Erreur last Beta plugin-hyundaibluelink

J’ai activé le mode débug et voici le log. Je ne sais pas si cela aidera…
Merci encore

message: 'Deamon hyundaibluelink_node is starting',
level: 'info',
timestamp: '2021-05-02T18:56:43.472Z'
message: 'Deamon hyundaibluelink_node is starting',
level: 'info',
timestamp: '2021-05-02T18:57:02.125Z'
[2021-05-02 21:00:06] e[31merrore[39m: @EuropeController.login: sign in with EuropeanBrandAuthStrategy failed with error RequestError: socket hang up
source: GotError [HTTPError]: Response code 400 (Bad Request)
at EventEmitter.<anonymous> (/var/www/html/plugins/hyundaibluelink/node/node_modules/got/source/as-promise.js:74:19)
at processTicksAndRejections (internal/process/task_queues.js:97:5) {
host: '',
hostname: '',
method: 'POST',
path: '/api/v1/user/signin',
socketPath: undefined,
protocol: 'https:',
url: '',
gotOptions: {
path: '/api/v1/user/signin',
protocol: 'https:',
slashes: true,
auth: null,
host: '',
port: '8080',
hostname: '',
hash: null,
search: null,
query: null,
pathname: '/api/v1/user/signin',
href: '',
retry: {
retries: [Function],
methods: Set { 'GET', 'PUT', 'HEAD', 'DELETE', 'OPTIONS', 'TRACE' },
statusCodes: Set { 408, 413, 429, 500, 502, 503, 504 },
errorCodes: Set {
headers: {
'user-agent': 'got/9.6.0 (',
accept: 'application/json',
'accept-encoding': 'gzip, deflate',
'content-type': 'application/json',
'content-length': 61,
cookie: 'account=NzU4NDVhMzEtY2YwOC00ZGIwLTg5ODEtNjc0MTFhNTBmOGY3.d9c9d0e0235478a5dd5f5fe1f77cb45ee22d5acd; TS0154565f=01cbaa6f701f3c50071dde7d57c4f4841568cc5b75b60df58598b82831a467550e087a1f4189fceb69ddbc5b04ba52581f13fc9312b09e91400e49c8be722d1a20c2ea2116'
hooks: {
beforeRequest: [],
beforeRedirect: [],
beforeRetry: [],
afterResponse: [],
beforeError: [],
init: []
decompress: true,
throwHttpErrors: true,
followRedirect: true,
stream: false,
form: false,
json: true,
cache: false,
useElectronNet: false,
method: 'POST',
body: '{"email":"XXXXXXXX","password":"XXXXX"}',
cookieJar: CookieJar {
rejectPublicSuffixes: true,
enableLooseMode: false,
allowSpecialUseDomain: false,
store: { idx: {
'': {
'/': {
account: Cookie="account=NzU4NDVhMzEtY2YwOC00ZGIwLTg5ODEtNjc0MTFhNTBmOGY3.d9c9d0e0235478a5dd5f5fe1f77cb45ee22d5acd; Expires=Sun, 02 May 2021 20:00:06 GMT; Max-Age=3600; Path=/; HttpOnly; hostOnly=true; aAge=147ms; cAge=383ms",
TS0154565f: Cookie="TS0154565f=01cbaa6f701f3c50071dde7d57c4f4841568cc5b75b60df58598b82831a467550e087a1f4189fceb69ddbc5b04ba52581f13fc9312b09e91400e49c8be722d1a20c2ea2116; Path=/; hostOnly=true; aAge=149ms; cAge=384ms"
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_cloneSync: [Function],
_importCookiesSync: [Function],
getCookiesSync: [Function],
getCookieStringSync: [Function],
getSetCookieStringsSync: [Function],
removeAllCookiesSync: [Function],
setCookieSync: [Function],
serializeSync: [Function]
statusCode: 400,
statusMessage: 'Bad Request',
headers: {
'ccsp-request-id': '53c168ae-930b-44b0-a011-c2afbe5add7b',
'ccsp-span-id': '4',
'content-length': '149',
'content-type': 'application/json',
date: 'Sun, 02 May 2021 19:00:07 GMT',
vary: 'Origin',
'x-ratelimit-limit': '0',
'x-ratelimit-remaining': '0',
'x-ratelimit-reset': '0',
connection: 'close'
body: {
errId: '53c168ae-930b-44b0-a011-c2afbe5add7b',
errCode: '4003',
errMsg: 'Invalid values',
errBody: { userId: '', remainCount: 4, remainTime: 300 }
name: 'ManagedBluelinkyError',
level: 'error',
message: '@EuropeController.login: [400] Bad Request on [POST] - {"errId":"53c168ae-930b-44b0-a011-c2afbe5add7b","errCode":"4003","errMsg":"Invalid values","errBody":{"userId":"","remainCount":4,"remainTime":300}}',
stack: 'ManagedBluelinkyError: @EuropeController.login: [400] Bad Request on [POST] - {"errId":"53c168ae-930b-44b0-a011-c2afbe5add7b","errCode":"4003","errMsg":"Invalid values","errBody":{"userId":"","remainCount":4,"remainTime":300}}
' +
'    at d (/var/www/html/plugins/hyundaibluelink/node/node_modules/bluelinky/dist/index.js:17:144947)
' +
'    at Y.<anonymous> (/var/www/html/plugins/hyundaibluelink/node/node_modules/bluelinky/dist/index.js:17:169022)
' +
'    at Generator.throw (<anonymous>)
' +
'    at P (/var/www/html/plugins/hyundaibluelink/node/node_modules/bluelinky/dist/index.js:17:136)
' +
'    at processTicksAndRejections (internal/process/task_queues.js:97:5)',
timestamp: '2021-05-02T19:00:07.386Z'
message: 'Deamon hyundaibluelink_node is starting',
level: 'info',
timestamp: '2021-05-02T19:01:02.724Z'
[2021-05-02 21:04:07] e[31merrore[39m: @EuropeController.login: sign in with EuropeanBrandAuthStrategy failed with error RequestError: socket hang up
source: GotError [HTTPError]: Response code 400 (Bad Request)
at EventEmitter.<anonymous> (/var/www/html/plugins/hyundaibluelink/node/node_modules/got/source/as-promise.js:74:19)
at processTicksAndRejections (internal/process/task_queues.js:97:5) {
host: '',
hostname: '',
method: 'POST',
path: '/api/v1/user/signin',
socketPath: undefined,
protocol: 'https:',
url: '',
gotOptions: {
path: '/api/v1/user/signin',
protocol: 'https:',
slashes: true,
auth: null,
host: '',
port: '8080',
hostname: '',
hash: null,
search: null,
query: null,
pathname: '/api/v1/user/signin',
href: '',
retry: {
retries: [Function],
methods: Set { 'GET', 'PUT', 'HEAD', 'DELETE', 'OPTIONS', 'TRACE' },
statusCodes: Set { 408, 413, 429, 500, 502, 503, 504 },
errorCodes: Set {
headers: {
'user-agent': 'got/9.6.0 (',
accept: 'application/json',
'accept-encoding': 'gzip, deflate',
'content-type': 'application/json',
'content-length': 61,
cookie: 'account=M2I5NmZkYjctNjFmZS00ODE5LTgyNWQtYjRhNmE5ZjczYjc4.8e626bbff35f18b1a8449b3ca67028b91993c9a5; TS0154565f=01cbaa6f708e5444c65474aeb311602ba4ee9ad6ebeda3d596080a78e36da1615894862fb7e2b29332115d5bd286c408309113450faf329dea4529898122a668e815c4b33c'
hooks: {
beforeRequest: [],
beforeRedirect: [],
beforeRetry: [],
afterResponse: [],
beforeError: [],
init: []
decompress: true,
throwHttpErrors: true,
followRedirect: true,
stream: false,
form: false,
json: true,
cache: false,
useElectronNet: false,
method: 'POST',
body: '{"email":"XXXXXXXXX","password":"XXXXXXXX"}',
cookieJar: CookieJar {
rejectPublicSuffixes: true,
enableLooseMode: false,
allowSpecialUseDomain: false,
store: { idx: {
'': {
'/': {
account: Cookie="account=M2I5NmZkYjctNjFmZS00ODE5LTgyNWQtYjRhNmE5ZjczYjc4.8e626bbff35f18b1a8449b3ca67028b91993c9a5; Expires=Sun, 02 May 2021 20:04:07 GMT; Max-Age=3600; Path=/; HttpOnly; hostOnly=true; aAge=149ms; cAge=376ms",
TS0154565f: Cookie="TS0154565f=01cbaa6f708e5444c65474aeb311602ba4ee9ad6ebeda3d596080a78e36da1615894862fb7e2b29332115d5bd286c408309113450faf329dea4529898122a668e815c4b33c; Path=/; hostOnly=true; aAge=150ms; cAge=377ms"
} },
prefixSecurity: 'silent',
_cloneSync: [Function],
_importCookiesSync: [Function],
getCookiesSync: [Function],
getCookieStringSync: [Function],
getSetCookieStringsSync: [Function],
removeAllCookiesSync: [Function],
setCookieSync: [Function],
serializeSync: [Function]
statusCode: 400,
statusMessage: 'Bad Request',
headers: {
'ccsp-request-id': '8f702519-3c94-48f1-913c-4a23172b4bb1',
'ccsp-span-id': '4',
'content-length': '149',
'content-type': 'application/json',
date: 'Sun, 02 May 2021 19:04:07 GMT',
vary: 'Origin',
'x-ratelimit-limit': '0',
'x-ratelimit-remaining': '0',
'x-ratelimit-reset': '0',
connection: 'close'
body: {
errId: '8f702519-3c94-48f1-913c-4a23172b4bb1',
errCode: '4003',
errMsg: 'Invalid values',
errBody: { userId: '', remainCount: 3, remainTime: 300 }
name: 'ManagedBluelinkyError',
level: 'error',
message: '@EuropeController.login: [400] Bad Request on [POST] - {"errId":"8f702519-3c94-48f1-913c-4a23172b4bb1","errCode":"4003","errMsg":"Invalid values","errBody":{"userId":"","remainCount":3,"remainTime":300}}',
stack: 'ManagedBluelinkyError: @EuropeController.login: [400] Bad Request on [POST] - {"errId":"8f702519-3c94-48f1-913c-4a23172b4bb1","errCode":"4003","errMsg":"Invalid values","errBody":{"userId":"","remainCount":3,"remainTime":300}}
' +
'    at d (/var/www/html/plugins/hyundaibluelink/node/node_modules/bluelinky/dist/index.js:17:144947)
' +
'    at Y.<anonymous> (/var/www/html/plugins/hyundaibluelink/node/node_modules/bluelinky/dist/index.js:17:169022)
' +
'    at Generator.throw (<anonymous>)
' +
'    at P (/var/www/html/plugins/hyundaibluelink/node/node_modules/bluelinky/dist/index.js:17:136)
' +
'    at processTicksAndRejections (internal/process/task_queues.js:97:5)',
timestamp: '2021-05-02T19:04:07.865Z'
message: 'Deamon hyundaibluelink_node is starting',
level: 'info',
timestamp: '2021-05-02T19:05:05.165Z'
[2021-05-02 21:08:09] e[31merrore[39m: @EuropeController.login: sign in with EuropeanBrandAuthStrategy failed with error RequestError: socket hang up
source: GotError [HTTPError]: Response code 400 (Bad Request)
at EventEmitter.<anonymous> (/var/www/html/plugins/hyundaibluelink/node/node_modules/got/source/as-promise.js:74:19)
at processTicksAndRejections (internal/process/task_queues.js:97:5) {
host: '',
hostname: '',
method: 'POST',
path: '/api/v1/user/signin',
socketPath: undefined,
protocol: 'https:',
url: '',
gotOptions: {
path: '/api/v1/user/signin',
protocol: 'https:',
slashes: true,
auth: null,
host: '',
port: '8080',
hostname: '',
hash: null,
search: null,
query: null,
pathname: '/api/v1/user/signin',
href: '',
retry: {
retries: [Function],
methods: Set { 'GET', 'PUT', 'HEAD', 'DELETE', 'OPTIONS', 'TRACE' },
statusCodes: Set { 408, 413, 429, 500, 502, 503, 504 },
errorCodes: Set {
headers: {
'user-agent': 'got/9.6.0 (',
accept: 'application/json',
'accept-encoding': 'gzip, deflate',
'content-type': 'application/json',
'content-length': 61,
cookie: 'account=YjNiZWY1Y2UtOGE5Zi00MmNhLThiOGYtYzhiMDRhZWM2ODA3.43ba327efeb2bf4a4e1de313f48dca3c99f7ad82; TS0154565f=01cbaa6f70fe9c486c1f15f623777f9af63f606ff479b212885b4c9398a6b467732d53fd7c52e59fd2b32885f9ac934dea8644afb6f81bfc71aa11f21a5ab314bacd45c0de'
hooks: {
beforeRequest: [],
beforeRedirect: [],
beforeRetry: [],
afterResponse: [],
beforeError: [],
init: []
decompress: true,
throwHttpErrors: true,
followRedirect: true,
stream: false,
form: false,
json: true,
cache: false,
useElectronNet: false,
method: 'POST',
body: '{"email":"XXXXXXXX","password":"XXXXXXXXX"}',
cookieJar: CookieJar {
rejectPublicSuffixes: true,
enableLooseMode: false,
allowSpecialUseDomain: false,
store: { idx: {
'': {
'/': {
account: Cookie="account=YjNiZWY1Y2UtOGE5Zi00MmNhLThiOGYtYzhiMDRhZWM2ODA3.43ba327efeb2bf4a4e1de313f48dca3c99f7ad82; Expires=Sun, 02 May 2021 20:08:10 GMT; Max-Age=3600; Path=/; HttpOnly; hostOnly=true; aAge=158ms; cAge=392ms",
TS0154565f: Cookie="TS0154565f=01cbaa6f70fe9c486c1f15f623777f9af63f606ff479b212885b4c9398a6b467732d53fd7c52e59fd2b32885f9ac934dea8644afb6f81bfc71aa11f21a5ab314bacd45c0de; Path=/; hostOnly=true; aAge=159ms; cAge=393ms"
} },
prefixSecurity: 'silent',
_cloneSync: [Function],
_importCookiesSync: [Function],
getCookiesSync: [Function],
getCookieStringSync: [Function],
getSetCookieStringsSync: [Function],
removeAllCookiesSync: [Function],
setCookieSync: [Function],
serializeSync: [Function]
statusCode: 400,
statusMessage: 'Bad Request',
headers: {
'ccsp-request-id': 'ee2e1b25-b17c-4622-b6d4-9358e296c45b',
'ccsp-span-id': '4',
'content-length': '149',
'content-type': 'application/json',
date: 'Sun, 02 May 2021 19:08:10 GMT',
vary: 'Origin',
'x-ratelimit-limit': '0',
'x-ratelimit-remaining': '0',
'x-ratelimit-reset': '0',
connection: 'close'
body: {
errId: 'ee2e1b25-b17c-4622-b6d4-9358e296c45b',
errCode: '4003',
errMsg: 'Invalid values',
errBody: { userId: '', remainCount: 2, remainTime: 300 }
name: 'ManagedBluelinkyError',
level: 'error',
message: '@EuropeController.login: [400] Bad Request on [POST] - {"errId":"ee2e1b25-b17c-4622-b6d4-9358e296c45b","errCode":"4003","errMsg":"Invalid values","errBody":{"userId":"","remainCount":2,"remainTime":300}}',
stack: 'ManagedBluelinkyError: @EuropeController.login: [400] Bad Request on [POST] - {"errId":"ee2e1b25-b17c-4622-b6d4-9358e296c45b","errCode":"4003","errMsg":"Invalid values","errBody":{"userId":"","remainCount":2,"remainTime":300}}
' +
'    at d (/var/www/html/plugins/hyundaibluelink/node/node_modules/bluelinky/dist/index.js:17:144947)
' +
'    at Y.<anonymous> (/var/www/html/plugins/hyundaibluelink/node/node_modules/bluelinky/dist/index.js:17:169022)
' +
'    at Generator.throw (<anonymous>)
' +
'    at P (/var/www/html/plugins/hyundaibluelink/node/node_modules/bluelinky/dist/index.js:17:136)
' +
'    at processTicksAndRejections (internal/process/task_queues.js:97:5)',
timestamp: '2021-05-02T19:08:10.737Z'
message: 'Deamon hyundaibluelink_node is starting',
level: 'info',
timestamp: '2021-05-02T19:09:04.656Z'

Merci pour ton aide, mais je ne suis pas sur de comprendre la manip. Je vais en ssh dans la jexedup ? quelle est la commande ? Merci, je suis un peu néophyte…

@pme999 dans ton navigateur, peut tu essayer de te connecter à :

Et suivre la procédure d’authentification ? A la fin du processus tu devrais arriver sur une page blanche.
Mon hypothèse et que l’application Hyundai te demande de changer de mot de passe pendant la connexion, ce cas n’est aujourd’hui pas géré par le plugin (et comme il ne se produit pas souvent j’ai du mal a l’implémenter). Bref, si tu arrive sur cette page

  • met de coté l’url ca peu éventuellement me servir :wink:
  • Éventuellement enregistre la page (Ctrl + S dans ton navigateur) ca peu aussi éventuellement me servir
  • Clique sur Skip (Passer en fr)
  • Et la situation devrais se débloquer

Bonjour @NeoPixl
Merci pour ton retour.
J’ai cliqué, pas de demande de changement de mot de passe mais le téléchargement d’un lien redirect
L’URL est

Euréka… ca marche après ressaisie des identifiants et relance des dépendances…
Pas sur d’avoir compris la manip car je n’ai pas changé les identifiants, mais un grand merci

:confetti_ball: :champagne:

Heureux de voir que ça fonctionne à nouveau.
Je me demande si le fait d’avoir réalisé une séquence d’authentification manuellement n’a pas débloqué quelque-chose :man_shrugging:. En tout cas je le met dans le hypothèses et l’ajoute à la documentation.

a ta dispo pour aider à tester si tu as besoin

Il semblerait que l’application ait changé d’ « Application Id ».
Depuis cet après-midi, on reçoit le message suivant :

Erreur sur la fonction cron du plugin : Le démon Bluelink n’a pas réussi a traité la demande. Details :****** status : 500 , message : {« type »:« error »,« message »:"@EuropeController.getVehicles: [401] Unauthorized on [GET] - {« retCode »:« F »,« resCode »:« 4017 »,« resMsg »:« Invalid request value - Invalid Application Id. »,« msgId »:« 03f06caa-be41-464e-92c1-6d942fded50c »}"}

Savez-vous comment on peut retrouver cette valeur et où la changer.



une erreur de ce type a été remontée et corrigée la semaine passée.
Avez-vous installé la dernière mise à jours. Une mise à jour dépendances est aussi nécessaire.

Bonne journée.

Ce problème a effectivement eu lieu la semaine dernière, bien corrigé par la mise à jour.

Mais il vient malheureusement de ressurgir pour moi aussi.



Pareil, je confirme même soucis depuis cet APM (depuis 16h52 dans mes logs)

Nb : je suis bien aussi, en last version (2021-05-27 17:58:19)



Je confirme, j’ai fais une demande de correction dans le système d’interconnexion Bluelink, j’espère que ça ne vas pas trop traîner.

Pour ceux qui lissent le code, c’est ici :

Bonne soirée.


Sur un environnement node.js de test qui fonctionnait précédemment, je viens de remplacer à la main les trois fichiers que vous avez mis à jour mais j’ai toujours un échec d’accès.

(node:4528) UnhandledPromiseRejectionWarning: ManagedBluelinkyError: @EuropeController.login: [401] Unauthorized on [POST] - {« retCode »:« F »,« resCode »:« 4017 »,« resMsg »:« Invalid request value - Invalid Application Id. »,« msgId »:« 0839d39f-a584-46b8-a7c0-17c656992ef2 »}
at F (/home/daniel/hyundai/node_modules/bluelinky/dist/index.js:17:145042)
at Y. (/home/daniel/hyundai/node_modules/bluelinky/dist/index.js:17:169117)
at Generator.throw ()
at J (/home/daniel/hyundai/node_modules/bluelinky/dist/index.js:17:136)
at process._tickCallback (internal/process/next_tick.js:68:7)
(node:4528) UnhandledPromiseRejectionWarning: Unhandled promise rejection. This error originated either by throwing inside of an async function without a catch block, or by rejecting a promise which was not handled with .catch(). (rejection id: 1)
(node:4528) [DEP0018] DeprecationWarning: Unhandled promise rejections are deprecated. In the future, promise rejections that are not handled will terminate the Node.js process with a non-zero exit code.

Si ça peut vous aider…

Bonjour @NeoPixl
Le plugin ne fonctionne plus depuis quelques jours. Tu m’avais ajouté la possibilité de changer le port mais depuis une mise à jour du BETA, je ne vois plus cette possibilité. Est ce la cause ?
j’ai ajouté une vue du log
Merci pour ton aide

message: 'Deamon hyundaibluelink_node is starting',
level: 'info',
timestamp: '2021-06-06T07:35:25.179Z'
Register request has failed with Error=PHONE_REGISTRATION_ERROR
Retry... 1
Register request has failed with Error=PHONE_REGISTRATION_ERROR
Retry... 2
source: GotError [HTTPError]: Response code 401 (Unauthorized)
at EventEmitter.<anonymous> (/var/www/html/plugins/hyundaibluelink/node/node_modules/got/source/as-promise.js:74:19)
at processTicksAndRejections (internal/process/task_queues.js:95:5) {
host: '',
hostname: '',
method: 'POST',
path: '/api/v1/spa/notifications/register',
socketPath: undefined,
protocol: 'https:',
url: '',
gotOptions: {
path: '/api/v1/spa/notifications/register',
protocol: 'https:',
slashes: true,
auth: null,
host: '',
port: '8080',
hostname: '',
hash: null,
search: null,
query: null,
pathname: '/api/v1/spa/notifications/register',
href: '',
retry: {
retries: [Function (anonymous)],
methods: Set(6) { 'GET', 'PUT', 'HEAD', 'DELETE', 'OPTIONS', 'TRACE' },
statusCodes: Set(7) { 408, 413, 429, 500, 502, 503, 504 },
errorCodes: Set(8) {
headers: {
'user-agent': 'okhttp/3.10.0',
'ccsp-service-id': '6d477c38-3ca4-4cf3-9557-2a1929a94654',
'content-type': 'application/json;charset=UTF-8',
host: '',
connection: 'Keep-Alive',
'accept-encoding': 'gzip',
stamp: 'fWILIMmJNUZLIEMNV4tkq5NuD/u78P0XGs4hqSLBjKPZFqxj0K8vj3XgXKQE+R4=',
accept: 'application/json',
'content-length': 231
hooks: {
beforeRequest: [],
beforeRedirect: [],
beforeRetry: [],
afterResponse: [],
beforeError: [],
init: []
decompress: true,
throwHttpErrors: true,
followRedirect: true,
stream: false,
form: false,
json: true,
cache: false,
useElectronNet: false,
method: 'POST',
body: '{"pushRegId":"ccrE5tyhYGI:APA91bEQLQCswR9vIm75d_e3el2YEp-hdV7-VZMfvQ1O1bsVUh43xJLFy_H5ewGj5SmAcdzbaDqAc5H8P-jxctBIZtR_WOQlDKE5_3QANhdyVT-DInMH--sRNsSkdIijbq7FB6qjm7ra","pushType":"GCM","uuid":"bcfefbb3-8956-4c4a-9e85-4cbf3cb257bd"}'
statusCode: 401,
statusMessage: 'Unauthorized',
headers: {
'content-type': 'application/json; charset=utf-8',
date: 'Sun, 06 Jun 2021 07:35:30 GMT',
etag: 'W/"8a-Td7R/CHQmAa5ucjEOn8QUtrL8LY"',
'x-ratelimit-limit': '0',
'x-ratelimit-remaining': '0',
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'TS0154565f=01cbaa6f70902bf5a7254da676df012e9898084dca9120710e515153eff4e8b7b5bafc4c72d3924d9b192ae4d5e3123597e9f010ba; Path=/'
body: {
retCode: 'F',
resCode: '4017',
resMsg: 'Invalid request value - Invalid Application Id.',
msgId: '9cc32690-a852-49c8-85fd-cb6412b69847'
name: 'ManagedBluelinkyError',
level: 'error',
message: '@EuropeController.login: [401] Unauthorized on [POST] - {"retCode":"F","resCode":"4017","resMsg":"Invalid request value - Invalid Application Id.","msgId":"9cc32690-a852-49c8-85fd-cb6412b69847"}',
stack: 'ManagedBluelinkyError: @EuropeController.login: [401] Unauthorized on [POST] - {"retCode":"F","resCode":"4017","resMsg":"Invalid request value - Invalid Application Id.","msgId":"9cc32690-a852-49c8-85fd-cb6412b69847"}
' +
'    at F (/var/www/html/plugins/hyundaibluelink/node/node_modules/bluelinky/dist/index.js:17:145042)
' +
'    at Y.<anonymous> (/var/www/html/plugins/hyundaibluelink/node/node_modules/bluelinky/dist/index.js:17:169117)
' +
'    at Generator.throw (<anonymous>)
' +
'    at J (/var/www/html/plugins/hyundaibluelink/node/node_modules/bluelinky/dist/index.js:17:136)
' +
'    at processTicksAndRejections (internal/process/task_queues.js:95:5)',
timestamp: '2021-06-06T07:35:30.380Z'

Bonsoir @pme999 et @dgary

Ces deux problèmes sont liés au message ci-dessus :

Ça bouge mais la solution n’est pas encore là malheureusement.

Merci , je ne savais pas que nous avions le même problème

@NeoPixl : J’ai testé le correctif hacksore/bluelinky sur mon environnement de test. Ça marche nickel.
Merci à toi et à la communauté pour votre réactivité.
En attente du correctif officiel du module Jeedom.

@dgary merci,

Je surveille la publication officielle, la mise à jour du plugin suivra rapidement.

@dgary, @pme999,

Je viens de publier une nouvelle version stable et beta du plugin avec la correction.
Une mise à jour de vos dépendances sera nécessaire.

Bonne journée.

Testé et opérationnel.

Bonne journée