depuis quelque jours j’ai cette erreur nouveau sur jeedom
Field « Volume (0-100) » has to contain integer between 0 to 100
voici le log
[2022-05-10 11:46:53][INFO] : Stopping daemon
[2022-05-10 11:49:16][INFO] : Stopping daemon
[2022-05-10 11:49:17][INFO] : Starting daemon
[2022-05-10 11:49:17][INFO] : Starting daemon
[2022-05-10 11:49:17][INFO] : Listenning on port 8090
[2022-05-10 11:59:29][INFO] : Send notification with data {"type":"DISPLAY_NOTIF","payload":{"cmdId":"3698","title":"[Jeedom] Message de test","message":"Ceci est un test de message pour la commande Notification","answer":null,"timeout":null,"notificationId":16521767695426,"otherAskCmdId":null,"options":[],"files":[],"time":1652176769,"id":"defaultNotif","channel":"default","index":0}}
[2022-05-10 11:59:41][INFO] : Send notification with data {"type":"DISPLAY_NOTIF","payload":{"cmdId":"3705","title":"[Jeedom] Message de test","message":"Ceci est un test de message pour la commande Notifier les appareils JC","answer":null,"timeout":null,"notificationId":16521767811480,"otherAskCmdId":["3698"],"options":[],"files":[],"time":1652176781,"id":"defaultNotif","channel":"default","index":0}}
[2022-05-10 11:59:41][INFO] : Send notification with data {"type":"DISPLAY_NOTIF","payload":{"cmdId":"3705","title":"[Jeedom] Message de test","message":"Ceci est un test de message pour la commande Notifier les appareils JC","answer":null,"timeout":null,"notificationId":16521767811480,"otherAskCmdId":["3914"],"options":[],"files":[],"time":1652176781,"id":"defaultNotif","channel":"default","index":0}}
[2022-05-10 11:59:46][ERROR] : Field "Volume (0-100)" has to contain integer between 0 to 100
[2022-05-10 12:01:03][ERROR] : Field "Volume (0-100)" has to contain integer between 0 to 100
[2022-05-10 12:07:10][ERROR] : Field "Volume (0-100)" has to contain integer between 0 to 100
[2022-05-10 12:07:31][ERROR] : Field "Volume (0-100)" has to contain integer between 0 to 100
[2022-05-10 12:08:41][ERROR] : Field "Volume (0-100)" has to contain integer between 0 to 100
[2022-05-10 12:08:50][ERROR] : Field "Volume (0-100)" has to contain integer between 0 to 100
[2022-05-10 12:08:57][ERROR] : Field "Volume (0-100)" has to contain integer between 0 to 100
[2022-05-10 12:18:52][DEBUG] : saveNotifAll - info received : ["3914","3698"]
[2022-05-10 12:19:09][DEBUG] : saveNotifAll - info received : ["3914","3698"]
[2022-05-10 12:19:20][DEBUG] : ¤¤¤¤¤ only send the config file without enrichment for apikey c756b74e64cad6be72f20bd4a3e31ea6
[2022-05-10 12:19:20][DEBUG] : ¤¤¤¤¤ only send the config file without enrichment for apikey 0cd99b8f05a658a4b8e562aba27ed60d
[2022-05-10 12:21:25][DEBUG] : getWidgets for all widgets with full config