Suite du sujet Domotiser une pac non domotisable :

Je viens de mettre en place cette solution et c’est puissant et pour un prix dérisoire

esp32 10€ carte BSB-LAN 40€ commandé auprès de Frederik.

Mqtt facile a mettre en place, j utilise le plugin jmqtt et le broker est sur MQTT MANAGER.

Je pourrais donner des détails si cela intéresse ;…

Hello @adejee,

Merci pour ce premier retour. Oui, je suis très intéressé par des détails supplémentaires, quelques photos, captures d’écran et pourquoi pas un template jMQTT ?


J’aurais aimé la même chose pour ma PAC heiwa mais je me contente du broadlink en attendant un pluguin d’intégration jeedom :frowning:

Oui j ai franchi le pas suite à cette video , je suis en cours d installation finale, reçu aujourd’hui hui le fichier Maj par @freetz


suivant extrait template @Bad

    "Esp32": {
        "name": "Esp32",
        "eqType_name": "jMQTT",
        "configuration": {
            "type": "eqpt",
            "createtime": "2023-12-10 11:42:18",
            "auto_add_cmd": "1",
            "auto_add_topic": "%s/#",
            "Qos": "1",
            "battery_type": "Secteur",
            "commentaire": "8006 en surveillance historisé\n0 - Mode protection|Mode protection;1 - Automatique|Automatique;2 - Réduit|Réduit;3 - Confort|Confort",
            "icone": "water-boiler",
            "updatetime": "2023-12-16 19:21:03"
        "category": {
            "heating": "1",
            "security": "0",
            "energy": "0",
            "light": "0",
            "opening": "0",
            "automatism": "0",
            "multimedia": "0",
            "default": "0"
        "display": {
            "width": "552px",
            "height": "272px",
            "backGraph::color": "#4572a7",
            "backGraph::format": "hour",
            "backGraph::type": "areaspline",
            "parameters": [],
            "backGraph::info": "0"
        "status": {
            "lastCommunication": "2023-10-26 20:06:13",
            "enableDatime": "2023-10-26 20:06:13"
        "cache": [],
        "commands": [
                "eqType": "jMQTT",
                "name": "700",
                "type": "info",
                "subType": "string",
                "isHistorized": "1",
                "configuration": {
                    "topic": "%s/700"
                "template": {
                    "dashboard": "default",
                    "mobile": "default"
                "display": {
                    "invertBinary": "0"
                "isVisible": "1",
                "alert": []
                "eqType": "jMQTT",
                "name": "status",
                "type": "info",
                "subType": "string",
                "isHistorized": "0",
                "configuration": {
                    "topic": "%s/status"
                "template": {
                    "dashboard": "default",
                    "mobile": "default"
                "isVisible": "1",
                "alert": []
                "eqType": "jMQTT",
                "name": "710",
                "type": "info",
                "subType": "string",
                "isHistorized": "0",
                "configuration": {
                    "topic": "%s/710"
                "template": {
                    "dashboard": "default",
                    "mobile": "default"
                "display": {
                    "invertBinary": "0"
                "isVisible": "1",
                "alert": []
                "eqType": "jMQTT",
                "name": "712",
                "type": "info",
                "subType": "string",
                "isHistorized": "0",
                "configuration": {
                    "topic": "%s/712"
                "template": {
                    "dashboard": "default",
                    "mobile": "default"
                "display": {
                    "invertBinary": "0"
                "isVisible": "1",
                "alert": []
                "eqType": "jMQTT",
                "name": "714",
                "type": "info",
                "subType": "string",
                "isHistorized": "0",
                "configuration": {
                    "topic": "%s/714"
                "template": {
                    "dashboard": "default",
                    "mobile": "default"
                "display": {
                    "invertBinary": "0"
                "isVisible": "1",
                "alert": []
                "eqType": "jMQTT",
                "name": "8000",
                "type": "info",
                "subType": "string",
                "isHistorized": "0",
                "configuration": {
                    "topic": "%s/8000"
                "template": {
                    "dashboard": "default",
                    "mobile": "default"
                "display": {
                    "invertBinary": "0"
                "isVisible": "1",
                "alert": []
                "eqType": "jMQTT",
                "name": "8006",
                "type": "info",
                "subType": "string",
                "isHistorized": "1",
                "configuration": {
                    "topic": "%s/8006"
                "template": {
                    "dashboard": "default",
                    "mobile": "default"
                "display": {
                    "invertBinary": "0"
                "isVisible": "1",
                "alert": []
                "eqType": "jMQTT",
                "name": "8410",
                "type": "info",
                "subType": "string",
                "isHistorized": "0",
                "configuration": {
                    "topic": "%s/8410"
                "template": {
                    "dashboard": "default",
                    "mobile": "default"
                "display": {
                    "invertBinary": "0"
                "isVisible": "1",
                "alert": []
                "eqType": "jMQTT",
                "name": "8411",
                "type": "info",
                "subType": "string",
                "isHistorized": "0",
                "configuration": {
                    "topic": "%s/8411"
                "template": {
                    "dashboard": "default",
                    "mobile": "default"
                "display": {
                    "invertBinary": "0"
                "isVisible": "1",
                "alert": []
                "eqType": "jMQTT",
                "name": "8412",
                "type": "info",
                "subType": "string",
                "isHistorized": "0",
                "configuration": {
                    "topic": "%s/8412"
                "template": {
                    "dashboard": "default",
                    "mobile": "default"
                "display": {
                    "invertBinary": "0"
                "isVisible": "1",
                "alert": []
                "eqType": "jMQTT",
                "name": "8413",
                "type": "info",
                "subType": "string",
                "isHistorized": "0",
                "configuration": {
                    "topic": "%s/8413"
                "template": {
                    "dashboard": "default",
                    "mobile": "default"
                "display": {
                    "invertBinary": "0"
                "isVisible": "1",
                "alert": []
                "eqType": "jMQTT",
                "name": "8700",
                "type": "info",
                "subType": "string",
                "isHistorized": "0",
                "configuration": {
                    "topic": "%s/8700"
                "template": {
                    "dashboard": "default",
                    "mobile": "default"
                "display": {
                    "invertBinary": "0"
                "isVisible": "1",
                "alert": []
                "eqType": "jMQTT",
                "name": "8740",
                "type": "info",
                "subType": "string",
                "isHistorized": "0",
                "configuration": {
                    "topic": "%s/8740"
                "template": {
                    "dashboard": "default",
                    "mobile": "default"
                "display": {
                    "invertBinary": "0"
                "isVisible": "1",
                "alert": []
                "eqType": "jMQTT",
                "name": "Mode chauffage",
                "type": "action",
                "subType": "select",
                "isHistorized": "0",
                "configuration": {
                    "topic": "%s/700",
                    "listValue": "0 - Mode protection|Mode protection;1 - Automatique|Automatique;2 - Réduit|Réduit;3 - Confort|Confort",
                    "retain": "0",
                    "autoPub": "0",
                    "timeline::enable": "0",
                    "interact::auto::disable": "0",
                    "actionConfirm": "0",
                    "actionCheckCmd": [],
                    "jeedomPreExecCmd": [],
                    "jeedomPostExecCmd": []
                "template": {
                    "dashboard": "default",
                    "mobile": "default"
                "display": {
                    "showNameOndashboard": "1",
                    "showNameOnmobile": "1",
                    "showIconAndNamedashboard": "0",
                    "showIconAndNamemobile": "0",
                    "forceReturnLineBefore": "0",
                    "forceReturnLineAfter": "0",
                    "parameters": []
                "value": "700",
                "isVisible": "1",
                "alert": []

reste la commande liste 700 a mettre en place , je n’arrive pas a reproduire comme sur HA
avec le très bon plugin plugin-bblan de @bernard.dandrea s’est ok, mais j’aimerais connaitre la mécanique action de mqtt ,la doc parle :

The command syntax is:

set <MQTT server> publish <topic> <command>

<MQTT server> = The name of the MQTT server.

<topic> = Default setting is “BSB-LAN”, otherwise the defined “MQTTTopicPrefix” in the file BSB_LAN_config.h accordingly. If no topic is defined (not advisable), “FromBroker” must be taken as topic.

<command> = The query of the specific parameter or the corresponding parameter-specific URL command S or I.

extrait de mqtt HA:

- name: "Pompe à chaleur"
  unique_id: "esp_bsblan_climate"
    name: "esp-bsblan"
    configuration_url : ""
    identifiers: "ESP32BSBLAN"
    model: "esp32dev"
    manufacturer : "Espressif"
  payload_on: 1
  payload_off: 0
    - auto
    - heat
    - cool
    - 'off'
  mode_state_topic: "BSB-LAN/700"
  mode_state_template: >-
     {% set values = { '0 - Mode protection':'off', '1 - Automatique':'auto', '2 - Réduit':'cool', '3 - Confort':'heat'} %}
     {{ values[value] if value in values.keys() else 'off' }}
  mode_command_topic: "BSB-LAN"
  mode_command_template: >-
     {% set values = { 'off':'S700=0', 'auto':'S700=1', 'cool':'S700=2', 'heat':'S700=3'} %}
     {{ values[value] if value in values.keys() else '0' }}

Hello @adejee,

Merci pour le template jMQTT. Attention, la commande « 700 » est de type info/autre et historisée.

D’après le template HA et jMQTT, tu n’envoies pas les bonnes infos dans le select, essaye la liste :

1|Automatique;2|Réduit;3|Confort;0|Mode protection


auto|Automatique;cool|Réduit;heat|Confort;off|Mode protection

Sinon une capture de ce que tu reçois sur les topics du BSBLAN quand tu effectues les actions depuis HA et Jeedom seraient les bienvenues :wink:

EDIT, suite à la lecture de la doc, j’ai l’impression que les actions sont à faire directement sur le topic référencé par « MQTTTopicPrefix » :

Donc commande action/liste" à créer :
Topic : BSB-LAN (pas sur BSB-LAN/700)
Paramètres de la liste :

S700=1|Automatique;S700=2|Réduit;S700=3|Confort;S700=0|Mode protection



S700=1|Automatique;S700=2|Réduit;S700=3|Confort;S700=0|Mode protection

Effectivement le topic

et la commande liste doit être renseigné comme au dessus

donc solution pour toi!!! trop fort!!! :blush: :wink: :wink:
j’attend avant de solutionner
il reste la temperature a pouvoir régler en m’inspirant de ceci

##                         MQTT  BSB LAN                  ##
- name: "Pompe à chaleur"
  unique_id: "esp_bsblan_climate"
    name: "esp-bsblan"
    configuration_url : ""
    identifiers: "ESP32BSBLAN"
    model: "esp32dev"
    manufacturer : "Espressif"
  payload_on: 1
  payload_off: 0
    - auto
    - heat
    - cool
    - 'off'
  mode_state_topic: "BSB-LAN/700"
  mode_state_template: >-
     {% set values = { '0 - Mode protection':'off', '1 - Automatique':'auto', '2 - Réduit':'cool', '3 - Confort':'heat'} %}
     {{ values[value] if value in values.keys() else 'off' }}
  mode_command_topic: "BSB-LAN"
  mode_command_template: >-
     {% set values = { 'off':'S700=0', 'auto':'S700=1', 'cool':'S700=2', 'heat':'S700=3'} %}
     {{ values[value] if value in values.keys() else '0' }}
  current_temperature_topic: "BSB-LAN/8740"
  min_temp: 17
  max_temp: 24
  temp_step: 0.5
  temperature_state_topic: "BSB-LAN/710"
  temperature_command_topic: "BSB-LAN"
  temperature_command_template: "{{'S710='+ (value| string)}}"

trop fort cette solution pour ma pac de 2013 hiha

jeedom n’a pas a rougir de HA

    "Esp": {
        "name": "Esp",
        "eqType_name": "jMQTT",
        "configuration": {
            "type": "eqpt",
            "createtime": "2023-12-10 11:42:18",
            "auto_add_cmd": "1",
            "auto_add_topic": "%s/#",
            "Qos": "1",
            "battery_type": "Secteur",
            "commentaire": "8006 en surveillance historisé\nLISTE\nS700=0|Mode protection;S700=1|Automatique;S700=2|Réduit;S700=3|Confort",
            "icone": "water-boiler",
            "updatetime": "2023-12-17 13:07:56"
        "category": {
            "heating": "1",
            "security": "0",
            "energy": "0",
            "light": "0",
            "opening": "0",
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        "status": {
            "lastCommunication": "2023-10-26 20:06:13",
            "enableDatime": "2023-10-26 20:06:13"
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                "name": "700",
                "type": "info",
                "subType": "string",
                "isHistorized": "1",
                "configuration": {
                    "topic": "%s/700"
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                    "dashboard": "default",
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                "eqType": "jMQTT",
                "name": "BSB-LAN",
                "type": "info",
                "subType": "string",
                "isHistorized": "0",
                "configuration": {
                    "topic": "%s"
                "template": {
                    "dashboard": "default",
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                    "invertBinary": "0"
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                "alert": []
                "eqType": "jMQTT",
                "name": "MQTT",
                "type": "info",
                "subType": "string",
                "isHistorized": "0",
                "configuration": {
                    "topic": "%s/MQTT"
                "template": {
                    "dashboard": "default",
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                    "topic": "%s/status"
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                    "dashboard": "default",
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                "eqType": "jMQTT",
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                "type": "info",
                "subType": "string",
                "isHistorized": "0",
                "configuration": {
                    "topic": "%s/710"
                "template": {
                    "dashboard": "default",
                    "mobile": "default"
                "display": {
                    "invertBinary": "0"
                "isVisible": "1",
                "alert": []
                "eqType": "jMQTT",
                "name": "712",
                "type": "info",
                "subType": "string",
                "isHistorized": "0",
                "configuration": {
                    "topic": "%s/712"
                "template": {
                    "dashboard": "default",
                    "mobile": "default"
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                    "invertBinary": "0"
                "isVisible": "1",
                "alert": []
                "eqType": "jMQTT",
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                "type": "info",
                "subType": "string",
                "isHistorized": "0",
                "configuration": {
                    "topic": "%s/714"
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                    "dashboard": "default",
                    "mobile": "default"
                "display": {
                    "invertBinary": "0"
                "isVisible": "1",
                "alert": []
                "eqType": "jMQTT",
                "name": "8000",
                "type": "info",
                "subType": "string",
                "isHistorized": "0",
                "configuration": {
                    "topic": "%s/8000"
                "template": {
                    "dashboard": "default",
                    "mobile": "default"
                "display": {
                    "invertBinary": "0"
                "isVisible": "1",
                "alert": []
                "eqType": "jMQTT",
                "name": "8006",
                "type": "info",
                "subType": "string",
                "isHistorized": "1",
                "configuration": {
                    "topic": "%s/8006"
                "template": {
                    "dashboard": "default",
                    "mobile": "default"
                "display": {
                    "invertBinary": "0"
                "isVisible": "1",
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                "eqType": "jMQTT",
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                "configuration": {
                    "topic": "%s/8410"
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                "eqType": "jMQTT",
                "name": "8411",
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                    "topic": "%s/8411"
                "template": {
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                "display": {
                    "invertBinary": "0"
                "isVisible": "1",
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                "eqType": "jMQTT",
                "name": "8412",
                "type": "info",
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                "configuration": {
                    "topic": "%s/8412"
                "template": {
                    "dashboard": "default",
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                "eqType": "jMQTT",
                "name": "8413",
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                "configuration": {
                    "topic": "%s/8413"
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                "eqType": "jMQTT",
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                "type": "info",
                "subType": "string",
                "isHistorized": "0",
                "configuration": {
                    "topic": "%s/8700"
                "template": {
                    "dashboard": "default",
                    "mobile": "default"
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                "isVisible": "1",
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                "name": "8740",
                "type": "info",
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                    "topic": "%s/8740"
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                "subType": "select",
                "isHistorized": "0",
                "configuration": {
                    "topic": "%s",
                    "listValue": "S700=0|Mode protection;S700=1|Automatique;S700=2|Réduit;S700=3|Confort",
                    "retain": "0",
                    "autoPub": "0",
                    "timeline::enable": "0",
                    "interact::auto::disable": "0",
                    "actionConfirm": "0",
                    "actionCheckCmd": [],
                    "jeedomPreExecCmd": [],
                    "jeedomPostExecCmd": []
                "template": {
                    "dashboard": "default",
                    "mobile": "default"
                "display": {
                    "showNameOndashboard": "1",
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                    "parameters": []
                "value": "700",
                "isVisible": "1",
                "alert": []

Pac_atlantic_extensa.json.txt (12,8 Ko)

    "Pac atlantic extensa": {
        "name": "Pac atlantic extensa",
        "eqType_name": "jMQTT",
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            "auto_add_topic": "%s/#",
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            "battery_type": "Secteur",
            "commentaire": "8006 en surveillance historisé\nLISTE\nS700=0|Mode protection;S700=1|Automatique;S700=2|Réduit;S700=3|Confort",
            "icone": "water-boiler",
            "updatetime": "2023-12-18 10:51:06"
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            "heating": "1",
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                "unite": "°c",
                "configuration": {
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                "display": {
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                "eqType": "jMQTT",
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                "type": "info",
                "subType": "string",
                "isHistorized": "0",
                "unite": "°c",
                "configuration": {
                    "topic": "%s/712"
                "template": {
                    "dashboard": "default",
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                "display": {
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                "alert": []
                "eqType": "jMQTT",
                "name": "714",
                "type": "info",
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                "eqType": "jMQTT",
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                "configuration": {
                    "topic": "%s",
                    "listValue": "S700=0|Mode protection;S700=1|Automatique;S700=2|Réduit;S700=3|Confort",
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                "template": {
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                "value": "700",
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                "name": "Consigne",
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                "configuration": {
                    "topic": "%s",
                    "request": "S710=#slider#",
                    "minValue": "19.0",
                    "maxValue": "24.0",
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                    "jeedomPostExecCmd": []
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                    "parameters": {
                        "minValue": "19.0",
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                "value": "710",
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                "alert": []

donc pour la modification de temperature pour le mode confort la valeur est S710=#slider#
aussi lu sur la doc jmqtt renseigne OBLIGATOIREMENT deux lignes de paramètres optionnels widget 1. minValue ex:19 2,maxValue ex:24
sinon j’ai eu un truc bizarre la sonde règle a 4°c,
aussi par défaut le pas (step) est bien de 0.5°c donc parfait associé sur la même page avec le widget Button

A la création des commandes sur le topic BSB-LAN, une commande info bsb-lan se créé et comme on le voit, la valeur pour la commande S710, est S710=20. Puis directement après la commande passé, la commande MQTT se créé, c’est le bsb-lan qui renvoie un accusé de reception avec pour valeur ACK_Sxxx=xx

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