Problème d'affichage widget landroids

Juste pour indiquer un léger problème cosmétique lors de l’appuis sur les boutons mode festif ou planification active
ici tout est à 0

lors de l’appuis sur mode festif ça se décale et les deux bouton passe à 1

après un nouvel appui sur mode festif


Je n’ai pas ce problème (et ce sont des widgets core donc c’est pas le plugin)
Faudrait voir tes commandes: leur nom et si elles sont bien liées au bon état

et par rapport au décalage c’est parce que l’ordre de tes commandes est « incorrecte »
tu as ta commande « planning off » qui est avant la commande « zone de travail » qui est elle même avant la commande « planning on »
donc en fonction du statut, le core affiche l’une ou l’autre à l’endroit demandé => arrange l’ordre

Ok pour ça mais je n’ai pas touché l’ordre. Il y a moyen de remettre ça comme il faut?
Recréer les commandes dans le bon ordre?

Je viens de voir autre chose, sur l’appli arrêt manuel

Sur le widget


oui, mais c’est de l’utilisation de jeedom de base…
=> clic sur le crayon du dashboard en haut à droite et tu édites le widget pour réarranger les commandes comme tu veux.

et voir listes des commandes pour

pas besoin de recréer les commande

et le statut des commandes? c’est ca qu’il faut vérifier d’abord.
Si le widget est cohérent avec les commandes réels mais pas avec l’info dans l’app alors faut des logs (et c’est une autre question donc autre sujet

Merci Mips je connais l’utilisation de base :wink: je voulais dire un moyen de les remettre de manière automatique.

Le statut des commandes ont l’air bonnes

Un log au cas ou

[2023-09-04 09:35:48]DEBUG : params to send to daemon:{"action":"synchronize"}
[2023-09-04 09:35:48]DEBUG : devices received:[{"id":549234,"uuid":"xxxxxxxxx","product_id":67,"serial_number":"xxxxxxxxxxxxx","mac_address":"xxxxxxxxxxx","name":"Landroid ","locked":false,"sim":null,"mqtt_registered":true,"pin_code":"xxxx","registered_at":"2021-05-14 00:00:00","online":false,"protocol":0,"capabilities":{"__int__":15,"ready":false},"capabilities_available":[],"accessories":null,"purchased_at":"2021-05-13 00:00:00","setup_location":{"latitude":45.89061526,"longitude":6.09127366},"city":{"id":2974655,"country_id":250,"name":"Seynod","latitude":45.xxxx,"longitude":6.xxxxx,"created_at":"2018-02-15 22:09:47","updated_at":"2018-02-15 22:09:47"},"time_zone":"Europe\/Paris","improvement":true,"diagnostic":true,"mower_work_time":65173,"last_status":{"timestamp":"2023-09-04 07:25:40","payload":{"cfg":{"id":0,"sn":"xxxxxxxx","dt":"04\/09\/2023","tm":"09:25:39","lg":"fr","cmd":0,"sc":{"m":0,"d":[["09:00",285,1],["09:00",285,0],["09:00",285,0],["09:00",285,1],["09:00",285,0],["09:00",285,0],["11:00",210,0]],"dd":[["15:15",285,0],["15:15",285,0],["15:15",285,0],["15:15",285,0],["15:15",285,0],["15:15",285,0],["16:30",210,0]],"distm":0,"p":0,"ots":{"wtm":0,"bc":0}},"mz":[0,0,0,0],"mzv":[0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0],"mzk":0,"rd":240,"al":{"lvl":0,"t":60},"tq":0},"dat":{"mac":"xxxxxxxxxx","fw":3.32,"fwb":1,"ls":0,"le":5,"conn":"wifi","bt":{"t":17.4,"v":19.39,"p":99,"nr":754,"c":0,"m":1},"dmp":[0.5,2.6,28.3],"st":{"b":62336,"d":1098565,"wt":65178,"bl":105},"act":1,"rsi":-67,"lk":0,"tr":0,"lz":0,"rain":{"s":0,"cnt":230}}}},"product":{"code":"WR148E","description":"Landroid L800","year":2021,"cutting_width":200},"battery":{"cycles":{"total":754,"current":0,"reset_at":null,"reset_time":null},"temperature":17.4,"voltage":19.39,"percent":99,"charging":false},"blades":{"total_on":62336,"reset_at":15450,"reset_time":"2021-08-10T15:52:48+02:00","current_on":46886},"chassis":[],"error":{"id":5,"description":"rain delay"},"orientation":{"pitch":0.5,"roll":2.6,"yaw":28.3},"rainsensor":{"delay":240,"triggered":false,"remaining":230},"status":{"id":0,"description":"idle"},"zone":{"index":0,"indicies":[0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0],"starting_point":[0,0,0,0],"current":0},"warranty":{"expires_at":"2024-05-13T00:00:00+02:00","registered":true,"expired":false},"firmware":{"auto_upgrade":false,"version":"3.32.0+1"},"schedules":{"daily_progress":6,"next_schedule_start":"2023-09-04 15:15:00","time_extension":0,"active":false,"auto_schedule":{"settings":{"boost":1,"grass_type":"mixed_species","irrigation":null,"nutrition":null,"soil_type":"clay","exclusion_scheduler":{"days":[{"slots":[],"exclude_day":false},{"slots":[],"exclude_day":false},{"slots":[],"exclude_day":false},{"slots":[],"exclude_day":false},{"slots":[],"exclude_day":false},{"slots":[],"exclude_day":false},{"slots":[],"exclude_day":false}],"exclude_nights":true}},"enabled":true},"primary":{"monday":{"start":"09:00","end":"13:45","duration":285,"boundary":false},"tuesday":{"start":"09:00","end":"13:45","duration":285,"boundary":false},"wednesday":{"start":"09:00","end":"13:45","duration":285,"boundary":true},"thursday":{"start":"09:00","end":"13:45","duration":285,"boundary":false},"friday":{"start":"09:00","end":"13:45","duration":285,"boundary":false},"saturday":{"start":"11:00","end":"14:30","duration":210,"boundary":false},"sunday":{"start":"09:00","end":"13:45","duration":285,"boundary":true}},"secondary":{"monday":{"start":"15:15","end":"20:00","duration":285,"boundary":false},"tuesday":{"start":"15:15","end":"20:00","duration":285,"boundary":false},"wednesday":{"start":"15:15","end":"20:00","duration":285,"boundary":false},"thursday":{"start":"15:15","end":"20:00","duration":285,"boundary":false},"friday":{"start":"15:15","end":"20:00","duration":285,"boundary":false},"saturday":{"start":"16:30","end":"20:00","duration":210,"boundary":false},"sunday":{"start":"15:15","end":"20:00","duration":285,"boundary":false}}},"lawn":{"perimeter":105,"size":363.66000366211},"active_modules":{"ultrasonic":false,"digital_fence_fh":false,"digital_fence_cut":false,"headlight":false,"cellular":false},"in_topic":"PRM100\/E8DB840531DC\/commandIn","out_topic":"PRM100\/E8DB840531DC\/commandOut","rssi":-67,"statistics":{"worktime_blades_on":62336,"distance":1098565,"worktime_total":65178},"updated":"04\/09\/2023 09:25:39","torque":0,"partymode_enabled":false}]
[2023-09-04 09:35:48]INFO : Schedules updated for Landroid 

on ne voit pas les commandes « activer xxx »

comme d’habitude, il les faut tous. Surtout celui du démon en l’occurrence.

Désolé mais je ne comprends pas ce que je dois regarder

les log du deamon

Socket port: 55073
[2023-09-04 10:44:59]DEBUG : PID file: /tmp/jeedom/worxLandroidS/
[2023-09-04 10:44:59]DEBUG : Writing PID 8681 to /tmp/jeedom/worxLandroidS/
[2023-09-04 10:44:59]DEBUG : Using selector: EpollSelector
[2023-09-04 10:44:59]DEBUG : Initializing connector...
[2023-09-04 10:44:59]DEBUG : Initializing the API connector ...
[2023-09-04 10:44:59]DEBUG : Getting logger ...
[2023-09-04 10:44:59]DEBUG : Initializing EventHandler ...
[2023-09-04 10:44:59]DEBUG : Authenticating
[2023-09-04 10:44:59]DEBUG : Starting new HTTPS connection (1):
[2023-09-04 10:44:59]DEBUG : "POST /oauth/token HTTP/1.1" 200 None
[2023-09-04 10:44:59]DEBUG : get token:{'token_type': 'Bearer', 'expires_in': 3600, 'access_token': -xxxxk', 'refresh_token': 'xxxxxxxx'}
[2023-09-04 10:44:59]INFO : Authentication successful
[2023-09-04 10:44:59]DEBUG : Fetching basic API data
[2023-09-04 10:44:59]DEBUG : Starting new HTTPS connection (1):
[2023-09-04 10:44:59]DEBUG : "GET /api/v2/product-items?status=1 HTTP/1.1" 200 None
[2023-09-04 10:44:59]DEBUG : Starting new HTTPS connection (1):
[2023-09-04 10:45:00]DEBUG : "GET /api/v2/products HTTP/1.1" 200 None
[2023-09-04 10:45:00]INFO : Found 1 mower(s)
[2023-09-04 10:45:00]DEBUG : Mower 'Landroid' data: {'id': 549234, 'uuid': 'xxxxxx', 'product_id': 67, 'user_id': 423308, 'serial_number': 'xxxxx', 'mac_address': 'xxxxx', 'name': 'Landroid Lavorel', 'locked': False, 'firmware_version': '3.32.0+1', 'firmware_auto_upgrade': False, 'push_notifications': True, 'sim': None, 'push_notifications_level': 'warning', 'test': False, 'iot_registered': True, 'mqtt_registered': True, 'pin_code': 'xxxx', 'registered_at': '2021-05-14 00:00:00', 'online': True, 'app_settings': None, 'protocol': 0, 'pending_radio_link_validation': None, 'capabilities': ['auto_lock', 'bluetooth_control', 'bluetooth_pairing', 'border_cut', 'digital_fence_settings', 'follow_border', 'lock', 'mqtt', 'multi_zone', 'multi_zone_percentage', 'one_time_scheduler', 'ota_upgrade', 'pairing_smartconfig', 'pause_over_border', 'pause_over_wire', 'rain_delay', 'rain_delay_start', 'safe_go_home', 'scheduler_two_slots', 'unrestricted_mowing_time', 'zone_keeper'], 'capabilities_available': [], 'features': {'auto_lock': 3.25, 'bluetooth_control': 3.2, 'bluetooth_pairing': True, 'chassis': 'l_2020', 'digital_fence_settings': 3.25, 'display_type': 'lcd', 'input_type': 'keyboard_push_knob', 'lock': True, 'mqtt': True, 'multi_zone': True, 'multi_zone_percentage': True, 'multi_zone_zones': 4, 'one_time_scheduler': 3.15, 'pause_over_wire': 3.26, 'rain_delay': True, 'rain_delay_start': 3.08, 'safe_go_home': 3.25, 'scheduler_two_slots': 3.15, 'unrestricted_mowing_time': True, 'wifi_pairing': 'smartconfig'}, 'accessories': None, 'mqtt_endpoint': '', 'mqtt_topics': {'command_in': 'PRM100/E8DB840531DC/commandIn', 'command_out': 'PRM100/E8DB840531DC/commandOut'}, 'warranty_registered': True, 'purchased_at': '2021-05-13 00:00:00', 'warranty_expires_at': '2024-05-13 00:00:00', 'setup_location': {'latitude': 45.xx, 'longitude': 6.xx}, 'city': {'id': 2974655, 'country_id': 250, 'name': 'Seynod', 'latitude': 45.xx, 'longitude': 6.0xx, 'created_at': '2018-02-15 22:09:47', 'updated_at': '2018-02-15 22:09:47'}, 'time_zone': 'Europe/Paris', 'lawn_size': 363.66000366211, 'lawn_perimeter': 105, 'auto_schedule_settings': {'boost': 1, 'exclusion_scheduler': {'days': [{'slots': [], 'exclude_day': False}, {'slots': [], 'exclude_day': False}, {'slots': [], 'exclude_day': False}, {'slots': [], 'exclude_day': False}, {'slots': [], 'exclude_day': False}, {'slots': [], 'exclude_day': False}, {'slots': [], 'exclude_day': False}], 'exclude_nights': True}, 'grass_type': 'mixed_species', 'irrigation': None, 'nutrition': None, 'soil_type': 'clay'}, 'auto_schedule': True, 'improvement': True, 'diagnostic': True, 'distance_covered': 1098481, 'mower_work_time': 65173, 'blade_work_time': 62331, 'blade_work_time_reset': 15450, 'blade_work_time_reset_at': '2021-08-10 15:52:48', 'battery_charge_cycles': 754, 'battery_charge_cycles_reset': 0, 'battery_charge_cycles_reset_at': None, 'created_at': '2021-01-20 04:30:00', 'updated_at': '2023-09-02 06:15:56', 'last_status': {'timestamp': '2023-09-04 08:43:07', 'payload': {'cfg': {'id': 20149, 'sn': '20213026630100581694', 'dt': '04/09/2023', 'tm': '10:43:07', 'lg': 'fr', 'cmd': 0, 'sc': {'m': 0, 'd': [['09:00', 285, 1], ['09:00', 285, 0], ['09:00', 285, 0], ['09:00', 285, 1], ['09:00', 285, 0], ['09:00', 285, 0], ['11:00', 210, 0]], 'dd': [['15:15', 285, 0], ['15:15', 285, 0], ['15:15', 285, 0], ['15:15', 285, 0], ['15:15', 285, 0], ['15:15', 285, 0], ['16:30', 210, 0]], 'distm': 0, 'p': 0, 'ots': {'wtm': 0, 'bc': 0}}, 'mz': [0, 0, 0, 0], 'mzv': [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], 'mzk': 0, 'rd': 240, 'al': {'lvl': 0, 't': 60}, 'tq': 0}, 'dat': {'mac': 'E8DB840531DC', 'fw': 3.32, 'fwb': 1, 'ls': 7, 'le': 0, 'conn': 'wifi', 'bt': {'t': 24.8, 'v': 18.09, 'p': 52, 'nr': 754, 'c': 0, 'm': 0}, 'dmp': [-0.3, 7.9, 316.2], 'st': {'b': 62363, 'd': 1099100, 'wt': 65206, 'bl': 105}, 'act': 1, 'rsi': -67, 'lk': 0, 'tr': 0, 'lz': 0, 'rain': {'s': 0, 'cnt': 0}}}}, 'product': {'code': 'WR148E', 'description': 'Landroid L800', 'year': 2021, 'cutting_width': 200}}
[2023-09-04 10:45:00]DEBUG : Start mapping...
[2023-09-04 10:45:00]DEBUG : mac in dat
[2023-09-04 10:45:00]DEBUG : Data decoding for Landroid Lavorel started
[2023-09-04 10:45:00]DEBUG : Found JSON decoded data: {'cfg': {'id': 20149, 'sn': '20213026630100581694', 'dt': '04/09/2023', 'tm': '10:43:07', 'lg': 'fr', 'cmd': 0, 'sc': {'m': 0, 'd': [['09:00', 285, 1], ['09:00', 285, 0], ['09:00', 285, 0], ['09:00', 285, 1], ['09:00', 285, 0], ['09:00', 285, 0], ['11:00', 210, 0]], 'dd': [['15:15', 285, 0], ['15:15', 285, 0], ['15:15', 285, 0], ['15:15', 285, 0], ['15:15', 285, 0], ['15:15', 285, 0], ['16:30', 210, 0]], 'distm': 0, 'p': 0, 'ots': {'wtm': 0, 'bc': 0}}, 'mz': [0, 0, 0, 0], 'mzv': [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], 'mzk': 0, 'rd': 240, 'al': {'lvl': 0, 't': 60}, 'tq': 0}, 'dat': {'mac': 'E8DB840531DC', 'fw': 3.32, 'fwb': 1, 'ls': 7, 'le': 0, 'conn': 'wifi', 'bt': {'t': 24.8, 'v': 18.09, 'p': 52, 'nr': 754, 'c': 0, 'm': 0}, 'dmp': [-0.3, 7.9, 316.2], 'st': {'b': 62363, 'd': 1099100, 'wt': 65206, 'bl': 105}, 'act': 1, 'rsi': -67, 'lk': 0, 'tr': 0, 'lz': 0, 'rain': {'s': 0, 'cnt': 0}}}
[2023-09-04 10:45:00]DEBUG : Data for Landroid Lavorel has been decoded
[2023-09-04 10:45:00]DEBUG : Done fetching basic API data
[2023-09-04 10:45:00]DEBUG : Setting up MQTT handler
[2023-09-04 10:45:00]DEBUG : Connection Accepted.
[2023-09-04 10:45:00]DEBUG : MQTT connected
[2023-09-04 10:45:00]INFO : Connected
[2023-09-04 10:45:00]DEBUG : Send to jeedom :  {'devices': [{'id': 549234, 'uuid': xxxx', 'product_id': 67, 'serial_number': 'xxxx', 'mac_address': 'xxx', 'name': 'Landroid ', 'locked': False, 'sim': None, 'mqtt_registered': True, 'pin_code': 'xxxx', 'registered_at': '2021-05-14 00:00:00', 'online': True, 'protocol': 0, 'capabilities': , 'capabilities_available': [], 'accessories': None, 'purchased_at': '2021-05-13 00:00:00', 'setup_location': {'latitude': 45.xx, 'longitude':}, 'city': {'id': 2974655, 'country_id': 250, 'name': 'Seynod', 'latitude': 45.xx, 'longitude': 6.xx, 'created_at': '2018-02-15 22:09:47', 'updated_at': '2018-02-15 22:09:47'}, 'time_zone': 'Europe/Paris', 'improvement': True, 'diagnostic': True, 'mower_work_time': 65173, 'last_status': {'timestamp': '2023-09-04 08:43:07', 'payload': {'cfg': {'id': 20149, 'sn': '20213026630100581694', 'dt': '04/09/2023', 'tm': '10:43:07', 'lg': 'fr', 'cmd': 0, 'sc': {'m': 0, 'd': [['09:00', 285, 1], ['09:00', 285, 0], ['09:00', 285, 0], ['09:00', 285, 1], ['09:00', 285, 0], ['09:00', 285, 0], ['11:00', 210, 0]], 'dd': [['15:15', 285, 0], ['15:15', 285, 0], ['15:15', 285, 0], ['15:15', 285, 0], ['15:15', 285, 0], ['15:15', 285, 0], ['16:30', 210, 0]], 'distm': 0, 'p': 0, 'ots': {'wtm': 0, 'bc': 0}}, 'mz': [0, 0, 0, 0], 'mzv': [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], 'mzk': 0, 'rd': 240, 'al': {'lvl': 0, 't': 60}, 'tq': 0}, 'dat': {'mac': 'E8DB840531DC', 'fw': 3.32, 'fwb': 1, 'ls': 7, 'le': 0, 'conn': 'wifi', 'bt': {'t': 24.8, 'v': 18.09, 'p': 52, 'nr': 754, 'c': 0, 'm': 0}, 'dmp': [-0.3, 7.9, 316.2], 'st': {'b': 62363, 'd': 1099100, 'wt': 65206, 'bl': 105}, 'act': 1, 'rsi': -67, 'lk': 0, 'tr': 0, 'lz': 0, 'rain': {'s': 0, 'cnt': 0}}}}, 'product': {'code': 'WR148E', 'description': 'Landroid L800', 'year': 2021, 'cutting_width': 200}, 'battery': {'cycles': {'total': 754, 'current': 0, 'reset_at': None, 'reset_time': None}, 'temperature': 24.8, 'voltage': 18.09, 'percent': 52, 'charging': False}, 'blades': {'total_on': 62363, 'reset_at': 15450, 'reset_time': datetime.datetime(2021, 8, 10, 15, 52, 48, tzinfo=backports.zoneinfo.ZoneInfo(key='Europe/Paris')), 'current_on': 46913}, 'chassis': {}, 'error': {'id': 0, 'description': 'no error'}, 'orientation': {'pitch': -0.3, 'roll': 7.9, 'yaw': 316.2}, 'rainsensor': {'delay': 240, 'triggered': False, 'remaining': 0}, 'status': {'id': 7, 'description': 'mowing'}, 'zone': {'index': 0, 'indicies': [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], 'starting_point': [0, 0, 0, 0], 'current': 0}, 'warranty': {'expires_at': datetime.datetime(2024, 5, 13, 0, 0, tzinfo=backports.zoneinfo.ZoneInfo(key='Europe/Paris')), 'registered': True, 'expired': False}, 'firmware': {'auto_upgrade': False, 'version': '3.32.0+1'}, 'schedules': {'daily_progress': 18, 'next_schedule_start': '2023-09-04 15:15:00', 'time_extension': 0, 'active': False, 'auto_schedule': {'settings': {'boost': 1, 'grass_type': 'mixed_species', 'irrigation': None, 'nutrition': None, 'soil_type': 'clay', 'exclusion_scheduler': {'days': [{'slots': [], 'exclude_day': False}, {'slots': [], 'exclude_day': False}, {'slots': [], 'exclude_day': False}, {'slots': [], 'exclude_day': False}, {'slots': [], 'exclude_day': False}, {'slots': [], 'exclude_day': False}, {'slots': [], 'exclude_day': False}], 'exclude_nights': True}}, 'enabled': True}, 'primary': {'monday': {'start': '09:00', 'end': '13:45', 'duration': 285, 'boundary': False}, 'tuesday': {'start': '09:00', 'end': '13:45', 'duration': 285, 'boundary': False}, 'wednesday': {'start': '09:00', 'end': '13:45', 'duration': 285, 'boundary': True}, 'thursday': {'start': '09:00', 'end': '13:45', 'duration': 285, 'boundary': False}, 'friday': {'start': '09:00', 'end': '13:45', 'duration': 285, 'boundary': False}, 'saturday': {'start': '11:00', 'end': '14:30', 'duration': 210, 'boundary': False}, 'sunday': {'start': '09:00', 'end': '13:45', 'duration': 285, 'boundary': True}}, 'secondary': {'monday': {'start': '15:15', 'end': '20:00', 'duration': 285, 'boundary': False}, 'tuesday': {'start': '15:15', 'end': '20:00', 'duration': 285, 'boundary': False}, 'wednesday': {'start': '15:15', 'end': '20:00', 'duration': 285, 'boundary': False}, 'thursday': {'start': '15:15', 'end': '20:00', 'duration': 285, 'boundary': False}, 'friday': {'start': '15:15', 'end': '20:00', 'duration': 285, 'boundary': False}, 'saturday': {'start': '16:30', 'end': '20:00', 'duration': 210, 'boundary': False}, 'sunday': {'start': '15:15', 'end': '20:00', 'duration': 285, 'boundary': False}}}, 'lawn': {'perimeter': 105, 'size': 363.66000366211}, 'active_modules': {'ultrasonic': False, 'digital_fence_fh': False, 'digital_fence_cut': False, 'headlight': False, 'cellular': False}, 'in_topic': 'PRM100/E8DB840531DC/commandIn', 'out_topic': 'PRM100/E8DB840531DC/commandOut', 'rssi': -67, 'statistics': {'worktime_blades_on': 62363, 'distance': 1099100, 'worktime_total': 65206}, 'updated': '04/09/2023 10:43:07', 'torque': 0, 'partymode_enabled': False}]}
[2023-09-04 10:45:00]DEBUG : Trying to update '20213026630100581694'
[2023-09-04 10:45:00]DEBUG : Formatting message '{'cmd': 0}' to '{'id': 20888, 'sn': '20213026630100581694', 'tm': '10:45:00', 'dt': '04/09/2023', 'cmd': 0}'
[2023-09-04 10:45:00]DEBUG : Sending '{"id": 20888, "sn": "20213026630100581694", "tm": "10:45:00", "dt": "04/09/2023", "cmd": 0}' on topic 'PRM100/E8DB840531DC/commandIn'
[2023-09-04 10:45:00]INFO : Start listening
[2023-09-04 10:45:00]DEBUG : Socket interface started
[2023-09-04 10:45:00]DEBUG : LoopNetServer Thread started
[2023-09-04 10:45:00]DEBUG : Listening on: [localhost:55073]
[2023-09-04 10:45:01]DEBUG : Received MQTT message:{"cfg":{"id":20888,"lg":"fr","tm":"10:45:00","dt":"04/09/2023","sc":{"m":0,"distm":0,"ots":{"bc":0,"wtm":0},"p":0,"d":[["09:00",285,1],["09:00",285,0],["09:00",285,0],["09:00",285,1],["09:00",285,0],["09:00",285,0],["11:00",210,0]],"dd":[["15:15",285,0],["15:15",285,0],["15:15",285,0],["15:15",285,0],["15:15",285,0],["15:15",285,0],["16:30",210,0]]},"cmd":0,"mz":[0,0,0,0],"mzv":[0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0],"mzk":0,"rd":240,"sn":"20213026630100581694","al":{"lvl":0,"t":60},"tq":0},"dat":{"mac":"E8DB840531DC","fw":3.32,"fwb":1,"bt":{"t":24.9,"v":18.05,"p":50,"nr":754,"c":0,"m":0},"dmp":[1.8,-0.5,196.1],"st":{"b":62365,"d":1099136,"wt":65208,"bl":105},"ls":7,"le":0,"lz":0,"rsi":-78,"lk":0,"act":1,"tr":0,"conn":"wifi","rain":{"s":0,"cnt":0},"time":{"r":132,"l":132}}}
[2023-09-04 10:45:01]DEBUG : MQTT data received '{"cfg":{"id":20888,"lg":"fr","tm":"10:45:00","dt":"04/09/2023","sc":{"m":0,"distm":0,"ots":{"bc":0,"wtm":0},"p":0,"d":[["09:00",285,1],["09:00",285,0],["09:00",285,0],["09:00",285,1],["09:00",285,0],["09:00",285,0],["11:00",210,0]],"dd":[["15:15",285,0],["15:15",285,0],["15:15",285,0],["15:15",285,0],["15:15",285,0],["15:15",285,0],["16:30",210,0]]},"cmd":0,"mz":[0,0,0,0],"mzv":[0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0],"mzk":0,"rd":240,"sn":"20213026630100581694","al":{"lvl":0,"t":60},"tq":0},"dat":{"mac":"E8DB840531DC","fw":3.32,"fwb":1,"bt":{"t":24.9,"v":18.05,"p":50,"nr":754,"c":0,"m":0},"dmp":[1.8,-0.5,196.1],"st":{"b":62365,"d":1099136,"wt":65208,"bl":105},"ls":7,"le":0,"lz":0,"rsi":-78,"lk":0,"act":1,"tr":0,"conn":"wifi","rain":{"s":0,"cnt":0},"time":{"r":132,"l":132}}}'
[2023-09-04 10:45:01]DEBUG : Data decoding for Landroid Lavorel started
[2023-09-04 10:45:01]DEBUG : Found JSON decoded data: {'cfg': {'id': 20888, 'lg': 'fr', 'tm': '10:45:00', 'dt': '04/09/2023', 'sc': {'m': 0, 'distm': 0, 'ots': {'bc': 0, 'wtm': 0}, 'p': 0, 'd': [['09:00', 285, 1], ['09:00', 285, 0], ['09:00', 285, 0], ['09:00', 285, 1], ['09:00', 285, 0], ['09:00', 285, 0], ['11:00', 210, 0]], 'dd': [['15:15', 285, 0], ['15:15', 285, 0], ['15:15', 285, 0], ['15:15', 285, 0], ['15:15', 285, 0], ['15:15', 285, 0], ['16:30', 210, 0]]}, 'cmd': 0, 'mz': [0, 0, 0, 0], 'mzv': [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], 'mzk': 0, 'rd': 240, 'sn': '20213026630100581694', 'al': {'lvl': 0, 't': 60}, 'tq': 0}, 'dat': {'mac': 'E8DB840531DC', 'fw': 3.32, 'fwb': 1, 'bt': {'t': 24.9, 'v': 18.05, 'p': 50, 'nr': 754, 'c': 0, 'm': 0}, 'dmp': [1.8, -0.5, 196.1], 'st': {'b': 62365, 'd': 1099136, 'wt': 65208, 'bl': 105}, 'ls': 7, 'le': 0, 'lz': 0, 'rsi': -78, 'lk': 0, 'act': 1, 'tr': 0, 'conn': 'wifi', 'rain': {'s': 0, 'cnt': 0}, 'time': {'r': 132, 'l': 132}}}
[2023-09-04 10:45:01]DEBUG : Data for Landroid  has been decoded
[2023-09-04 10:45:01]DEBUG : Checking ['name'] against {'name': 'Landroid ', 'device': {}}
[2023-09-04 10:45:01]DEBUG : Checking ['device'] against {'name': 'Landroid ', 'device': {}}
[2023-09-04 10:45:01]DEBUG : on message Landroid Lavorel, {'id': 549234, 'uuid': 'xxxxx', 'product_id': 67, 'serial_number': 'xxx', 'mac_address': 'xx', 'name': 'Landroid ', 'locked': False, 'sim': None, 'mqtt_registered': True, 'pin_code': 'xxxx', 'registered_at': '2021-05-14 00:00:00', 'online': True, 'protocol': 0, 'capabilities': , 'capabilities_available': [], 'accessories': None, 'purchased_at': '2021-05-13 00:00:00', 'setup_location': {'latitude': 45.xx, 'longitude': 6.xx}, 'city': {'id': 2974655, 'country_id': 250, 'name': 'Seynod', 'latitude':, 'longitude':, 'created_at': '2018-02-15 22:09:47', 'updated_at': '2018-02-15 22:09:47'}, 'time_zone': 'Europe/Paris', 'improvement': True, 'diagnostic': True, 'mower_work_time': 65173, 'last_status': {'timestamp': '2023-09-04 08:43:07', 'payload': {'cfg': {'id': 20149, 'sn': '20213026630100581694', 'dt': '04/09/2023', 'tm': '10:43:07', 'lg': 'fr', 'cmd': 0, 'sc': {'m': 0, 'd': [['09:00', 285, 1], ['09:00', 285, 0], ['09:00', 285, 0], ['09:00', 285, 1], ['09:00', 285, 0], ['09:00', 285, 0], ['11:00', 210, 0]], 'dd': [['15:15', 285, 0], ['15:15', 285, 0], ['15:15', 285, 0], ['15:15', 285, 0], ['15:15', 285, 0], ['15:15', 285, 0], ['16:30', 210, 0]], 'distm': 0, 'p': 0, 'ots': {'wtm': 0, 'bc': 0}}, 'mz': [0, 0, 0, 0], 'mzv': [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], 'mzk': 0, 'rd': 240, 'al': {'lvl': 0, 't': 60}, 'tq': 0}, 'dat': {'mac': 'E8DB840531DC', 'fw': 3.32, 'fwb': 1, 'ls': 7, 'le': 0, 'conn': 'wifi', 'bt': {'t': 24.8, 'v': 18.09, 'p': 52, 'nr': 754, 'c': 0, 'm': 0}, 'dmp': [-0.3, 7.9, 316.2], 'st': {'b': 62363, 'd': 1099100, 'wt': 65206, 'bl': 105}, 'act': 1, 'rsi': -67, 'lk': 0, 'tr': 0, 'lz': 0, 'rain': {'s': 0, 'cnt': 0}}}}, 'product': {'code': 'WR148E', 'description': 'Landroid L800', 'year': 2021, 'cutting_width': 200}, 'battery': {'cycles': {'total': 754, 'current': 0, 'reset_at': None, 'reset_time': None}, 'temperature': 24.9, 'voltage': 18.05, 'percent': 50, 'charging': False}, 'blades': {'total_on': 62365, 'reset_at': 15450, 'reset_time': datetime.datetime(2021, 8, 10, 15, 52, 48, tzinfo=backports.zoneinfo.ZoneInfo(key='Europe/Paris')), 'current_on': 46915}, 'chassis': {}, 'error': {'id': 0, 'description': 'no error'}, 'orientation': {'pitch': 1.8, 'roll': -0.5, 'yaw': 196.1}, 'rainsensor': {'delay': 240, 'triggered': False, 'remaining': 0}, 'status': {'id': 7, 'description': 'mowing'}, 'zone': {'index': 0, 'indicies': [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], 'starting_point': [0, 0, 0, 0], 'current': 0}, 'warranty': {'expires_at': datetime.datetime(2024, 5, 13, 0, 0, tzinfo=backports.zoneinfo.ZoneInfo(key='Europe/Paris')), 'registered': True, 'expired': False}, 'firmware': {'auto_upgrade': False, 'version': '3.32.0+1'}, 'schedules': {'daily_progress': 18, 'next_schedule_start': '2023-09-04 15:15:00', 'time_extension': 0, 'active': False, 'auto_schedule': {'settings': {'boost': 1, 'grass_type': 'mixed_species', 'irrigation': None, 'nutrition': None, 'soil_type': 'clay', 'exclusion_scheduler': {'days': [{'slots': [], 'exclude_day': False}, {'slots': [], 'exclude_day': False}, {'slots': [], 'exclude_day': False}, {'slots': [], 'exclude_day': False}, {'slots': [], 'exclude_day': False}, {'slots': [], 'exclude_day': False}, {'slots': [], 'exclude_day': False}], 'exclude_nights': True}}, 'enabled': True}, 'primary': {'monday': {'start': '09:00', 'end': '13:45', 'duration': 285, 'boundary': False}, 'tuesday': {'start': '09:00', 'end': '13:45', 'duration': 285, 'boundary': False}, 'wednesday': {'start': '09:00', 'end': '13:45', 'duration': 285, 'boundary': True}, 'thursday': {'start': '09:00', 'end': '13:45', 'duration': 285, 'boundary': False}, 'friday': {'start': '09:00', 'end': '13:45', 'duration': 285, 'boundary': False}, 'saturday': {'start': '11:00', 'end': '14:30', 'duration': 210, 'boundary': False}, 'sunday': {'start': '09:00', 'end': '13:45', 'duration': 285, 'boundary': True}}, 'secondary': {'monday': {'start': '15:15', 'end': '20:00', 'duration': 285, 'boundary': False}, 'tuesday': {'start': '15:15', 'end': '20:00', 'duration': 285, 'boundary': False}, 'wednesday': {'start': '15:15', 'end': '20:00', 'duration': 285, 'boundary': False}, 'thursday': {'start': '15:15', 'end': '20:00', 'duration': 285, 'boundary': False}, 'friday': {'start': '15:15', 'end': '20:00', 'duration': 285, 'boundary': False}, 'saturday': {'start': '16:30', 'end': '20:00', 'duration': 210, 'boundary': False}, 'sunday': {'start': '15:15', 'end': '20:00', 'duration': 285, 'boundary': False}}}, 'lawn': {'perimeter': 105, 'size': 363.66000366211}, 'active_modules': {'ultrasonic': False, 'digital_fence_fh': False, 'digital_fence_cut': False, 'headlight': False, 'cellular': False}, 'in_topic': 'PRM100/E8DB840531DC/commandIn', 'out_topic': 'PRM100/E8DB840531DC/commandOut', 'rssi': -78, 'statistics': {'worktime_blades_on': 62365, 'distance': 1099136, 'worktime_total': 65208}, 'updated': '04/09/2023 10:45:00', 'torque': 0, 'partymode_enabled': False}
[2023-09-04 10:45:01]DEBUG : Send to jeedom :  {'uuid': 'xx', 'data': {'id': 549234, 'uuid': 'xx', 'product_id': 67, 'serial_number': 'xx', 'mac_address': 'xxx', 'name': 'Landroid ', 'locked': False, 'sim': None, 'mqtt_registered': True, 'pin_code': 'xxx', 'registered_at': '2021-05-14 00:00:00', 'online': True, 'protocol': 0, 'capabilities': , 'capabilities_available': [], 'accessories': None, 'purchased_at': '2021-05-13 00:00:00', 'setup_location': {'latitude': 45.xx, 'longitude': 6.xx}, 'city': {'id': 2974655, 'country_id': 250, 'name': 'Seynod', 'latitude': 45.xx, 'longitude': 6.xx, 'created_at': '2018-02-15 22:09:47', 'updated_at': '2018-02-15 22:09:47'}, 'time_zone': 'Europe/Paris', 'improvement': True, 'diagnostic': True, 'mower_work_time': 65173, 'last_status': {'timestamp': '2023-09-04 08:43:07', 'payload': {'cfg': {'id': 20149, 'sn': '20213026630100581694', 'dt': '04/09/2023', 'tm': '10:43:07', 'lg': 'fr', 'cmd': 0, 'sc': {'m': 0, 'd': [['09:00', 285, 1], ['09:00', 285, 0], ['09:00', 285, 0], ['09:00', 285, 1], ['09:00', 285, 0], ['09:00', 285, 0], ['11:00', 210, 0]], 'dd': [['15:15', 285, 0], ['15:15', 285, 0], ['15:15', 285, 0], ['15:15', 285, 0], ['15:15', 285, 0], ['15:15', 285, 0], ['16:30', 210, 0]], 'distm': 0, 'p': 0, 'ots': {'wtm': 0, 'bc': 0}}, 'mz': [0, 0, 0, 0], 'mzv': [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], 'mzk': 0, 'rd': 240, 'al': {'lvl': 0, 't': 60}, 'tq': 0}, 'dat': {'mac': 'E8DB840531DC', 'fw': 3.32, 'fwb': 1, 'ls': 7, 'le': 0, 'conn': 'wifi', 'bt': {'t': 24.8, 'v': 18.09, 'p': 52, 'nr': 754, 'c': 0, 'm': 0}, 'dmp': [-0.3, 7.9, 316.2], 'st': {'b': 62363, 'd': 1099100, 'wt': 65206, 'bl': 105}, 'act': 1, 'rsi': -67, 'lk': 0, 'tr': 0, 'lz': 0, 'rain': {'s': 0, 'cnt': 0}}}}, 'product': {'code': 'WR148E', 'description': 'Landroid L800', 'year': 2021, 'cutting_width': 200}, 'battery': {'cycles': {'total': 754, 'current': 0, 'reset_at': None, 'reset_time': None}, 'temperature': 24.9, 'voltage': 18.05, 'percent': 50, 'charging': False}, 'blades': {'total_on': 62365, 'reset_at': 15450, 'reset_time': datetime.datetime(2021, 8, 10, 15, 52, 48, tzinfo=backports.zoneinfo.ZoneInfo(key='Europe/Paris')), 'current_on': 46915}, 'chassis': {}, 'error': {'id': 0, 'description': 'no error'}, 'orientation': {'pitch': 1.8, 'roll': -0.5, 'yaw': 196.1}, 'rainsensor': {'delay': 240, 'triggered': False, 'remaining': 0}, 'status': {'id': 7, 'description': 'mowing'}, 'zone': {'index': 0, 'indicies': [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], 'starting_point': [0, 0, 0, 0], 'current': 0}, 'warranty': {'expires_at': datetime.datetime(2024, 5, 13, 0, 0, tzinfo=backports.zoneinfo.ZoneInfo(key='Europe/Paris')), 'registered': True, 'expired': False}, 'firmware': {'auto_upgrade': False, 'version': '3.32.0+1'}, 'schedules': {'daily_progress': 18, 'next_schedule_start': '2023-09-04 15:15:00', 'time_extension': 0, 'active': False, 'auto_schedule': {'settings': {'boost': 1, 'grass_type': 'mixed_species', 'irrigation': None, 'nutrition': None, 'soil_type': 'clay', 'exclusion_scheduler': {'days': [{'slots': [], 'exclude_day': False}, {'slots': [], 'exclude_day': False}, {'slots': [], 'exclude_day': False}, {'slots': [], 'exclude_day': False}, {'slots': [], 'exclude_day': False}, {'slots': [], 'exclude_day': False}, {'slots': [], 'exclude_day': False}], 'exclude_nights': True}}, 'enabled': True}, 'primary': {'monday': {'start': '09:00', 'end': '13:45', 'duration': 285, 'boundary': False}, 'tuesday': {'start': '09:00', 'end': '13:45', 'duration': 285, 'boundary': False}, 'wednesday': {'start': '09:00', 'end': '13:45', 'duration': 285, 'boundary': True}, 'thursday': {'start': '09:00', 'end': '13:45', 'duration': 285, 'boundary': False}, 'friday': {'start': '09:00', 'end': '13:45', 'duration': 285, 'boundary': False}, 'saturday': {'start': '11:00', 'end': '14:30', 'duration': 210, 'boundary': False}, 'sunday': {'start': '09:00', 'end': '13:45', 'duration': 285, 'boundary': True}}, 'secondary': {'monday': {'start': '15:15', 'end': '20:00', 'duration': 285, 'boundary': False}, 'tuesday': {'start': '15:15', 'end': '20:00', 'duration': 285, 'boundary': False}, 'wednesday': {'start': '15:15', 'end': '20:00', 'duration': 285, 'boundary': False}, 'thursday': {'start': '15:15', 'end': '20:00', 'duration': 285, 'boundary': False}, 'friday': {'start': '15:15', 'end': '20:00', 'duration': 285, 'boundary': False}, 'saturday': {'start': '16:30', 'end': '20:00', 'duration': 210, 'boundary': False}, 'sunday': {'start': '15:15', 'end': '20:00', 'duration': 285, 'boundary': False}}}, 'lawn': {'perimeter': 105, 'size': 363.66000366211}, 'active_modules': {'ultrasonic': False, 'digital_fence_fh': False, 'digital_fence_cut': False, 'headlight': False, 'cellular': False}, 'in_topic': 'PRM100/E8DB840531DC/commandIn', 'out_topic': 'PRM100/E8DB840531DC/commandOut', 'rssi': -78, 'statistics': {'worktime_blades_on': 62365, 'distance': 1099136, 'worktime_total': 65208}, 'updated': '04/09/2023 10:45:00', 'torque': 0, 'partymode_enabled': False}}

le log d’install

+ echo '*******************Begin of package installation******************'
*******************Begin of package installation******************
+ touch /tmp/jeedom_install_in_progress_worxLandroidS
+ echo 1
+ echo 2
++ awk '$1 <= 4'
++ find /usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/ /usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages/ -mindepth 1 -maxdepth 1 -type d -exec du -ks '{}' +
++ cut -f 2-
++ echo ''
++ sed 's, ,\ ,g'
+ echo ''
+ xargs rm -rf
+ echo 3
+ sudo pip3 cache purge
Files removed: 138
+ echo 4
+ sudo pip3 install --upgrade pip
Requirement already satisfied: pip in /usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages (23.1.2)
Collecting pip
Downloading pip-23.2.1-py3-none-any.whl (2.1 MB)
━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ 2.1/2.1 MB 27.5 MB/s eta 0:00:00
Installing collected packages: pip
Attempting uninstall: pip
Found existing installation: pip 23.1.2
Uninstalling pip-23.1.2:
Successfully uninstalled pip-23.1.2
Successfully installed pip-23.2.1
WARNING: Running pip as the 'root' user can result in broken permissions and conflicting behaviour with the system package manager. It is recommended to use a virtual environment instead:
+ echo 5
+ sudo pip3 install --force-reinstall --upgrade paho-mqtt
Collecting paho-mqtt
Downloading paho-mqtt-1.6.1.tar.gz (99 kB)
━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ 99.4/99.4 kB 5.4 MB/s eta 0:00:00
Preparing metadata ( started
Preparing metadata ( finished with status 'done'
Building wheels for collected packages: paho-mqtt
Building wheel for paho-mqtt ( started
Building wheel for paho-mqtt ( finished with status 'done'
Created wheel for paho-mqtt: filename=paho_mqtt-1.6.1-py3-none-any.whl size=62118 sha256=0164b5458a372f7c815866c65655b9138eeaf0862e625603b8e0eff62d773b0e
Stored in directory: /root/.cache/pip/wheels/d0/bf/ac/2b3f43f8c6fcd0f4ba5395397458c521eb0b52d33b574a5a40
Successfully built paho-mqtt
DEPRECATION: reportbug 7.5.3-deb10u1 has a non-standard version number. pip 23.3 will enforce this behaviour change. A possible replacement is to upgrade to a newer version of reportbug or contact the author to suggest that they release a version with a conforming version number. Discussion can be found at
Installing collected packages: paho-mqtt
Attempting uninstall: paho-mqtt
Found existing installation: paho-mqtt 1.6.1
Uninstalling paho-mqtt-1.6.1:
Successfully uninstalled paho-mqtt-1.6.1
Successfully installed paho-mqtt-1.6.1
WARNING: Running pip as the 'root' user can result in broken permissions and conflicting behaviour with the system package manager. It is recommended to use a virtual environment instead:
+ echo 6
+ php /var/www/html/core/class/../php/jeecli.php plugin dependancy_end worxLandroidS
+ rm /tmp/jeedom_install_in_progress_worxLandroidS
+ echo '*******************End of package installation******************'
*******************End of package installation******************

dans ce log on voit que le délai pluie n’est pas (plus) actif
vu que je n’ai pas le log qui précède je ne sais pas pourquoi il était resté actif

pas de souci, c’est pas grave

peut-être de la rosé qui est venu sur le capteur…

Non, au feeling je dirais que pour une raison ou une autre le démon ne mettait pas correctement à jour l’état du robot de son coté et donc forcément il envoyait des infos pas à jour au plugin.

tu as probablement redémarré le démon entre temps et du coup les infos sont revenues

Ce sujet a été automatiquement fermé après 24 heures suivant le dernier commentaire. Aucune réponse n’est permise dorénavant.