Probleme plugin deconz au reboot

si mais cela ne fonctionne pas malgré que je vois bien le redémarrage dans les logs 10 min après le redémarrage .
il faut que j’aille le faire manuellement pour que cela fonctionne. J’avoue ne pas comprendre

[2022-11-28 14:22:03][SCENARIO] -- Start : Scenario execute sur evenement : #start#.
[2022-11-28 14:22:03][SCENARIO] - Exécution du sous-élément de type [action] : action
[2022-11-28 14:22:03][SCENARIO] Pause de 300 seconde(s)
[2022-11-28 14:27:03][SCENARIO] Exécution d'un bloc élément : 300
[2022-11-28 14:27:03][SCENARIO] - Exécution du sous-élément de type [action] : code
[2022-11-28 14:27:03][SCENARIO] Exécution d'un bloc code 
[2022-11-28 14:27:22][SCENARIO] deconz restarting
[2022-11-28 14:27:22][SCENARIO] Fin correcte du scénario

La régénération d’une clé API ?
C’est bizarre ce bug, je dirais que c’est une probleme de sauvegarde de clé une fois générée, mais elle est stockée sur le même fichier que toutes les infos pour les appareils, donc pas normal que tout le reste fonctionne sauf la clé.

La clé API deconz est E38E993F43 dans cet exemple, tu en vois une différente a chaque fois ?

j’ai redémarré jeedom et lorsque je vais dans le plugin et que je clique sur réseau j’ai ceci:

Dans l’onglet noeud, aucun équipement. :frowning:

Il faut refaire le lien entre jeedom et le serveur deconz comme indiqué dans le doc

Merci, je regarde

j’ai suivi les instructions, mais maintenant tous les autres équipements ne sont plus opérationnels:

Ex si je veux actionner un inter j’ai ceci

Faut il refaire toutes les inclusions ?

Normalement non. Que donne la page configuration ?

Hello, regardes aussi dans Phoscon.
Ce message veut dire que l’appareil est dans deconz, mais non connecté.

Tu as fais quoi au fait pour avoir ce probleme ? Un simple redémarrage ? tu as un docker ?


Tu as fais quoi au fait pour avoir ce probleme ? Un simple redémarrage ?

Exactement et après le message d’erreur. Je dois attendre le démarrage de Jeedom puis faire un redémarrage du deamon:
22h09 jeedom redémarre. Je tente d’aller dans réseau de deconz mais message d’erreur donc à 22H14 je redémarre le deamon et la tout est ok:

libpng warning: iCCP: known incorrect sRGB profile
This plugin does not support propagateSizeHints()
This plugin does not support propagateSizeHints()
22:11:09:603 HTTP Server listen on address, port: 8484, root: /usr/share/deCONZ/webapp/
22:11:09:618 /var/www/.local/share/dresden-elektronik/deCONZ/config.ini exists and is writeable
22:11:09:618 /var/www/.local/share/dresden-elektronik/deCONZ/zll.db exists and is writeable
22:11:09:708 ZCLDB init file /var/www/.local/share/dresden-elektronik/deCONZ/zcldb.txt
22:11:09:893 DDF enabled for Gold status
22:11:10:227 parent process sudo
22:11:10:227 gw run mode: normal
22:11:10:227 GW sd-card image version file does not exist: /var/www/.local/share/dresden-elektronik/deCONZ/gw-version
22:11:10:231 DB sqlite version 3.22.0
22:11:10:235 DB PRAGMA page_count: 46
22:11:10:235 DB PRAGMA page_size: 4096
22:11:10:235 DB PRAGMA freelist_count: 0
22:11:10:235 DB file size 188416 bytes, free pages 0
22:11:10:235 DB PRAGMA user_version: 9
22:11:10:235 DB cleanup
22:11:10:238 DB create temporary views
22:11:10:263 Started websocket server on, port: 20877
22:11:10:268 INFO - Found file containing button maps. Parsing data...
22:11:10:276 INFO - Button maps loaded.
22:11:10:278 found node plugin: - REST API Plugin
22:11:10:281 found node plugin: - Signal Monitor Plugin
22:11:10:287 OTAU: image path does not exist: /var/www/otau
22:11:10:295 found node plugin: - STD OTAU Plugin
22:11:10:363 dlg action: Read binding table
This plugin does not support propagateSizeHints()
22:11:12:971 Device firmware version 0x26720700 ConBee II
22:11:12:981 unlocked max nodes: 512
22:11:13:080 Device protocol version: 0x010E
22:11:13:152 Current channel 11
22:11:13:166 CTRL got nwk update id 1
22:11:13:175 CTRL ANT_CTRL 0x03
22:11:13:177 CTRL ZDP_RESPONSE handler 0x0001
22:11:13:222 Device protocol version: 0x010E
22:11:13:314 CTRL ANT_CTRL 0x03
22:11:13:315 CTRL ZDP_RESPONSE handler 0x0001
22:11:13:385 unknown node 0xA4C138B23B3DE692 (0x524F), lqi: 255
22:11:13:385 APS-DATA.indication from unknown node 0xA4C138B23B3DE692
22:11:13:394 unknown node 0xA4C138B23B3DE692 (0x524F), lqi: 255
22:11:13:394 APS-DATA.indication from unknown node 0xA4C138B23B3DE692
22:11:13:396 unknown node 0xA4C138BF57F567BC (0x9E87), lqi: 255
22:11:13:396 APS-DATA.indication from unknown node 0xA4C138BF57F567BC
22:11:15:038 GW update firmware found: /usr/share/deCONZ/firmware/deCONZ_ConBeeII_0x26720700.bin.GCF
22:11:15:038 GW firmware version is up to date: 0x26720700
22:11:15:211 Announced to internet
22:11:16:087 New websocket (state: 3)
22:11:18:019 DEV Tick.Init: booted after 8000 seconds
22:11:51:017 unknown node 0xA4C138B23B3DE692 (0x524F), lqi: 255
22:11:51:017 APS-DATA.indication from unknown node 0xA4C138B23B3DE692
22:11:57:090 New websocket (state: 3)
22:12:10:051 Device TTL 1098 s flags: 0x7
22:12:50:412 unknown node 0xA4C138BF57F567BC (0x9E87), lqi: 208
22:12:50:412 APS-DATA.indication from unknown node 0xA4C138BF57F567BC
22:12:50:421 unknown node 0xA4C138BF57F567BC (0x9E87), lqi: 232
22:12:50:421 APS-DATA.indication from unknown node 0xA4C138BF57F567BC
22:13:10:053 Device TTL 1038 s flags: 0x7
22:13:22:838 unknown node 0xA4C138B23B3DE692 (0x524F), lqi: 255
22:13:22:838 APS-DATA.indication from unknown node 0xA4C138B23B3DE692
22:13:32:199 unknown node 0x00124B00239F1524 (0xDE95), lqi: 255
22:13:32:199 APS-DATA.indication from unknown node 0x00124B00239F1524
22:13:32:201 unknown node 0x00124B00239F1524 (0xDE95), lqi: 255
22:13:32:201 APS-DATA.indication from unknown node 0x00124B00239F1524
22:13:42:393 unknown node 0xA4C138BF57F567BC (0x9E87), lqi: 152
22:13:42:393 APS-DATA.indication from unknown node 0xA4C138BF57F567BC
22:13:56:394 unknown node 0xA4C138BF57F567BC (0x9E87), lqi: 184
22:13:56:394 APS-DATA.indication from unknown node 0xA4C138BF57F567BC
libpng warning: iCCP: known incorrect sRGB profile
This plugin does not support propagateSizeHints()
This plugin does not support propagateSizeHints()
22:14:15:785 HTTP Server listen on address, port: 8484, root: /usr/share/deCONZ/webapp/
22:14:15:799 /root/.local/share/dresden-elektronik/deCONZ/config.ini exists and is writeable
22:14:15:799 /root/.local/share/dresden-elektronik/deCONZ/zll.db exists and is writeable
22:14:15:873 ZCLDB init file /root/.local/share/dresden-elektronik/deCONZ/zcldb.txt
22:14:15:961 DDF enabled for Gold status
22:14:16:034 parent process sudo
22:14:16:034 gw run mode: normal
22:14:16:034 GW sd-card image version file does not exist: /root/.local/share/dresden-elektronik/deCONZ/gw-version
22:14:16:036 DB sqlite version 3.22.0
22:14:16:041 DB PRAGMA page_count: 46
22:14:16:041 DB PRAGMA page_size: 4096
22:14:16:041 DB PRAGMA freelist_count: 0
22:14:16:041 DB file size 188416 bytes, free pages 0
22:14:16:041 DB PRAGMA user_version: 9
22:14:16:041 DB cleanup
22:14:16:042 DB create temporary views
22:14:16:053 DB skip loading sensor Consumption 4 4, handled by DDF TS011F
22:14:16:054 DB skip loading sensor Power 5 5, handled by DDF TS011F
22:14:16:054 DB skip loading sensor Consumption 6 6, handled by DDF TS011F
22:14:16:054 DB skip loading sensor Power 7 7, handled by DDF TS011F
22:14:16:059 Started websocket server on, port: 20877
22:14:16:061 INFO - Found file containing button maps. Parsing data...
22:14:16:067 INFO - Button maps loaded.
22:14:16:067 found node plugin: - REST API Plugin
22:14:16:068 found node plugin: - Signal Monitor Plugin
22:14:16:069 OTAU: image path does not exist: /root/otau
22:14:16:074 found node plugin: - STD OTAU Plugin
22:14:16:093 LightNode 1: Configuration tool 1 added
22:14:16:105 skip classic loading a4:c1:38:b2:3b:3d:e6:92-01 / On/Off plug-in unit 4
22:14:16:114 skip classic loading a4:c1:38:b2:3b:3d:e6:92-01 / On/Off plug-in unit 4
22:14:16:115 skip classic loading a4:c1:38:b2:3b:3d:e6:92-01 / On/Off plug-in unit 4
22:14:16:116 SensorNode 3 set node 0xb4e3f9fffeaccc1d
22:14:16:128 skip classic loading a4:c1:38:bf:57:f5:67:bc-01 / On/Off plug-in unit 5
22:14:16:137 skip classic loading a4:c1:38:bf:57:f5:67:bc-01 / On/Off plug-in unit 5
22:14:16:138 skip classic loading a4:c1:38:bf:57:f5:67:bc-01 / On/Off plug-in unit 5
22:14:16:138 SensorNode 2 set node 0x8cf681fffe499b7b
22:14:16:149 DB SELECT manufacturername FROM nodes WHERE mac LIKE '00:12:4b:00:23:9f:15:24%' COLLATE NOCASE: eWeLink
22:14:16:150 LightNode 3: On/Off light 3 added
22:14:16:151 LightNode 2: On/Off light 2 added
22:14:16:176 DEV no DDF for 0xB4E3F9FFFEACCC1D, modelId: Remote Control N2
22:14:16:176 DEV create on-the-fly DDF for 0xB4E3F9FFFEACCC1D
22:14:16:177 DEV no DDF for 0x8CF681FFFE499B7B, modelId: TRADFRI on/off switch
22:14:16:177 DEV create on-the-fly DDF for 0x8CF681FFFE499B7B
22:14:16:183 dlg action: Read binding table
22:14:16:195 DEV found DDF for 0xA4C138B23B3DE692, path: /root/.local/share/dresden-elektronik/deCONZ/devices/_TZ3000_gjnozsaz.json
22:14:16:199 DEV found DDF for 0xA4C138BF57F567BC, path: /root/.local/share/dresden-elektronik/deCONZ/devices/_TZ3000_gjnozsaz.json
22:14:16:199 DEV no DDF for 0x00124B00239F1524, modelId: ZB-SW02
22:14:16:199 DEV create on-the-fly DDF for 0x00124B00239F1524
This plugin does not support propagateSizeHints()
22:14:18:661 Device firmware version 0x26720700 ConBee II
22:14:18:671 unlocked max nodes: 512
22:14:18:769 Device protocol version: 0x010E
22:14:18:841 Current channel 11
22:14:18:862 CTRL got nwk update id 1
22:14:18:864 CTRL ANT_CTRL 0x03
22:14:18:874 CTRL ZDP_RESPONSE handler 0x0001
22:14:18:909 Device protocol version: 0x010E
22:14:18:002 CTRL ANT_CTRL 0x03
22:14:19:002 CTRL ZDP_RESPONSE handler 0x0001
22:14:21:026 GW update firmware found: /usr/share/deCONZ/firmware/deCONZ_ConBeeII_0x26720700.bin.GCF
22:14:21:026 GW firmware version is up to date: 0x26720700
22:14:21:194 Announced to internet
22:14:21:992 New websocket (state: 3)
22:14:24:019 DEV Tick.Init: booted after 8000 seconds
22:14:34:519 unhandled APS-DATA.confirm id: 151 status 0xE1
22:14:52:546 New websocket (state: 3)
22:14:53:128 unhandled APS-DATA.confirm id: 86 status 0xE1
22:14:54:397 unhandled APS-DATA.confirm id: 98 status 0xE1
22:15:06:047 ZCL attribute report 0xB4E3F9FFFEACCC1D for cluster: 0x0001, ep: 0x01, frame control: 0x08, mfcode: 0x0000
22:15:16:077 Device TTL 912 s flags: 0x7

C’est bizarre, mais le lancement ne se fait pas de la même manière

22:11:09:618 /var/www/.local/share/dresden-elektronik/deCONZ/config.ini exists and is writeable
22:11:09:618 /var/www/.local/share/dresden-elektronik/deCONZ/zll.db exists and is writeable
22:11:09:708 ZCLDB init file /var/www/.local/share/dresden-elektronik/deCONZ/zcldb.txt
22:14:15:799 /root/.local/share/dresden-elektronik/deCONZ/config.ini exists and is writeable
22:14:15:799 /root/.local/share/dresden-elektronik/deCONZ/zll.db exists and is writeable
22:14:15:873 ZCLDB init file /root/.local/share/dresden-elektronik/deCONZ/zcldb.txt

Le second utilise les DDF, pas le premier.

Merci Hugo. Il y a bien un comportement anormal ?

Ben si tu compares avec d’autres logs, par exemple celui la Plantage deconz depuis la mise a jour - #16 par Minscof

C’est le second lancement qui correspond avec le sien.

Tu n’as pas essayé de re-installer deconz ? Je vois pas comment en simple reboot peu provoquer ça …
Après je suis pas un crack en linux, mais /var/www c’est pas un truc pour apache ça ?

J’ai ré installé le dépendances et toujours pareil.
Tu penses que je supprime carrément le plugin ?

La franchement j’ai pas d’idées mais ça ressemble a une issue jeedom, avant d’essayer trop de truc et tout casser, tu as essayé de faire un ticket ?

bonne idée