RFXCom ne fonctionne pas

Bonjour, je possède un une antenne RFXCOM RFXtrx433XL.
J’a appairé mes quatre stores sans aucun problème.
Cependant, les commandes ne répondre que très rarement (aucune explication apparente).
La télécommande des stores fonctionne quant à elle parfaitement.
Est-il possible d’obtenir de l’aide ?

Ci joint le log débug
Modération : nous avons ajouté la balise code.

[2019-12-04 23:22:03][DEBUG] : Hideki,TFA,Cresta,UPM     Disabled
[2019-12-04 23:22:03][DEBUG] : AD Lightwave RF           Disabled
[2019-12-04 23:22:03][DEBUG] : Mertik                    Disabled
[2019-12-04 23:22:03][DEBUG] : Visonic                   Disabled
[2019-12-04 23:22:03][DEBUG] : ATI/cartelectronic        Disabled
[2019-12-04 23:22:03][DEBUG] : Oregon Scientific         Enabled
[2019-12-04 23:22:03][DEBUG] : Meiantech,Atlantic        Disabled
[2019-12-04 23:22:03][DEBUG] : HomeEasy EU               Disabled
[2019-12-04 23:22:03][DEBUG] : AC                        Enabled
[2019-12-04 23:22:03][DEBUG] : ARC                       Enabled
[2019-12-04 23:22:03][DEBUG] : X10                       Enabled
[2019-12-04 23:22:03][DEBUG] : FunkBus                   Disabled
[2019-12-04 23:22:03][DEBUG] : Decode data : {'subtype': '00', 'packettype': '01', 'raw': '140100010253290000270003001C10690000000000'}
[2019-12-04 23:22:04][DEBUG] : Firmware is 41
[2019-12-04 23:22:04][DEBUG] : Type is 16
[2019-12-04 23:22:04][DEBUG] : Disable protocol 0
[2019-12-04 23:22:04][DEBUG] : Disable protocol 1
[2019-12-04 23:22:04][DEBUG] : Disable protocol 2
[2019-12-04 23:22:04][DEBUG] : Disable protocol 3
[2019-12-04 23:22:04][DEBUG] : Disable protocol 4
[2019-12-04 23:22:04][DEBUG] : Disable protocol 5
[2019-12-04 23:22:04][DEBUG] : Disable protocol 6
[2019-12-04 23:22:04][DEBUG] : Disable protocol 7
[2019-12-04 23:22:04][DEBUG] : Disable protocol 8
[2019-12-04 23:22:04][DEBUG] : Disable protocol 9
[2019-12-04 23:22:04][DEBUG] : Disable protocol 10
[2019-12-04 23:22:04][DEBUG] : Disable protocol 11
[2019-12-04 23:22:04][DEBUG] : Enable protocol 12
[2019-12-04 23:22:04][DEBUG] : Enable protocol 13
[2019-12-04 23:22:04][DEBUG] : Disable protocol 14
[2019-12-04 23:22:04][DEBUG] : Disable protocol 15
[2019-12-04 23:22:04][DEBUG] : Disable protocol 16
[2019-12-04 23:22:04][DEBUG] : Disable protocol 17
[2019-12-04 23:22:04][DEBUG] : Enable protocol 18
[2019-12-04 23:22:04][DEBUG] : Disable protocol 19
[2019-12-04 23:22:04][DEBUG] : Enable protocol 20
[2019-12-04 23:22:04][DEBUG] : Enable protocol 21
[2019-12-04 23:22:04][DEBUG] : Enable protocol 22
[2019-12-04 23:22:04][DEBUG] : Enable protocol 23
[2019-12-04 23:22:04][DEBUG] : Disable protocol 24
[2019-12-04 23:22:04][DEBUG] : Disable protocol 25
[2019-12-04 23:22:04][DEBUG] : Disable protocol 26
[2019-12-04 23:22:04][DEBUG] : Disable protocol 27
[2019-12-04 23:22:04][DEBUG] : Disable protocol 28
[2019-12-04 23:22:04][DEBUG] : Disable protocol 29
[2019-12-04 23:22:04][DEBUG] : Disable protocol 30
[2019-12-04 23:22:04][DEBUG] : Disable protocol 31
[2019-12-04 23:22:04][DEBUG] : Disable protocol 32
[2019-12-04 23:22:04][DEBUG] : msg3: [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] / 00
[2019-12-04 23:22:04][DEBUG] : msg4: [0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0] / 0c
[2019-12-04 23:22:04][DEBUG] : msg5: [0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1] / 2f
[2019-12-04 23:22:04][DEBUG] : msg6: [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] / 00
[2019-12-04 23:22:04][DEBUG] : Command: 0d000002035300000c2f00000000
[2019-12-04 23:22:04][DEBUG] : Protocol actually activated 00002700
[2019-12-04 23:22:04][DEBUG] : Actual Frequency 53
[2019-12-04 23:22:04][DEBUG] : Wanted protocol 000c2f00
[2019-12-04 23:22:04][ERROR] : Setting protocols as we need to change it
[2019-12-04 23:22:04][DEBUG] : Disable protocol 0
[2019-12-04 23:22:04][DEBUG] : Disable protocol 1
[2019-12-04 23:22:04][DEBUG] : Disable protocol 2
[2019-12-04 23:22:04][DEBUG] : Disable protocol 3
[2019-12-04 23:22:04][DEBUG] : Disable protocol 4
[2019-12-04 23:22:04][DEBUG] : Disable protocol 5
[2019-12-04 23:22:04][DEBUG] : Disable protocol 6
[2019-12-04 23:22:04][DEBUG] : Disable protocol 7
[2019-12-04 23:22:04][DEBUG] : Disable protocol 8
[2019-12-04 23:22:04][DEBUG] : Disable protocol 9
[2019-12-04 23:22:04][DEBUG] : Disable protocol 10
[2019-12-04 23:22:04][DEBUG] : Disable protocol 11
[2019-12-04 23:22:04][DEBUG] : Enable protocol 12
[2019-12-04 23:22:04][DEBUG] : Enable protocol 13
[2019-12-04 23:22:04][DEBUG] : Disable protocol 14
[2019-12-04 23:22:04][DEBUG] : Disable protocol 15
[2019-12-04 23:22:04][DEBUG] : Disable protocol 16
[2019-12-04 23:22:04][DEBUG] : Disable protocol 17
[2019-12-04 23:22:04][DEBUG] : Enable protocol 18
[2019-12-04 23:22:04][DEBUG] : Disable protocol 19
[2019-12-04 23:22:04][DEBUG] : Enable protocol 20
[2019-12-04 23:22:04][DEBUG] : Enable protocol 21
[2019-12-04 23:22:04][DEBUG] : Enable protocol 22
[2019-12-04 23:22:04][DEBUG] : Enable protocol 23
[2019-12-04 23:22:04][DEBUG] : Disable protocol 24
[2019-12-04 23:22:04][DEBUG] : Disable protocol 25
[2019-12-04 23:22:04][DEBUG] : Disable protocol 26
[2019-12-04 23:22:04][DEBUG] : Disable protocol 27
[2019-12-04 23:22:04][DEBUG] : Disable protocol 28
[2019-12-04 23:22:04][DEBUG] : Disable protocol 29
[2019-12-04 23:22:04][DEBUG] : Disable protocol 30
[2019-12-04 23:22:04][DEBUG] : Disable protocol 31
[2019-12-04 23:22:04][DEBUG] : Disable protocol 32
[2019-12-04 23:22:04][DEBUG] : msg3: [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] / 00
[2019-12-04 23:22:04][DEBUG] : msg4: [0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0] / 0c
[2019-12-04 23:22:04][DEBUG] : msg5: [0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1] / 2f
[2019-12-04 23:22:04][DEBUG] : msg6: [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] / 00
[2019-12-04 23:22:04][DEBUG] : Command: 0d000002035300000c2f00000000
[2019-12-04 23:22:04][DEBUG] : Write data to serial port : 0D 00 00 02 03 53 00 00 0C 2F 00 00 00 00
[2019-12-04 23:22:04][DEBUG] : Message: 14 01 00 02 03 53 29 00 0C 2F 00 03 00 00 10 6A 00 00 00 00 00
[2019-12-04 23:22:04][DEBUG] : Decode : 14 01 00 02 03 53 29 00 0C 2F 00 03 00 00 10 6A 00 00 00 00 00
[2019-12-04 23:22:04][DEBUG] : Test message: 14 01 00 02 03 53 29 00 0C 2F 00 03 00 00 10 6A 00 00 00 00 00
[2019-12-04 23:22:04][DEBUG] : PacketType: 01
[2019-12-04 23:22:04][DEBUG] : SubType: 00
[2019-12-04 23:22:04][DEBUG] : SeqNbr: 02
[2019-12-04 23:22:04][DEBUG] : Id1: 03
[2019-12-04 23:22:04][DEBUG] : Id2: 53
[2019-12-04 23:22:04][DEBUG] : Subtype			= Interface response
[2019-12-04 23:22:04][DEBUG] : Sequence nbr		= 02
[2019-12-04 23:22:04][DEBUG] : Response on cmnd	= Set mode msg1-msg5, return firmware versions and configuration of the interface.
[2019-12-04 23:22:04][DEBUG] : Transceiver type	= 433.92MHz
[2019-12-04 23:22:04][DEBUG] : Firmware version	= 41
[2019-12-04 23:22:04][DEBUG] : Protocols:
[2019-12-04 23:22:04][DEBUG] : Undecoded                 Disabled
[2019-12-04 23:22:04][DEBUG] : Imagintronix,Opus         Disabled
[2019-12-04 23:22:04][DEBUG] : Byron SX,SelectPlus       Disabled
[2019-12-04 23:22:04][DEBUG] : RSL,Revolt                Disabled
[2019-12-04 23:22:04][DEBUG] : Lightning4                Disabled
[2019-12-04 23:22:04][DEBUG] : FineOffset / Viking       Disabled
[2019-12-04 23:22:04][DEBUG] : Rubicson,Alecto,Banggood  Disabled
[2019-12-04 23:22:04][DEBUG] : AE Blyss                  Disabled
[2019-12-04 23:22:04][DEBUG] : Blinds T1/T2/T3/T4        Disabled
[2019-12-04 23:22:04][DEBUG] : Blinds T0                 Disabled
[2019-12-04 23:22:04][DEBUG] :                           Disabled
[2019-12-04 23:22:04][DEBUG] : Legrand CAD               Disabled
[2019-12-04 23:22:04][DEBUG] : La Crosse                 Enabled
[2019-12-04 23:22:04][DEBUG] : Hideki,TFA,Cresta,UPM     Enabled
[2019-12-04 23:22:04][DEBUG] : AD Lightwave RF           Disabled
[2019-12-04 23:22:04][DEBUG] : Mertik                    Disabled
[2019-12-04 23:22:04][DEBUG] : Visonic                   Disabled
[2019-12-04 23:22:04][DEBUG] : ATI/cartelectronic        Disabled
[2019-12-04 23:22:04][DEBUG] : Oregon Scientific         Enabled
[2019-12-04 23:22:04][DEBUG] : Meiantech,Atlantic        Disabled
[2019-12-04 23:22:04][DEBUG] : HomeEasy EU               Enabled
[2019-12-04 23:22:04][DEBUG] : AC                        Enabled
[2019-12-04 23:22:04][DEBUG] : ARC                       Enabled
[2019-12-04 23:22:04][DEBUG] : X10                       Enabled
[2019-12-04 23:22:04][DEBUG] : FunkBus                   Disabled
[2019-12-04 23:22:04][DEBUG] : Decode data : {'subtype': '00', 'packettype': '01', 'raw': '14010002035329000C2F00030000106A0000000000'}
[2019-12-04 23:22:05][DEBUG] : Protocol actually activated 000c2f00
[2019-12-04 23:22:05][DEBUG] : Actual Frequency 53
[2019-12-04 23:22:05][DEBUG] : Wanted protocol 000c2f00
[2019-12-04 23:22:05][DEBUG] : All is ok, sending start
[2019-12-04 23:22:05][DEBUG] : Write data to serial port : 0D 00 00 02 07 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
[2019-12-04 23:22:05][DEBUG] : Message: 14 01 07 02 07 43 6F 70 79 72 69 67 68 74 20 52 46 58 43 4F 4D
[2019-12-04 23:22:05][DEBUG] : Decode : 14 01 07 02 07 43 6F 70 79 72 69 67 68 74 20 52 46 58 43 4F 4D
[2019-12-04 23:22:05][DEBUG] : Test message: 14 01 07 02 07 43 6F 70 79 72 69 67 68 74 20 52 46 58 43 4F 4D
[2019-12-04 23:22:05][DEBUG] : PacketType: 01
[2019-12-04 23:22:05][DEBUG] : SubType: 07
[2019-12-04 23:22:05][DEBUG] : SeqNbr: 02
[2019-12-04 23:22:05][DEBUG] : Id1: 07
[2019-12-04 23:22:05][DEBUG] : Id2: 43
[2019-12-04 23:22:05][DEBUG] : Subtype			= Interface response
[2019-12-04 23:22:05][DEBUG] : Response is Copyright RFXCOM
[2019-12-04 23:22:06][DEBUG] : All is ok, Ready for operation
[2019-12-04 23:22:25][DEBUG] : Message: 14 01 FF 02 07 43 6F 70 79 72 69 67 68 74 20 52 46 58 43 4F 4D
[2019-12-04 23:22:25][DEBUG] : Decode : 14 01 FF 02 07 43 6F 70 79 72 69 67 68 74 20 52 46 58 43 4F 4D
[2019-12-04 23:22:25][DEBUG] : Test message: 14 01 FF 02 07 43 6F 70 79 72 69 67 68 74 20 52 46 58 43 4F 4D
[2019-12-04 23:22:25][DEBUG] : PacketType: 01
[2019-12-04 23:22:25][DEBUG] : SubType: FF
[2019-12-04 23:22:25][DEBUG] : SeqNbr: 02
[2019-12-04 23:22:25][DEBUG] : Id1: 07
[2019-12-04 23:22:25][DEBUG] : Id2: 43
[2019-12-04 23:22:25][DEBUG] : Subtype			= Unknown type (01)
[2019-12-04 23:22:25][DEBUG] : Sequence nbr		= 02
[2019-12-04 23:22:25][DEBUG] : Response on cmnd	= Not used.
[2019-12-04 23:22:25][ERROR] : Error: unrecognizable packet (14 01 FF 02 07 43 6F 70 79 72 69 67 68 74 20 52 46 58 43 4F 4D) : '43'
[2019-12-04 23:22:25][DEBUG] : Message: 04 02 01 02 00
[2019-12-04 23:22:25][DEBUG] : Decode : 04 02 01 02 00
[2019-12-04 23:22:25][DEBUG] : Test message: 04 02 01 02 00
[2019-12-04 23:22:25][DEBUG] : PacketType: 02
[2019-12-04 23:22:25][DEBUG] : SubType: 01
[2019-12-04 23:22:25][DEBUG] : SeqNbr: 02
[2019-12-04 23:22:25][DEBUG] : Id1: 00
[2019-12-04 23:22:25][DEBUG] : Decode data : {'subtype': '01', 'packettype': '02', 'raw': '0402010200'}
[2019-12-04 23:22:29][DEBUG] : Message: 04 02 01 02 00
[2019-12-04 23:22:29][DEBUG] : Decode : 04 02 01 02 00
[2019-12-04 23:22:29][DEBUG] : Test message: 04 02 01 02 00
[2019-12-04 23:22:29][DEBUG] : PacketType: 02
[2019-12-04 23:22:29][DEBUG] : SubType: 01
[2019-12-04 23:22:29][DEBUG] : SeqNbr: 02
[2019-12-04 23:22:29][DEBUG] : Id1: 00
[2019-12-04 23:22:29][DEBUG] : Decode data : {'subtype': '01', 'packettype': '02', 'raw': '0402010200'}
[2019-12-04 23:23:24][DEBUG] : Message: 14 01 FF 02 10 53 29 00 0C 2F 00 03 00 00 10 6B 46 58 43 4F 4D
[2019-12-04 23:23:24][DEBUG] : Decode : 14 01 FF 02 10 53 29 00 0C 2F 00 03 00 00 10 6B 46 58 43 4F 4D
[2019-12-04 23:23:24][DEBUG] : Test message: 14 01 FF 02 10 53 29 00 0C 2F 00 03 00 00 10 6B 46 58 43 4F 4D
[2019-12-04 23:23:24][DEBUG] : PacketType: 01
[2019-12-04 23:23:24][DEBUG] : SubType: FF
[2019-12-04 23:23:24][DEBUG] : SeqNbr: 02
[2019-12-04 23:23:24][DEBUG] : Id1: 10
[2019-12-04 23:23:24][DEBUG] : Id2: 53
[2019-12-04 23:23:24][DEBUG] : Subtype			= Unknown type (01)
[2019-12-04 23:23:24][DEBUG] : Sequence nbr		= 02
[2019-12-04 23:23:24][ERROR] : Error: unrecognizable packet (14 01 FF 02 10 53 29 00 0C 2F 00 03 00 00 10 6B 46 58 43 4F 4D) : '10'
[2019-12-04 23:23:24][DEBUG] : Message: 04 02 01 02 00
[2019-12-04 23:23:24][DEBUG] : Decode : 04 02 01 02 00
[2019-12-04 23:23:24][DEBUG] : Test message: 04 02 01 02 00
[2019-12-04 23:23:24][DEBUG] : PacketType: 02
[2019-12-04 23:23:24][DEBUG] : SubType: 01
[2019-12-04 23:23:24][DEBUG] : SeqNbr: 02
[2019-12-04 23:23:24][DEBUG] : Id1: 00
[2019-12-04 23:23:24][DEBUG] : Decode data : {'subtype': '01', 'packettype': '02', 'raw': '0402010200'}
[2019-12-04 23:23:28][DEBUG] : Message: 04 02 01 02 00
[2019-12-04 23:23:28][DEBUG] : Decode : 04 02 01 02 00
[2019-12-04 23:23:28][DEBUG] : Test message: 04 02 01 02 00
[2019-12-04 23:23:28][DEBUG] : PacketType: 02
[2019-12-04 23:23:28][DEBUG] : SubType: 01
[2019-12-04 23:23:28][DEBUG] : SeqNbr: 02
[2019-12-04 23:23:28][DEBUG] : Id1: 00
[2019-12-04 23:23:28][DEBUG] : Decode data : {'subtype': '01', 'packettype': '02', 'raw': '0402010200'}
[2019-12-04 23:24:24][DEBUG] : Message: 14 01 FF 02 10 53 29 00 0C 2F 00 03 00 00 10 6B 46 58 43 4F 4D
[2019-12-04 23:24:24][DEBUG] : Decode : 14 01 FF 02 10 53 29 00 0C 2F 00 03 00 00 10 6B 46 58 43 4F 4D
[2019-12-04 23:24:24][DEBUG] : Test message: 14 01 FF 02 10 53 29 00 0C 2F 00 03 00 00 10 6B 46 58 43 4F 4D
[2019-12-04 23:24:24][DEBUG] : PacketType: 01
[2019-12-04 23:24:24][DEBUG] : SubType: FF
[2019-12-04 23:24:24][DEBUG] : SeqNbr: 02
[2019-12-04 23:24:24][DEBUG] : Id1: 10
[2019-12-04 23:24:24][DEBUG] : Id2: 53
[2019-12-04 23:24:24][DEBUG] : Subtype			= Unknown type (01)
[2019-12-04 23:24:24][DEBUG] : Sequence nbr		= 02
[2019-12-04 23:24:24][ERROR] : Error: unrecognizable packet (14 01 FF 02 10 53 29 00 0C 2F 00 03 00 00 10 6B 46 58 43 4F 4D) : '10'
[2019-12-04 23:24:24][DEBUG] : Message: 04 02 01 02 00
[2019-12-04 23:24:24][DEBUG] : Decode : 04 02 01 02 00
[2019-12-04 23:24:24][DEBUG] : Test message: 04 02 01 02 00
[2019-12-04 23:24:24][DEBUG] : PacketType: 02
[2019-12-04 23:24:24][DEBUG] : SubType: 01
[2019-12-04 23:24:24][DEBUG] : SeqNbr: 02
[2019-12-04 23:24:24][DEBUG] : Id1: 00
[2019-12-04 23:24:24][DEBUG] : Decode data : {'subtype': '01', 'packettype': '02', 'raw': '0402010200'}
[2019-12-04 23:24:28][DEBUG] : Message: 04 02 01 02 00
[2019-12-04 23:24:28][DEBUG] : Decode : 04 02 01 02 00
[2019-12-04 23:24:28][DEBUG] : Test message: 04 02 01 02 00
[2019-12-04 23:24:28][DEBUG] : PacketType: 02
[2019-12-04 23:24:28][DEBUG] : SubType: 01
[2019-12-04 23:24:28][DEBUG] : SeqNbr: 02
[2019-12-04 23:24:28][DEBUG] : Id1: 00
[2019-12-04 23:24:28][DEBUG] : Decode data : {'subtype': '01', 'packettype': '02', 'raw': '0402010200'}
[2019-12-05 00:29:11][INFO] : Lancement démon rfxcomd : /
 [2019-12-04 23:29:12][INFO] : Start rfxcomd
[2019-12-04 23:29:12][INFO] : Log level : debug
[2019-12-04 23:29:12][INFO] : Socket port : 55000
[2019-12-04 23:29:12][INFO] : Socket host :
[2019-12-04 23:29:12][INFO] : 
[2019-12-04 23:29:12][INFO] : Device : /dev/ttyUSB0
[2019-12-04 23:29:12][INFO] : Apikey : aGQhJYYUxxtqLgRfAWsAryNItDWI4Owt
[2019-12-04 23:29:12][INFO] : [2019-12-04 23:29:12][INFO] : Cycle : 0.3
[2019-12-04 23:29:12][INFO] : Serial rate : 38400
[2019-12-04 23:29:12][INFO] : Serial timeout : 9
[2019-12-04 23:29:12][INFO] : Protocol : 12,13,18,20,21,22,23
[2019-12-04 23:29:12][INFO] : Find device : /dev/ttyUSB0
[2019-12-04 23:29:12][DEBUG] : Writing PID 2665 to 
[2019-12-04 23:29:12][DEBUG] : Init request module v2.22.0
[2019-12-04 23:29:12][DEBUG] : Starting new HTTP connection (1):
[2019-12-04 23:29:12][DEBUG] 
[2019-12-04 23:29:12][DEBUG] : Init serial module v3.4
[2019-12-04 23:29:12][DEBUG] : Start listening...
[2019-12-04 23:29:12][DEBUG] : Socket interface started
[2019-12-04 23:29:12][DEBUG] : Open serial port on device: /dev/ttyUSB0, rate 38400, timeout : 9
[2019-12-04 23:29:12][DEBUG] : LoopNetServer Thread started
[2019-12-04 23:29:12][DEBUG] : Open Serialport
[2019-12-04 23:29:12][DEBUG] : Listening on: []
[2019-12-04 23:29:12][DEBUG] : flushOutput serial port
[2019-12-04 23:29:12][DEBUG] : flushInput serial port
[2019-12-04 23:29:12][DEBUG] : flushOutput serial port
[2019-12-04 23:29:12][DEBUG] : flushInput serial port
[2019-12-04 23:29:12][DEBUG] : Read Socket Thread Launched
[2019-12-04 23:29:12][DEBUG] : Read Device Thread Launched
[2019-12-04 23:29:13][DEBUG] : Send rfxcomd_reset
[2019-12-04 23:29:13][DEBUG] : Write data to serial port : 0D 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
[2019-12-04 23:29:13][DEBUG] : Sleep 1 sec
[2019-12-04 23:29:14][DEBUG] : flushInput serial port
[2019-12-04 23:29:14][DEBUG] : Send get status test
[2019-12-04 23:29:14][DEBUG] : Write data to serial port : 0D 00 00 01 02 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
[2019-12-04 23:29:14][DEBUG] : Message: 14 01 00 01 02 53 29 00 00 27 00 03 00 1C 10 6A 00 00 00 00 00
[2019-12-04 23:29:14][DEBUG] : Decode : 14 01 00 01 02 53 29 00 00 27 00 03 00 1C 10 6A 00 00 00 00 00
[2019-12-04 23:29:14][DEBUG] : Test message: 14 01 00 01 02 53 29 00 00 27 00 03 00 1C 10 6A 00 00 00 00 00
[2019-12-04 23:29:14][DEBUG] : PacketType: 01
[2019-12-04 23:29:14][DEBUG] : SubType: 00
[2019-12-04 23:29:14][DEBUG] : SeqNbr: 01
[2019-12-04 23:29:14][DEBUG] : Id1: 02
[2019-12-04 23:29:14][DEBUG] : Id2: 53
[2019-12-04 23:29:14][DEBUG] : Subtype			= Interface response
[2019-12-04 23:29:14][DEBUG] : Sequence nbr		= 01
[2019-12-04 23:29:14][DEBUG] : Response on cmnd	= Get Status, return firmware versions and configuration of the interface.
[2019-12-04 23:29:14][DEBUG] : Transceiver type	= 433.92MHz
[2019-12-04 23:29:14][DEBUG] : Firmware version	= 41
[2019-12-04 23:29:14][DEBUG] : Protocols:
[2019-12-04 23:29:14][DEBUG] : Undecoded                 Disabled
[2019-12-04 23:29:14][DEBUG] : Imagintronix,Opus         Disabled
[2019-12-04 23:29:14][DEBUG] : Byron SX,SelectPlus       Disabled
[2019-12-04 23:29:14][DEBUG] : RSL,Revolt                Disabled
[2019-12-04 23:29:14][DEBUG] : Lightning4                Disabled
[2019-12-04 23:29:14][DEBUG] : FineOffset / Viking       Disabled
[2019-12-04 23:29:14][DEBUG] : Rubicson,Alecto,Banggood  Disabled
[2019-12-04 23:29:14][DEBUG] : AE Blyss                  Disabled
[2019-12-04 23:29:14][DEBUG] : Blinds T1/T2/T3/T4        Disabled
[2019-12-04 23:29:14][DEBUG] : Blinds T0                 Disabled
[2019-12-04 23:29:14][DEBUG] :                           Disabled
[2019-12-04 23:29:14][DEBUG] : Legrand CAD               Disabled
[2019-12-04 23:29:14][DEBUG] : La Crosse                 Disabled
[2019-12-04 23:29:14][DEBUG] : Hideki,TFA,Cresta,UPM     Disabled
[2019-12-04 23:29:14][DEBUG] : AD Lightwave RF           Disabled
[2019-12-04 23:29:14][DEBUG] : Mertik                    Disabled
[2019-12-04 23:29:14][DEBUG] : Visonic                   Disabled
[2019-12-04 23:29:14][DEBUG] : ATI/cartelectronic        Disabled
[2019-12-04 23:29:14][DEBUG] : Oregon Scientific         Enabled
[2019-12-04 23:29:14][DEBUG] : Meiantech,Atlantic        Disabled
[2019-12-04 23:29:14][DEBUG] : HomeEasy EU               Disabled
[2019-12-04 23:29:14][DEBUG] : AC                        Enabled
[2019-12-04 23:29:14][DEBUG] : ARC                       Enabled
[2019-12-04 23:29:14][DEBUG] : X10                       Enabled
[2019-12-04 23:29:14][DEBUG] : FunkBus                   Disabled
[2019-12-04 23:29:14][DEBUG] : Decode data : {'subtype': '00', 'packettype': '01', 'raw': '140100010253290000270003001C106A0000000000'}
[2019-12-04 23:29:14][DEBUG] : Client connected to []
[2019-12-04 23:29:14][DEBUG] : Message read from socket: {"apikey":"aGQhJYYUxxtqLgRfAWsAryNItDWI4Owt","cmd":"add","device":{"id":"2DED97"}}
[2019-12-04 23:29:14][DEBUG] : Client disconnected from []
[2019-12-04 23:29:14][DEBUG] : Client connected to []
[2019-12-04 23:29:14][DEBUG] : Message read from socket: {"apikey":"aGQhJYYUxxtqLgRfAWsAryNItDWI4Owt","cmd":"add","device":{"id":"3A4D70"}}
[2019-12-04 23:29:14][DEBUG] : Client disconnected from []
[2019-12-05 00:29:14][INFO] : Démon RFXcom lancé
[2019-12-04 23:29:14][DEBUG] : Client connected to []
[2019-12-04 23:29:14][DEBUG] : Message read from socket: {"apikey":"aGQhJYYUxxtqLgRfAWsAryNItDWI4Owt","cmd":"add","device":{"id":"37E234"}}
[2019-12-04 23:29:14][DEBUG] : Client disconnected from []
[2019-12-04 23:29:14][DEBUG] : Client connected to []
[2019-12-04 23:29:14][DEBUG] : Message read from socket: {"apikey":"aGQhJYYUxxtqLgRfAWsAryNItDWI4Owt","cmd":"add","device":{"id":"5D4133"}}
[2019-12-04 23:29:14][DEBUG] : Client disconnected from []
[2019-12-04 23:29:14][DEBUG] : Message received in socket JEEDOM_SOCKET_MESSAGE
[2019-12-04 23:29:14][DEBUG] : Add device : {u'id': u'2DED97'}
[2019-12-04 23:29:14][DEBUG] : Message received in socket JEEDOM_SOCKET_MESSAGE
[2019-12-04 23:29:14][DEBUG] : Add device : {u'id': u'3A4D70'}
[2019-12-04 23:29:14][DEBUG] : Message received in socket JEEDOM_SOCKET_MESSAGE
[2019-12-04 23:29:14][DEBUG] : Add device : {u'id': u'37E234'}
[2019-12-04 23:29:14][DEBUG] : Message received in socket JEEDOM_SOCKET_MESSAGE
[2019-12-04 23:29:14][DEBUG] : Add device : {u'id': u'5D4133'}
[2019-12-04 23:29:15][DEBUG] : Firmware is 41
[2019-12-04 23:29:15][DEBUG] : Type is 16
[2019-12-04 23:29:15][DEBUG] : Disable protocol 0
[2019-12-04 23:29:15][DEBUG] : Disable protocol 1
[2019-12-04 23:29:15][DEBUG] : Disable protocol 2
[2019-12-04 23:29:15][DEBUG] : Disable protocol 3
[2019-12-04 23:29:15][DEBUG] : Disable protocol 4
[2019-12-04 23:29:15][DEBUG] : Disable protocol 5
[2019-12-04 23:29:15][DEBUG] : Disable protocol 6
[2019-12-04 23:29:15][DEBUG] : Disable protocol 7
[2019-12-04 23:29:15][DEBUG] : Disable protocol 8
[2019-12-04 23:29:15][DEBUG] : Disable protocol 9
[2019-12-04 23:29:15][DEBUG] : Disable protocol 10
[2019-12-04 23:29:15][DEBUG] : Disable protocol 11
[2019-12-04 23:29:15][DEBUG] : Enable protocol 12
[2019-12-04 23:29:15][DEBUG] : Enable protocol 13
[2019-12-04 23:29:15][DEBUG] : Disable protocol 14
[2019-12-04 23:29:15][DEBUG] : Disable protocol 15
[2019-12-04 23:29:15][DEBUG] : Disable protocol 16
[2019-12-04 23:29:15][DEBUG] : Disable protocol 17
[2019-12-04 23:29:15][DEBUG] : Enable protocol 18
[2019-12-04 23:29:15][DEBUG] : Disable protocol 19
[2019-12-04 23:29:15][DEBUG] : Enable protocol 20
[2019-12-04 23:29:15][DEBUG] : Enable protocol 21
[2019-12-04 23:29:15][DEBUG] : Enable protocol 22
[2019-12-04 23:29:15][DEBUG] : Enable protocol 23
[2019-12-04 23:29:15][DEBUG] : Disable protocol 24
[2019-12-04 23:29:15][DEBUG] : Disable protocol 25
[2019-12-04 23:29:15][DEBUG] : Disable protocol 26
[2019-12-04 23:29:15][DEBUG] : Disable protocol 27
[2019-12-04 23:29:15][DEBUG] : Disable protocol 28
[2019-12-04 23:29:15][DEBUG] : Disable protocol 29
[2019-12-04 23:29:15][DEBUG] : Disable protocol 30
[2019-12-04 23:29:15][DEBUG] : Disable protocol 31
[2019-12-04 23:29:15][DEBUG] : Disable protocol 32
[2019-12-04 23:29:15][DEBUG] : msg3: [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] / 00
[2019-12-04 23:29:15][DEBUG] : msg4: [0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0] / 0c
[2019-12-04 23:29:15][DEBUG] : msg5: [0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1] / 2f
[2019-12-04 23:29:15][DEBUG] : msg6: [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] / 00
[2019-12-04 23:29:15][DEBUG] : Command: 0d000002035300000c2f00000000
[2019-12-04 23:29:15][DEBUG] : Protocol actually activated 00002700
[2019-12-04 23:29:15][DEBUG] : Actual Frequency 53
[2019-12-04 23:29:15][DEBUG] : Wanted protocol 000c2f00
[2019-12-04 23:29:15][ERROR] : Setting protocols as we need to change it
[2019-12-04 23:29:15][DEBUG] : Disable protocol 0
[2019-12-04 23:29:15][DEBUG] : Disable protocol 1
[2019-12-04 23:29:15][DEBUG] : Disable protocol 2
[2019-12-04 23:29:15][DEBUG] : Disable protocol 3
[2019-12-04 23:29:15][DEBUG] : Disable protocol 4
[2019-12-04 23:29:15][DEBUG] : Disable protocol 5
[2019-12-04 23:29:15][DEBUG] : Disable protocol 6
[2019-12-04 23:29:15][DEBUG] : Disable protocol 7
[2019-12-04 23:29:15][DEBUG] : Disable protocol 8
[2019-12-04 23:29:15][DEBUG] : Disable protocol 9
[2019-12-04 23:29:15][DEBUG] : Disable protocol 10
[2019-12-04 23:29:15][DEBUG] : Disable protocol 11
[2019-12-04 23:29:15][DEBUG] : Enable protocol 12
[2019-12-04 23:29:15][DEBUG] : Enable protocol 13
[2019-12-04 23:29:15][DEBUG] : Disable protocol 14
[2019-12-04 23:29:15][DEBUG] : Disable protocol 15
[2019-12-04 23:29:15][DEBUG] : Disable protocol 16
[2019-12-04 23:29:15][DEBUG] : Disable protocol 17
[2019-12-04 23:29:15][DEBUG] : Enable protocol 18
[2019-12-04 23:29:15][DEBUG] : Disable protocol 19
[2019-12-04 23:29:15][DEBUG] : Enable protocol 20
[2019-12-04 23:29:15][DEBUG] : Enable protocol 21
[2019-12-04 23:29:15][DEBUG] : Enable protocol 22
[2019-12-04 23:29:15][DEBUG] : Enable protocol 23
[2019-12-04 23:29:15][DEBUG] : Disable protocol 24
[2019-12-04 23:29:15][DEBUG] : Disable protocol 25
[2019-12-04 23:29:15][DEBUG] : Disable protocol 26
[2019-12-04 23:29:15][DEBUG] : Disable protocol 27
[2019-12-04 23:29:15][DEBUG] : Disable protocol 28
[2019-12-04 23:29:15][DEBUG] : Disable protocol 29
[2019-12-04 23:29:15][DEBUG] : Disable protocol 30
[2019-12-04 23:29:15][DEBUG] : Disable protocol 31
[2019-12-04 23:29:15][DEBUG] : Disable protocol 32
[2019-12-04 23:29:15][DEBUG] : msg3: [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] / 00
[2019-12-04 23:29:15][DEBUG] : msg4: [0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0] / 0c
[2019-12-04 23:29:15][DEBUG] : msg5: [0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1] / 2f
[2019-12-04 23:29:15][DEBUG] : msg6: [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] / 00
[2019-12-04 23:29:15][DEBUG] : Command: 0d000002035300000c2f00000000
[2019-12-04 23:29:15][DEBUG] : Write data to serial port : 0D 00 00 02 03 53 00 00 0C 2F 00 00 00 00
[2019-12-04 23:29:15][DEBUG] : Message: 14 01 00 02 03 53 29 00 0C 2F 00 03 00 00 10 69 00 00 00 00 00
[2019-12-04 23:29:15][DEBUG] : Decode : 14 01 00 02 03 53 29 00 0C 2F 00 03 00 00 10 69 00 00 00 00 00
[2019-12-04 23:29:15][DEBUG] : Test message: 14 01 00 02 03 53 29 00 0C 2F 00 03 00 00 10 69 00 00 00 00 00
[2019-12-04 23:29:15][DEBUG] : PacketType: 01
[2019-12-04 23:29:15][DEBUG] : SubType: 00
[2019-12-04 23:29:15][DEBUG] : SeqNbr: 02
[2019-12-04 23:29:15][DEBUG] : Id1: 03
[2019-12-04 23:29:15][DEBUG] : Id2: 53
[2019-12-04 23:29:15][DEBUG] : Subtype			= Interface response
[2019-12-04 23:29:15][DEBUG] : Sequence nbr		= 02
[2019-12-04 23:29:15][DEBUG] : Response on cmnd	= Set mode msg1-msg5, return firmware versions and configuration of the interface.
[2019-12-04 23:29:15][DEBUG] : Transceiver type	= 433.92MHz
[2019-12-04 23:29:15][DEBUG] : Firmware version	= 41
[2019-12-04 23:29:15][DEBUG] : Protocols:
[2019-12-04 23:29:15][DEBUG] : Undecoded                 Disabled
[2019-12-04 23:29:15][DEBUG] : Imagintronix,Opus         Disabled
[2019-12-04 23:29:15][DEBUG] : Byron SX,SelectPlus       Disabled
[2019-12-04 23:29:15][DEBUG] : RSL,Revolt                Disabled
[2019-12-04 23:29:15][DEBUG] : Lightning4                Disabled
[2019-12-04 23:29:15][DEBUG] : FineOffset / Viking       Disabled
[2019-12-04 23:29:15][DEBUG] : Rubicson,Alecto,Banggood  Disabled
[2019-12-04 23:29:15][DEBUG] : AE Blyss                  Disabled
[2019-12-04 23:29:15][DEBUG] : Blinds T1/T2/T3/T4        Disabled
[2019-12-04 23:29:15][DEBUG] : Blinds T0                 Disabled
[2019-12-04 23:29:15][DEBUG] :                           Disabled
[2019-12-04 23:29:15][DEBUG] : Legrand CAD               Disabled
[2019-12-04 23:29:15][DEBUG] : La Crosse                 Enabled
[2019-12-04 23:29:15][DEBUG] : Hideki,TFA,Cresta,UPM     Enabled
[2019-12-04 23:29:15][DEBUG] : AD Lightwave RF           Disabled
[2019-12-04 23:29:15][DEBUG] : Mertik                    Disabled
[2019-12-04 23:29:15][DEBUG] : Visonic                   Disabled
[2019-12-04 23:29:15][DEBUG] : ATI/cartelectronic        Disabled
[2019-12-04 23:29:15][DEBUG] : Oregon Scientific         Enabled
[2019-12-04 23:29:15][DEBUG] : Meiantech,Atlantic        Disabled
[2019-12-04 23:29:15][DEBUG] : HomeEasy EU               Enabled
[2019-12-04 23:29:15][DEBUG] : AC                        Enabled
[2019-12-04 23:29:15][DEBUG] : ARC                       Enabled
[2019-12-04 23:29:15][DEBUG] : X10                       Enabled
[2019-12-04 23:29:15][DEBUG] : FunkBus                   Disabled
[2019-12-04 23:29:15][DEBUG] : Decode data : {'subtype': '00', 'packettype': '01', 'raw': '14010002035329000C2F0003000010690000000000'}
[2019-12-04 23:29:16][DEBUG] : Protocol actually activated 000c2f00
[2019-12-04 23:29:16][DEBUG] : Actual Frequency 53
[2019-12-04 23:29:16][DEBUG] : Wanted protocol 000c2f00
[2019-12-04 23:29:16][DEBUG] : All is ok, sending start
[2019-12-04 23:29:16][DEBUG] : Write data to serial port : 0D 00 00 02 07 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
[2019-12-04 23:29:16][DEBUG] : Message: 14 01 07 02 07 43 6F 70 79 72 69 67 68 74 20 52 46 58 43 4F 4D
[2019-12-04 23:29:16][DEBUG] : Decode : 14 01 07 02 07 43 6F 70 79 72 69 67 68 74 20 52 46 58 43 4F 4D
[2019-12-04 23:29:16][DEBUG] : Test message: 14 01 07 02 07 43 6F 70 79 72 69 67 68 74 20 52 46 58 43 4F 4D
[2019-12-04 23:29:16][DEBUG] : PacketType: 01
[2019-12-04 23:29:16][DEBUG] : SubType: 07
[2019-12-04 23:29:16][DEBUG] : SeqNbr: 02
[2019-12-04 23:29:16][DEBUG] : Id1: 07
[2019-12-04 23:29:16][DEBUG] : Id2: 43
[2019-12-04 23:29:16][DEBUG] : Subtype			= Interface response
[2019-12-04 23:29:16][DEBUG] : Response is Copyright RFXCOM
[2019-12-04 23:29:17][DEBUG] : All is ok, Ready for operation
[2019-12-04 23:29:25][DEBUG] : Message: 14 01 FF 02 07 43 6F 70 79 72 69 67 68 74 20 52 46 58 43 4F 4D
[2019-12-04 23:29:25][DEBUG] : Decode : 14 01 FF 02 07 43 6F 70 79 72 69 67 68 74 20 52 46 58 43 4F 4D
[2019-12-04 23:29:25][DEBUG] : Test message: 14 01 FF 02 07 43 6F 70 79 72 69 67 68 74 20 52 46 58 43 4F 4D
[2019-12-04 23:29:25][DEBUG] : PacketType: 01
[2019-12-04 23:29:25][DEBUG] : SubType: FF
[2019-12-04 23:29:25][DEBUG] : SeqNbr: 02
[2019-12-04 23:29:25][DEBUG] : Id1: 07
[2019-12-04 23:29:25][DEBUG] : Id2: 43
[2019-12-04 23:29:25][DEBUG] : Subtype			= Unknown type (01)
[2019-12-04 23:29:25][DEBUG] : Sequence nbr		= 02
[2019-12-04 23:29:25][DEBUG] : Response on cmnd	= Not used.
[2019-12-04 23:29:25][ERROR] : Error: unrecognizable packet (14 01 FF 02 07 43 6F 70 79 72 69 67 68 74 20 52 46 58 43 4F 4D) : '43'
[2019-12-04 23:29:25][DEBUG] : Message: 04 02 01 02 00
[2019-12-04 23:29:25][DEBUG] : Decode : 04 02 01 02 00
[2019-12-04 23:29:25][DEBUG] : Test message: 04 02 01 02 00
[2019-12-04 23:29:25][DEBUG] : PacketType: 02
[2019-12-04 23:29:25][DEBUG] : SubType: 01
[2019-12-04 23:29:25][DEBUG] : SeqNbr: 02
[2019-12-04 23:29:25][DEBUG] : Id1: 00
[2019-12-04 23:29:25][DEBUG] : Decode data : {'subtype': '01', 'packettype': '02', 'raw': '0402010200'}
[2019-12-04 23:29:29][DEBUG] : Message: 04 02 01 02 00
[2019-12-04 23:29:29][DEBUG] : Decode : 04 02 01 02 00
[2019-12-04 23:29:29][DEBUG] : Test message: 04 02 01 02 00
[2019-12-04 23:29:29][DEBUG] : PacketType: 02
[2019-12-04 23:29:29][DEBUG] : SubType: 01
[2019-12-04 23:29:29][DEBUG] : SeqNbr: 02
[2019-12-04 23:29:29][DEBUG] : Id1: 00
[2019-12-04 23:29:29][DEBUG] : Decode data : {'subtype': '01', 'packettype': '02', 'raw': '0402010200'}
[2019-12-05 00:41:53][ERROR] : Setting protocols as we need to change it

Merci d’utiliser les balises Code (mettre ``` ton code ici ```) pour mettre tes logs stp

Concernant ton problème il faut nous en dire d’avantage … quelle marque les stores ? quel modèle ? …
Je pense que tu es en possession de store avec un code tournant (rooling code)…

Je possède quatre stores Somfy RTS
Je viens d’essayer de supprimer l’appairage d’un store.
Je n’arrive plus à le ré-appairer le store. la télécommande fonctionne toujours.
Je remarque une erreur:
Code ‹  ›’[2019-12-06 10:44:56][ERROR] : Setting protocols as we need to change it’’’

J’ai donc décocher les protocoles et laissé actif celui-ci:
Code ‹  ›‹ 23 X10 (Digimax/Ebode/Prego P-8426/RFXSensor/RFXMeter/Sunvic TLX1206/Sunvic TLX7506/X10 Ninja/Robocam/X10 PC REMOTE/X10 RTS10/X10 RFS10/X10 lighting/X10 security) ›’’

Rien ne change…