Portier video Hikvision

I have updated the firmware and in fact there is some change, port 80 start to answer.
But well, interface is not loadable so I will have to to the factory reset. Need to unmount the device, can you confirm if it’s like on camera with a button to press when power it ? Cannot find the info online and in PDF.

Hmm, not sure, i did a factory reset with ivms…

Maybe it’s already in factory reset state? Try changing your notebook to a static IP in range, 192.0.0.x, the default IP after reset was or .69 , not sure anymorr

Or can you still ping the device on old ip? Lake sure you also update ivms, because interface of 8003 is different, doesn’t work with old ivms

Still can ping the device, actually automation with it still work also.
Now I see the port 80 is open on device, and yes IVMS try using it for config, but the page doesn’t load :

IVMS is version 3.6.1, latest from what I can found and NVR configuration is working and using also this web popup.
If I try access the webpage directly in browser for KD8003, same error message.

I try to restart it and not better

No, accessing webpagz directly is not possible… All is donz with ivms

Screenshot is from ivms, that’s the main issue :

I try to reset it like camera, there is a button on it, but no effect has it keeps his IP, password …
I remove it to add again in ivms, but still same

So can’t reset it from ivms

Did you have a chinese version?
Otherwise , try reloading firmware again? Or a factory reset with sadp tools

You can also use the SDK and reset or downgrade to the original firmware

It’s an european version, buy in France
I can’t reload the firmware with IVMS as I can’t access the settings
I’m going to try sadp

But on the « good news » side :
I try the 3 API URL whatever can’t access the settings :
Opening Door → 401, forbidden (with admin user …)
Doorpress Sensor → it works
Event Stream → 401, forbidden

So whatever, need to fix the setting access so I can check this forbidden issue, if it was working I could have just let it aside for now

1 « J'aime »

Some progress then…

Here is an tutorial to update with SDK

Ok, some progress :

In process I have update to latest firmware (not custom), I could do the reset with the SDK also
After adding it again to ivms 3.6, still impossible to access the setting. I try install the ivms4200 VS 1.6 instead, it says not compatible with the doorbell.
So I have to find the right ivms to manage the access to settiings. Also I try to downgrade firmware, it didn’t work with SDK

Strange that it’s so difficult :frowning:

@lunarok , i noticed a new version ivms 3.6.1…
want the issue below your issue?

2 « J'aime »

Exactly this error, and I just update to 3.6.1 … it works :slight_smile:
So looks like opening door API is working, call status also. But the event stream is empty and not a stream.
I’m still lock with the newest firmware, SDK is failing to load the custom firmware I suppose because older

ah, yeah, alertstream is only working with the custom firmware
also you have indeed the callstatus, but it doesnt work , the state is always « idle »
the callstatus only works with the custom firmware, then the state changes

indeed you need to do some downgrade process, i never did that before, not sure how

Bonjour @NanoMaverick ,

tu as testé le script ?
impossible pour moi de faire l’ouverture via jeedom

si ca marche chez toi pourrais tu faire un screen du script :wink:


Par contre si je lance la commande directement dans Putty :

la ca marche le portail s’ouvre

Bonjour @nikedelick ,

Je n’avais effectivement pas encore testé via le plugin script :sweat_smile:

Je ne sais pas trop pourquoi mais j’ai toujours ce même problème dans Jeedom avec les PUT et POST, il faut :

  • éditer un fichier texte, en utilisant par exemple Jeexplore.
  • se positionner dans le répertoire plugins/script/data/
  • y mettre la donnée à soumettre au serveur, en l’occurence :
  • sauvegarder

Puis mettre à jour le script pour faire référence à ce fichier texte :

curl -i --digest -u admin:xxxx  -X PUT -d @/var/www/html/plugins/script/data/hikopen.txt http://192.168.xx.xx/ISAPI/AccessControl/RemoteControl/door/1

L’upgrade dans la version corrective récupérée par @pergolafabio (merci à lui) s’est bien passé mais effectivement il faut passer par un reset factory et refaire toute la config. Ca se fait plutôt bien via l’écran (beaucoup plus compliqué via l’ivms).

L’ouverture fonctionne bien mais pour le statut j’ai l’impression d’avoir toujours « idle ». Faut que je refasse des tests.

Your welcome :slight_smile:
If your status is always idle, then you are using the wrong callstatus url, it’s different for ds-kd8003…

Look in the home assistant thread , first post, the ISAPI url is a little bit different… And you need also custom firmware for 8003, otherwise it won’t work…
Also alertstream is included, so you can have door open and swipe events

1 « J'aime »


Tu es une légende, merci mille fois ca fait 6 mois que j’essaie tout.
avec ta technique ca marche du feu de dieu

Mille fois merci

1 « J'aime »

@nikedelick @NanoMaverick

Quels sont vos modèles respectifs de portiers hikvision ?
Quelles fonctions restent-elles à faire fonctionner avec Jeedom ?
Merci :wink: