Plantage du démon Openenocean, suite à un refresh de la puissance sur un module Avidsen fil pilote


J’ai un problème depuis ce midi, avec un module Avidsen qui a très bien fonctionné jusqu’à présent (plusieurs semaines).

Dès que je lance l’action « Refresh Puissance » sur ce module, le démon Openocean s’arrête avec l’erreur suivante: [ERROR] : Exception on enocean : 'UN’

J’ai essayé avec le log en debug, mais difficile de voir quelque chose:

[2020-12-28 19:06:39][DEBUG] : Client connected to []
[2020-12-28 19:06:39][DEBUG] : Message read from socket: {"apikey":"xxxxxxxxxxxxxx","cmd":"send","dest":"0514C9AA","profile":{"func":"01","rorg":"d2","type":"0c"},"command":{"command":"6","QU":"1","IO":"0"}}
[2020-12-28 19:06:39][DEBUG] : Client disconnected from []
[2020-12-28 19:06:39][DEBUG] : Message received in socket JEEDOM_SOCKET_MESSAGE
[2020-12-28 19:06:39][DEBUG] : Received command from jeedom : send
[2020-12-28 19:06:39][DEBUG] : Send command
[2020-12-28 19:06:39][DEBUG] : {u'QU': 1, u'IO': 0} on command 6 210 1 12
[2020-12-28 19:06:39][DEBUG] : [85, 0, 8, 7, 1, 61, 210, 6, 32, 255, 247, 75, 0, 0, 3, 5, 20, 201, 170, 255, 0, 169]
[2020-12-28 19:06:39][DEBUG] : Last packet for this 05:14:C9:AA was emited 95.0951340199 seconds ago
[2020-12-28 19:06:39][INFO] : Sending packet
[2020-12-28 19:06:39][DEBUG] : FF:F7:4B:00->05:14:C9:AA (-255 dBm): 0x01 ['0xd2', '0x6', '0x20', '0xff', '0xf7', '0x4b', '0x0', '0x0'] ['0x3', '0x5', '0x14', '0xc9', '0xaa', '0xff', '0x0'] OrderedDict([(u'CMD', {u'value': u'Command ID 6', u'description': u'Command indentifier', u'unit': u'', u'raw_value': 6}), (u'QU', {u'value': u'Query power', u'description': u'Query', u'unit': u'', u'raw_value': 1}), (u'IO', {u'value': u'Output channel 0 (to load)', u'description': u'I/O channel', u'unit': u'', u'raw_value': 0})])
[2020-12-28 19:06:39][INFO] : Sending packet
[2020-12-28 19:06:39][DEBUG] : FF:F7:4B:00->05:14:C9:AA (-255 dBm): 0x01 ['0xd2', '0x6', '0x20', '0xff', '0xf7', '0x4b', '0x0', '0x0'] ['0x3', '0x5', '0x14', '0xc9', '0xaa', '0xff', '0x0'] OrderedDict([(u'CMD', {u'value': u'Command ID 6', u'description': u'Command indentifier', u'unit': u'', u'raw_value': 6}), (u'QU', {u'value': u'Query power', u'description': u'Query', u'unit': u'', u'raw_value': 1}), (u'IO', {u'value': u'Output channel 0 (to load)', u'description': u'I/O channel', u'unit': u'', u'raw_value': 0})])
[2020-12-28 19:06:39][INFO] : Sending packet
[2020-12-28 19:06:39][DEBUG] : FF:F7:4B:00->05:14:C9:AA (-255 dBm): 0x01 ['0xd2', '0x6', '0x20', '0xff', '0xf7', '0x4b', '0x0', '0x0'] ['0x3', '0x5', '0x14', '0xc9', '0xaa', '0xff', '0x0'] OrderedDict([(u'CMD', {u'value': u'Command ID 6', u'description': u'Command indentifier', u'unit': u'', u'raw_value': 6}), (u'QU', {u'value': u'Query power', u'description': u'Query', u'unit': u'', u'raw_value': 1}), (u'IO', {u'value': u'Output channel 0 (to load)', u'description': u'I/O channel', u'unit': u'', u'raw_value': 0})])
[2020-12-28 19:06:39][DEBUG] : [85, 0, 1, 0, 2, 101, 0, 0]
[2020-12-28 19:06:39][DEBUG] : 0x02 ['0x0'] [] OrderedDict()
[2020-12-28 19:06:39][DEBUG] : Receive response packet : 2
[2020-12-28 19:06:39][DEBUG] : [85, 0, 1, 0, 2, 101, 0, 0]
[2020-12-28 19:06:39][DEBUG] : Response is : OK
[2020-12-28 19:06:39][DEBUG] : 0x02 ['0x0'] [] OrderedDict()
[2020-12-28 19:06:39][DEBUG] : [85, 0, 8, 7, 1, 61, 210, 6, 32, 255, 247, 75, 0, 129, 0, 5, 20, 201, 170, 91, 0, 47]
[2020-12-28 19:06:39][DEBUG] : FF:F7:4B:00->05:14:C9:AA (-91 dBm): 0x01 ['0xd2', '0x6', '0x20', '0xff', '0xf7', '0x4b', '0x0', '0x81'] ['0x0', '0x5', '0x14', '0xc9', '0xaa', '0x5b', '0x0'] OrderedDict()
[2020-12-28 19:06:39][DEBUG] : [85, 0, 1, 0, 2, 101, 0, 0]
[2020-12-28 19:06:39][DEBUG] : 0x02 ['0x0'] [] OrderedDict()
[2020-12-28 19:06:39][DEBUG] : Receive response packet : 2
[2020-12-28 19:06:39][DEBUG] : Response is : OK
[2020-12-28 19:06:39][DEBUG] : Ignore this is an echo
[2020-12-28 19:06:39][DEBUG] : Receive response packet : 2
[2020-12-28 19:06:39][DEBUG] : Response is : OK
[2020-12-28 19:06:39][DEBUG] : [85, 0, 12, 7, 1, 150, 210, 7, 224, 0, 151, 83, 106, 5, 20, 201, 170, 48, 0, 255, 255, 255, 255, 67, 0, 36]
[2020-12-28 19:06:39][DEBUG] : 05:14:C9:AA->FF:FF:FF:FF (-67 dBm): 0x01 ['0xd2', '0x7', '0xe0', '0x0', '0x97', '0x53', '0x6a', '0x5', '0x14', '0xc9', '0xaa', '0x30'] ['0x0', '0xff', '0xff', '0xff', '0xff', '0x43', '0x0'] OrderedDict()
[2020-12-28 19:06:39][DEBUG] : Message is repeated 0 times
[2020-12-28 19:06:39][DEBUG] : {'repeat': '0', 'dBm': '-67', 'rorg': u'd2', 'destination': 'FFFFFFFF', 'cmd': 7, 'packet_type': '1', 'func': u'01', 'type': u'0c', 'id': '0514C9AA', 'manufacturer': '000'}
[2020-12-28 19:06:39][DEBUG] : Parsing Packet
[2020-12-28 19:06:39][DEBUG] : Its a VLD message
[2020-12-28 19:06:39][ERROR] : Exception on enocean : 'UN'
[2020-12-28 19:06:39][DEBUG] : Shutdown
[2020-12-28 19:06:39][DEBUG] : Removing PID file /tmp/jeedom/openenocean/
[2020-12-28 19:06:39][DEBUG] : LoopNetServer Thread stopped
[2020-12-28 19:06:39][DEBUG] : Exit 0

Je n’ai aucun problème avec les autres modules Advisen de mon installation. Voici un exemple de log de « Refresh Puissance » avec un module qui fonctionne bien:

[2020-12-28 19:21:01][DEBUG] : Client connected to []
[2020-12-28 19:21:01][DEBUG] : Message read from socket: {"apikey":"xxxxxxxxxxxxxx","cmd":"send","dest":"0514CDBD","profile":{"func":"01","rorg":"d2","type":"0c"},"command":{"command":"6","QU":"1","IO":"0"}}
[2020-12-28 19:21:01][DEBUG] : Client disconnected from []
[2020-12-28 19:21:01][DEBUG] : Message received in socket JEEDOM_SOCKET_MESSAGE
[2020-12-28 19:21:01][DEBUG] : Received command from jeedom : send
[2020-12-28 19:21:01][DEBUG] : Send command
[2020-12-28 19:21:01][DEBUG] : {u'QU': 1, u'IO': 0} on command 6 210 1 12
[2020-12-28 19:21:01][DEBUG] : [85, 0, 8, 7, 1, 61, 210, 6, 32, 255, 247, 75, 0, 0, 3, 5, 20, 205, 189, 255, 0, 69]
[2020-12-28 19:21:01][DEBUG] : Last packet for this 05:14:CD:BD was emited 55.7433700562 seconds ago
[2020-12-28 19:21:01][INFO] : Sending packet
[2020-12-28 19:21:01][DEBUG] : FF:F7:4B:00->05:14:CD:BD (-255 dBm): 0x01 ['0xd2', '0x6', '0x20', '0xff', '0xf7', '0x4b', '0x0', '0x0'] ['0x3', '0x5', '0x14', '0xcd', '0xbd', '0xff', '0x0'] OrderedDict([(u'CMD', {u'value': u'Command ID 6', u'description': u'Command indentifier', u'unit': u'', u'raw_value': 6}), (u'QU', {u'value': u'Query power', u'description': u'Query', u'unit': u'', u'raw_value': 1}), (u'IO', {u'value': u'Output channel 0 (to load)', u'description': u'I/O channel', u'unit': u'', u'raw_value': 0})])
[2020-12-28 19:21:01][INFO] : Sending packet
[2020-12-28 19:21:01][DEBUG] : FF:F7:4B:00->05:14:CD:BD (-255 dBm): 0x01 ['0xd2', '0x6', '0x20', '0xff', '0xf7', '0x4b', '0x0', '0x0'] ['0x3', '0x5', '0x14', '0xcd', '0xbd', '0xff', '0x0'] OrderedDict([(u'CMD', {u'value': u'Command ID 6', u'description': u'Command indentifier', u'unit': u'', u'raw_value': 6}), (u'QU', {u'value': u'Query power', u'description': u'Query', u'unit': u'', u'raw_value': 1}), (u'IO', {u'value': u'Output channel 0 (to load)', u'description': u'I/O channel', u'unit': u'', u'raw_value': 0})])
[2020-12-28 19:21:01][INFO] : Sending packet
[2020-12-28 19:21:01][DEBUG] : FF:F7:4B:00->05:14:CD:BD (-255 dBm): 0x01 ['0xd2', '0x6', '0x20', '0xff', '0xf7', '0x4b', '0x0', '0x0'] ['0x3', '0x5', '0x14', '0xcd', '0xbd', '0xff', '0x0'] OrderedDict([(u'CMD', {u'value': u'Command ID 6', u'description': u'Command indentifier', u'unit': u'', u'raw_value': 6}), (u'QU', {u'value': u'Query power', u'description': u'Query', u'unit': u'', u'raw_value': 1}), (u'IO', {u'value': u'Output channel 0 (to load)', u'description': u'I/O channel', u'unit': u'', u'raw_value': 0})])
[2020-12-28 19:21:01][DEBUG] : [85, 0, 1, 0, 2, 101, 0, 0]
[2020-12-28 19:21:01][DEBUG] : 0x02 ['0x0'] [] OrderedDict()
[2020-12-28 19:21:01][DEBUG] : [85, 0, 12, 7, 1, 150, 210, 7, 96, 0, 0, 0, 0, 5, 20, 205, 189, 48, 0, 255, 255, 255, 255, 88, 0, 242]
[2020-12-28 19:21:01][DEBUG] : 05:14:CD:BD->FF:FF:FF:FF (-88 dBm): 0x01 ['0xd2', '0x7', '0x60', '0x0', '0x0', '0x0', '0x0', '0x5', '0x14', '0xcd', '0xbd', '0x30'] ['0x0', '0xff', '0xff', '0xff', '0xff', '0x58', '0x0'] OrderedDict()
[2020-12-28 19:21:01][DEBUG] : [85, 0, 1, 0, 2, 101, 0, 0]
[2020-12-28 19:21:01][DEBUG] : 0x02 ['0x0'] [] OrderedDict()
[2020-12-28 19:21:01][DEBUG] : [85, 0, 8, 7, 1, 61, 210, 6, 32, 255, 247, 75, 0, 129, 0, 5, 20, 205, 189, 88, 0, 252]
[2020-12-28 19:21:01][DEBUG] : FF:F7:4B:00->05:14:CD:BD (-88 dBm): 0x01 ['0xd2', '0x6', '0x20', '0xff', '0xf7', '0x4b', '0x0', '0x81'] ['0x0', '0x5', '0x14', '0xcd', '0xbd', '0x58', '0x0'] OrderedDict()
[2020-12-28 19:21:01][DEBUG] : Receive response packet : 2
[2020-12-28 19:21:01][DEBUG] : Response is : OK
[2020-12-28 19:21:01][DEBUG] : Message is repeated 0 times
[2020-12-28 19:21:01][DEBUG] : {'repeat': '0', 'dBm': '-88', 'rorg': u'd2', 'destination': 'FFFFFFFF', 'cmd': 7, 'packet_type': '1', 'func': u'01', 'type': u'0c', 'id': '0514CDBD', 'manufacturer': '000'}
[2020-12-28 19:21:01][DEBUG] : Parsing Packet
[2020-12-28 19:21:01][DEBUG] : Its a VLD message
[2020-12-28 19:21:01][DEBUG] : Decode data : {"repeat": "0", "dBm": "-88", "IO": {"value": "Output channel 0 (to load)", "description": "I/O channel", "unit": "", "raw_value": 0}, "P1": 0.0, "MV": {"value": 0.0, "description": "Measurement value", "unit": "", "raw_value": 0}, "rorg": "d2", "destination": "FFFFFFFF", "CMD": {"value": "Command ID 7", "description": "Command indentifier", "unit": "", "raw_value": 7}, "cmd": 7, "packet_type": "1", "func": "01", "UN": {"value": "Power [W]", "description": "Unit", "unit": "", "raw_value": 3}, "type": "0c", "id": "0514CDBD", "manufacturer": "000"}
[2020-12-28 19:21:01][DEBUG] : Receive response packet : 2
[2020-12-28 19:21:01][DEBUG] : Response is : OK
[2020-12-28 19:21:01][DEBUG] : Ignore this is an echo
[2020-12-28 19:21:01][DEBUG] : [85, 0, 1, 0, 2, 101, 0, 0]
[2020-12-28 19:21:01][DEBUG] : 0x02 ['0x0'] [] OrderedDict()
[2020-12-28 19:21:01][DEBUG] : Receive response packet : 2
[2020-12-28 19:21:01][DEBUG] : Response is : OK
[2020-12-28 19:21:01][DEBUG] : Send to jeedom : {'devices': {'0514CDBD': {'repeat': '0', 'dBm': '-88', u'IO': {u'value': u'Output channel 0 (to load)', u'description': u'I/O channel', u'unit': u'', u'raw_value': 0}, 'P1': 0.0, u'MV': {u'value': 0.0, u'description': u'Measurement value', u'unit': u'', u'raw_value': 0}, 'rorg': u'd2', 'destination': 'FFFFFFFF', u'CMD': {u'value': u'Command ID 7', u'description': u'Command indentifier', u'unit': u'', u'raw_value': 7}, 'cmd': 7, 'packet_type': '1', 'func': u'01', u'UN': {u'value': u'Power [W]', u'description': u'Unit', u'unit': u'', u'raw_value': 3}, 'type': u'0c', 'id': '0514CDBD', 'manufacturer': '000'}}}
[2020-12-28 19:21:01][DEBUG] : Starting new HTTP connection (1):
[2020-12-28 19:21:01][DEBUG] : "POST /plugins/openenocean/core/php/jeeOpenEnOcean.php?apikey=xxxxxxxxxxx HTTP/1.1" 200 0

Il faudrait à minima que l’erreur soit « catchée » par le démon, pour ne pas le faire planter.

A priori, l’erreur interviendrait juste après le « Its a VLD message », pendant le « Decode data » (on voit un ‹ UN › dans le cas qui marche).

Version Jeedom: v4.0.61
Version plugin Enocean: 2020-11-21 01:02:49
Tourne sur un Raspberry Pi 3 DIY + carte Enocean PI



J’ai pu constater sur ce module, depuis hier, une consommation mesurée largement surévaluée (un bon x10).

Après un « reboot » du module aujourd’hui (coupure du courant), tout est rentré dans l’ordre. Je peux à nouveau faire un refresh de la puissance, sans faire tomber le démon.

c’est fou, j’ai eu le meme probleme le 12 janvier dernier sur un module

Le tien date de quelle année ? (4 premiers chiffre du numero de serie)
Je pose la question par rapport a ce probleme Avidsen

Non, c’était un vieux modèle, que j’ai remplacé depuis. Ça ne s’est pas reproduit avec le nouveau