56.964885+02:00] DEBUG  :     Update state of yeelight: Spot térasse
0082|[2024-04-07T06:40:56.971224+02:00] DEBUG  :  - On:1
0083|[2024-04-07T06:40:56.971351+02:00] DEBUG  : Receive from:
0084|[2024-04-07T06:40:56.971372+02:00] DEBUG  :     Update state of yeelight: Spot térasse
0085|[2024-04-07T06:40:56.976497+02:00] DEBUG  :  - On:1
0086|[2024-04-07T06:40:58.521973+02:00] DEBUG  : Receive from:
0087|[2024-04-07T06:40:58.521999+02:00] DEBUG  :     Update state of yeelight: Spot térasse
0088|[2024-04-07T06:40:58.528090+02:00] DEBUG  :  - On:1
0089|[2024-04-07T06:41:01.521665+02:00] DEBUG  : Receive from:
0090|[2024-04-07T06:41:01.521693+02:00] DEBUG  :     Update state of yeelight: Spot térasse
0091|[2024-04-07T06:41:01.528155+02:00] DEBUG  :  - On:1
0092|[2024-04-07T06:41:04.368722+02:00] DEBUG  : Receive from Jeedom to Send cmd to device @ channel:1
0093|[2024-04-07T06:41:04.368823+02:00] DEBUG  :     No state to update
0094|[2024-04-07T06:41:14.431295+02:00] DEBUG  : Receive from Jeedom to Send cmd to device @ channel:1
0095|[2024-04-07T06:41:14.431433+02:00] DEBUG  :     No state to update
0096|[2024-04-07T06:41:14.936971+02:00] DEBUG  : Receive from:
0097|[2024-04-07T06:41:14.936994+02:00] DEBUG  :     Update state of yeelight: Spot térasse
0098|[2024-04-07T06:41:14.942803+02:00] DEBUG  :  - On:1
0099|[2024-04-07T06:41:17.012948+02:00] DEBUG  : >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Search for Tuya/Yeelight devices - V1.95 <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
0100|[2024-04-07T06:41:17.018606+02:00] DEBUG  : ** Spot térasse - YeeLightRGBW @ - cha:1 **
0101|[2024-04-07T06:41:17.542596+02:00] DEBUG  :      SocketKOConnection to socket impossible Code:115 = Operation now in progress
0102|[2024-04-07T06:41:17.542645+02:00] DEBUG  : >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>       End       <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
0103|[2024-04-07T06:41:22.017111+02:00] DEBUG  : Receive from Jeedom to Send cmd to device @ channel:1
0104|[2024-04-07T06:41:48.014103+02:00] DEBUG  : >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Search for Tuya/Yeelight devices - V1.95 <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
0105|[2024-04-07T06:41:48.016973+02:00] DEBUG  : ** Spot térasse - YeeLightRGBW @ - cha:1 **
0106|[2024-04-07T06:41:48.064634+02:00] DEBUG  :       New device
0107|[2024-04-07T06:41:48.064694+02:00] DEBUG  : >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>       End       <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
0108|[2024-04-07T06:41:48.064817+02:00] DEBUG  : << Update state 1 of: Spot térasse @
0109|[2024-04-07T06:41:48.078599+02:00] DEBUG  : Receive from:
0110|[2024-04-07T06:41:48.078630+02:00] DEBUG  :     Update state of yeelight: Spot térasse

log cmd :

[2024-04-07T06:30:08.094140+02:00] DEBUG  :     State: {"id":1, "result":["on","100","6500","16711680","359","100","2","","","","","","",""]}
[2024-04-07T06:30:16.472466+02:00] DEBUG  :     State: {"method":"props","params":{"power":"off"}}
[2024-04-07T06:30:16.472585+02:00] DEBUG  :     Read Json OK
[2024-04-07T06:31:41.091940+02:00] DEBUG  :     State: {"id":1, "result":["off","100","6500","16711680","359","100","2","","","","","","",""]}
[2024-04-07T06:31:43.632134+02:00] DEBUG  :     State: {"method":"props","params":{"power":"off"}}
[2024-04-07T06:31:43.632248+02:00] DEBUG  :     Read Json OK
[2024-04-07T06:32:47.021636+02:00] DEBUG  : Cmd : {"id":1,"method":"set_power","params":["on","smooth",500]}  - Try - Connect OK! - OK
[2024-04-07T06:32:47.059323+02:00] DEBUG  :     State: {"id":1, "result":["ok"]}
[2024-04-07T06:32:47.059452+02:00] DEBUG  :     >>> ret ok
[2024-04-07T06:33:25.507884+02:00] DEBUG  : Cmd : {"id":1,"method":"set_power","params":["on","smooth",500]}  - Try - Time out - Error n°|Connection refused
[2024-04-07T06:33:43.751158+02:00] DEBUG  : Cmd : {"id":1,"method":"set_power","params":["on","smooth",500]}  - Try - Time out - Error n°|Connection refused
[2024-04-07T06:33:55.343947+02:00] DEBUG  : Cmd : {"id":1,"method":"set_power","params":["off","smooth",500]}  - Try - Time out - Error n°|Connection refused
[2024-04-07T06:34:09.288315+02:00] DEBUG  : Cmd : {"id":1,"method":"set_power","params":["on","smooth",500]}  - Try - Time out - Error n°|Connection refused
[2024-04-07T06:34:21.924235+02:00] DEBUG  : Cmd : {"id":1,"method":"set_power","params":["on","smooth",500]}  - Try - Time out - Error n°|Connection refused
[2024-04-07T06:34:22.199477+02:00] DEBUG  : Cmd : {"id":1,"method":"set_power","params":["on","smooth",500]}  - Try - Time out - Error n°|Connection refused
[2024-04-07T06:36:33.385702+02:00] DEBUG  : Cmd : {"id":1,"method":"set_power","params":["on","smooth",500]}  - Try - Connect OK! - OK
[2024-04-07T06:36:37.993154+02:00] DEBUG  : Cmd : {"id":1,"method":"set_power","params":["on","smooth",500]}  - Try - Connect OK! - OK
[2024-04-07T06:36:59.863882+02:00] DEBUG  : Cmd : {"id":1,"method":"set_power","params":["off","smooth",500]}  - Try - Connect OK! - OK
[2024-04-07T06:37:03.929140+02:00] DEBUG  : Cmd : {"id":1,"method":"set_power","params":["off","smooth",500]}  - Try - Connect OK! - OK
[2024-04-07T06:37:16.006109+02:00] DEBUG  : Cmd : {"id":1,"method":"set_power","params":["off","smooth",500]}  - Try - Connect OK! - OK
[2024-04-07T06:37:18.395229+02:00] DEBUG  : Cmd : {"id":1,"method":"set_power","params":["off","smooth",500]}  - Try - Connect OK! - OK
[2024-04-07T06:37:40.481853+02:00] DEBUG  :     State: {"id":1, "result":["on","100","6500","16711680","359","100","2","","","","","","",""]}
[2024-04-07T06:39:13.067977+02:00] DEBUG  :     State: {"id":1, "result":["on","100","6500","16711680","359","100","2","","","","","","",""]}
[2024-04-07T06:40:12.781125+02:00] DEBUG  : Cmd : {"id":1,"method":"set_power","params":["off","smooth",500]}  - Try - Connect OK! - OK
[2024-04-07T06:40:14.169000+02:00] DEBUG  : Cmd : {"id":1,"method":"set_power","params":["off","smooth",500]}  - Try - Connect OK! - OK
[2024-04-07T06:40:16.665176+02:00] DEBUG  :     State: {"method":"props","params":{"power":"off"}}
[2024-04-07T06:40:16.665317+02:00] DEBUG  :     Read Json OK
[2024-04-07T06:40:24.719263+02:00] DEBUG  : Cmd : {"id":1,"method":"set_power","params":["on","smooth",500]}  - Try - Connect OK! - OK
[2024-04-07T06:40:46.063348+02:00] DEBUG  :     State: {"id":1, "result":["on","100","6500","16711680","359","100","2","","","","","","",""]}
[2024-04-07T06:40:46.565993+02:00] DEBUG  :     State: {"method":"props","params":{"power":"on"}}
[2024-04-07T06:40:46.566112+02:00] DEBUG  :     Read Json OK
[2024-04-07T06:40:49.561614+02:00] DEBUG  :     State: {"method":"props","params":{"power":"on"}}
[2024-04-07T06:40:49.561757+02:00] DEBUG  :     Read Json OK
[2024-04-07T06:40:56.964676+02:00] DEBUG  :     State: {"method":"props","params":{"power":"on"}} {"method":"props","params":{"power":"on"}}
[2024-04-07T06:40:56.964821+02:00] DEBUG  :     Read Json OK
[2024-04-07T06:40:56.971288+02:00] DEBUG  :     State: {"method":"props","params":{"power":"on"}}
[2024-04-07T06:40:56.971323+02:00] DEBUG  :     Read Json OK
[2024-04-07T06:40:58.521798+02:00] DEBUG  :     State: {"method":"props","params":{"power":"on"}}
[2024-04-07T06:40:58.521938+02:00] DEBUG  :     Read Json OK
[2024-04-07T06:41:01.521490+02:00] DEBUG  :     State: {"method":"props","params":{"power":"on"}}
[2024-04-07T06:41:01.521631+02:00] DEBUG  :     Read Json OK
[2024-04-07T06:41:04.362384+02:00] DEBUG  : Cmd : {"id":1,"method":"set_power","params":["off","smooth",500]}  - Try - Connect OK! - OK
[2024-04-07T06:41:14.415494+02:00] DEBUG  : Cmd : {"id":1,"method":"set_power","params":["off","smooth",500]}  - Try - Connect OK! - OK
[2024-04-07T06:41:14.936818+02:00] DEBUG  :     State: {"method":"props","params":{"power":"on"}}
[2024-04-07T06:41:14.936941+02:00] DEBUG  :     Read Json OK
[2024-04-07T06:41:22.007156+02:00] DEBUG  : Cmd : {"id":1,"method":"set_power","params":["off","smooth",500]}  - Try - Connect OK! - OK
[2024-04-07T06:41:48.078457+02:00] DEBUG  :     State: {"id":1, "result":["off","100","6500","16711680","359","100","2","","","","","","",""]}
[2024-04-07T06:42:50.087329+02:00] DEBUG  :     State: {"id":1, "result":["off","100","6500","16711680","359","100","2","","","","","","",""]}
[2024-04-07T06:43:52.087793+02:00] DEBUG  :     State: {"id":1, "result":["off","100","6500","16711680","359","100","2","","","","","","",""]}
[2024-04-07T06:45:56.091178+02:00] DEBUG  :     State: {"id":1, "result":["off","100","6500","16711680","359","100","2","","","","","","",""]}
[2024-04-07T06:48:00.072404+02:00] DEBUG  :     State: {"id":1, "result":["off","100","6500","16711680","359","100","2","","","","","","",""]}
[2024-04-07T06:49:02.081193+02:00] DEBUG  :     State: {"id":1, "result":["off","100","6500","16711680","359","100","2","","","","","","",""]}
[2024-04-07T06:50:04.065894+02:00] DEBUG  :     State: {"id":1, "result":["off","100","6500","16711680","359","10

[2024-04-07T06:50:47.722902+02:00] DEBUG  : Cmd : {"id":1,"method":"set_power","params":["on","smooth",500]}  - Try - Connect OK! - OK

PS : J’essais avec la nouvelle beta

Je me suis aperçue que je n’avais pas entrée le bon type d’équipement :sweat_smile:. J’avais mis V2 au lieu de V1.

l’indicateur sur la page santé reste inchangé et les commandes ON OFF restent aléatoires. J’ai également paramétré le nombre d’envoi de chaque commande à 5 pour voir mais c’est pareil…

Version beta : 2024-04-06 14:23:28

log cmd :

0000|[2024-04-07T07:22:48.025542+02:00] DEBUG  : Mess: {"id":1,"method":"set_power","params":["on","smooth",500]}
0001|[2024-04-07T07:22:48.025638+02:00] DEBUG  : try to connect to :  55443
0002|[2024-04-07T07:22:48.040920+02:00] DEBUG  : Send OK.
0003|[2024-04-07T07:22:48.060080+02:00] DEBUG  : Response from yeelight Bulb : {"id":1, "result":["ok"]}
0004|[2024-04-07T07:22:48.060111+02:00] DEBUG  : >>>>>>>>>>> : 0 | ok : ok
0005|[2024-04-07T07:22:48.060137+02:00] DEBUG  : Read Json OK
0006|[2024-04-07T07:22:48.060156+02:00] DEBUG  : Mess: {"id":1,"method":"get_prop","params":["power", "bright", "ct", "rgb","hue","sat","color_mode","bg_power", "bg_bright", "bg_ct", "bg_rgb", "bg_hue","bg_sat","bg_lmode"]}
0007|[2024-04-07T07:22:48.060174+02:00] DEBUG  : try to connect to :  55443
0008|[2024-04-07T07:22:48.072650+02:00] DEBUG  : Send OK.
0009|[2024-04-07T07:22:48.089180+02:00] DEBUG  : Response from yeelight Bulb : {"id":1, "result":["on","34","6500","16711680","359","100","2","","","","","","",""]}
0010|[2024-04-07T07:22:48.089228+02:00] DEBUG  : >>>>>>>>>>> : 0 | on : on
0011|[2024-04-07T07:22:48.089240+02:00] DEBUG  : >>>>>>>>>>> : 1 | 34 : 34
0012|[2024-04-07T07:22:48.089249+02:00] DEBUG  : >>>>>>>>>>> : 2 | 6500 : 6500
0013|[2024-04-07T07:22:48.089258+02:00] DEBUG  : >>>>>>>>>>> : 3 | 16711680 : 16711680
0014|[2024-04-07T07:22:48.089267+02:00] DEBUG  : >>>>>>>>>>> : 4 | 359 : 359
0015|[2024-04-07T07:22:48.089275+02:00] DEBUG  : >>>>>>>>>>> : 5 | 100 : 100
0016|[2024-04-07T07:22:48.089284+02:00] DEBUG  : >>>>>>>>>>> : 6 | 2 : 2
0017|[2024-04-07T07:22:48.089293+02:00] DEBUG  : >>>>>>>>>>> : 7 |  :
0018|[2024-04-07T07:22:48.089302+02:00] DEBUG  : >>>>>>>>>>> : 8 |  :
0019|[2024-04-07T07:22:48.089310+02:00] DEBUG  : >>>>>>>>>>> : 9 |  :
0020|[2024-04-07T07:22:48.089319+02:00] DEBUG  : >>>>>>>>>>> : 10 |  :
0021|[2024-04-07T07:22:48.089327+02:00] DEBUG  : >>>>>>>>>>> : 11 |  :
0022|[2024-04-07T07:22:48.089336+02:00] DEBUG  : >>>>>>>>>>> : 12 |  :
0023|[2024-04-07T07:22:48.089344+02:00] DEBUG  : >>>>>>>>>>> : 13 |  :
0024|[2024-04-07T07:22:48.089373+02:00] DEBUG  : Read Json OK
0025|[2024-04-07T07:22:48.089398+02:00] DEBUG  : /// m:2710 M:6500
0026|[2024-04-07T07:23:03.002537+02:00] DEBUG  : Mess: {"id":1,"method":"get_prop","params":["power", "bright", "ct", "rgb","hue","sat","color_mode","bg_power", "bg_bright", "bg_ct", "bg_rgb", "bg_hue","bg_sat","bg_lmode"]}
0027|[2024-04-07T07:23:03.002623+02:00] DEBUG  : try to connect to :  55443
0028|[2024-04-07T07:23:03.008646+02:00] DEBUG  : Send OK.
0029|[2024-04-07T07:23:03.037138+02:00] DEBUG  : Response from yeelight Bulb : {"id":1, "result":["on","34","6500","16711680","359","100","2","","","","","","",""]}
0030|[2024-04-07T07:23:03.037230+02:00] DEBUG  : >>>>>>>>>>> : 0 | on : on
0031|[2024-04-07T07:23:03.037245+02:00] DEBUG  : >>>>>>>>>>> : 1 | 34 : 34
0032|[2024-04-07T07:23:03.037255+02:00] DEBUG  : >>>>>>>>>>> : 2 | 6500 : 6500
0033|[2024-04-07T07:23:03.037264+02:00] DEBUG  : >>>>>>>>>>> : 3 | 16711680 : 16711680
0034|[2024-04-07T07:23:03.037274+02:00] DEBUG  : >>>>>>>>>>> : 4 | 359 : 359
0035|[2024-04-07T07:23:03.037282+02:00] DEBUG  : >>>>>>>>>>> : 5 | 100 : 100
0036|[2024-04-07T07:23:03.037291+02:00] DEBUG  : >>>>>>>>>>> : 6 | 2 : 2
0037|[2024-04-07T07:23:03.037300+02:00] DEBUG  : >>>>>>>>>>> : 7 |  :
0038|[2024-04-07T07:23:03.037309+02:00] DEBUG  : >>>>>>>>>>> : 8 |  :
0039|[2024-04-07T07:23:03.037317+02:00] DEBUG  : >>>>>>>>>>> : 9 |  :
0040|[2024-04-07T07:23:03.037326+02:00] DEBUG  : >>>>>>>>>>> : 10 |  :
0041|[2024-04-07T07:23:03.037334+02:00] DEBUG  : >>>>>>>>>>> : 11 |  :
0042|[2024-04-07T07:23:03.037343+02:00] DEBUG  : >>>>>>>>>>> : 12 |  :
0043|[2024-04-07T07:23:03.037351+02:00] DEBUG  : >>>>>>>>>>> : 13 |  :
0044|[2024-04-07T07:23:03.037384+02:00] DEBUG  : Read Json OK
0045|[2024-04-07T07:23:03.037407+02:00] DEBUG  : /// m:2700 M:6500
0046|[2024-04-07T07:23:18.931646+02:00] DEBUG  : Mess: {"id":1,"method":"set_power","params":["off","smooth",500]}
0047|[2024-04-07T07:23:18.931739+02:00] DEBUG  : try to connect to :  55443
0048|[2024-04-07T07:23:19.964064+02:00] DEBUG  : Time out
0049|[2024-04-07T07:23:19.964112+02:00] DEBUG  : socket_connect() failed. Reason: () Operation already in progress
0050|[2024-04-07T07:23:34.020248+02:00] DEBUG  : Mess: {"id":1,"method":"get_prop","params":["power", "bright", "ct", "rgb","hue","sat","color_mode","bg_power", "bg_bright", "bg_ct", "bg_rgb", "bg_hue","bg_sat","bg_lmode"]}
0051|[2024-04-07T07:23:34.020368+02:00] DEBUG  : try to connect to :  55443
0052|[2024-04-07T07:23:35.036088+02:00] DEBUG  : Time out
0053|[2024-04-07T07:23:35.036172+02:00] DEBUG  : socket_connect() failed. Reason: () Operation already in progress
0054|[2024-04-07T07:23:45.575756+02:00] DEBUG  : Mess: {"id":1,"method":"set_power","params":["off","smooth",500]}
0055|[2024-04-07T07:23:45.575865+02:00] DEBUG  : try to connect to :  55443
0056|[2024-04-07T07:23:45.987906+02:00] DEBUG  : Send OK.
0057|[2024-04-07T07:23:45.998853+02:00] DEBUG  : Response from yeelight Bulb : {"id":1, "result":["ok"]}
0058|[2024-04-07T07:23:45.998897+02:00] DEBUG  : >>>>>>>>>>> : 0 | ok : ok
0059|[2024-04-07T07:23:45.998938+02:00] DEBUG  : Read Json OK
0060|[2024-04-07T07:23:45.998971+02:00] DEBUG  : Mess: {"id":1,"method":"get_prop","params":["power", "bright", "ct", "rgb","hue","sat","color_mode","bg_power", "bg_bright", "bg_ct", "bg_rgb", "bg_hue","bg_sat","bg_lmode"]}
0061|[2024-04-07T07:23:45.999000+02:00] DEBUG  : try to connect to :  55443
0062|[2024-04-07T07:23:46.028750+02:00] DEBUG  : Send OK.
0063|[2024-04-07T07:23:46.045194+02:00] DEBUG  : Response from yeelight Bulb : {"id":1, "result":["off","34","6500","16711680","359","100","2","","","","","","",""]}
0064|[2024-04-07T07:23:46.045244+02:00] DEBUG  : >>>>>>>>>>> : 0 | off : off
0065|[2024-04-07T07:23:46.045264+02:00] DEBUG  : >>>>>>>>>>> : 1 | 34 : 34
0066|[2024-04-07T07:23:46.045279+02:00] DEBUG  : >>>>>>>>>>> : 2 | 6500 : 6500
0067|[2024-04-07T07:23:46.045293+02:00] DEBUG  : >>>>>>>>>>> : 3 | 16711680 : 16711680
0068|[2024-04-07T07:23:46.045308+02:00] DEBUG  : >>>>>>>>>>> : 4 | 359 : 359
0069|[2024-04-07T07:23:46.045322+02:00] DEBUG  : >>>>>>>>>>> : 5 | 100 : 100
0070|[2024-04-07T07:23:46.045336+02:00] DEBUG  : >>>>>>>>>>> : 6 | 2 : 2
0071|[2024-04-07T07:23:46.045350+02:00] DEBUG  : >>>>>>>>>>> : 7 |  :
0072|[2024-04-07T07:23:46.045364+02:00] DEBUG  : >>>>>>>>>>> : 8 |  :
0073|[2024-04-07T07:23:46.045378+02:00] DEBUG  : >>>>>>>>>>> : 9 |  :
0074|[2024-04-07T07:23:46.045392+02:00] DEBUG  : >>>>>>>>>>> : 10 |  :
0075|[2024-04-07T07:23:46.045406+02:00] DEBUG  : >>>>>>>>>>> : 11 |  :
0076|[2024-04-07T07:23:46.045420+02:00] DEBUG  : >>>>>>>>>>> : 12 |  :
0077|[2024-04-07T07:23:46.045434+02:00] DEBUG  : >>>>>>>>>>> : 13 |  :
0078|[2024-04-07T07:23:46.045468+02:00] DEBUG  : Read Json OK
0079|[2024-04-07T07:23:46.045503+02:00] DEBUG  : /// m:2710 M:6500
0080|[2024-04-07T07:24:06.009847+02:00] DEBUG  : Mess: {"id":1,"method":"get_prop","params":["power", "bright", "ct", "rgb","hue","sat","color_mode","bg_power", "bg_bright", "bg_ct", "bg_rgb", "bg_hue","bg_sat","bg_lmode"]}
0081|[2024-04-07T07:24:06.009965+02:00] DEBUG  : try to connect to :  55443
0082|[2024-04-07T07:24:07.036107+02:00] DEBUG  : Time out
0083|[2024-04-07T07:24:07.036192+02:00] DEBUG  : socket_connect() failed. Reason: () Operation already in progress
0084|[2024-04-07T07:24:38.014254+02:00] DEBUG  : Mess: {"id":1,"method":"get_prop","params":["power", "bright", "ct", "rgb","hue","sat","color_mode","bg_power", "bg_bright", "bg_ct", "bg_rgb", "bg_hue","bg_sat","bg_lmode"]}
0085|[2024-04-07T07:24:38.014376+02:00] DEBUG  : try to connect to :  55443
0086|[2024-04-07T07:24:39.036104+02:00] DEBUG  : Time out
0087|[2024-04-07T07:24:39.036182+02:00] DEBUG  : socket_connect() failed. Reason: () Operation already in progress
0088|[2024-04-07T07:25:10.010007+02:00] DEBUG  : Mess: {"id":1,"method":"get_prop","params":["power", "bright", "ct", "rgb","hue","sat","color_mode","bg_power", "bg_bright", "bg_ct", "bg_rgb", "bg_hue","bg_sat","bg_lmode"]}
0089|[2024-04-07T07:25:10.010127+02:00] DEBUG  : try to connect to :  55443
0090|[2024-04-07T07:25:11.036091+02:00] DEBUG  : Time out
0091|[2024-04-07T07:25:11.036175+02:00] DEBUG  : socket_connect() failed. Reason: () Operation already in progress
0092|[2024-04-07T07:25:42.021662+02:00] DEBUG  : Mess: {"id":1,"method":"get_prop","params":["power", "bright", "ct", "rgb","hue","sat","color_mode","bg_power", "bg_bright", "bg_ct", "bg_rgb", "bg_hue","bg_sat","bg_lmode"]}
0093|[2024-04-07T07:25:42.021786+02:00] DEBUG  : try to connect to :  55443
0094|[2024-04-07T07:25:42.026890+02:00] DEBUG  : Send OK.
0095|[2024-04-07T07:25:42.034103+02:00] DEBUG  : Response from yeelight Bulb : {"id":1, "result":["off","34","6500","16711680","359","100","2","","","","","","",""]}
0096|[2024-04-07T07:25:42.034144+02:00] DEBUG  : >>>>>>>>>>> : 0 | off : off
0097|[2024-04-07T07:25:42.034162+02:00] DEBUG  : >>>>>>>>>>> : 1 | 34 : 34
0098|[2024-04-07T07:25:42.034177+02:00] DEBUG  : >>>>>>>>>>> : 2 | 6500 : 6500
0099|[2024-04-07T07:25:42.034191+02:00] DEBUG  : >>>>>>>>>>> : 3 | 16711680 : 16711680
0100|[2024-04-07T07:25:42.034205+02:00] DEBUG  : >>>>>>>>>>> : 4 | 359 : 359
0101|[2024-04-07T07:25:42.034219+02:00] DEBUG  : >>>>>>>>>>> : 5 | 100 : 100
0102|[2024-04-07T07:25:42.034232+02:00] DEBUG  : >>>>>>>>>>> : 6 | 2 : 2
0103|[2024-04-07T07:25:42.034246+02:00] DEBUG  : >>>>>>>>>>> : 7 |  :
0104|[2024-04-07T07:25:42.034260+02:00] DEBUG  : >>>>>>>>>>> : 8 |  :
0105|[2024-04-07T07:25:42.034274+02:00] DEBUG  : >>>>>>>>>>> : 9 |  :
0106|[2024-04-07T07:25:42.034287+02:00] DEBUG  : >>>>>>>>>>> : 10 |  :
0107|[2024-04-07T07:25:42.034301+02:00] DEBUG  : >>>>>>>>>>> : 11 |  :
0108|[2024-04-07T07:25:42.034314+02:00] DEBUG  : >>>>>>>>>>> : 12 |  :
0109|[2024-04-07T07:25:42.034328+02:00] DEBUG  : >>>>>>>>>>> : 13 |  :
0110|[2024-04-07T07:25:42.034363+02:00] DEBUG  : Read Json OK
0111|[2024-04-07T07:25:42.034387+02:00] DEBUG  : /// m:2700 M:6500
0112|[2024-04-07T07:26:12.147364+02:00] DEBUG  : Mess: {"id":1,"method":"set_power","params":["on","smooth",500]}
0113|[2024-04-07T07:26:12.147481+02:00] DEBUG  : try to connect to :  55443
0114|[2024-04-07T07:26:13.012160+02:00] DEBUG  : Mess: {"id":1,"method":"get_prop","params":["power", "bright", "ct", "rgb","hue","sat","color_mode","bg_power", "bg_bright", "bg_ct", "bg_rgb", "bg_hue","bg_sat","bg_lmode"]}
0115|[2024-04-07T07:26:13.012278+02:00] DEBUG  : try to connect to :  55443
0116|[2024-04-07T07:26:13.026805+02:00] DEBUG  : Send OK.
0117|[2024-04-07T07:26:13.049491+02:00] DEBUG  : Response from yeelight Bulb : {"id":1, "result":["off","34","6500","16711680","359","100","2","","","","","","",""]}
0118|[2024-04-07T07:26:13.049536+02:00] DEBUG  : >>>>>>>>>>> : 0 | off : off
0119|[2024-04-07T07:26:13.049556+02:00] DEBUG  : >>>>>>>>>>> : 1 | 34 : 34
0120|[2024-04-07T07:26:13.049571+02:00] DEBUG  : >>>>>>>>>>> : 2 | 6500 : 6500
0121|[2024-04-07T07:26:13.049585+02:00] DEBUG  : >>>>>>>>>>> : 3 | 16711680 : 16711680
0122|[2024-04-07T07:26:13.049599+02:00] DEBUG  : >>>>>>>>>>> : 4 | 359 : 359
0123|[2024-04-07T07:26:13.049613+02:00] DEBUG  : >>>>>>>>>>> : 5 | 100 : 100
0124|[2024-04-07T07:26:13.049626+02:00] DEBUG  : >>>>>>>>>>> : 6 | 2 : 2
0125|[2024-04-07T07:26:13.049641+02:00] DEBUG  : >>>>>>>>>>> : 7 |  :
0126|[2024-04-07T07:26:13.049655+02:00] DEBUG  : >>>>>>>>>>> : 8 |  :
0127|[2024-04-07T07:26:13.049668+02:00] DEBUG  : >>>>>>>>>>> : 9 |  :
0128|[2024-04-07T07:26:13.049682+02:00] DEBUG  : >>>>>>>>>>> : 10 |  :
0129|[2024-04-07T07:26:13.049696+02:00] DEBUG  : >>>>>>>>>>> : 11 |  :
0130|[2024-04-07T07:26:13.049709+02:00] DEBUG  : >>>>>>>>>>> : 12 |  :
0131|[2024-04-07T07:26:13.049723+02:00] DEBUG  : >>>>>>>>>>> : 13 |  :
0132|[2024-04-07T07:26:13.049763+02:00] DEBUG  : Read Json OK
0133|[2024-04-07T07:26:13.049798+02:00] DEBUG  : /// m:2700 M:6500
0134|[2024-04-07T07:26:13.152836+02:00] DEBUG  : Send OK.
0135|[2024-04-07T07:26:13.170492+02:00] DEBUG  : Response from yeelight Bulb : {"id":1, "result":["ok"]}
0136|[2024-04-07T07:26:13.170536+02:00] DEBUG  : >>>>>>>>>>> : 0 | ok : ok
0137|[2024-04-07T07:26:13.170578+02:00] DEBUG  : Read Json OK
0138|[2024-04-07T07:26:13.170610+02:00] DEBUG  : Mess: {"id":1,"method":"get_prop","params":["power", "bright", "ct", "rgb","hue","sat","color_mode","bg_power", "bg_bright", "bg_ct", "bg_rgb", "bg_hue","bg_sat","bg_lmode"]}
0139|[2024-04-07T07:26:13.170640+02:00] DEBUG  : try to connect to :  55443
0140|[2024-04-07T07:26:13.232418+02:00] DEBUG  : Send OK.
0141|[2024-04-07T07:26:13.247482+02:00] DEBUG  : Response from yeelight Bulb : {"id":1, "result":["on","34","6500","16711680","359","100","2","","","","","","",""]}
0142|[2024-04-07T07:26:13.247517+02:00] DEBUG  : >>>>>>>>>>> : 0 | on : on
0143|[2024-04-07T07:26:13.247539+02:00] DEBUG  : >>>>>>>>>>> : 1 | 34 : 34
0144|[2024-04-07T07:26:13.247553+02:00] DEBUG  : >>>>>>>>>>> : 2 | 6500 : 6500
0145|[2024-04-07T07:26:13.247567+02:00] DEBUG  : >>>>>>>>>>> : 3 | 16711680 : 16711680
0146|[2024-04-07T07:26:13.247581+02:00] DEBUG  : >>>>>>>>>>> : 4 | 359 : 359
0147|[2024-04-07T07:26:13.247594+02:00] DEBUG  : >>>>>>>>>>> : 5 | 100 : 100
0148|[2024-04-07T07:26:13.247608+02:00] DEBUG  : >>>>>>>>>>> : 6 | 2 : 2
0149|[2024-04-07T07:26:13.247622+02:00] DEBUG  : >>>>>>>>>>> : 7 |  :
0150|[2024-04-07T07:26:13.247635+02:00] DEBUG  : >>>>>>>>>>> : 8 |  :
0151|[2024-04-07T07:26:13.247649+02:00] DEBUG  : >>>>>>>>>>> : 9 |  :
0152|[2024-04-07T07:26:13.247662+02:00] DEBUG  : >>>>>>>>>>> : 10 |  :
0153|[2024-04-07T07:26:13.247676+02:00] DEBUG  : >>>>>>>>>>> : 11 |  :
0154|[2024-04-07T07:26:13.247689+02:00] DEBUG  : >>>>>>>>>>> : 12 |  :
0155|[2024-04-07T07:26:13.247702+02:00] DEBUG  : >>>>>>>>>>> : 13 |  :
0156|[2024-04-07T07:26:13.247736+02:00] DEBUG  : Read Json OK
0157|[2024-04-07T07:26:13.247766+02:00] DEBUG  : /// m:2710 M:6500
0158|[2024-04-07T07:26:44.010501+02:00] DEBUG  : Mess: {"id":1,"method":"get_prop","params":["power", "bright", "ct", "rgb","hue","sat","color_mode","bg_power", "bg_bright", "bg_ct", "bg_rgb", "bg_hue","bg_sat","bg_lmode"]}
0159|[2024-04-07T07:26:44.010626+02:00] DEBUG  : try to connect to :  55443
0160|[2024-04-07T07:26:45.052078+02:00] DEBUG  : Time out
0161|[2024-04-07T07:26:45.052177+02:00] DEBUG  : socket_connect() failed. Reason: () Operation already in progress
0162|[2024-04-07T07:27:06.394576+02:00] DEBUG  : Mess: {"id":1,"method":"set_power","params":["off","smooth",500]}
0163|[2024-04-07T07:27:06.394718+02:00] DEBUG  : try to connect to :  55443
0164|[2024-04-07T07:27:07.420148+02:00] DEBUG  : Time out
0165|[2024-04-07T07:27:07.420225+02:00] DEBUG  : socket_connect() failed. Reason: () Operation already in progress
0166|[2024-04-07T07:27:16.022346+02:00] DEBUG  : Mess: {"id":1,"method":"get_prop","params":["power", "bright", "ct", "rgb","hue","sat","color_mode","bg_power", "bg_bright", "bg_ct", "bg_rgb", "bg_hue","bg_sat","bg_lmode"]}
0167|[2024-04-07T07:27:16.022464+02:00] DEBUG  : try to connect to :  55443
0168|[2024-04-07T07:27:17.052118+02:00] DEBUG  : Time out
0169|[2024-04-07T07:27:17.052202+02:00] DEBUG  : socket_connect() failed. Reason: () Operation already in progress
0170|[2024-04-07T07:27:38.856225+02:00] DEBUG  : Mess: {"id":1,"method":"set_power","params":["off","smooth",500]}
0171|[2024-04-07T07:27:38.856348+02:00] DEBUG  : try to connect to :  55443
0172|[2024-04-07T07:27:39.270210+02:00] DEBUG  : Send OK.
0173|[2024-04-07T07:27:39.284824+02:00] DEBUG  : Response from yeelight Bulb : {"id":1, "result":["ok"]}
0174|[2024-04-07T07:27:39.284899+02:00] DEBUG  : >>>>>>>>>>> : 0 | ok : ok
0175|[2024-04-07T07:27:39.284942+02:00] DEBUG  : Read Json OK
0176|[2024-04-07T07:27:39.284976+02:00] DEBUG  : Mess: {"id":1,"method":"get_prop","params":["power", "bright", "ct", "rgb","hue","sat","color_mode","bg_power", "bg_bright", "bg_ct", "bg_rgb", "bg_hue","bg_sat","bg_lmode"]}
0177|[2024-04-07T07:27:39.285013+02:00] DEBUG  : try to connect to :  55443
0178|[2024-04-07T07:27:39.300995+02:00] DEBUG  : Send OK.
0179|[2024-04-07T07:27:39.310705+02:00] DEBUG  : Response from yeelight Bulb : {"id":1, "result":["off","34","6500","16711680","359","100","2","","","","","","",""]}
0180|[2024-04-07T07:27:39.310780+02:00] DEBUG  : >>>>>>>>>>> : 0 | off : off
0181|[2024-04-07T07:27:39.310800+02:00] DEBUG  : >>>>>>>>>>> : 1 | 34 : 34
0182|[2024-04-07T07:27:39.310815+02:00] DEBUG  : >>>>>>>>>>> : 2 | 6500 : 6500
0183|[2024-04-07T07:27:39.310830+02:00] DEBUG  : >>>>>>>>>>> : 3 | 16711680 : 16711680
0184|[2024-04-07T07:27:39.310845+02:00] DEBUG  : >>>>>>>>>>> : 4 | 359 : 359
0185|[2024-04-07T07:27:39.310860+02:00] DEBUG  : >>>>>>>>>>> : 5 | 100 : 100
0186|[2024-04-07T07:27:39.310875+02:00] DEBUG  : >>>>>>>>>>> : 6 | 2 : 2
0187|[2024-04-07T07:27:39.310891+02:00] DEBUG  : >>>>>>>>>>> : 7 |  :
0188|[2024-04-07T07:27:39.310906+02:00] DEBUG  : >>>>>>>>>>> : 8 |  :
0189|[2024-04-07T07:27:39.310921+02:00] DEBUG  : >>>>>>>>>>> : 9 |  :
0190|[2024-04-07T07:27:39.310936+02:00] DEBUG  : >>>>>>>>>>> : 10 |  :
0191|[2024-04-07T07:27:39.310965+02:00] DEBUG  : >>>>>>>>>>> : 11 |  :
0192|[2024-04-07T07:27:39.310981+02:00] DEBUG  : >>>>>>>>>>> : 12 |  :
0193|[2024-04-07T07:27:39.310994+02:00] DEBUG  : >>>>>>>>>>> : 13 |  :
0194|[2024-04-07T07:27:39.311031+02:00] DEBUG  : Read Json OK
0195|[2024-04-07T07:27:39.311066+02:00] DEBUG  : /// m:2710 M:6500
0196|[2024-04-07T07:27:48.024919+02:00] DEBUG  : Mess: {"id":1,"method":"get_prop","params":["power", "bright", "ct", "rgb","hue","sat","color_mode","bg_power", "bg_bright", "bg_ct", "bg_rgb", "bg_hue","bg_sat","bg_lmode"]}
0197|[2024-04-07T07:27:48.025049+02:00] DEBUG  : try to connect to :  55443
0198|[2024-04-07T07:27:48.033412+02:00] DEBUG  : Send OK.
0199|[2024-04-07T07:27:48.047638+02:00] DEBUG  : Response from yeelight Bulb : {"id":1, "result":["off","34","6500","16711680","359","100","2","","","","","","",""]}
0200|[2024-04-07T07:27:48.047682+02:00] DEBUG  : >>>>>>>>>>> : 0 | off : off
0201|[2024-04-07T07:27:48.047700+02:00] DEBUG  : >>>>>>>>>>> : 1 | 34 : 34
0202|[2024-04-07T07:27:48.047714+02:00] DEBUG  : >>>>>>>>>>> : 2 | 6500 : 6500
0203|[2024-04-07T07:27:48.047727+02:00] DEBUG  : >>>>>>>>>>> : 3 | 16711680 : 16711680
0204|[2024-04-07T07:27:48.047741+02:00] DEBUG  : >>>>>>>>>>> : 4 | 359 : 359
0205|[2024-04-07T07:27:48.047754+02:00] DEBUG  : >>>>>>>>>>> : 5 | 100 : 100
0206|[2024-04-07T07:27:48.047767+02:00] DEBUG  : >>>>>>>>>>> : 6 | 2 : 2
0207|[2024-04-07T07:27:48.047780+02:00] DEBUG  : >>>>>>>>>>> : 7 |  :
0208|[2024-04-07T07:27:48.047793+02:00] DEBUG  : >>>>>>>>>>> : 8 |  :
0209|[2024-04-07T07:27:48.047806+02:00] DEBUG  : >>>>>>>>>>> : 9 |  :
0210|[2024-04-07T07:27:48.047819+02:00] DEBUG  : >>>>>>>>>>> : 10 |  :
0211|[2024-04-07T07:27:48.047831+02:00] DEBUG  : >>>>>>>>>>> : 11 |  :
0212|[2024-04-07T07:27:48.047844+02:00] DEBUG  : >>>>>>>>>>> : 12 |  :
0213|[2024-04-07T07:27:48.047857+02:00] DEBUG  : >>>>>>>>>>> : 13 |  :
0214|[2024-04-07T07:27:48.047890+02:00] DEBUG  : Read Json OK
0215|[2024-04-07T07:27:48.047915+02:00] DEBUG  : /// m:2700 M:6500
0216|[2024-04-07T07:28:19.010466+02:00] DEBUG  : Mess: {"id":1,"method":"get_prop","params":["power", "bright", "ct", "rgb","hue","sat","color_mode","bg_power", "bg_bright", "bg_ct", "bg_rgb", "bg_hue","bg_sat","bg_lmode"]}
0217|[2024-04-07T07:28:19.010557+02:00] DEBUG  : try to connect to :  55443
0218|[2024-04-07T07:28:20.028086+02:00] DEBUG  : Time out
0219|[2024-04-07T07:28:20.028152+02:00] DEBUG  : socket_connect() failed. Reason: () Operation already in progress
0220|[2024-04-07T07:28:51.008600+02:00] DEBUG  : Mess: {"id":1,"method":"get_prop","params":["power", "bright", "ct", "rgb","hue","sat","color_mode","bg_power", "bg_bright", "bg_ct", "bg_rgb", "bg_hue","bg_sat","bg_lmode"]}
0221|[2024-04-07T07:28:51.008691+02:00] DEBUG  : try to connect to :  55443
0222|[2024-04-07T07:28:52.028116+02:00] DEBUG  : Time out
0223|[2024-04-07T07:28:52.028870+02:00] DEBUG  : socket_connect() failed. Reason: () Operation already in progress
0224|[2024-04-07T07:29:23.017927+02:00] DEBUG  : Mess: {"id":1,"method":"get_prop","params":["power", "bright", "ct", "rgb","hue","sat","color_mode","bg_power", "bg_bright", "bg_ct", "bg_rgb", "bg_hue","bg_sat","bg_lmode"]}
0225|[2024-04-07T07:29:23.018056+02:00] DEBUG  : try to connect to :  55443
0226|[2024-04-07T07:29:24.060080+02:00] DEBUG  : Time out
0227|[2024-04-07T07:29:24.060163+02:00] DEBUG  : socket_connect() failed. Reason: () Operation already in progress
0228|[2024-04-07T07:29:55.013620+02:00] DEBUG  : Mess: {"id":1,"method":"get_prop","params":["power", "bright", "ct", "rgb","hue","sat","color_mode","bg_power", "bg_bright", "bg_ct", "bg_rgb", "bg_hue","bg_sat","bg_lmode"]}
0229|[2024-04-07T07:29:55.013742+02:00] DEBUG  : try to connect to :  55443
0230|[2024-04-07T07:29:55.019642+02:00] DEBUG  : Send OK.
0231|[2024-04-07T07:29:55.032433+02:00] DEBUG  : Response from yeelight Bulb : {"id":1, "result":["off","34","6500","16711680","359","100","2","","","","","","",""]}
0232|[2024-04-07T07:29:55.032475+02:00] DEBUG  : >>>>>>>>>>> : 0 | off : off
0233|[2024-04-07T07:29:55.032494+02:00] DEBUG  : >>>>>>>>>>> : 1 | 34 : 34
0234|[2024-04-07T07:29:55.032511+02:00] DEBUG  : >>>>>>>>>>> : 2 | 6500 : 6500
0235|[2024-04-07T07:29:55.032530+02:00] DEBUG  : >>>>>>>>>>> : 3 | 16711680 : 16711680
0236|[2024-04-07T07:29:55.032545+02:00] DEBUG  : >>>>>>>>>>> : 4 | 359 : 359
0237|[2024-04-07T07:29:55.032559+02:00] DEBUG  : >>>>>>>>>>> : 5 | 100 : 100
0238|[2024-04-07T07:29:55.032572+02:00] DEBUG  : >>>>>>>>>>> : 6 | 2 : 2
0239|[2024-04-07T07:29:55.032586+02:00] DEBUG  : >>>>>>>>>>> : 7 |  :
0240|[2024-04-07T07:29:55.032600+02:00] DEBUG  : >>>>>>>>>>> : 8 |  :
0241|[2024-04-07T07:29:55.032613+02:00] DEBUG  : >>>>>>>>>>> : 9 |  :
0242|[2024-04-07T07:29:55.032627+02:00] DEBUG  : >>>>>>>>>>> : 10 |  :
0243|[2024-04-07T07:29:55.032640+02:00] DEBUG  : >>>>>>>>>>> : 11 |  :
0244|[2024-04-07T07:29:55.032654+02:00] DEBUG  : >>>>>>>>>>> : 12 |  :
0245|[2024-04-07T07:29:55.032667+02:00] DEBUG  : >>>>>>>>>>> : 13 |  :
0246|[2024-04-07T07:29:55.032702+02:00] DEBUG  : Read Json OK
0247|[2024-04-07T07:29:55.032727+02:00] DEBUG  : /// m:2700 M:6500
0248|[2024-04-07T07:30:26.016381+02:00] DEBUG  : Mess: {"id":1,"method":"get_prop","params":["power", "bright", "ct", "rgb","hue","sat","color_mode","bg_power", "bg_bright", "bg_ct", "bg_rgb", "bg_hue","bg_sat","bg_lmode"]}
0249|[2024-04-07T07:30:26.016491+02:00] DEBUG  : try to connect to :  55443
0250|[2024-04-07T07:30:27.036082+02:00] DEBUG  : Time out
0251|[2024-04-07T07:30:27.036145+02:00] DEBUG  : socket_connect() failed. Reason: () Operation already in progress
0252|[2024-04-07T07:30:58.020857+02:00] DEBUG  : Mess: {"id":1,"method":"get_prop","params":["power", "bright", "ct", "rgb","hue","sat","color_mode","bg_power", "bg_bright", "bg_ct", "bg_rgb", "bg_hue","bg_sat","bg_lmode"]}
0253|[2024-04-07T07:30:58.020947+02:00] DEBUG  : try to connect to :  55443
0254|[2024-04-07T07:30:58.043625+02:00] DEBUG  : Send OK.
0255|[2024-04-07T07:30:58.064523+02:00] DEBUG  : Response from yeelight Bulb : {"id":1, "result":["off","34","6500","16711680","359","100","2","","","","","","",""]}
0256|[2024-04-07T07:30:58.064556+02:00] DEBUG  : >>>>>>>>>>> : 0 | off : off
0257|[2024-04-07T07:30:58.064570+02:00] DEBUG  : >>>>>>>>>>> : 1 | 34 : 34
0258|[2024-04-07T07:30:58.064581+02:00] DEBUG  : >>>>>>>>>>> : 2 | 6500 : 6500
0259|[2024-04-07T07:30:58.064591+02:00] DEBUG  : >>>>>>>>>>> : 3 | 16711680 : 16711680
0260|[2024-04-07T07:30:58.064600+02:00] DEBUG  : >>>>>>>>>>> : 4 | 359 : 359
0261|[2024-04-07T07:30:58.064610+02:00] DEBUG  : >>>>>>>>>>> : 5 | 100 : 100
0262|[2024-04-07T07:30:58.064620+02:00] DEBUG  : >>>>>>>>>>> : 6 | 2 : 2
0263|[2024-04-07T07:30:58.064629+02:00] DEBUG  : >>>>>>>>>>> : 7 |  :
0264|[2024-04-07T07:30:58.064639+02:00] DEBUG  : >>>>>>>>>>> : 8 |  :
0265|[2024-04-07T07:30:58.064648+02:00] DEBUG  : >>>>>>>>>>> : 9 |  :
0266|[2024-04-07T07:30:58.064658+02:00] DEBUG  : >>>>>>>>>>> : 10 |  :
0267|[2024-04-07T07:30:58.064668+02:00] DEBUG  : >>>>>>>>>>> : 11 |  :
0268|[2024-04-07T07:30:58.064677+02:00] DEBUG  : >>>>>>>>>>> : 12 |  :
0269|[2024-04-07T07:30:58.064686+02:00] DEBUG  : >>>>>>>>>>> : 13 |  :
0270|[2024-04-07T07:30:58.064714+02:00] DEBUG  : Read Json OK
0271|[2024-04-07T07:30:58.064734+02:00] DEBUG  : /// m:2700 M:6500
0272|[2024-04-07T07:31:29.024693+02:00] DEBUG  : Mess: {"id":1,"method":"get_prop","params":["power", "bright", "ct", "rgb","hue","sat","color_mode","bg_power", "bg_bright", "bg_ct", "bg_rgb", "bg_hue","bg_sat","bg_lmode"]}
0273|[2024-04-07T07:31:29.024818+02:00] DEBUG  : try to connect to :  55443
0274|[2024-04-07T07:31:30.044127+02:00] DEBUG  : Time out
0275|[2024-04-07T07:31:30.044213+02:00] DEBUG  : socket_connect() failed. Reason: () Operation already in progress
0276|[2024-04-07T07:32:01.021345+02:00] DEBUG  : Mess: {"id":1,"method":"get_prop","params":["power", "bright", "ct", "rgb","hue","sat","color_mode","bg_power", "bg_bright", "bg_ct", "bg_rgb", "bg_hue","bg_sat","bg_lmode"]}
0277|[2024-04-07T07:32:01.021438+02:00] DEBUG  : try to connect to :  55443
0278|[2024-04-07T07:32:01.028769+02:00] DEBUG  : Send OK.
0279|[2024-04-07T07:32:01.037026+02:00] DEBUG  : Response from yeelight Bulb : {"id":1, "result":["off","34","6500","16711680","359","100","2","","","","","","",""]}
0280|[2024-04-07T07:32:01.037052+02:00] DEBUG  : >>>>>>>>>>> : 0 | off : off
0281|[2024-04-07T07:32:01.037065+02:00] DEBUG  : >>>>>>>>>>> : 1 | 34 : 34
0282|[2024-04-07T07:32:01.037080+02:00] DEBUG  : >>>>>>>>>>> : 2 | 6500 : 6500
0283|[2024-04-07T07:32:01.037095+02:00] DEBUG  : >>>>>>>>>>> : 3 | 16711680 : 16711680
0284|[2024-04-07T07:32:01.037104+02:00] DEBUG  : >>>>>>>>>>> : 4 | 359 : 359
0285|[2024-04-07T07:32:01.037113+02:00] DEBUG  : >>>>>>>>>>> : 5 | 100 : 100
0286|[2024-04-07T07:32:01.037121+02:00] DEBUG  : >>>>>>>>>>> : 6 | 2 : 2
0287|[2024-04-07T07:32:01.037130+02:00] DEBUG  : >>>>>>>>>>> : 7 |  :
0288|[2024-04-07T07:32:01.037139+02:00] DEBUG  : >>>>>>>>>>> : 8 |  :
0289|[2024-04-07T07:32:01.037147+02:00] DEBUG  : >>>>>>>>>>> : 9 |  :
0290|[2024-04-07T07:32:01.037156+02:00] DEBUG  : >>>>>>>>>>> : 10 |  :
0291|[2024-04-07T07:32:01.037164+02:00] DEBUG  : >>>>>>>>>>> : 11 |  :
0292|[2024-04-07T07:32:01.037173+02:00] DEBUG  : >>>>>>>>>>> : 12 |  :
0293|[2024-04-07T07:32:01.037181+02:00] DEBUG  : >>>>>>>>>>> : 13 |  :
0294|[2024-04-07T07:32:01.037207+02:00] DEBUG  : Read Json OK
0295|[2024-04-07T07:32:01.037225+02:00] DEBUG  : /// m:2700 M:6500
0296|[2024-04-07T07:32:32.022943+02:00] DEBUG  : Mess: {"id":1,"method":"get_prop","params":["power", "bright", "ct", "rgb","hue","sat","color_mode","bg_power", "bg_bright", "bg_ct", "bg_rgb", "bg_hue","bg_sat","bg_lmode"]}
0297|[2024-04-07T07:32:32.023064+02:00] DEBUG  : try to connect to :  55443
0298|[2024-04-07T07:32:33.056118+02:00] DEBUG  : Time out
0299|[2024-04-07T07:32:33.056208+02:00] DEBUG  : socket_connect() failed. Reason: () Operation already in progress
0300|[2024-04-07T07:33:04.018313+02:00] DEBUG  : Mess: {"id":1,"method":"get_prop","params":["power", "bright", "ct", "rgb","hue","sat","color_mode","bg_power", "bg_bright", "bg_ct", "bg_rgb", "bg_hue","bg_sat","bg_lmode"]}
0301|[2024-04-07T07:33:04.018409+02:00] DEBUG  : try to connect to :  55443
0302|[2024-04-07T07:33:05.052064+02:00] DEBUG  : Time out
0303|[2024-04-07T07:33:05.052130+02:00] DEBUG  : socket_connect() failed. Reason: () Operation already in progress
0304|[2024-04-07T07:33:36.013433+02:00] DEBUG  : Mess: {"id":1,"method":"get_prop","params":["power", "bright", "ct", "rgb","hue","sat","color_mode","bg_power", "bg_bright", "bg_ct", "bg_rgb", "bg_hue","bg_sat","bg_lmode"]}
0305|[2024-04-07T07:33:36.013541+02:00] DEBUG  : try to connect to :  55443
0306|[2024-04-07T07:33:37.052078+02:00] DEBUG  : Time out
0307|[2024-04-07T07:33:37.052162+02:00] DEBUG  : socket_connect() failed. Reason: () Operation already in progress
0308|[2024-04-07T07:34:08.023003+02:00] DEBUG  : Mess: {"id":1,"method":"get_prop","params":["power", "bright", "ct", "rgb","hue","sat","color_mode","bg_power", "bg_bright", "bg_ct", "bg_rgb", "bg_hue","bg_sat","bg_lmode"]}
0309|[2024-04-07T07:34:08.023179+02:00] DEBUG  : try to connect to :  55443
0310|[2024-04-07T07:34:09.052139+02:00] DEBUG  : Time out
0311|[2024-04-07T07:34:09.052225+02:00] DEBUG  : socket_connect() failed. Reason: () Operation already in progress

pour info,

j’ai cette erreur qui s’affiche de temps en temps je ne pense pas l’avoir vu avant, ça ne me dit rien en tout cas…


  1. Fresh install Debian 12 (PI OS LITE 64bit)

  2. Install Jeedom 4.4.2

  3. Install Plugin wifilightV2 2024-03-02 08:03:32 en beta

  4. Test avec aucun objet créé puis avec 1 seul en pensant que le plugin se mettait en défaut car pas d’objet.

  5. Suppression puis réinstallation Plugin → idem

Conclusion: impossible d’activer le plugin, voici le log en debug

0055|[2024-04-07 16:50:53] DEBUG  : Lancement de : /var/www/html/core/class/../../core/php/jeePlugin.php  plugin_id=wifilightV2 function=pre_update callInstallFunction=1
0056|[2024-04-07 16:51:27] INFO  : Début d'activation du plugin
0057|[2024-04-07 16:51:27] ERROR  : Erreur sur la fonction deamon_stop du plugin : Unsupported operand types: int - string
0058|[2024-04-07 16:51:27] INFO  : Début d'activation du plugin
0059|[2024-04-07 16:51:27] ERROR  : Erreur sur la fonction deamon_stop du plugin : Unsupported operand types: int - string
0060|[2024-04-07 16:51:27] INFO  : Début d'activation du plugin
0061|[2024-04-07 16:51:27] ERROR  : Erreur sur la fonction deamon_stop du plugin : Unsupported operand types: int - string
0062|[2024-04-07 16:51:27] INFO  : Début d'activation du plugin
0063|[2024-04-07 16:51:27] ERROR  : Erreur sur la fonction deamon_stop du plugin : Unsupported operand types: int - string
0064|[2024-04-07 16:51:46] INFO  : Début d'activation du plugin
0065|[2024-04-07 16:51:46] ERROR  : Erreur sur la fonction deamon_stop du plugin : Unsupported operand types: int - string

testé sous Jeedom stable puis en beta avec suppression/réinstallation du plugin à chaque fois, mais toujours ces mêmes logs

Unsupported operand types: int - string

une idée @bernardfr.caron ?

Merci de faire un copié-collé des logs plutôt qu’une image.
Utiliser le bouton </> pour formater le texte du log.

saisissez ou collez du code ici



1 « J'aime »

modifié :slight_smile:
c’est vrai que plus lisible !
Merci de l’astuce je ne l’utilisais jamais :grin:

1 « J'aime »

Je confirme qu’avec la version beta : 2024-04-06 11:47:04, il n’y a pas d’erreur « daemon() : Cannot access offset of type string on string »

[quote=« rd59, post:15, topic:123098 »]

  • Fresh install Debian 12 (PI OS LITE 64bit)
  • Install Jeedom 4.4.2 en Stable / Beta / Alpha
  • Install Plugin **wifilightV2 2024-03-02 08:03:32 en betaou stable

Toujours la même erreur pour le plugin wifilightV2

0000|[2024-04-07 20:35:57] INFO  : Début d'activation du plugin
0001|[2024-04-07 20:35:57] ERROR  : Erreur sur la fonction deamon_stop du plugin : Unsupported operand types: int - string

J’espère que @bernardfr.caron va en trouver l’origine car il a déjà bien avancé sur le sujet Debian 12 et Jeedom 4.4.2 :slight_smile:

c’est normalement corrigé en beta.
Je viens de tester