Comment lancer un scénario

Merci @Fabrice. Donc on revient bien aux variables et je pourrais pas setter des tags pour appeler un scenario


J’ai peu être mal compris la problématique mais on peut pourtant appeler un scenario avec des tags sans pour autant être déjà dans un scenario, non ?

Si on prend l’exemple du plugin Mode, on peut appeler un scenario et spécifier des Tags

que l’on peut ensuite récupérer dans le scénario appelé.

Idem par exemple pour les Action sur valeur dans la configuration d’une commande :

1 « J'aime »


Tout ce que vous montrez, est ce pourquoi les tags existent. Rien à redire, tout est ok.

En revanche, le tag est prisonnier du scénario : c’est ce qu’indique la documentation.

Si ce n’est pas l’usage qui est souhaité (sujet ici) il faut passer par une variable.


my 2 cents: on peut lancer un scénario en y incluant des tags depuis un plugin (je suppose que c’est bien la demande car si c’était « lancer un scénario avec tags depuis un autre scénario » cette discussion n’aurait pas lieu ici)

Il faut ajouter un index « tags » dans le tableau d’option lors de l’appel à scenarioExpression::createAndExec($_type, $_cmd, $_options = null) (si c’est la méthode que le plugin utilise mais je n’ai pas le plugin donc je ne peux pas vérifier.)
je ne suis plus trop sur du format de la valeur (array ou chaine délimité par des espaces? à vérifier)

Si c’est un scenario::byId($_id); qui est utilisé avant de faire le $scenario->launch() alors il faut faire $scenario->setTags($_tags); avant le launch, $_tags étant un array ici

1 « J'aime »

C’est ce que j’utilise mais qui passe pas

Je n’ai pas testé je reconnais mais c’est qui est fait au niveau de l’api du core (t’as sûrement vu le code comme moi);

J’aurais du le faire j’aurais fait pareil et il doit sûrement y avoir un détail qui manque. C’est un lancement synchrone ou asynchrone du scénario ? Si asynchrone p-e que les tags sont pas propagés ?
J’essaierai de faire quelques tests demain.

Dans #plugin-jeedomconnect c’est la première méthode (le createandexec) qui est utilisée pour passer en tag l’utilisateur et ça fonctionne c’est sur.

Bonjour @lunarok
en regardant mes log je vois que le http.error recueille des info de dkon

je te le mets en pj ainsi que celui de dkron
http.error.txt (15,6 Ko)
dkron.txt (8,9 Ko)

J’ai corrigé dans la beta de demain, merci

1 « J'aime »

C’est la base avec Jeedom, la doc c’est le code lui meme … :smiley: pauvres nous
Actuellement j’ai ca qui marche pas :

$scenario = scenario::byId(str_replace(‹ scenario ›, ‹  ›, str_replace(‹ # ›, ‹  ›, $this->getConfiguration(‹ Listenerscenario ›))));

            if (is_object($scenario)) {

                /*if ($_options != null) {

                    $tags = $scenario->getTags();

                    $_options = array_merge($tags,$_options);



                $scenario->launch(false, 'dkron', __('Lancement provoque par Dkron ', __FILE__));


merci, pas encore bon :worried:
le log de http

1 « J'aime »

Il faudrait fournir les logs au format texte dans un Texte préformaté et pas dans une image, comme ceci:

saisissez ou collez du code ici

Car là c’est illisible.

Voir point 11: Comment nous aider à vous aider - ou Comment poser une bonne question?

http.error.txt (8,0 Ko)

mais c est très lisible avec un ctrl+molette :wink:

Difficile avec un téléphone …

tout comme fichier texte, pas super sur un téléphone, j’ai pourtant expliqué de long en large ce qui était attendu…

merci de permettre de m’améliorer

0000|time="2022-08-29T20:31:34+11:00" level=info msg="agent: Calling AgentRun" job_name=752 node=""
0001|time="2022-08-29T20:31:34+11:00" level=info msg="agent: Calling AgentRun" job_name=757 node=""
0002|time="2022-08-29T20:31:34+11:00" level=info msg="grpc_agent: Starting job" job=757 node=jeedom
0003|time="2022-08-29T20:31:34+11:00" level=info msg="grpc_agent: Starting job" job=752 node=jeedom
0004|time="2022-08-29T20:31:34+11:00" level=error msg="grpc_agent: command error output" error="received response body did not match the expected body" job=752 node=jeedom plugin="&{0xc0002609a0 0xc000c8bd60}"
0005|time="2022-08-29T20:31:34+11:00" level=error msg="grpc_agent: command error output" error="received response body did not match the expected body" job=757 node=jeedom plugin="&{0xc0002609a0 0xc000c8bd60}"
0006|time="2022-08-29T20:31:49+11:00" level=info msg="agent: Calling AgentRun" job_name=752 node=""
0007|time="2022-08-29T20:31:49+11:00" level=info msg="agent: Calling AgentRun" job_name=757 node=""
0008|time="2022-08-29T20:31:49+11:00" level=info msg="grpc_agent: Starting job" job=752 node=jeedom
0009|time="2022-08-29T20:31:49+11:00" level=info msg="grpc_agent: Starting job" job=757 node=jeedom
0010|time="2022-08-29T20:31:49+11:00" level=error msg="grpc_agent: command error output" error="received response body did not match the expected body" job=752 node=jeedom plugin="&{0xc0002609a0 0xc000c8bd60}"
0011|time="2022-08-29T20:31:49+11:00" level=error msg="grpc_agent: command error output" error="received response body did not match the expected body" job=757 node=jeedom plugin="&{0xc0002609a0 0xc000c8bd60}"
0012|time="2022-08-29T20:32:04+11:00" level=info msg="agent: Calling AgentRun" job_name=752 node=""
0013|time="2022-08-29T20:32:04+11:00" level=info msg="agent: Calling AgentRun" job_name=757 node=""
0014|time="2022-08-29T20:32:04+11:00" level=info msg="grpc_agent: Starting job" job=757 node=jeedom
0015|time="2022-08-29T20:32:04+11:00" level=info msg="grpc_agent: Starting job" job=752 node=jeedom
0016|time="2022-08-29T20:32:04+11:00" level=error msg="grpc_agent: command error output" error="received response body did not match the expected body" job=757 node=jeedom plugin="&{0xc0002609a0 0xc000c8bd60}"
0017|time="2022-08-29T20:32:04+11:00" level=error msg="grpc_agent: command error output" error="received response body did not match the expected body" job=752 node=jeedom plugin="&{0xc0002609a0 0xc000c8bd60}"
0018|time="2022-08-29T20:32:19+11:00" level=info msg="agent: Calling AgentRun" job_name=735 node=""
0019|time="2022-08-29T20:32:19+11:00" level=info msg="grpc_agent: Starting job" job=735 node=jeedom
0020|time="2022-08-29T20:32:19+11:00" level=error msg="grpc_agent: command error output" error="received response body did not match the expected body" job=735 node=jeedom plugin="&{0xc0002609a0 0xc000c8bd60}"
0021|time="2022-08-29T20:32:19+11:00" level=info msg="agent: Calling AgentRun" job_name=752 node=""
0022|time="2022-08-29T20:32:19+11:00" level=info msg="agent: Calling AgentRun" job_name=757 node=""
0023|time="2022-08-29T20:32:19+11:00" level=info msg="grpc_agent: Starting job" job=752 node=jeedom
0024|time="2022-08-29T20:32:19+11:00" level=info msg="grpc_agent: Starting job" job=757 node=jeedom
0025|time="2022-08-29T20:32:19+11:00" level=error msg="grpc_agent: command error output" error="received response body did not match the expected body" job=752 node=jeedom plugin="&{0xc0002609a0 0xc000c8bd60}"
0026|time="2022-08-29T20:32:19+11:00" level=error msg="grpc_agent: command error output" error="received response body did not match the expected body" job=757 node=jeedom plugin="&{0xc0002609a0 0xc000c8bd60}"
0027|time="2022-08-29T20:32:34+11:00" level=info msg="agent: Calling AgentRun" job_name=752 node=""
0028|time="2022-08-29T20:32:34+11:00" level=info msg="agent: Calling AgentRun" job_name=757 node=""
0029|time="2022-08-29T20:32:34+11:00" level=info msg="grpc_agent: Starting job" job=752 node=jeedom
0030|time="2022-08-29T20:32:34+11:00" level=info msg="grpc_agent: Starting job" job=757 node=jeedom
0031|time="2022-08-29T20:32:34+11:00" level=error msg="grpc_agent: command error output" error="received response body did not match the expected body" job=752 node=jeedom plugin="&{0xc0002609a0 0xc000c8bd60}"
0032|time="2022-08-29T20:32:34+11:00" level=error msg="grpc_agent: command error output" error="received response body did not match the expected body" job=757 node=jeedom plugin="&{0xc0002609a0 0xc000c8bd60}"
0033|time="2022-08-29T20:32:47+11:00" level=info msg="agent: Gracefully shutting down agent..."
0034|time="2022-08-29T20:32:47+11:00" level=info msg="Waiting for jobs to finish..."
0035|time="2022-08-29T20:32:47+11:00" level=info msg="No jobs left. Exiting."
0036|time="2022-08-29T20:32:47+11:00" level=info msg="agent: Called member stop, now stopping" node=jeedom
0037|2022/08/29 20:32:47 [ERR] yamux: Failed to write header: write unix @->/tmp/plugin791966630: write: broken pipe
0038|2022/08/29 20:32:47 [ERR] yamux: Failed to write header: write unix @->/tmp/plugin1545644960: write: broken pipe
0039|2022/08/29 20:32:47 [ERR] yamux: Failed to write header: write unix @->/tmp/plugin3534538294: write: broken pipe
0040|2022/08/29 20:32:47 [ERR] yamux: Failed to write header: write unix @->/tmp/plugin423269237: write: broken pipe
0041|time="2022-08-29T20:32:47+11:00" level=info msg="dkron: cluster leadership lost" node=jeedom
0042|time="2022-08-29T20:32:47+11:00" level=info msg="dkron: monitoring leadership" node=jeedom
0043|time="2022-08-29T20:32:47+11:00" level=error msg="plugin process exited" error="signal: terminated" node=jeedom path=/usr/bin/dkron-executor-kafka pid=2151
0044|time="2022-08-29T20:32:47+11:00" level=error msg="plugin process exited" error="signal: terminated" node=jeedom path=/usr/bin/dkron-executor-http pid=2143
0045|time="2022-08-29T20:32:47+11:00" level=error msg="plugin process exited" error="signal: terminated" node=jeedom path=/usr/bin/dkron-executor-gcppubsub pid=2123
0046|time="2022-08-29T20:32:47+11:00" level=error msg="plugin process exited" error="signal: terminated" node=jeedom path=/usr/bin/dkron-processor-syslog pid=2114
0047|time="2022-08-29T20:32:47+11:00" level=warning msg="error closing client during Kill" err="session shutdown" node=jeedom
0048|time="2022-08-29T20:32:47+11:00" level=warning msg="plugin failed to exit gracefully" node=jeedom
0049|time="2022-08-29T20:32:47+11:00" level=error msg="plugin process exited" error="signal: terminated" node=jeedom path=/usr/bin/dkron-processor-files pid=2088
0050|time="2022-08-29T20:32:47+11:00" level=warning msg="error closing client during Kill" err="write unix @->/tmp/plugin791966630: write: broken pipe" node=jeedom
0051|time="2022-08-29T20:32:47+11:00" level=warning msg="plugin failed to exit gracefully" node=jeedom
0052|time="2022-08-29T20:32:47+11:00" level=error msg="plugin process exited" error="signal: terminated" node=jeedom path=/usr/bin/dkron-executor-nats pid=2158
0053|time="2022-08-29T20:32:47+11:00" level=error msg="plugin process exited" error="signal: terminated" node=jeedom path=/usr/bin/dkron-executor-shell pid=2170
0054|time="2022-08-29T20:32:47+11:00" level=warning msg="error closing client during Kill" err="write unix @->/tmp/plugin3534538294: write: broken pipe" node=jeedom
0055|time="2022-08-29T20:32:47+11:00" level=warning msg="plugin failed to exit gracefully" node=jeedom
0056|time="2022-08-29T20:32:47+11:00" level=error msg="plugin process exited" error="signal: terminated" node=jeedom path=/usr/bin/dkron-executor-grpc pid=2134
0057|time="2022-08-29T20:32:47+11:00" level=error msg="plugin process exited" error="signal: terminated" node=jeedom path=/usr/bin/dkron-executor-rabbitmq pid=2164
0058|time="2022-08-29T20:32:47+11:00" level=error msg="plugin process exited" error="signal: terminated" node=jeedom path=/usr/bin/dkron-processor-fluent pid=2099
0059|time="2022-08-29T20:32:47+11:00" level=warning msg="error closing client during Kill" err="write unix @->/tmp/plugin1545644960: write: broken pipe" node=jeedom
0060|time="2022-08-29T20:32:47+11:00" level=warning msg="plugin failed to exit gracefully" node=jeedom
0061|time="2022-08-29T20:32:47+11:00" level=error msg="plugin process exited" error="signal: terminated" node=jeedom path=/usr/bin/dkron-processor-log pid=2108

alors j’ai vu que @lunarok a publié une nouvelle version beta

mais j’ai fait un nouveau test plus radical

j’ai désinstallé le plug in et je l’ai réinstaller en choisisant bien beta
ensuite j’ai relancé les dépendances
j’ai lancé le démon
j’ai crée un equipement, et une commande on ne peu plus simple que voici

sans meme lancer un appel de la commande DK j’ai capturé les log que voici

time="2022-08-30T19:31:27+11:00" level=info msg="agent: Dkron agent starting" node=jeedom
time="2022-08-30T19:31:27+11:00" level=info msg="agent: joining: [] replay: true" node=jeedom
time="2022-08-30T19:31:27+11:00" level=info msg="api: Running HTTP server" address=":8080" node=jeedom
time="2022-08-30T19:31:27+11:00" level=info msg="dkron: monitoring leadership" node=jeedom
time="2022-08-30T19:31:27+11:00" level=info msg="agent: registering usage stats for cluster ID 'IebPdtwbzMV2KJAudyP7efDX/LQIa+Z5kucKSotF22U='" node=jeedom
time="2022-08-30T19:31:27+11:00" level=info msg="agent: Listen for events" node=jeedom
time="2022-08-30T19:31:28+11:00" level=info msg="agent: Received event" event=member-update node=jeedom
time="2022-08-30T19:31:30+11:00" level=info msg="dkron: cluster leadership acquired" node=jeedom
time="2022-08-30T19:31:30+11:00" level=info msg="dkron: monitoring leadership" node=jeedom
time="2022-08-30T19:31:36+11:00" level=info msg="agent: Starting scheduler" node=jeedom
time="2022-08-30T19:31:51+11:00" level=info msg="agent: Calling AgentRun" job_name=764 node=""
time="2022-08-30T19:31:51+11:00" level=info msg="agent: Calling AgentRun" job_name=757 node=""
time="2022-08-30T19:31:51+11:00" level=info msg="agent: Calling AgentRun" job_name=752 node=""
time="2022-08-30T19:31:51+11:00" level=info msg="grpc_agent: Starting job" job=752 node=jeedom
time="2022-08-30T19:31:51+11:00" level=info msg="grpc_agent: Starting job" job=757 node=jeedom
time="2022-08-30T19:31:51+11:00" level=info msg="grpc_agent: Starting job" job=764 node=jeedom
time="2022-08-30T19:31:51+11:00" level=error msg="grpc_agent: command error output" error="received response body did not match the expected body" job=752 node=jeedom plugin="&{0xc000261ce0 0xc00083ca00}"
time="2022-08-30T19:31:51+11:00" level=error msg="grpc_agent: command error output" error="received response body did not match the expected body" job=757 node=jeedom plugin="&{0xc000261ce0 0xc00083ca00}"
time="2022-08-30T19:31:56+11:00" level=info msg="agent: Calling AgentRun" job_name=763 node=""
time="2022-08-30T19:31:56+11:00" level=info msg="grpc_agent: Starting job" job=763 node=jeedom
time="2022-08-30T19:31:56+11:00" level=error msg="grpc_agent: command error output" error="received response body did not match the expected body" job=763 node=jeedom plugin="&{0xc000261ce0 0xc00083ca00}"
time="2022-08-30T19:32:06+11:00" level=info msg="agent: Calling AgentRun" job_name=757 node=""
time="2022-08-30T19:32:06+11:00" level=info msg="agent: Calling AgentRun" job_name=764 node=""
time="2022-08-30T19:32:06+11:00" level=info msg="agent: Calling AgentRun" job_name=752 node=""
time="2022-08-30T19:32:06+11:00" level=info msg="grpc_agent: Starting job" job=764 node=jeedom
time="2022-08-30T19:32:06+11:00" level=info msg="grpc_agent: Starting job" job=752 node=jeedom
time="2022-08-30T19:32:06+11:00" level=info msg="grpc_agent: Starting job" job=757 node=jeedom
time="2022-08-30T19:32:06+11:00" level=error msg="grpc_agent: command error output" error="received response body did not match the expected body" job=757 node=jeedom plugin="&{0xc000261ce0 0xc00083ca00}"
time="2022-08-30T19:32:06+11:00" level=error msg="grpc_agent: command error output" error="received response body did not match the expected body" job=752 node=jeedom plugin="&{0xc000261ce0 0xc00083ca00}"
time="2022-08-30T19:32:16+11:00" level=info msg="agent: Calling AgentRun" job_name=763 node=""
time="2022-08-30T19:32:16+11:00" level=info msg="grpc_agent: Starting job" job=763 node=jeedom
time="2022-08-30T19:32:16+11:00" level=error msg="grpc_agent: command error output" error="received response body did not match the expected body" job=763 node=jeedom plugin="&{0xc000261ce0 0xc00083ca00}"
time="2022-08-30T19:32:21+11:00" level=info msg="agent: Calling AgentRun" job_name=764 node=""
time="2022-08-30T19:32:21+11:00" level=info msg="grpc_agent: Starting job" job=764 node=jeedom
time="2022-08-30T19:32:21+11:00" level=info msg="agent: Calling AgentRun" job_name=752 node=""
time="2022-08-30T19:32:21+11:00" level=info msg="agent: Calling AgentRun" job_name=757 node=""
time="2022-08-30T19:32:21+11:00" level=info msg="grpc_agent: Starting job" job=752 node=jeedom
time="2022-08-30T19:32:21+11:00" level=info msg="grpc_agent: Starting job" job=757 node=jeedom
time="2022-08-30T19:32:21+11:00" level=error msg="grpc_agent: command error output" error="received response body did not match the expected body" job=752 node=jeedom plugin="&{0xc000261ce0 0xc00083ca00}"
time="2022-08-30T19:32:21+11:00" level=error msg="grpc_agent: command error output" error="received response body did not match the expected body" job=757 node=jeedom plugin="&{0xc000261ce0 0xc00083ca00}"
time="2022-08-30T19:32:36+11:00" level=info msg="agent: Calling AgentRun" job_name=735 node=""
time="2022-08-30T19:32:36+11:00" level=info msg="grpc_agent: Starting job" job=735 node=jeedom
time="2022-08-30T19:32:36+11:00" level=error msg="grpc_agent: command error output" error="received response body did not match the expected body" job=735 node=jeedom plugin="&{0xc000261ce0 0xc00083ca00}"
time="2022-08-30T19:32:36+11:00" level=info msg="agent: Calling AgentRun" job_name=763 node=""
time="2022-08-30T19:32:36+11:00" level=info msg="agent: Calling AgentRun" job_name=752 node=""
time="2022-08-30T19:32:36+11:00" level=info msg="agent: Calling AgentRun" job_name=757 node=""
time="2022-08-30T19:32:36+11:00" level=info msg="agent: Calling AgentRun" job_name=764 node=""
time="2022-08-30T19:32:36+11:00" level=info msg="grpc_agent: Starting job" job=763 node=jeedom
time="2022-08-30T19:32:36+11:00" level=info msg="grpc_agent: Starting job" job=752 node=jeedom
time="2022-08-30T19:32:36+11:00" level=info msg="grpc_agent: Starting job" job=757 node=jeedom
time="2022-08-30T19:32:36+11:00" level=info msg="grpc_agent: Starting job" job=764 node=jeedom
time="2022-08-30T19:32:36+11:00" level=error msg="grpc_agent: command error output" error="received response body did not match the expected body" job=763 node=jeedom plugin="&{0xc000261ce0 0xc00083ca00}"
time="2022-08-30T19:32:36+11:00" level=error msg="grpc_agent: command error output" error="received response body did not match the expected body" job=752 node=jeedom plugin="&{0xc000261ce0 0xc00083ca00}"
time="2022-08-30T19:32:36+11:00" level=error msg="grpc_agent: command error output" error="received response body did not match the expected bo

log dkron

[2022-08-30 19:28:15]INFO : Arrêt du service dkron
[2022-08-30 19:28:16]INFO : Lancement démon dkron : dkron agent --server --bootstrap-expect=1 >> /var/www/html/core/class/../../log/dkron_node 2>&1 &
[2022-08-30 19:29:27]DEBUG : Variable Array
[2022-08-30 19:29:44]DEBUG : Variable Array
[2022-08-30 19:30:34]DEBUG : API Return Array (     [empty] => 1 )
[2022-08-30 19:30:34]DEBUG : Set delayed action with @every 15s
[2022-08-30 19:30:34]DEBUG : Body Array (     [name] => 764     [displayname] => Jeedom 764     [schedule] => @every 15s     [disabled] =>      [retries] => 0     [concurrency] => allow     [executor] => http     [executor_config] => Array         (             [method] => GET             [url] =>             [timeout] => 10             [expectCode] => 200             [expectBody] => OK         )      [metadata] => Array         (             [plugin] => dkron             [type] => recurrent             [id] => 764         )  )
[2022-08-30 19:30:34]DEBUG : API Return Array (     [id] =>      [name] => 764     [displayname] => Jeedom 764     [timezone] =>      [schedule] => @every 15s     [owner] =>      [owner_email] =>      [success_count] => 0     [error_count] => 0     [last_success] =>      [last_error] =>      [disabled] =>      [tags] =>      [metadata] => Array         (             [id] => 764             [plugin] => dkron             [type] => recurrent         )      [retries] => 0     [dependent_jobs] =>      [parent_job] =>      [processors] =>      [concurrency] => allow     [executor] => http     [executor_config] => Array         (             [expectBody] => OK             [expectCode] => 200             [method] => GET             [timeout] => 10             [url] =>         )      [status] =>      [next] => 0001-01-01T00:00:00Z     [ephemeral] =>      [expires_at] =>  )
[2022-08-30 19:30:35]DEBUG : Variable Array
[2022-08-30 19:30:43]DEBUG : API Return Array (     [id] => 764     [name] => 764     [displayname] => Jeedom 764     [timezone] =>      [schedule] => @every 15s     [owner] =>      [owner_email] =>      [success_count] => 0     [error_count] => 0     [last_success] =>      [last_error] =>      [disabled] =>      [tags] =>      [metadata] => Array         (             [id] => 764             [plugin] => dkron             [type] => recurrent         )      [retries] => 0     [dependent_jobs] =>      [parent_job] =>      [processors] => Array         (         )      [concurrency] => allow     [executor] => http     [executor_config] => Array         (             [expectBody] => OK             [expectCode] => 200             [method] => GET             [timeout] => 10             [url] =>         )      [status] =>      [next] => 2022-08-30T08:30:49Z     [ephemeral] =>      [expires_at] =>  )
[2022-08-30 19:30:44]DEBUG : API Return Array (     [id] => 764     [name] => 764     [displayname] => Jeedom 764     [timezone] =>      [schedule] => @every 15s     [owner] =>      [owner_email] =>      [success_count] => 0     [error_count] => 0     [last_success] =>      [last_error] =>      [disabled] =>      [tags] =>      [metadata] => Array         (             [id] => 764             [plugin] => dkron             [type] => recurrent         )      [retries] => 0     [dependent_jobs] =>      [parent_job] =>      [processors] => Array         (         )      [concurrency] => allow     [executor] => http     [executor_config] => Array         (             [expectBody] => OK             [expectCode] => 200             [method] => GET             [timeout] => 10             [url] =>         )      [status] =>      [next] => 2022-08-30T08:30:49Z     [ephemeral] =>      [expires_at] =>  )
[2022-08-30 19:30:44]DEBUG : Set delayed action with @every 15s
[2022-08-30 19:30:44]DEBUG : Body Array (     [name] => 764     [displayname] => Jeedom 764     [schedule] => @every 15s     [disabled] =>      [retries] => 0     [concurrency] => allow     [executor] => http     [executor_config] => Array         (             [method] => GET             [url] =>             [timeout] => 10             [expectCode] => 200             [expectBody] => OK         )      [metadata] => Array         (             [plugin] => dkron             [type] => recurrent             [id] => 764         )  )
[2022-08-30 19:30:45]DEBUG : API Return Array (     [id] =>      [name] => 764     [displayname] => Jeedom 764     [timezone] =>      [schedule] => @every 15s     [owner] =>      [owner_email] =>      [success_count] => 0     [error_count] => 0     [last_success] =>      [last_error] =>      [disabled] =>      [tags] =>      [metadata] => Array         (             [id] => 764             [plugin] => dkron             [type] => recurrent         )      [retries] => 0     [dependent_jobs] =>      [parent_job] =>      [processors] =>      [concurrency] => allow     [executor] => http     [executor_config] => Array         (             [expectBody] => OK             [expectCode] => 200             [method] => GET             [timeout] => 10             [url] =>         )      [status] =>      [next] => 0001-01-01T00:00:00Z     [ephemeral] =>      [expires_at] =>  )
[2022-08-30 19:30:45]DEBUG : Variable Array
[2022-08-30 19:31:00]DEBUG : Condition eqlogic true
[2022-08-30 19:31:01]INFO : Arrêt du service dkron
[2022-08-30 19:31:26]INFO : Arrêt du service dkron
[2022-08-30 19:31:27]INFO : Lancement démon dkron : dkron agent --server --bootstrap-expect=1 >> /var/www/html/core/class/../../log/dkron_node 2>&1 &
[2022-08-30 19:31:51]DEBUG : Condition eqlogic true
[2022-08-30 19:32:06]DEBUG : Condition eqlogic true
[2022-08-30 19:32:21]DEBUG : Condition eqlogic true
[2022-08-30 19:32:36]DEBUG : Condition eqlogic true
[2022-08-30 19:32:51]DEBUG : Condition eqlogic true
[2022-08-30 19:33:06]DEBUG : Condition eqlogic true
[2022-08-30 19:33:21]DEBUG : Condition eqlogic true
[2022-08-30 19:33:36]DEBUG : Condition eqlogic true
[2022-08-30 19:33:51]DEBUG : Condition eqlogic true
[2022-08-30 19:34:01]DEBUG : Variable Array
[2022-08-30 19:34:06]DEBUG : Condition eqlogic true
[2022-08-30 19:34:21]DEBUG : Condition eqlogic true
[2022-08-30 19:34:36]DEBUG : Condition eqlogic true
[2022-08-30 19:34:51]DEBUG : Condition eqlogic true
[2022-08-30 19:35:06]DEBUG : Condition eqlogic true
[2022-08-30 19:35:21]DEBUG : Condition eqlogic true
[2022-08-30 19:35:36]DEBUG : Condition eqlogic true
[2022-08-30 19:35:51]DEBUG : Condition eqlogic true
[2022-08-30 19:36:06]DEBUG : Condition eqlogic true
[2022-08-30 19:36:21]DEBUG : Condition eqlogic true
[2022-08-30 19:36:36]DEBUG : Condition eqlogic true
[2022-08-30 19:36:51]DEBUG : Condition eqlogic true
[2022-08-30 19:37:06]DEBUG : Condition eqlogic true
[2022-08-30 19:37:21]DEBUG : Condition eqlogic true
[2022-08-30 19:37:36]DEBUG : Condition eqlogic true
[2022-08-30 19:37:51]DEBUG : Condition eqlogic true
[2022-08-30 19:38:06]DEBUG : Condition eqlogic true
[2022-08-30 19:38:21]DEBUG : Condition eqlogic true
[2022-08-30 19:38:36]DEBUG : Condition eqlogic true
[2022-08-30 19:38:51]DEBUG : Condition eqlogic true
[2022-08-30 19:39:06]DEBUG : Condition eqlogic true
[2022-08-30 19:39:21]DEBUG : Condition eqlogic true
[2022-08-30 19:39:36]DEBUG : Condition eqlogic true
[2022-08-30 19:39:51]DEBUG : Condition eqlogic true
[2022-08-30 19:40:06]DEBUG : Condition eqlogic true
[2022-08-30 19:40:21]DEBUG : Condition eqlogic true

je ne sais pas si l’analyse des 2 log peux aider ?
je constate l’invocation du port 6868 sur l’adresse du jeedom. je suis sous VM Debian 10 buster Synology.
au cas ou, je précise que je suis en GMT + 11 (Nouvelle-Calédonie)
je constate ces 3 erreurs répétitives

j’espère faire des progrès remarqués dans le respect du formalisme de remontée des infos :wink:

time="2022-08-30T19:32:21+11:00" level=error msg="grpc_agent: command error output" error="received response body did not match the expected body" job=752 node=jeedom plugin="&{0xc000261ce0 0xc00083ca00}"
time="2022-08-30T19:32:21+11:00" level=error msg="grpc_agent: command error output" error="received response body did not match the expected body" job=757 node=jeedom plugin="&{0xc000261ce0 0xc00083ca00}"
time="2022-08-30T19:32:36+11:00" level=info msg="agent: Calling AgentRun" job_name=735 node=""
time="2022-08-30T19:32:36+11:00" level=info msg="grpc_agent: Starting job" job=735 node=jeedom
time="2022-08-30T19:32:36+11:00" level=error msg="grpc_agent: command error output" error="received response body did not match the expected body" job=735 node=jeedom plugin="&{0xc000261ce0 0xc00083ca00}"

Bonjour @lunarok
Je relance mon dernier post :face_with_peeking_eye: