Véhicule non trouvé

nouveau possesseur d’une Audi Q4 Electrique, je me suis jeté sur ce plugin.
Toutefois après installation, paramétrage démarrage du démon, mon véhicule ne remonte pas dans les objets trouvés.

Pouvez-vous m’apporter votre aide SVP ?

Log : myaudi_daemon.txt (760 Octets)

Santé de Jeedom

Informations Jeedom

Core : 4.4.19 (master)
DNS Jeedom : oui

Plugin : My Audi
Version : 2024-12-25 08:11:24 (stable)
Statut Démon : Démarré - (2025-01-07 12:15:21)

Informations complémentaires

Remplacez ce texte par une capture d’écran de la page santé Jeedom

Log des dépendances:

== 07/01/2025 12:14:59 == Dependencies installation for myaudi
[  5% ] : Clean apt...
[  9% ] : Clean apt : [  OK  ]
[ 10% ] : Update apt...
[ 19% ] : Update apt : [  OK  ]
[ 20% ] : Init python3 & prerequisites...
[ 29% ] : Init python3 & prerequisites : [  OK  ]
[ 30% ] : Init PyEnv...
** PyEnv required: 3.9.2 < 3.11 **
[ 39% ] : Init PyEnv : [  OK  ]
[ 40% ] : install or update PyEnv...
[ 49% ] : install or update PyEnv : [  OK  ]
[ 50% ] : Install Python 3.11 with PyEnv...
** python3 path: /opt/pyenv/versions/3.11.11/bin/python3 **
[ 59% ] : Install Python 3.11 with PyEnv : [  OK  ]
[ 60% ] : Setting up virtual environment...
** Version of python in VENV: Python 3.11.11
[ 69% ] : Setting up virtual environment : [  OK  ]
[ 70% ] : Install the required python packages...
[ 79% ] : Install the required python packages : [  OK  ]
[ 80% ] : Restoring folders and files rights...
[ 89% ] : Restoring folders and files rights : [  OK  ]
[ 90% ] : Summary of installed packages...
[ 99% ] : Summary of installed packages : [  OK  ]
[100% ] : Finished !
==OK== Installation Successful

Log du démon:

[2025-01-07 12:14:19] ERROR  : Error while updating - WAUZZZFZ1RP086346 - (1 validation error for Model
Input should be a valid integer, got a number with a fractional part [type=int_from_float, input_value=15.5, input_type=float]
For further information visit https://errors.pydantic.dev/2.10/v/int_from_float)
[2025-01-07 12:15:33] ERROR  : Error while updating - WAUZZZFZ1RP086346 - (1 validation error for Model
Input should be a valid integer, got a number with a fractional part [type=int_from_float, input_value=15.5, input_type=float]
For further information visit https://errors.pydantic.dev/2.10/v/int_from_float)
[2025-01-07 12:25:33] ERROR  : Task exception was never retrieved
future: <Task finished name='Task-4' coro=<MyAudiDaemon.__update_task() done, defined at /var/www/html/plugins/myaudi/resources/myaudid/myaudid.py:50> exception=AttributeError("'Vehicle' object has no attribute 'infos'")>
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/var/www/html/plugins/myaudi/resources/myaudid/myaudid.py", line 66, in __update_task
"infos": vehicle.infos,
AttributeError: 'Vehicle' object has no attribute 'infos'

Log du plugin:

Vide actuellement

Je vous invite à lire ceci: Véhicule non trouvé
vous y trouverez les prochaines étapes à suivre.

3 « J'aime »

Je pense avoir mis a jour les informations demandées, pourrais-je avoir votre avis ?

A tester demain avec la version beta si ca va mieux, sinon le log devrait être un peu plus clair

Parfait, je vous tien au courant


Installation de la version beta
après démarage du deamon et une sychronisation, le véhicule n’est toujours pas reconu, voici les logs :

myaudi_deamon :

AttributeError: 'Vehicle' object has no attribute 'infos'
[2025-01-17 08:08:32] ERROR  : Service not found: https://emea.bff.cariad.digital/login/v1/idk/openid-configuration - <html>
<head><title>504 Gateway Time-out</title></head>
<center><h1>504 Gateway Time-out</h1></center>
[2025-01-17 08:08:32] ERROR  : Task exception was never retrieved
future: <Task finished name='Task-4' coro=<MyAudiDaemon.__update_task() done, defined at /var/www/html/plugins/myaudi/resources/myaudid/myaudid.py:50> exception=TypeError("Logger.error() missing 1 required positional argument: 'msg'")>
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/var/www/html/plugins/myaudi/resources/myaudid/myaudid.py", line 105, in __update_task
self._logger.error()("Connection error, retry in 120 seconds")
TypeError: Logger.error() missing 1 required positional argument: 'msg'

myaudi_update :

**== 17/01/2025 08:07:23 == Dependencies installation for myaudi**
**[  5% ] : Clean apt...**
**[  9% ] : Clean apt : [  OK  ]**
**[ 10% ] : Update apt...**
**[ 19% ] : Update apt : [  OK  ]**
**[ 20% ] : Init python3 & prerequisites...**
**[ 29% ] : Init python3 & prerequisites : [  OK  ]**
**[ 30% ] : Init PyEnv...**
**** PyEnv required: 3.9.2 < 3.11 ****
**[ 39% ] : Init PyEnv : [  OK  ]**
**[ 40% ] : install or update PyEnv...**
**[ 49% ] : install or update PyEnv : [  OK  ]**
**[ 50% ] : Install Python 3.11 with PyEnv...**
**** python3 path: /opt/pyenv/versions/3.11.11/bin/python3 ****
**[ 59% ] : Install Python 3.11 with PyEnv : [  OK  ]**
**[ 60% ] : Setting up virtual environment...**
**** Version of python in VENV: Python 3.11.11**
**[ 69% ] : Setting up virtual environment : [  OK  ]**
**[ 70% ] : Install the required python packages...**
**[ 79% ] : Install the required python packages : [  OK  ]**
**[ 80% ] : Restoring folders and files rights...**
**[ 89% ] : Restoring folders and files rights : [  OK  ]**
**[ 90% ] : Summary of installed packages...**
**[ 99% ] : Summary of installed packages : [  OK  ]**
**[100% ] : Finished !**
**==OK== Installation Successful**

le log myaudi est vide

2 problèmes ici:

  • les serveurs « audi » n’ont pas l’air dispo => il va falloir attendre un peu et réessayer
  • bug dans le code dans ce cas d’erreur => une nouvelle beta est dispo sur le market

edit: ne mettez pas les logs en gras mais dans un Texte préformaté (bouton </>)

Merci pour votre message

Je viens de réessayer, pas d’amélioration
Réinstallation de la beta : pas mieux

Ci-dessous le log du myaudi_deamon :

[2025-01-17 12:27:02][ERROR] : Error while updating - WAUZZZFZ1RP086346 - (1 validation error for Model
  Input should be a valid integer, got a number with a fractional part [type=int_from_float, input_value=15.5, input_type=float]
    For further information visit https://errors.pydantic.dev/2.10/v/int_from_float)
[2025-01-17 12:27:02][ERROR] : Impossible to get data for vehicle Vehicle(vin='WAUZZZFZ1RP086346', uris={'client_id': '09b6cbec-cd19-4589-82fd-363dfa8c24da@apps_vw-dilab_com', 'audi_url': 'https://emea.bff.cariad.digital/login/v1/audi', 'base_url': 'https://app-api.my.audi.com', 'profil_url': 'https://customer-profile.vwgroup.io/v3', 'mbb_url': 'https://mbboauth-1d.prd.ece.vwg-connect.com/mbbcoauth', 'here_url': 'https://csm.cc.api.here.com/api/v1', 'mdk_url': 'https://emea.bff.cariad.digital/', 'cv_url': 'https://emea.bff.cariad.digital', 'user_url': 'https://userinformationservice.apps.emea.vwapps.io', 'authorization_endpoint': 'https://identity.vwgroup.io/oidc/v1/authorize', 'token_endpoint': 'https://emea.bff.cariad.digital/login/v1/idk/token', 'revocation_endpoint': 'https://emea.bff.cariad.digital/login/v1/idk/revoke', 'language': 'fr', 'country': 'FR'}, auth=<audiconnectpy.auth.Auth object at 0x7f1292577690>, fill_region=FillRegion(url='https://fal-3a.prd.eu.dp.vwg-connect.com/fs-car', url_setter='https://mal-3a.prd.eu.dp.vwg-connect.com/api'), spin='', last_access=None, last_update=None, is_moving=False, capabilities={'plugAndCharge': {'id': 'plugAndCharge', 'expirationDate': '2027-07-12T23:59:59Z', 'userDisablingAllowed': True, 'endpoint': 'vs', 'isEnabled': True, 'status': [], 'operations': {'postPlugandchargeUninstall': {'id': 'postPlugandchargeUninstall', 'scopes': ['plugAndCharge']}, 'postPlugandchargeUpdate': {'id': 'postPlugandchargeUpdate', 'scopes': ['plugAndCharge']}, 'postPlugandchargeActivate': {'id': 'postPlugandchargeActivate', 'scopes': ['plugAndCharge']}, 'postPlugandchargeDeactivate': {'id': 'postPlugandchargeDeactivate', 'scopes': ['plugAndCharge']}, 'postPlugandchargeInstall': {'id': 'postPlugandchargeInstall', 'scopes': ['plugAndCharge']}, 'getPlugandchargeRequestsByID': {'id': 'getPlugandchargeRequestsByID', 'scopes': ['plugAndCharge']}, 'getPlugandchargeStatus': {'id': 'getPlugandchargeStatus', 'scopes': ['plugAndCharge']}, 'getPlugandchargeStatusContract': {'id': 'getPlugandchargeStatusContract', 'scopes': ['plugAndCharge']}}, 'parameters': []}, 'privateEmergencyCall': {'id': 'privateEmergencyCall', 'expirationDate': '2034-07-12T23:59:59Z', 'userDisablingAllowed': True, 'endpoint': 'vs', 'isEnabled': True, 'status': [], 'operations': {}, 'parameters': []}, 'hybridRadio': {'id': 'hybridRadio', 'userDisablingAllowed': True, 'endpoint': 'vs', 'isEnabled': False, 'status': ['MissingLicense'], 'operations': {}, 'parameters': []}, 'ignition': {'id': 'ignition', 'expirationDate': '2027-07-12T23:59:59Z', 'userDisablingAllowed': False, 'endpoint': 'vs', 'isEnabled': True, 'status': [], 'operations': {'getStates': {'id': 'getStates', 'scopes': ['parkingBrakeStatus', 'ignitionStatus', 'oilLevels']}}, 'parameters': []}, 'onlineTraffic': {'id': 'onlineTraffic', 'expirationDate': '2027-07-12T23:59:59Z', 'userDisablingAllowed': True, 'endpoint': 'vs', 'isEnabled': True, 'status': [], 'operations': {}, 'parameters': []}, 'cubicNetwork': {'id': 'cubicNetwork', 'expirationDate': '2027-07-12T23:59:59Z', 'userDisablingAllowed': True, 'endpoint': 'vs', 'isEnabled': True, 'status': [], 'operations': {}, 'parameters': []}, 'onlineSpeech': {'id': 'onlineSpeech', 'userDisablingAllowed': True, 'endpoint': 'vs', 'isEnabled': False, 'status': ['MissingLicense'], 'operations': {}, 'parameters': []}, 'automation': {'id': 'automation', 'expirationDate': '2027-07-12T23:59:59Z', 'userDisablingAllowed': True, 'endpoint': 'vs', 'isEnabled': True, 'status': [], 'operations': {}, 'parameters': []}, 'functionOnDemand': {'id': 'functionOnDemand', 'userDisablingAllowed': True, 'endpoint': 'vs', 'isEnabled': True, 'status': [], 'operations': {}, 'parameters': []}, 'mapUpdate': {'id': 'mapUpdate', 'expirationDate': '2027-07-12T23:59:59Z', 'userDisablingAllowed': True, 'endpoint': 'vs', 'isEnabled': True, 'status': [], 'operations': {}, 'parameters': []}, 'onStreetParking': {'id': 'onStreetParking', 'expirationDate': '2027-07-12T23:59:59Z', 'userDisablingAllowed': True, 'endpoint': 'vs', 'isEnabled': True, 'status': [], 'operations': {}, 'parameters': []}, 'parkingPosition': {'id': 'parkingPosition', 'expirationDate': '2027-07-12T23:59:59Z', 'userDisablingAllowed': True, 'endpoint': 'vs', 'isEnabled': True, 'status': [], 'operations': {'getParkingposition': {'id': 'getParkingposition', 'scopes': ['parking_position']}}, 'parameters': []}, 'wifiHotspot': {'id': 'wifiHotspot', 'userDisablingAllowed': True, 'endpoint': 'vs', 'isEnabled': False, 'status': ['DisabledByUser', 'FrontendSwitchedOff'], 'operations': {}, 'parameters': []}, 'charging': {'id': 'charging', 'expirationDate': '2027-07-12T23:59:59Z', 'userDisablingAllowed': True, 'endpoint': 'vs', 'isEnabled': True, 'status': [], 'operations': {'getChargingCareStatus': {'id': 'getChargingCareStatus', 'scopes': ['manageCharging']}, 'getChargingMode': {'id': 'getChargingMode', 'scopes': ['charging']}, 'getChargingSettingsBidirectional': {'id': 'getChargingSettingsBidirectional', 'scopes': ['charging']}, 'getChargingStatus': {'id': 'getChargingStatus', 'scopes': ['charging']}, 'postChargingStop': {'id': 'postChargingStop', 'scopes': ['manageCharging']}, 'putChargingMode': {'id': 'putChargingMode', 'scopes': ['manageCharging']}, 'getChargingRequestsByID': {'id': 'getChargingRequestsByID', 'scopes': ['manageCharging']}, 'getChargingSettings': {'id': 'getChargingSettings', 'scopes': ['charging']}, 'putChargingSettings': {'id': 'putChargingSettings', 'scopes': ['manageCharging']}, 'postChargingStart': {'id': 'postChargingStart', 'scopes': ['manageCharging']}}, 'parameters': [{'key': 'allowPlugUnlockACPermanent', 'value': 'false'}, {'key': 'allowPlugUnlockACOnce', 'value': 'false'}, {'key': 'allowPlugUnlockDCPermanent', 'value': 'false'}, {'key': 'allowPlugUnlockDCOnce', 'value': 'false'}, {'key': 'supportsTargetStateOfCharge', 'value': 'true'}, {'key': 'targetStateOfChargeMinimumAllowedValue', 'value': '50'}, {'key': 'targetStateOfChargeStepSize', 'value': '10'}]}, 'climatisationTimers': {'id': 'climatisationTimers', 'expirationDate': '2027-07-12T23:59:59Z', 'userDisablingAllowed': False, 'endpoint': 'vs', 'isEnabled': True, 'status': [], 'operations': {'getClimatisationTimers': {'id': 'getClimatisationTimers', 'scopes': ['climatisation']}, 'putClimatisationTimers': {'id': 'putClimatisationTimers', 'scopes': ['manageClimatisation']}}, 'parameters': [{'key': 'timerStepSizeInMinutes', 'value': '5'}, {'key': 'supportsSingleTimer', 'value': 'true'}, {'key': 'supportsRepeatingTimer', 'value': 'false'}, {'key': 'allowedSchedulingIntervalInDays', 'value': '7'}, {'key': 'multipleActiveTimersAllowed', 'value': 'true'}, {'key': 'timeZoneReference', 'value': 'UTC'}]}, 'mapUpdateSd': {'id': 'mapUpdateSd', 'userDisablingAllowed': False, 'endpoint': 'vs', 'isEnabled': True, 'status': [], 'operations': {}, 'parameters': []}, 'vehicleLights': {'id': 'vehicleLights', 'expirationDate': '2027-07-12T23:59:59Z', 'userDisablingAllowed': False, 'endpoint': 'vs', 'isEnabled': True, 'status': [], 'operations': {'getLightsStatus': {'id': 'getLightsStatus', 'scopes': ['vehicleLights']}}, 'parameters': []}, 'climatisation': {'id': 'climatisation', 'expirationDate': '2027-07-12T23:59:59Z', 'userDisablingAllowed': True, 'endpoint': 'vs', 'isEnabled': True, 'status': [], 'operations': {'postWindowheatingStop': {'id': 'postWindowheatingStop', 'scopes': ['manageClimatisation']}, 'getClimatisationSettings': {'id': 'getClimatisationSettings', 'scopes': ['climatisation']}, 'putClimatisationSettings': {'id': 'putClimatisationSettings', 'scopes': ['manageClimatisation']}, 'postClimatisationStart': {'id': 'postClimatisationStart', 'scopes': ['manageClimatisation']}, 'getClimatisationTemperature': {'id': 'getClimatisationTemperature', 'scopes': ['intExtTemperature']}, 'getWindowheatingRequestsByID': {'id': 'getWindowheatingRequestsByID', 'scopes': ['manageClimatisation']}, 'getClimatisationRequestsByID': {'id': 'getClimatisationRequestsByID', 'scopes': ['manageClimatisation']}, 'getClimatisationStatus': {'id': 'getClimatisationStatus', 'scopes': ['climatisation']}, 'postClimatisationStop': {'id': 'postClimatisationStop', 'scopes': ['manageClimatisation']}, 'postWindowheatingStart': {'id': 'postWindowheatingStart', 'scopes': ['manageClimatisation']}}, 'parameters': [{'key': 'supportsTargetTemperatureInStartClimatisation', 'value': 'false'}, {'key': 'supportsTargetTemperatureInSettings', 'value': 'false'}, {'key': 'supportsClimatisationAtUnlock', 'value': 'false'}, {'key': 'supportsWindowHeatingEnabled', 'value': 'false'}, {'key': 'supportsZoneFrontLeftEnabled', 'value': 'false'}, {'key': 'supportsZoneFrontRightEnabled', 'value': 'false'}, {'key': 'supportsZoneRearLeftEnabled', 'value': 'false'}, {'key': 'supportsZoneRearRightEnabled', 'value': 'false'}, {'key': 'supportsClimatisationMode', 'value': 'false'}, {'key': 'supportsOffGridClimatisation', 'value': 'false'}, {'key': 'supportsStartParallelClimatisationWindowHeating', 'value': ''}]}, 'eRoutePlanner': {'id': 'eRoutePlanner', 'expirationDate': '2027-07-12T23:59:59Z', 'userDisablingAllowed': True, 'endpoint': 'vs', 'isEnabled': True, 'status': [], 'operations': {}, 'parameters': []}, 'trafficSigns': {'id': 'trafficSigns', 'expirationDate': '2027-07-12T23:59:59Z', 'userDisablingAllowed': True, 'endpoint': 'vs', 'isEnabled': True, 'status': [], 'operations': {}, 'parameters': []}, 'localHazards': {'id': 'localHazards', 'expirationDate': '2027-07-12T23:59:59Z', 'userDisablingAllowed': True, 'endpoint': 'vs', 'isEnabled': True, 'status': [], 'operations': {}, 'parameters': []}, 'news': {'id': 'news', 'expirationDate': '2027-07-12T23:59:59Z', 'userDisablingAllowed': True, 'endpoint': 'vs', 'isEnabled': True, 'status': [], 'operations': {'postNewsfeeds': {'id': 'postNewsfeeds', 'scopes': ['rssFeeds']}, 'deleteNewsfeedsByID': {'id': 'deleteNewsfeedsByID', 'scopes': ['rssFeeds']}, 'getNewsfeeds': {'id': 'getNewsfeeds', 'scopes': ['rssFeeds']}}, 'parameters': []}, 'predictiveRouting': {'id': 'predictiveRouting', 'userDisablingAllowed': True, 'endpoint': 'vs', 'isEnabled': True, 'status': [], 'operations': {}, 'parameters': []}, 'weatherInformation': {'id': 'weatherInformation', 'expirationDate': '2027-07-12T23:59:59Z', 'userDisablingAllowed': True, 'endpoint': 'vs', 'isEnabled': True, 'status': [], 'operations': {}, 'parameters': []}, 'destinationSync': {'id': 'destinationSync', 'expirationDate': '2027-07-12T23:59:59Z', 'userDisablingAllowed': True, 'endpoint': 'vs', 'isEnabled': True, 'status': [], 'operations': {}, 'parameters': [{'key': 'supportsTours', 'value': 'true'}]}, 'audishop': {'id': 'audishop', 'userDisablingAllowed': True, 'endpoint': 'vs', 'isEnabled': True, 'status': [], 'operations': {}, 'parameters': []}, 'batteryColdWarning': {'id': 'batteryColdWarning', 'userDisablingAllowed': True, 'endpoint': 'vs', 'isEnabled': True, 'status': [], 'operations': {}, 'parameters': []}, 'satelliteMap': {'id': 'satelliteMap', 'userDisablingAllowed': True, 'endpoint': 'vs', 'isEnabled': False, 'status': ['MissingLicense'], 'operations': {}, 'parameters': []}, 'vehicleHealth': {'id': 'vehicleHealth', 'userDisablingAllowed': False, 'endpoint': 'vs', 'isEnabled': True, 'status': [], 'operations': {}, 'parameters': []}, 'chargingStations': {'id': 'chargingStations', 'expirationDate': '2027-07-12T23:59:59Z', 'userDisablingAllowed': True, 'endpoint': 'vs', 'isEnabled': True, 'status': [], 'operations': {}, 'parameters': []}, 'poiSearch': {'id': 'poiSearch', 'expirationDate': '2027-07-12T23:59:59Z', 'userDisablingAllowed': True, 'endpoint': 'vs', 'isEnabled': True, 'status': [], 'operations': {}, 'parameters': []}, 'theming': {'id': 'theming', 'expirationDate': '2034-07-12T23:59:59Z', 'userDisablingAllowed': False, 'endpoint': 'vs', 'isEnabled': True, 'status': [], 'operations': {}, 'parameters': [{'key': 'themeFeatureSet', 'value': ''}]}, 'vehicleWakeUpTrigger': {'id': 'vehicleWakeUpTrigger', 'expirationDate': '2027-07-12T23:59:59Z', 'userDisablingAllowed': False, 'endpoint': 'vs', 'isEnabled': True, 'status': [], 'operations': {'postVehiclewakeupUpdate': {'id': 'postVehiclewakeupUpdate', 'scopes': []}}, 'parameters': []}, 'parkingBrake': {'id': 'parkingBrake', 'expirationDate': '2027-07-12T23:59:59Z', 'userDisablingAllowed': False, 'endpoint': 'vs', 'isEnabled': True, 'status': [], 'operations': {}, 'parameters': []}, 'state': {'id': 'state', 'expirationDate': '2027-07-12T23:59:59Z', 'userDisablingAllowed': True, 'endpoint': 'vs', 'isEnabled': True, 'status': [], 'operations': {'getAccessStatus': {'id': 'getAccessStatus', 'scopes': ['doors_windows']}}, 'parameters': []}, 'fuelStatus': {'id': 'fuelStatus', 'expirationDate': '2027-07-12T23:59:59Z', 'userDisablingAllowed': False, 'endpoint': 'vs', 'isEnabled': True, 'status': [], 'operations': {'getFuelStatus': {'id': 'getFuelStatus', 'scopes': ['fuelLevels']}}, 'parameters': []}, 'measurements': {'id': 'measurements', 'expirationDate': '2027-07-12T23:59:59Z', 'userDisablingAllowed': False, 'endpoint': 'vs', 'isEnabled': True, 'status': [], 'operations': {'getMeasurements': {'id': 'getMeasurements', 'scopes': ['range', 'mileage']}}, 'parameters': []}, 'onlineBoardBook': {'id': 'onlineBoardBook', 'userDisablingAllowed': True, 'endpoint': 'vs', 'isEnabled': True, 'status': [], 'operations': {}, 'parameters': []}, 'readiness': {'id': 'readiness', 'userDisablingAllowed': False, 'endpoint': 'vs', 'isEnabled': True, 'status': [], 'operations': {'getReadinessStatus': {'id': 'getReadinessStatus', 'scopes': ['vehicleOnlineCapabilities']}}, 'parameters': []}, 'trafficLights': {'id': 'trafficLights', 'userDisablingAllowed': True, 'endpoint': 'vs', 'isEnabled': False, 'status': ['MissingLicense'], 'operations': {}, 'parameters': []}, 'vehicleHealthWarnings': {'id': 'vehicleHealthWarnings', 'userDisablingAllowed': False, 'endpoint': 'vs', 'isEnabled': True, 'status': [], 'operations': {'getWarninglightsLast': {'id': 'getWarninglightsLast', 'scopes': ['warning_lights']}}, 'parameters': []}, 'alexa': {'id': 'alexa', 'userDisablingAllowed': True, 'endpoint': 'vs', 'isEnabled': False, 'status': ['MissingLicense'], 'operations': {}, 'parameters': []}, 'chargingProfiles': {'id': 'chargingProfiles', 'expirationDate': '2027-07-12T23:59:59Z', 'userDisablingAllowed': False, 'endpoint': 'vs', 'isEnabled': True, 'status': [], 'operations': {'getChargingProfiles': {'id': 'getChargingProfiles', 'scopes': ['charging']}, 'putChargingProfiles': {'id': 'putChargingProfiles', 'scopes': ['manageCharging']}}, 'parameters': [{'key': 'supportsMaxChargingCurrent', 'value': 'false'}, {'key': 'allowPlugUnlockACPermanent', 'value': 'false'}, {'key': 'allowPlugUnlockACOnce', 'value': 'false'}, {'key': 'allowPlugUnlockDCPermanent', 'value': 'false'}, {'key': 'allowPlugUnlockDCOnce', 'value': 'false'}, {'key': 'minimumStateOfChargeFixedValue', 'value': '25'}, {'key': 'minimumStateOfChargeMinimumAllowedValue', 'value': ''}, {'key': 'minimumStateOfChargeMaximumAllowedValue', 'value': ''}, {'key': 'minimumStateOfChargeStepSize', 'value': ''}, {'key': 'numberOfPreferredChargingTimes', 'value': '1'}, {'key': 'numberOfTimers', 'value': '0'}, {'key': 'supportsRepeatingTimer', 'value': 'false'}, {'key': 'supportsSingleTimer', 'value': 'false'}, {'key': 'numberOfProfiles', 'value': '7'}, {'key': 'supportsTimerClimatisation', 'value': 'false'}, {'key': 'supportsUsePrivateCurrent', 'value': 'false'}, {'key': 'minimumStateOfChargeSupportsDisabling', 'value': 'true'}, {'key': 'targetStateOfChargeStepSize', 'value': '10'}, {'key': 'targetStateOfChargeMinimumAllowedValue', 'value': '50'}, {'key': 'supportsTargetStateOfCharge', 'value': 'true'}, {'key': 'timeZoneReference', 'value': 'UTC'}, {'key': 'supportsVehiclePositionedInProfileID', 'value': 'true'}, {'key': 'allowLocationModification', 'value': 'false'}, {'key': 'radiusInMeters', 'value': '100'}]}, 'cityModels': {'id': 'cityModels', 'userDisablingAllowed': True, 'endpoint': 'vs', 'isEnabled': False, 'status': ['MissingLicense'], 'operations': {}, 'parameters': []}, 'onlineTrafficPlus': {'id': 'onlineTrafficPlus', 'userDisablingAllowed': True, 'endpoint': 'vs', 'isEnabled': False, 'status': ['MissingLicense'], 'operations': {}, 'parameters': []}, 'emergencyCalling': {'id': 'emergencyCalling', 'userDisablingAllowed': False, 'endpoint': 'vs', 'isEnabled': True, 'status': [], 'operations': {}, 'parameters': []}, 'songRecognition': {'id': 'songRecognition', 'userDisablingAllowed': True, 'endpoint': 'vs', 'isEnabled': False, 'status': ['MissingLicense'], 'operations': {}, 'parameters': []}, 'webRadio': {'id': 'webRadio', 'userDisablingAllowed': True, 'endpoint': 'vs', 'isEnabled': False, 'status': ['MissingLicense'], 'operations': {}, 'parameters': []}, 'batteryChargingCare': {'id': 'batteryChargingCare', 'userDisablingAllowed': True, 'endpoint': 'vs', 'isEnabled': True, 'status': [], 'operations': {'getChargingCareSettings': {'id': 'getChargingCareSettings', 'scopes': ['charging']}, 'putChargingCareSettings': {'id': 'putChargingCareSettings', 'scopes': ['manageCharging']}, 'getChargingCareStatus': {'id': 'getChargingCareStatus', 'scopes': ['manageCharging']}}, 'parameters': []}, 'chargingTimers': {'id': 'chargingTimers', 'expirationDate': '2027-07-12T23:59:59Z', 'userDisablingAllowed': False, 'endpoint': 'vs', 'isEnabled': True, 'status': [], 'operations': {'getChargingTimers': {'id': 'getChargingTimers', 'scopes': ['charging']}, 'postChargingTimers': {'id': 'postChargingTimers', 'scopes': ['manageCharging']}, 'putChargingTimers': {'id': 'putChargingTimers', 'scopes': ['manageCharging']}, 'deleteChargingTimersByID': {'id': 'deleteChargingTimersByID', 'scopes': ['manageCharging']}}, 'parameters': [{'key': 'timerStepSizeInMinutes', 'value': '5'}, {'key': 'supportsSingleTimer', 'value': 'false'}, {'key': 'supportsRepeatingTimer', 'value': 'true'}, {'key': 'allowedSchedulingIntervalInDays', 'value': '7'}, {'key': 'multipleActiveTimersAllowed', 'value': 'true'}, {'key': 'timeZoneReference', 'value': 'UTC'}, {'key': 'supportsEditingClimatisationOption', 'value': 'true'}]}}, capabilities_supported=True, position_supported=True, locations_supported=True, trips_supported=False, position=None, climatisation_timers=[]): 'Vehicle' object has no attribute 'infos'

Il ne va pas être possible de solutionner ce problème rapidement je pense.

A tout hasard, la clim serait réglé sur 15.5? essayez de mettre un nombre entier, donc 15 ou 16, juste pour le test.

LA clim est actuellement réglée sur 22

J’ai le même problème alors que la clim est réglée sur 21.