Désactiver les add-on depuis le plugin


Est il envisagé de pouvoir un jour activer/désactiver les add-on via le plugin? En effet je gère plusieurs zone dont une (très pentue) que je ne tond qu’une foie par semaine où l’herbe est parfois si haute que la tondeuse « evite » les hautes herbes pensant qu’il s’agit d’un obstacle. Je suis obligé de desactiver via l’application l’ACS (anti collision systeme). Je voudrais faire ça en automatique via jeedom.


Je n’ai aucune idée de comment on peut faire ça. L’api n’est absolument pas documentée et je n’ai pas d’add-on sur ma tondeuse donc il y a peut de chance.

Avec des logs complets de synchro de la tondeuse avec et sans addon, il sera peut-être possible de voir ce qui change entre les deux messages.

Ok je t’envois ça. Quels logs debug il te faut ? Donc si je comprend bien, je lance une synchronisation avec l’ACS et une autre sans. Je t’envois les logs pour les deux ?


Le fichier « xxx_dep » peut être supprimé, il ne servira plus jamais

il faut le log du démon « xxx_daemon »

Voila avec l’ACS désactivé
worxLandroidS_daemon.log (4,0 Ko)
Et avec l’ACS activé
worxLandroidS_daemon_acs.activated.log (4,0 Ko)

Pouvez-vous mettre le contenu du log directement dans le message et pas en pièce jointe la prochaine fois, c’est plus facile pour moi; bien utiliser un Texte préformaté (bouton </>) avant de coller le texte.

c’était pas l’inverse plutôt? le log « acs_activated » c’était pas le cas où le module était désactivé?
et il n’y a rien eu d’autres dans le log? c’est un peu léger. Il n’y a pas eu des lignes avec Received MQTT message etc ?

Bon dans le doute je refais mais cette foie je suis sûr. Je sais, le plugin n’est pas à jour, je n’ose pas trop le mettre à jour car la dernière mise à jour à pas mal modifié de choses et j’ai passé un peux de temps à réattribuer mes commandes et designs. Mais si j’ai pas le choix je le ferais

ACS activé :

[2023-07-06 14:31:08][DEBUG] : Message received in socket JEEDOM_SOCKET_MESSAGE
[2023-07-06 14:31:08][DEBUG] : Send to jeedom :  {'devices': [{'id': 549999, 'uuid': '96c53037-16bc-4002-88b3-344371807ee2', 'product_id': 67, 'user_id': 522761, 'serial_number': '20213026630100620816', 'mac_address': 'E868E71F2444', 'name': 'Tondeuse', 'locked': False, 'firmware_version': '3.28', 'firmware_auto_upgrade': True, 'push_notifications': True, 'sim': None, 'push_notifications_level': 'warning', 'test': False, 'iot_registered': True, 'mqtt_registered': True, 'pin_code': None, 'registered_at': '2022-03-12 00:00:00', 'online': True, 'app_settings': None, 'protocol': 0, 'pending_radio_link_validation': None, 'capabilities': ['auto_lock', 'bluetooth_control', 'bluetooth_pairing', 'digital_fence_settings', 'follow_border', 'lock', 'mqtt', 'multi_zone', 'multi_zone_percentage', 'one_time_scheduler', 'pairing_smartconfig', 'pause_over_wire', 'rain_delay', 'rain_delay_start', 'safe_go_home', 'scheduler_two_slots', 'unrestricted_mowing_time'], 'capabilities_available': ['zone_keeper'], 'features': {'auto_lock': 3.25, 'bluetooth_control': 3.2, 'bluetooth_pairing': True, 'chassis': 'l_2020', 'digital_fence_settings': 3.25, 'display_type': 'lcd', 'input_type': 'keyboard_push_knob', 'lock': True, 'mqtt': True, 'multi_zone': True, 'multi_zone_percentage': True, 'multi_zone_zones': 4, 'one_time_scheduler': 3.15, 'pause_over_wire': 3.26, 'rain_delay': True, 'rain_delay_start': 3.08, 'safe_go_home': 3.25, 'scheduler_two_slots': 3.15, 'unrestricted_mowing_time': True, 'wifi_pairing': 'smartconfig'}, 'accessories': {'ultrasonic': True}, 'mqtt_endpoint': 'iot.eu-west-1.worxlandroid.com', 'mqtt_topics': {'command_in': 'PRM100/E868E71F2444/commandIn', 'command_out': 'PRM100/E868E71F2444/commandOut'}, 'warranty_registered': True, 'purchased_at': '2022-03-12 00:00:00', 'warranty_expires_at': '2025-03-12 00:00:00', 'setup_location': {'latitude': 45.50194169, 'longitude': 4.31946169}, 'city': {'id': 3009313, 'country_id': 250, 'name': 'La Fouillouse', 'latitude': 45.501999, 'longitude': 4.31213, 'created_at': '2018-02-15 22:46:20', 'updated_at': '2018-02-15 22:46:20'}, 'time_zone': 'Europe/Paris', 'lawn_size': 400, 'lawn_perimeter': 128, 'auto_schedule_settings': {'boost': 0, 'exclusion_scheduler': {'days': [{'slots': [], 'exclude_day': False}, {'slots': [], 'exclude_day': False}, {'slots': [], 'exclude_day': False}, {'slots': [], 'exclude_day': False}, {'slots': [], 'exclude_day': False}, {'slots': [], 'exclude_day': False}, {'slots': [], 'exclude_day': False}], 'exclude_nights': True}, 'grass_type': 'mixed_species', 'irrigation': True, 'nutrition': None, 'soil_type': None}, 'auto_schedule': False, 'improvement': True, 'diagnostic': True, 'distance_covered': 511136, 'mower_work_time': 35332, 'blade_work_time': 32671, 'blade_work_time_reset': 28874, 'blade_work_time_reset_at': '2023-05-29 11:01:00', 'battery_charge_cycles': 477, 'battery_charge_cycles_reset': 0, 'battery_charge_cycles_reset_at': None, 'created_at': '2021-01-21 02:34:59', 'updated_at': '2023-03-13 13:24:36', 'last_status': {'timestamp': '2023-07-06 12:04:00', 'payload': {'cfg': {'id': 0, 'sn': '20213026630100620816', 'dt': '06/07/2023', 'tm': '14:03:59', 'lg': 'fr', 'cmd': 0, 'sc': {'m': 1, 'd': [['00:00', 0, 0], ['00:00', 0, 0], ['00:00', 0, 0], ['00:00', 0, 0], ['00:00', 0, 0], ['00:00', 0, 0], ['00:00', 0, 0]], 'dd': [['00:00', 0, 0], ['00:00', 0, 0], ['00:00', 0, 0], ['00:00', 0, 0], ['00:00', 0, 0], ['00:00', 0, 0], ['00:00', 0, 0]], 'distm': 0, 'p': 0, 'ots': {'wtm': 0, 'bc': 0}}, 'mz': [0, 0, 0, 0], 'mzv': [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], 'rd': 0, 'al': {'lvl': 0, 't': 60}, 'tq': 0, 'modules': {'US': {'enabled': 0}}}, 'dat': {'mac': 'E868E71F2444', 'fw': 3.28, 'fwb': 1, 'ls': 1, 'le': 0, 'conn': 'wifi', 'bt': {'t': 35.9, 'v': 19.26, 'p': 100, 'nr': 477, 'c': 0, 'm': 1}, 'dmp': [0.9, 1.3, 270.1], 'st': {'b': 32671, 'd': 511136, 'wt': 35332, 'bl': 128}, 'act': 1, 'rsi': -59, 'lk': 0, 'tr': 0, 'lz': 0, 'rain': {'s': 0, 'cnt': 0}, 'modules': {'US': {'stat': 'ok'}}}}}}]}
[2023-07-06 14:31:16][DEBUG] : MQTT data received 'b'{"cfg":{"id":25373,"lg":"fr","tm":"14:31:15","dt":"06/07/2023","sc":{"m":1,"distm":0,"ots":{"bc":0,"wtm":0},"p":0,"d":[["00:00",0,0],["00:00",0,0],["00:00",0,0],["00:00",0,0],["00:00",0,0],["00:00",0,0],["00:00",0,0]],"dd":[["00:00",0,0],["00:00",0,0],["00:00",0,0],["00:00",0,0],["00:00",0,0],["00:00",0,0],["00:00",0,0]]},"cmd":0,"mz":[0,0,0,0],"mzv":[0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0],"rd":0,"sn":"20213026630100620816","al":{"lvl":0,"t":60},"tq":0,"modules":{"US":{"enabled":1}}},"dat":{"mac":"E868E71F2444","fw":3.28,"fwb":1,"bt":{"t":35.9,"v":19.11,"p":100,"nr":477,"c":0,"m":1},"dmp":[0.9,1.3,270.1],"st":{"b":32671,"d":511136,"wt":35332,"bl":128},"ls":1,"le":0,"lz":0,"rsi":-58,"lk":0,"act":1,"tr":0,"conn":"wifi","rain":{"s":0,"cnt":0},"time":{"r":0,"l":0},"modules":{"US":{"stat":"ok"}}}}'' on topic 'PRM100/E868E71F2444/commandOut'
[2023-07-06 14:31:16][DEBUG] : Data decoding for Tondeuse started
[2023-07-06 14:31:16][DEBUG] : Found JSON decoded data: {'cfg': {'id': 25373, 'lg': 'fr', 'tm': '14:31:15', 'dt': '06/07/2023', 'sc': {'m': 1, 'distm': 0, 'ots': {'bc': 0, 'wtm': 0}, 'p': 0, 'd': [['00:00', 0, 0], ['00:00', 0, 0], ['00:00', 0, 0], ['00:00', 0, 0], ['00:00', 0, 0], ['00:00', 0, 0], ['00:00', 0, 0]], 'dd': [['00:00', 0, 0], ['00:00', 0, 0], ['00:00', 0, 0], ['00:00', 0, 0], ['00:00', 0, 0], ['00:00', 0, 0], ['00:00', 0, 0]]}, 'cmd': 0, 'mz': [0, 0, 0, 0], 'mzv': [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], 'rd': 0, 'sn': '20213026630100620816', 'al': {'lvl': 0, 't': 60}, 'tq': 0, 'modules': {'US': {'enabled': 1}}}, 'dat': {'mac': 'E868E71F2444', 'fw': 3.28, 'fwb': 1, 'bt': {'t': 35.9, 'v': 19.11, 'p': 100, 'nr': 477, 'c': 0, 'm': 1}, 'dmp': [0.9, 1.3, 270.1], 'st': {'b': 32671, 'd': 511136, 'wt': 35332, 'bl': 128}, 'ls': 1, 'le': 0, 'lz': 0, 'rsi': -58, 'lk': 0, 'act': 1, 'tr': 0, 'conn': 'wifi', 'rain': {'s': 0, 'cnt': 0}, 'time': {'r': 0, 'l': 0}, 'modules': {'US': {'stat': 'ok'}}}}
[2023-07-06 14:31:16][DEBUG] : Status code: 1
[2023-07-06 14:31:16][DEBUG] : Data for Tondeuse was decoded
[2023-07-06 14:31:16][DEBUG] : Checking ['name'] against {'name': 'Tondeuse', 'device': {}}
[2023-07-06 14:31:16][DEBUG] : Checking ['device'] against {'name': 'Tondeuse', 'device': {}}
[2023-07-06 14:31:16][DEBUG] : on message Tondeuse, {'id': 549999, 'uuid': '96c53037-16bc-4002-88b3-344371807ee2', 'product_id': 67, 'serial_number': '20213026630100620816', 'mac_address': 'E868E71F2444', 'name': 'Tondeuse', 'locked': False, 'sim': None, 'mqtt_registered': True, 'pin_code': None, 'registered_at': '2022-03-12 00:00:00', 'online': True, 'protocol': 0, 'capabilities': <pyworxcloud.utils.capability.Capability object at 0x7fd6ff3fecf8>, 'capabilities_available': ['zone_keeper'], 'accessories': {'ultrasonic': True}, 'setup_location': {'latitude': 45.50194169, 'longitude': 4.31946169}, 'city': {'id': 3009313, 'country_id': 250, 'name': 'La Fouillouse', 'latitude': 45.501999, 'longitude': 4.31213, 'created_at': '2018-02-15 22:46:20', 'updated_at': '2018-02-15 22:46:20'}, 'time_zone': 'Europe/Paris', 'improvement': True, 'diagnostic': True, 'mower_work_time': 35332, 'last_status': {'timestamp': '2023-07-06 12:04:00', 'payload': {'cfg': {'id': 0, 'sn': '20213026630100620816', 'dt': '06/07/2023', 'tm': '14:03:59', 'lg': 'fr', 'cmd': 0, 'sc': {'m': 1, 'd': [['00:00', 0, 0], ['00:00', 0, 0], ['00:00', 0, 0], ['00:00', 0, 0], ['00:00', 0, 0], ['00:00', 0, 0], ['00:00', 0, 0]], 'dd': [['00:00', 0, 0], ['00:00', 0, 0], ['00:00', 0, 0], ['00:00', 0, 0], ['00:00', 0, 0], ['00:00', 0, 0], ['00:00', 0, 0]], 'distm': 0, 'p': 0, 'ots': {'wtm': 0, 'bc': 0}}, 'mz': [0, 0, 0, 0], 'mzv': [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], 'rd': 0, 'al': {'lvl': 0, 't': 60}, 'tq': 0, 'modules': {'US': {'enabled': 0}}}, 'dat': {'mac': 'E868E71F2444', 'fw': 3.28, 'fwb': 1, 'ls': 1, 'le': 0, 'conn': 'wifi', 'bt': {'t': 35.9, 'v': 19.26, 'p': 100, 'nr': 477, 'c': 0, 'm': 1}, 'dmp': [0.9, 1.3, 270.1], 'st': {'b': 32671, 'd': 511136, 'wt': 35332, 'bl': 128}, 'act': 1, 'rsi': -59, 'lk': 0, 'tr': 0, 'lz': 0, 'rain': {'s': 0, 'cnt': 0}, 'modules': {'US': {'stat': 'ok'}}}}}, 'battery': {'cycles': {'total': 477, 'current': 0, 'reset_at': None, 'reset_time': None}, 'temperature': 35.9, 'voltage': 19.11, 'percent': 100, 'charging': False}, 'blades': {'total_on': 32671, 'reset_at': 28874, 'reset_time': datetime.datetime(2023, 5, 29, 11, 1, tzinfo=backports.zoneinfo.ZoneInfo(key='Europe/Paris')), 'current_on': 3797}, 'chassis': {}, 'error': {'id': 0, 'description': 'no error'}, 'orientation': {'pitch': 0.9, 'roll': 1.3, 'yaw': 270.1}, 'rainsensor': {'delay': 0, 'triggered': False, 'remaining': 0}, 'status': {'id': 1, 'description': 'home'}, 'zone': {'current': 0, 'index': 0, 'indicies': [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], 'starting_point': [0, 0, 0, 0]}, 'warranty': {'expires_at': datetime.datetime(2025, 3, 12, 0, 0, tzinfo=backports.zoneinfo.ZoneInfo(key='Europe/Paris')), 'registered': True, 'expired': False}, 'firmware': {'auto_upgrade': True, 'version': '3.28'}, 'schedules': {'daily_progress': 100, 'next_schedule_start': None, 'time_extension': 0, 'active': True, 'auto_schedule': {'settings': {}, 'enabled': None}, 'primary': {'monday': {'start': '00:00', 'end': '00:00', 'duration': 0, 'boundary': False}, 'tuesday': {'start': '00:00', 'end': '00:00', 'duration': 0, 'boundary': False}, 'wednesday': {'start': '00:00', 'end': '00:00', 'duration': 0, 'boundary': False}, 'thursday': {'start': '00:00', 'end': '00:00', 'duration': 0, 'boundary': False}, 'friday': {'start': '00:00', 'end': '00:00', 'duration': 0, 'boundary': False}, 'saturday': {'start': '00:00', 'end': '00:00', 'duration': 0, 'boundary': False}, 'sunday': {'start': '00:00', 'end': '00:00', 'duration': 0, 'boundary': False}}, 'secondary': {'monday': {'start': '00:00', 'end': '00:00', 'duration': 0, 'boundary': False}, 'tuesday': {'start': '00:00', 'end': '00:00', 'duration': 0, 'boundary': False}, 'wednesday': {'start': '00:00', 'end': '00:00', 'duration': 0, 'boundary': False}, 'thursday': {'start': '00:00', 'end': '00:00', 'duration': 0, 'boundary': False}, 'friday': {'start': '00:00', 'end': '00:00', 'duration': 0, 'boundary': False}, 'saturday': {'start': '00:00', 'end': '00:00', 'duration': 0, 'boundary': False}, 'sunday': {'start': '00:00', 'end': '00:00', 'duration': 0, 'boundary': False}}}, 'in_topic': 'PRM100/E868E71F2444/commandIn', 'out_topic': 'PRM100/E868E71F2444/commandOut', 'model': 'Model info not available in API', 'rssi': -58, 'statistics': {'worktime_blades_on': 32671, 'distance': 511136, 'worktime_total': 35332}, 'updated': '06/07/2023 14:31:15', 'torque': 0, 'partymode_enabled': False}
[2023-07-06 14:31:16][DEBUG] : Send to jeedom :  {'uuid': '96c53037-16bc-4002-88b3-344371807ee2', 'data': {'id': 549999, 'uuid': '96c53037-16bc-4002-88b3-344371807ee2', 'product_id': 67, 'serial_number': '20213026630100620816', 'mac_address': 'E868E71F2444', 'name': 'Tondeuse', 'locked': False, 'sim': None, 'mqtt_registered': True, 'pin_code': None, 'registered_at': '2022-03-12 00:00:00', 'online': True, 'protocol': 0, 'capabilities': <pyworxcloud.utils.capability.Capability object at 0x7fd6ff3fecf8>, 'capabilities_available': ['zone_keeper'], 'accessories': {'ultrasonic': True}, 'setup_location': {'latitude': 45.50194169, 'longitude': 4.31946169}, 'city': {'id': 3009313, 'country_id': 250, 'name': 'La Fouillouse', 'latitude': 45.501999, 'longitude': 4.31213, 'created_at': '2018-02-15 22:46:20', 'updated_at': '2018-02-15 22:46:20'}, 'time_zone': 'Europe/Paris', 'improvement': True, 'diagnostic': True, 'mower_work_time': 35332, 'last_status': {'timestamp': '2023-07-06 12:04:00', 'payload': {'cfg': {'id': 0, 'sn': '20213026630100620816', 'dt': '06/07/2023', 'tm': '14:03:59', 'lg': 'fr', 'cmd': 0, 'sc': {'m': 1, 'd': [['00:00', 0, 0], ['00:00', 0, 0], ['00:00', 0, 0], ['00:00', 0, 0], ['00:00', 0, 0], ['00:00', 0, 0], ['00:00', 0, 0]], 'dd': [['00:00', 0, 0], ['00:00', 0, 0], ['00:00', 0, 0], ['00:00', 0, 0], ['00:00', 0, 0], ['00:00', 0, 0], ['00:00', 0, 0]], 'distm': 0, 'p': 0, 'ots': {'wtm': 0, 'bc': 0}}, 'mz': [0, 0, 0, 0], 'mzv': [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], 'rd': 0, 'al': {'lvl': 0, 't': 60}, 'tq': 0, 'modules': {'US': {'enabled': 0}}}, 'dat': {'mac': 'E868E71F2444', 'fw': 3.28, 'fwb': 1, 'ls': 1, 'le': 0, 'conn': 'wifi', 'bt': {'t': 35.9, 'v': 19.26, 'p': 100, 'nr': 477, 'c': 0, 'm': 1}, 'dmp': [0.9, 1.3, 270.1], 'st': {'b': 32671, 'd': 511136, 'wt': 35332, 'bl': 128}, 'act': 1, 'rsi': -59, 'lk': 0, 'tr': 0, 'lz': 0, 'rain': {'s': 0, 'cnt': 0}, 'modules': {'US': {'stat': 'ok'}}}}}, 'battery': {'cycles': {'total': 477, 'current': 0, 'reset_at': None, 'reset_time': None}, 'temperature': 35.9, 'voltage': 19.11, 'percent': 100, 'charging': False}, 'blades': {'total_on': 32671, 'reset_at': 28874, 'reset_time': datetime.datetime(2023, 5, 29, 11, 1, tzinfo=backports.zoneinfo.ZoneInfo(key='Europe/Paris')), 'current_on': 3797}, 'chassis': {}, 'error': {'id': 0, 'description': 'no error'}, 'orientation': {'pitch': 0.9, 'roll': 1.3, 'yaw': 270.1}, 'rainsensor': {'delay': 0, 'triggered': False, 'remaining': 0}, 'status': {'id': 1, 'description': 'home'}, 'zone': {'current': 0, 'index': 0, 'indicies': [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], 'starting_point': [0, 0, 0, 0]}, 'warranty': {'expires_at': datetime.datetime(2025, 3, 12, 0, 0, tzinfo=backports.zoneinfo.ZoneInfo(key='Europe/Paris')), 'registered': True, 'expired': False}, 'firmware': {'auto_upgrade': True, 'version': '3.28'}, 'schedules': {'daily_progress': 100, 'next_schedule_start': None, 'time_extension': 0, 'active': True, 'auto_schedule': {'settings': {}, 'enabled': None}, 'primary': {'monday': {'start': '00:00', 'end': '00:00', 'duration': 0, 'boundary': False}, 'tuesday': {'start': '00:00', 'end': '00:00', 'duration': 0, 'boundary': False}, 'wednesday': {'start': '00:00', 'end': '00:00', 'duration': 0, 'boundary': False}, 'thursday': {'start': '00:00', 'end': '00:00', 'duration': 0, 'boundary': False}, 'friday': {'start': '00:00', 'end': '00:00', 'duration': 0, 'boundary': False}, 'saturday': {'start': '00:00', 'end': '00:00', 'duration': 0, 'boundary': False}, 'sunday': {'start': '00:00', 'end': '00:00', 'duration': 0, 'boundary': False}}, 'secondary': {'monday': {'start': '00:00', 'end': '00:00', 'duration': 0, 'boundary': False}, 'tuesday': {'start': '00:00', 'end': '00:00', 'duration': 0, 'boundary': False}, 'wednesday': {'start': '00:00', 'end': '00:00', 'duration': 0, 'boundary': False}, 'thursday': {'start': '00:00', 'end': '00:00', 'duration': 0, 'boundary': False}, 'friday': {'start': '00:00', 'end': '00:00', 'duration': 0, 'boundary': False}, 'saturday': {'start': '00:00', 'end': '00:00', 'duration': 0, 'boundary': False}, 'sunday': {'start': '00:00', 'end': '00:00', 'duration': 0, 'boundary': False}}}, 'in_topic': 'PRM100/E868E71F2444/commandIn', 'out_topic': 'PRM100/E868E71F2444/commandOut', 'model': 'Model info not available in API', 'rssi': -58, 'statistics': {'worktime_blades_on': 32671, 'distance': 511136, 'worktime_total': 35332}, 'updated': '06/07/2023 14:31:15', 'torque': 0, 'partymode_enabled': False}}

ACS désactivé :

[2023-07-06 14:20:45][DEBUG] : Message received in socket JEEDOM_SOCKET_MESSAGE
[2023-07-06 14:20:45][DEBUG] : Send to jeedom :  {'devices': [{'id': 549999, 'uuid': '96c53037-16bc-4002-88b3-344371807ee2', 'product_id': 67, 'user_id': 522761, 'serial_number': '20213026630100620816', 'mac_address': 'E868E71F2444', 'name': 'Tondeuse', 'locked': False, 'firmware_version': '3.28', 'firmware_auto_upgrade': True, 'push_notifications': True, 'sim': None, 'push_notifications_level': 'warning', 'test': False, 'iot_registered': True, 'mqtt_registered': True, 'pin_code': None, 'registered_at': '2022-03-12 00:00:00', 'online': True, 'app_settings': None, 'protocol': 0, 'pending_radio_link_validation': None, 'capabilities': ['auto_lock', 'bluetooth_control', 'bluetooth_pairing', 'digital_fence_settings', 'follow_border', 'lock', 'mqtt', 'multi_zone', 'multi_zone_percentage', 'one_time_scheduler', 'pairing_smartconfig', 'pause_over_wire', 'rain_delay', 'rain_delay_start', 'safe_go_home', 'scheduler_two_slots', 'unrestricted_mowing_time'], 'capabilities_available': ['zone_keeper'], 'features': {'auto_lock': 3.25, 'bluetooth_control': 3.2, 'bluetooth_pairing': True, 'chassis': 'l_2020', 'digital_fence_settings': 3.25, 'display_type': 'lcd', 'input_type': 'keyboard_push_knob', 'lock': True, 'mqtt': True, 'multi_zone': True, 'multi_zone_percentage': True, 'multi_zone_zones': 4, 'one_time_scheduler': 3.15, 'pause_over_wire': 3.26, 'rain_delay': True, 'rain_delay_start': 3.08, 'safe_go_home': 3.25, 'scheduler_two_slots': 3.15, 'unrestricted_mowing_time': True, 'wifi_pairing': 'smartconfig'}, 'accessories': {'ultrasonic': True}, 'mqtt_endpoint': 'iot.eu-west-1.worxlandroid.com', 'mqtt_topics': {'command_in': 'PRM100/E868E71F2444/commandIn', 'command_out': 'PRM100/E868E71F2444/commandOut'}, 'warranty_registered': True, 'purchased_at': '2022-03-12 00:00:00', 'warranty_expires_at': '2025-03-12 00:00:00', 'setup_location': {'latitude': 45.50194169, 'longitude': 4.31946169}, 'city': {'id': 3009313, 'country_id': 250, 'name': 'La Fouillouse', 'latitude': 45.501999, 'longitude': 4.31213, 'created_at': '2018-02-15 22:46:20', 'updated_at': '2018-02-15 22:46:20'}, 'time_zone': 'Europe/Paris', 'lawn_size': 400, 'lawn_perimeter': 128, 'auto_schedule_settings': {'boost': 0, 'exclusion_scheduler': {'days': [{'slots': [], 'exclude_day': False}, {'slots': [], 'exclude_day': False}, {'slots': [], 'exclude_day': False}, {'slots': [], 'exclude_day': False}, {'slots': [], 'exclude_day': False}, {'slots': [], 'exclude_day': False}, {'slots': [], 'exclude_day': False}], 'exclude_nights': True}, 'grass_type': 'mixed_species', 'irrigation': True, 'nutrition': None, 'soil_type': None}, 'auto_schedule': False, 'improvement': True, 'diagnostic': True, 'distance_covered': 511136, 'mower_work_time': 35332, 'blade_work_time': 32671, 'blade_work_time_reset': 28874, 'blade_work_time_reset_at': '2023-05-29 11:01:00', 'battery_charge_cycles': 477, 'battery_charge_cycles_reset': 0, 'battery_charge_cycles_reset_at': None, 'created_at': '2021-01-21 02:34:59', 'updated_at': '2023-03-13 13:24:36', 'last_status': {'timestamp': '2023-07-06 12:04:00', 'payload': {'cfg': {'id': 0, 'sn': '20213026630100620816', 'dt': '06/07/2023', 'tm': '14:03:59', 'lg': 'fr', 'cmd': 0, 'sc': {'m': 1, 'd': [['00:00', 0, 0], ['00:00', 0, 0], ['00:00', 0, 0], ['00:00', 0, 0], ['00:00', 0, 0], ['00:00', 0, 0], ['00:00', 0, 0]], 'dd': [['00:00', 0, 0], ['00:00', 0, 0], ['00:00', 0, 0], ['00:00', 0, 0], ['00:00', 0, 0], ['00:00', 0, 0], ['00:00', 0, 0]], 'distm': 0, 'p': 0, 'ots': {'wtm': 0, 'bc': 0}}, 'mz': [0, 0, 0, 0], 'mzv': [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], 'rd': 0, 'al': {'lvl': 0, 't': 60}, 'tq': 0, 'modules': {'US': {'enabled': 0}}}, 'dat': {'mac': 'E868E71F2444', 'fw': 3.28, 'fwb': 1, 'ls': 1, 'le': 0, 'conn': 'wifi', 'bt': {'t': 35.9, 'v': 19.26, 'p': 100, 'nr': 477, 'c': 0, 'm': 1}, 'dmp': [0.9, 1.3, 270.1], 'st': {'b': 32671, 'd': 511136, 'wt': 35332, 'bl': 128}, 'act': 1, 'rsi': -59, 'lk': 0, 'tr': 0, 'lz': 0, 'rain': {'s': 0, 'cnt': 0}, 'modules': {'US': {'stat': 'ok'}}}}}}]}
[2023-07-06 14:23:22][DEBUG] : MQTT data received 'b'{"cfg":{"id":11256,"lg":"fr","tm":"14:23:21","dt":"06/07/2023","sc":{"m":1,"distm":0,"ots":{"bc":0,"wtm":0},"p":0,"d":[["00:00",0,0],["00:00",0,0],["00:00",0,0],["00:00",0,0],["00:00",0,0],["00:00",0,0],["00:00",0,0]],"dd":[["00:00",0,0],["00:00",0,0],["00:00",0,0],["00:00",0,0],["00:00",0,0],["00:00",0,0],["00:00",0,0]]},"cmd":0,"mz":[0,0,0,0],"mzv":[0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0],"rd":0,"sn":"20213026630100620816","al":{"lvl":0,"t":60},"tq":0,"modules":{"US":{"enabled":0}}},"dat":{"mac":"E868E71F2444","fw":3.28,"fwb":1,"bt":{"t":36.0,"v":19.16,"p":100,"nr":477,"c":0,"m":1},"dmp":[0.9,1.3,270.1],"st":{"b":32671,"d":511136,"wt":35332,"bl":128},"ls":1,"le":0,"lz":0,"rsi":-58,"lk":0,"act":1,"tr":0,"conn":"wifi","rain":{"s":0,"cnt":0},"time":{"r":0,"l":0},"modules":{"US":{"stat":"ok"}}}}'' on topic 'PRM100/E868E71F2444/commandOut'
[2023-07-06 14:23:22][DEBUG] : Data decoding for Tondeuse started
[2023-07-06 14:23:22][DEBUG] : Found JSON decoded data: {'cfg': {'id': 11256, 'lg': 'fr', 'tm': '14:23:21', 'dt': '06/07/2023', 'sc': {'m': 1, 'distm': 0, 'ots': {'bc': 0, 'wtm': 0}, 'p': 0, 'd': [['00:00', 0, 0], ['00:00', 0, 0], ['00:00', 0, 0], ['00:00', 0, 0], ['00:00', 0, 0], ['00:00', 0, 0], ['00:00', 0, 0]], 'dd': [['00:00', 0, 0], ['00:00', 0, 0], ['00:00', 0, 0], ['00:00', 0, 0], ['00:00', 0, 0], ['00:00', 0, 0], ['00:00', 0, 0]]}, 'cmd': 0, 'mz': [0, 0, 0, 0], 'mzv': [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], 'rd': 0, 'sn': '20213026630100620816', 'al': {'lvl': 0, 't': 60}, 'tq': 0, 'modules': {'US': {'enabled': 0}}}, 'dat': {'mac': 'E868E71F2444', 'fw': 3.28, 'fwb': 1, 'bt': {'t': 36.0, 'v': 19.16, 'p': 100, 'nr': 477, 'c': 0, 'm': 1}, 'dmp': [0.9, 1.3, 270.1], 'st': {'b': 32671, 'd': 511136, 'wt': 35332, 'bl': 128}, 'ls': 1, 'le': 0, 'lz': 0, 'rsi': -58, 'lk': 0, 'act': 1, 'tr': 0, 'conn': 'wifi', 'rain': {'s': 0, 'cnt': 0}, 'time': {'r': 0, 'l': 0}, 'modules': {'US': {'stat': 'ok'}}}}

PS : je n’ai mis qu’une partie des logs car la limites est atteinte. Logs integrale en PJ
worxLandroidS_daemon ACS desactiveted.log (25,7 Ko)
worxLandroidS_daemon.log (14,8 Ko)

Quel boulet, c’est pas les bons log…désolé je renvois dans les bon dans quelque minutes.

ca c’était probablement la mise à jour début avril (Version beta avril 2023) qui a effectivement provoqué beaucoup de changement puisque j’ai réécrit une grande partie du plugin pour le faire fonctionner…
un nouvel équipement a été créé à ce moment avec de toutes nouvelles commandes.

Depuis il n’y a pas vraiment eu de casse de compatibilité excepté sur des fonctions très spécifique comme la gestion des zones mais vu que vous ne les avez pas faite… donc oui va falloir mettre à jour là surtout si vous demandez une nouvelle commande :wink:

Bon je met à jour tout de suite, je viens de modifier mon message précedant avec les bon logs. Je posterai à nouveaux les log sune foie la mise à jour faite

Plugin mis à jour voici les nouveaux logs :

ACS activé :

[2023-07-06 15:05:04][DEBUG] : Message received in socket JEEDOM_SOCKET_MESSAGE
[2023-07-06 15:05:05][INFO] : Found 1 mower(s)
[2023-07-06 15:05:05][DEBUG] : Mower 'Tondeuse' data: {'id': 549999, 'uuid': '96c53037-16bc-4002-88b3-344371807ee2', 'product_id': 67, 'user_id': 522761, 'serial_number': '20213026630100620816', 'mac_address': 'E868E71F2444', 'name': 'Tondeuse', 'locked': False, 'firmware_version': '3.28', 'firmware_auto_upgrade': True, 'push_notifications': True, 'sim': None, 'push_notifications_level': 'warning', 'test': False, 'iot_registered': True, 'mqtt_registered': True, 'pin_code': None, 'registered_at': '2022-03-12 00:00:00', 'online': True, 'app_settings': None, 'protocol': 0, 'pending_radio_link_validation': None, 'capabilities': ['auto_lock', 'bluetooth_control', 'bluetooth_pairing', 'digital_fence_settings', 'follow_border', 'lock', 'mqtt', 'multi_zone', 'multi_zone_percentage', 'one_time_scheduler', 'pairing_smartconfig', 'pause_over_wire', 'rain_delay', 'rain_delay_start', 'safe_go_home', 'scheduler_two_slots', 'unrestricted_mowing_time'], 'capabilities_available': ['zone_keeper'], 'features': {'auto_lock': 3.25, 'bluetooth_control': 3.2, 'bluetooth_pairing': True, 'chassis': 'l_2020', 'digital_fence_settings': 3.25, 'display_type': 'lcd', 'input_type': 'keyboard_push_knob', 'lock': True, 'mqtt': True, 'multi_zone': True, 'multi_zone_percentage': True, 'multi_zone_zones': 4, 'one_time_scheduler': 3.15, 'pause_over_wire': 3.26, 'rain_delay': True, 'rain_delay_start': 3.08, 'safe_go_home': 3.25, 'scheduler_two_slots': 3.15, 'unrestricted_mowing_time': True, 'wifi_pairing': 'smartconfig'}, 'accessories': {'ultrasonic': True}, 'mqtt_endpoint': 'iot.eu-west-1.worxlandroid.com', 'mqtt_topics': {'command_in': 'PRM100/E868E71F2444/commandIn', 'command_out': 'PRM100/E868E71F2444/commandOut'}, 'warranty_registered': True, 'purchased_at': '2022-03-12 00:00:00', 'warranty_expires_at': '2025-03-12 00:00:00', 'setup_location': {'latitude': 45.50194169, 'longitude': 4.31946169}, 'city': {'id': 3009313, 'country_id': 250, 'name': 'La Fouillouse', 'latitude': 45.501999, 'longitude': 4.31213, 'created_at': '2018-02-15 22:46:20', 'updated_at': '2018-02-15 22:46:20'}, 'time_zone': 'Europe/Paris', 'lawn_size': 400, 'lawn_perimeter': 128, 'auto_schedule_settings': {'boost': 0, 'exclusion_scheduler': {'days': [{'slots': [], 'exclude_day': False}, {'slots': [], 'exclude_day': False}, {'slots': [], 'exclude_day': False}, {'slots': [], 'exclude_day': False}, {'slots': [], 'exclude_day': False}, {'slots': [], 'exclude_day': False}, {'slots': [], 'exclude_day': False}], 'exclude_nights': True}, 'grass_type': 'mixed_species', 'irrigation': True, 'nutrition': None, 'soil_type': None}, 'auto_schedule': False, 'improvement': True, 'diagnostic': True, 'distance_covered': 511136, 'mower_work_time': 35332, 'blade_work_time': 32671, 'blade_work_time_reset': 28874, 'blade_work_time_reset_at': '2023-05-29 11:01:00', 'battery_charge_cycles': 477, 'battery_charge_cycles_reset': 0, 'battery_charge_cycles_reset_at': None, 'created_at': '2021-01-21 02:34:59', 'updated_at': '2023-03-13 13:24:36', 'last_status': {'timestamp': '2023-07-06 12:56:27', 'payload': {'cfg': {'id': 0, 'sn': '20213026630100620816', 'dt': '06/07/2023', 'tm': '14:56:26', 'lg': 'fr', 'cmd': 0, 'sc': {'m': 1, 'd': [['00:00', 0, 0], ['00:00', 0, 0], ['00:00', 0, 0], ['00:00', 0, 0], ['00:00', 0, 0], ['00:00', 0, 0], ['00:00', 0, 0]], 'dd': [['00:00', 0, 0], ['00:00', 0, 0], ['00:00', 0, 0], ['00:00', 0, 0], ['00:00', 0, 0], ['00:00', 0, 0], ['00:00', 0, 0]], 'distm': 0, 'p': 0, 'ots': {'wtm': 0, 'bc': 0}}, 'mz': [0, 0, 0, 0], 'mzv': [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], 'rd': 0, 'al': {'lvl': 0, 't': 60}, 'tq': 0, 'modules': {'US': {'enabled': 1}}}, 'dat': {'mac': 'E868E71F2444', 'fw': 3.28, 'fwb': 1, 'ls': 1, 'le': 0, 'conn': 'wifi', 'bt': {'t': 35.9, 'v': 18.98, 'p': 100, 'nr': 477, 'c': 0, 'm': 1}, 'dmp': [0.9, 1.4, 270.1], 'st': {'b': 32671, 'd': 511136, 'wt': 35332, 'bl': 128}, 'act': 1, 'rsi': -57, 'lk': 0, 'tr': 0, 'lz': 0, 'rain': {'s': 0, 'cnt': 0}, 'modules': {'US': {'stat': 'ok'}}}}}, 'product': {'code': 'WR148E', 'description': 'Landroid L800', 'year': 2021, 'cutting_width': 200}}
[2023-07-06 15:05:05][DEBUG] : Start mapping...
[2023-07-06 15:05:05][DEBUG] : Data decoding for Tondeuse started
[2023-07-06 15:05:05][DEBUG] : Found JSON decoded data: {'cfg': {'id': 0, 'sn': '20213026630100620816', 'dt': '06/07/2023', 'tm': '14:56:26', 'lg': 'fr', 'cmd': 0, 'sc': {'m': 1, 'd': [['00:00', 0, 0], ['00:00', 0, 0], ['00:00', 0, 0], ['00:00', 0, 0], ['00:00', 0, 0], ['00:00', 0, 0], ['00:00', 0, 0]], 'dd': [['00:00', 0, 0], ['00:00', 0, 0], ['00:00', 0, 0], ['00:00', 0, 0], ['00:00', 0, 0], ['00:00', 0, 0], ['00:00', 0, 0]], 'distm': 0, 'p': 0, 'ots': {'wtm': 0, 'bc': 0}}, 'mz': [0, 0, 0, 0], 'mzv': [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], 'rd': 0, 'al': {'lvl': 0, 't': 60}, 'tq': 0, 'modules': {'US': {'enabled': 1}}}, 'dat': {'mac': 'E868E71F2444', 'fw': 3.28, 'fwb': 1, 'ls': 1, 'le': 0, 'conn': 'wifi', 'bt': {'t': 35.9, 'v': 18.98, 'p': 100, 'nr': 477, 'c': 0, 'm': 1}, 'dmp': [0.9, 1.4, 270.1], 'st': {'b': 32671, 'd': 511136, 'wt': 35332, 'bl': 128}, 'act': 1, 'rsi': -57, 'lk': 0, 'tr': 0, 'lz': 0, 'rain': {'s': 0, 'cnt': 0}, 'modules': {'US': {'stat': 'ok'}}}}
[2023-07-06 15:05:05][DEBUG] : Status code: 1
[2023-07-06 15:05:05][DEBUG] : Data for Tondeuse has been decoded
[2023-07-06 15:05:05][DEBUG] : Send to jeedom :  {'devices': [{'id': 549999, 'uuid': '96c53037-16bc-4002-88b3-344371807ee2', 'product_id': 67, 'serial_number': '20213026630100620816', 'mac_address': 'E868E71F2444', 'name': 'Tondeuse', 'locked': False, 'sim': None, 'mqtt_registered': True, 'pin_code': None, 'registered_at': '2022-03-12 00:00:00', 'online': True, 'protocol': 0, 'capabilities': <pyworxcloud.utils.capability.Capability object at 0x7ffba93330b8>, 'capabilities_available': ['zone_keeper'], 'accessories': {'ultrasonic': True}, 'purchased_at': '2022-03-12 00:00:00', 'setup_location': {'latitude': 45.50194169, 'longitude': 4.31946169}, 'city': {'id': 3009313, 'country_id': 250, 'name': 'La Fouillouse', 'latitude': 45.501999, 'longitude': 4.31213, 'created_at': '2018-02-15 22:46:20', 'updated_at': '2018-02-15 22:46:20'}, 'time_zone': 'Europe/Paris', 'improvement': True, 'diagnostic': True, 'mower_work_time': 35332, 'last_status': {'timestamp': '2023-07-06 12:56:27', 'payload': {'cfg': {'id': 0, 'sn': '20213026630100620816', 'dt': '06/07/2023', 'tm': '14:56:26', 'lg': 'fr', 'cmd': 0, 'sc': {'m': 1, 'd': [['00:00', 0, 0], ['00:00', 0, 0], ['00:00', 0, 0], ['00:00', 0, 0], ['00:00', 0, 0], ['00:00', 0, 0], ['00:00', 0, 0]], 'dd': [['00:00', 0, 0], ['00:00', 0, 0], ['00:00', 0, 0], ['00:00', 0, 0], ['00:00', 0, 0], ['00:00', 0, 0], ['00:00', 0, 0]], 'distm': 0, 'p': 0, 'ots': {'wtm': 0, 'bc': 0}}, 'mz': [0, 0, 0, 0], 'mzv': [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], 'rd': 0, 'al': {'lvl': 0, 't': 60}, 'tq': 0, 'modules': {'US': {'enabled': 1}}}, 'dat': {'mac': 'E868E71F2444', 'fw': 3.28, 'fwb': 1, 'ls': 1, 'le': 0, 'conn': 'wifi', 'bt': {'t': 35.9, 'v': 18.98, 'p': 100, 'nr': 477, 'c': 0, 'm': 1}, 'dmp': [0.9, 1.4, 270.1], 'st': {'b': 32671, 'd': 511136, 'wt': 35332, 'bl': 128}, 'act': 1, 'rsi': -57, 'lk': 0, 'tr': 0, 'lz': 0, 'rain': {'s': 0, 'cnt': 0}, 'modules': {'US': {'stat': 'ok'}}}}}, 'product': {'code': 'WR148E', 'description': 'Landroid L800', 'year': 2021, 'cutting_width': 200}, 'battery': {'cycles': {'total': 477, 'current': 0, 'reset_at': None, 'reset_time': None}, 'temperature': 35.9, 'voltage': 18.98, 'percent': 100, 'charging': False}, 'blades': {'total_on': 32671, 'reset_at': 28874, 'reset_time': datetime.datetime(2023, 5, 29, 11, 1, tzinfo=backports.zoneinfo.ZoneInfo(key='Europe/Paris')), 'current_on': 3797}, 'chassis': {}, 'error': {'id': 0, 'description': 'no error'}, 'orientation': {'pitch': 0.9, 'roll': 1.4, 'yaw': 270.1}, 'rainsensor': {'delay': 0, 'triggered': False, 'remaining': 0}, 'status': {'id': 1, 'description': 'home'}, 'zone': {'index': 0, 'indicies': [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], 'starting_point': [0, 0, 0, 0], 'current': 0}, 'warranty': {'expires_at': datetime.datetime(2025, 3, 12, 0, 0, tzinfo=backports.zoneinfo.ZoneInfo(key='Europe/Paris')), 'registered': True, 'expired': False}, 'firmware': {'auto_upgrade': True, 'version': '3.28'}, 'schedules': {'daily_progress': 100, 'next_schedule_start': None, 'time_extension': 0, 'active': True, 'auto_schedule': {'settings': {'boost': 0, 'grass_type': 'mixed_species', 'irrigation': True, 'nutrition': None, 'soil_type': None, 'exclusion_scheduler': {'days': [{'slots': [], 'exclude_day': False}, {'slots': [], 'exclude_day': False}, {'slots': [], 'exclude_day': False}, {'slots': [], 'exclude_day': False}, {'slots': [], 'exclude_day': False}, {'slots': [], 'exclude_day': False}, {'slots': [], 'exclude_day': False}], 'exclude_nights': True}}, 'enabled': False}, 'primary': {'monday': {'start': '00:00', 'end': '00:00', 'duration': 0, 'boundary': False}, 'tuesday': {'start': '00:00', 'end': '00:00', 'duration': 0, 'boundary': False}, 'wednesday': {'start': '00:00', 'end': '00:00', 'duration': 0, 'boundary': False}, 'thursday': {'start': '00:00', 'end': '00:00', 'duration': 0, 'boundary': False}, 'friday': {'start': '00:00', 'end': '00:00', 'duration': 0, 'boundary': False}, 'saturday': {'start': '00:00', 'end': '00:00', 'duration': 0, 'boundary': False}, 'sunday': {'start': '00:00', 'end': '00:00', 'duration': 0, 'boundary': False}}, 'secondary': {'monday': {'start': '00:00', 'end': '00:00', 'duration': 0, 'boundary': False}, 'tuesday': {'start': '00:00', 'end': '00:00', 'duration': 0, 'boundary': False}, 'wednesday': {'start': '00:00', 'end': '00:00', 'duration': 0, 'boundary': False}, 'thursday': {'start': '00:00', 'end': '00:00', 'duration': 0, 'boundary': False}, 'friday': {'start': '00:00', 'end': '00:00', 'duration': 0, 'boundary': False}, 'saturday': {'start': '00:00', 'end': '00:00', 'duration': 0, 'boundary': False}, 'sunday': {'start': '00:00', 'end': '00:00', 'duration': 0, 'boundary': False}}}, 'lawn': {'perimeter': 128, 'size': 400}, 'in_topic': 'PRM100/E868E71F2444/commandIn', 'out_topic': 'PRM100/E868E71F2444/commandOut', 'rssi': -57, 'statistics': {'worktime_blades_on': 32671, 'distance': 511136, 'worktime_total': 35332}, 'updated': '06/07/2023 14:56:26', 'torque': 0, 'partymode_enabled': False}]}
[2023-07-06 15:05:07][DEBUG] : Received MQTT message:{"cfg":{"id":0,"lg":"fr","tm":"15:05:07","dt":"06/07/2023","sc":{"m":1,"distm":0,"ots":{"bc":0,"wtm":0},"p":0,"d":[["00:00",0,0],["00:00",0,0],["00:00",0,0],["00:00",0,0],["00:00",0,0],["00:00",0,0],["00:00",0,0]],"dd":[["00:00",0,0],["00:00",0,0],["00:00",0,0],["00:00",0,0],["00:00",0,0],["00:00",0,0],["00:00",0,0]]},"cmd":0,"mz":[0,0,0,0],"mzv":[0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0],"rd":0,"sn":"20213026630100620816","al":{"lvl":0,"t":60},"tq":0,"modules":{"US":{"enabled":1}}},"dat":{"mac":"E868E71F2444","fw":3.28,"fwb":1,"bt":{"t":35.9,"v":18.94,"p":99,"nr":477,"c":0,"m":1},"dmp":[0.9,1.4,270.2],"st":{"b":32671,"d":511136,"wt":35332,"bl":128},"ls":1,"le":0,"lz":0,"rsi":-57,"lk":0,"act":1,"tr":0,"conn":"wifi","rain":{"s":0,"cnt":0},"time":{"r":0,"l":0},"modules":{"US":{"stat":"ok"}}}}
[2023-07-06 15:05:07][DEBUG] : MQTT data received '{"cfg":{"id":0,"lg":"fr","tm":"15:05:07","dt":"06/07/2023","sc":{"m":1,"distm":0,"ots":{"bc":0,"wtm":0},"p":0,"d":[["00:00",0,0],["00:00",0,0],["00:00",0,0],["00:00",0,0],["00:00",0,0],["00:00",0,0],["00:00",0,0]],"dd":[["00:00",0,0],["00:00",0,0],["00:00",0,0],["00:00",0,0],["00:00",0,0],["00:00",0,0],["00:00",0,0]]},"cmd":0,"mz":[0,0,0,0],"mzv":[0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0],"rd":0,"sn":"20213026630100620816","al":{"lvl":0,"t":60},"tq":0,"modules":{"US":{"enabled":1}}},"dat":{"mac":"E868E71F2444","fw":3.28,"fwb":1,"bt":{"t":35.9,"v":18.94,"p":99,"nr":477,"c":0,"m":1},"dmp":[0.9,1.4,270.2],"st":{"b":32671,"d":511136,"wt":35332,"bl":128},"ls":1,"le":0,"lz":0,"rsi":-57,"lk":0,"act":1,"tr":0,"conn":"wifi","rain":{"s":0,"cnt":0},"time":{"r":0,"l":0},"modules":{"US":{"stat":"ok"}}}}'
[2023-07-06 15:05:07][DEBUG] : Data decoding for Tondeuse started
[2023-07-06 15:05:07][DEBUG] : Found JSON decoded data: {'cfg': {'id': 0, 'lg': 'fr', 'tm': '15:05:07', 'dt': '06/07/2023', 'sc': {'m': 1, 'distm': 0, 'ots': {'bc': 0, 'wtm': 0}, 'p': 0, 'd': [['00:00', 0, 0], ['00:00', 0, 0], ['00:00', 0, 0], ['00:00', 0, 0], ['00:00', 0, 0], ['00:00', 0, 0], ['00:00', 0, 0]], 'dd': [['00:00', 0, 0], ['00:00', 0, 0], ['00:00', 0, 0], ['00:00', 0, 0], ['00:00', 0, 0], ['00:00', 0, 0], ['00:00', 0, 0]]}, 'cmd': 0, 'mz': [0, 0, 0, 0], 'mzv': [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], 'rd': 0, 'sn': '20213026630100620816', 'al': {'lvl': 0, 't': 60}, 'tq': 0, 'modules': {'US': {'enabled': 1}}}, 'dat': {'mac': 'E868E71F2444', 'fw': 3.28, 'fwb': 1, 'bt': {'t': 35.9, 'v': 18.94, 'p': 99, 'nr': 477, 'c': 0, 'm': 1}, 'dmp': [0.9, 1.4, 270.2], 'st': {'b': 32671, 'd': 511136, 'wt': 35332, 'bl': 128}, 'ls': 1, 'le': 0, 'lz': 0, 'rsi': -57, 'lk': 0, 'act': 1, 'tr': 0, 'conn': 'wifi', 'rain': {'s': 0, 'cnt': 0}, 'time': {'r': 0, 'l': 0}, 'modules': {'US': {'stat': 'ok'}}}}
[2023-07-06 15:05:07][DEBUG] : Status code: 1
[2023-07-06 15:05:07][DEBUG] : Data for Tondeuse has been decoded
[2023-07-06 15:05:07][DEBUG] : Checking ['name'] against {'name': 'Tondeuse', 'device': {}}
[2023-07-06 15:05:07][DEBUG] : Checking ['device'] against {'name': 'Tondeuse', 'device': {}}
[2023-07-06 15:05:07][DEBUG] : on message Tondeuse, {'id': 549999, 'uuid': '96c53037-16bc-4002-88b3-344371807ee2', 'product_id': 67, 'serial_number': '20213026630100620816', 'mac_address': 'E868E71F2444', 'name': 'Tondeuse', 'locked': False, 'sim': None, 'mqtt_registered': True, 'pin_code': None, 'registered_at': '2022-03-12 00:00:00', 'online': True, 'protocol': 0, 'capabilities': <pyworxcloud.utils.capability.Capability object at 0x7ffba93330b8>, 'capabilities_available': ['zone_keeper'], 'accessories': {'ultrasonic': True}, 'purchased_at': '2022-03-12 00:00:00', 'setup_location': {'latitude': 45.50194169, 'longitude': 4.31946169}, 'city': {'id': 3009313, 'country_id': 250, 'name': 'La Fouillouse', 'latitude': 45.501999, 'longitude': 4.31213, 'created_at': '2018-02-15 22:46:20', 'updated_at': '2018-02-15 22:46:20'}, 'time_zone': 'Europe/Paris', 'improvement': True, 'diagnostic': True, 'mower_work_time': 35332, 'last_status': {'timestamp': '2023-07-06 12:56:27', 'payload': {'cfg': {'id': 0, 'sn': '20213026630100620816', 'dt': '06/07/2023', 'tm': '14:56:26', 'lg': 'fr', 'cmd': 0, 'sc': {'m': 1, 'd': [['00:00', 0, 0], ['00:00', 0, 0], ['00:00', 0, 0], ['00:00', 0, 0], ['00:00', 0, 0], ['00:00', 0, 0], ['00:00', 0, 0]], 'dd': [['00:00', 0, 0], ['00:00', 0, 0], ['00:00', 0, 0], ['00:00', 0, 0], ['00:00', 0, 0], ['00:00', 0, 0], ['00:00', 0, 0]], 'distm': 0, 'p': 0, 'ots': {'wtm': 0, 'bc': 0}}, 'mz': [0, 0, 0, 0], 'mzv': [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], 'rd': 0, 'al': {'lvl': 0, 't': 60}, 'tq': 0, 'modules': {'US': {'enabled': 1}}}, 'dat': {'mac': 'E868E71F2444', 'fw': 3.28, 'fwb': 1, 'ls': 1, 'le': 0, 'conn': 'wifi', 'bt': {'t': 35.9, 'v': 18.98, 'p': 100, 'nr': 477, 'c': 0, 'm': 1}, 'dmp': [0.9, 1.4, 270.1], 'st': {'b': 32671, 'd': 511136, 'wt': 35332, 'bl': 128}, 'act': 1, 'rsi': -57, 'lk': 0, 'tr': 0, 'lz': 0, 'rain': {'s': 0, 'cnt': 0}, 'modules': {'US': {'stat': 'ok'}}}}}, 'product': {'code': 'WR148E', 'description': 'Landroid L800', 'year': 2021, 'cutting_width': 200}, 'battery': {'cycles': {'total': 477, 'current': 0, 'reset_at': None, 'reset_time': None}, 'temperature': 35.9, 'voltage': 18.94, 'percent': 99, 'charging': False}, 'blades': {'total_on': 32671, 'reset_at': 28874, 'reset_time': datetime.datetime(2023, 5, 29, 11, 1, tzinfo=backports.zoneinfo.ZoneInfo(key='Europe/Paris')), 'current_on': 3797}, 'chassis': {}, 'error': {'id': 0, 'description': 'no error'}, 'orientation': {'pitch': 0.9, 'roll': 1.4, 'yaw': 270.2}, 'rainsensor': {'delay': 0, 'triggered': False, 'remaining': 0}, 'status': {'id': 1, 'description': 'home'}, 'zone': {'index': 0, 'indicies': [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], 'starting_point': [0, 0, 0, 0], 'current': 0}, 'warranty': {'expires_at': datetime.datetime(2025, 3, 12, 0, 0, tzinfo=backports.zoneinfo.ZoneInfo(key='Europe/Paris')), 'registered': True, 'expired': False}, 'firmware': {'auto_upgrade': True, 'version': '3.28'}, 'schedules': {'daily_progress': 100, 'next_schedule_start': None, 'time_extension': 0, 'active': True, 'auto_schedule': {'settings': {'boost': 0, 'grass_type': 'mixed_species', 'irrigation': True, 'nutrition': None, 'soil_type': None, 'exclusion_scheduler': {'days': [{'slots': [], 'exclude_day': False}, {'slots': [], 'exclude_day': False}, {'slots': [], 'exclude_day': False}, {'slots': [], 'exclude_day': False}, {'slots': [], 'exclude_day': False}, {'slots': [], 'exclude_day': False}, {'slots': [], 'exclude_day': False}], 'exclude_nights': True}}, 'enabled': False}, 'primary': {'monday': {'start': '00:00', 'end': '00:00', 'duration': 0, 'boundary': False}, 'tuesday': {'start': '00:00', 'end': '00:00', 'duration': 0, 'boundary': False}, 'wednesday': {'start': '00:00', 'end': '00:00', 'duration': 0, 'boundary': False}, 'thursday': {'start': '00:00', 'end': '00:00', 'duration': 0, 'boundary': False}, 'friday': {'start': '00:00', 'end': '00:00', 'duration': 0, 'boundary': False}, 'saturday': {'start': '00:00', 'end': '00:00', 'duration': 0, 'boundary': False}, 'sunday': {'start': '00:00', 'end': '00:00', 'duration': 0, 'boundary': False}}, 'secondary': {'monday': {'start': '00:00', 'end': '00:00', 'duration': 0, 'boundary': False}, 'tuesday': {'start': '00:00', 'end': '00:00', 'duration': 0, 'boundary': False}, 'wednesday': {'start': '00:00', 'end': '00:00', 'duration': 0, 'boundary': False}, 'thursday': {'start': '00:00', 'end': '00:00', 'duration': 0, 'boundary': False}, 'friday': {'start': '00:00', 'end': '00:00', 'duration': 0, 'boundary': False}, 'saturday': {'start': '00:00', 'end': '00:00', 'duration': 0, 'boundary': False}, 'sunday': {'start': '00:00', 'end': '00:00', 'duration': 0, 'boundary': False}}}, 'lawn': {'perimeter': 128, 'size': 400}, 'in_topic': 'PRM100/E868E71F2444/commandIn', 'out_topic': 'PRM100/E868E71F2444/commandOut', 'rssi': -57, 'statistics': {'worktime_blades_on': 32671, 'distance': 511136, 'worktime_total': 35332}, 'updated': '06/07/2023 15:05:07', 'torque': 0, 'partymode_enabled': False}
[2023-07-06 15:05:07][DEBUG] : Send to jeedom :  {'uuid': '96c53037-16bc-4002-88b3-344371807ee2', 'data': {'id': 549999, 'uuid': '96c53037-16bc-4002-88b3-344371807ee2', 'product_id': 67, 'serial_number': '20213026630100620816', 'mac_address': 'E868E71F2444', 'name': 'Tondeuse', 'locked': False, 'sim': None, 'mqtt_registered': True, 'pin_code': None, 'registered_at': '2022-03-12 00:00:00', 'online': True, 'protocol': 0, 'capabilities': <pyworxcloud.utils.capability.Capability object at 0x7ffba93330b8>, 'capabilities_available': ['zone_keeper'], 'accessories': {'ultrasonic': True}, 'purchased_at': '2022-03-12 00:00:00', 'setup_location': {'latitude': 45.50194169, 'longitude': 4.31946169}, 'city': {'id': 3009313, 'country_id': 250, 'name': 'La Fouillouse', 'latitude': 45.501999, 'longitude': 4.31213, 'created_at': '2018-02-15 22:46:20', 'updated_at': '2018-02-15 22:46:20'}, 'time_zone': 'Europe/Paris', 'improvement': True, 'diagnostic': True, 'mower_work_time': 35332, 'last_status': 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'partymode_enabled': False}}

ACS désactivé :

'irrigation': True, 'nutrition': None, 'soil_type': None}, 'auto_schedule': False, 'improvement': True, 'diagnostic': True, 'distance_covered': 511136, 'mower_work_time': 35332, 'blade_work_time': 32671, 'blade_work_time_reset': 28874, 'blade_work_time_reset_at': '2023-05-29 11:01:00', 'battery_charge_cycles': 477, 'battery_charge_cycles_reset': 0, 'battery_charge_cycles_reset_at': None, 'created_at': '2021-01-21 02:34:59', 'updated_at': '2023-03-13 13:24:36', 'last_status': {'timestamp': '2023-07-06 13:06:20', 'payload': {'cfg': {'id': 32703, 'sn': '20213026630100620816', 'dt': '06/07/2023', 'tm': '15:06:19', 'lg': 'fr', 'cmd': 0, 'sc': {'m': 1, 'd': [['00:00', 0, 0], ['00:00', 0, 0], ['00:00', 0, 0], ['00:00', 0, 0], ['00:00', 0, 0], ['00:00', 0, 0], ['00:00', 0, 0]], 'dd': [['00:00', 0, 0], ['00:00', 0, 0], ['00:00', 0, 0], ['00:00', 0, 0], ['00:00', 0, 0], ['00:00', 0, 0], ['00:00', 0, 0]], 'distm': 0, 'p': 0, 'ots': {'wtm': 0, 'bc': 0}}, 'mz': [0, 0, 0, 0], 'mzv': [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], 'rd': 0, 'al': {'lvl': 0, 't': 60}, 'tq': 0, 'modules': {'US': {'enabled': 0}}}, 'dat': {'mac': 'E868E71F2444', 'fw': 3.28, 'fwb': 1, 'ls': 1, 'le': 0, 'conn': 'wifi', 'bt': {'t': 35.8, 'v': 18.93, 'p': 98, 'nr': 477, 'c': 0, 'm': 1}, 'dmp': [0.9, 1.4, 270.2], 'st': {'b': 32671, 'd': 511136, 'wt': 35332, 'bl': 128}, 'act': 1, 'rsi': -58, 'lk': 0, 'tr': 0, 'lz': 0, 'rain': {'s': 0, 'cnt': 0}, 'modules': {'US': {'stat': 'ok'}}}}}, 'product': {'code': 'WR148E', 'description': 'Landroid L800', 'year': 2021, 'cutting_width': 200}}
[2023-07-06 15:06:27][DEBUG] : Start mapping...
[2023-07-06 15:06:27][DEBUG] : Data decoding for Tondeuse started
[2023-07-06 15:06:27][DEBUG] : Status code: 1
[2023-07-06 15:06:27][DEBUG] : Data for Tondeuse has been decoded
[2023-07-06 15:06:27][DEBUG] : Send to jeedom :  {'devices': [{'id': 549999, 'uuid': '96c53037-16bc-4002-88b3-344371807ee2', 'product_id': 67, 'serial_number': '20213026630100620816', 'mac_address': 'E868E71F2444', 'name': 'Tondeuse', 'locked': False, 'sim': None, 'mqtt_registered': True, 'pin_code': None, 'registered_at': '2022-03-12 00:00:00', 'online': True, 'protocol': 0, 'capabilities': <pyworxcloud.utils.capability.Capability object at 0x7ffba9328278>, 'capabilities_available': ['zone_keeper'], 'accessories': {'ultrasonic': True}, 'purchased_at': '2022-03-12 00:00:00', 'setup_location': {'latitude': 45.50194169, 'longitude': 4.31946169}, 'city': {'id': 3009313, 'country_id': 250, 'name': 'La Fouillouse', 'latitude': 45.501999, 'longitude': 4.31213, 'created_at': '2018-02-15 22:46:20', 'updated_at': '2018-02-15 22:46:20'}, 'time_zone': 'Europe/Paris', 'improvement': True, 'diagnostic': True, 'mower_work_time': 35332, 'last_status': {'timestamp': '2023-07-06 13:06:20', 'payload': {'cfg': {'id': 32703, 'sn': '20213026630100620816', 'dt': '06/07/2023', 'tm': '15:06:19', 'lg': 'fr', 'cmd': 0, 'sc': {'m': 1, 'd': [['00:00', 0, 0], ['00:00', 0, 0], ['00:00', 0, 0], ['00:00', 0, 0], ['00:00', 0, 0], ['00:00', 0, 0], ['00:00', 0, 0]], 'dd': [['00:00', 0, 0], ['00:00', 0, 0], ['00:00', 0, 0], ['00:00', 0, 0], ['00:00', 0, 0], ['00:00', 0, 0], ['00:00', 0, 0]], 'distm': 0, 'p': 0, 'ots': {'wtm': 0, 'bc': 0}}, 'mz': [0, 0, 0, 0], 'mzv': [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], 'rd': 0, 'al': {'lvl': 0, 't': 60}, 'tq': 0, 'modules': {'US': {'enabled': 0}}}, 'dat': {'mac': 'E868E71F2444', 'fw': 3.28, 'fwb': 1, 'ls': 1, 'le': 0, 'conn': 'wifi', 'bt': {'t': 35.8, 'v': 18.93, 'p': 98, 'nr': 477, 'c': 0, 'm': 1}, 'dmp': [0.9, 1.4, 270.2], 'st': {'b': 32671, 'd': 511136, 'wt': 35332, 'bl': 128}, 'act': 1, 'rsi': -58, 'lk': 0, 'tr': 0, 'lz': 0, 'rain': {'s': 0, 'cnt': 0}, 'modules': {'US': {'stat': 'ok'}}}}}, 'product': {'code': 'WR148E', 'description': 'Landroid L800', 'year': 2021, 'cutting_width': 200}, 'battery': {'cycles': {'total': 477, 'current': 0, 'reset_at': None, 'reset_time': None}, 'temperature': 35.8, 'voltage': 18.93, 'percent': 98, 'charging': False}, 'blades': {'total_on': 32671, 'reset_at': 28874, 'reset_time': datetime.datetime(2023, 5, 29, 11, 1, tzinfo=backports.zoneinfo.ZoneInfo(key='Europe/Paris')), 'current_on': 3797}, 'chassis': {}, 'error': {'id': 0, 'description': 'no error'}, 'orientation': {'pitch': 0.9, 'roll': 1.4, 'yaw': 270.2}, 'rainsensor': {'delay': 0, 'triggered': False, 'remaining': 0}, 'status': {'id': 1, 'description': 'home'}, 'zone': {'index': 0, 'indicies': [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], 'starting_point': [0, 0, 0, 0], 'current': 0}, 'warranty': {'expires_at': datetime.datetime(2025, 3, 12, 0, 0, tzinfo=backports.zoneinfo.ZoneInfo(key='Europe/Paris')), 'registered': True, 'expired': False}, 'firmware': {'auto_upgrade': True, 'version': '3.28'}, 'schedules': {'daily_progress': 100, 'next_schedule_start': None, 'time_extension': 0, 'active': True, 'auto_schedule': {'settings': {'boost': 0, 'grass_type': 'mixed_species', 'irrigation': True, 'nutrition': None, 'soil_type': None, 'exclusion_scheduler': {'days': [{'slots': [], 'exclude_day': False}, {'slots': [], 'exclude_day': False}, {'slots': [], 'exclude_day': False}, {'slots': [], 'exclude_day': False}, {'slots': [], 'exclude_day': False}, {'slots': [], 'exclude_day': False}, {'slots': [], 'exclude_day': False}], 'exclude_nights': True}}, 'enabled': False}, 'primary': {'monday': {'start': '00:00', 'end': '00:00', 'duration': 0, 'boundary': False}, 'tuesday': {'start': '00:00', 'end': '00:00', 'duration': 0, 'boundary': False}, 'wednesday': {'start': '00:00', 'end': '00:00', 'duration': 0, 'boundary': False}, 'thursday': {'start': '00:00', 'end': '00:00', 'duration': 0, 'boundary': False}, 'friday': {'start': '00:00', 'end': '00:00', 'duration': 0, 'boundary': False}, 'saturday': {'start': '00:00', 'end': '00:00', 'duration': 0, 'boundary': False}, 'sunday': {'start': '00:00', 'end': '00:00', 'duration': 0, 'boundary': False}}, 'secondary': {'monday': {'start': '00:00', 'end': '00:00', 'duration': 0, 'boundary': False}, 'tuesday': {'start': '00:00', 'end': '00:00', 'duration': 0, 'boundary': False}, 'wednesday': {'start': '00:00', 'end': '00:00', 'duration': 0, 'boundary': False}, 'thursday': {'start': '00:00', 'end': '00:00', 'duration': 0, 'boundary': False}, 'friday': {'start': '00:00', 'end': '00:00', 'duration': 0, 'boundary': False}, 'saturday': {'start': '00:00', 'end': '00:00', 'duration': 0, 'boundary': False}, 'sunday': {'start': '00:00', 'end': '00:00', 'duration': 0, 'boundary': False}}}, 'lawn': {'perimeter': 128, 'size': 400}, 'in_topic': 'PRM100/E868E71F2444/commandIn', 'out_topic': 'PRM100/E868E71F2444/commandOut', 'rssi': -58, 'statistics': {'worktime_blades_on': 32671, 'distance': 511136, 'worktime_total': 35332}, 'updated': '06/07/2023 15:06:19', 'torque': 0, 'partymode_enabled': False}]}
[2023-07-06 15:06:33][DEBUG] : Received MQTT message:{"cfg":{"id":52625,"lg":"fr","tm":"15:06:32","dt":"06/07/2023","sc":{"m":1,"distm":0,"ots":{"bc":0,"wtm":0},"p":0,"d":[["00:00",0,0],["00:00",0,0],["00:00",0,0],["00:00",0,0],["00:00",0,0],["00:00",0,0],["00:00",0,0]],"dd":[["00:00",0,0],["00:00",0,0],["00:00",0,0],["00:00",0,0],["00:00",0,0],["00:00",0,0],["00:00",0,0]]},"cmd":0,"mz":[0,0,0,0],"mzv":[0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0],"rd":0,"sn":"20213026630100620816","al":{"lvl":0,"t":60},"tq":0,"modules":{"US":{"enabled":0}}},"dat":{"mac":"E868E71F2444","fw":3.28,"fwb":1,"bt":{"t":35.8,"v":18.93,"p":98,"nr":477,"c":0,"m":1},"dmp":[0.9,1.4,270.1],"st":{"b":32671,"d":511136,"wt":35332,"bl":128},"ls":1,"le":0,"lz":0,"rsi":-58,"lk":0,"act":1,"tr":0,"conn":"wifi","rain":{"s":0,"cnt":0},"time":{"r":0,"l":0},"modules":{"US":{"stat":"ok"}}}}
[2023-07-06 15:06:33][DEBUG] : MQTT data received '{"cfg":{"id":52625,"lg":"fr","tm":"15:06:32","dt":"06/07/2023","sc":{"m":1,"distm":0,"ots":{"bc":0,"wtm":0},"p":0,"d":[["00:00",0,0],["00:00",0,0],["00:00",0,0],["00:00",0,0],["00:00",0,0],["00:00",0,0],["00:00",0,0]],"dd":[["00:00",0,0],["00:00",0,0],["00:00",0,0],["00:00",0,0],["00:00",0,0],["00:00",0,0],["00:00",0,0]]},"cmd":0,"mz":[0,0,0,0],"mzv":[0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0],"rd":0,"sn":"20213026630100620816","al":{"lvl":0,"t":60},"tq":0,"modules":{"US":{"enabled":0}}},"dat":{"mac":"E868E71F2444","fw":3.28,"fwb":1,"bt":{"t":35.8,"v":18.93,"p":98,"nr":477,"c":0,"m":1},"dmp":[0.9,1.4,270.1],"st":{"b":32671,"d":511136,"wt":35332,"bl":128},"ls":1,"le":0,"lz":0,"rsi":-58,"lk":0,"act":1,"tr":0,"conn":"wifi","rain":{"s":0,"cnt":0},"time":{"r":0,"l":0},"modules":{"US":{"stat":"ok"}}}}'

worxLandroidS_daemon ACS activated.log (22,8 Ko)
worxLandroidS_daemon ACS desactivated.log (22,8 Ko)

PS : logs complet en PJ car qté de caractère max

Vous seriez d’accord de me donner votre utilisateur & mot de passe worx que je puisse me connecter depuis mon jeedom de dev pour tester directement?
je compte juste essayer d’activer ou désactiver l’add-on, rien d’autre.
vous faire tester à distance en poussant des beta avec du code random ca va êre un peu long mais je comprendrais que vous ne vouliez pas
sinon j’essaierai de trouver une autre méthode

1 « J'aime »

Oui bien sûr, je vous donne ça en MP ?

oui svp, c’est mieux en mp :slight_smile:

Bonne nouvelle: je pense que j’ai pu activer le module via le plugin depuis ma dev.
a priori il était désactivé si je ne me trompe pas et à présent il l’est, peux-tu confirmer via l’app mobile?

Exact. Il est activé maintenant. Cool. Je te laisse les accès le temps que tu veux pas de problème. Ca va me rendre un sacré service pour cette maudite zone pentue…

Tu peux le désactiver si besoin, je n’ai pas besoin qu’il reste.
Je vais prévoir les commandes nécessaires sur l’équipement et aussi de les créer seulement si le robot est équipé

bon, une demi-nuit plus tard et c’est dispo en beta plus tôt que prévu;

1 « J'aime »

Bonjour, juste un grand merci en passant pour cet ajout ainsi que pour l’ensemble du travail effectué sur la reprise de ce plugin!! Au top!!

1 « J'aime »


Au passage, si certains ont d’autres addons (digital fence, off limits, find my landroid…) je veux bien un extrait du log en debug (au démarrage du démon) pour voir comment ca remonte et les ajouter sur le plugin.
Et si pour certains de ces modules il est aussi possible de les activer / désactiver via l’app alors je veux bien un log avec et un log sans le module (et qu’on me précise lequel est avec et sans) que je test d’ajouter les commandes actions correspondantes.