Nouveau Plugin Enphase Secure pour les firmware V7

Bonjour à tous, je suis en train de finaliser la version avec un daemon qui devrait être dispo en beta fin de semaine je pense, au menu:

  • actualisation des valeurs à 10s (réglable)
  • sauvegarde du token donc pas besoin d’avoir une connexion permanente
  • amélioration des messages d’erreurs
  • possibilité de divisé en 3 widgets distinct
1 « J'aime »


Le plug in fonctionnait bien avant… moins bien maintenant :slightly_frowning_face:
[2022-11-01 22:21:29]ERROR : Fatal error : Expecting value: line 1 column 1 (char 0)

je suis avec la version du 2022-11-01 17:55:32

1 « J'aime »

Essai de re sauvegarder les paramètres dans le plugin et de relancer le démon.

J’ai refait la manip depuis plusieurs jeedom et je n’ai pas ce message


J’ai fait la mise a jour de ce matin… et ca fonctionne!
Je ne sais pas si tu as changer qq chose mais bon, le principale c’est que ca fonctionne.

Bonne journée

Bonjour cddu33,
je viens de mettre à jour la version du 2/112022 6H39
j’ai 2 erreurs qui remonte

[2022-11-02 14:59:50][ERROR] : Erreur de connexion aux serveurs Enphase
[2022-11-02 14:59:56][ERROR] : Erreur de connexion aux serveurs Enphase
[2022-11-02 18:16:50][ERROR] : Fatal error : Expecting value: line 1 column 1 (char 0)
[2022-11-02 18:17:55][ERROR] : Fatal error : Expecting value: line 1 column 1 (char 0)
[2022-11-02 18:19:01][ERROR] : Fatal error : Expecting value: line 1 column 1 (char 0)
[2022-11-02 18:20:06][ERROR] : Fatal error : Expecting value: line 1 column 1 (char 0)

en relançant le démon ou en réinstallant les dépendance rien ne change, j’ai toujours les même erreurs qui remonte.
apparemment l’erreur de connexion aux serveurs Enphase surviennent quand je me connecte à la passerelle avec l’interface WEB et je n’ai plus de remonter d’info sur le plugin.


Je constate aussi l’erreur de connexion aux serveurs :

[2022-11-02 09:13:08][ERROR] : Erreur de connexion aux serveurs Enphase
[2022-11-02 09:13:43][ERROR] : Erreur de connexion aux serveurs Enphase

Suite au commentaire de vortex31 (merci) je me suis déconnecté sur l’interface web et la connexion s’opère mais une requête tombe ensuite en erreur « 401 Unauthorized »:

[2022-11-02 18:50:28][INFO] : Start demond
[2022-11-02 18:50:28][INFO] : Log level : debug
[2022-11-02 18:50:28][INFO] : Socket port : 10628
[2022-11-02 18:50:28][INFO] : Socket host : localhost
[2022-11-02 18:50:28][INFO] : PID file : /tmp/jeedom/enphasesecur/
[2022-11-02 18:50:28][INFO] : Apikey : dDehhf1...
[2022-11-02 18:50:28][INFO] : Device : auto
[2022-11-02 18:50:28][INFO] : Callback :
[2022-11-02 18:50:28][INFO] : Delais actualisation : 30
[2022-11-02 18:50:28][DEBUG] : User : xxxxx
[2022-11-02 18:50:28][DEBUG] : Password : yyyyy
[2022-11-02 18:50:28][DEBUG] : Id Site : ssssss
[2022-11-02 18:50:28][DEBUG] : Numero de serie : 1111
[2022-11-02 18:50:28][INFO] : Writing PID 3350 to /tmp/jeedom/enphasesecur/
[2022-11-02 18:50:28][INFO] : Init request module v2.28.1
[2022-11-02 18:50:28][DEBUG] : Starting new HTTP connection (1):
[2022-11-02 18:50:28][DEBUG] : "GET /index.php/plugins/enphasesecur/core/php/jeeenphasesecur.php?apikey=dDehhf1... HTTP/1.1" 302 0
[2022-11-02 18:50:29][DEBUG] : "GET /index.php/plugins/enphasesecur/core/php/index.php?v=d&apikey=dDehhf1... HTTP/1.1" 200 5328
[2022-11-02 18:50:59][DEBUG] : Recuperation token
[2022-11-02 18:50:59][DEBUG] : HTTP Request: POST "HTTP/1.1 200 "
[2022-11-02 18:51:00][DEBUG] : HTTP Request: POST "HTTP/1.1 200 "
[2022-11-02 18:51:00][DEBUG] : HTTP Request: GET https://10.0.0.xx/auth/check_jwt "HTTP/1.1 200 OK"
[2022-11-02 18:51:00][DEBUG] : Recuperation mesure
[2022-11-02 18:51:01][DEBUG] : HTTP Request: GET https://10.0.0.xx/production.json?details=1 "HTTP/1.1 200 OK"
[2022-11-02 18:51:01][DEBUG] : {'production': [{'type': 'inverters', 'activeCount': 8, 'readingTime': 1667411357, 'wNow': 0, 'whLifetime': 262578}, {'type': 'eim', 'activeCount': 1, 'measurementType': 'production', 'readingTime': 1667411596, 'wNow': -3.32, 'whLifetime': 259271.144, 'varhLeadLifetime': 0.0, 'varhLagLifetime': 88246.125, 'vahLifetime': 325361.861, 'rmsCurrent': 0.569, 'rmsVoltage': 235.99, 'reactPwr': 126.786, 'apprntPwr': 134.031, 'pwrFactor': 0.0, 'whToday': 8596.144, 'whLastSevenDays': 56904.144, 'vahToday': 10164.861, 'varhLeadToday': 0.0, 'varhLagToday': 2370.125, 'lines': [{'wNow': -3.32, 'whLifetime': 259271.144, 'varhLeadLifetime': 0.0, 'varhLagLifetime': 88246.125, 'vahLifetime': 325361.861, 'rmsCurrent': 0.569, 'rmsVoltage': 235.99, 'reactPwr': 126.786, 'apprntPwr': 134.031, 'pwrFactor': 0.0, 'whToday': 8596.144, 'whLastSevenDays': 56904.144, 'vahToday': 10164.861, 'varhLeadToday': 0.0, 'varhLagToday': 2370.125}]}], 'consumption': [{'type': 'eim', 'activeCount': 1, 'measurementType': 'total-consumption', 'readingTime': 1667411596, 'wNow': 358.738, 'whLifetime': 431569.959, 'varhLeadLifetime': 406129.297, 'varhLagLifetime': 90810.93, 'vahLifetime': 605742.369, 'rmsCurrent': 3.792, 'rmsVoltage': 235.918, 'reactPwr': -768.301, 'apprntPwr': 894.617, 'pwrFactor': 0.4, 'whToday': 11986.959, 'whLastSevenDays': 107544.959, 'vahToday': 16022.369, 'varhLeadToday': 10351.297, 'varhLagToday': 2478.93, 'lines': [{'wNow': 358.738, 'whLifetime': 431569.959, 'varhLeadLifetime': 406129.297, 'varhLagLifetime': 90810.93, 'vahLifetime': 605742.369, 'rmsCurrent': 3.792, 'rmsVoltage': 235.918, 'reactPwr': -768.301, 'apprntPwr': 894.617, 'pwrFactor': 0.4, 'whToday': 11986.959, 'whLastSevenDays': 107544.959, 'vahToday': 16022.369, 'varhLeadToday': 10351.297, 'varhLagToday': 2478.93}]}, {'type': 'eim', 'activeCount': 1, 'measurementType': 'net-consumption', 'readingTime': 1667411596, 'wNow': 362.058, 'whLifetime': 266666.406, 'varhLeadLifetime': 406129.297, 'varhLagLifetime': 2564.805, 'vahLifetime': 605742.369, 'rmsCurrent': 3.224, 'rmsVoltage': 235.847, 'reactPwr': -641.515, 'apprntPwr': 759.616, 'pwrFactor': 0.48, 'whToday': 0, 'whLastSevenDays': 0, 'vahToday': 0, 'varhLeadToday': 0, 'varhLagToday': 0, 'lines': [{'wNow': 362.058, 'whLifetime': 266666.406, 'varhLeadLifetime': 406129.297, 'varhLagLifetime': 2564.805, 'vahLifetime': 605742.369, 'rmsCurrent': 3.224, 'rmsVoltage': 235.847, 'reactPwr': -641.515, 'apprntPwr': 759.616, 'pwrFactor': 0.48, 'whToday': 0, 'whLastSevenDays': 0, 'vahToday': 0, 'varhLeadToday': 0, 'varhLagToday': 0}]}], 'storage': [{'type': 'acb', 'activeCount': 0, 'readingTime': 0, 'wNow': 0, 'whNow': 0, 'state': 'idle'}]}
[2022-11-02 18:51:01][INFO] : Send to jeedom :  {'production': [{'type': 'inverters', 'activeCount': 8, 'readingTime': 1667411357, 'wNow': 0, 'whLifetime': 262578}, {'type': 'eim', 'activeCount': 1, 'measurementType': 'production', 'readingTime': 1667411596, 'wNow': -3.32, 'whLifetime': 259271.144, 'varhLeadLifetime': 0.0, 'varhLagLifetime': 88246.125, 'vahLifetime': 325361.861, 'rmsCurrent': 0.569, 'rmsVoltage': 235.99, 'reactPwr': 126.786, 'apprntPwr': 134.031, 'pwrFactor': 0.0, 'whToday': 8596.144, 'whLastSevenDays': 56904.144, 'vahToday': 10164.861, 'varhLeadToday': 0.0, 'varhLagToday': 2370.125, 'lines': [{'wNow': -3.32, 'whLifetime': 259271.144, 'varhLeadLifetime': 0.0, 'varhLagLifetime': 88246.125, 'vahLifetime': 325361.861, 'rmsCurrent': 0.569, 'rmsVoltage': 235.99, 'reactPwr': 126.786, 'apprntPwr': 134.031, 'pwrFactor': 0.0, 'whToday': 8596.144, 'whLastSevenDays': 56904.144, 'vahToday': 10164.861, 'varhLeadToday': 0.0, 'varhLagToday': 2370.125}]}], 'consumption': [{'type': 'eim', 'activeCount': 1, 'measurementType': 'total-consumption', 'readingTime': 1667411596, 'wNow': 358.738, 'whLifetime': 431569.959, 'varhLeadLifetime': 406129.297, 'varhLagLifetime': 90810.93, 'vahLifetime': 605742.369, 'rmsCurrent': 3.792, 'rmsVoltage': 235.918, 'reactPwr': -768.301, 'apprntPwr': 894.617, 'pwrFactor': 0.4, 'whToday': 11986.959, 'whLastSevenDays': 107544.959, 'vahToday': 16022.369, 'varhLeadToday': 10351.297, 'varhLagToday': 2478.93, 'lines': [{'wNow': 358.738, 'whLifetime': 431569.959, 'varhLeadLifetime': 406129.297, 'varhLagLifetime': 90810.93, 'vahLifetime': 605742.369, 'rmsCurrent': 3.792, 'rmsVoltage': 235.918, 'reactPwr': -768.301, 'apprntPwr': 894.617, 'pwrFactor': 0.4, 'whToday': 11986.959, 'whLastSevenDays': 107544.959, 'vahToday': 16022.369, 'varhLeadToday': 10351.297, 'varhLagToday': 2478.93}]}, {'type': 'eim', 'activeCount': 1, 'measurementType': 'net-consumption', 'readingTime': 1667411596, 'wNow': 362.058, 'whLifetime': 266666.406, 'varhLeadLifetime': 406129.297, 'varhLagLifetime': 2564.805, 'vahLifetime': 605742.369, 'rmsCurrent': 3.224, 'rmsVoltage': 235.847, 'reactPwr': -641.515, 'apprntPwr': 759.616, 'pwrFactor': 0.48, 'whToday': 0, 'whLastSevenDays': 0, 'vahToday': 0, 'varhLeadToday': 0, 'varhLagToday': 0, 'lines': [{'wNow': 362.058, 'whLifetime': 266666.406, 'varhLeadLifetime': 406129.297, 'varhLagLifetime': 2564.805, 'vahLifetime': 605742.369, 'rmsCurrent': 3.224, 'rmsVoltage': 235.847, 'reactPwr': -641.515, 'apprntPwr': 759.616, 'pwrFactor': 0.48, 'whToday': 0, 'whLastSevenDays': 0, 'vahToday': 0, 'varhLeadToday': 0, 'varhLagToday': 0}]}], 'storage': [{'type': 'acb', 'activeCount': 0, 'readingTime': 0, 'wNow': 0, 'whNow': 0, 'state': 'idle'}]}
[2022-11-02 18:51:01][DEBUG] : Starting new HTTP connection (1):
[2022-11-02 18:51:01][DEBUG] : "POST /index.php/plugins/enphasesecur/core/php/jeeenphasesecur.php?apikey=dDehhf1... HTTP/1.1" 302 0
[2022-11-02 18:51:01][DEBUG] : "GET /index.php/plugins/enphasesecur/core/php/index.php?v=d&apikey=dDehhf1... HTTP/1.1" 200 5330
[2022-11-02 18:51:31][DEBUG] : Recuperation mesure
[2022-11-02 18:51:31][DEBUG] : HTTP Request: GET https://10.0.0.xx/production.json?details=1 "HTTP/1.1 401 Unauthorized"
[2022-11-02 18:51:31][ERROR] : Fatal error : Expecting value: line 1 column 1 (char 0)
[2022-11-02 18:51:31][INFO] : Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/var/www/html/plugins/enphasesecur/resources/enphasesecurd/", line 137, in enphase
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages/httpx/", line 742, in json
    return jsonlib.loads(self.content.decode(encoding), **kwargs)
  File "/usr/lib/python3.7/json/", line 348, in loads
    return _default_decoder.decode(s)
  File "/usr/lib/python3.7/json/", line 337, in decode
    obj, end = self.raw_decode(s, idx=_w(s, 0).end())
  File "/usr/lib/python3.7/json/", line 355, in raw_decode
    raise JSONDecodeError("Expecting value", s, err.value) from None
json.decoder.JSONDecodeError: Expecting value: line 1 column 1 (char 0)

Je reste dispo si besoin de récupérer autre chose.

Pour l’erreur de connexion c’est normal, il ne peu y avoir que une connexion en même temps donc si tu as mis le rafraîchissement rapide 10/20s tu prends la connexion très souvent.

L’autre erreur c’est bizarre, c’est sur quel log?.
Essai de bien re sauvegarder les paramètres.
Tu as des erreurs dans le log http.error?

Passe le plugin en debug et relance le démon pour voir si dautre choses apparaissent

Version de jeedom?

Tu n’as rien d’autre qui se connecte dessus? Pas d’application non Officiel ?

Pour l’actualisation j’ai le parametre sur 1 (ce met a jour toute les minutes)
j’ai fais a plusieurs reprise la sauvegarde des parametres avant d’envoyer le message
l’erreur se passe dans enphasesecur_daemon
je suis a la dernière versionde jeedom 4.3.8
j’ai le plugin enphase envoy qui est actif mais que je vais le désactiver car il ne fonctionne pas avec le firmware V7 de la passerelle

[2022-11-02 19:24:42][ERROR] : Fatal error : Expecting value: line 1 column 1 (char 0)
[2022-11-02 19:25:48][ERROR] : Erreur de connexion aux serveurs Enphase
[2022-11-02 19:25:55][ERROR] : Erreur de connexion aux serveurs Enphase
[2022-11-02 19:57:39][INFO] : Start demond
[2022-11-02 19:57:39][INFO] : Log level : debug
[2022-11-02 19:57:39][INFO] : Socket port : 48315
[2022-11-02 19:57:39][INFO] : Socket host : localhost
[2022-11-02 19:57:39][INFO] : PID file : /tmp/jeedom/enphasesecur/
[2022-11-02 19:57:39][INFO] : Apikey : 7LyBLaZIRCf0AiHvmhwW34OViObjPU7l5g1QWUTnCtZeXfwnLCItQKRbfLrwRRhU
[2022-11-02 19:57:39][INFO] : Device : auto
[2022-11-02 19:57:39][INFO] : Callback :
[2022-11-02 19:57:39][INFO] : Delais actualisation : 30
[2022-11-02 19:57:39][DEBUG] : User : xxxxxx
[2022-11-02 19:57:39][DEBUG] : Password : xxxxxxxxxxxxxx.
[2022-11-02 19:57:39][DEBUG] : Id Site : xxxxxxxxxxxxx
[2022-11-02 19:57:39][DEBUG] : Numero de serie : xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
[2022-11-02 19:57:39][INFO] : Writing PID 20351 to /tmp/jeedom/enphasesecur/
[2022-11-02 19:57:39][INFO] : Init request module v2.21.0
[2022-11-02 19:57:39][DEBUG] : Starting new HTTP connection (1):
[2022-11-02 19:57:39][DEBUG] : "GET /plugins/enphasesecur/core/php/jeeenphasesecur.php?apikey=7LyBLaZIRCf0AiHvmhwW34OViObjPU7l5g1QWUTnCtZeXfwnLCItQKRbfLrwRRhU HTTP/1.1" 200 2
[2022-11-02 19:58:09][DEBUG] : Recuperation token
[2022-11-02 19:58:10][DEBUG] : HTTP Request: POST "HTTP/1.1 200 "
[2022-11-02 19:58:10][DEBUG] : HTTP Request: POST "HTTP/1.1 200 "
[2022-11-02 19:58:11][DEBUG] : HTTP Request: GET "HTTP/1.1 200 OK"
[2022-11-02 19:58:11][DEBUG] : Recuperation mesure
[2022-11-02 19:58:11][DEBUG] : HTTP Request: GET "HTTP/1.1 200 OK"
[2022-11-02 19:58:11][DEBUG] : {'production': [{'type': 'inverters', 'activeCount': 8, 'readingTime': 0, 'wNow': 0, 'whLifetime': 356503}, {'type': 'eim', 'activeCount': 1, 'measurementType': 'production', 'readingTime': 1667415728, 'wNow': -0.732, 'whLifetime': 352866.438, 'varhLeadLifetime': 0.088, 'varhLagLifetime': 135663.311, 'vahLifetime': 437787.935, 'rmsCurrent': 0.523, 'rmsVoltage': 238.9, 'reactPwr': 124.724, 'apprntPwr': 124.724, 'pwrFactor': 0.0, 'whToday': 7261.438, 'whLastSevenDays': 40824.438, 'vahToday': 8841.935, 'varhLeadToday': 0.088, 'varhLagToday': 2634.311, 'lines': [{'wNow': -0.732, 'whLifetime': 352866.438, 'varhLeadLifetime': 0.088, 'varhLagLifetime': 135663.311, 'vahLifetime': 437787.935, 'rmsCurrent': 0.523, 'rmsVoltage': 238.9, 'reactPwr': 124.724, 'apprntPwr': 124.724, 'pwrFactor': 0.0, 'whToday': 7261.438, 'whLastSevenDays': 40824.438, 'vahToday': 8841.935, 'varhLeadToday': 0.088, 'varhLagToday': 2634.311}]}], 'consumption': [{'type': 'eim', 'activeCount': 1, 'measurementType': 'total-consumption', 'readingTime': 1667415728, 'wNow': 683.142, 'whLifetime': 539141.29, 'varhLeadLifetime': 693706.988, 'varhLagLifetime': 138549.866, 'vahLifetime': 959195.725, 'rmsCurrent': 4.828, 'rmsVoltage': 238.784, 'reactPwr': -788.242, 'apprntPwr': 1152.948, 'pwrFactor': 0.59, 'whToday': 10606.29, 'whLastSevenDays': 90053.29, 'vahToday': 18217.725, 'varhLeadToday': 13706.988, 'varhLagToday': 2634.866, 'lines': [{'wNow': 683.142, 'whLifetime': 539141.29, 'varhLeadLifetime': 693706.988, 'varhLagLifetime': 138549.866, 'vahLifetime': 959195.725, 'rmsCurrent': 4.828, 'rmsVoltage': 238.784, 'reactPwr': -788.242, 'apprntPwr': 1152.948, 'pwrFactor': 0.59, 'whToday': 10606.29, 'whLastSevenDays': 90053.29, 'vahToday': 18217.725, 'varhLeadToday': 13706.988, 'varhLagToday': 2634.866}]}, {'type': 'eim', 'activeCount': 1, 'measurementType': 'net-consumption', 'readingTime': 1667415728, 'wNow': 683.873, 'whLifetime': 337031.651, 'varhLeadLifetime': 693706.9, 'varhLagLifetime': 2886.554, 'vahLifetime': 959195.725, 'rmsCurrent': 4.306, 'rmsVoltage': 238.668, 'reactPwr': -663.518, 'apprntPwr': 1025.211, 'pwrFactor': 0.7, 'whToday': 0, 'whLastSevenDays': 0, 'vahToday': 0, 'varhLeadToday': 0, 'varhLagToday': 0, 'lines': [{'wNow': 683.873, 'whLifetime': 337031.651, 'varhLeadLifetime': 693706.9, 'varhLagLifetime': 2886.554, 'vahLifetime': 959195.725, 'rmsCurrent': 4.306, 'rmsVoltage': 238.668, 'reactPwr': -663.518, 'apprntPwr': 1025.211, 'pwrFactor': 0.7, 'whToday': 0, 'whLastSevenDays': 0, 'vahToday': 0, 'varhLeadToday': 0, 'varhLagToday': 0}]}], 'storage': [{'type': 'acb', 'activeCount': 0, 'readingTime': 0, 'wNow': 0, 'whNow': 0, 'state': 'idle'}]}
[2022-11-02 19:58:11][INFO] : Send to jeedom :  {'production': [{'type': 'inverters', 'activeCount': 8, 'readingTime': 0, 'wNow': 0, 'whLifetime': 356503}, {'type': 'eim', 'activeCount': 1, 'measurementType': 'production', 'readingTime': 1667415728, 'wNow': -0.732, 'whLifetime': 352866.438, 'varhLeadLifetime': 0.088, 'varhLagLifetime': 135663.311, 'vahLifetime': 437787.935, 'rmsCurrent': 0.523, 'rmsVoltage': 238.9, 'reactPwr': 124.724, 'apprntPwr': 124.724, 'pwrFactor': 0.0, 'whToday': 7261.438, 'whLastSevenDays': 40824.438, 'vahToday': 8841.935, 'varhLeadToday': 0.088, 'varhLagToday': 2634.311, 'lines': [{'wNow': -0.732, 'whLifetime': 352866.438, 'varhLeadLifetime': 0.088, 'varhLagLifetime': 135663.311, 'vahLifetime': 437787.935, 'rmsCurrent': 0.523, 'rmsVoltage': 238.9, 'reactPwr': 124.724, 'apprntPwr': 124.724, 'pwrFactor': 0.0, 'whToday': 7261.438, 'whLastSevenDays': 40824.438, 'vahToday': 8841.935, 'varhLeadToday': 0.088, 'varhLagToday': 2634.311}]}], 'consumption': [{'type': 'eim', 'activeCount': 1, 'measurementType': 'total-consumption', 'readingTime': 1667415728, 'wNow': 683.142, 'whLifetime': 539141.29, 'varhLeadLifetime': 693706.988, 'varhLagLifetime': 138549.866, 'vahLifetime': 959195.725, 'rmsCurrent': 4.828, 'rmsVoltage': 238.784, 'reactPwr': -788.242, 'apprntPwr': 1152.948, 'pwrFactor': 0.59, 'whToday': 10606.29, 'whLastSevenDays': 90053.29, 'vahToday': 18217.725, 'varhLeadToday': 13706.988, 'varhLagToday': 2634.866, 'lines': [{'wNow': 683.142, 'whLifetime': 539141.29, 'varhLeadLifetime': 693706.988, 'varhLagLifetime': 138549.866, 'vahLifetime': 959195.725, 'rmsCurrent': 4.828, 'rmsVoltage': 238.784, 'reactPwr': -788.242, 'apprntPwr': 1152.948, 'pwrFactor': 0.59, 'whToday': 10606.29, 'whLastSevenDays': 90053.29, 'vahToday': 18217.725, 'varhLeadToday': 13706.988, 'varhLagToday': 2634.866}]}, {'type': 'eim', 'activeCount': 1, 'measurementType': 'net-consumption', 'readingTime': 1667415728, 'wNow': 683.873, 'whLifetime': 337031.651, 'varhLeadLifetime': 693706.9, 'varhLagLifetime': 2886.554, 'vahLifetime': 959195.725, 'rmsCurrent': 4.306, 'rmsVoltage': 238.668, 'reactPwr': -663.518, 'apprntPwr': 1025.211, 'pwrFactor': 0.7, 'whToday': 0, 'whLastSevenDays': 0, 'vahToday': 0, 'varhLeadToday': 0, 'varhLagToday': 0, 'lines': [{'wNow': 683.873, 'whLifetime': 337031.651, 'varhLeadLifetime': 693706.9, 'varhLagLifetime': 2886.554, 'vahLifetime': 959195.725, 'rmsCurrent': 4.306, 'rmsVoltage': 238.668, 'reactPwr': -663.518, 'apprntPwr': 1025.211, 'pwrFactor': 0.7, 'whToday': 0, 'whLastSevenDays': 0, 'vahToday': 0, 'varhLeadToday': 0, 'varhLagToday': 0}]}], 'storage': [{'type': 'acb', 'activeCount': 0, 'readingTime': 0, 'wNow': 0, 'whNow': 0, 'state': 'idle'}]}
[2022-11-02 19:58:11][DEBUG] : Starting new HTTP connection (1):
[2022-11-02 19:58:11][DEBUG] : "POST /plugins/enphasesecur/core/php/jeeenphasesecur.php?apikey=7LyBLaZIRCf0AiHvmhwW34OViObjPU7l5g1QWUTnCtZeXfwnLCItQKRbfLrwRRhU HTTP/1.1" 200 0
[2022-11-02 19:58:41][DEBUG] : Recuperation mesure
[2022-11-02 19:58:41][DEBUG] : HTTP Request: GET "HTTP/1.1 401 Unauthorized"
[2022-11-02 19:58:41][ERROR] : Fatal error : Expecting value: line 1 column 1 (char 0)
[2022-11-02 19:58:41][INFO] : Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/var/www/html/plugins/enphasesecur/resources/enphasesecurd/", line 137, in enphase
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages/httpx/", line 742, in json
    return jsonlib.loads(self.content.decode(encoding), **kwargs)
  File "/usr/lib/python3.7/json/", line 348, in loads
    return _default_decoder.decode(s)
  File "/usr/lib/python3.7/json/", line 337, in decode
    obj, end = self.raw_decode(s, idx=_w(s, 0).end())
  File "/usr/lib/python3.7/json/", line 355, in raw_decode
    raise JSONDecodeError("Expecting value", s, err.value) from None
json.decoder.JSONDecodeError: Expecting value: line 1 column 1 (char 0)
[2022-11-02 20:00:12][DEBUG] : Recuperation token
[2022-11-02 20:00:12][DEBUG] : HTTP Request: POST "HTTP/1.1 200 "
[2022-11-02 20:00:12][DEBUG] : HTTP Request: POST "HTTP/1.1 200 "
[2022-11-02 20:00:13][DEBUG] : HTTP Request: GET "HTTP/1.1 200 OK"
[2022-11-02 20:00:13][DEBUG] : Recuperation mesure
[2022-11-02 20:00:13][DEBUG] : HTTP Request: GET "HTTP/1.1 200 OK"
[2022-11-02 20:00:13][DEBUG] : {'production': [{'type': 'inverters', 'activeCount': 8, 'readingTime': 0, 'wNow': 0, 'whLifetime': 356503}, {'type': 'eim', 'activeCount': 1, 'measurementType': 'production', 'readingTime': 1667415850, 'wNow': -0.738, 'whLifetime': 352866.438, 'varhLeadLifetime': 0.088, 'varhLagLifetime': 135667.825, 'vahLifetime': 437792.206, 'rmsCurrent': 0.525, 'rmsVoltage': 239.4, 'reactPwr': 125.536, 'apprntPwr': 125.536, 'pwrFactor': 0.0, 'whToday': 7261.438, 'whLastSevenDays': 40824.438, 'vahToday': 8846.206, 'varhLeadToday': 0.088, 'varhLagToday': 2638.825, 'lines': [{'wNow': -0.738, 'whLifetime': 352866.438, 'varhLeadLifetime': 0.088, 'varhLagLifetime': 135667.825, 'vahLifetime': 437792.206, 'rmsCurrent': 0.525, 'rmsVoltage': 239.4, 'reactPwr': 125.536, 'apprntPwr': 125.536, 'pwrFactor': 0.0, 'whToday': 7261.438, 'whLastSevenDays': 40824.438, 'vahToday': 8846.206, 'varhLeadToday': 0.088, 'varhLagToday': 2638.825}]}], 'consumption': [{'type': 'eim', 'activeCount': 1, 'measurementType': 'total-consumption', 'readingTime': 1667415850, 'wNow': 676.663, 'whLifetime': 539166.028, 'varhLeadLifetime': 693729.825, 'varhLagLifetime': 138554.38, 'vahLifetime': 959231.877, 'rmsCurrent': 4.789, 'rmsVoltage': 239.405, 'reactPwr': -786.567, 'apprntPwr': 1146.481, 'pwrFactor': 0.59, 'whToday': 10631.028, 'whLastSevenDays': 90078.028, 'vahToday': 18253.877, 'varhLeadToday': 13729.825, 'varhLagToday': 2639.38, 'lines': [{'wNow': 676.663, 'whLifetime': 539166.028, 'varhLeadLifetime': 693729.825, 'varhLagLifetime': 138554.38, 'vahLifetime': 959231.877, 'rmsCurrent': 4.789, 'rmsVoltage': 239.405, 'reactPwr': -786.567, 'apprntPwr': 1146.481, 'pwrFactor': 0.59, 'whToday': 10631.028, 'whLastSevenDays': 90078.028, 'vahToday': 18253.877, 'varhLeadToday': 13729.825, 'varhLagToday': 2639.38}]}, {'type': 'eim', 'activeCount': 1, 'measurementType': 'net-consumption', 'readingTime': 1667415850, 'wNow': 677.401, 'whLifetime': 337056.389, 'varhLeadLifetime': 693729.737, 'varhLagLifetime': 2886.554, 'vahLifetime': 959231.877, 'rmsCurrent': 4.264, 'rmsVoltage': 239.411, 'reactPwr': -661.031, 'apprntPwr': 1023.431, 'pwrFactor': 0.67, 'whToday': 0, 'whLastSevenDays': 0, 'vahToday': 0, 'varhLeadToday': 0, 'varhLagToday': 0, 'lines': [{'wNow': 677.401, 'whLifetime': 337056.389, 'varhLeadLifetime': 693729.737, 'varhLagLifetime': 2886.554, 'vahLifetime': 959231.877, 'rmsCurrent': 4.264, 'rmsVoltage': 239.411, 'reactPwr': -661.031, 'apprntPwr': 1023.431, 'pwrFactor': 0.67, 'whToday': 0, 'whLastSevenDays': 0, 'vahToday': 0, 'varhLeadToday': 0, 'varhLagToday': 0}]}], 'storage': [{'type': 'acb', 'activeCount': 0, 'readingTime': 0, 'wNow': 0, 'whNow': 0, 'state': 'idle'}]}
[2022-11-02 20:00:13][INFO] : Send to jeedom :  {'production': [{'type': 'inverters', 'activeCount': 8, 'readingTime': 0, 'wNow': 0, 'whLifetime': 356503}, {'type': 'eim', 'activeCount': 1, 'measurementType': 'production', 'readingTime': 1667415850, 'wNow': -0.738, 'whLifetime': 352866.438, 'varhLeadLifetime': 0.088, 'varhLagLifetime': 135667.825, 'vahLifetime': 437792.206, 'rmsCurrent': 0.525, 'rmsVoltage': 239.4, 'reactPwr': 125.536, 'apprntPwr': 125.536, 'pwrFactor': 0.0, 'whToday': 7261.438, 'whLastSevenDays': 40824.438, 'vahToday': 8846.206, 'varhLeadToday': 0.088, 'varhLagToday': 2638.825, 'lines': [{'wNow': -0.738, 'whLifetime': 352866.438, 'varhLeadLifetime': 0.088, 'varhLagLifetime': 135667.825, 'vahLifetime': 437792.206, 'rmsCurrent': 0.525, 'rmsVoltage': 239.4, 'reactPwr': 125.536, 'apprntPwr': 125.536, 'pwrFactor': 0.0, 'whToday': 7261.438, 'whLastSevenDays': 40824.438, 'vahToday': 8846.206, 'varhLeadToday': 0.088, 'varhLagToday': 2638.825}]}], 'consumption': [{'type': 'eim', 'activeCount': 1, 'measurementType': 'total-consumption', 'readingTime': 1667415850, 'wNow': 676.663, 'whLifetime': 539166.028, 'varhLeadLifetime': 693729.825, 'varhLagLifetime': 138554.38, 'vahLifetime': 959231.877, 'rmsCurrent': 4.789, 'rmsVoltage': 239.405, 'reactPwr': -786.567, 'apprntPwr': 1146.481, 'pwrFactor': 0.59, 'whToday': 10631.028, 'whLastSevenDays': 90078.028, 'vahToday': 18253.877, 'varhLeadToday': 13729.825, 'varhLagToday': 2639.38, 'lines': [{'wNow': 676.663, 'whLifetime': 539166.028, 'varhLeadLifetime': 693729.825, 'varhLagLifetime': 138554.38, 'vahLifetime': 959231.877, 'rmsCurrent': 4.789, 'rmsVoltage': 239.405, 'reactPwr': -786.567, 'apprntPwr': 1146.481, 'pwrFactor': 0.59, 'whToday': 10631.028, 'whLastSevenDays': 90078.028, 'vahToday': 18253.877, 'varhLeadToday': 13729.825, 'varhLagToday': 2639.38}]}, {'type': 'eim', 'activeCount': 1, 'measurementType': 'net-consumption', 'readingTime': 1667415850, 'wNow': 677.401, 'whLifetime': 337056.389, 'varhLeadLifetime': 693729.737, 'varhLagLifetime': 2886.554, 'vahLifetime': 959231.877, 'rmsCurrent': 4.264, 'rmsVoltage': 239.411, 'reactPwr': -661.031, 'apprntPwr': 1023.431, 'pwrFactor': 0.67, 'whToday': 0, 'whLastSevenDays': 0, 'vahToday': 0, 'varhLeadToday': 0, 'varhLagToday': 0, 'lines': [{'wNow': 677.401, 'whLifetime': 337056.389, 'varhLeadLifetime': 693729.737, 'varhLagLifetime': 2886.554, 'vahLifetime': 959231.877, 'rmsCurrent': 4.264, 'rmsVoltage': 239.411, 'reactPwr': -661.031, 'apprntPwr': 1023.431, 'pwrFactor': 0.67, 'whToday': 0, 'whLastSevenDays': 0, 'vahToday': 0, 'varhLeadToday': 0, 'varhLagToday': 0}]}], 'storage': [{'type': 'acb', 'activeCount': 0, 'readingTime': 0, 'wNow': 0, 'whNow': 0, 'state': 'idle'}]}
[2022-11-02 20:00:13][DEBUG] : Starting new HTTP connection (1):
[2022-11-02 20:00:13][DEBUG] : "POST /plugins/enphasesecur/core/php/jeeenphasesecur.php?apikey=7LyBLaZIRCf0AiHvmhwW34OViObjPU7l5g1QWUTnCtZeXfwnLCItQKRbfLrwRRhU HTTP/1.1" 200 0
[2022-11-02 20:00:43][DEBUG] : Recuperation mesure
[2022-11-02 20:00:43][DEBUG] : HTTP Request: GET "HTTP/1.1 401 Unauthorized"
[2022-11-02 20:00:43][ERROR] : Fatal error : Expecting value: line 1 column 1 (char 0)
[2022-11-02 20:00:43][INFO] : Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/var/www/html/plugins/enphasesecur/resources/enphasesecurd/", line 137, in enphase
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages/httpx/", line 742, in json
    return jsonlib.loads(self.content.decode(encoding), **kwargs)
  File "/usr/lib/python3.7/json/", line 348, in loads
    return _default_decoder.decode(s)
  File "/usr/lib/python3.7/json/", line 337, in decode
    obj, end = self.raw_decode(s, idx=_w(s, 0).end())
  File "/usr/lib/python3.7/json/", line 355, in raw_decode
    raise JSONDecodeError("Expecting value", s, err.value) from None
json.decoder.JSONDecodeError: Expecting value: line 1 column 1 (char 0)
[2022-11-02 20:02:14][DEBUG] : Recuperation token
[2022-11-02 20:02:14][DEBUG] : HTTP Request: POST "HTTP/1.1 200 "
[2022-11-02 20:02:14][DEBUG] : HTTP Request: POST "HTTP/1.1 200 "
[2022-11-02 20:02:15][DEBUG] : HTTP Request: GET "HTTP/1.1 200 OK"
[2022-11-02 20:02:15][DEBUG] : Recuperation mesure
[2022-11-02 20:02:16][DEBUG] : HTTP Request: GET "HTTP/1.1 200 OK"
[2022-11-02 20:02:16][DEBUG] : {'production': [{'type': 'inverters', 'activeCount': 8, 'readingTime': 0, 'wNow': 0, 'whLifetime': 356503}, {'type': 'eim', 'activeCount': 1, 'measurementType': 'production', 'readingTime': 1667415972, 'wNow': 0.0, 'whLifetime': 352866.438, 'varhLeadLifetime': 0.088, 'varhLagLifetime': 135672.3, 'vahLifetime': 437796.434, 'rmsCurrent': 0.518, 'rmsVoltage': 237.729, 'reactPwr': 122.298, 'apprntPwr': 123.029, 'pwrFactor': 0.0, 'whToday': 7261.438, 'whLastSevenDays': 40824.438, 'vahToday': 8850.434, 'varhLeadToday': 0.088, 'varhLagToday': 2643.3, 'lines': [{'wNow': 0.0, 'whLifetime': 352866.438, 'varhLeadLifetime': 0.088, 'varhLagLifetime': 135672.3, 'vahLifetime': 437796.434, 'rmsCurrent': 0.518, 'rmsVoltage': 237.729, 'reactPwr': 122.298, 'apprntPwr': 123.029, 'pwrFactor': 0.0, 'whToday': 7261.438, 'whLastSevenDays': 40824.438, 'vahToday': 8850.434, 'varhLeadToday': 0.088, 'varhLagToday': 2643.3}]}], 'consumption': [{'type': 'eim', 'activeCount': 1, 'measurementType': 'total-consumption', 'readingTime': 1667415972, 'wNow': 826.084, 'whLifetime': 539190.387, 'varhLeadLifetime': 693752.186, 'varhLagLifetime': 138558.855, 'vahLifetime': 959267.499, 'rmsCurrent': 5.294, 'rmsVoltage': 237.745, 'reactPwr': -794.742, 'apprntPwr': 1258.675, 'pwrFactor': 0.66, 'whToday': 10655.387, 'whLastSevenDays': 90040.387, 'vahToday': 18289.499, 'varhLeadToday': 13752.186, 'varhLagToday': 2643.855, 'lines': [{'wNow': 826.084, 'whLifetime': 539190.387, 'varhLeadLifetime': 693752.186, 'varhLagLifetime': 138558.855, 'vahLifetime': 959267.499, 'rmsCurrent': 5.294, 'rmsVoltage': 237.745, 'reactPwr': -794.742, 'apprntPwr': 1258.675, 'pwrFactor': 0.66, 'whToday': 10655.387, 'whLastSevenDays': 90040.387, 'vahToday': 18289.499, 'varhLeadToday': 13752.186, 'varhLagToday': 2643.855}]}, {'type': 'eim', 'activeCount': 1, 'measurementType': 'net-consumption', 'readingTime': 1667415972, 'wNow': 826.084, 'whLifetime': 337080.748, 'varhLeadLifetime': 693752.099, 'varhLagLifetime': 2886.554, 'vahLifetime': 959267.499, 'rmsCurrent': 4.777, 'rmsVoltage': 237.761, 'reactPwr': -672.444, 'apprntPwr': 1135.697, 'pwrFactor': 0.73, 'whToday': 0, 'whLastSevenDays': 0, 'vahToday': 0, 'varhLeadToday': 0, 'varhLagToday': 0, 'lines': [{'wNow': 826.084, 'whLifetime': 337080.748, 'varhLeadLifetime': 693752.099, 'varhLagLifetime': 2886.554, 'vahLifetime': 959267.499, 'rmsCurrent': 4.777, 'rmsVoltage': 237.761, 'reactPwr': -672.444, 'apprntPwr': 1135.697, 'pwrFactor': 0.73, 'whToday': 0, 'whLastSevenDays': 0, 'vahToday': 0, 'varhLeadToday': 0, 'varhLagToday': 0}]}], 'storage': [{'type': 'acb', 'activeCount': 0, 'readingTime': 0, 'wNow': 0, 'whNow': 0, 'state': 'idle'}]}
[2022-11-02 20:02:16][INFO] : Send to jeedom :  {'production': [{'type': 'inverters', 'activeCount': 8, 'readingTime': 0, 'wNow': 0, 'whLifetime': 356503}, {'type': 'eim', 'activeCount': 1, 'measurementType': 'production', 'readingTime': 1667415972, 'wNow': 0.0, 'whLifetime': 352866.438, 'varhLeadLifetime': 0.088, 'varhLagLifetime': 135672.3, 'vahLifetime': 437796.434, 'rmsCurrent': 0.518, 'rmsVoltage': 237.729, 'reactPwr': 122.298, 'apprntPwr': 123.029, 'pwrFactor': 0.0, 'whToday': 7261.438, 'whLastSevenDays': 40824.438, 'vahToday': 8850.434, 'varhLeadToday': 0.088, 'varhLagToday': 2643.3, 'lines': [{'wNow': 0.0, 'whLifetime': 352866.438, 'varhLeadLifetime': 0.088, 'varhLagLifetime': 135672.3, 'vahLifetime': 437796.434, 'rmsCurrent': 0.518, 'rmsVoltage': 237.729, 'reactPwr': 122.298, 'apprntPwr': 123.029, 'pwrFactor': 0.0, 'whToday': 7261.438, 'whLastSevenDays': 40824.438, 'vahToday': 8850.434, 'varhLeadToday': 0.088, 'varhLagToday': 2643.3}]}], 'consumption': [{'type': 'eim', 'activeCount': 1, 'measurementType': 'total-consumption', 'readingTime': 1667415972, 'wNow': 826.084, 'whLifetime': 539190.387, 'varhLeadLifetime': 693752.186, 'varhLagLifetime': 138558.855, 'vahLifetime': 959267.499, 'rmsCurrent': 5.294, 'rmsVoltage': 237.745, 'reactPwr': -794.742, 'apprntPwr': 1258.675, 'pwrFactor': 0.66, 'whToday': 10655.387, 'whLastSevenDays': 90040.387, 'vahToday': 18289.499, 'varhLeadToday': 13752.186, 'varhLagToday': 2643.855, 'lines': [{'wNow': 826.084, 'whLifetime': 539190.387, 'varhLeadLifetime': 693752.186, 'varhLagLifetime': 138558.855, 'vahLifetime': 959267.499, 'rmsCurrent': 5.294, 'rmsVoltage': 237.745, 'reactPwr': -794.742, 'apprntPwr': 1258.675, 'pwrFactor': 0.66, 'whToday': 10655.387, 'whLastSevenDays': 90040.387, 'vahToday': 18289.499, 'varhLeadToday': 13752.186, 'varhLagToday': 2643.855}]}, {'type': 'eim', 'activeCount': 1, 'measurementType': 'net-consumption', 'readingTime': 1667415972, 'wNow': 826.084, 'whLifetime': 337080.748, 'varhLeadLifetime': 693752.099, 'varhLagLifetime': 2886.554, 'vahLifetime': 959267.499, 'rmsCurrent': 4.777, 'rmsVoltage': 237.761, 'reactPwr': -672.444, 'apprntPwr': 1135.697, 'pwrFactor': 0.73, 'whToday': 0, 'whLastSevenDays': 0, 'vahToday': 0, 'varhLeadToday': 0, 'varhLagToday': 0, 'lines': [{'wNow': 826.084, 'whLifetime': 337080.748, 'varhLeadLifetime': 693752.099, 'varhLagLifetime': 2886.554, 'vahLifetime': 959267.499, 'rmsCurrent': 4.777, 'rmsVoltage': 237.761, 'reactPwr': -672.444, 'apprntPwr': 1135.697, 'pwrFactor': 0.73, 'whToday': 0, 'whLastSevenDays': 0, 'vahToday': 0, 'varhLeadToday': 0, 'varhLagToday': 0}]}], 'storage': [{'type': 'acb', 'activeCount': 0, 'readingTime': 0, 'wNow': 0, 'whNow': 0, 'state': 'idle'}]}
[2022-11-02 20:02:16][DEBUG] : Starting new HTTP connection (1):
[2022-11-02 20:02:16][DEBUG] : "POST /plugins/enphasesecur/core/php/jeeenphasesecur.php?apikey=7LyBLxxxxxxxxxxiObjPU7l5g1QWUTnCtZeXfwnLCItQKRbfLrwRRhU HTTP/1.1" 200 0

Pour essai , pour voir si tu as toujours les erreurs, essai 20s pour l’actualisation
Tu es sur que tu n’as rien qui se connecte entre temps?
On dirait qu’il ne sauvegarde le jeton

oui j’ai mis à 20 pour voir si sa fonctionne toujours.

ca vient de planter

[2022-11-02 20:16:31][DEBUG] : Recuperation token
[2022-11-02 20:16:32][DEBUG] : HTTP Request: POST "HTTP/1.1 200 "
[2022-11-02 20:16:32][DEBUG] : HTTP Request: POST "HTTP/1.1 200 "
[2022-11-02 20:16:33][DEBUG] : HTTP Request: GET "HTTP/1.1 200 OK"
[2022-11-02 20:16:33][DEBUG] : Recuperation mesure
[2022-11-02 20:16:33][DEBUG] : HTTP Request: GET "HTTP/1.1 200 OK"
[2022-11-02 20:16:33][DEBUG] : {'production': [{'type': 'inverters', 'activeCount': 8, 'readingTime': 0, 'wNow': 0, 'whLifetime': 356503}, {'type': 'eim', 'activeCount': 1, 'measurementType': 'production', 'readingTime': 1667416830, 'wNow': -0.392, 'whLifetime': 352866.438, 'varhLeadLifetime': 0.088, 'varhLagLifetime': 135702.998, 'vahLifetime': 437825.407, 'rmsCurrent': 0.513, 'rmsVoltage': 235.945, 'reactPwr': 121.121, 'apprntPwr': 121.121, 'pwrFactor': 0.0, 'whToday': 7261.438, 'whLastSevenDays': 40824.438, 'vahToday': 8879.407, 'varhLeadToday': 0.088, 'varhLagToday': 2673.998, 'lines': [{'wNow': -0.392, 'whLifetime': 352866.438, 'varhLeadLifetime': 0.088, 'varhLagLifetime': 135702.998, 'vahLifetime': 437825.407, 'rmsCurrent': 0.513, 'rmsVoltage': 235.945, 'reactPwr': 121.121, 'apprntPwr': 121.121, 'pwrFactor': 0.0, 'whToday': 7261.438, 'whLastSevenDays': 40824.438, 'vahToday': 8879.407, 'varhLeadToday': 0.088, 'varhLagToday': 2673.998}]}], 'consumption': [{'type': 'eim', 'activeCount': 1, 'measurementType': 'total-consumption', 'readingTime': 1667416830, 'wNow': 638.092, 'whLifetime': 539349.748, 'varhLeadLifetime': 693903.955, 'varhLagLifetime': 138589.552, 'vahLifetime': 959506.887, 'rmsCurrent': 4.644, 'rmsVoltage': 235.973, 'reactPwr': -747.672, 'apprntPwr': 1095.893, 'pwrFactor': 0.58, 'whToday': 10814.748, 'whLastSevenDays': 90031.748, 'vahToday': 18528.887, 'varhLeadToday': 13903.955, 'varhLagToday': 2674.552, 'lines': [{'wNow': 638.092, 'whLifetime': 539349.748, 'varhLeadLifetime': 693903.955, 'varhLagLifetime': 138589.552, 'vahLifetime': 959506.887, 'rmsCurrent': 4.644, 'rmsVoltage': 235.973, 'reactPwr': -747.672, 'apprntPwr': 1095.893, 'pwrFactor': 0.58, 'whToday': 10814.748, 'whLastSevenDays': 90031.748, 'vahToday': 18528.887, 'varhLeadToday': 13903.955, 'varhLagToday': 2674.552}]}, {'type': 'eim', 'activeCount': 1, 'measurementType': 'net-consumption', 'readingTime': 1667416830, 'wNow': 638.484, 'whLifetime': 337240.108, 'varhLeadLifetime': 693903.867, 'varhLagLifetime': 2886.554, 'vahLifetime': 959506.887, 'rmsCurrent': 4.131, 'rmsVoltage': 236.001, 'reactPwr': -626.551, 'apprntPwr': 979.039, 'pwrFactor': 0.64, 'whToday': 0, 'whLastSevenDays': 0, 'vahToday': 0, 'varhLeadToday': 0, 'varhLagToday': 0, 'lines': [{'wNow': 638.484, 'whLifetime': 337240.108, 'varhLeadLifetime': 693903.867, 'varhLagLifetime': 2886.554, 'vahLifetime': 959506.887, 'rmsCurrent': 4.131, 'rmsVoltage': 236.001, 'reactPwr': -626.551, 'apprntPwr': 979.039, 'pwrFactor': 0.64, 'whToday': 0, 'whLastSevenDays': 0, 'vahToday': 0, 'varhLeadToday': 0, 'varhLagToday': 0}]}], 'storage': [{'type': 'acb', 'activeCount': 0, 'readingTime': 0, 'wNow': 0, 'whNow': 0, 'state': 'idle'}]}
[2022-11-02 20:16:33][INFO] : Send to jeedom :  {'production': [{'type': 'inverters', 'activeCount': 8, 'readingTime': 0, 'wNow': 0, 'whLifetime': 356503}, {'type': 'eim', 'activeCount': 1, 'measurementType': 'production', 'readingTime': 1667416830, 'wNow': -0.392, 'whLifetime': 352866.438, 'varhLeadLifetime': 0.088, 'varhLagLifetime': 135702.998, 'vahLifetime': 437825.407, 'rmsCurrent': 0.513, 'rmsVoltage': 235.945, 'reactPwr': 121.121, 'apprntPwr': 121.121, 'pwrFactor': 0.0, 'whToday': 7261.438, 'whLastSevenDays': 40824.438, 'vahToday': 8879.407, 'varhLeadToday': 0.088, 'varhLagToday': 2673.998, 'lines': [{'wNow': -0.392, 'whLifetime': 352866.438, 'varhLeadLifetime': 0.088, 'varhLagLifetime': 135702.998, 'vahLifetime': 437825.407, 'rmsCurrent': 0.513, 'rmsVoltage': 235.945, 'reactPwr': 121.121, 'apprntPwr': 121.121, 'pwrFactor': 0.0, 'whToday': 7261.438, 'whLastSevenDays': 40824.438, 'vahToday': 8879.407, 'varhLeadToday': 0.088, 'varhLagToday': 2673.998}]}], 'consumption': [{'type': 'eim', 'activeCount': 1, 'measurementType': 'total-consumption', 'readingTime': 1667416830, 'wNow': 638.092, 'whLifetime': 539349.748, 'varhLeadLifetime': 693903.955, 'varhLagLifetime': 138589.552, 'vahLifetime': 959506.887, 'rmsCurrent': 4.644, 'rmsVoltage': 235.973, 'reactPwr': -747.672, 'apprntPwr': 1095.893, 'pwrFactor': 0.58, 'whToday': 10814.748, 'whLastSevenDays': 90031.748, 'vahToday': 18528.887, 'varhLeadToday': 13903.955, 'varhLagToday': 2674.552, 'lines': [{'wNow': 638.092, 'whLifetime': 539349.748, 'varhLeadLifetime': 693903.955, 'varhLagLifetime': 138589.552, 'vahLifetime': 959506.887, 'rmsCurrent': 4.644, 'rmsVoltage': 235.973, 'reactPwr': -747.672, 'apprntPwr': 1095.893, 'pwrFactor': 0.58, 'whToday': 10814.748, 'whLastSevenDays': 90031.748, 'vahToday': 18528.887, 'varhLeadToday': 13903.955, 'varhLagToday': 2674.552}]}, {'type': 'eim', 'activeCount': 1, 'measurementType': 'net-consumption', 'readingTime': 1667416830, 'wNow': 638.484, 'whLifetime': 337240.108, 'varhLeadLifetime': 693903.867, 'varhLagLifetime': 2886.554, 'vahLifetime': 959506.887, 'rmsCurrent': 4.131, 'rmsVoltage': 236.001, 'reactPwr': -626.551, 'apprntPwr': 979.039, 'pwrFactor': 0.64, 'whToday': 0, 'whLastSevenDays': 0, 'vahToday': 0, 'varhLeadToday': 0, 'varhLagToday': 0, 'lines': [{'wNow': 638.484, 'whLifetime': 337240.108, 'varhLeadLifetime': 693903.867, 'varhLagLifetime': 2886.554, 'vahLifetime': 959506.887, 'rmsCurrent': 4.131, 'rmsVoltage': 236.001, 'reactPwr': -626.551, 'apprntPwr': 979.039, 'pwrFactor': 0.64, 'whToday': 0, 'whLastSevenDays': 0, 'vahToday': 0, 'varhLeadToday': 0, 'varhLagToday': 0}]}], 'storage': [{'type': 'acb', 'activeCount': 0, 'readingTime': 0, 'wNow': 0, 'whNow': 0, 'state': 'idle'}]}
[2022-11-02 20:16:33][DEBUG] : Starting new HTTP connection (1):
[2022-11-02 20:16:33][DEBUG] : "POST /plugins/enphasesecur/core/php/jeeenphasesecur.php?apikey=7LyBLaZIRCf0AiHvmhwW34OViObjPU7l5g1QWUTnCtZeXfwnLCItQKRbfLrwRRhU HTTP/1.1" 200 0
[2022-11-02 20:17:03][DEBUG] : Recuperation mesure
[2022-11-02 20:17:03][DEBUG] : HTTP Request: GET "HTTP/1.1 401 Unauthorized"
[2022-11-02 20:17:03][ERROR] : Fatal error : Expecting value: line 1 column 1 (char 0)
[2022-11-02 20:17:03][INFO] : Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/var/www/html/plugins/enphasesecur/resources/enphasesecurd/", line 137, in enphase
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages/httpx/", line 742, in json
    return jsonlib.loads(self.content.decode(encoding), **kwargs)
  File "/usr/lib/python3.7/json/", line 348, in loads
    return _default_decoder.decode(s)
  File "/usr/lib/python3.7/json/", line 337, in decode
    obj, end = self.raw_decode(s, idx=_w(s, 0).end())
  File "/usr/lib/python3.7/json/", line 355, in raw_decode
    raise JSONDecodeError("Expecting value", s, err.value) from None
json.decoder.JSONDecodeError: Expecting value: line 1 column 1 (char 0)

[2022-11-02 20:17:20][DEBUG] : Signal 15 caught, exiting...
[2022-11-02 20:17:20][DEBUG] : Shutdown
[2022-11-02 20:17:20][DEBUG] : Removing PID file /tmp/jeedom/enphasesecur/
[2022-11-02 20:17:20][DEBUG] : Exit 0
[2022-11-02 20:18:24][ERROR] : Fatal error : Expecting value: line 1 column 1 (char 0)
[2022-11-02 20:20:27][ERROR] : Fatal error : Expecting value: line 1 column 1 (char 0)
1 « J'aime »

Dans le log c’est 30s .il faut relancer le demon

oui 30 pour voir si sa tient mais non ca plante toujours,
je n’ai rien qui tourne a part le démon enphase _secur.

1 « J'aime »

Ce que j’essaierai,

  • couper le demon
  • Redémarrer la passerelle, bien attendre qu’elle démarre (10min,)
  • relancer le démon

C’est vraiment la partie jeton qui déconne

En gros le fonctionnement est le suivant :

  • authentification chez enphase
  • récupération du token chez enphase
  • connexion avec le token sur la passerelle
  • récupération des infos
  • délais rentré dans le plugin
  • récupéreration des infos

Par contre:

  • si l’authentification chez enphase passe en erreur , on refait 2 tentatives et on s’arrête pour ne pas êtres Blackliste
  • si la connexion à la passerelle echoue on attends 60s et on relance le processus du début

ok, je commence la procédure , pour info avec la version précédante tout fonctionner bien.

La différence avec la précédente c’est que je redemandais un jeton a chaque fois…

Apres si ça déconne pour beaucoup de personnes je rajouterais une option pour choisir

après la procédure de rédemarrage,
voila les derniers log, ca a l’air de fonctionner

[2022-11-02 20:46:11][INFO] : Start demond
[2022-11-02 20:46:11][INFO] : Log level : debug
[2022-11-02 20:46:11][INFO] : Socket port : 48315
[2022-11-02 20:46:11][INFO] : Socket host : localhost
[2022-11-02 20:46:11][INFO] : PID file : /tmp/jeedom/enphasesecur/
[2022-11-02 20:46:11][INFO] : Apikey : 7LyBLaZIRCf0AiHvmhwW34OViObjPU7l5g1QWUTnCtZeXfwnLCItQKRbfLrwRRhU
[2022-11-02 20:46:11][INFO] : Device : auto
[2022-11-02 20:46:11][INFO] : Callback :
[2022-11-02 20:46:11][INFO] : Delais actualisation : 20
[2022-11-02 20:46:11][DEBUG] : User :xxxxxxxxx
[2022-11-02 20:46:11][DEBUG] : Password : xxxxxxxxxxx.
[2022-11-02 20:46:11][DEBUG] : Id Site : xxxxxxxxx
[2022-11-02 20:46:11][DEBUG] : Numero de serie : xxxxxxxxxxx
[2022-11-02 20:46:11][INFO] : Writing PID 13163 to /tmp/jeedom/enphasesecur/
[2022-11-02 20:46:11][INFO] : Init request module v2.21.0
[2022-11-02 20:46:11][DEBUG] : Starting new HTTP connection (1):
[2022-11-02 20:46:11][DEBUG] : "GET /plugins/enphasesecur/core/php/jeeenphasesecur.php?apikey=7LyBLaZIRCf0AiHvmhwW34OViObjPU7l5g1QWUTnCtZeXfwnLCItQKRbfLrwRRhU HTTP/1.1" 200 2
[2022-11-02 20:46:31][DEBUG] : Recuperation token
[2022-11-02 20:46:38][ERROR] : Erreur de connexion aux serveurs Enphase
[2022-11-02 20:46:58][DEBUG] : Recuperation token
[2022-11-02 20:46:58][DEBUG] : HTTP Request: POST "HTTP/1.1 200 "
[2022-11-02 20:46:59][DEBUG] : HTTP Request: POST "HTTP/1.1 200 "
[2022-11-02 20:46:59][DEBUG] : HTTP Request: GET "HTTP/1.1 200 OK"
[2022-11-02 20:46:59][DEBUG] : Recuperation mesure
[2022-11-02 20:46:59][DEBUG] : HTTP Request: GET "HTTP/1.1 200 OK"
[2022-11-02 20:46:59][DEBUG] : {'production': [{'type': 'inverters', 'activeCount': 8, 'readingTime': 0, 'wNow': 0, 'whLifetime': 356503}, {'type': 'eim', 'activeCount': 1, 'measurementType': 'production', 'readingTime': 1667418419, 'wNow': -0.729, 'whLifetime': 352866.44, 'varhLeadLifetime': 0.088, 'varhLagLifetime': 135766.837, 'vahLifetime': 437885.89, 'rmsCurrent': 0.524, 'rmsVoltage': 238.625, 'reactPwr': 124.6, 'apprntPwr': 124.6, 'pwrFactor': 0.0, 'whToday': 0.44, 'whLastSevenDays': 40824.44, 'vahToday': 30.89, 'varhLeadToday': 0.088, 'varhLagToday': 32.837, 'lines': [{'wNow': -0.729, 'whLifetime': 352866.44, 'varhLeadLifetime': 0.088, 'varhLagLifetime': 135766.837, 'vahLifetime': 437885.89, 'rmsCurrent': 0.524, 'rmsVoltage': 238.625, 'reactPwr': 124.6, 'apprntPwr': 124.6, 'pwrFactor': 0.0, 'whToday': 0.44, 'whLastSevenDays': 40824.44, 'vahToday': 30.89, 'varhLeadToday': 0.088, 'varhLagToday': 32.837}]}], 'consumption': [{'type': 'eim', 'activeCount': 1, 'measurementType': 'total-consumption', 'readingTime': 1667418419, 'wNow': 727.564, 'whLifetime': 539637.601, 'varhLeadLifetime': 694230.368, 'varhLagLifetime': 138653.393, 'vahLifetime': 959986.587, 'rmsCurrent': 4.965, 'rmsVoltage': 238.503, 'reactPwr': -778.384, 'apprntPwr': 1184.052, 'pwrFactor': 0.61, 'whToday': 152.601, 'whLastSevenDays': 90051.601, 'vahToday': 247.587, 'varhLeadToday': 165.368, 'varhLagToday': 33.393, 'lines': [{'wNow': 727.564, 'whLifetime': 539637.601, 'varhLeadLifetime': 694230.368, 'varhLagLifetime': 138653.393, 'vahLifetime': 959986.587, 'rmsCurrent': 4.965, 'rmsVoltage': 238.503, 'reactPwr': -778.384, 'apprntPwr': 1184.052, 'pwrFactor': 0.61, 'whToday': 152.601, 'whLastSevenDays': 90051.601, 'vahToday': 247.587, 'varhLeadToday': 165.368, 'varhLagToday': 33.393}]}, {'type': 'eim', 'activeCount': 1, 'measurementType': 'net-consumption', 'readingTime': 1667418419, 'wNow': 728.293, 'whLifetime': 337527.959, 'varhLeadLifetime': 694230.28, 'varhLagLifetime': 2886.556, 'vahLifetime': 959986.587, 'rmsCurrent': 4.441, 'rmsVoltage': 238.381, 'reactPwr': -653.784, 'apprntPwr': 1062.36, 'pwrFactor': 0.67, 'whToday': 0, 'whLastSevenDays': 0, 'vahToday': 0, 'varhLeadToday': 0, 'varhLagToday': 0, 'lines': [{'wNow': 728.293, 'whLifetime': 337527.959, 'varhLeadLifetime': 694230.28, 'varhLagLifetime': 2886.556, 'vahLifetime': 959986.587, 'rmsCurrent': 4.441, 'rmsVoltage': 238.381, 'reactPwr': -653.784, 'apprntPwr': 1062.36, 'pwrFactor': 0.67, 'whToday': 0, 'whLastSevenDays': 0, 'vahToday': 0, 'varhLeadToday': 0, 'varhLagToday': 0}]}], 'storage': [{'type': 'acb', 'activeCount': 0, 'readingTime': 0, 'wNow': 0, 'whNow': 0, 'state': 'idle'}]}
[2022-11-02 20:46:59][INFO] : Send to jeedom :  {'production': [{'type': 'inverters', 'activeCount': 8, 'readingTime': 0, 'wNow': 0, 'whLifetime': 356503}, {'type': 'eim', 'activeCount': 1, 'measurementType': 'production', 'readingTime': 1667418419, 'wNow': -0.729, 'whLifetime': 352866.44, 'varhLeadLifetime': 0.088, 'varhLagLifetime': 135766.837, 'vahLifetime': 437885.89, 'rmsCurrent': 0.524, 'rmsVoltage': 238.625, 'reactPwr': 124.6, 'apprntPwr': 124.6, 'pwrFactor': 0.0, 'whToday': 0.44, 'whLastSevenDays': 40824.44, 'vahToday': 30.89, 'varhLeadToday': 0.088, 'varhLagToday': 32.837, 'lines': [{'wNow': -0.729, 'whLifetime': 352866.44, 'varhLeadLifetime': 0.088, 'varhLagLifetime': 135766.837, 'vahLifetime': 437885.89, 'rmsCurrent': 0.524, 'rmsVoltage': 238.625, 'reactPwr': 124.6, 'apprntPwr': 124.6, 'pwrFactor': 0.0, 'whToday': 0.44, 'whLastSevenDays': 40824.44, 'vahToday': 30.89, 'varhLeadToday': 0.088, 'varhLagToday': 32.837}]}], 'consumption': [{'type': 'eim', 'activeCount': 1, 'measurementType': 'total-consumption', 'readingTime': 1667418419, 'wNow': 727.564, 'whLifetime': 539637.601, 'varhLeadLifetime': 694230.368, 'varhLagLifetime': 138653.393, 'vahLifetime': 959986.587, 'rmsCurrent': 4.965, 'rmsVoltage': 238.503, 'reactPwr': -778.384, 'apprntPwr': 1184.052, 'pwrFactor': 0.61, 'whToday': 152.601, 'whLastSevenDays': 90051.601, 'vahToday': 247.587, 'varhLeadToday': 165.368, 'varhLagToday': 33.393, 'lines': [{'wNow': 727.564, 'whLifetime': 539637.601, 'varhLeadLifetime': 694230.368, 'varhLagLifetime': 138653.393, 'vahLifetime': 959986.587, 'rmsCurrent': 4.965, 'rmsVoltage': 238.503, 'reactPwr': -778.384, 'apprntPwr': 1184.052, 'pwrFactor': 0.61, 'whToday': 152.601, 'whLastSevenDays': 90051.601, 'vahToday': 247.587, 'varhLeadToday': 165.368, 'varhLagToday': 33.393}]}, {'type': 'eim', 'activeCount': 1, 'measurementType': 'net-consumption', 'readingTime': 1667418419, 'wNow': 728.293, 'whLifetime': 337527.959, 'varhLeadLifetime': 694230.28, 'varhLagLifetime': 2886.556, 'vahLifetime': 959986.587, 'rmsCurrent': 4.441, 'rmsVoltage': 238.381, 'reactPwr': -653.784, 'apprntPwr': 1062.36, 'pwrFactor': 0.67, 'whToday': 0, 'whLastSevenDays': 0, 'vahToday': 0, 'varhLeadToday': 0, 'varhLagToday': 0, 'lines': [{'wNow': 728.293, 'whLifetime': 337527.959, 'varhLeadLifetime': 694230.28, 'varhLagLifetime': 2886.556, 'vahLifetime': 959986.587, 'rmsCurrent': 4.441, 'rmsVoltage': 238.381, 'reactPwr': -653.784, 'apprntPwr': 1062.36, 'pwrFactor': 0.67, 'whToday': 0, 'whLastSevenDays': 0, 'vahToday': 0, 'varhLeadToday': 0, 'varhLagToday': 0}]}], 'storage': [{'type': 'acb', 'activeCount': 0, 'readingTime': 0, 'wNow': 0, 'whNow': 0, 'state': 'idle'}]}
[2022-11-02 20:46:59][DEBUG] : Starting new HTTP connection (1):
[2022-11-02 20:47:00][DEBUG] : "POST /plugins/enphasesecur/core/php/jeeenphasesecur.php?apikey=7LyBLaZIRCf0AiHvmhwW34OViObjPU7l5g1QWUTnCtZeXfwnLCItQKRbfLrwRRhU HTTP/1.1" 200 0
[2022-11-02 20:47:19][DEBUG] : Recuperation mesure
[2022-11-02 20:47:20][DEBUG] : HTTP Request: GET "HTTP/1.1 401 Unauthorized"
[2022-11-02 20:47:20][ERROR] : Fatal error : Expecting value: line 1 column 1 (char 0)
[2022-11-02 20:47:20][INFO] : Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/var/www/html/plugins/enphasesecur/resources/enphasesecurd/", line 137, in enphase
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages/httpx/", line 742, in json
    return jsonlib.loads(self.content.decode(encoding), **kwargs)
  File "/usr/lib/python3.7/json/", line 348, in loads
    return _default_decoder.decode(s)
  File "/usr/lib/python3.7/json/", line 337, in decode
    obj, end = self.raw_decode(s, idx=_w(s, 0).end())
  File "/usr/lib/python3.7/json/", line 355, in raw_decode
    raise JSONDecodeError("Expecting value", s, err.value) from None
json.decoder.JSONDecodeError: Expecting value: line 1 column 1 (char 0)
[2022-11-02 20:48:40][DEBUG] : Recuperation token
[2022-11-02 20:48:41][DEBUG] : HTTP Request: POST "HTTP/1.1 200 "
[2022-11-02 20:48:41][DEBUG] : HTTP Request: POST "HTTP/1.1 200 "
[2022-11-02 20:48:41][DEBUG] : HTTP Request: GET "HTTP/1.1 200 OK"
[2022-11-02 20:48:41][DEBUG] : Recuperation mesure
[2022-11-02 20:48:41][DEBUG] : HTTP Request: GET "HTTP/1.1 200 OK"
[2022-11-02 20:48:41][DEBUG] : {'production': [{'type': 'inverters', 'activeCount': 8, 'readingTime': 0, 'wNow': 0, 'whLifetime': 356503}, {'type': 'eim', 'activeCount': 1, 'measurementType': 'production', 'readingTime': 1667418521, 'wNow': -0.59, 'whLifetime': 352866.44, 'varhLeadLifetime': 0.088, 'varhLagLifetime': 135770.555, 'vahLifetime': 437889.405, 'rmsCurrent': 0.525, 'rmsVoltage': 240.001, 'reactPwr': 125.431, 'apprntPwr': 125.431, 'pwrFactor': 0.0, 'whToday': 0.44, 'whLastSevenDays': 40824.44, 'vahToday': 34.405, 'varhLeadToday': 0.088, 'varhLagToday': 36.555, 'lines': [{'wNow': -0.59, 'whLifetime': 352866.44, 'varhLeadLifetime': 0.088, 'varhLagLifetime': 135770.555, 'vahLifetime': 437889.405, 'rmsCurrent': 0.525, 'rmsVoltage': 240.001, 'reactPwr': 125.431, 'apprntPwr': 125.431, 'pwrFactor': 0.0, 'whToday': 0.44, 'whLastSevenDays': 40824.44, 'vahToday': 34.405, 'varhLeadToday': 0.088, 'varhLagToday': 36.555}]}], 'consumption': [{'type': 'eim', 'activeCount': 1, 'measurementType': 'total-consumption', 'readingTime': 1667418521, 'wNow': 694.239, 'whLifetime': 539657.578, 'varhLeadLifetime': 694248.873, 'varhLagLifetime': 138657.111, 'vahLifetime': 960016.173, 'rmsCurrent': 4.86, 'rmsVoltage': 239.881, 'reactPwr': -780.093, 'apprntPwr': 1165.795, 'pwrFactor': 0.6, 'whToday': 172.578, 'whLastSevenDays': 90071.578, 'vahToday': 277.173, 'varhLeadToday': 183.873, 'varhLagToday': 37.111, 'lines': [{'wNow': 694.239, 'whLifetime': 539657.578, 'varhLeadLifetime': 694248.873, 'varhLagLifetime': 138657.111, 'vahLifetime': 960016.173, 'rmsCurrent': 4.86, 'rmsVoltage': 239.881, 'reactPwr': -780.093, 'apprntPwr': 1165.795, 'pwrFactor': 0.6, 'whToday': 172.578, 'whLastSevenDays': 90071.578, 'vahToday': 277.173, 'varhLeadToday': 183.873, 'varhLagToday': 37.111}]}, {'type': 'eim', 'activeCount': 1, 'measurementType': 'net-consumption', 'readingTime': 1667418521, 'wNow': 694.829, 'whLifetime': 337547.937, 'varhLeadLifetime': 694248.785, 'varhLagLifetime': 2886.556, 'vahLifetime': 960016.173, 'rmsCurrent': 4.335, 'rmsVoltage': 239.762, 'reactPwr': -654.662, 'apprntPwr': 1038.144, 'pwrFactor': 0.67, 'whToday': 0, 'whLastSevenDays': 0, 'vahToday': 0, 'varhLeadToday': 0, 'varhLagToday': 0, 'lines': [{'wNow': 694.829, 'whLifetime': 337547.937, 'varhLeadLifetime': 694248.785, 'varhLagLifetime': 2886.556, 'vahLifetime': 960016.173, 'rmsCurrent': 4.335, 'rmsVoltage': 239.762, 'reactPwr': -654.662, 'apprntPwr': 1038.144, 'pwrFactor': 0.67, 'whToday': 0, 'whLastSevenDays': 0, 'vahToday': 0, 'varhLeadToday': 0, 'varhLagToday': 0}]}], 'storage': [{'type': 'acb', 'activeCount': 0, 'readingTime': 0, 'wNow': 0, 'whNow': 0, 'state': 'idle'}]}
[2022-11-02 20:48:41][INFO] : Send to jeedom :  {'production': [{'type': 'inverters', 'activeCount': 8, 'readingTime': 0, 'wNow': 0, 'whLifetime': 356503}, {'type': 'eim', 'activeCount': 1, 'measurementType': 'production', 'readingTime': 1667418521, 'wNow': -0.59, 'whLifetime': 352866.44, 'varhLeadLifetime': 0.088, 'varhLagLifetime': 135770.555, 'vahLifetime': 437889.405, 'rmsCurrent': 0.525, 'rmsVoltage': 240.001, 'reactPwr': 125.431, 'apprntPwr': 125.431, 'pwrFactor': 0.0, 'whToday': 0.44, 'whLastSevenDays': 40824.44, 'vahToday': 34.405, 'varhLeadToday': 0.088, 'varhLagToday': 36.555, 'lines': [{'wNow': -0.59, 'whLifetime': 352866.44, 'varhLeadLifetime': 0.088, 'varhLagLifetime': 135770.555, 'vahLifetime': 437889.405, 'rmsCurrent': 0.525, 'rmsVoltage': 240.001, 'reactPwr': 125.431, 'apprntPwr': 125.431, 'pwrFactor': 0.0, 'whToday': 0.44, 'whLastSevenDays': 40824.44, 'vahToday': 34.405, 'varhLeadToday': 0.088, 'varhLagToday': 36.555}]}], 'consumption': [{'type': 'eim', 'activeCount': 1, 'measurementType': 'total-consumption', 'readingTime': 1667418521, 'wNow': 694.239, 'whLifetime': 539657.578, 'varhLeadLifetime': 694248.873, 'varhLagLifetime': 138657.111, 'vahLifetime': 960016.173, 'rmsCurrent': 4.86, 'rmsVoltage': 239.881, 'reactPwr': -780.093, 'apprntPwr': 1165.795, 'pwrFactor': 0.6, 'whToday': 172.578, 'whLastSevenDays': 90071.578, 'vahToday': 277.173, 'varhLeadToday': 183.873, 'varhLagToday': 37.111, 'lines': [{'wNow': 694.239, 'whLifetime': 539657.578, 'varhLeadLifetime': 694248.873, 'varhLagLifetime': 138657.111, 'vahLifetime': 960016.173, 'rmsCurrent': 4.86, 'rmsVoltage': 239.881, 'reactPwr': -780.093, 'apprntPwr': 1165.795, 'pwrFactor': 0.6, 'whToday': 172.578, 'whLastSevenDays': 90071.578, 'vahToday': 277.173, 'varhLeadToday': 183.873, 'varhLagToday': 37.111}]}, {'type': 'eim', 'activeCount': 1, 'measurementType': 'net-consumption', 'readingTime': 1667418521, 'wNow': 694.829, 'whLifetime': 337547.937, 'varhLeadLifetime': 694248.785, 'varhLagLifetime': 2886.556, 'vahLifetime': 960016.173, 'rmsCurrent': 4.335, 'rmsVoltage': 239.762, 'reactPwr': -654.662, 'apprntPwr': 1038.144, 'pwrFactor': 0.67, 'whToday': 0, 'whLastSevenDays': 0, 'vahToday': 0, 'varhLeadToday': 0, 'varhLagToday': 0, 'lines': [{'wNow': 694.829, 'whLifetime': 337547.937, 'varhLeadLifetime': 694248.785, 'varhLagLifetime': 2886.556, 'vahLifetime': 960016.173, 'rmsCurrent': 4.335, 'rmsVoltage': 239.762, 'reactPwr': -654.662, 'apprntPwr': 1038.144, 'pwrFactor': 0.67, 'whToday': 0, 'whLastSevenDays': 0, 'vahToday': 0, 'varhLeadToday': 0, 'varhLagToday': 0}]}], 'storage': [{'type': 'acb', 'activeCount': 0, 'readingTime': 0, 'wNow': 0, 'whNow': 0, 'state': 'idle'}]}
[2022-11-02 20:48:41][DEBUG] : Starting new HTTP connection (1):
[2022-11-02 20:48:41][DEBUG] : "POST /plugins/enphasesecur/core/php/jeeenphasesecur.php?apikey=7LyBLaZIRCf0AiHvmhwW34OViObjPU7l5g1QWUTnCtZeXfwnLCItQKRbfLrwRRhU HTTP/1.1" 200 0
[2022-11-02 20:49:01][DEBUG] : Recuperation mesure
[2022-11-02 20:49:02][DEBUG] : HTTP Request: GET "HTTP/1.1 401 Unauthorized"
[2022-11-02 20:49:02][ERROR] : Fatal error : Expecting value: line 1 column 1 (char 0)
[2022-11-02 20:49:02][INFO] : Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/var/www/html/plugins/enphasesecur/resources/enphasesecurd/", line 137, in enphase
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages/httpx/", line 742, in json
    return jsonlib.loads(self.content.decode(encoding), **kwargs)
  File "/usr/lib/python3.7/json/", line 348, in loads
    return _default_decoder.decode(s)
  File "/usr/lib/python3.7/json/", line 337, in decode
    obj, end = self.raw_decode(s, idx=_w(s, 0).end())
  File "/usr/lib/python3.7/json/", line 355, in raw_decode
    raise JSONDecodeError("Expecting value", s, err.value) from None
json.decoder.JSONDecodeError: Expecting value: line 1 column 1 (char 0)
[2022-11-02 20:50:22][DEBUG] : Recuperation token
[2022-11-02 20:50:27][ERROR] : Erreur de connexion aux serveurs Enphase
[2022-11-02 20:50:47][DEBUG] : Recuperation token
[2022-11-02 20:50:52][DEBUG] : HTTP Request: POST "HTTP/1.1 200 "
[2022-11-02 20:50:52][DEBUG] : HTTP Request: POST "HTTP/1.1 200 "
[2022-11-02 20:50:52][DEBUG] : HTTP Request: GET "HTTP/1.1 200 OK"
[2022-11-02 20:50:52][DEBUG] : Recuperation mesure
[2022-11-02 20:50:53][DEBUG] : HTTP Request: GET "HTTP/1.1 200 OK"
[2022-11-02 20:50:53][DEBUG] : {'production': [{'type': 'inverters', 'activeCount': 8, 'readingTime': 0, 'wNow': 0, 'whLifetime': 356503}, {'type': 'eim', 'activeCount': 1, 'measurementType': 'production', 'readingTime': 1667418653, 'wNow': -0.59, 'whLifetime': 352866.44, 'varhLeadLifetime': 0.088, 'varhLagLifetime': 135775.319, 'vahLifetime': 437893.911, 'rmsCurrent': 0.516, 'rmsVoltage': 237.123, 'reactPwr': 122.527, 'apprntPwr': 122.527, 'pwrFactor': 0.0, 'whToday': 0.44, 'whLastSevenDays': 40824.44, 'vahToday': 38.911, 'varhLeadToday': 0.088, 'varhLagToday': 41.319, 'lines': [{'wNow': -0.59, 'whLifetime': 352866.44, 'varhLeadLifetime': 0.088, 'varhLagLifetime': 135775.319, 'vahLifetime': 437893.911, 'rmsCurrent': 0.516, 'rmsVoltage': 237.123, 'reactPwr': 122.527, 'apprntPwr': 122.527, 'pwrFactor': 0.0, 'whToday': 0.44, 'whLastSevenDays': 40824.44, 'vahToday': 38.911, 'varhLeadToday': 0.088, 'varhLagToday': 41.319}]}], 'consumption': [{'type': 'eim', 'activeCount': 1, 'measurementType': 'total-consumption', 'readingTime': 1667418653, 'wNow': 720.088, 'whLifetime': 539682.92, 'varhLeadLifetime': 694272.477, 'varhLagLifetime': 138661.875, 'vahLifetime': 960053.85, 'rmsCurrent': 4.999, 'rmsVoltage': 237.013, 'reactPwr': -768.797, 'apprntPwr': 1184.713, 'pwrFactor': 0.61, 'whToday': 197.92, 'whLastSevenDays': 90036.92, 'vahToday': 314.85, 'varhLeadToday': 207.477, 'varhLagToday': 41.875, 'lines': [{'wNow': 720.088, 'whLifetime': 539682.92, 'varhLeadLifetime': 694272.477, 'varhLagLifetime': 138661.875, 'vahLifetime': 960053.85, 'rmsCurrent': 4.999, 'rmsVoltage': 237.013, 'reactPwr': -768.797, 'apprntPwr': 1184.713, 'pwrFactor': 0.61, 'whToday': 197.92, 'whLastSevenDays': 90036.92, 'vahToday': 314.85, 'varhLeadToday': 207.477, 'varhLagToday': 41.875}]}, {'type': 'eim', 'activeCount': 1, 'measurementType': 'net-consumption', 'readingTime': 1667418653, 'wNow': 720.678, 'whLifetime': 337573.278, 'varhLeadLifetime': 694272.39, 'varhLagLifetime': 2886.556, 'vahLifetime': 960053.85, 'rmsCurrent': 4.482, 'rmsVoltage': 236.903, 'reactPwr': -646.27, 'apprntPwr': 1048.895, 'pwrFactor': 0.7, 'whToday': 0, 'whLastSevenDays': 0, 'vahToday': 0, 'varhLeadToday': 0, 'varhLagToday': 0, 'lines': [{'wNow': 720.678, 'whLifetime': 337573.278, 'varhLeadLifetime': 694272.39, 'varhLagLifetime': 2886.556, 'vahLifetime': 960053.85, 'rmsCurrent': 4.482, 'rmsVoltage': 236.903, 'reactPwr': -646.27, 'apprntPwr': 1048.895, 'pwrFactor': 0.7, 'whToday': 0, 'whLastSevenDays': 0, 'vahToday': 0, 'varhLeadToday': 0, 'varhLagToday': 0}]}], 'storage': [{'type': 'acb', 'activeCount': 0, 'readingTime': 0, 'wNow': 0, 'whNow': 0, 'state': 'idle'}]}
[2022-11-02 20:50:53][INFO] : Send to jeedom :  {'production': [{'type': 'inverters', 'activeCount': 8, 'readingTime': 0, 'wNow': 0, 'whLifetime': 356503}, {'type': 'eim', 'activeCount': 1, 'measurementType': 'production', 'readingTime': 1667418653, 'wNow': -0.59, 'whLifetime': 352866.44, 'varhLeadLifetime': 0.088, 'varhLagLifetime': 135775.319, 'vahLifetime': 437893.911, 'rmsCurrent': 0.516, 'rmsVoltage': 237.123, 'reactPwr': 122.527, 'apprntPwr': 122.527, 'pwrFactor': 0.0, 'whToday': 0.44, 'whLastSevenDays': 40824.44, 'vahToday': 38.911, 'varhLeadToday': 0.088, 'varhLagToday': 41.319, 'lines': [{'wNow': -0.59, 'whLifetime': 352866.44, 'varhLeadLifetime': 0.088, 'varhLagLifetime': 135775.319, 'vahLifetime': 437893.911, 'rmsCurrent': 0.516, 'rmsVoltage': 237.123, 'reactPwr': 122.527, 'apprntPwr': 122.527, 'pwrFactor': 0.0, 'whToday': 0.44, 'whLastSevenDays': 40824.44, 'vahToday': 38.911, 'varhLeadToday': 0.088, 'varhLagToday': 41.319}]}], 'consumption': [{'type': 'eim', 'activeCount': 1, 'measurementType': 'total-consumption', 'readingTime': 1667418653, 'wNow': 720.088, 'whLifetime': 539682.92, 'varhLeadLifetime': 694272.477, 'varhLagLifetime': 138661.875, 'vahLifetime': 960053.85, 'rmsCurrent': 4.999, 'rmsVoltage': 237.013, 'reactPwr': -768.797, 'apprntPwr': 1184.713, 'pwrFactor': 0.61, 'whToday': 197.92, 'whLastSevenDays': 90036.92, 'vahToday': 314.85, 'varhLeadToday': 207.477, 'varhLagToday': 41.875, 'lines': [{'wNow': 720.088, 'whLifetime': 539682.92, 'varhLeadLifetime': 694272.477, 'varhLagLifetime': 138661.875, 'vahLifetime': 960053.85, 'rmsCurrent': 4.999, 'rmsVoltage': 237.013, 'reactPwr': -768.797, 'apprntPwr': 1184.713, 'pwrFactor': 0.61, 'whToday': 197.92, 'whLastSevenDays': 90036.92, 'vahToday': 314.85, 'varhLeadToday': 207.477, 'varhLagToday': 41.875}]}, {'type': 'eim', 'activeCount': 1, 'measurementType': 'net-consumption', 'readingTime': 1667418653, 'wNow': 720.678, 'whLifetime': 337573.278, 'varhLeadLifetime': 694272.39, 'varhLagLifetime': 2886.556, 'vahLifetime': 960053.85, 'rmsCurrent': 4.482, 'rmsVoltage': 236.903, 'reactPwr': -646.27, 'apprntPwr': 1048.895, 'pwrFactor': 0.7, 'whToday': 0, 'whLastSevenDays': 0, 'vahToday': 0, 'varhLeadToday': 0, 'varhLagToday': 0, 'lines': [{'wNow': 720.678, 'whLifetime': 337573.278, 'varhLeadLifetime': 694272.39, 'varhLagLifetime': 2886.556, 'vahLifetime': 960053.85, 'rmsCurrent': 4.482, 'rmsVoltage': 236.903, 'reactPwr': -646.27, 'apprntPwr': 1048.895, 'pwrFactor': 0.7, 'whToday': 0, 'whLastSevenDays': 0, 'vahToday': 0, 'varhLeadToday': 0, 'varhLagToday': 0}]}], 'storage': [{'type': 'acb', 'activeCount': 0, 'readingTime': 0, 'wNow': 0, 'whNow': 0, 'state': 'idle'}]}
[2022-11-02 20:50:53][DEBUG] : Starting new HTTP connection (1):
[2022-11-02 20:50:53][DEBUG] : "POST /plugins/enphasesecur/core/php/jeeenphasesecur.php?apikey=7LyBLaZIRCf0AiHvmhwW34OViObjPU7l5g1QWUTnCtZeXfwnLCItQKRbfLrwRRhU HTTP/1.1" 200 0

pareil pour moi… ca se deconnecte. Necessité de redemarrer le daemon :frowning:

Mouais pas convaincus ^^
Si tu peu le laisser voir si demain ça s’améliore
Ça devrait quand même remonter les infos mais moins souvent

C’est à dire ?
Le seul moment où le plugin se déconnecte c’est si il n’arrive pas plusieurs fois a se connecter à la enphase

Je vais pousser une petite idée dans la soirée à voir si ça améliore les choses