Problem with repo.jeedom public key for apt update & upgrade on Smart box

Good morning everyone,

I have a problem with a jeedom Smart box, I can no longer access the jeedom interface for a few days. When I go to the ip address of the smart box, I have this error : « Composer detected issues in your platform: Your Composer dependencies require a PHP version « >= 7.1.0 ». »

So for that I tried to update every packages with apt update and I have this error :

This came from this packet : deb-src Index of /odroid stable main
in the file /etc/apt/sources.list

Have you ever had this kind of error and find a solution ?

Thanks for your help,


A first way to help yourself would have been to look for the error in the forum.

sudo apt-get --allow-releaseinfo-change update


Thanks for the insight but the reason i’m posting is precisely because I couldn’t find anything on the forum :slight_smile:

Did you tried the solution I gave you?


Yes I have this error :


Do not truncate the command line if it is not working. Haw can we check if you did a mistake or not?



Please read this topic.

You have to consider to update your Smart.

I tried sudo apt-get update :

Your command line is not the one I suggested.


Yes but I don’t understand what you suggest because the command gives only informations on subcommands

Could you just copy paste all the line? And not only a part of it.

I also tried all the line but I have this error :