TUYA Zigbee GW et appareil Zigbee

Merci pour ce plugin qui me sauve la vie pour plusieurs appareils.

J’ai commencé hier à essayer d’intégrer la mini gateway zigbee, tout c’est bien passé avec la manip PACKETCAPTURE.

Mais… s’agissant d’une gatewxay zigbee l’intérêt premier c’est de pouvoir interagir avec les modules qui sont connectés à cette gateway.

Pour le moment je n’ai qu’un barillet pour faire les tests. Il s’agit du modèle A6121 (identique au Xiaomi mais version constructeur : VIMA).

Dans les logs PACKET CAPTURE je retrouve bien les 2 devId mais uniquement un localkey (ce qui est logique je pense car uniquement un module WIFI).

Bref dans le plugin j’arrive a connecter la GW avec son devId et la localkey ou le barillet avec son devId et la localkey. J’ai l’impression qu’il n’y a pas d’intérêt de mettre les 2. Le retour des debuglogs est sur connecté.

Quand je lance via l’application un ajout de clé j’ai les bons logs :

[2020-05-12 11:38:50][DEBUG] : >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Search for devices <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
[2020-05-12 11:38:50][DEBUG] : ****** Device listenable Barillet - Class: TuyaCustom_V2 @ *****
[2020-05-12 11:38:50][DEBUG] :    Device and socket exist : key:0 @ channel:1 diff:1
[2020-05-12 11:38:50][DEBUG] : ****** Device listenable Tuya Box - Class: TuyaCustom_V2 @ *****
[2020-05-12 11:38:50][DEBUG] :    Device and socket exist : key:0 @ channel:1 diff:1
[2020-05-12 11:38:50][DEBUG] : >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> End <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
[2020-05-12 11:38:50][DEBUG] :   Memory used :2197 ko 360 o
[2020-05-12 11:39:05][DEBUG] : << Ping @  diff:16
[2020-05-12 11:39:05][DEBUG] :     Try:  6668 - Connect OK!
[2020-05-12 11:39:05][DEBUG] :     Receive after decode :Y
[2020-05-12 11:39:21][DEBUG] : << Ping @  diff:16
[2020-05-12 11:39:21][DEBUG] :     Try:  6668 - Connect OK!
[2020-05-12 11:39:21][DEBUG] :     Receive after decode :Y
[2020-05-12 11:39:37][DEBUG] : << Ping @  diff:16
[2020-05-12 11:39:37][DEBUG] :     Try:  6668 - Connect OK!
[2020-05-12 11:39:37][DEBUG] :     Receive after decode :Y
[2020-05-12 11:39:50][DEBUG] :     Receive after decode :{"dps":{"161":"Enter"},"cid":"ec1bbdfffe781b28","t":1589276389}
[2020-05-12 11:39:50][DEBUG] :      dps:
[2020-05-12 11:39:50][DEBUG] :     Read Json OK
[2020-05-12 11:39:50][DEBUG] :     Update state
[2020-05-12 11:39:51][DEBUG] : >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Search for devices <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
[2020-05-12 11:39:51][DEBUG] : ****** Device listenable Barillet - Class: TuyaCustom_V2 @ *****
[2020-05-12 11:39:51][DEBUG] :    Device and socket exist : key:0 @ channel:1 diff:1
[2020-05-12 11:39:51][DEBUG] : ****** Device listenable Tuya Box - Class: TuyaCustom_V2 @ *****
[2020-05-12 11:39:51][DEBUG] :    Device and socket exist : key:0 @ channel:1 diff:1
[2020-05-12 11:39:51][DEBUG] : >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> End <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
[2020-05-12 11:39:51][DEBUG] :   Memory used :2200 ko 8 o
[2020-05-12 11:39:53][DEBUG] : << Ping @  diff:16
[2020-05-12 11:39:53][DEBUG] :     Try:  6668 - Connect OK!
[2020-05-12 11:39:53][DEBUG] :     Receive after decode :Y
[2020-05-12 11:39:55][DEBUG] :     Receive after decode :{"dps":{"161":"Esc"},"cid":"ec1bbdfffe781b28","t":1589276395}
[2020-05-12 11:39:55][DEBUG] :      dps:
[2020-05-12 11:39:55][DEBUG] :     Read Json OK
[2020-05-12 11:39:55][DEBUG] :     Update state

ps : avec le PACKETCAPTURE j’ai récupéré toutes les DSP du Barillet, cool. En l’occurence DSP161 c’est pour l’ajout de clé. Si Enter : en recherche, si Esc : fin de recherche.

Par contre, quand je créais une action DSP 161, l’action ne va pas jusqu’au Barillet ou tout du moins celui-ci ne bip pas. J’ai essayé aussi la DSP110 en info pour le retour état batterie mais retour à 0.

[2020-05-12 11:42:45][DEBUG] :     Cmd : {"t":"1589276565","devId":"bfdfd9abc48bffd97av2ja","dps":{"161":"Enter"},"uid":""} - Try:  6900 - Connect OK!
[2020-05-12 11:42:45][DEBUG] :     Try:  6668 - Connect OK!
[2020-05-12 11:42:45][DEBUG] : !!!!!!!!! End !!!!!!!!!!
[2020-05-12 11:42:45][DEBUG] :     Receive after decode :Y
[2020-05-12 11:42:49][DEBUG] : << Ping @  diff:16
[2020-05-12 11:42:49][DEBUG] :     Try:  6668 - Connect OK!
[2020-05-12 11:42:49][DEBUG] :     Receive after decode :Y
[2020-05-12 11:42:50][DEBUG] :     Cmd : {"t":"1589276570","devId":"bfdfd9abc48bffd97av2ja","dps":{"161":"Esc"},"uid":""} - Try:  6900 - Connect OK!
[2020-05-12 11:42:50][DEBUG] :     Try:  6668 - Connect OK!
[2020-05-12 11:42:50][DEBUG] : !!!!!!!!! End !!!!!!!!!!

Quand je lance la même requête avec la GW

[2020-05-12 11:44:15][DEBUG] :     Cmd : {"t":"1589276655","devId":"bf5211d7fd16740f93ugmf","dps":{"161":"Enter"},"uid":""} - Try:  6900 - Connect OK!
[2020-05-12 11:44:15][DEBUG] :     Try:  6668 - Connect OK!
[2020-05-12 11:44:15][DEBUG] : !!!!!!!!! End !!!!!!!!!!
[2020-05-12 11:44:15][DEBUG] :     Receive after decode :Y
[2020-05-12 11:44:17][DEBUG] :     Cmd : {"t":"1589276657","devId":"bf5211d7fd16740f93ugmf","dps":{"161":"Esc"},"uid":""} - Try:  6900 - Connect OK!
[2020-05-12 11:44:17][DEBUG] :     Try:  6668 - Connect OK!
[2020-05-12 11:44:17][DEBUG] : !!!!!!!!! End !!!!!!!!!!

J’ai peut-être mal saisi la DPS…

Merci pour votre aide.

Pour la batterie :

DPS dans la capture du premier post.

Log quand la demande d’infos est faite depuis Jeedom :

pas besoin rien ne se passe

déjà c’est le bon Id/localkey car la trame est décodée.
On va régler les problèmes 1/1 :
Il te manque dans ta copie d’écran une commande info/autre pour que le plugin affiche l’état. Peux tu faire cette vérif : dans la commande info/autre (en faisant tester) affiche la bonne valeur.

Peux ensuite me confirmer que l’id est bien : ec1bbdfffe781b28

La trame retournée suite à un ping est (la serrure renvoie visiblement son état) :


Alors que le plugin génère :


l’ordre n’a pas d’importance mais ton périphérique utilise cid au lieu de devId et n’utilise pas uid (mais ça probablement que c’est déjà le cas).

Donc pour l’instant ta serrure ne peut rien comprendre.
donc pour l’instant on va au moins régler le retour d’état.

Il faut que tu prenne la beta du plugin et que tu configures en custom V2
Test1 :
changer l’état de la serrure avec tuya, donner les logs de ce qui apparait

test2 :
utiliser les boutons de commande de la serrure dans le plugin. donner les logs et m’indiquer si ça fonctionne

Je ne connaissait pas ce matos
donc la GW est reliée au wifi et cause tuya. Ensuite cette GW est connectée aux périfs en zigbee.

Je pourrais envoyer les infos ce soir.

Mais oui le principe est le même que la Gateway Xiaomi. L’apllication centralise les appareils wifi dont la Gateway et la Gateway permet de rajouter et centraliser les équipements Zigbee.

Déjà, merci de prendre du temps pour moi.

Alors :
Device Id donné dans TUYA SMART et Identifiant wifilight
Gateway : bf5211d7fd16740f93ugmf
Barillet : bfdfd9abc48bffd97av2ja
Localkey et Jeton wifilight pour les 2 devices : d915dc6318bc1c31

Je suis passé en version BETA, j’ai juste refait la recherche/fin de recherche comme précédemment et la je ne comprends plus les logs, peut-être que c’est dû à la version BETA.

[2020-05-12 16:57:00][DEBUG] :     Receive after decode :{"dps":{"161":"Enter"},"cid":"ec1bbdfffe781b28","t":1589295419}
[2020-05-12 16:57:00][DEBUG] :      dps:
[2020-05-12 16:57:00][DEBUG] :     Read Json OK
[2020-05-12 16:57:00][DEBUG] :    Tuya Device or Yeelight Bulb
[2020-05-12 16:57:00][DEBUG] :     Dps of cmd:107
[2020-05-12 16:57:00][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:Intensity - state:Array
[2020-05-12 16:57:00][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:White - state:Array
[2020-05-12 16:57:00][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:White2 - state:Array
[2020-05-12 16:57:00][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:Color - state:Array
[2020-05-12 16:57:00][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:Prog - state:Array
[2020-05-12 16:57:00][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:Speed - state:Array
[2020-05-12 16:57:00][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:On - state:Array
[2020-05-12 16:57:00][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:Play - state:Array
[2020-05-12 16:57:00][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:Saturation - state:Array
[2020-05-12 16:57:00][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:Kelvin - state:Array
[2020-05-12 16:57:00][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:Connected - state:Array
[2020-05-12 16:57:00][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:AmbColor - state:Array
[2020-05-12 16:57:00][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:AmbKelvin - state:Array
[2020-05-12 16:57:00][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:AmbWhite - state:Array
[2020-05-12 16:57:00][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:Eye - state:Array
[2020-05-12 16:57:00][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:DiscoNum - state:Array
[2020-05-12 16:57:00][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:NightMode - state:Array
[2020-05-12 16:57:00][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:EyeNotify - state:Array
[2020-05-12 16:57:00][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:CCTAuto - state:Array
[2020-05-12 16:57:00][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:AmbIntensity - state:Array
[2020-05-12 16:57:00][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:AmbOn - state:Array
[2020-05-12 16:57:00][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:Timer - state:Array
[2020-05-12 16:57:00][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:Current - state:Array
[2020-05-12 16:57:00][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:Power - state:Array
[2020-05-12 16:57:00][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:Voltage - state:Array
[2020-05-12 16:57:00][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:Led - state:Array
[2020-05-12 16:57:00][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:Consommation - state:Array
[2020-05-12 16:57:00][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:UpDown - state:Array
[2020-05-12 16:57:00][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:ModeOn - state:Array
[2020-05-12 16:57:00][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:ModeAmb - state:Array
[2020-05-12 16:57:00][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:VitHum - state:Array
[2020-05-12 16:57:00][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:Eco - state:Array
[2020-05-12 16:57:00][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:Locked - state:Array
[2020-05-12 16:57:00][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:Auto - state:Array
[2020-05-12 16:57:00][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:ConsTemp - state:Array
[2020-05-12 16:57:00][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:ValTemp - state:Array
[2020-05-12 16:57:00][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:ValTempExt - state:Array
[2020-05-12 16:57:00][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:StartState - state:Array
[2020-05-12 16:57:00][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:ValHum - state:Array
[2020-05-12 16:57:00][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:Impuls - state:Array
[2020-05-12 16:57:00][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:Trigger - state:Array
[2020-05-12 16:57:00][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:TriggerVal - state:Array
[2020-05-12 16:57:00][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:TargetLowAction - state:Array
[2020-05-12 16:57:00][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:TargetHighAction - state:Array
[2020-05-12 16:57:00][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:TargetLow - state:Array
[2020-05-12 16:57:00][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:TargetHigh - state:Array
[2020-05-12 16:57:00][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:MultiC - state:Array
[2020-05-12 16:57:00][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:StatDay - state:Array
[2020-05-12 16:57:00][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:StatMonth - state:Array
[2020-05-12 16:57:00][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:Type - state:Array
[2020-05-12 16:57:00][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:161 - state:Array
[2020-05-12 16:57:00][DEBUG] :     Dps of cmd:110
[2020-05-12 16:57:00][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:Intensity - state:Array
[2020-05-12 16:57:00][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:White - state:Array
[2020-05-12 16:57:00][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:White2 - state:Array
[2020-05-12 16:57:00][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:Color - state:Array
[2020-05-12 16:57:00][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:Prog - state:Array
[2020-05-12 16:57:00][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:Speed - state:Array
[2020-05-12 16:57:00][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:On - state:Array
[2020-05-12 16:57:00][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:Play - state:Array
[2020-05-12 16:57:00][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:Saturation - state:Array
[2020-05-12 16:57:00][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:Kelvin - state:Array
[2020-05-12 16:57:00][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:Connected - state:Array
[2020-05-12 16:57:00][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:AmbColor - state:Array
[2020-05-12 16:57:00][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:AmbKelvin - state:Array
[2020-05-12 16:57:00][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:AmbWhite - state:Array
[2020-05-12 16:57:00][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:Eye - state:Array
[2020-05-12 16:57:00][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:DiscoNum - state:Array
[2020-05-12 16:57:00][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:NightMode - state:Array
[2020-05-12 16:57:00][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:EyeNotify - state:Array
[2020-05-12 16:57:00][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:CCTAuto - state:Array
[2020-05-12 16:57:00][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:AmbIntensity - state:Array
[2020-05-12 16:57:00][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:AmbOn - state:Array
[2020-05-12 16:57:00][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:Timer - state:Array
[2020-05-12 16:57:00][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:Current - state:Array
[2020-05-12 16:57:00][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:Power - state:Array
[2020-05-12 16:57:00][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:Voltage - state:Array
[2020-05-12 16:57:00][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:Led - state:Array
[2020-05-12 16:57:00][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:Consommation - state:Array
[2020-05-12 16:57:00][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:UpDown - state:Array
[2020-05-12 16:57:00][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:ModeOn - state:Array
[2020-05-12 16:57:00][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:ModeAmb - state:Array
[2020-05-12 16:57:00][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:VitHum - state:Array
[2020-05-12 16:57:00][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:Eco - state:Array
[2020-05-12 16:57:00][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:Locked - state:Array
[2020-05-12 16:57:00][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:Auto - state:Array
[2020-05-12 16:57:00][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:ConsTemp - state:Array
[2020-05-12 16:57:00][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:ValTemp - state:Array
[2020-05-12 16:57:00][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:ValTempExt - state:Array
[2020-05-12 16:57:00][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:StartState - state:Array
[2020-05-12 16:57:00][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:ValHum - state:Array
[2020-05-12 16:57:00][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:Impuls - state:Array
[2020-05-12 16:57:00][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:Trigger - state:Array
[2020-05-12 16:57:00][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:TriggerVal - state:Array
[2020-05-12 16:57:00][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:TargetLowAction - state:Array
[2020-05-12 16:57:00][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:TargetHighAction - state:Array
[2020-05-12 16:57:00][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:TargetLow - state:Array
[2020-05-12 16:57:00][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:TargetHigh - state:Array
[2020-05-12 16:57:00][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:MultiC - state:Array
[2020-05-12 16:57:00][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:StatDay - state:Array
[2020-05-12 16:57:00][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:StatMonth - state:Array
[2020-05-12 16:57:00][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:Type - state:Array
[2020-05-12 16:57:00][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:161 - state:Array
[2020-05-12 16:57:00][DEBUG] :     Dps of cmd:162
[2020-05-12 16:57:00][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:Intensity - state:Array
[2020-05-12 16:57:00][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:White - state:Array
[2020-05-12 16:57:00][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:White2 - state:Array
[2020-05-12 16:57:00][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:Color - state:Array
[2020-05-12 16:57:00][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:Prog - state:Array
[2020-05-12 16:57:00][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:Speed - state:Array
[2020-05-12 16:57:00][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:On - state:Array
[2020-05-12 16:57:00][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:Play - state:Array
[2020-05-12 16:57:00][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:Saturation - state:Array
[2020-05-12 16:57:00][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:Kelvin - state:Array
[2020-05-12 16:57:00][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:Connected - state:Array
[2020-05-12 16:57:00][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:AmbColor - state:Array
[2020-05-12 16:57:00][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:AmbKelvin - state:Array
[2020-05-12 16:57:00][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:AmbWhite - state:Array
[2020-05-12 16:57:00][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:Eye - state:Array
[2020-05-12 16:57:00][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:DiscoNum - state:Array
[2020-05-12 16:57:00][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:NightMode - state:Array
[2020-05-12 16:57:00][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:EyeNotify - state:Array
[2020-05-12 16:57:00][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:CCTAuto - state:Array
[2020-05-12 16:57:00][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:AmbIntensity - state:Array
[2020-05-12 16:57:00][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:AmbOn - state:Array
[2020-05-12 16:57:00][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:Timer - state:Array
[2020-05-12 16:57:00][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:Current - state:Array
[2020-05-12 16:57:00][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:Power - state:Array
[2020-05-12 16:57:00][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:Voltage - state:Array
[2020-05-12 16:57:00][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:Led - state:Array
[2020-05-12 16:57:00][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:Consommation - state:Array
[2020-05-12 16:57:00][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:UpDown - state:Array
[2020-05-12 16:57:00][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:ModeOn - state:Array
[2020-05-12 16:57:00][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:ModeAmb - state:Array
[2020-05-12 16:57:00][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:VitHum - state:Array
[2020-05-12 16:57:00][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:Eco - state:Array
[2020-05-12 16:57:00][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:Locked - state:Array
[2020-05-12 16:57:00][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:Auto - state:Array
[2020-05-12 16:57:00][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:ConsTemp - state:Array
[2020-05-12 16:57:00][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:ValTemp - state:Array
[2020-05-12 16:57:00][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:ValTempExt - state:Array
[2020-05-12 16:57:00][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:StartState - state:Array
[2020-05-12 16:57:00][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:ValHum - state:Array
[2020-05-12 16:57:00][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:Impuls - state:Array
[2020-05-12 16:57:00][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:Trigger - state:Array
[2020-05-12 16:57:00][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:TriggerVal - state:Array
[2020-05-12 16:57:00][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:TargetLowAction - state:Array
[2020-05-12 16:57:00][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:TargetHighAction - state:Array
[2020-05-12 16:57:00][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:TargetLow - state:Array
[2020-05-12 16:57:00][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:TargetHigh - state:Array
[2020-05-12 16:57:00][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:MultiC - state:Array
[2020-05-12 16:57:00][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:StatDay - state:Array
[2020-05-12 16:57:00][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:StatMonth - state:Array
[2020-05-12 16:57:00][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:Type - state:Array
[2020-05-12 16:57:00][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:161 - state:Array
[2020-05-12 16:57:00][DEBUG] :     Dps of cmd:182
[2020-05-12 16:57:00][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:Intensity - state:Array
[2020-05-12 16:57:00][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:White - state:Array
[2020-05-12 16:57:00][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:White2 - state:Array
[2020-05-12 16:57:00][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:Color - state:Array
[2020-05-12 16:57:00][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:Prog - state:Array
[2020-05-12 16:57:00][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:Speed - state:Array
[2020-05-12 16:57:00][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:On - state:Array
[2020-05-12 16:57:00][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:Play - state:Array
[2020-05-12 16:57:00][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:Saturation - state:Array
[2020-05-12 16:57:00][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:Kelvin - state:Array
[2020-05-12 16:57:00][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:Connected - state:Array
[2020-05-12 16:57:00][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:AmbColor - state:Array
[2020-05-12 16:57:00][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:AmbKelvin - state:Array
[2020-05-12 16:57:00][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:AmbWhite - state:Array
[2020-05-12 16:57:00][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:Eye - state:Array
[2020-05-12 16:57:00][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:DiscoNum - state:Array
[2020-05-12 16:57:00][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:NightMode - state:Array
[2020-05-12 16:57:00][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:EyeNotify - state:Array
[2020-05-12 16:57:00][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:CCTAuto - state:Array
[2020-05-12 16:57:00][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:AmbIntensity - state:Array
[2020-05-12 16:57:00][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:AmbOn - state:Array
[2020-05-12 16:57:00][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:Timer - state:Array
[2020-05-12 16:57:00][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:Current - state:Array
[2020-05-12 16:57:00][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:Power - state:Array
[2020-05-12 16:57:00][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:Voltage - state:Array
[2020-05-12 16:57:00][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:Led - state:Array
[2020-05-12 16:57:00][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:Consommation - state:Array
[2020-05-12 16:57:00][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:UpDown - state:Array
[2020-05-12 16:57:00][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:ModeOn - state:Array
[2020-05-12 16:57:00][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:ModeAmb - state:Array
[2020-05-12 16:57:00][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:VitHum - state:Array
[2020-05-12 16:57:00][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:Eco - state:Array
[2020-05-12 16:57:00][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:Locked - state:Array
[2020-05-12 16:57:00][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:Auto - state:Array
[2020-05-12 16:57:00][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:ConsTemp - state:Array
[2020-05-12 16:57:00][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:ValTemp - state:Array
[2020-05-12 16:57:00][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:ValTempExt - state:Array
[2020-05-12 16:57:00][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:StartState - state:Array
[2020-05-12 16:57:00][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:ValHum - state:Array
[2020-05-12 16:57:00][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:Impuls - state:Array
[2020-05-12 16:57:00][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:Trigger - state:Array
[2020-05-12 16:57:00][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:TriggerVal - state:Array
[2020-05-12 16:57:00][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:TargetLowAction - state:Array
[2020-05-12 16:57:00][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:TargetHighAction - state:Array
[2020-05-12 16:57:00][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:TargetLow - state:Array
[2020-05-12 16:57:00][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:TargetHigh - state:Array
[2020-05-12 16:57:00][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:MultiC - state:Array
[2020-05-12 16:57:00][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:StatDay - state:Array
[2020-05-12 16:57:00][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:StatMonth - state:Array
[2020-05-12 16:57:00][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:Type - state:Array
[2020-05-12 16:57:00][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:161 - state:Array
[2020-05-12 16:57:00][DEBUG] :     Update state

Sinon pour le retour d’état je ne vois pas quelle DPS utiliser, ci-dessous les logs des différentes DPS :

"110":100, BATTERY
"142":"forget_key", ALARME SI 1 FAUSSE CLE; 2 = CLE OUBLIE; 3 = ERREUR; 4 = CLE RESTEE
"160":"open", BIP ON OU OFF
"162":"normal", CLE NORMAL PERDU OU VIDE

peux tu corriger ce point :
Il te manque dans ta copie d’écran une commande info/autre pour que le plugin affiche l’état en dps 161. Peux tu faire cette vérif : dans la commande info/autre (en faisant tester) affiche la bonne valeur.

Avec cette commande info :

Je n’ai rien dans les logs. (j’ai bien changé pour autre et non numérique)

Ma commande « étalon » était avec la DPS 110 pour voir la batterie en retour, mais aucune info.


Oui pardon nos messages se sont croisés, j’avais vu mon erreur quand j’ai fait le screen. C’est bien avec autre.

donne moi alors le log complet

[2020-05-12 17:49:59][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:Connected - state:Array
[2020-05-12 17:49:59][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:AmbColor - state:Array
[2020-05-12 17:49:59][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:AmbKelvin - state:Array
[2020-05-12 17:49:59][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:AmbWhite - state:Array
[2020-05-12 17:49:59][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:Eye - state:Array
[2020-05-12 17:49:59][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:DiscoNum - state:Array
[2020-05-12 17:49:59][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:NightMode - state:Array
[2020-05-12 17:49:59][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:EyeNotify - state:Array
[2020-05-12 17:49:59][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:CCTAuto - state:Array
[2020-05-12 17:49:59][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:AmbIntensity - state:Array
[2020-05-12 17:49:59][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:AmbOn - state:Array
[2020-05-12 17:49:59][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:Timer - state:Array
[2020-05-12 17:49:59][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:Current - state:Array
[2020-05-12 17:49:59][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:Power - state:Array
[2020-05-12 17:49:59][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:Voltage - state:Array
[2020-05-12 17:49:59][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:Led - state:Array
[2020-05-12 17:49:59][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:Consommation - state:Array
[2020-05-12 17:49:59][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:UpDown - state:Array
[2020-05-12 17:49:59][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:ModeOn - state:Array
[2020-05-12 17:49:59][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:ModeAmb - state:Array
[2020-05-12 17:49:59][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:VitHum - state:Array
[2020-05-12 17:49:59][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:Eco - state:Array
[2020-05-12 17:49:59][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:Locked - state:Array
[2020-05-12 17:49:59][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:Auto - state:Array
[2020-05-12 17:49:59][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:ConsTemp - state:Array
[2020-05-12 17:49:59][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:ValTemp - state:Array
[2020-05-12 17:49:59][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:ValTempExt - state:Array
[2020-05-12 17:49:59][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:StartState - state:Array
[2020-05-12 17:49:59][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:ValHum - state:Array
[2020-05-12 17:49:59][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:Impuls - state:Array
[2020-05-12 17:49:59][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:Trigger - state:Array
[2020-05-12 17:49:59][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:TriggerVal - state:Array
[2020-05-12 17:49:59][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:TargetLowAction - state:Array
[2020-05-12 17:49:59][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:TargetHighAction - state:Array
[2020-05-12 17:49:59][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:TargetLow - state:Array
[2020-05-12 17:49:59][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:TargetHigh - state:Array
[2020-05-12 17:49:59][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:MultiC - state:Array
[2020-05-12 17:49:59][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:StatDay - state:Array
[2020-05-12 17:49:59][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:StatMonth - state:Array
[2020-05-12 17:49:59][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:Type - state:Array
[2020-05-12 17:49:59][DEBUG] :     Dps of cmd:
[2020-05-12 17:49:59][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:Intensity - state:Array
[2020-05-12 17:49:59][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:White - state:Array
[2020-05-12 17:49:59][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:White2 - state:Array
[2020-05-12 17:49:59][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:Color - state:Array
[2020-05-12 17:49:59][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:Prog - state:Array
[2020-05-12 17:49:59][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:Speed - state:Array
[2020-05-12 17:49:59][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:On - state:Array
[2020-05-12 17:49:59][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:Play - state:Array
[2020-05-12 17:49:59][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:Saturation - state:Array
[2020-05-12 17:49:59][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:Kelvin - state:Array
[2020-05-12 17:49:59][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:Connected - state:Array
[2020-05-12 17:49:59][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:AmbColor - state:Array
[2020-05-12 17:49:59][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:AmbKelvin - state:Array
[2020-05-12 17:49:59][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:AmbWhite - state:Array
[2020-05-12 17:49:59][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:Eye - state:Array
[2020-05-12 17:49:59][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:DiscoNum - state:Array
[2020-05-12 17:49:59][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:NightMode - state:Array
[2020-05-12 17:49:59][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:EyeNotify - state:Array
[2020-05-12 17:49:59][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:CCTAuto - state:Array
[2020-05-12 17:49:59][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:AmbIntensity - state:Array
[2020-05-12 17:49:59][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:AmbOn - state:Array
[2020-05-12 17:49:59][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:Timer - state:Array
[2020-05-12 17:49:59][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:Current - state:Array
[2020-05-12 17:49:59][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:Power - state:Array
[2020-05-12 17:49:59][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:Voltage - state:Array
[2020-05-12 17:49:59][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:Led - state:Array
[2020-05-12 17:49:59][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:Consommation - state:Array
[2020-05-12 17:49:59][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:UpDown - state:Array
[2020-05-12 17:49:59][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:ModeOn - state:Array
[2020-05-12 17:49:59][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:ModeAmb - state:Array
[2020-05-12 17:49:59][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:VitHum - state:Array
[2020-05-12 17:49:59][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:Eco - state:Array
[2020-05-12 17:49:59][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:Locked - state:Array
[2020-05-12 17:49:59][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:Auto - state:Array
[2020-05-12 17:49:59][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:ConsTemp - state:Array
[2020-05-12 17:49:59][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:ValTemp - state:Array
[2020-05-12 17:49:59][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:ValTempExt - state:Array
[2020-05-12 17:49:59][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:StartState - state:Array
[2020-05-12 17:49:59][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:ValHum - state:Array
[2020-05-12 17:49:59][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:Impuls - state:Array
[2020-05-12 17:49:59][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:Trigger - state:Array
[2020-05-12 17:49:59][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:TriggerVal - state:Array
[2020-05-12 17:49:59][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:TargetLowAction - state:Array
[2020-05-12 17:49:59][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:TargetHighAction - state:Array
[2020-05-12 17:49:59][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:TargetLow - state:Array
[2020-05-12 17:49:59][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:TargetHigh - state:Array
[2020-05-12 17:49:59][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:MultiC - state:Array
[2020-05-12 17:49:59][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:StatDay - state:Array
[2020-05-12 17:49:59][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:StatMonth - state:Array
[2020-05-12 17:49:59][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:Type - state:Array
[2020-05-12 17:49:59][DEBUG] :     Update state
[2020-05-12 17:49:59][DEBUG] :     Receive after decode :$
[2020-05-12 17:50:15][DEBUG] : << Ping @  diff:16
[2020-05-12 17:50:15][DEBUG] :     Try:  6668 - Connect OK!
[2020-05-12 17:50:15][DEBUG] :     Receive after decode :?
[2020-05-12 17:50:31][DEBUG] : << Ping @  diff:16
[2020-05-12 17:50:31][DEBUG] :     Try:  6668 - Connect OK!
[2020-05-12 17:50:31][DEBUG] :     Receive after decode :?
[2020-05-12 17:50:47][DEBUG] : << Ping @  diff:16
[2020-05-12 17:50:47][DEBUG] :     Try:  6668 - Connect OK!
[2020-05-12 17:50:47][DEBUG] :     Receive after decode :?
[2020-05-12 17:51:00][DEBUG] : >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Search for devices <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
[2020-05-12 17:51:00][DEBUG] : ****** Device listenable Barillet - Class: TuyaCustom2_V2 @ *****
[2020-05-12 17:51:00][DEBUG] :    Device and socket exist : key:0 @ channel:1 diff:13
[2020-05-12 17:51:00][DEBUG] : ****** Device listenable Tuya Box - Class: TuyaCustom2_V2 @ *****
[2020-05-12 17:51:00][DEBUG] :    Device and socket exist : key:0 @ channel:1 diff:13
[2020-05-12 17:51:00][DEBUG] : >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> End <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
[2020-05-12 17:51:00][DEBUG] :   Memory used :2203 ko 120 o
[2020-05-12 17:51:03][DEBUG] : << Ping @  diff:16
[2020-05-12 17:51:03][DEBUG] :     Try:  6668 - Connect OK!
[2020-05-12 17:51:03][DEBUG] :     Receive after decode :?
[2020-05-12 17:51:19][DEBUG] : << Ping @  diff:16
[2020-05-12 17:51:19][DEBUG] :     Try:  6668 - Connect OK!
[2020-05-12 17:51:19][DEBUG] :     Receive after decode :?
[2020-05-12 17:51:35][DEBUG] : << Ping @  diff:16
[2020-05-12 17:51:35][DEBUG] :     Try:  6668 - Connect OK!
[2020-05-12 17:51:35][DEBUG] :     Receive after decode :?
[2020-05-12 17:51:51][DEBUG] : << Ping @  diff:16
[2020-05-12 17:51:51][DEBUG] :     Try:  6668 - Connect OK!
[2020-05-12 17:51:51][DEBUG] :     Receive after decode :?
[2020-05-12 17:52:01][DEBUG] : >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Search for devices <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
[2020-05-12 17:52:01][DEBUG] : ****** Device listenable Barillet - Class: TuyaCustom2_V2 @ *****
[2020-05-12 17:52:01][DEBUG] :    Device and socket exist : key:0 @ channel:1 diff:10
[2020-05-12 17:52:01][DEBUG] : ****** Device listenable Tuya Box - Class: TuyaCustom2_V2 @ *****
[2020-05-12 17:52:01][DEBUG] :    Device and socket exist : key:0 @ channel:1 diff:10
[2020-05-12 17:52:01][DEBUG] : >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> End <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
[2020-05-12 17:52:01][DEBUG] :   Memory used :2203 ko 120 o
[2020-05-12 17:52:07][DEBUG] : << Ping @  diff:16
[2020-05-12 17:52:07][DEBUG] :     Try:  6668 - Connect OK!
[2020-05-12 17:52:07][DEBUG] :     Receive after decode :?
[2020-05-12 17:52:23][DEBUG] : << Ping @  diff:16
[2020-05-12 17:52:23][DEBUG] :     Try:  6668 - Connect OK!
[2020-05-12 17:52:23][DEBUG] :     Receive after decode :?
[2020-05-12 17:52:24][DEBUG] : >>>>Daemon Started
[2020-05-12 17:52:24][DEBUG] :    Memory used :2101 ko 288 o
[2020-05-12 17:52:24][DEBUG] : >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Search for devices <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
[2020-05-12 17:52:24][DEBUG] : ****** Device listenable Barillet - Class: TuyaCustom2_V2 @ *****
[2020-05-12 17:52:24][DEBUG] :    Key not set
[2020-05-12 17:52:24][DEBUG] :    Socket created  @
[2020-05-12 17:52:24][DEBUG] :    ADD New device @ channel:1
[2020-05-12 17:52:24][DEBUG] :    Device and socket exist : key:0 @ channel:1 diff:0
[2020-05-12 17:52:24][DEBUG] : ****** Device listenable Tuya Box - Class: TuyaCustom2_V2 @ *****
[2020-05-12 17:52:24][DEBUG] :    Device and socket exist : key:0 @ channel:1 diff:0
[2020-05-12 17:52:24][DEBUG] : >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> End <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
[2020-05-12 17:52:24][DEBUG] :   Memory used :2203 ko 720 o
[2020-05-12 17:52:24][DEBUG] :    Update state @
[2020-05-12 17:52:24][DEBUG] :     Try:  6668 - Connect OK!
[2020-05-12 17:52:24][DEBUG] :     Dps of cmd:110
[2020-05-12 17:52:24][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:Intensity - state:Array
[2020-05-12 17:52:24][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:White - state:Array
[2020-05-12 17:52:24][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:White2 - state:Array
[2020-05-12 17:52:24][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:Color - state:Array
[2020-05-12 17:52:24][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:Prog - state:Array
[2020-05-12 17:52:24][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:Speed - state:Array
[2020-05-12 17:52:24][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:On - state:Array
[2020-05-12 17:52:24][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:Play - state:Array
[2020-05-12 17:52:24][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:Saturation - state:Array
[2020-05-12 17:52:24][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:Kelvin - state:Array
[2020-05-12 17:52:24][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:Connected - state:Array
[2020-05-12 17:52:24][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:AmbColor - state:Array
[2020-05-12 17:52:24][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:AmbKelvin - state:Array
[2020-05-12 17:52:24][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:AmbWhite - state:Array
[2020-05-12 17:52:24][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:Eye - state:Array
[2020-05-12 17:52:24][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:DiscoNum - state:Array
[2020-05-12 17:52:24][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:NightMode - state:Array
[2020-05-12 17:52:24][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:EyeNotify - state:Array
[2020-05-12 17:52:24][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:CCTAuto - state:Array
[2020-05-12 17:52:24][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:AmbIntensity - state:Array
[2020-05-12 17:52:24][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:AmbOn - state:Array
[2020-05-12 17:52:24][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:Timer - state:Array
[2020-05-12 17:52:24][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:Current - state:Array
[2020-05-12 17:52:24][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:Power - state:Array
[2020-05-12 17:52:24][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:Voltage - state:Array
[2020-05-12 17:52:24][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:Led - state:Array
[2020-05-12 17:52:24][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:Consommation - state:Array
[2020-05-12 17:52:24][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:UpDown - state:Array
[2020-05-12 17:52:24][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:ModeOn - state:Array
[2020-05-12 17:52:24][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:ModeAmb - state:Array
[2020-05-12 17:52:24][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:VitHum - state:Array
[2020-05-12 17:52:24][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:Eco - state:Array
[2020-05-12 17:52:24][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:Locked - state:Array
[2020-05-12 17:52:24][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:Auto - state:Array
[2020-05-12 17:52:24][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:ConsTemp - state:Array
[2020-05-12 17:52:24][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:ValTemp - state:Array
[2020-05-12 17:52:24][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:ValTempExt - state:Array
[2020-05-12 17:52:24][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:StartState - state:Array
[2020-05-12 17:52:24][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:ValHum - state:Array
[2020-05-12 17:52:24][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:Impuls - state:Array
[2020-05-12 17:52:24][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:Trigger - state:Array
[2020-05-12 17:52:24][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:TriggerVal - state:Array
[2020-05-12 17:52:24][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:TargetLowAction - state:Array
[2020-05-12 17:52:24][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:TargetHighAction - state:Array
[2020-05-12 17:52:24][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:TargetLow - state:Array
[2020-05-12 17:52:24][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:TargetHigh - state:Array
[2020-05-12 17:52:24][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:MultiC - state:Array
[2020-05-12 17:52:24][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:StatDay - state:Array
[2020-05-12 17:52:24][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:StatMonth - state:Array
[2020-05-12 17:52:24][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:Type - state:Array
[2020-05-12 17:52:24][DEBUG] :     Dps of cmd:
[2020-05-12 17:52:24][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:Intensity - state:Array
[2020-05-12 17:52:24][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:White - state:Array
[2020-05-12 17:52:24][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:White2 - state:Array
[2020-05-12 17:52:24][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:Color - state:Array
[2020-05-12 17:52:24][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:Prog - state:Array
[2020-05-12 17:52:24][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:Speed - state:Array
[2020-05-12 17:52:24][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:On - state:Array
[2020-05-12 17:52:24][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:Play - state:Array
[2020-05-12 17:52:24][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:Saturation - state:Array
[2020-05-12 17:52:24][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:Kelvin - state:Array
[2020-05-12 17:52:24][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:Connected - state:Array
[2020-05-12 17:52:24][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:AmbColor - state:Array
[2020-05-12 17:52:24][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:AmbKelvin - state:Array
[2020-05-12 17:52:24][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:AmbWhite - state:Array
[2020-05-12 17:52:24][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:Eye - state:Array
[2020-05-12 17:52:24][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:DiscoNum - state:Array
[2020-05-12 17:52:24][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:NightMode - state:Array
[2020-05-12 17:52:24][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:EyeNotify - state:Array
[2020-05-12 17:52:24][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:CCTAuto - state:Array
[2020-05-12 17:52:24][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:AmbIntensity - state:Array
[2020-05-12 17:52:24][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:AmbOn - state:Array
[2020-05-12 17:52:24][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:Timer - state:Array
[2020-05-12 17:52:24][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:Current - state:Array
[2020-05-12 17:52:24][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:Power - state:Array
[2020-05-12 17:52:24][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:Voltage - state:Array
[2020-05-12 17:52:24][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:Led - state:Array
[2020-05-12 17:52:24][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:Consommation - state:Array
[2020-05-12 17:52:24][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:UpDown - state:Array
[2020-05-12 17:52:24][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:ModeOn - state:Array
[2020-05-12 17:52:24][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:ModeAmb - state:Array
[2020-05-12 17:52:24][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:VitHum - state:Array
[2020-05-12 17:52:24][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:Eco - state:Array
[2020-05-12 17:52:24][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:Locked - state:Array
[2020-05-12 17:52:24][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:Auto - state:Array
[2020-05-12 17:52:24][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:ConsTemp - state:Array
[2020-05-12 17:52:24][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:ValTemp - state:Array
[2020-05-12 17:52:24][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:ValTempExt - state:Array
[2020-05-12 17:52:24][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:StartState - state:Array
[2020-05-12 17:52:24][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:ValHum - state:Array
[2020-05-12 17:52:24][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:Impuls - state:Array
[2020-05-12 17:52:24][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:Trigger - state:Array
[2020-05-12 17:52:24][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:TriggerVal - state:Array
[2020-05-12 17:52:24][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:TargetLowAction - state:Array
[2020-05-12 17:52:24][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:TargetHighAction - state:Array
[2020-05-12 17:52:24][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:TargetLow - state:Array
[2020-05-12 17:52:24][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:TargetHigh - state:Array
[2020-05-12 17:52:24][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:MultiC - state:Array
[2020-05-12 17:52:24][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:StatDay - state:Array
[2020-05-12 17:52:24][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:StatMonth - state:Array
[2020-05-12 17:52:24][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:Type - state:Array
[2020-05-12 17:52:24][DEBUG] :     Update state
[2020-05-12 17:52:24][DEBUG] :     Receive after decode :d
[2020-05-12 17:52:32][DEBUG] : >>>>Daemon Started
[2020-05-12 17:52:32][DEBUG] :    Memory used :2101 ko 288 o
[2020-05-12 17:52:32][DEBUG] : >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Search for devices <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
[2020-05-12 17:52:32][DEBUG] : ****** Device listenable Barillet - Class: TuyaCustom2_V2 @ *****
[2020-05-12 17:52:32][DEBUG] :    Key not set
[2020-05-12 17:52:32][DEBUG] :    Socket created  @
[2020-05-12 17:52:32][DEBUG] :    ADD New device @ channel:1
[2020-05-12 17:52:32][DEBUG] :    Device and socket exist : key:0 @ channel:1 diff:0
[2020-05-12 17:52:32][DEBUG] : ****** Device listenable Tuya Box - Class: TuyaCustom2_V2 @ *****
[2020-05-12 17:52:32][DEBUG] :    Device and socket exist : key:0 @ channel:1 diff:0
[2020-05-12 17:52:32][DEBUG] : >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> End <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
[2020-05-12 17:52:32][DEBUG] :   Memory used :2203 ko 720 o
[2020-05-12 17:52:32][DEBUG] :    Update state @
[2020-05-12 17:52:32][DEBUG] :     Try:  6668 - Connect OK!
[2020-05-12 17:52:32][DEBUG] :     Dps of cmd:110
[2020-05-12 17:52:32][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:Intensity - state:Array
[2020-05-12 17:52:32][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:White - state:Array
[2020-05-12 17:52:32][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:White2 - state:Array
[2020-05-12 17:52:32][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:Color - state:Array
[2020-05-12 17:52:32][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:Prog - state:Array
[2020-05-12 17:52:32][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:Speed - state:Array
[2020-05-12 17:52:32][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:On - state:Array
[2020-05-12 17:52:32][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:Play - state:Array
[2020-05-12 17:52:32][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:Saturation - state:Array
[2020-05-12 17:52:32][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:Kelvin - state:Array
[2020-05-12 17:52:32][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:Connected - state:Array
[2020-05-12 17:52:32][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:AmbColor - state:Array
[2020-05-12 17:52:32][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:AmbKelvin - state:Array
[2020-05-12 17:52:32][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:AmbWhite - state:Array
[2020-05-12 17:52:32][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:Eye - state:Array
[2020-05-12 17:52:32][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:DiscoNum - state:Array
[2020-05-12 17:52:32][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:NightMode - state:Array
[2020-05-12 17:52:32][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:EyeNotify - state:Array
[2020-05-12 17:52:32][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:CCTAuto - state:Array
[2020-05-12 17:52:32][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:AmbIntensity - state:Array
[2020-05-12 17:52:32][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:AmbOn - state:Array
[2020-05-12 17:52:32][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:Timer - state:Array
[2020-05-12 17:52:32][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:Current - state:Array
[2020-05-12 17:52:32][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:Power - state:Array
[2020-05-12 17:52:32][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:Voltage - state:Array
[2020-05-12 17:52:32][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:Led - state:Array
[2020-05-12 17:52:32][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:Consommation - state:Array
[2020-05-12 17:52:32][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:UpDown - state:Array
[2020-05-12 17:52:32][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:ModeOn - state:Array
[2020-05-12 17:52:32][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:ModeAmb - state:Array
[2020-05-12 17:52:32][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:VitHum - state:Array
[2020-05-12 17:52:32][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:Eco - state:Array
[2020-05-12 17:52:32][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:Locked - state:Array
[2020-05-12 17:52:32][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:Auto - state:Array
[2020-05-12 17:52:32][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:ConsTemp - state:Array
[2020-05-12 17:52:32][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:ValTemp - state:Array
[2020-05-12 17:52:32][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:ValTempExt - state:Array
[2020-05-12 17:52:32][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:StartState - state:Array
[2020-05-12 17:52:32][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:ValHum - state:Array
[2020-05-12 17:52:32][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:Impuls - state:Array
[2020-05-12 17:52:32][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:Trigger - state:Array
[2020-05-12 17:52:32][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:TriggerVal - state:Array
[2020-05-12 17:52:32][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:TargetLowAction - state:Array
[2020-05-12 17:52:32][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:TargetHighAction - state:Array
[2020-05-12 17:52:32][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:TargetLow - state:Array
[2020-05-12 17:52:32][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:TargetHigh - state:Array
[2020-05-12 17:52:32][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:MultiC - state:Array
[2020-05-12 17:52:32][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:StatDay - state:Array
[2020-05-12 17:52:32][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:StatMonth - state:Array
[2020-05-12 17:52:32][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:Type - state:Array
[2020-05-12 17:52:32][DEBUG] :     Dps of cmd:
[2020-05-12 17:52:32][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:Intensity - state:Array
[2020-05-12 17:52:32][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:White - state:Array
[2020-05-12 17:52:32][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:White2 - state:Array
[2020-05-12 17:52:32][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:Color - state:Array
[2020-05-12 17:52:32][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:Prog - state:Array
[2020-05-12 17:52:32][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:Speed - state:Array
[2020-05-12 17:52:32][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:On - state:Array
[2020-05-12 17:52:32][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:Play - state:Array
[2020-05-12 17:52:32][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:Saturation - state:Array
[2020-05-12 17:52:32][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:Kelvin - state:Array
[2020-05-12 17:52:32][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:Connected - state:Array
[2020-05-12 17:52:32][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:AmbColor - state:Array
[2020-05-12 17:52:32][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:AmbKelvin - state:Array
[2020-05-12 17:52:32][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:AmbWhite - state:Array
[2020-05-12 17:52:32][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:Eye - state:Array
[2020-05-12 17:52:32][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:DiscoNum - state:Array
[2020-05-12 17:52:32][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:NightMode - state:Array
[2020-05-12 17:52:32][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:EyeNotify - state:Array
[2020-05-12 17:52:32][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:CCTAuto - state:Array
[2020-05-12 17:52:32][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:AmbIntensity - state:Array
[2020-05-12 17:52:32][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:AmbOn - state:Array
[2020-05-12 17:52:32][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:Timer - state:Array
[2020-05-12 17:52:32][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:Current - state:Array
[2020-05-12 17:52:32][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:Power - state:Array
[2020-05-12 17:52:32][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:Voltage - state:Array
[2020-05-12 17:52:32][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:Led - state:Array
[2020-05-12 17:52:32][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:Consommation - state:Array
[2020-05-12 17:52:32][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:UpDown - state:Array
[2020-05-12 17:52:32][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:ModeOn - state:Array
[2020-05-12 17:52:32][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:ModeAmb - state:Array
[2020-05-12 17:52:32][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:VitHum - state:Array
[2020-05-12 17:52:32][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:Eco - state:Array
[2020-05-12 17:52:32][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:Locked - state:Array
[2020-05-12 17:52:32][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:Auto - state:Array
[2020-05-12 17:52:32][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:ConsTemp - state:Array
[2020-05-12 17:52:32][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:ValTemp - state:Array
[2020-05-12 17:52:32][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:ValTempExt - state:Array
[2020-05-12 17:52:32][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:StartState - state:Array
[2020-05-12 17:52:32][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:ValHum - state:Array
[2020-05-12 17:52:32][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:Impuls - state:Array
[2020-05-12 17:52:32][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:Trigger - state:Array
[2020-05-12 17:52:32][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:TriggerVal - state:Array
[2020-05-12 17:52:32][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:TargetLowAction - state:Array
[2020-05-12 17:52:32][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:TargetHighAction - state:Array
[2020-05-12 17:52:32][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:TargetLow - state:Array
[2020-05-12 17:52:32][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:TargetHigh - state:Array
[2020-05-12 17:52:32][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:MultiC - state:Array
[2020-05-12 17:52:32][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:StatDay - state:Array
[2020-05-12 17:52:32][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:StatMonth - state:Array
[2020-05-12 17:52:32][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:Type - state:Array
[2020-05-12 17:52:32][DEBUG] :     Update state
[2020-05-12 17:52:33][DEBUG] :     Receive after decode :d
[2020-05-12 17:52:48][DEBUG] : << Ping @  diff:16
[2020-05-12 17:52:48][DEBUG] :     Try:  6668 - Connect OK!
[2020-05-12 17:52:48][DEBUG] :     Receive after decode :Y
[2020-05-12 17:53:04][DEBUG] : << Ping @  diff:16
[2020-05-12 17:53:04][DEBUG] :     Try:  6668 - Connect OK!
[2020-05-12 17:53:04][DEBUG] :     Receive after decode :Y
[2020-05-12 17:53:20][DEBUG] : << Ping @  diff:16
[2020-05-12 17:53:20][DEBUG] :     Try:  6668 - Connect OK!
[2020-05-12 17:53:20][DEBUG] :     Receive after decode :Y
[2020-05-12 17:53:25][DEBUG] : >>>>Daemon Started
[2020-05-12 17:53:25][DEBUG] :    Memory used :2101 ko 288 o
[2020-05-12 17:53:25][DEBUG] : >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Search for devices <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
[2020-05-12 17:53:25][DEBUG] : ****** Device listenable Barillet - Class: TuyaCustom2_V2 @ *****
[2020-05-12 17:53:25][DEBUG] :    Key not set
[2020-05-12 17:53:25][DEBUG] :    Socket created  @
[2020-05-12 17:53:25][DEBUG] :    ADD New device @ channel:1
[2020-05-12 17:53:25][DEBUG] :    Device and socket exist : key:0 @ channel:1 diff:0
[2020-05-12 17:53:25][DEBUG] : ****** Device listenable Tuya Box - Class: TuyaCustom2_V2 @ *****
[2020-05-12 17:53:25][DEBUG] :    Device and socket exist : key:0 @ channel:1 diff:0
[2020-05-12 17:53:25][DEBUG] : >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> End <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

[2020-05-12 17:53:25][DEBUG] :   Memory used :2203 ko 720 o
[2020-05-12 17:53:25][DEBUG] :    Update state @
[2020-05-12 17:53:25][DEBUG] :     Try:  6668 - Connect OK!
[2020-05-12 17:53:25][DEBUG] :     Dps of cmd:110
[2020-05-12 17:53:25][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:Intensity - state:Array
[2020-05-12 17:53:25][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:White - state:Array
[2020-05-12 17:53:25][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:White2 - state:Array
[2020-05-12 17:53:25][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:Color - state:Array
[2020-05-12 17:53:25][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:Prog - state:Array
[2020-05-12 17:53:25][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:Speed - state:Array
[2020-05-12 17:53:25][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:On - state:Array
[2020-05-12 17:53:25][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:Play - state:Array
[2020-05-12 17:53:25][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:Saturation - state:Array
[2020-05-12 17:53:25][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:Kelvin - state:Array
[2020-05-12 17:53:25][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:Connected - state:Array
[2020-05-12 17:53:25][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:AmbColor - state:Array
[2020-05-12 17:53:25][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:AmbKelvin - state:Array
[2020-05-12 17:53:25][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:AmbWhite - state:Array
[2020-05-12 17:53:25][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:Eye - state:Array
[2020-05-12 17:53:25][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:DiscoNum - state:Array
[2020-05-12 17:53:25][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:NightMode - state:Array
[2020-05-12 17:53:25][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:EyeNotify - state:Array
[2020-05-12 17:53:25][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:CCTAuto - state:Array
[2020-05-12 17:53:25][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:AmbIntensity - state:Array
[2020-05-12 17:53:25][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:AmbOn - state:Array
[2020-05-12 17:53:25][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:Timer - state:Array
[2020-05-12 17:53:25][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:Current - state:Array
[2020-05-12 17:53:25][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:Power - state:Array
[2020-05-12 17:53:25][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:Voltage - state:Array
[2020-05-12 17:53:25][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:Led - state:Array
[2020-05-12 17:53:25][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:Consommation - state:Array
[2020-05-12 17:53:25][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:UpDown - state:Array
[2020-05-12 17:53:25][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:ModeOn - state:Array
[2020-05-12 17:53:25][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:ModeAmb - state:Array
[2020-05-12 17:53:25][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:VitHum - state:Array
[2020-05-12 17:53:25][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:Eco - state:Array
[2020-05-12 17:53:25][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:Locked - state:Array
[2020-05-12 17:53:25][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:Auto - state:Array
[2020-05-12 17:53:25][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:ConsTemp - state:Array
[2020-05-12 17:53:25][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:ValTemp - state:Array
[2020-05-12 17:53:25][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:ValTempExt - state:Array
[2020-05-12 17:53:25][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:StartState - state:Array
[2020-05-12 17:53:25][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:ValHum - state:Array
[2020-05-12 17:53:25][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:Impuls - state:Array
[2020-05-12 17:53:25][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:Trigger - state:Array
[2020-05-12 17:53:25][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:TriggerVal - state:Array
[2020-05-12 17:53:25][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:TargetLowAction - state:Array
[2020-05-12 17:53:25][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:TargetHighAction - state:Array
[2020-05-12 17:53:25][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:TargetLow - state:Array
[2020-05-12 17:53:25][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:TargetHigh - state:Array
[2020-05-12 17:53:25][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:MultiC - state:Array
[2020-05-12 17:53:25][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:StatDay - state:Array
[2020-05-12 17:53:25][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:StatMonth - state:Array
[2020-05-12 17:53:25][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:Type - state:Array
[2020-05-12 17:53:25][DEBUG] :     Dps of cmd:161
[2020-05-12 17:53:25][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:Intensity - state:Array
[2020-05-12 17:53:25][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:White - state:Array
[2020-05-12 17:53:25][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:White2 - state:Array
[2020-05-12 17:53:25][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:Color - state:Array
[2020-05-12 17:53:25][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:Prog - state:Array
[2020-05-12 17:53:25][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:Speed - state:Array
[2020-05-12 17:53:25][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:On - state:Array
[2020-05-12 17:53:25][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:Play - state:Array
[2020-05-12 17:53:25][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:Saturation - state:Array
[2020-05-12 17:53:25][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:Kelvin - state:Array
[2020-05-12 17:53:25][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:Connected - state:Array
[2020-05-12 17:53:25][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:AmbColor - state:Array
[2020-05-12 17:53:25][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:AmbKelvin - state:Array
[2020-05-12 17:53:25][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:AmbWhite - state:Array
[2020-05-12 17:53:25][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:Eye - state:Array
[2020-05-12 17:53:25][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:DiscoNum - state:Array
[2020-05-12 17:53:25][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:NightMode - state:Array
[2020-05-12 17:53:25][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:EyeNotify - state:Array
[2020-05-12 17:53:25][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:CCTAuto - state:Array
[2020-05-12 17:53:25][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:AmbIntensity - state:Array
[2020-05-12 17:53:25][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:AmbOn - state:Array
[2020-05-12 17:53:25][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:Timer - state:Array
[2020-05-12 17:53:25][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:Current - state:Array
[2020-05-12 17:53:25][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:Power - state:Array
[2020-05-12 17:53:25][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:Voltage - state:Array
[2020-05-12 17:53:25][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:Led - state:Array
[2020-05-12 17:53:25][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:Consommation - state:Array
[2020-05-12 17:53:25][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:UpDown - state:Array
[2020-05-12 17:53:25][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:ModeOn - state:Array
[2020-05-12 17:53:25][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:ModeAmb - state:Array
[2020-05-12 17:53:25][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:VitHum - state:Array
[2020-05-12 17:53:25][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:Eco - state:Array
[2020-05-12 17:53:25][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:Locked - state:Array
[2020-05-12 17:53:25][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:Auto - state:Array
[2020-05-12 17:53:25][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:ConsTemp - state:Array
[2020-05-12 17:53:25][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:ValTemp - state:Array
[2020-05-12 17:53:25][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:ValTempExt - state:Array
[2020-05-12 17:53:25][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:StartState - state:Array
[2020-05-12 17:53:25][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:ValHum - state:Array
[2020-05-12 17:53:25][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:Impuls - state:Array
[2020-05-12 17:53:25][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:Trigger - state:Array
[2020-05-12 17:53:25][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:TriggerVal - state:Array
[2020-05-12 17:53:25][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:TargetLowAction - state:Array
[2020-05-12 17:53:25][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:TargetHighAction - state:Array
[2020-05-12 17:53:25][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:TargetLow - state:Array
[2020-05-12 17:53:25][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:TargetHigh - state:Array
[2020-05-12 17:53:25][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:MultiC - state:Array
[2020-05-12 17:53:25][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:StatDay - state:Array
[2020-05-12 17:53:25][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:StatMonth - state:Array
[2020-05-12 17:53:25][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:Type - state:Array
[2020-05-12 17:53:25][DEBUG] :     Update state
[2020-05-12 17:53:25][DEBUG] :     Receive after decode :d
[2020-05-12 17:53:41][DEBUG] : << Ping @  diff:16
[2020-05-12 17:53:41][DEBUG] :     Try:  6668 - Connect OK!
[2020-05-12 17:53:41][DEBUG] :     Receive after decode :Y

J’ai besoin du log lorsque le périphérique renvoie le dps 161

Receive after decode :Y
[2020-05-12 11:44:17][DEBUG] :     Cmd : {"t":"1589276657","devId":"bf5211d7fd16740f93ugmf","dps":{"161":"Esc"},"uid":""} - Try:  6900 - Connect OK!

et ce qui suit.

[2020-05-12 18:35:02][DEBUG] :     Receive after decode :{"dps":{"161":"Esc"},"cid":"ec1bbdfffe781b28","t":1589301302}
[2020-05-12 18:35:02][DEBUG] :      dps:
[2020-05-12 18:35:02][DEBUG] :     Read Json OK
[2020-05-12 18:35:02][DEBUG] :    Tuya Device or Yeelight Bulb
[2020-05-12 18:35:02][DEBUG] :     Dps of cmd:110
[2020-05-12 18:35:02][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:Intensity - state:Array
[2020-05-12 18:35:02][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:White - state:Array
[2020-05-12 18:35:02][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:White2 - state:Array
[2020-05-12 18:35:02][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:Color - state:Array
[2020-05-12 18:35:02][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:Prog - state:Array
[2020-05-12 18:35:02][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:Speed - state:Array
[2020-05-12 18:35:02][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:On - state:Array
[2020-05-12 18:35:02][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:Play - state:Array
[2020-05-12 18:35:02][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:Saturation - state:Array
[2020-05-12 18:35:02][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:Kelvin - state:Array
[2020-05-12 18:35:02][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:Connected - state:Array
[2020-05-12 18:35:02][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:AmbColor - state:Array
[2020-05-12 18:35:02][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:AmbKelvin - state:Array
[2020-05-12 18:35:02][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:AmbWhite - state:Array
[2020-05-12 18:35:02][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:Eye - state:Array
[2020-05-12 18:35:02][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:DiscoNum - state:Array
[2020-05-12 18:35:02][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:NightMode - state:Array
[2020-05-12 18:35:02][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:EyeNotify - state:Array
[2020-05-12 18:35:02][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:CCTAuto - state:Array
[2020-05-12 18:35:02][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:AmbIntensity - state:Array
[2020-05-12 18:35:02][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:AmbOn - state:Array
[2020-05-12 18:35:02][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:Timer - state:Array
[2020-05-12 18:35:02][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:Current - state:Array
[2020-05-12 18:35:02][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:Power - state:Array
[2020-05-12 18:35:02][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:Voltage - state:Array
[2020-05-12 18:35:02][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:Led - state:Array
[2020-05-12 18:35:02][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:Consommation - state:Array
[2020-05-12 18:35:02][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:UpDown - state:Array
[2020-05-12 18:35:02][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:ModeOn - state:Array
[2020-05-12 18:35:02][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:ModeAmb - state:Array
[2020-05-12 18:35:02][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:VitHum - state:Array
[2020-05-12 18:35:02][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:Eco - state:Array
[2020-05-12 18:35:02][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:Locked - state:Array
[2020-05-12 18:35:02][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:Auto - state:Array
[2020-05-12 18:35:02][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:ConsTemp - state:Array
[2020-05-12 18:35:02][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:ValTemp - state:Array
[2020-05-12 18:35:02][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:ValTempExt - state:Array
[2020-05-12 18:35:02][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:StartState - state:Array
[2020-05-12 18:35:02][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:ValHum - state:Array
[2020-05-12 18:35:02][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:Impuls - state:Array
[2020-05-12 18:35:02][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:Trigger - state:Array
[2020-05-12 18:35:02][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:TriggerVal - state:Array
[2020-05-12 18:35:02][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:TargetLowAction - state:Array
[2020-05-12 18:35:02][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:TargetHighAction - state:Array
[2020-05-12 18:35:02][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:TargetLow - state:Array
[2020-05-12 18:35:02][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:TargetHigh - state:Array
[2020-05-12 18:35:02][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:MultiC - state:Array
[2020-05-12 18:35:02][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:StatDay - state:Array
[2020-05-12 18:35:02][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:StatMonth - state:Array
[2020-05-12 18:35:02][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:Type - state:Array
[2020-05-12 18:35:02][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:161 - state:Array
[2020-05-12 18:35:02][DEBUG] :     Dps of cmd:161
[2020-05-12 18:35:02][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:Intensity - state:Array
[2020-05-12 18:35:02][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:White - state:Array
[2020-05-12 18:35:02][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:White2 - state:Array
[2020-05-12 18:35:02][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:Color - state:Array
[2020-05-12 18:35:02][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:Prog - state:Array
[2020-05-12 18:35:02][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:Speed - state:Array
[2020-05-12 18:35:02][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:On - state:Array
[2020-05-12 18:35:02][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:Play - state:Array
[2020-05-12 18:35:02][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:Saturation - state:Array
[2020-05-12 18:35:02][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:Kelvin - state:Array
[2020-05-12 18:35:02][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:Connected - state:Array
[2020-05-12 18:35:02][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:AmbColor - state:Array
[2020-05-12 18:35:02][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:AmbKelvin - state:Array
[2020-05-12 18:35:02][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:AmbWhite - state:Array
[2020-05-12 18:35:02][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:Eye - state:Array
[2020-05-12 18:35:02][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:DiscoNum - state:Array
[2020-05-12 18:35:02][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:NightMode - state:Array
[2020-05-12 18:35:02][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:EyeNotify - state:Array
[2020-05-12 18:35:02][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:CCTAuto - state:Array
[2020-05-12 18:35:02][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:AmbIntensity - state:Array
[2020-05-12 18:35:02][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:AmbOn - state:Array
[2020-05-12 18:35:02][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:Timer - state:Array
[2020-05-12 18:35:02][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:Current - state:Array
[2020-05-12 18:35:02][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:Power - state:Array
[2020-05-12 18:35:02][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:Voltage - state:Array
[2020-05-12 18:35:02][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:Led - state:Array
[2020-05-12 18:35:02][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:Consommation - state:Array
[2020-05-12 18:35:02][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:UpDown - state:Array
[2020-05-12 18:35:02][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:ModeOn - state:Array
[2020-05-12 18:35:02][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:ModeAmb - state:Array
[2020-05-12 18:35:02][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:VitHum - state:Array
[2020-05-12 18:35:02][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:Eco - state:Array
[2020-05-12 18:35:02][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:Locked - state:Array
[2020-05-12 18:35:02][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:Auto - state:Array
[2020-05-12 18:35:02][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:ConsTemp - state:Array
[2020-05-12 18:35:02][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:ValTemp - state:Array
[2020-05-12 18:35:02][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:ValTempExt - state:Array
[2020-05-12 18:35:02][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:StartState - state:Array
[2020-05-12 18:35:02][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:ValHum - state:Array
[2020-05-12 18:35:02][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:Impuls - state:Array
[2020-05-12 18:35:02][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:Trigger - state:Array
[2020-05-12 18:35:02][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:TriggerVal - state:Array
[2020-05-12 18:35:02][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:TargetLowAction - state:Array
[2020-05-12 18:35:02][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:TargetHighAction - state:Array
[2020-05-12 18:35:02][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:TargetLow - state:Array
[2020-05-12 18:35:02][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:TargetHigh - state:Array
[2020-05-12 18:35:02][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:MultiC - state:Array
[2020-05-12 18:35:02][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:StatDay - state:Array
[2020-05-12 18:35:02][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:StatMonth - state:Array
[2020-05-12 18:35:02][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:Type - state:Array
[2020-05-12 18:35:02][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:161 - state:Array
[2020-05-12 18:35:03][DEBUG] :     Update state - Dps161:Esc
[2020-05-12 18:35:04][DEBUG] :     Receive after decode :{"dps":{"161":"Enter"},"cid":"ec1bbdfffe781b28","t":1589301303}
[2020-05-12 18:35:04][DEBUG] :      dps:
[2020-05-12 18:35:04][DEBUG] :     Read Json OK
[2020-05-12 18:35:04][DEBUG] :    Tuya Device or Yeelight Bulb
[2020-05-12 18:35:04][DEBUG] :     Dps of cmd:110
[2020-05-12 18:35:04][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:Intensity - state:Array
[2020-05-12 18:35:04][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:White - state:Array
[2020-05-12 18:35:04][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:White2 - state:Array
[2020-05-12 18:35:04][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:Color - state:Array
[2020-05-12 18:35:04][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:Prog - state:Array
[2020-05-12 18:35:04][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:Speed - state:Array
[2020-05-12 18:35:04][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:On - state:Array
[2020-05-12 18:35:04][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:Play - state:Array
[2020-05-12 18:35:04][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:Saturation - state:Array
[2020-05-12 18:35:04][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:Kelvin - state:Array
[2020-05-12 18:35:04][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:Connected - state:Array
[2020-05-12 18:35:04][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:AmbColor - state:Array
[2020-05-12 18:35:04][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:AmbKelvin - state:Array
[2020-05-12 18:35:04][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:AmbWhite - state:Array
[2020-05-12 18:35:04][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:Eye - state:Array
[2020-05-12 18:35:04][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:DiscoNum - state:Array
[2020-05-12 18:35:04][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:NightMode - state:Array
[2020-05-12 18:35:04][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:EyeNotify - state:Array
[2020-05-12 18:35:04][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:CCTAuto - state:Array
[2020-05-12 18:35:04][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:AmbIntensity - state:Array
[2020-05-12 18:35:04][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:AmbOn - state:Array
[2020-05-12 18:35:04][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:Timer - state:Array
[2020-05-12 18:35:04][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:Current - state:Array
[2020-05-12 18:35:04][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:Power - state:Array
[2020-05-12 18:35:04][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:Voltage - state:Array
[2020-05-12 18:35:04][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:Led - state:Array
[2020-05-12 18:35:04][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:Consommation - state:Array
[2020-05-12 18:35:04][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:UpDown - state:Array
[2020-05-12 18:35:04][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:ModeOn - state:Array
[2020-05-12 18:35:04][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:ModeAmb - state:Array
[2020-05-12 18:35:04][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:VitHum - state:Array
[2020-05-12 18:35:04][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:Eco - state:Array
[2020-05-12 18:35:04][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:Locked - state:Array
[2020-05-12 18:35:04][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:Auto - state:Array
[2020-05-12 18:35:04][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:ConsTemp - state:Array
[2020-05-12 18:35:04][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:ValTemp - state:Array
[2020-05-12 18:35:04][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:ValTempExt - state:Array
[2020-05-12 18:35:04][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:StartState - state:Array
[2020-05-12 18:35:04][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:ValHum - state:Array
[2020-05-12 18:35:04][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:Impuls - state:Array
[2020-05-12 18:35:04][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:Trigger - state:Array
[2020-05-12 18:35:04][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:TriggerVal - state:Array
[2020-05-12 18:35:04][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:TargetLowAction - state:Array
[2020-05-12 18:35:04][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:TargetHighAction - state:Array
[2020-05-12 18:35:04][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:TargetLow - state:Array
[2020-05-12 18:35:04][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:TargetHigh - state:Array
[2020-05-12 18:35:04][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:MultiC - state:Array
[2020-05-12 18:35:04][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:StatDay - state:Array
[2020-05-12 18:35:04][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:StatMonth - state:Array
[2020-05-12 18:35:04][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:Type - state:Array
[2020-05-12 18:35:04][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:161 - state:Array
[2020-05-12 18:35:04][DEBUG] :     Dps of cmd:161
[2020-05-12 18:35:04][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:Intensity - state:Array
[2020-05-12 18:35:04][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:White - state:Array
[2020-05-12 18:35:04][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:White2 - state:Array
[2020-05-12 18:35:04][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:Color - state:Array
[2020-05-12 18:35:04][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:Prog - state:Array
[2020-05-12 18:35:04][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:Speed - state:Array
[2020-05-12 18:35:04][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:On - state:Array
[2020-05-12 18:35:04][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:Play - state:Array
[2020-05-12 18:35:04][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:Saturation - state:Array
[2020-05-12 18:35:04][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:Kelvin - state:Array
[2020-05-12 18:35:04][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:Connected - state:Array
[2020-05-12 18:35:04][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:AmbColor - state:Array
[2020-05-12 18:35:04][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:AmbKelvin - state:Array
[2020-05-12 18:35:04][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:AmbWhite - state:Array
[2020-05-12 18:35:04][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:Eye - state:Array
[2020-05-12 18:35:04][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:DiscoNum - state:Array
[2020-05-12 18:35:04][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:NightMode - state:Array
[2020-05-12 18:35:04][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:EyeNotify - state:Array
[2020-05-12 18:35:04][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:CCTAuto - state:Array
[2020-05-12 18:35:04][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:AmbIntensity - state:Array
[2020-05-12 18:35:04][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:AmbOn - state:Array
[2020-05-12 18:35:04][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:Timer - state:Array
[2020-05-12 18:35:04][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:Current - state:Array
[2020-05-12 18:35:04][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:Power - state:Array
[2020-05-12 18:35:04][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:Voltage - state:Array
[2020-05-12 18:35:04][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:Led - state:Array
[2020-05-12 18:35:04][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:Consommation - state:Array
[2020-05-12 18:35:04][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:UpDown - state:Array
[2020-05-12 18:35:04][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:ModeOn - state:Array
[2020-05-12 18:35:04][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:ModeAmb - state:Array
[2020-05-12 18:35:04][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:VitHum - state:Array
[2020-05-12 18:35:04][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:Eco - state:Array
[2020-05-12 18:35:04][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:Locked - state:Array
[2020-05-12 18:35:04][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:Auto - state:Array
[2020-05-12 18:35:04][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:ConsTemp - state:Array
[2020-05-12 18:35:04][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:ValTemp - state:Array
[2020-05-12 18:35:04][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:ValTempExt - state:Array
[2020-05-12 18:35:04][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:StartState - state:Array
[2020-05-12 18:35:04][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:ValHum - state:Array
[2020-05-12 18:35:04][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:Impuls - state:Array
[2020-05-12 18:35:04][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:Trigger - state:Array
[2020-05-12 18:35:04][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:TriggerVal - state:Array
[2020-05-12 18:35:04][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:TargetLowAction - state:Array
[2020-05-12 18:35:04][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:TargetHighAction - state:Array
[2020-05-12 18:35:04][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:TargetLow - state:Array
[2020-05-12 18:35:04][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:TargetHigh - state:Array
[2020-05-12 18:35:04][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:MultiC - state:Array
[2020-05-12 18:35:04][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:StatDay - state:Array
[2020-05-12 18:35:04][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:StatMonth - state:Array
[2020-05-12 18:35:04][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:Type - state:Array
[2020-05-12 18:35:04][DEBUG] :     Dps of state:161 - state:Array
[2020-05-12 18:35:04][DEBUG] :     Update state - Dps161:Enter
[2020-05-12 18:35:06][DEBUG] : >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Search for devices <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
[2020-05-12 18:35:06][DEBUG] : ****** Device listenable Barillet - Class: TuyaCustom2_V2 @ *****
[2020-05-12 18:35:06][DEBUG] :    Device and socket exist : key:0 @ channel:1 diff:2
[2020-05-12 18:35:06][DEBUG] : ****** Device listenable Tuya Box - Class: TuyaCustom2_V2 @ *****
[2020-05-12 18:35:06][DEBUG] :    Device and socket exist : key:0 @ channel:1 diff:2
[2020-05-12 18:35:06][DEBUG] : >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> End <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
[2020-05-12 18:35:06][DEBUG] :   Memory used :2285 ko 472 o

au vu des logs l’état est mis à jour

Effectivement je viens de vérifier : Log du module et si je test la commande état j’ai bien un retour : Enter.

[2020-05-12 18:35:02][INFO] : Evènement sur la commande [Aucun][Barillet][ETAT] valeur : Esc
[2020-05-12 18:35:03][INFO] : Evènement sur la commande [Aucun][Barillet][Connecté] valeur : -1 (répétition)
[2020-05-12 18:35:04][INFO] : Evènement sur la commande [Aucun][Barillet][ETAT] valeur : Enter
[2020-05-12 18:35:04][INFO] : Evènement sur la commande [Aucun][Barillet][Connecté] valeur : -1 (répétition)

J’anticipe peut-être la demande. Mais si je lance une commande action DPS161 ESC et une ENTER voici les logs :

[2020-05-12 18:41:04][DEBUG] :     Cmd : {"t":"1589301664","cid":"bfdfd9abc48bffd97av2ja","dps":{"161":"Enter"}} - Try:  6900 - Connect OK!
[2020-05-12 18:41:04][DEBUG] :     Try:  6668 - Connect OK!
[2020-05-12 18:41:04][DEBUG] : !!!!!!!!! End !!!!!!!!!!
[2020-05-12 18:41:04][DEBUG] :     Receive after decode :Y
[2020-05-12 18:41:09][DEBUG] : << Ping @  diff:16
[2020-05-12 18:41:09][DEBUG] :     Try:  6668 - Connect OK!
[2020-05-12 18:41:09][DEBUG] :     Receive after decode :Y
[2020-05-12 18:41:12][DEBUG] : >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Search for devices <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
[2020-05-12 18:41:12][DEBUG] : ****** Device listenable Barillet - Class: TuyaCustom2_V2 @ *****
[2020-05-12 18:41:12][DEBUG] :    Device and socket exist : key:0 @ channel:1 diff:3
[2020-05-12 18:41:12][DEBUG] : ****** Device listenable Tuya Box - Class: TuyaCustom2_V2 @ *****
[2020-05-12 18:41:12][DEBUG] :    Device and socket exist : key:0 @ channel:1 diff:3
[2020-05-12 18:41:12][DEBUG] : >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> End <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
[2020-05-12 18:41:12][DEBUG] :   Memory used :2284 ko 88 o
[2020-05-12 18:41:25][DEBUG] : << Ping @  diff:16
[2020-05-12 18:41:25][DEBUG] :     Try:  6668 - Connect OK!
[2020-05-12 18:41:25][DEBUG] :     Receive after decode :Y
[2020-05-12 18:41:41][DEBUG] : << Ping @  diff:16
[2020-05-12 18:41:41][DEBUG] :     Try:  6668 - Connect OK!
[2020-05-12 18:41:41][DEBUG] :     Receive after decode :Y
[2020-05-12 18:41:55][DEBUG] :     Cmd : {"t":"1589301715","cid":"bfdfd9abc48bffd97av2ja","dps":{"161":"Esc"}} - Try:  6900 - Connect OK!
[2020-05-12 18:41:55][DEBUG] :     Try:  6668 - Connect OK!
[2020-05-12 18:41:55][DEBUG] : !!!!!!!!! End !!!!!!!!!!
[2020-05-12 18:41:55][DEBUG] :     Receive after decode :Y
[2020-05-12 18:41:57][DEBUG] : << Ping @  diff:16
[2020-05-12 18:41:57][DEBUG] :     Try:  6668 - Connect OK!
[2020-05-12 18:41:57][DEBUG] :     Receive after decode :Y
[2020-05-12 18:42:13][DEBUG] : >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Search for devices <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
[2020-05-12 18:42:13][DEBUG] : ****** Device listenable Barillet - Class: TuyaCustom2_V2 @ *****
[2020-05-12 18:42:13][DEBUG] :    Device and socket exist : key:0 @ channel:1 diff:16
[2020-05-12 18:42:13][DEBUG] : ****** Device listenable Tuya Box - Class: TuyaCustom2_V2 @ *****
[2020-05-12 18:42:13][DEBUG] :    Device and socket exist : key:0 @ channel:1 diff:16
[2020-05-12 18:42:13][DEBUG] : >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> End <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
[2020-05-12 18:42:13][DEBUG] :   Memory used :2284 ko 88 o
[2020-05-12 18:42:13][DEBUG] : << Ping @  diff:16
[2020-05-12 18:42:13][DEBUG] :     Try:  6668 - Connect OK!
[2020-05-12 18:42:13][DEBUG] :     Receive after decode :Y

Donc même si je n’ai pas le retour du bip/bip pour Enter et le bip/bip/bip pour le Esc ça semble marcher.

Donc ça c’est réglé, mais c’était juste ta config.
maintenant je vais envoyer une beta avec moins de logs et il faudra tester avec la config custom V2. Ce que tu as fait j’ai l’impression.
Le test à faire :
lancer le démon, attendre une minute, quand le demon est à nouveau passé.
Et juste après, avec le bouton du plugin tu fais l’une des 2 commandes.
tu attends 1 min que le demon repasse puis tu fais l’autre commande

C’est déjà ça !

Désolé je ne connais pas trop la manip donc en gros quand tu auras pourrsé cette beta Jeedom me proposera la MAJ et je pourrais faire le test ?

Encore Merci.