Pas de remontée de données - erreur geckodriver

Non ce n’est pas un pb d’install mais un check de version à adapter dans le script

Tu peux quand même mettre le log d’installation des dépendances

Alors le souci est que lorsque je lance l’installation des dépendances, je n’ai aucun log de créé.

Tu n’as pas de log teleo_update ?

Non rien du tout, c’est étrange…

Ok j’ai trouvé pourquoi, attends la mise à jour de demain et relance les dépendances. Cette fois ci elles devraient s’exécuter

Ok, merci beaucoup pour tes réponses! Je te tiendrai au courant.


J’ai installé la dernière version et lancé l’installation des dépendances.
Cette fois cela a bien fonctionné mais j’ai l’impression que je n’ai toujours pas la bonne version de Firefox :

Installation des dépendances

Update package lists from repositories

Hit:1 Index of /debian buster InRelease
Hit:2 Index of /raspbian buster InRelease
Get:3 Index of linux/raspbian/ buster InRelease [33.6 kB]
Hit:4 buster InRelease
Fetched 33.6 kB in 2s (21.7 kB/s)
Reading package lists…

Install Firefox

Reading package lists…
Building dependency tree…
Reading state information…
firefox-esr is already the newest version (91.13.0esr-1~deb10u1+rpi1).
The following packages were automatically installed and are no longer required:
libevent-core-2.1-6 libevent-pthreads-2.1-6 libmbim-glib4 libmbim-proxy
libopts25 libqmi-glib5 libqmi-proxy python-bcrypt python-blinker
python-fasteners python-jwt python-lockfile python-monotonic python-nacl
python-oauthlib python-paramiko python-pexpect python-ptyprocess
python-pyasn1 sntp squashfs-tools
Use ‹ sudo apt autoremove › to remove them.
0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 330 not upgraded.

Install iceweasel and xvfb

Reading package lists…
Building dependency tree…
Reading state information…
iceweasel is already the newest version (91.13.0esr-1~deb10u1+rpi1).
xvfb is already the newest version (2:1.20.4-1+rpt4+deb10u6).
The following packages were automatically installed and are no longer required:
libevent-core-2.1-6 libevent-pthreads-2.1-6 libmbim-glib4 libmbim-proxy
libopts25 libqmi-glib5 libqmi-proxy python-bcrypt python-blinker
python-fasteners python-jwt python-lockfile python-monotonic python-nacl
python-oauthlib python-paramiko python-pexpect python-ptyprocess
python-pyasn1 sntp squashfs-tools
Use ‹ sudo apt autoremove › to remove them.
0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 330 not upgraded.

Install geckodriver

Machine Hardware name: armv7l
geckodriver driver successfully installed

Install Python3 and dependencies

Reading package lists…
Building dependency tree…
Reading state information…
python3 is already the newest version (3.7.3-1).
python3-pip is already the newest version (18.1-5+rpt1).
The following packages were automatically installed and are no longer required:
libevent-core-2.1-6 libevent-pthreads-2.1-6 libmbim-glib4 libmbim-proxy
libopts25 libqmi-glib5 libqmi-proxy python-bcrypt python-blinker
python-fasteners python-jwt python-lockfile python-monotonic python-nacl
python-oauthlib python-paramiko python-pexpect python-ptyprocess
python-pyasn1 sntp squashfs-tools
Use ‹ sudo apt autoremove › to remove them.
0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 330 not upgraded.

Python3 ‹ selenium › module

Looking in indexes: Simple index,
Requirement already satisfied: selenium in /usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages (3.141.0)
Requirement already satisfied: urllib3 in /usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages (from selenium) (1.26.8)

Python3 ‹ pyvirtualdisplay › module

Looking in indexes: Simple index,
Requirement already satisfied: pyvirtualdisplay in /usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages (2.0)
Requirement already satisfied: EasyProcess in /usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages (from pyvirtualdisplay) (0.3)

Python3 ‹ urllib3 › module

Looking in indexes: Simple index,
Requirement already satisfied: urllib3 in /usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages (1.26.8)

Installation terminée

Résumé installation :

  1. Mozilla Firefox 91.13.0esr
  2. geckodriver :
    armv7l geckodriver 0.31.0
    The source code of this program is available from
    testing/geckodriver in mozilla-central: Summary.
    This program is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License 2.0.
    You can obtain a copy of the license at Mozilla Public License, version 2.0.
  3. Packages:
    firefox-esr install
    iceweasel install
    python3-pip install
    xvfb install
  4. Python 3.7.3
  5. Python modules:
    PyVirtualDisplay 2.0
    selenium 3.141.0
    urllib3 1.26.8

Hello, normalement c’est bon, le plugin gère çà : il a installé la version 0.31 du driver compatible avec Firefox 91 qui est la dernière version dispo pour armv7l

Effectivement, tu as raison, j’ai forcé la récupération des données et cela marche bien, bravo et encore merci !

Hello, idem de mon côté, cela fonctionne après ré-installation de la beta. Merci @Aegis !

Edit : La remonté d’info côté Veolia est dans les choux…