Impossible de relancer le demon depuis maj dépendances

Les erreurs sont normal aucun soucis la dessus.

Probléme identique sur 3 jeedom du pluging zigbee sur les 3 aprés mise à jour de la version du 31/03 et relance des dépendances automatiques. j’ai tenté la restore sauvegarde avant mise à jour idem. j’ai créé un ticket support.
0474|[2022-03-31 16:40:56]DEBUG : Loading custom quirks from /var/www/html/plugins/zigbee/resources/zigbeed/quirks
0475|[2022-03-31 16:40:56]DEBUG : Loading custom quirks module OTH3600-GA-ZB
0476|[2022-03-31 16:40:56]ERROR : [start_zigbee] Fatal error : manufacturer_attributes is deprecated. Copy the parent class’s attributes dictionary and update it with your manufacturer-specific attributes. Make sure to specify that it is manufacturer-specific through the appropriate constructor or tuple!
0477|[2022-03-31 16:40:56]INFO : Traceback (most recent call last):
0478|File « /var/www/html/plugins/zigbee/resources/zigbeed/ », line 68, in start_zigbee
0479|zhaquirks.const.CUSTOM_QUIRKS_PATH : os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(file))+’/quirks’
0480|File « /usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages/zhaquirks/ », line 409, in setup
0482|File «  », line 407, in _check_name_wrapper
0483|File «  », line 907, in load_module
0484|File «  », line 732, in load_module
0485|File «  », line 265, in _load_module_shim
0486|File «  », line 696, in _load
0487|File «  », line 677, in _load_unlocked
0488|File «  », line 728, in exec_module
0489|File «  », line 219, in _call_with_frames_removed
0490|File « /var/www/html/plugins/zigbee/resources/zigbeed/quirks/ », line 24, in
0491|class OTH3600GAZBCluster(CustomCluster,ManufacturerSpecificCluster):
0492|File « /usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages/zigpy/zcl/ », line 92, in init_subclass
0493|f"manufacturer_{a} is deprecated. Copy the parent class’s {a}"
0494|TypeError: manufacturer_attributes is deprecated. Copy the parent class’s attributes dictionary and update it with your manufacturer-specific attributes. Make sure to specify that it is manufacturer-specific through the appropriate constructor or tuple!
0495|[2022-03-31 16:40:56]INFO : Shutdown
0496|[2022-03-31 16:40:56]INFO : Removing PID file /tmp/jeedom/zigbee/
0497|[2022-03-31 16:40:56]INFO : Exit 0
ds log zigbee 1

reponse du support

C’est un bug de notre coté, une 1er version (publié ce matin) corrige une partie des bugs pour la plupart des utilisateurs mais il en reste encore un pour d’autre qui est normalement corrigé en beta (j’attends l’autorisation de jeedom sas pour publier ma correction en stable)

Idem depuis mise à jour message:
[start_zigbee] Fatal error : manufacturer_attributes is deprecated. Copy the parent class’s attributes dictionary and update it with your manufacturer-specific attributes. Make sure to specify that it is manufacturer-specific through the appropriate constructor or tuple!
J’attends la prochaine maj …

Idem pouor moi depuis la MAJ de ce jour du plugin zigbee, le demon démarre plus…
Je suis sur une conbee2

[2022-03-31 17:54:24]ERROR : [start_zigbee] Fatal error : `manufacturer_attributes` is deprecated. Copy the parent class's `attributes` dictionary and update it with your manufacturer-specific `attributes`. Make sure to specify that it is manufacturer-specific through the  appropriate constructor or tuple!
[2022-03-31 17:54:24]INFO : Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/var/www/html/plugins/zigbee/resources/zigbeed/", line 68, in start_zigbee
zhaquirks.const.CUSTOM_QUIRKS_PATH : os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))+'/quirks'
File "/usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages/zhaquirks/", line 409, in setup
File "", line 407, in _check_name_wrapper
File "", line 907, in load_module
File "", line 732, in load_module
File "", line 265, in _load_module_shim
File "", line 696, in _load
File "", line 677, in _load_unlocked
File "", line 728, in exec_module
File "", line 219, in _call_with_frames_removed
File "/var/www/html/plugins/zigbee/resources/zigbeed/quirks/", line 24, in 
class OTH3600GAZBCluster(CustomCluster,ManufacturerSpecificCluster):
File "/usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages/zigpy/zcl/", line 92, in __init_subclass__
f"`manufacturer_{a}` is deprecated. Copy the parent class's `{a}`"
TypeError: `manufacturer_attributes` is deprecated. Copy the parent class's `attributes` dictionary and update it with your manufacturer-specific `attributes`. Make sure to specify that it is manufacturer-specific through the  appropriate constructor or tuple!
[2022-03-31 17:54:24]INFO : Shutdown
[2022-03-31 17:54:24]INFO : Removing PID file /tmp/jeedom/zigbee/
[2022-03-31 17:54:24]INFO : Exit 0
[2022-03-31 17:54:23]INFO : Lancement démon zigbeed : /usr/bin/python3 /var/www/html/plugins/zigbee/resources/zigbeed/ --device auto --loglevel debug --socketport 8089 --callback --apikey BKbSE80JcPAarSTVxZ1UuDU3euHMQimb --cycle 0.3 --pid /tmp/jeedom/zigbee/ --data_folder /var/www/html/plugins/zigbee/data/1 --device_folder /var/www/html/plugins/zigbee/data/device --controller deconz --sub_controller auto --channel 11 --folder_OTA /var/www/html/plugins/zigbee/data/ota
[2022-03-31 17:54:24]DEBUG : null

Je viens d’avoir le souci aussi en installant la stable que Jeedom m’a proposé cet après midi.
Le démon qui fonctionnait normalement avant la MAJ a refusé de démarrer.
Après lecture des messages de ce post, j’ai installé la beta et ça refonctionne, du moins le démon se lance.
J’avais installé la stable après lecture du changelog qui indiquait un correctif sur un problème de lancement de démon justement.
Wait and see

moi corrigé en lançant la commande SSH de @Loic

J’ai pas trop l’habitude de trifouiller, peux-tu m’orienter ?

Hello ,
j’ai eu le meme soucis que tout le monde et avec la commande de Loic , c’est reparti =>


La correction vient de passer en stable à 18h13.
Tout est rentré dans l’ordre de mon coté (Rpi4)
Merci pour la réactivité ! :clap:

Parfait la mise à jour corrige le problème du démarrage du Démon :+1:

Merci @Loic et Jeedom pour la réactivité !

Merci @Loic et @Salvialf pour leur réactivité sur ce problème ! ça fonctionne de nouveau !
Bonne soirée à vous !


De mon coté ça ne fonctionne toujours pas malgré la mise à jour de ce soir.
Le démon se lance puis s’arrete.

[2022-03-31 21:16:56]WARNING : No response to 'Command.read_parameter' command with seq id '0x02'
[2022-03-31 21:16:56]ERROR : Couldn't start application
[2022-03-31 21:16:56]DEBUG : executing functools.partial()
[2022-03-31 21:16:56]DEBUG : operation functools.partial() completed
[2022-03-31 21:16:56]ERROR : [start_zigbee] Fatal error :
[2022-03-31 21:16:56]INFO : Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/var/www/html/plugins/zigbee/resources/zigbeed/", line 102, in start_zigbee
File "/usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages/zigpy/", line 69, in new
await app.startup(auto_form)
File "/usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages/zigpy_deconz/zigbee/", line 67, in startup
self.version = await self._api.version()
File "/usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages/zigpy_deconz/", line 463, in version
(self._proto_ver,) = await self[NetworkParameter.protocol_version]
File "/usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages/zigpy_deconz/", line 428, in read_parameter
r = await self._command(Command.read_parameter, 1 + len(data), param, data)
File "/usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages/zigpy_deconz/", line 313, in _command
return await asyncio.wait_for(fut, timeout=COMMAND_TIMEOUT)
File "/usr/lib/python3.7/asyncio/", line 423, in wait_for
raise futures.TimeoutError()
[2022-03-31 21:16:56]INFO : Shutdown
[2022-03-31 21:16:56]INFO : Removing PID file /tmp/jeedom/zigbee/
[2022-03-31 21:16:56]INFO : Exit 0

de mon coté pareil malgré la mise à jour de 18h13 le démon ne tiens pas il se coupe automatiquement

une question, dans les fonctionnalitées faut il tout cocher?

alors la dernière mise a jour , le demon redémarre enfin

mais maintenant j’ai un gros bug

ça à inverser le sens d’ouverture de mes volets roulant , il ce ferme a la placer de s’ouvrir , et vice versa

Voici mon bug:
022-03-31 19:17:43]DEBUG : Loading custom quirks from /var/www/html/plugins/zigbee/resources/zigbeed/quirks
[2022-03-31 19:17:43]DEBUG : Loading custom quirks module OTH3600-GA-ZB
[2022-03-31 19:17:43]ERROR : [start_zigbee] Fatal error : manufacturer_attributes is deprecated. Copy the parent class’s attributes dictionary and update it with your manufacturer-specific attributes. Make sure to specify that it is manufacturer-specific through the appropriate constructor or tuple!
[2022-03-31 19:17:43]INFO : Traceback (most recent call last):
File « /var/www/html/plugins/zigbee/resources/zigbeed/ », line 68, in start_zigbee
zhaquirks.const.CUSTOM_QUIRKS_PATH : os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(file))+’/quirks’
File « /usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages/zhaquirks/ », line 409, in setup
File «  », line 407, in _check_name_wrapper
File «  », line 907, in load_module
File «  », line 732, in load_module
File «  », line 265, in _load_module_shim
File «  », line 696, in _load
File «  », line 677, in _load_unlocked
File «  », line 728, in exec_module
File «  », line 219, in _call_with_frames_removed
File « /var/www/html/plugins/zigbee/resources/zigbeed/quirks/ », line 24, in
class OTH3600GAZBCluster(CustomCluster,ManufacturerSpecificCluster):
File « /usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages/zigpy/zcl/ », line 92, in init_subclass
f"manufacturer_{a} is deprecated. Copy the parent class’s {a}"
TypeError: manufacturer_attributes is deprecated. Copy the parent class’s attributes dictionary and update it with your manufacturer-specific attributes. Make sure to specify that it is manufacturer-specific through the appropriate constructor or tuple!
[2022-03-31 19:17:43]INFO : Shutdown
[2022-03-31 19:17:43]INFO : Removing PID file /tmp/jeedom/zigbee/
[2022-03-31 19:17:43]INFO : Exit 0

J’ai exactement le même problème et cela depuis la MAJ de ce soir 2022-03-31 18:13:57
Ma domotique est down…quelqu’un a-t-il la solution ?
Merci beaucoup

Logs du Zigbeed :

[2022-03-31 22:25:08][ERROR] : [start_zigbee] Fatal error : `manufacturer_attributes` is deprecated. Copy the parent class's `attributes` dictionary and update it with your manufacturer-specific `attributes`. Make sure to specify that it is manufacturer-specific through the  appropriate constructor or tuple!
[2022-03-31 22:30:10][ERROR] : [start_zigbee] Fatal error : `manufacturer_attributes` is deprecated. Copy the parent class's `attributes` dictionary and update it with your manufacturer-specific `attributes`. Make sure to specify that it is manufacturer-specific through the  appropriate constructor or tuple!
[2022-03-31 22:35:09][ERROR] : [start_zigbee] Fatal error : `manufacturer_attributes` is deprecated. Copy the parent class's `attributes` dictionary and update it with your manufacturer-specific `attributes`. Make sure to specify that it is manufacturer-specific through the  appropriate constructor or tuple!
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/var/www/html/plugins/zigbee/resources/zigbeed/", line 282, in <module>
import zqueue
File "/var/www/html/plugins/zigbee/resources/zigbeed/", line 23, in <module>
import zdevices
File "/var/www/html/plugins/zigbee/resources/zigbeed/", line 30, in <module>
import specifics
File "/var/www/html/plugins/zigbee/resources/zigbeed/specifics/", line 36, in <module>
for importer, modname, ispkg in pkgutil.walk_packages(path=__path__, prefix=__name__+'.'):
File "/usr/lib/python3.7/", line 92, in walk_packages
File "/var/www/html/plugins/zigbee/resources/zigbeed/specifics/danfoss/", line 18, in <module>
from . import details
File "/var/www/html/plugins/zigbee/resources/zigbeed/specifics/danfoss/", line 59, in <module>
class JeedomDanfossThermostatCluster(CustomCluster, Thermostat):
File "/usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages/zigpy/zcl/", line 92, in __init_subclass__
f"`manufacturer_{a}` is deprecated. Copy the parent class's `{a}`"
TypeError: `manufacturer_attributes` is deprecated. Copy the parent class's `attributes` dictionary and update it with your manufacturer-specific `attributes`. Make sure to specify that it is manufacturer-specific through the  appropriate constructor or tuple!
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/var/www/html/plugins/zigbee/resources/zigbeed/", line 282, in <module>
import zqueue
File "/var/www/html/plugins/zigbee/resources/zigbeed/", line 23, in <module>
import zdevices
File "/var/www/html/plugins/zigbee/resources/zigbeed/", line 30, in <module>
import specifics
File "/var/www/html/plugins/zigbee/resources/zigbeed/specifics/", line 36, in <module>
for importer, modname, ispkg in pkgutil.walk_packages(path=__path__, prefix=__name__+'.'):
File "/usr/lib/python3.7/", line 92, in walk_packages
File "/var/www/html/plugins/zigbee/resources/zigbeed/specifics/danfoss/", line 18, in <module>
from . import details
File "/var/www/html/plugins/zigbee/resources/zigbeed/specifics/danfoss/", line 59, in <module>
class JeedomDanfossThermostatCluster(CustomCluster, Thermostat):
File "/usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages/zigpy/zcl/", line 92, in __init_subclass__
f"`manufacturer_{a}` is deprecated. Copy the parent class's `{a}`"
TypeError: `manufacturer_attributes` is deprecated. Copy the parent class's `attributes` dictionary and update it with your manufacturer-specific `attributes`. Make sure to specify that it is manufacturer-specific through the  appropriate constructor or tuple!
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/var/www/html/plugins/zigbee/resources/zigbeed/", line 282, in <module>
import zqueue
File "/var/www/html/plugins/zigbee/resources/zigbeed/", line 23, in <module>
import zdevices
File "/var/www/html/plugins/zigbee/resources/zigbeed/", line 30, in <module>
import specifics
File "/var/www/html/plugins/zigbee/resources/zigbeed/specifics/", line 36, in <module>
for importer, modname, ispkg in pkgutil.walk_packages(path=__path__, prefix=__name__+'.'):
File "/usr/lib/python3.7/", line 92, in walk_packages
File "/var/www/html/plugins/zigbee/resources/zigbeed/specifics/danfoss/", line 18, in <module>
from . import details
File "/var/www/html/plugins/zigbee/resources/zigbeed/specifics/danfoss/", line 59, in <module>
class JeedomDanfossThermostatCluster(CustomCluster, Thermostat):
File "/usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages/zigpy/zcl/", line 92, in __init_subclass__
f"`manufacturer_{a}` is deprecated. Copy the parent class's `{a}`"
TypeError: `manufacturer_attributes` is deprecated. Copy the parent class's `attributes` dictionary and update it with your manufacturer-specific `attributes`. Make sure to specify that it is manufacturer-specific through the  appropriate constructor or tuple!
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/var/www/html/plugins/zigbee/resources/zigbeed/", line 282, in <module>
import zqueue
File "/var/www/html/plugins/zigbee/resources/zigbeed/", line 23, in <module>
import zdevices
File "/var/www/html/plugins/zigbee/resources/zigbeed/", line 30, in <module>
import specifics
File "/var/www/html/plugins/zigbee/resources/zigbeed/specifics/", line 36, in <module>
for importer, modname, ispkg in pkgutil.walk_packages(path=__path__, prefix=__name__+'.'):
File "/usr/lib/python3.7/", line 92, in walk_packages
File "/var/www/html/plugins/zigbee/resources/zigbeed/specifics/danfoss/", line 18, in <module>
from . import details
File "/var/www/html/plugins/zigbee/resources/zigbeed/specifics/danfoss/", line 59, in <module>
class JeedomDanfossThermostatCluster(CustomCluster, Thermostat):
File "/usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages/zigpy/zcl/", line 92, in __init_subclass__
f"`manufacturer_{a}` is deprecated. Copy the parent class's `{a}`"
TypeError: `manufacturer_attributes` is deprecated. Copy the parent class's `attributes` dictionary and update it with your manufacturer-specific `attributes`. Make sure to specify that it is manufacturer-specific through the  appropriate constructor or tuple!
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/var/www/html/plugins/zigbee/resources/zigbeed/", line 282, in <module>
import zqueue
File "/var/www/html/plugins/zigbee/resources/zigbeed/", line 23, in <module>
import zdevices
File "/var/www/html/plugins/zigbee/resources/zigbeed/", line 30, in <module>
import specifics
File "/var/www/html/plugins/zigbee/resources/zigbeed/specifics/", line 36, in <module>
for importer, modname, ispkg in pkgutil.walk_packages(path=__path__, prefix=__name__+'.'):
File "/usr/lib/python3.7/", line 92, in walk_packages
File "/var/www/html/plugins/zigbee/resources/zigbeed/specifics/danfoss/", line 18, in <module>
from . import details
File "/var/www/html/plugins/zigbee/resources/zigbeed/specifics/danfoss/", line 59, in <module>
class JeedomDanfossThermostatCluster(CustomCluster, Thermostat):
File "/usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages/zigpy/zcl/", line 92, in __init_subclass__
f"`manufacturer_{a}` is deprecated. Copy the parent class's `{a}`"
TypeError: `manufacturer_attributes` is deprecated. Copy the parent class's `attributes` dictionary and update it with your manufacturer-specific `attributes`. Make sure to specify that it is manufacturer-specific through the  appropriate constructor or tuple!
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/var/www/html/plugins/zigbee/resources/zigbeed/", line 282, in <module>
import zqueue
File "/var/www/html/plugins/zigbee/resources/zigbeed/", line 23, in <module>
import zdevices
File "/var/www/html/plugins/zigbee/resources/zigbeed/", line 30, in <module>
import specifics
File "/var/www/html/plugins/zigbee/resources/zigbeed/specifics/", line 36, in <module>
for importer, modname, ispkg in pkgutil.walk_packages(path=__path__, prefix=__name__+'.'):
File "/usr/lib/python3.7/", line 92, in walk_packages
File "/var/www/html/plugins/zigbee/resources/zigbeed/specifics/danfoss/", line 18, in <module>
from . import details
File "/var/www/html/plugins/zigbee/resources/zigbeed/specifics/danfoss/", line 59, in <module>
class JeedomDanfossThermostatCluster(CustomCluster, Thermostat):
File "/usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages/zigpy/zcl/", line 92, in __init_subclass__
f"`manufacturer_{a}` is deprecated. Copy the parent class's `{a}`"
TypeError: `manufacturer_attributes` is deprecated. Copy the parent class's `attributes` dictionary and update it with your manufacturer-specific `attributes`. Make sure to specify that it is manufacturer-specific through the  appropriate constructor or tuple!
[2022-03-31 23:00:11][ERROR] : [start_zigbee] Fatal error : `manufacturer_attributes` is deprecated. Copy the parent class's `attributes` dictionary and update it with your manufacturer-specific `attributes`. Make sure to specify that it is manufacturer-specific through the  appropriate constructor or tuple!
[2022-03-31 23:05:09][ERROR] : [start_zigbee] Fatal error : `manufacturer_attributes` is deprecated. Copy the parent class's `attributes` dictionary and update it with your manufacturer-specific `attributes`. Make sure to specify that it is manufacturer-specific through the  appropriate constructor or tuple!
[2022-03-31 23:10:09][ERROR] : [start_zigbee] Fatal error : `manufacturer_attributes` is deprecated. Copy the parent class's `attributes` dictionary and update it with your manufacturer-specific `attributes`. Make sure to specify that it is manufacturer-specific through the  appropriate constructor or tuple!

Jeedom 4.2.14
les 2 versions beta et stable d’hier ne fonctionnent pas non plus
Y a t il un correctif ou une manip a effectuer?

Hello tu as quelle version de plugin ?

avec 2022-03-31 18:13:57 stable cela fonctionne