Bonjour à tous,
J’ai découvert ce plugin récemment et donc je vous partage les résultats et difficultés de mes premiers tests.
Notez que je tourne sur Docker (dans un NAS) sur une Debian 12.
Installation OK, configuration des deux équipements sonarr et radarr semblent OK, les logs montrent bien que l’accès se fait bien.
Quand je suis dans la configuration d’un équipement j’ai une erreur javascript:
desktop/common/js/utils.js -1 !WARNING! Deprecated function jeedom.eqLogic.builSelectCmd since Core v4.4: Use new Core v4.1 jeedom.eqLogic.buildSelectCmd() function. plugin: sonarr | require: 3.3.39
desktop/common/js/utils.js -1 !WARNING! Deprecated function jeedom.eqLogic.builSelectCmd since Core v4.4: Use new Core v4.1 jeedom.eqLogic.buildSelectCmd() function.
Quand je coche l’option « format condensé » pour sonarr et « non condensé » pour radarr dans la configuration des objets,
Je ne visualise que les titres dans radarr, et je ne vois que les épisodes à venir dans sonarr.
Les logs :
[2024-10-21 11:38:48] INFO : start REFRESH RADARR
[2024-10-21 11:38:48] INFO : selected separator: ,
[2024-10-21 11:38:48] INFO : getting futures movies, will look for selected rule
[2024-10-21 11:38:48] INFO : Configuration for dayFutureMovies is set to 7
[2024-10-21 11:38:48] INFO : Configuration for maxFutureMovies is set to 3
[2024-10-21 11:38:48] DEBUG : fetching futures movies between 2024-10-21 and 2024-10-28
[2024-10-21 11:38:48] DEBUG : JSON FOR CALENDAR[ { "title": "Le Comte de Monte-Cristo", "originalTitle": "Le Comte de Monte-Cristo", "originalLanguage": { "id": 2, "name": "French" }, [coupé volontairement]
[2024-10-21 11:38:49] INFO : start REFRESH RADARR
[2024-10-21 11:38:49] INFO : selected separator: ,
[2024-10-21 11:38:49] INFO : getting futures movies, will look for selected rule
[2024-10-21 11:38:49] INFO : Configuration for dayFutureMovies is set to 7
[2024-10-21 11:38:49] INFO : Configuration for maxFutureMovies is set to 3
[2024-10-21 11:38:49] DEBUG : fetching futures movies between 2024-10-21 and 2024-10-28
[2024-10-21 11:38:49] DEBUG : JSON FOR CALENDAR[ { "title": "Le Comte de Monte-Cristo", "originalTitle": "Le Comte de Monte-Cristo", "originalLanguage": { "id": 2, "name": "French" }, [coupé volontairement]
[2024-10-21 11:38:49] INFO : start REFRESH RADARR
[2024-10-21 11:38:49] INFO : selected separator: ,
[2024-10-21 11:38:49] INFO : getting futures movies, will look for selected rule
[2024-10-21 11:38:49] INFO : Configuration for dayFutureMovies is set to 7
[2024-10-21 11:38:49] INFO : Configuration for maxFutureMovies is set to 3
[2024-10-21 11:38:49] DEBUG : fetching futures movies between 2024-10-21 and 2024-10-28
[2024-10-21 11:38:49] DEBUG : JSON FOR CALENDAR[ { "title": "Le Comte de Monte-Cristo", "originalTitle": "Le Comte de Monte-Cristo", "originalLanguage": { "id": 2, "name": "French" }, [coupé volontairement]
[2024-10-21 11:38:49] INFO : start REFRESH RADARR
[2024-10-21 11:38:49] INFO : selected separator: ,
[2024-10-21 11:38:49] INFO : getting futures movies, will look for selected rule
[2024-10-21 11:38:49] INFO : Configuration for dayFutureMovies is set to 7
[2024-10-21 11:38:49] INFO : Configuration for maxFutureMovies is set to 3
[2024-10-21 11:38:49] DEBUG : fetching futures movies between 2024-10-21 and 2024-10-28
[2024-10-21 11:38:49] DEBUG : JSON FOR CALENDAR[ { "title": "Le Comte de Monte-Cristo", "originalTitle": "Le Comte de Monte-Cristo", "originalLanguage": { "id": 2, "name": "French" }, [coupé volontairement]
[2024-10-21 11:39:45] INFO : start REFRESH SONARR
[2024-10-21 11:39:45] INFO : selected separator: ,
[2024-10-21 11:39:45] INFO : selected formattor:
[2024-10-21 11:39:45] INFO : getting futures episodes, will look for selected rule
[2024-10-21 11:39:45] INFO : Configuration for dayFutureEpisodes is set to 15
[2024-10-21 11:39:45] INFO : Configuration for maxFutureEpisodes is set to 3
[2024-10-21 11:39:45] DEBUG : fetching futures episodes between 2024-10-21 and 2024-11-05
[2024-10-21 11:39:45] DEBUG : JSON FOR CALENDAR[ { "seriesId": 196, "tvdbId": 10647919, "episodeFileId": 0, "seasonNumber": 1, "episodeNumber": 5, "title": "Homecoming",[coupé volontairement]
[2024-10-21 11:39:45] DEBUG : will return the 3 elements of the array
[2024-10-21 11:39:45] DEBUG : Number max to return is superior to the size of the array. Return the whole array
[2024-10-21 11:39:45] DEBUG : selected formattor
[2024-10-21 11:39:45] DEBUG : no formattor
[2024-10-21 11:39:47] DEBUG : selected formattor
[2024-10-21 11:39:47] DEBUG : no formattor
[2024-10-21 11:39:49] DEBUG : selected formattor
[2024-10-21 11:39:49] DEBUG : no formattor
[2024-10-21 11:39:50] INFO : getting missings episodes, will look for selected rule
[2024-10-21 11:39:50] INFO : Configuration for dayMissingEpisodes is set to 7
[2024-10-21 11:39:50] INFO : Configuration for maxMissingEpisodes is set to 3
[2024-10-21 11:39:50] DEBUG : JSON FOR MISSINGS{ "page": 1, "pageSize": 10, "sortKey": "airDateUtc", "sortDirection": "descending", "totalRecords": 193, "records": [ { [coupé volontairement]
[2024-10-21 11:39:50] DEBUG : selected formattor
[2024-10-21 11:39:50] DEBUG : no formattor
[2024-10-21 11:39:54] DEBUG : selected formattor
[2024-10-21 11:39:54] DEBUG : no formattor
[2024-10-21 11:39:58] DEBUG : selected formattor
[2024-10-21 11:39:58] DEBUG : no formattor
[2024-10-21 11:40:01] DEBUG : selected formattor
[2024-10-21 11:40:01] DEBUG : no formattor
[2024-10-21 11:40:04] DEBUG : selected formattor
[2024-10-21 11:40:04] DEBUG : no formattor
[2024-10-21 11:40:07] DEBUG : selected formattor
[2024-10-21 11:40:07] DEBUG : no formattor
[2024-10-21 11:40:11] DEBUG : selected formattor
[2024-10-21 11:40:11] DEBUG : no formattor
[2024-10-21 11:40:14] DEBUG : selected formattor
[2024-10-21 11:40:14] DEBUG : no formattor
[2024-10-21 11:40:17] DEBUG : selected formattor
[2024-10-21 11:40:17] DEBUG : no formattor
[2024-10-21 11:40:19] DEBUG : selected formattor
[2024-10-21 11:40:19] DEBUG : no formattor
[2024-10-21 11:40:22] DEBUG : JSON FOR MISSINGS{ "page": 2, "pageSize": 10, "sortKey": "airDateUtc", "sortDirection": "descending", "totalRecords": 193, "records": [ { "seriesId": 61, "tvdbId": 10752096,[coupé volontairement]
[2024-10-21 11:40:22] DEBUG : selected formattor
[2024-10-21 11:40:22] DEBUG : no formattor
[2024-10-21 11:40:22] DEBUG : will return the 3 elements of the array
[2024-10-21 11:40:22] DEBUG : Need to reformat the array with max number
[2024-10-21 11:40:22] INFO : getting last downloaded episodes, will look for specific rules
[2024-10-21 11:40:22] INFO : Configuration for dayDownloadedEpisodes is set to 7
[2024-10-21 11:40:22] INFO : Configuration for maxDownloadedEpisodes is set to 3
[2024-10-21 11:40:22] INFO : ---------------------------
[2024-10-21 11:40:22] INFO : START GET DDL EPISODES
[2024-10-21 11:40:22] DEBUG : JSON FOR HISTORY{ "page": 1, "pageSize": 10, "sortKey": "date", "sortDirection": "descending", "totalRecords": 1072, "records": [ { "episodeId": 14693, "seriesId": 196, [coupé volontairement]
[2024-10-21 11:40:23] DEBUG : JSON FOR SPECIFIC EPISODE{ "seriesId": 186, "tvdbId": 9407037, "episodeFileId": 40997, "seasonNumber": 4, "episodeNumber": 9, "title": "Escape from Umber Tor",[coupé volontairement]
[2024-10-21 11:40:23] INFO : found new episode downladed :The Dragon Prince
[2024-10-21 11:40:24] DEBUG : JSON FOR SPECIFIC EPISODE{ "seriesId": 186, "tvdbId": 9407036, "episodeFileId": 40996, "seasonNumber": 4, "episodeNumber": 8, "title": "Rex Igneous",[coupé volontairement]
[2024-10-21 11:40:24] INFO : found new episode downladed :The Dragon Prince
[2024-10-21 11:40:24] DEBUG : JSON FOR HISTORY{ "page": 2, "pageSize": 10, "sortKey": "date", "sortDirection": "descending", "totalRecords": 1072, "records": [ { "episodeId": 14146, "seriesId": 186, [coupé volontairement]
[2024-10-21 11:40:26] DEBUG : JSON FOR SPECIFIC EPISODE{ "seriesId": 186, "tvdbId": 9407035, "episodeFileId": 40995, "seasonNumber": 4, "episodeNumber": 7, "title": "Beneath the Surface",[coupé volontairement]
[2024-10-21 11:40:26] INFO : found new episode downladed :The Dragon Prince
[2024-10-21 11:40:28] DEBUG : JSON FOR SPECIFIC EPISODE{ "seriesId": 186, "tvdbId": 9407034, "episodeFileId": 40994, "seasonNumber": 4, "episodeNumber": 6, "title": "The Drakewood",[coupé volontairement]
[2024-10-21 11:40:28] INFO : found new episode downladed :The Dragon Prince
[2024-10-21 11:40:29] DEBUG : JSON FOR SPECIFIC EPISODE{ "seriesId": 186, "tvdbId": 9407033, "episodeFileId": 40993, "seasonNumber": 4, "episodeNumber": 5, "title": "The Great Gates",[coupé volontairement]
[2024-10-21 11:40:29] INFO : found new episode downladed :The Dragon Prince
[2024-10-21 11:40:30] DEBUG : JSON FOR SPECIFIC EPISODE{ "seriesId": 186, "tvdbId": 9407032, "episodeFileId": 40992, "seasonNumber": 4, "episodeNumber": 4, "title": "Through the Looking Glass",[coupé volontairement]
[2024-10-21 11:40:30] INFO : found new episode downladed :The Dragon Prince
[2024-10-21 11:40:32] DEBUG : JSON FOR SPECIFIC EPISODE{ "seriesId": 186, "tvdbId": 9407031, "episodeFileId": 40991, "seasonNumber": 4, "episodeNumber": 3, "title": "Breathtaking",[coupé volontairement]
[2024-10-21 11:40:32] INFO : found new episode downladed :The Dragon Prince
[2024-10-21 11:40:33] DEBUG : JSON FOR SPECIFIC EPISODE{ "seriesId": 186, "tvdbId": 9407030, "episodeFileId": 40990, "seasonNumber": 4, "episodeNumber": 2, "title": "Fallen Stars",[coupé volontairement]
[2024-10-21 11:40:33] INFO : found new episode downladed :The Dragon Prince
[2024-10-21 11:40:34] DEBUG : JSON FOR SPECIFIC EPISODE{ "seriesId": 186, "tvdbId": 9393953, "episodeFileId": 40989, "seasonNumber": 4, "episodeNumber": 1, "title": "Rebirthday",[coupé volontairement]
[2024-10-21 11:40:34] INFO : found new episode downladed :The Dragon Prince
[2024-10-21 11:40:36] DEBUG : JSON FOR SPECIFIC EPISODE{ "seriesId": 186, "tvdbId": 10594219, "episodeFileId": 40988, "seasonNumber": 6, "episodeNumber": 9, "title": "Stardust",[coupé volontairement]
[2024-10-21 11:40:36] INFO : found new episode downladed :The Dragon Prince
[2024-10-21 11:40:39] DEBUG : JSON FOR SPECIFIC EPISODE{ "seriesId": 186, "tvdbId": 10594218, "episodeFileId": 40987, "seasonNumber": 6, "episodeNumber": 8, "title": "We All Fall Down",[coupé volontairement]
[2024-10-21 11:40:39] INFO : found new episode downladed :The Dragon Prince
[2024-10-21 11:40:40] DEBUG : JSON FOR SPECIFIC EPISODE{ "seriesId": 186, "tvdbId": 10594217, "episodeFileId": 40986, "seasonNumber": 6, "episodeNumber": 7, "title": "The Red Wedding",[coupé volontairement]
[2024-10-21 11:40:40] INFO : found new episode downladed :The Dragon Prince
[2024-10-21 11:40:40] DEBUG : JSON FOR HISTORY{ "page": 3, "pageSize": 10, "sortKey": "date", "sortDirection": "descending", "totalRecords": 1072, "records": [ { "episodeId": 14274, "seriesId": 186, [coupé volontairement]
[2024-10-21 11:40:41] DEBUG : JSON FOR SPECIFIC EPISODE{ "seriesId": 186, "tvdbId": 10594216, "episodeFileId": 40985, "seasonNumber": 6, "episodeNumber": 6, "title": "Moment of Truth",[coupé volontairement]
[2024-10-21 11:40:41] INFO : found new episode downladed :The Dragon Prince
[2024-10-21 11:40:42] DEBUG : JSON FOR SPECIFIC EPISODE{ "seriesId": 186, "tvdbId": 10594215, "episodeFileId": 40984, "seasonNumber": 6, "episodeNumber": 5, "title": "Moonless Night",[coupé volontairement]
[2024-10-21 11:40:42] INFO : found new episode downladed :The Dragon Prince
[2024-10-21 11:40:45] DEBUG : JSON FOR SPECIFIC EPISODE{ "seriesId": 186, "tvdbId": 10594214, "episodeFileId": 40983, "seasonNumber": 6, "episodeNumber": 4, "title": "The Starscraper",[coupé volontairement]
[2024-10-21 11:40:45] INFO : found new episode downladed :The Dragon Prince
[2024-10-21 11:40:47] INFO : start REFRESH SONARR
[2024-10-21 11:40:47] INFO : selected separator: ,
[2024-10-21 11:40:47] INFO : selected formattor:
[2024-10-21 11:40:47] INFO : getting futures episodes, will look for selected rule
[2024-10-21 11:40:47] INFO : Configuration for dayFutureEpisodes is set to 15
[2024-10-21 11:40:47] INFO : Configuration for maxFutureEpisodes is set to 3
[2024-10-21 11:40:47] DEBUG : fetching futures episodes between 2024-10-21 and 2024-11-05
[2024-10-21 11:40:47] DEBUG : JSON FOR CALENDAR[ { "seriesId": 196, "tvdbId": 10647919, "episodeFileId": 0, "seasonNumber": 1, "episodeNumber": 5, "title": "Homecoming",[coupé volontairement]
[2024-10-21 11:40:47] DEBUG : will return the 3 elements of the array
[2024-10-21 11:40:47] DEBUG : Number max to return is superior to the size of the array. Return the whole array
[2024-10-21 11:40:47] DEBUG : selected formattor
[2024-10-21 11:40:47] DEBUG : no formattor
[2024-10-21 11:40:52] DEBUG : selected formattor
[2024-10-21 11:40:52] DEBUG : no formattor
[2024-10-21 11:40:53] DEBUG : JSON FOR SPECIFIC EPISODE{ "seriesId": 186, "tvdbId": 10594213, "episodeFileId": 40982, "seasonNumber": 6, "episodeNumber": 3, "title": "The Frozen Ship",[coupé volontairement]
[2024-10-21 11:40:53] INFO : found new episode downladed :The Dragon Prince
[2024-10-21 11:40:55] DEBUG : selected formattor
[2024-10-21 11:40:55] DEBUG : no formattor
[2024-10-21 11:41:00] INFO : getting missings episodes, will look for selected rule
[2024-10-21 11:41:00] INFO : Configuration for dayMissingEpisodes is set to 7
[2024-10-21 11:41:00] INFO : Configuration for maxMissingEpisodes is set to 3
[2024-10-21 11:41:00] DEBUG : JSON FOR MISSINGS{ "page": 1, "pageSize": 10, "sortKey": "airDateUtc", "sortDirection": "descending", "totalRecords": 193, "records": [ { "seriesId": 196, [coupé volontairement]
[2024-10-21 11:41:00] DEBUG : selected formattor
[2024-10-21 11:41:00] DEBUG : no formattor
[2024-10-21 11:41:00] DEBUG : JSON FOR SPECIFIC EPISODE{ "seriesId": 186, "tvdbId": 10594212, "episodeFileId": 40981, "seasonNumber": 6, "episodeNumber": 2, "title": "Love, War and Mushrooms",[coupé volontairement]
[2024-10-21 11:41:00] INFO : found new episode downladed :The Dragon Prince
[2024-10-21 11:41:02] DEBUG : selected formattor
[2024-10-21 11:41:02] DEBUG : no formattor
[2024-10-21 11:41:02] DEBUG : JSON FOR SPECIFIC EPISODE{ "seriesId": 186, "tvdbId": 10594211, "episodeFileId": 40980, "seasonNumber": 6, "episodeNumber": 1, "title": "Startouched", "airDate": "2024-07-26",[coupé volontairement]
[2024-10-21 11:41:02] INFO : found new episode downladed :The Dragon Prince
[2024-10-21 11:41:02] DEBUG : JSON FOR HISTORY{ "page": 4, "pageSize": 10, "sortKey": "date", "sortDirection": "descending", "totalRecords": 1072, "records": [ { "episodeId": 14273, "seriesId": 186, [coupé volontairement]
[2024-10-21 11:41:02] DEBUG : JSON FOR HISTORY{ "page": 5, "pageSize": 10, "sortKey": "date", "sortDirection": "descending", "totalRecords": 1072, "records": [ { "episodeId": 14143, "seriesId": 186, [coupé volontairement]
[2024-10-21 11:41:04] DEBUG : selected formattor
[2024-10-21 11:41:04] DEBUG : no formattor
[2024-10-21 11:41:05] DEBUG : JSON FOR SPECIFIC EPISODE{ "seriesId": 35, "tvdbId": 10460584, "episodeFileId": 40667, "seasonNumber": 4, "episodeNumber": 6, "title": "Coccinella septempunctata",[coupé volontairement]
[2024-10-21 11:41:05] INFO : found new episode downladed :HIP - High Intellectual Potential
[2024-10-21 11:41:06] DEBUG : selected formattor
[2024-10-21 11:41:06] DEBUG : no formattor
[2024-10-21 11:41:06] DEBUG : JSON FOR SPECIFIC EPISODE{ "seriesId": 35, "tvdbId": 10460583, "episodeFileId": 40665, "seasonNumber": 4, "episodeNumber": 5, "title": "The rake effect",[coupé volontairement]
[2024-10-21 11:41:06] INFO : found new episode downladed :HIP - High Intellectual Potential
[2024-10-21 11:41:09] DEBUG : selected formattor
[2024-10-21 11:41:09] DEBUG : no formattor
[2024-10-21 11:41:11] DEBUG : JSON FOR SPECIFIC EPISODE{ "seriesId": 35, "tvdbId": 10460581, "episodeFileId": 40662, "seasonNumber": 4, "episodeNumber": 4, "title": "Trojan Horse",[coupé volontairement]
[2024-10-21 11:41:11] INFO : found new episode downladed :HIP - High Intellectual Potential
[2024-10-21 11:41:13] DEBUG : selected formattor
[2024-10-21 11:41:13] DEBUG : no formattor
[2024-10-21 11:41:14] DEBUG : JSON FOR SPECIFIC EPISODE{ "seriesId": 35, "tvdbId": 10460579, "episodeFileId": 40660, "seasonNumber": 4, "episodeNumber": 3, "title": "Penicillium Brevicaule",[coupé volontairement]
[2024-10-21 11:41:14] INFO : found new episode downladed :HIP - High Intellectual Potential
[2024-10-21 11:41:15] DEBUG : selected formattor
[2024-10-21 11:41:15] DEBUG : no formattor
[2024-10-21 11:41:16] DEBUG : JSON FOR SPECIFIC EPISODE{ "seriesId": 35, "tvdbId": 10460578, "episodeFileId": 40659, "seasonNumber": 4, "episodeNumber": 2, "title": "ISO 8601",[coupé volontairement]
[2024-10-21 11:41:16] INFO : found new episode downladed :HIP - High Intellectual Potential
[2024-10-21 11:41:17] DEBUG : selected formattor
[2024-10-21 11:41:17] DEBUG : no formattor
[2024-10-21 11:41:19] DEBUG : JSON FOR SPECIFIC EPISODE{ "seriesId": 35, "tvdbId": 9884228, "episodeFileId": 40658, "seasonNumber": 4, "episodeNumber": 1, "title": "Double-sided",[coupé volontairement]
[2024-10-21 11:41:19] INFO : found new episode downladed :HIP - High Intellectual Potential
[2024-10-21 11:41:19] DEBUG : JSON FOR HISTORY{ "page": 6, "pageSize": 10, "sortKey": "date", "sortDirection": "descending", "totalRecords": 1072, "records": [ { "episodeId": 5951, "seriesId": 103, [coupé volontairement]
[2024-10-21 11:41:19] DEBUG : selected formattor
[2024-10-21 11:41:19] DEBUG : no formattor
[2024-10-21 11:41:24] DEBUG : JSON FOR SPECIFIC EPISODE{ "seriesId": 103, "tvdbId": 9325408, "episodeFileId": 40615, "seasonNumber": 2, "episodeNumber": 10, "title": "Part Twenty",[coupé volontairement]
[2024-10-21 11:41:24] INFO : found new episode downladed :Your Honor
[2024-10-21 11:41:25] DEBUG : selected formattor
[2024-10-21 11:41:25] DEBUG : no formattor
[2024-10-21 11:41:31] DEBUG : JSON FOR SPECIFIC EPISODE{ "seriesId": 103, "tvdbId": 9325407, "episodeFileId": 40614, "seasonNumber": 2, "episodeNumber": 9, "title": "Part Nineteen", [coupé volontairement]
[2024-10-21 11:41:31] INFO : found new episode downladed :Your Honor
[2024-10-21 11:41:32] DEBUG : JSON FOR MISSINGS{ "page": 2, "pageSize": 10, "sortKey": "airDateUtc", "sortDirection": "descending", "totalRecords": 193, "records": [ { "seriesId": 61, [coupé volontairement]
[2024-10-21 11:41:32] DEBUG : selected formattor
[2024-10-21 11:41:32] DEBUG : no formattor
[2024-10-21 11:41:38] DEBUG : JSON FOR SPECIFIC EPISODE{ "seriesId": 103, "tvdbId": 9325406, "episodeFileId": 40613, "seasonNumber": 2, "episodeNumber": 8, "title": "Part Eighteen", [coupé volontairement]
[2024-10-21 11:41:38] INFO : found new episode downladed :Your Honor
[2024-10-21 11:41:39] DEBUG : will return the 3 elements of the array
[2024-10-21 11:41:39] DEBUG : Need to reformat the array with max number
[2024-10-21 11:41:39] INFO : getting last downloaded episodes, will look for specific rules
[2024-10-21 11:41:39] INFO : Configuration for dayDownloadedEpisodes is set to 7
[2024-10-21 11:41:39] INFO : Configuration for maxDownloadedEpisodes is set to 3
[2024-10-21 11:41:39] INFO : ---------------------------
[2024-10-21 11:41:39] INFO : START GET DDL EPISODES
[2024-10-21 11:41:39] DEBUG : JSON FOR HISTORY{ "page": 1, "pageSize": 10, "sortKey": "date", "sortDirection": "descending", "totalRecords": 1072, "records": [ { "episodeId": 14693, "seriesId": 196, [coupé volontairement]
[2024-10-21 11:41:47] DEBUG : JSON FOR SPECIFIC EPISODE{ "seriesId": 103, "tvdbId": 9325405, "episodeFileId": 40612, "seasonNumber": 2, "episodeNumber": 7, "title": "Part Seventeen", [coupé volontairement]
[2024-10-21 11:41:47] INFO : found new episode downladed :Your Honor
[2024-10-21 11:41:47] DEBUG : JSON FOR SPECIFIC EPISODE{ "seriesId": 186, "tvdbId": 9407037, "episodeFileId": 40997, "seasonNumber": 4, "episodeNumber": 9, "title": "Escape from Umber Tor",[coupé volontairement]
[2024-10-21 11:41:47] INFO : found new episode downladed :The Dragon Prince
[2024-10-21 11:41:50] INFO : REFRESH WIDGET FOR: radarr
[2024-10-21 11:41:50] DEBUG : will return the 3 elements of the array
[2024-10-21 11:41:50] DEBUG : Number max to return is superior to the size of the array. Return the whole array
[2024-10-21 11:41:50] INFO : REFRESH WIDGET FOR: sonarr
[2024-10-21 11:41:50] DEBUG : will return the 3 elements of the array
[2024-10-21 11:41:50] DEBUG : Number max to return is superior to the size of the array. Return the whole array
[2024-10-21 11:41:52] DEBUG : JSON FOR SPECIFIC EPISODE{ "seriesId": 103, "tvdbId": 9325402, "episodeFileId": 40610, "seasonNumber": 2, "episodeNumber": 6, "title": "Part Sixteen", [coupé volontairement]
[2024-10-21 11:41:52] INFO : found new episode downladed :Your Honor
[2024-10-21 11:41:52] DEBUG : JSON FOR SPECIFIC EPISODE{ "seriesId": 186, "tvdbId": 9407036, "episodeFileId": 40996, "seasonNumber": 4, "episodeNumber": 8, "title": "Rex Igneous", "[coupé volontairement]
[2024-10-21 11:41:52] INFO : found new episode downladed :The Dragon Prince
[2024-10-21 11:41:52] DEBUG : JSON FOR HISTORY{ "page": 2, "pageSize": 10, "sortKey": "date", "sortDirection": "descending", "totalRecords": 1072, "records": [ { "episodeId": 14146, "seriesId": 186, [coupé volontairement]
[2024-10-21 11:41:54] DEBUG : JSON FOR SPECIFIC EPISODE{ "seriesId": 103, "tvdbId": 9325401, "episodeFileId": 40609, "seasonNumber": 2, "episodeNumber": 5, "title": "Part Fifteen", [coupé volontairement]
[2024-10-21 11:41:54] INFO : found new episode downladed :Your Honor
[2024-10-21 11:41:54] DEBUG : JSON FOR SPECIFIC EPISODE{ "seriesId": 186, "tvdbId": 9407035, "episodeFileId": 40995, "seasonNumber": 4, "episodeNumber": 7, "title": "Beneath the Surface",[coupé volontairement]
[2024-10-21 11:41:54] INFO : found new episode downladed :The Dragon Prince
[2024-10-21 11:41:58] DEBUG : JSON FOR SPECIFIC EPISODE{ "seriesId": 103, "tvdbId": 9325400, "episodeFileId": 40608, "seasonNumber": 2, "episodeNumber": 4, "title": "Part Fourteen",[coupé volontairement]
[2024-10-21 11:41:58] INFO : found new episode downladed :Your Honor
[2024-10-21 11:41:59] DEBUG : JSON FOR SPECIFIC EPISODE{ "seriesId": 186, "tvdbId": 9407034, "episodeFileId": 40994, "seasonNumber": 4, "episodeNumber": 6, "title": "The Drakewood",[coupé volontairement]
[2024-10-21 11:41:59] INFO : found new episode downladed :The Dragon Prince
[2024-10-21 11:42:01] DEBUG : JSON FOR SPECIFIC EPISODE{ "seriesId": 103, "tvdbId": 9325399, "episodeFileId": 40607, "seasonNumber": 2, "episodeNumber": 3, "title": "Part Thirteen",[coupé volontairement]
[2024-10-21 11:42:01] INFO : found new episode downladed :Your Honor
[2024-10-21 11:42:02] DEBUG : JSON FOR SPECIFIC EPISODE{ "seriesId": 186, "tvdbId": 9407033, "episodeFileId": 40993, "seasonNumber": 4, "episodeNumber": 5, "title": "The Great Gates",[coupé volontairement]
[2024-10-21 11:42:02] INFO : found new episode downladed :The Dragon Prince
[2024-10-21 11:42:04] DEBUG : JSON FOR SPECIFIC EPISODE{ "seriesId": 103, "tvdbId": 9325398, "episodeFileId": 40606, "seasonNumber": 2, "episodeNumber": 2, "title": "Part Twelve", [coupé volontairement]
[2024-10-21 11:42:04] INFO : found new episode downladed :Your Honor
[2024-10-21 11:42:04] DEBUG : JSON FOR SPECIFIC EPISODE{ "seriesId": 186, "tvdbId": 9407032, "episodeFileId": 40992, "seasonNumber": 4, "episodeNumber": 4, "title": "Through the Looking Glass",[coupé volontairement]
[2024-10-21 11:42:04] INFO : found new episode downladed :The Dragon Prince
[2024-10-21 11:42:06] DEBUG : JSON FOR SPECIFIC EPISODE{ "seriesId": 103, "tvdbId": 9308052, "episodeFileId": 40605, "seasonNumber": 2, "episodeNumber": 1, "title": "Part Eleven",[coupé volontairement]
[2024-10-21 11:42:06] INFO : found new episode downladed :Your Honor
[2024-10-21 11:42:06] DEBUG : JSON FOR HISTORY{ "page": 7, "pageSize": 10, "sortKey": "date", "sortDirection": "descending", "totalRecords": 1072, "records": [ { "episodeId": 5951, "seriesId": 103, [coupé volontairement]
[2024-10-21 11:42:06] DEBUG : JSON FOR HISTORY{ "page": 8, "pageSize": 10, "sortKey": "date", "sortDirection": "descending", "totalRecords": 1072, "records": [ { "episodeId": 14105, "seriesId": 35, "sourceTitle": "HPI S04[coupé volontairement]
[2024-10-21 11:42:06] INFO : stop searching for new episode to notify
[2024-10-21 11:42:06] DEBUG : will return the 3 elements of the array
[2024-10-21 11:42:06] DEBUG : Need to reformat the array with max number
[2024-10-21 11:42:06] DEBUG : Start group formatting for 3 episodes
[2024-10-21 11:42:06] DEBUG : Will see if serie The Dragon Prince and season 4 already in list
[2024-10-21 11:42:06] DEBUG : Not in list yet
[2024-10-21 11:42:06] DEBUG : Episode is not the last one, we can look for other
[2024-10-21 11:42:06] DEBUG : Other episode found for The Dragon Prince
[2024-10-21 11:42:06] DEBUG : Other episode found for The Dragon Prince
[2024-10-21 11:42:06] DEBUG : Will see if serie The Dragon Prince and season 4 already in list
[2024-10-21 11:42:06] DEBUG : Already in list
[2024-10-21 11:42:06] DEBUG : Will see if serie The Dragon Prince and season 4 already in list
[2024-10-21 11:42:06] DEBUG : Already in list
[2024-10-21 11:42:06] DEBUG : All episodes are grouped now, there are 1 series
[2024-10-21 11:42:06] DEBUG : selected formattor
[2024-10-21 11:42:06] DEBUG : no formattor
[2024-10-21 11:42:06] DEBUG : Formatted title to add The Dragon Prince S04E09, 08, 07
[2024-10-21 11:42:06] INFO : ---------------------------
[2024-10-21 11:42:06] INFO : END GET DDL EPISODES
[2024-10-21 11:42:06] INFO : notify for last downloaded episodes
[2024-10-21 11:42:06] INFO : date du dernier refresh : 2024-10-21 11:29:02
[2024-10-21 11:42:06] DEBUG : JSON FOR HISTORY{ "page": 1, "pageSize": 10, "sortKey": "date", "sortDirection": "descending", "totalRecords": 1072, "records": [ { "episodeId": 14693, [coupé volontairement]
[2024-10-21 11:42:06] INFO : stop searching for new episode to notify
[2024-10-21 11:42:06] INFO : will send notification for 0 movies/series
[2024-10-21 11:42:06] INFO : getting the monitored series
[2024-10-21 11:42:06] DEBUG : JSON FOR SPECIFIC EPISODE{ "seriesId": 186, "tvdbId": 9407031, "episodeFileId": 40991, "seasonNumber": 4, "episodeNumber": 3, "title": "Breathtaking", [coupé volontairement]
[2024-10-21 11:42:06] INFO : found new episode downladed :The Dragon Prince
[2024-10-21 11:42:06] DEBUG : JSON FOR SERIES [ { "title": "The ABC Murders", "alternateTitles": [ { "title": "Die Morde des Herrn ABC", "seasonNumber": -1 } [coupé volontairement]
[2024-10-21 11:42:06] INFO : stop REFRESH SONARR
[2024-10-21 11:42:07] INFO : REFRESH WIDGET FOR: sonarr
[2024-10-21 11:42:07] DEBUG : will return the 3 elements of the array
[2024-10-21 11:42:07] DEBUG : Number max to return is superior to the size of the array. Return the whole array
[2024-10-21 11:42:07] INFO : REFRESH WIDGET FOR: sonarr
[2024-10-21 11:42:07] DEBUG : will return the 3 elements of the array
[2024-10-21 11:42:07] DEBUG : Number max to return is superior to the size of the array. Return the whole array
[2024-10-21 11:42:08] DEBUG : JSON FOR SPECIFIC EPISODE{ "seriesId": 186, "tvdbId": 9407030, "episodeFileId": 40990, "seasonNumber": 4, "episodeNumber": 2, "title": "Fallen Stars",[coupé volontairement]
[2024-10-21 11:42:08] INFO : found new episode downladed :The Dragon Prince
[2024-10-21 11:42:08] INFO : REFRESH WIDGET FOR: sonarr
[2024-10-21 11:42:08] DEBUG : will return the 3 elements of the array
[2024-10-21 11:42:08] DEBUG : Number max to return is superior to the size of the array. Return the whole array
[2024-10-21 11:42:09] DEBUG : JSON FOR SPECIFIC EPISODE{ "seriesId": 186, "tvdbId": 9393953, "episodeFileId": 40989, "seasonNumber": 4, "episodeNumber": 1, "title": "Rebirthday",[coupé volontairement]
[2024-10-21 11:42:09] INFO : found new episode downladed :The Dragon Prince
[2024-10-21 11:42:12] DEBUG : JSON FOR SPECIFIC EPISODE{ "seriesId": 186, "tvdbId": 10594219, "episodeFileId": 40988, "seasonNumber": 6, "episodeNumber": 9, "title": "Stardust",[coupé volontairement]
[2024-10-21 11:42:12] INFO : found new episode downladed :The Dragon Prince
[2024-10-21 11:42:13] DEBUG : JSON FOR SPECIFIC EPISODE{ "seriesId": 186, "tvdbId": 10594218, "episodeFileId": 40987, "seasonNumber": 6, "episodeNumber": 8, "title": "We All Fall Down",[coupé volontairement]
[2024-10-21 11:42:13] INFO : found new episode downladed :The Dragon Prince
Un peu plus tard j’ai une erreur qui monte dans les logs:
[2024-10-21 12:16:16] ERROR : Erreur sur la fonction cron du plugin : Path cannot be empty
Et le visuel a changé :
Informations Jeedom
Core : 4.4.18 (beta)
DNS Jeedom : non
Plugin : Sonarr & Radarr
Version : 2024-02-02 17:51:45 (beta)