Bonjour a tous,
@Phpvarious @titi007
Voici mes Jauges pour ceux que ça intéresse :
En mode Dashboard elle fonctionne sans problème mais en mode Design voici ce que ça donne :
Si quelqu’un veux bien modifier le code pour le rendre compatible " mode libre "
<div class="cmd cmd-widget #history#" data-type="info" data-subtype="numeric" data-cmd_id="#id#" data-cmd_uid="#uid#" data-version="#version#" data-eqLogic_id="#eqLogic_id#">
Code du widget venant du community
Modification du Widget pour V4 : @Phpvarious.
2022-05-27 | - Ajout actualisation de la valeur (jeedom.cmd.update).
| - Ajout des paramètres optionnels.
| - Ajout info-bulle (valeur, collecte...) sur le titre.
<div>------------------- Widget -----------------------------</div>
<div>borderRadius : [Numérique] permet de définir des coins arrondis du widget. (Ex: 0, 10, 20 | Défaut : 0 | Max : 40)</div>
<div>borderColor : Couleur du contour. (Ex: red, transparent, #ffffff | Défaut : [valeur de backgroundColor])</div>
<div>backgroundColor : Couleur de l'arrière plan. (Ex: red, transparent, #ffffff | Défaut : transparent)</div>
<div>------------------- Highcharts -----------------------------</div>
<div>titleColor : Couleur du titre. (Ex: red, transparent, #ffffff | Défaut : white)</div>
<div>labelsColor : Couleur du text axe y. (Ex: red, transparent, #ffffff | Défaut : #666666)</div>
<div>markLineColor : Couleur du marqueur. (Ex: red, transparent, #ffffff | Défaut : #DF5353)</div>
<div>markLineColorAuto : [binaire] Couleur du marqueur auto en fonction de la valeur. (Défaut : 0)</div>
<div>valueColor : Couleur de la valeur. (Ex: red, transparent, #ffffff | Défaut : white)</div>
<div id="highcharts#id#" class="highcharts#id#"></div>
/* ****************************** */
/* Highcharts Linear-Gauge series */
/* ****************************** */
(function (H) {
var defaultPlotOptions = H.getOptions().plotOptions,
columnType = H.seriesTypes.column,
wrap = H.wrap,
each = H.each
defaultPlotOptions.lineargauge = H.merge(defaultPlotOptions.column, {});
H.seriesType('lineargauge', 'column', null, {
type: 'lineargauge',
setVisible: function () {
columnType.prototype.setVisible.apply(this, arguments);
if (this.markLine) {
this.markLine[this.visible ? 'show' : 'hide']();
drawPoints: function () {
// Draw the Column like always
columnType.prototype.drawPoints.apply(this, arguments);
// Add a Marker
var series = this,
chart = this.chart,
inverted = chart.inverted,
xAxis = this.xAxis,
yAxis = this.yAxis,
point = this.points[0], // we know there is only 1 point
markLine = this.markLine,
ani = markLine ? 'animate' : 'attr';
// Hide column
if (!markLine) {
var path = inverted ? ['M', 0, 0, 'L', -5, -5, 'L', 5, -5, 'L', 0, 0, 'L', 0, 0 + xAxis.len] : ['M', 0, 0, 'L', -5, -5, 'L', -5, 5, 'L', 0, 0, 'L', xAxis.len, 0];
markLine = this.markLine = chart.renderer.path(path)
fill: series.color,
stroke: series.color,
id: 'markLine#id#',
'stroke-width': 1
translateX: inverted ? xAxis.left + yAxis.translate(point.y) : xAxis.left,
translateY: inverted ? : + yAxis.len - yAxis.translate(point.y)
chart: {
type: 'lineargauge',
inverted: true,
height: 100
title: {
text: 'potentiel Hydro',
style: {
"color": "var(--titleColor#id#)"
xAxis: {
lineColor: '#C0C0C0',
labels: {
enabled: false
tickLength: 0,
min: 0,
max: 8.5
yAxis: {
min: 6,
max: 8.5,
tickLength: 1,
tickWidth: 1,
tickColor: '#C0C0C0',
gridLineColor: '#ffffff',
gridLineWidth: 1,
minorTickInterval: 5,
minorTickWidth: 1,
minorTickLength: 5,
minorGridLineWidth: 0,
title: null,
labels: {
format: '{value}'
plotBands: [{
from: 6.0,
to: 6.6,
color: '#DF5353' // red
}, {
from: 6.6,
to: 6.9,
color: 'orange' // yellow
}, {
from: 6.9,
to: 7.5,
color: 'green' // green
from: 7.5,
to: 7.9,
color: 'orange' // yellow
from: 7.9,
to: 8.5,
color: '#DF5353' // red
tickPositions: [6.0,6.6,6.9,7.5,7.9,8.5]
legend: {
enabled: false
series: [{
name: 'pH',
data: [['#name#', #state#, true, true]],
color: "var(--markLineColor#id#)",
dataLabels: {
enabled: true,
align: 'center',
verticalAlign: 'top',
top: '0px',
format: '{point.y}',
useHTML: true,
style: {
color: 'white',
top: '0px'
animation: false,
marker: {
symbol: false
navigation: {
buttonOptions: {
enabled: false
credits: {
enabled: false
tooltip: {
valuePrefix: '#unite#'
/* ****************************** */
/* Jeedom */
/* ****************************** */
jeedom.cmd.update['#id#'] = function(_options) {
var cmd = $('.cmd[data-cmd_id=#id#]');
var markLineColor#id# = "#DF5353"
cmd.find('.highcharts-title').attr('title', 'Valeur du ' + _options.valueDate + ', collectée le ' + _options.collectDate);
if ($.issetWidgetOptParam('#markLineColorAuto#', 'markLineColorAuto') && "#markLineColorAuto#" == 1) {
if (_options.display_value >= 6.6 && _options.display_value < 6.9) markLineColor#id# = "orange"
else if (_options.display_value >= 6.9 && _options.display_value < 7.5) markLineColor#id# = "green"
else if (_options.display_value >= 7.5 && _options.display_value < 7.9) markLineColor#id# = "orange"'--markLineColor#id#', markLineColor#id#);
if ($.issetWidgetOptParam('#markLineColor#', 'markLineColor')) {'--markLineColor#id#', '#markLineColor#')
if ($.issetWidgetOptParam('#titleColor#', 'titleColor')) {'--titleColor#id#', '#titleColor#')
if ($.issetWidgetOptParam('#borderRadius#', 'borderRadius')) {
var borderRadius = '#borderRadius#'
if (borderRadius > 40) borderRadius = '40''--borderRadius#id#', borderRadius+'px')
if ($.issetWidgetOptParam('#backgroundColor#', 'backgroundColor')) {'--backgroundColor#id#', '#backgroundColor#')
if ($.issetWidgetOptParam('#borderColor#', 'borderColor')) {'--borderColor#id#', '#borderColor#')
if ($.issetWidgetOptParam('#labelsColor#', 'labelsColor')) {'--labelsColor#id#', '#labelsColor#')
if ($.issetWidgetOptParam('#valueColor#', 'valueColor')) {'--valueColor#id#', '#valueColor#')
var chart = $('#highcharts#id#').highcharts(),
if (chart) {
point = chart.series[0].points[0];
if (_options.display_value < 6) _options.display_value = 6
if (_options.display_value > 8.5) _options.display_value = 8.5
} else {
console.log("Chart existe pas !!!")
display_value: '#state#',
valueDate: '#valueDate#',
collectDate: '#collectDate#',
alertLevel: '#alertLevel#'
:root {
--titleColor#id# : #ffffff;
--markLineColor#id# : #DF5353;
--borderRadius#id# : 10px;
--backgroundColor#id# : transparent;
--borderColor#id#: var(--backgroundColor#id#);
--borderSize#id#: 2px;
--labelsColor#id# : #666666;
--valueColor#id# : white;
[data-cmd_id="#id#"] .highcharts#id# {
width: 250px;
height: 90px;
margin: 1em auto;
border-radius: var(--borderRadius#id#);
background-color: var(--backgroundColor#id#);
border: solid var(--borderSize#id#);
border-color: var(--borderColor#id#);
[data-cmd_id="#id#"] .highcharts-tracker span {
top: 18px !important;
color: var(--valueColor#id#) !important;
height: 33px;
[data-cmd_id="#id#"] .highcharts-grid.highcharts-yaxis-grid path {
stroke-width: 1 !important;
[data-cmd_id="#id#"] .highcharts-yaxis-labels text {
color: var(--labelsColor#id#) !important;
fill: var(--labelsColor#id#) !important;
<div class="cmd cmd-widget #history#" data-type="info" data-subtype="numeric" data-cmd_id="#id#" data-cmd_uid="#uid#" data-version="#version#" data-eqLogic_id="#eqLogic_id#">
Code du widget venant du community
Modification du Widget pour V4 : @Phpvarious.
2022-05-27 | - Ajout actualisation de la valeur (jeedom.cmd.update).
| - Ajout des paramètres optionnels.
| - Ajout info-bulle (valeur, collecte...) sur le titre.
<div>------------------- Widget -----------------------------</div>
<div>borderRadius : [Numérique] permet de définir des coins arrondis du widget. (Ex: 0, 10, 20 | Défaut : 0 | Max : 40)</div>
<div>borderSize : [Numérique] permet de définir des coins plus epais du widget. (Ex: 0, 1, 5 | Défaut : 1 | Max : 5)</div>
<div>borderColor : Couleur du contour. (Ex: red, transparent, #ffffff | Défaut : [valeur de backgroundColor])</div>
<div>backgroundColor : Couleur de l'arrière plan. (Ex: red, transparent, #ffffff | Défaut : transparent)</div>
<div>------------------- Highcharts -----------------------------</div>
<div>titleColor : Couleur du titre. (Ex: red, transparent, #ffffff | Défaut : white)</div>
<div>labelsColor : Couleur du text axe y. (Ex: red, transparent, #ffffff | Défaut : #666666)</div>
<div>markLineColor : Couleur du marqueur. (Ex: red, transparent, #ffffff | Défaut : #DF5353)</div>
<div>markLineColorAuto : [binaire] Couleur du marqueur auto en fonction de la valeur. (Défaut : 0)</div>
<div>valueColor : Couleur de la valeur. (Ex: red, transparent, #ffffff | Défaut : white)</div>
<div id="highcharts#id#" class="highcharts#id#"></div>
/* ****************************** */
/* Highcharts Linear-Gauge series */
/* ****************************** */
(function (H) {
var defaultPlotOptions = H.getOptions().plotOptions,
columnType = H.seriesTypes.column,
wrap = H.wrap,
each = H.each
defaultPlotOptions.lineargauge = H.merge(defaultPlotOptions.column, {});
H.seriesType('lineargauge', 'column', null, {
type: 'lineargauge',
setVisible: function () {
columnType.prototype.setVisible.apply(this, arguments);
if (this.markLine) {
this.markLine[this.visible ? 'show' : 'hide']();
drawPoints: function () {
// Draw the Column like always
columnType.prototype.drawPoints.apply(this, arguments);
// Add a Marker
var series = this,
chart = this.chart,
inverted = chart.inverted,
xAxis = this.xAxis,
yAxis = this.yAxis,
point = this.points[0], // we know there is only 1 point
markLine = this.markLine,
ani = markLine ? 'animate' : 'attr';
// Hide column
if (!markLine) {
var path = inverted ? ['M', 0, 0, 'L', -5, -5, 'L', 5, -5, 'L', 0, 0, 'L', 0, 0 + xAxis.len] : ['M', 0, 0, 'L', -5, -5, 'L', -5, 5, 'L', 0, 0, 'L', xAxis.len, 0];
markLine = this.markLine = chart.renderer.path(path)
fill: series.color,
stroke: series.color,
id: 'markLine#id#',
'stroke-width': 1
translateX: inverted ? xAxis.left + yAxis.translate(point.y) : xAxis.left,
translateY: inverted ? : + yAxis.len - yAxis.translate(point.y)
chart: {
type: 'lineargauge',
inverted: true,
height: 100
title: {
text: 'Chlore Redox',
style: {
"color": "var(--titleColor#id#)"
xAxis: {
lineColor: '#C0C0C0',
labels: {
enabled: false
tickLength: 0,
min: 0,
max: 1000
yAxis: {
min: 400,
max: 1000,
tickLength: 1,
tickWidth: 1,
tickColor: '#C0C0C0',
gridLineColor: '#ffffff',
gridLineWidth: 1,
minorTickInterval: 5,
minorTickWidth: 1,
minorTickLength: 5,
minorGridLineWidth: 0,
title: null,
labels: {
format: '{value}'
plotBands: [{
from: 400,
to: 500,
color: '#DF5353' // red
}, {
from: 501,
to: 650,
color: 'orange' // yellow
}, {
from: 651,
to: 750,
color: 'green' // green
from: 751,
to: 900,
color: 'orange' // yellow
from: 901,
to: 1000,
color: '#DF5353' // red
tickPositions: [400,500,650,750,900,1000],
legend: {
enabled: false
series: [{
name: 'Orp mV',
data: [['#name#', #state#, true, true]],
color: "var(--markLineColor#id#)",
dataLabels: {
enabled: true,
align: 'center',
verticalAlign: 'top',
top: '0px',
format: '{point.y}',
useHTML: true,
style: {
color: 'white',
top: '0px'
animation: false,
marker: {
symbol: false
navigation: {
buttonOptions: {
enabled: false
credits: {
enabled: false
tooltip: {
valuePrefix: '#unite#'
/* ****************************** */
/* Jeedom */
/* ****************************** */
jeedom.cmd.update['#id#'] = function(_options) {
var cmd = $('.cmd[data-cmd_id=#id#]');
var markLineColor#id# = "#DF5353"
cmd.find('.highcharts-title').attr('title', 'Valeur du ' + _options.valueDate + ', collectée le ' + _options.collectDate);
if ($.issetWidgetOptParam('#markLineColorAuto#', 'markLineColorAuto') && "#markLineColorAuto#" == 1) {
if (_options.display_value >= 400 && _options.display_value < 500) markLineColor#id# = "red"
else if (_options.display_value >= 500 && _options.display_value < 650) markLineColor#id# = "orange"
else if (_options.display_value >= 650 && _options.display_value < 750) markLineColor#id# = "green"
else if (_options.display_value >= 750 && _options.display_value < 900) markLineColor#id# = "orange"
else if (_options.display_value >= 900 && _options.display_value < 1000) markLineColor#id# = "green"'--markLineColor#id#', markLineColor#id#);
if ($.issetWidgetOptParam('#markLineColor#', 'markLineColor')) {'--markLineColor#id#', '#markLineColor#')
if ($.issetWidgetOptParam('#titleColor#', 'titleColor')) {'--titleColor#id#', '#titleColor#')
if ($.issetWidgetOptParam('#borderRadius#', 'borderRadius')) {
var borderRadius = '#borderRadius#'
if (borderRadius > 40) borderRadius = '40''--borderRadius#id#', borderRadius+'px')
if ($.issetWidgetOptParam('#borderSize#', 'borderSize')) {
var borderSize = '#borderSize#'
if (borderSize > 5) borderSize = '5''--borderSize#id#', borderSize+'px')
if ($.issetWidgetOptParam('#backgroundColor#', 'backgroundColor')) {'--backgroundColor#id#', '#backgroundColor#')
if ($.issetWidgetOptParam('#borderColor#', 'borderColor')) {'--borderColor#id#', '#borderColor#')
if ($.issetWidgetOptParam('#labelsColor#', 'labelsColor')) {'--labelsColor#id#', '#labelsColor#')
if ($.issetWidgetOptParam('#valueColor#', 'valueColor')) {'--valueColor#id#', '#valueColor#')
var chart = $('#highcharts#id#').highcharts(),
if (chart) {
point = chart.series[0].points[0];
if (_options.display_value < 400) _options.display_value = 400
if (_options.display_value > 1000) _options.display_value = 1000
} else {
console.log("Chart existe pas !!!")
display_value: '#state#',
valueDate: '#valueDate#',
collectDate: '#collectDate#',
alertLevel: '#alertLevel#'
:root {
--titleColor#id# : #ffffff;
--markLineColor#id# : #DF5353;
--borderRadius#id# : 10px;
--backgroundColor#id# : transparent;
--borderColor#id#: var(--backgroundColor#id#);
--borderSize#id#: 2.4px;
--labelsColor#id# : #666666;
--valueColor#id# : #F5F5F5;
[data-cmd_id="#id#"] .highcharts#id# {
width: 250px;
height: 90px;
margin: 1em auto;
border-radius: var(--borderRadius#id#);
background-color: var(--backgroundColor#id#);
border: solid var(--borderSize#id#);
border-color: var(--borderColor#id#);
[data-cmd_id="#id#"] .highcharts-tracker span {
top: 18px !important;
color: var(--valueColor#id#) !important;
height: 33px;
[data-cmd_id="#id#"] .highcharts-grid.highcharts-yaxis-grid path {
stroke-width: 1 !important;
[data-cmd_id="#id#"] .highcharts-yaxis-labels text {
color: var(--labelsColor#id#) !important;
fill: var(--labelsColor#id#) !important;
Temperature de l’air :
<div class="cmd cmd-widget #history#" data-type="info" data-subtype="numeric" data-cmd_id="#id#" data-cmd_uid="#uid#" data-version="#version#" data-eqLogic_id="#eqLogic_id#">
Code du widget venant du community
Modification du Widget pour V4 : @Phpvarious.
2022-05-27 | - Ajout actualisation de la valeur (jeedom.cmd.update).
| - Ajout des paramètres optionnels.
| - Ajout info-bulle (valeur, collecte...) sur le titre.
<div>------------------- Widget -----------------------------</div>
<div>borderRadius : [Numérique] permet de définir des coins arrondis du widget. (Ex: 0, 10, 20 | Défaut : 0 | Max : 40)</div>
<div>borderColor : Couleur du contour. (Ex: red, transparent, #ffffff | Défaut : [valeur de backgroundColor])</div>
<div>backgroundColor : Couleur de l'arrière plan. (Ex: red, transparent, #ffffff | Défaut : transparent)</div>
<div>------------------- Highcharts -----------------------------</div>
<div>titleColor : Couleur du titre. (Ex: red, transparent, #ffffff | Défaut : white)</div>
<div>labelsColor : Couleur du text axe y. (Ex: red, transparent, #ffffff | Défaut : #666666)</div>
<div>markLineColor : Couleur du marqueur. (Ex: red, transparent, #ffffff | Défaut : #DF5353)</div>
<div>markLineColorAuto : [binaire] Couleur du marqueur auto en fonction de la valeur. (Défaut : 0)</div>
<div>valueColor : Couleur de la valeur. (Ex: red, transparent, #ffffff | Défaut : white)</div>
<div id="highcharts#id#" class="highcharts#id#"></div>
/* ****************************** */
/* Highcharts Linear-Gauge series */
/* ****************************** */
(function (H) {
var defaultPlotOptions = H.getOptions().plotOptions,
columnType = H.seriesTypes.column,
wrap = H.wrap,
each = H.each
defaultPlotOptions.lineargauge = H.merge(defaultPlotOptions.column, {});
H.seriesType('lineargauge', 'column', null, {
type: 'lineargauge',
setVisible: function () {
columnType.prototype.setVisible.apply(this, arguments);
if (this.markLine) {
this.markLine[this.visible ? 'show' : 'hide']();
drawPoints: function () {
// Draw the Column like always
columnType.prototype.drawPoints.apply(this, arguments);
// Add a Marker
var series = this,
chart = this.chart,
inverted = chart.inverted,
xAxis = this.xAxis,
yAxis = this.yAxis,
point = this.points[0], // we know there is only 1 point
markLine = this.markLine,
ani = markLine ? 'animate' : 'attr';
// Hide column
if (!markLine) {
var path = inverted ? ['M', 0, 0, 'L', -5, -5, 'L', 5, -5, 'L', 0, 0, 'L', 0, 0 + xAxis.len] : ['M', 0, 0, 'L', -5, -5, 'L', -5, 5, 'L', 0, 0, 'L', xAxis.len, 0];
markLine = this.markLine = chart.renderer.path(path)
fill: series.color,
stroke: series.color,
id: 'markLine#id#',
'stroke-width': 1
translateX: inverted ? xAxis.left + yAxis.translate(point.y) : xAxis.left,
translateY: inverted ? : + yAxis.len - yAxis.translate(point.y)
chart: {
type: 'lineargauge',
inverted: true,
height: 100
title: {
text: 'Température Air',
style: {
"color": "var(--titleColor#id#)"
xAxis: {
lineColor: '#C0C0C0',
labels: {
enabled: false
tickLength: 0,
min: 0,
max: 40
yAxis: {
min: 10,
max: 40,
tickLength: 1,
tickWidth: 1,
tickColor: '#C0C0C0',
gridLineColor: '#ffffff',
gridLineWidth: 1,
minorTickInterval: 6,
minorTickWidth: 1,
minorTickLength: 5,
minorGridLineWidth: 0,
title: null,
labels: {
format: '{value}'
plotBands: [{
from: 10,
to: 16,
color: {
linearGradient: { x1: 0, x2: 1, y1: 0, y2: 0 },
stops: [
[0.6, '#00FFFF'], // Start color
[1, '#1e90ff'] // End color
}, {
}, {
from: 16,
to: 22,
color: {
linearGradient: { x1: 0, x2: 1, y1: 0, y2: 0 },
stops: [
[0.6, '#1e90ff'], // Start color
[1, 'yellow'] // End color
}, {
from: 22,
to: 28,
color: {
linearGradient: { x1: 0, x2: 1, y1: 0, y2: 0 },
stops: [
[0.6, 'yellow'], // Start color
[1, 'orange'] // End color
from: 28,
to: 34,
color: {
linearGradient: { x1: 0, x2: 1, y1: 0, y2: 0 },
stops: [
[0.6, 'orange'], // Start color
[1, '#DF5353'] // End color
from: 34,
to: 40,
color: {
linearGradient: { x1: 0, x2: 1, y1: 0, y2: 0 },
stops: [
[0.6, '#DF5353'], // Start color
[1, 'red'] // End color
tickPositions: [10,16,22,28,34,40],
legend: {
enabled: false
series: [{
name: 'air',
data: [['#name#', #state#, true, true]],
color: "var(--markLineColor#id#)",
dataLabels: {
enabled: true,
align: 'center',
verticalAlign: 'top',
top: '10px',
format: '{point.y}',
useHTML: true,
style: {
color: 'white',
top: '10px'
animation: false,
marker: {
symbol: false
navigation: {
buttonOptions: {
enabled: false
credits: {
enabled: false
tooltip: {
valuePrefix: '#unite#'
/* ****************************** */
/* Jeedom */
/* ****************************** */
jeedom.cmd.update['#id#'] = function(_options) {
var cmd = $('.cmd[data-cmd_id=#id#]');
var markLineColor#id# = "#DF5353"
cmd.find('.highcharts-title').attr('title', 'Valeur du ' + _options.valueDate + ', collectée le ' + _options.collectDate);
if ($.issetWidgetOptParam('#markLineColorAuto#', 'markLineColorAuto') && "#markLineColorAuto#" == 1) {
if (_options.display_value >= 10 && _options.display_value < 16) markLineColor#id# = "#00FFFF"
else if (_options.display_value >= 16 && _options.display_value < 22) markLineColor#id# = "#1e90ff"
else if (_options.display_value >= 22 && _options.display_value < 28) markLineColor#id# = "yellow"
else if (_options.display_value >= 28 && _options.display_value < 34) markLineColor#id# = "orange"
else if (_options.display_value >= 34 && _options.display_value < 40) markLineColor#id# = "#DF5353"'--markLineColor#id#', markLineColor#id#);
if ($.issetWidgetOptParam('#markLineColor#', 'markLineColor')) {'--markLineColor#id#', '#markLineColor#')
if ($.issetWidgetOptParam('#titleColor#', 'titleColor')) {'--titleColor#id#', '#titleColor#')
if ($.issetWidgetOptParam('#borderRadius#', 'borderRadius')) {
var borderRadius = '#borderRadius#'
if (borderRadius > 40) borderRadius = '40''--borderRadius#id#', borderRadius+'px')
if ($.issetWidgetOptParam('#backgroundColor#', 'backgroundColor')) {'--backgroundColor#id#', '#backgroundColor#')
if ($.issetWidgetOptParam('#borderColor#', 'borderColor')) {'--borderColor#id#', '#borderColor#')
if ($.issetWidgetOptParam('#labelsColor#', 'labelsColor')) {'--labelsColor#id#', '#labelsColor#')
if ($.issetWidgetOptParam('#valueColor#', 'valueColor')) {'--valueColor#id#', '#valueColor#')
var chart = $('#highcharts#id#').highcharts(),
if (chart) {
point = chart.series[0].points[0];
if (_options.display_value < 10) _options.display_value = 10
if (_options.display_value > 40) _options.display_value = 40
} else {
console.log("Chart existe pas !!!")
display_value: '#state#',
valueDate: '#valueDate#',
collectDate: '#collectDate#',
alertLevel: '#alertLevel#'
:root {
--titleColor#id# : #ffffff;
--markLineColor#id# : #DF5353;
--borderRadius#id# : 10px;
--backgroundColor#id# : transparent;
--borderColor#id#: var(--backgroundColor#id#);
--borderSize#id#: 2.4px;
--labelsColor#id# : #666666;
--valueColor#id# : white;
[data-cmd_id="#id#"] .highcharts#id# {
width: 250px;
height: 90px;
margin: 1em auto;
border-radius: var(--borderRadius#id#);
background-color: var(--backgroundColor#id#);
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