Erreur Chauffage Jeedore

Bonjour à tous,
Avant de commencer, je voudrais remercier @Eli et toute la communauté de beta testeur pour ce plug-in.
Cela fait un moment que je cherchais une solution pour remonter mon deltadore 1020wt (chauffage 2 zones) sur Jeedom.
J’ai lu tout les sujets de Jeedore sur le forum et sur community… c’était beau à voir :smiley:
Du coup, quand j’ai vu que le plug-in était passé en stable, j’ai trouvé une Tydom 1.0 d’occas.
Ok problème pour assigner mon 1020wt à Tydom.
J’ai passé 2 jours à essayer de faire remonter les équipements de tydom à jeedom. Avec Jeedore en version stable.
Je suis sur un Jeedom v4.0.24 sur un Pi3b+ Raspbian GNU/Linux 9 (stretch) 32bits (armv7l).
J’avais le même problème de démon que @jandry de :
Websocket connection has been closed with code:1002 reason:‘An error has occurred while connecting. qui tourné en rond.
J’ai donc installé un jeedom sur freebox delta. activé les betas et testé avec la beta sur la freedelta.
Même problème… Pas mieux chez moi.
Ce matin j’ai essayé de changer le mot de passe de tydom. Il avait 7 caractères. 3 lettres 4 chiffres. En un mot de passe de 12 caractères avec des lettres, chiffres et 1 caractère spécial. Je sais pas si ça à un rapport… Mais je donne l’info.
Et maintenant sur mon Pi ça fonctionne!!! J’ai bien la remonté des équipements de tydom qui remonte dans Jeedore. Bizarrement, ça ne marche pas dans Jeedom de la Delta… Mais pas de problème pour moi.
Pour info, j’avais essayé toutes les manips données dans le sujet principal. Modifier les fichiers jeedome.php. Passer de local à network, relancer les dépendant et demons… Désactiver le plug’in. Réinstallé…

Il y a quand même une erreur de remontée d’info: dans le centre de message:

2020-01-05 10:46:31	jeedore	la id:hvac-electric		30
2020-01-05 10:46:31	jeedore	la id:hvac-central		10
2020-01-05 10:46:31	jeedore	la id:box               10
2020-01-05 10:24:48	 jeedore	Impossible to find command with id : temperature1578069086#1578069086		
2020-01-05 10:24:48	jeedore	Impossible to find command with id : temperature1578069086#1578069087

Je n’ai pas le retour d’état des chauffages.

Tydom 1.0 v02.02.54

Je met quelques capture d’écran, ça sera plus parlant:

Je ne comprend pas ce qu’est " This is a name" et " Invisible 3"…
J’ai activé « Display » sur toute les commandes de Tydom 1 mais je n’ai que celles là qui apparaissent.

Sinon les commandes fonctionnes bien! Je vois bien les actions dans tydom et sur le deltadore 1020wt.

Je précise aussi que sur mon Jeedore fonctionnel (sur raspberry) j’ai remis à zero toutes les modifications de fichier que j’avais fait. Donc pas de jeeObject etc…

Voilà voilà,
En tout cas, merci pour tout!!

Voilà les log de jeedore si ça peut aider:

[2020-01-05 10:42:36][INFO] : CommandhvacModehvac-central not found
[2020-01-05 10:42:36][INFO] : Commandauthorizationhvac-central not found
[2020-01-05 10:42:52][ERROR] : la id:hvac-electric
[2020-01-05 10:42:52][ERROR] : la id:hvac-central
[2020-01-05 10:42:52][ERROR] : la id:box
[2020-01-05 10:42:52][ERROR] : la id:hvac-electric
[2020-01-05 10:42:52][ERROR] : la id:hvac-electric
[2020-01-05 10:43:00][ERROR] : la id:hvac-electric
[2020-01-05 10:43:00][ERROR] : la id:box
[2020-01-05 10:43:00][ERROR] : la id:hvac-electric
[2020-01-05 10:43:00][ERROR] : la id:hvac-electric
[2020-01-05 10:43:00][ERROR] : la id:hvac-central
[2020-01-05 10:43:08][ERROR] : la id:box
[2020-01-05 10:43:08][ERROR] : la id:hvac-electric
[2020-01-05 10:43:08][ERROR] : la id:hvac-electric
[2020-01-05 10:43:08][ERROR] : la id:hvac-electric
[2020-01-05 10:43:08][ERROR] : la id:hvac-central
[2020-01-05 10:43:18][ERROR] : la id:hvac-electric
[2020-01-05 10:43:18][ERROR] : la id:hvac-electric
[2020-01-05 10:43:18][ERROR] : la id:hvac-electric
[2020-01-05 10:43:18][ERROR] : la id:hvac-central
[2020-01-05 10:43:18][ERROR] : la id:box
[2020-01-05 10:44:21][INFO] : Set value:19.09 for command:temperature to eqlogic:1578069086#1578069086
[2020-01-05 10:44:21][INFO] : CommandhvacModehvac-central not found
[2020-01-05 10:44:21][INFO] : Commandauthorizationhvac-central not found
[2020-01-05 10:44:37][INFO] : Set value:19.14 for command:temperature to eqlogic:1578069086#1578069087
[2020-01-05 10:44:37][INFO] : CommandhvacModehvac-central not found
[2020-01-05 10:44:37][INFO] : Commandauthorizationhvac-central not found
[2020-01-05 10:45:21][INFO] : Set value:19.15 for command:temperature to eqlogic:1578069086#1578069086
[2020-01-05 10:45:21][INFO] : CommandhvacModehvac-central not found
[2020-01-05 10:45:21][INFO] : Commandauthorizationhvac-central not found
[2020-01-05 10:45:37][INFO] : Set value:19.15 for command:temperature to eqlogic:1578069086#1578069087
[2020-01-05 10:45:37][INFO] : CommandhvacModehvac-central not found
[2020-01-05 10:45:37][INFO] : Commandauthorizationhvac-central not found
[2020-01-05 10:46:07][ERROR] : la id:hvac-electric
[2020-01-05 10:46:07][ERROR] : la id:hvac-electric
[2020-01-05 10:46:07][ERROR] : la id:hvac-electric
[2020-01-05 10:46:07][ERROR] : la id:hvac-central
[2020-01-05 10:46:07][ERROR] : la id:box
[2020-01-05 10:46:31][ERROR] : la id:hvac-electric
[2020-01-05 10:46:31][ERROR] : la id:hvac-electric
[2020-01-05 10:46:31][ERROR] : la id:hvac-electric
[2020-01-05 10:46:31][ERROR] : la id:hvac-central
[2020-01-05 10:46:31][ERROR] : la id:box
[2020-01-05 10:47:22][INFO] : Set value:19.2 for command:temperature to eqlogic:1578069086#1578069086
[2020-01-05 10:47:23][INFO] : CommandhvacModehvac-central not found
[2020-01-05 10:47:23][INFO] : Commandauthorizationhvac-central not found
[2020-01-05 10:47:27][INFO] : Set value:ANTI_FROST for command:thermicLevel to eqlogic:1578069086#1578069086
[2020-01-05 10:47:27][INFO] : CommandhvacModehvac-central not found
[2020-01-05 10:47:27][INFO] : Commandauthorizationhvac-central not found
[2020-01-05 10:47:30][INFO] : Set value:ANTI_FROST for command:thermicLevel to eqlogic:1578069086#1578069087
[2020-01-05 10:47:30][INFO] : CommandhvacModehvac-central not found
[2020-01-05 10:47:30][INFO] : Commandauthorizationhvac-central not found
[2020-01-05 10:47:37][INFO] : Set value:True for command:absence to eqlogic:1578069086#1578069086
[2020-01-05 10:47:37][INFO] : CommandhvacModehvac-central not found
[2020-01-05 10:47:37][INFO] : Commandauthorizationhvac-central not found
[2020-01-05 10:47:39][INFO] : Set value:19.22 for command:temperature to eqlogic:1578069086#1578069087
[2020-01-05 10:47:39][INFO] : CommandhvacModehvac-central not found
[2020-01-05 10:47:39][INFO] : Commandauthorizationhvac-central not found
[2020-01-05 10:47:48][INFO] : Set value:ANTI_FROST for command:hvacMode to eqlogic:1578069086#1578069086
[2020-01-05 10:47:48][INFO] : CommandhvacModehvac-central not found
[2020-01-05 10:47:48][INFO] : Commandauthorizationhvac-central not found
[2020-01-05 10:47:48][INFO] : Set value:ANTI_FROST for command:hvacMode to eqlogic:1578069086#1578069087
[2020-01-05 10:47:48][INFO] : CommandhvacModehvac-central not found
[2020-01-05 10:47:48][INFO] : Commandauthorizationhvac-central not found
[2020-01-05 10:47:55][INFO] : Set value:True for command:absence to eqlogic:1578069086#1578069087
[2020-01-05 10:47:55][INFO] : CommandhvacModehvac-central not found
[2020-01-05 10:47:55][INFO] : Commandauthorizationhvac-central not found
[2020-01-05 10:47:58][INFO] : Set value:COMFORT for command:thermicLevel to eqlogic:1578069086#1578069086
[2020-01-05 10:47:58][INFO] : CommandhvacModehvac-central not found
[2020-01-05 10:47:58][INFO] : Commandauthorizationhvac-central not found
[2020-01-05 10:47:58][INFO] : Set value:NORMAL for command:hvacMode to eqlogic:1578069086#1578069086
[2020-01-05 10:47:58][INFO] : CommandhvacModehvac-central not found
[2020-01-05 10:47:58][INFO] : Commandauthorizationhvac-central not found
[2020-01-05 10:47:58][INFO] : Set value:False for command:absence to eqlogic:1578069086#1578069086
[2020-01-05 10:47:59][INFO] : CommandhvacModehvac-central not found
[2020-01-05 10:47:59][INFO] : Commandauthorizationhvac-central not found
[2020-01-05 10:47:59][INFO] : Set value:COMFORT for command:thermicLevel to eqlogic:1578069086#1578069087
[2020-01-05 10:47:59][INFO] : CommandhvacModehvac-central not found
[2020-01-05 10:47:59][INFO] : Commandauthorizationhvac-central not found
[2020-01-05 10:47:59][INFO] : Set value:NORMAL for command:hvacMode to eqlogic:1578069086#1578069087
[2020-01-05 10:47:59][INFO] : CommandhvacModehvac-central not found
[2020-01-05 10:47:59][INFO] : Commandauthorizationhvac-central not found
[2020-01-05 10:48:03][INFO] : Set value:STOP for command:authorization to eqlogic:1578069086#1578069086
[2020-01-05 10:48:03][INFO] : CommandhvacModehvac-central not found
[2020-01-05 10:48:03][INFO] : Commandauthorizationhvac-central not found
[2020-01-05 10:48:03][INFO] : Set value:STOP for command:authorization to eqlogic:1578069086#1578069087
[2020-01-05 10:48:03][INFO] : CommandhvacModehvac-central not found
[2020-01-05 10:48:03][INFO] : Commandauthorizationhvac-central not found
[2020-01-05 10:48:09][INFO] : Set value:True for command:absence to eqlogic:1578069086#1578069086
[2020-01-05 10:48:09][INFO] : CommandhvacModehvac-central not found
[2020-01-05 10:48:09][INFO] : Commandauthorizationhvac-central not found
[2020-01-05 10:48:15][INFO] : Set value:HEATING for command:authorization to eqlogic:1578069086#1578069086
[2020-01-05 10:48:15][INFO] : CommandhvacModehvac-central not found
[2020-01-05 10:48:15][INFO] : Commandauthorizationhvac-central not found
[2020-01-05 10:48:15][INFO] : Set value:HEATING for command:authorization to eqlogic:1578069086#1578069087
[2020-01-05 10:48:15][INFO] : CommandhvacModehvac-central not found
[2020-01-05 10:48:15][INFO] : Commandauthorizationhvac-central not found
[2020-01-05 10:48:23][INFO] : Set value:19.23 for command:temperature to eqlogic:1578069086#1578069086
[2020-01-05 10:48:23][INFO] : CommandhvacModehvac-central not found
[2020-01-05 10:48:23][INFO] : Commandauthorizationhvac-central not found
[2020-01-05 10:48:25][INFO] : Set value:ECO for command:thermicLevel to eqlogic:1578069086#1578069086
[2020-01-05 10:48:25][INFO] : CommandhvacModehvac-central not found
[2020-01-05 10:48:25][INFO] : Commandauthorizationhvac-central not found
[2020-01-05 10:48:30][INFO] : Set value:COMFORT for command:thermicLevel to eqlogic:1578069086#1578069086
[2020-01-05 10:48:30][INFO] : CommandhvacModehvac-central not found
[2020-01-05 10:48:30][INFO] : Commandauthorizationhvac-central not found
[2020-01-05 10:48:35][INFO] : Set value:ECO for command:thermicLevel to eqlogic:1578069086#1578069086
[2020-01-05 10:48:35][INFO] : CommandhvacModehvac-central not found
[2020-01-05 10:48:35][INFO] : Commandauthorizationhvac-central not found
[2020-01-05 10:48:39][INFO] : Set value:19.23 for command:temperature to eqlogic:1578069086#1578069087
[2020-01-05 10:48:39][INFO] : CommandhvacModehvac-central not found
[2020-01-05 10:48:39][INFO] : Commandauthorizationhvac-central not found
[2020-01-05 10:48:40][INFO] : Set value:False for command:absence to eqlogic:1578069086#1578069086
[2020-01-05 10:48:40][INFO] : CommandhvacModehvac-central not found
[2020-01-05 10:48:40][INFO] : Commandauthorizationhvac-central not found
[2020-01-05 10:48:51][INFO] : Set value:True for command:absence to eqlogic:1578069086#1578069086
[2020-01-05 10:48:51][INFO] : CommandhvacModehvac-central not found
[2020-01-05 10:48:51][INFO] : Commandauthorizationhvac-central not found
[2020-01-05 10:50:25][INFO] : Set value:19.25 for command:temperature to eqlogic:1578069086#1578069086
[2020-01-05 10:50:25][INFO] : CommandhvacModehvac-central not found
[2020-01-05 10:50:25][INFO] : Commandauthorizationhvac-central not found
[2020-01-05 10:50:27][INFO] : Set value:False for command:absence to eqlogic:1578069086#1578069086
[2020-01-05 10:50:27][INFO] : CommandhvacModehvac-central not found
[2020-01-05 10:50:27][INFO] : Commandauthorizationhvac-central not found
[2020-01-05 10:50:38][INFO] : Set value:True for command:absence to eqlogic:1578069086#1578069086
[2020-01-05 10:50:38][INFO] : CommandhvacModehvac-central not found
[2020-01-05 10:50:38][INFO] : Commandauthorizationhvac-central not found
[2020-01-05 10:50:41][INFO] : Set value:19.27 for command:temperature to eqlogic:1578069086#1578069087
[2020-01-05 10:50:41][INFO] : CommandhvacModehvac-central not found
[2020-01-05 10:50:41][INFO] : Commandauthorizationhvac-central not found
[2020-01-05 10:51:25][INFO] : Set value:19.32 for command:temperature to eqlogic:1578069086#1578069086
[2020-01-05 10:51:25][INFO] : CommandhvacModehvac-central not found
[2020-01-05 10:51:25][INFO] : Commandauthorizationhvac-central not found
[2020-01-05 10:51:42][INFO] : Set value:19.32 for command:temperature to eqlogic:1578069086#1578069087
[2020-01-05 10:51:42][INFO] : CommandhvacModehvac-central not found
[2020-01-05 10:51:42][INFO] : Commandauthorizationhvac-central not found
[2020-01-05 10:51:42][INFO] : Set value:False for command:absence to eqlogic:1578069086#1578069086
[2020-01-05 10:51:42][INFO] : CommandhvacModehvac-central not found
[2020-01-05 10:51:42][INFO] : Commandauthorizationhvac-central not found
[2020-01-05 10:51:53][INFO] : Set value:True for command:absence to eqlogic:1578069086#1578069086
[2020-01-05 10:51:53][INFO] : CommandhvacModehvac-central not found
[2020-01-05 10:51:53][INFO] : Commandauthorizationhvac-central not found
[2020-01-05 10:54:27][INFO] : Set value:19.39 for command:temperature to eqlogic:1578069086#1578069086
[2020-01-05 10:54:27][INFO] : CommandhvacModehvac-central not found
[2020-01-05 10:54:27][INFO] : Commandauthorizationhvac-central not found
[2020-01-05 10:54:43][INFO] : Set value:19.4 for command:temperature to eqlogic:1578069086#1578069087
[2020-01-05 10:54:43][INFO] : CommandhvacModehvac-central not found
[2020-01-05 10:54:43][INFO] : Commandauthorizationhvac-central not found
[2020-01-05 10:55:28][INFO] : Set value:19.4 for command:temperature to eqlogic:1578069086#1578069086
[2020-01-05 10:55:28][INFO] : CommandhvacModehvac-central not found
[2020-01-05 10:55:28][INFO] : Commandauthorizationhvac-central not found
[2020-01-05 10:56:29][INFO] : Set value:False for command:absence to eqlogic:1578069086#1578069086
[2020-01-05 10:56:29][INFO] : CommandhvacModehvac-central not found
[2020-01-05 10:56:29][INFO] : Commandauthorizationhvac-central not found
[2020-01-05 10:56:40][INFO] : Set value:True for command:absence to eqlogic:1578069086#1578069086
[2020-01-05 10:56:40][INFO] : CommandhvacModehvac-central not found
[2020-01-05 10:56:40][INFO] : Commandauthorizationhvac-central not found
[2020-01-05 10:57:30][INFO] : Set value:19.42 for command:temperature to eqlogic:1578069086#1578069086
[2020-01-05 10:57:30][INFO] : CommandhvacModehvac-central not found
[2020-01-05 10:57:30][INFO] : Commandauthorizationhvac-central not found
[2020-01-05 10:57:44][INFO] : Set value:19.44 for command:temperature to eqlogic:1578069086#1578069087
[2020-01-05 10:57:44][INFO] : CommandhvacModehvac-central not found
[2020-01-05 10:57:44][INFO] : Commandauthorizationhvac-central not found
[2020-01-05 10:58:31][INFO] : Set value:19.49 for command:temperature to eqlogic:1578069086#1578069086
[2020-01-05 10:58:31][INFO] : CommandhvacModehvac-central not found
[2020-01-05 10:58:31][INFO] : Commandauthorizationhvac-central not found
[2020-01-05 10:58:45][INFO] : Set value:19.49 for command:temperature to eqlogic:1578069086#1578069087
[2020-01-05 10:58:45][INFO] : CommandhvacModehvac-central not found
[2020-01-05 10:58:45][INFO] : Commandauthorizationhvac-central not found
[2020-01-05 10:58:47][INFO] : Set value:False for command:absence to eqlogic:1578069086#1578069087
[2020-01-05 10:58:47][INFO] : CommandhvacModehvac-central not found
[2020-01-05 10:58:47][INFO] : Commandauthorizationhvac-central not found
[2020-01-05 10:58:48][INFO] : Set value:False for command:absence to eqlogic:1578069086#1578069086
[2020-01-05 10:58:48][INFO] : CommandhvacModehvac-central not found
[2020-01-05 10:58:48][INFO] : Commandauthorizationhvac-central not found
[2020-01-05 10:58:58][INFO] : Set value:True for command:absence to eqlogic:1578069086#1578069087
[2020-01-05 10:58:58][INFO] : CommandhvacModehvac-central not found
[2020-01-05 10:58:58][INFO] : Commandauthorizationhvac-central not found
[2020-01-05 10:58:59][INFO] : Set value:True for command:absence to eqlogic:1578069086#1578069086
[2020-01-05 10:58:59][INFO] : CommandhvacModehvac-central not found
[2020-01-05 10:58:59][INFO] : Commandauthorizationhvac-central not found
[2020-01-05 10:59:32][INFO] : Set value:False for command:absence to eqlogic:1578069086#1578069086
[2020-01-05 10:59:32][INFO] : CommandhvacModehvac-central not found
[2020-01-05 10:59:32][INFO] : Commandauthorizationhvac-central not found
[2020-01-05 10:59:42][INFO] : Set value:True for command:absence to eqlogic:1578069086#1578069086
[2020-01-05 10:59:42][INFO] : CommandhvacModehvac-central not found
[2020-01-05 10:59:42][INFO] : Commandauthorizationhvac-central not found
[2020-01-05 11:00:46][INFO] : Set value:19.5 for command:temperature to eqlogic:1578069086#1578069087
[2020-01-05 11:00:46][INFO] : CommandhvacModehvac-central not found
[2020-01-05 11:00:46][INFO] : Commandauthorizationhvac-central not found
[2020-01-05 11:00:47][INFO] : Set value:False for command:absence to eqlogic:1578069086#1578069086
[2020-01-05 11:00:47][INFO] : CommandhvacModehvac-central not found
[2020-01-05 11:00:47][INFO] : Commandauthorizationhvac-central not found
[2020-01-05 11:00:58][INFO] : Set value:True for command:absence to eqlogic:1578069086#1578069086
[2020-01-05 11:00:58][INFO] : CommandhvacModehvac-central not found
[2020-01-05 11:00:58][INFO] : Commandauthorizationhvac-central not found
[2020-01-05 11:01:34][INFO] : Set value:19.57 for command:temperature to eqlogic:1578069086#1578069086
[2020-01-05 11:01:34][INFO] : CommandhvacModehvac-central not found
[2020-01-05 11:01:34][INFO] : Commandauthorizationhvac-central not found
[2020-01-05 11:01:47][INFO] : Set value:19.57 for command:temperature to eqlogic:1578069086#1578069087
[2020-01-05 11:01:47][INFO] : CommandhvacModehvac-central not found
[2020-01-05 11:01:47][INFO] : Commandauthorizationhvac-central not found
[2020-01-05 11:01:49][INFO] : Set value:False for command:absence to eqlogic:1578069086#1578069087
[2020-01-05 11:01:49][INFO] : CommandhvacModehvac-central not found
[2020-01-05 11:01:49][INFO] : Commandauthorizationhvac-central not found
[2020-01-05 11:01:51][INFO] : Set value:False for command:absence to eqlogic:1578069086#1578069086
[2020-01-05 11:01:51][INFO] : CommandhvacModehvac-central not found
[2020-01-05 11:01:51][INFO] : Commandauthorizationhvac-central not found
[2020-01-05 11:02:00][INFO] : Set value:True for command:absence to eqlogic:1578069086#1578069087
[2020-01-05 11:02:00][INFO] : CommandhvacModehvac-central not found
[2020-01-05 11:02:00][INFO] : Commandauthorizationhvac-central not found
[2020-01-05 11:02:02][INFO] : Set value:True for command:absence to eqlogic:1578069086#1578069086
[2020-01-05 11:02:02][INFO] : CommandhvacModehvac-central not found
[2020-01-05 11:02:02][INFO] : Commandauthorizationhvac-central not found
[2020-01-05 11:02:34][INFO] : Set value:False for command:absence to eqlogic:1578069086#1578069086
[2020-01-05 11:02:34][INFO] : CommandhvacModehvac-central not found
[2020-01-05 11:02:34][INFO] : Commandauthorizationhvac-central not found
[2020-01-05 11:02:45][INFO] : Set value:True for command:absence to eqlogic:1578069086#1578069086
[2020-01-05 11:02:45][INFO] : CommandhvacModehvac-central not found
[2020-01-05 11:02:45][INFO] : Commandauthorizationhvac-central not found
[2020-01-05 11:03:49][INFO] : Set value:False for command:absence to eqlogic:1578069086#1578069086
[2020-01-05 11:03:49][INFO] : CommandhvacModehvac-central not found
[2020-01-05 11:03:49][INFO] : Commandauthorizationhvac-central not found
[2020-01-05 11:04:00][INFO] : Set value:True for command:absence to eqlogic:1578069086#1578069086
[2020-01-05 11:04:00][INFO] : CommandhvacModehvac-central not found
[2020-01-05 11:04:00][INFO] : Commandauthorizationhvac-central not found
[2020-01-05 11:04:36][INFO] : Set value:19.58 for command:temperature to eqlogic:1578069086#1578069086
[2020-01-05 11:04:36][INFO] : CommandhvacModehvac-central not found
[2020-01-05 11:04:36][INFO] : Commandauthorizationhvac-central not found
[2020-01-05 11:04:49][INFO] : Set value:19.59 for command:temperature to eqlogic:1578069086#1578069087
[2020-01-05 11:04:49][INFO] : CommandhvacModehvac-central not found
[2020-01-05 11:04:49][INFO] : Commandauthorizationhvac-central not found
[2020-01-05 11:04:54][INFO] : Set value:False for command:absence to eqlogic:1578069086#1578069086
[2020-01-05 11:04:54][INFO] : CommandhvacModehvac-central not found
[2020-01-05 11:04:54][INFO] : Commandauthorizationhvac-central not found
[2020-01-05 11:05:04][INFO] : Set value:True for command:absence to eqlogic:1578069086#1578069086
[2020-01-05 11:05:04][INFO] : CommandhvacModehvac-central not found
[2020-01-05 11:05:05][INFO] : Commandauthorizationhvac-central not found
[2020-01-05 11:05:37][INFO] : Set value:False for command:absence to eqlogic:1578069086#1578069086
[2020-01-05 11:05:37][INFO] : CommandhvacModehvac-central not found
[2020-01-05 11:05:37][INFO] : Commandauthorizationhvac-central not found
[2020-01-05 11:05:37][INFO] : Set value:19.66 for command:temperature to eqlogic:1578069086#1578069086
[2020-01-05 11:05:37][INFO] : CommandhvacModehvac-central not found
[2020-01-05 11:05:37][INFO] : Commandauthorizationhvac-central not found
[2020-01-05 11:05:48][INFO] : Set value:True for command:absence to eqlogic:1578069086#1578069086
[2020-01-05 11:05:48][INFO] : CommandhvacModehvac-central not found
[2020-01-05 11:05:48][INFO] : Commandauthorizationhvac-central not found
[2020-01-05 11:05:50][INFO] : Set value:19.66 for command:temperature to eqlogic:1578069086#1578069087
[2020-01-05 11:05:50][INFO] : CommandhvacModehvac-central not found
[2020-01-05 11:05:50][INFO] : Commandauthorizationhvac-central not found
[2020-01-05 11:06:52][INFO] : Set value:False for command:absence to eqlogic:1578069086#1578069086
[2020-01-05 11:06:52][INFO] : CommandhvacModehvac-central not found
[2020-01-05 11:06:52][INFO] : Commandauthorizationhvac-central not found
[2020-01-05 11:07:03][INFO] : Set value:True for command:absence to eqlogic:1578069086#1578069086
[2020-01-05 11:07:03][INFO] : CommandhvacModehvac-central not found
[2020-01-05 11:07:03][INFO] : Commandauthorizationhvac-central not found
[2020-01-05 11:07:56][INFO] : Set value:False for command:absence to eqlogic:1578069086#1578069086
[2020-01-05 11:07:56][INFO] : CommandhvacModehvac-central not found
[2020-01-05 11:07:56][INFO] : Commandauthorizationhvac-central not found
[2020-01-05 11:08:07][INFO] : Set value:True for command:absence to eqlogic:1578069086#1578069086
[2020-01-05 11:08:07][INFO] : CommandhvacModehvac-central not found
[2020-01-05 11:08:07][INFO] : Commandauthorizationhvac-central not found
[2020-01-05 11:08:39][INFO] : Set value:False for command:absence to eqlogic:1578069086#1578069086
[2020-01-05 11:08:39][INFO] : CommandhvacModehvac-central not found
[2020-01-05 11:08:39][INFO] : Commandauthorizationhvac-central not found
[2020-01-05 11:08:50][INFO] : Set value:True for command:absence to eqlogic:1578069086#1578069086
[2020-01-05 11:08:50][INFO] : CommandhvacModehvac-central not found
[2020-01-05 11:08:50][INFO] : Commandauthorizationhvac-central not found
[2020-01-05 11:09:41][INFO] : Set value:19.74 for command:temperature to eqlogic:1578069086#1578069086
[2020-01-05 11:09:41][INFO] : CommandhvacModehvac-central not found
[2020-01-05 11:09:41][INFO] : Commandauthorizationhvac-central not found
[2020-01-05 11:09:43][INFO] : Set value:False for command:absence to eqlogic:1578069086#1578069086
[2020-01-05 11:09:43][INFO] : CommandhvacModehvac-central not found
[2020-01-05 11:09:43][INFO] : Commandauthorizationhvac-central not found
[2020-01-05 11:09:52][INFO] : Set value:19.74 for command:temperature to eqlogic:1578069086#1578069087
[2020-01-05 11:09:53][INFO] : CommandhvacModehvac-central not found
[2020-01-05 11:09:53][INFO] : Commandauthorizationhvac-central not found
[2020-01-05 11:10:05][INFO] : Set value:True for command:absence to eqlogic:1578069086#1578069086
[2020-01-05 11:10:05][INFO] : CommandhvacModehvac-central not found
[2020-01-05 11:10:05][INFO] : Commandauthorizationhvac-central not found
[2020-01-05 11:10:58][INFO] : Set value:False for command:absence to eqlogic:1578069086#1578069086
[2020-01-05 11:10:58][INFO] : CommandhvacModehvac-central not found
[2020-01-05 11:10:58][INFO] : Commandauthorizationhvac-central not found
[2020-01-05 11:11:09][INFO] : Set value:True for command:absence to eqlogic:1578069086#1578069086
[2020-01-05 11:11:09][INFO] : CommandhvacModehvac-central not found
[2020-01-05 11:11:09][INFO] : Commandauthorizationhvac-central not found
[2020-01-05 11:11:41][INFO] : Set value:False for command:absence to eqlogic:1578069086#1578069086
[2020-01-05 11:11:41][INFO] : CommandhvacModehvac-central not found
[2020-01-05 11:11:41][INFO] : Commandauthorizationhvac-central not found
[2020-01-05 11:11:52][INFO] : Set value:True for command:absence to eqlogic:1578069086#1578069086
[2020-01-05 11:11:52][INFO] : CommandhvacModehvac-central not found
[2020-01-05 11:11:52][INFO] : Commandauthorizationhvac-central not found
[2020-01-05 11:12:43][INFO] : Set value:19.75 for command:temperature to eqlogic:1578069086#1578069086
[2020-01-05 11:12:43][INFO] : CommandhvacModehvac-central not found
[2020-01-05 11:12:43][INFO] : Commandauthorizationhvac-central not found
[2020-01-05 11:12:44][INFO] : Set value:False for command:absence to eqlogic:1578069086#1578069086
[2020-01-05 11:12:44][INFO] : CommandhvacModehvac-central not found
[2020-01-05 11:12:44][INFO] : Commandauthorizationhvac-central not found
[2020-01-05 11:12:55][INFO] : Set value:19.77 for command:temperature to eqlogic:1578069086#1578069087
[2020-01-05 11:12:55][INFO] : CommandhvacModehvac-central not found
[2020-01-05 11:12:55][INFO] : Commandauthorizationhvac-central not found
[2020-01-05 11:13:06][INFO] : Set value:True for command:absence to eqlogic:1578069086#1578069086
[2020-01-05 11:13:06][INFO] : CommandhvacModehvac-central not found
[2020-01-05 11:13:06][INFO] : Commandauthorizationhvac-central not found
[2020-01-05 11:13:44][INFO] : Set value:19.83 for command:temperature to eqlogic:1578069086#1578069086
[2020-01-05 11:13:44][INFO] : CommandhvacModehvac-central not found
[2020-01-05 11:13:44][INFO] : Commandauthorizationhvac-central not found
[2020-01-05 11:13:56][INFO] : Set value:19.83 for command:temperature to eqlogic:1578069086#1578069087
[2020-01-05 11:13:56][INFO] : CommandhvacModehvac-central not found
[2020-01-05 11:13:56][INFO] : Commandauthorizationhvac-central not found
[2020-01-05 11:14:00][INFO] : Set value:False for command:absence to eqlogic:1578069086#1578069086
[2020-01-05 11:14:00][INFO] : CommandhvacModehvac-central not found
[2020-01-05 11:14:00][INFO] : Commandauthorizationhvac-central not found
[2020-01-05 11:14:10][INFO] : Set value:True for command:absence to eqlogic:1578069086#1578069086
[2020-01-05 11:14:10][INFO] : CommandhvacModehvac-central not found
[2020-01-05 11:14:10][INFO] : Commandauthorizationhvac-central not found
[2020-01-05 11:14:43][INFO] : Set value:False for command:absence to eqlogic:1578069086#1578069086
[2020-01-05 11:14:43][INFO] : CommandhvacModehvac-central not found
[2020-01-05 11:14:43][INFO] : Commandauthorizationhvac-central not found
[2020-01-05 11:14:54][INFO] : Set value:True for command:absence to eqlogic:1578069086#1578069086
[2020-01-05 11:14:54][INFO] : CommandhvacModehvac-central not found
[2020-01-05 11:14:54][INFO] : Commandauthorizationhvac-central not found
[2020-01-05 11:15:58][INFO] : Set value:19.84 for command:temperature to eqlogic:1578069086#1578069087
[2020-01-05 11:15:58][INFO] : CommandhvacModehvac-central not found
[2020-01-05 11:15:58][INFO] : Commandauthorizationhvac-central not found
[2020-01-05 11:16:47][INFO] : Set value:19.87 for command:temperature to eqlogic:1578069086#1578069086
[2020-01-05 11:16:47][INFO] : CommandhvacModehvac-central not found
[2020-01-05 11:16:47][INFO] : Commandauthorizationhvac-central not found
[2020-01-05 11:16:59][INFO] : Set value:19.91 for command:temperature to eqlogic:1578069086#1578069087
[2020-01-05 11:16:59][INFO] : CommandhvacModehvac-central not found
[2020-01-05 11:16:59][INFO] : Commandauthorizationhvac-central not found
[2020-01-05 11:17:00][INFO] : Set value:False for command:absence to eqlogic:1578069086#1578069086
[2020-01-05 11:17:00][INFO] : CommandhvacModehvac-central not found
[2020-01-05 11:17:00][INFO] : Commandauthorizationhvac-central not found
[2020-01-05 11:17:11][INFO] : Set value:True for command:absence to eqlogic:1578069086#1578069086
[2020-01-05 11:17:11][INFO] : CommandhvacModehvac-central not found
[2020-01-05 11:17:11][INFO] : Commandauthorizationhvac-central not found
[2020-01-05 11:17:48][INFO] : Set value:19.91 for command:temperature to eqlogic:1578069086#1578069086
[2020-01-05 11:17:48][INFO] : CommandhvacModehvac-central not found
[2020-01-05 11:17:48][INFO] : Commandauthorizationhvac-central not found
[2020-01-05 11:18:01][INFO] : Set value:False for command:absence to eqlogic:1578069086#1578069087
[2020-01-05 11:18:01][INFO] : CommandhvacModehvac-central not found
[2020-01-05 11:18:01][INFO] : Commandauthorizationhvac-central not found
[2020-01-05 11:18:03][INFO] : Set value:False for command:absence to eqlogic:1578069086#1578069086
[2020-01-05 11:18:03][INFO] : CommandhvacModehvac-central not found
[2020-01-05 11:18:03][INFO] : Commandauthorizationhvac-central not found
[2020-01-05 11:18:12][INFO] : Set value:True for command:absence to eqlogic:1578069086#1578069087
[2020-01-05 11:18:12][INFO] : CommandhvacModehvac-central not found
[2020-01-05 11:18:12][INFO] : Commandauthorizationhvac-central not found
[2020-01-05 11:18:14][INFO] : Set value:True for command:absence to eqlogic:1578069086#1578069086
[2020-01-05 11:18:14][INFO] : CommandhvacModehvac-central not found
[2020-01-05 11:18:14][INFO] : Commandauthorizationhvac-central not found
[2020-01-05 11:18:46][INFO] : Set value:False for command:absence to eqlogic:1578069086#1578069086
[2020-01-05 11:18:46][INFO] : CommandhvacModehvac-central not found
[2020-01-05 11:18:46][INFO] : Commandauthorizationhvac-central not found
[2020-01-05 11:18:57][INFO] : Set value:True for command:absence to eqlogic:1578069086#1578069086
[2020-01-05 11:18:57][INFO] : CommandhvacModehvac-central not found
[2020-01-05 11:18:57][INFO] : Commandauthorizationhvac-central not found
[2020-01-05 11:19:22][ERROR] : la id:hvac-electric
[2020-01-05 11:19:22][ERROR] : la id:hvac-electric
[2020-01-05 11:19:22][ERROR] : la id:hvac-electric
[2020-01-05 11:19:22][ERROR] : la id:hvac-central
[2020-01-05 11:19:22][ERROR] : la id:box
[2020-01-05 11:19:49][INFO] : Set value:False for command:absence to eqlogic:1578069086#1578069086
[2020-01-05 11:19:49][INFO] : CommandhvacModehvac-central not found
[2020-01-05 11:19:49][INFO] : Commandauthorizationhvac-central not found
[2020-01-05 11:20:00][INFO] : Set value:True for command:absence to eqlogic:1578069086#1578069086
[2020-01-05 11:20:00][INFO] : CommandhvacModehvac-central not found
[2020-01-05 11:20:00][INFO] : Commandauthorizationhvac-central not found
[2020-01-05 11:20:50][INFO] : Set value:19.99 for command:temperature to eqlogic:1578069086#1578069086
[2020-01-05 11:20:50][INFO] : CommandhvacModehvac-central not found
[2020-01-05 11:20:50][INFO] : Commandauthorizationhvac-central not found
[2020-01-05 11:21:02][INFO] : Set value:19.99 for command:temperature to eqlogic:1578069086#1578069087
[2020-01-05 11:21:02][INFO] : CommandhvacModehvac-central not found
[2020-01-05 11:21:02][INFO] : Commandauthorizationhvac-central not found
[2020-01-05 11:21:03][INFO] : Set value:False for command:absence to eqlogic:1578069086#1578069086
[2020-01-05 11:21:03][INFO] : CommandhvacModehvac-central not found
[2020-01-05 11:21:03][INFO] : Commandauthorizationhvac-central not found
[2020-01-05 11:21:14][INFO] : Set value:True for command:absence to eqlogic:1578069086#1578069086
[2020-01-05 11:21:14][INFO] : CommandhvacModehvac-central not found
[2020-01-05 11:21:14][INFO] : Commandauthorizationhvac-central not found
[2020-01-05 11:21:51][INFO] : Set value:20 for command:temperature to eqlogic:1578069086#1578069086
[2020-01-05 11:21:51][INFO] : CommandhvacModehvac-central not found
[2020-01-05 11:21:51][INFO] : Commandauthorizationhvac-central not found
[2020-01-05 11:22:03][INFO] : Set value:20 for command:temperature to eqlogic:1578069086#1578069087
[2020-01-05 11:22:03][INFO] : CommandhvacModehvac-central not found
[2020-01-05 11:22:03][INFO] : Commandauthorizationhvac-central not found
[2020-01-05 11:22:49][INFO] : Set value:False for command:absence to eqlogic:1578069086#1578069086
[2020-01-05 11:22:49][INFO] : CommandhvacModehvac-central not found
[2020-01-05 11:22:49][INFO] : Commandauthorizationhvac-central not found
[2020-01-05 11:23:00][INFO] : Set value:True for command:absence to eqlogic:1578069086#1578069086
[2020-01-05 11:23:00][INFO] : CommandhvacModehvac-central not found
[2020-01-05 11:23:00][INFO] : Commandauthorizationhvac-central not found
[2020-01-05 11:23:54][INFO] : Set value:False for command:absence to eqlogic:1578069086#1578069086
[2020-01-05 11:23:54][INFO] : CommandhvacModehvac-central not found
[2020-01-05 11:23:54][INFO] : Commandauthorizationhvac-central not found
[2020-01-05 11:24:15][INFO] : Set value:True for command:absence to eqlogic:1578069086#1578069086
[2020-01-05 11:24:16][INFO] : CommandhvacModehvac-central not found
[2020-01-05 11:24:16][INFO] : Commandauthorizationhvac-central not found
[2020-01-05 11:25:05][INFO] : Set value:20.01 for command:temperature to eqlogic:1578069086#1578069087

this is name c la commande générale chauffage de ton 1020WT
Invisible 3 c’est ta sonde de température extérieur de ton 1020WT

et tu n’a aucun retour d’etats a ce que je peux voir sur tes screens

donne nous tes logs jeedoredaemon et verifie que la modif jeeObject est bien faites ci tu est en v4

@Tonyb0t77, à ce que j’ai pu voir, tu es la depuis le début à aider les utilisateurs de jeedore.
Donc merci de ton aide et de prendre de ton temps pour la communauté!!

Je fais suivre les logs du daemon

01/05/2020 10:24:08 - Hello DeltaDore!!
01/05/2020 10:24:09 - Unix
01/05/2020 10:24:10 - Jeedore Daemon is starting...
01/05/2020 10:24:10 - Websocket connection initialization....
01/05/2020 10:24:10 - Connecting to ''
01/05/2020 10:24:11 - Websocket connection has been closed with code:1015 reason:'An exception has occurred while connecting.'
01/05/2020 10:24:11 - Jeedore Daemon connection has been closed...
01/05/2020 10:24:11 - Connection to DeltaDore server has been closed...
01/05/2020 10:24:11 - Server started. Listening to TCP clients at
01/05/2020 10:24:34 - Executing commamd to device : 'Rezolv.JeeDore.Server.DeltaDore.Request.GetEqLogic'...
01/05/2020 10:24:34 - Websocket connection initialization....
01/05/2020 10:24:34 - Connecting to ''
01/05/2020 10:24:38 - Websocket connection has been opened!
01/05/2020 10:24:38 - Jeedore Daemon is connecting to DeltaDore...
01/05/2020 10:24:38 - Sending command 1578216278326 to DeltaDore...
01/05/2020 10:24:42 - Sending command 1578216282359 to DeltaDore...
01/05/2020 10:24:44 - Sending command 1578216284361 to DeltaDore...
01/05/2020 10:24:46 - Jeedore Daemon is connected to DeltaDore!
01/05/2020 10:24:48 - Connection to DeltaDore server has been opened...
01/05/2020 10:24:48 - Sending command 1578216274720 to DeltaDore...
01/05/2020 10:24:48 - Command 1578216274720 executed!
01/05/2020 10:24:48 - An expected message has been received from DeltaDore
01/05/2020 10:24:49 - Sending DeltaDore response to Jeedom, command : 'geteqlogic'...
01/05/2020 10:24:49 - Command '/configs/file' has been posted to Jeedom successfully!
01/05/2020 10:24:50 - Executing commamd to device : 'Rezolv.JeeDore.Server.DeltaDore.Request.GetCommands'...
01/05/2020 10:24:50 - Sending command 1578216290722 to DeltaDore...
01/05/2020 10:24:50 - Command 1578216290722 executed!
01/05/2020 10:24:50 - An expected message has been received from DeltaDore
01/05/2020 10:24:51 - Sending DeltaDore response to Jeedom, command : 'getcmd'...
01/05/2020 10:24:51 - Command '/devices/meta' has been posted to Jeedom successfully!
01/05/2020 10:24:52 - Executing commamd to device : 'Rezolv.JeeDore.Server.DeltaDore.Request.GetDevicesData'...
01/05/2020 10:24:52 - Sending command 1578216292725 to DeltaDore...
01/05/2020 10:24:52 - Command 1578216292725 executed!
01/05/2020 10:24:52 - An expected message has been received from DeltaDore
01/05/2020 10:24:52 - Sending DeltaDore response to Jeedom, command : 'getcmddata'...
01/05/2020 10:24:53 - Command '/devices/data' has been posted to Jeedom successfully!
01/05/2020 10:24:54 - Executing commamd to device : 'Rezolv.JeeDore.Server.DeltaDore.Request.GetInfo'...
01/05/2020 10:24:54 - Sending command 1578216294729 to DeltaDore...
01/05/2020 10:24:54 - Command 1578216294729 executed!
01/05/2020 10:24:54 - An expected message has been received from DeltaDore
01/05/2020 10:24:55 - Sending DeltaDore response to Jeedom, command : 'box'...
01/05/2020 10:24:55 - Command '/info' has been posted to Jeedom successfully!
01/05/2020 10:42:32 - Executing commamd to device : 'Rezolv.JeeDore.Server.JeeDore.Request.Identify'...
01/05/2020 10:42:32 - Sending command 1578217352813 to DeltaDore...
01/05/2020 10:42:32 - Command 1578217352813 executed!
01/05/2020 10:42:32 - An expected message has been received from DeltaDore
01/05/2020 10:47:27 - Executing commamd to device : 'Rezolv.JeeDore.Server.JeeDore.Request.ThermicLevel'...
01/05/2020 10:47:27 - Sending command 1578217647353 to DeltaDore...
01/05/2020 10:47:27 - Command 1578217647353 executed!
01/05/2020 10:47:27 - An expected message has been received from DeltaDore
01/05/2020 10:47:30 - Executing commamd to device : 'Rezolv.JeeDore.Server.JeeDore.Request.ThermicLevel'...
01/05/2020 10:47:30 - Sending command 1578217650327 to DeltaDore...
01/05/2020 10:47:30 - Command 1578217650327 executed!
01/05/2020 10:47:30 - An expected message has been received from DeltaDore
01/05/2020 10:47:37 - Sending command 1578217657620 to DeltaDore...
01/05/2020 10:47:37 - Sending command 1578217657640 to DeltaDore...
01/05/2020 10:47:37 - An expected message has been received from DeltaDore
01/05/2020 10:47:37 - An expected message has been received from DeltaDore
01/05/2020 10:47:43 - Sending command 1578217663370 to DeltaDore...
01/05/2020 10:47:43 - Sending command 1578217663390 to DeltaDore...
01/05/2020 10:47:43 - An expected message has been received from DeltaDore
01/05/2020 10:47:43 - An expected message has been received from DeltaDore
01/05/2020 10:47:47 - Sending command 1578217667778 to DeltaDore...
01/05/2020 10:47:47 - Sending command 1578217667798 to DeltaDore...
01/05/2020 10:47:47 - An expected message has been received from DeltaDore
01/05/2020 10:47:47 - An expected message has been received from DeltaDore
01/05/2020 10:47:51 - Sending command 1578217671481 to DeltaDore...
01/05/2020 10:47:51 - Sending command 1578217671502 to DeltaDore...
01/05/2020 10:47:51 - An expected message has been received from DeltaDore
01/05/2020 10:47:51 - An expected message has been received from DeltaDore
01/05/2020 10:47:57 - Sending command 1578217677491 to DeltaDore...
01/05/2020 10:47:57 - Sending command 1578217677511 to DeltaDore...
01/05/2020 10:47:57 - An expected message has been received from DeltaDore
01/05/2020 10:47:57 - An expected message has been received from DeltaDore
01/05/2020 10:48:02 - Sending command 1578217682830 to DeltaDore...
01/05/2020 10:48:02 - Sending command 1578217682850 to DeltaDore...
01/05/2020 10:48:02 - An expected message has been received from DeltaDore
01/05/2020 10:48:02 - An expected message has been received from DeltaDore
01/05/2020 10:48:06 - Sending command 1578217686897 to DeltaDore...
01/05/2020 10:48:06 - Sending command 1578217686917 to DeltaDore...
01/05/2020 10:48:06 - An expected message has been received from DeltaDore
01/05/2020 10:48:06 - An expected message has been received from DeltaDore
01/05/2020 10:48:11 - Sending command 1578217691589 to DeltaDore...
01/05/2020 10:48:11 - Sending command 1578217691609 to DeltaDore...
01/05/2020 10:48:11 - An expected message has been received from DeltaDore
01/05/2020 10:48:11 - An expected message has been received from DeltaDore
01/05/2020 10:48:15 - Sending command 1578217695429 to DeltaDore...
01/05/2020 10:48:15 - Sending command 1578217695449 to DeltaDore...
01/05/2020 10:48:15 - An expected message has been received from DeltaDore
01/05/2020 10:48:15 - An expected message has been received from DeltaDore
01/05/2020 10:48:25 - Executing commamd to device : 'Rezolv.JeeDore.Server.JeeDore.Request.ThermicLevel'...
01/05/2020 10:48:25 - Sending command 1578217705208 to DeltaDore...
01/05/2020 10:48:25 - Command 1578217705208 executed!
01/05/2020 10:48:25 - An expected message has been received from DeltaDore
01/05/2020 10:48:30 - Executing commamd to device : 'Rezolv.JeeDore.Server.JeeDore.Request.ThermicLevel'...
01/05/2020 10:48:30 - Sending command 1578217710159 to DeltaDore...
01/05/2020 10:48:30 - Command 1578217710159 executed!
01/05/2020 10:48:30 - An expected message has been received from DeltaDore
01/05/2020 10:48:34 - Executing commamd to device : 'Rezolv.JeeDore.Server.JeeDore.Request.ThermicLevel'...
01/05/2020 10:48:34 - Sending command 1578217714996 to DeltaDore...
01/05/2020 10:48:34 - Command 1578217714996 executed!
01/05/2020 10:48:35 - An expected message has been received from DeltaDore
01/05/2020 11:24:11 - Sending command 1578219851462 to DeltaDore...
01/05/2020 11:24:11 - An expected message has been received from DeltaDore
01/05/2020 11:24:11 - Sending DeltaDore response to Jeedom, command : 'box'...
01/05/2020 11:24:11 - Command '/info' has been posted to Jeedom successfully!

log ok as tu fait la modif jeeObject ?

J’avais réinitialisé la ligne object::. Je viens de faire la modif. J’ai redémarré jeedom, relancé le daemon et relancé un scan des équipements dans jeedore.
C’est pareil

quel est ton modèle de thermostats ??

quel est ton modèle de thermostats ??

C’est un Calybox 1020wt

tu as quoi comme sonde de température ?

Je sais pas…Comment trouver le modèle de la sonde de température?

une photo peut etre ?

Merci @Tonyb0t77. Mais je ne sais pas où se trouve la sonde de température. J’imagine qu’elle est branché sur le thermostat. Mais il n’y a rien à côté qui ressemble à une sonde…

de ce que je vois sur internet, il y a une sonde radio.
Si je comprend bien, il y a une sonde de température qui communique sans fil au calybox 1020wt.
Mais je n’ai jamais vu chez moi un boitier qui pourrait etre une sonde…

tu as quoi comme sonde de température ?

En faite, en démontant le boitier d’ambiance, je me suis rendu compte que la valeur de température augmentée. Il n’y a donc pas de sonde extérieur relier au calybox. la sonde fait partie du Boîtier d’ambiance du calybox 1020 wt.
Quand je regarde dans la doc d’installation, il est bien noté d’installer le boitier d’ambiance loin des éléments qui pourraient fausser la mesure de température. Voir doc du calybox 1020 wt

ok donc tout est bon

chauffage 1: zone 1
chauffage 2 : zone 2

invisible 3 : sonde de température

this is name : zone 1 et 2 en meme temps

Merci de ton retour,
Invisible 3 me donne en info 0. La valeur de température ne remonte pas

j’ai ça dans les log:

[2020-01-05 18:39:32][INFO] : Set value:19.91 for command:temperature to eqlogic:1578069086#1578069086
[2020-01-05 18:39:32][INFO] : CommandhvacModehvac-central not found
[2020-01-05 18:39:32][INFO] : Commandauthorizationhvac-central not found
[2020-01-05 18:39:32][INFO] : Set value:19.91 for command:temperature to eqlogic:1578069086#1578069087
[2020-01-05 18:39:32][INFO] : CommandhvacModehvac-central not found
[2020-01-05 18:39:32][INFO] : Commandauthorizationhvac-central not found
[2020-01-05 18:39:43][ERROR] : la id:hvac-electric
[2020-01-05 18:39:43][ERROR] : la id:hvac-electric
[2020-01-05 18:39:43][ERROR] : la id:hvac-electric
[2020-01-05 18:39:43][ERROR] : la id:hvac-central
[2020-01-05 18:39:43][ERROR] : la id:box

excuse moi invisible 3 c’est la sonde de température extérieur (optionnelle sur calibox)

tu na pas de remonté de température a première vu dessus

vu qu’on a pas encore eu l’occasion d’avoir des logs complets d’un calibox 1020 il n’est pas intégré a 100% il maque peut être des commandes