Probleme configuration Camera IP


Je viens de passer la journée à essayer toutes sorte de configs possibles avec tous les sujets déja traités sur le plugin Motion.

je sèche :exploding_head:

Problème : pas de retour flux video de ma camera (ecran gris)
pour info la camera fonctionne, je l’utilise aussi au travers du plugin Camera d’où je tien l’adresse URL rtsp
voici ma configuration dans capture:

Dans Streaming le port est configuré en 8086 et j’ai une autre camera en USB qui prend le port 8081 et qui fonctionne.

pour info mes logs motion tiennent sur 2 lignes :
[0:motion] [NTC] [ALL] [Aug 19 20:40:04] motion_startup: Motion 4.3.2 Started
[0:motion] [NTC] [ALL] [Aug 19 20:40:04] motion_startup: Using log type (ALL) log level (EMG)

Jeedom Atlas 4.2.21
Motion 4.3.2

pouvez vous m’aider svp
merci d’avance

Les log se sont ceux du plugin ou de motion?
Normalement les log de motion sont beaucoup plus complet et donne des informations précieuses sur le crash au démarrage.


Bonjour dans tous les cas c’est que motion n’arrive pas a ouvrir l’adresse de ta caméra.
Pourtant normalement motion est capable d’utiliser un rtsp.
Tu n’aurais pas des paramètres complémentaire a cette url

1 « J'aime »

Je ne sais pas, voici la configuration dans le plugin Camera

J’ai essayé plusieurs cmd a ajouté apres l’URL ex : rtsp://
mais rien n’y fait.

La camera à normalement une résolution bien plus grande (de mémoire :2560*1920).
Pour les logs je suis passé en « Débug » mais toujours que les deux lignes…

1 « J'aime »

Si tu veux je peux y regarder

je n’arrive pas a trouver de documentation sur le net qui présentes les differentes « commandes » direct propre a cette marque. (genre /stream ou /h264_main).
donc oui ton aide serais la bien venue :sweat_smile:

Oui je sais c’est une vraie galère à chaque fois

Bonjour, je reviens avec les logs… :

[0:motion] [NTC] [ALL] [Oct 10 20:59:03] motion_startup: Motion 4.3.2 Started
[0:motion] [NTC] [ALL] [Oct 10 20:59:03] motion_startup: Using log type (ALL) log level (ALL)
[0:motion] [NTC] [ALL] [Oct 10 20:59:03] become_daemon: Motion going to daemon mode
[0:motion] [NTC] [ALL] [Oct 10 20:59:03] motion_startup: Motion running as daemon process
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 10 20:59:03] conf_output_parms: Writing configuration parameters from all files (2):
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 10 20:59:03] Thread 0 - Config file: /usr/local/etc/motion/motion.conf
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 10 20:59:03] daemon                    on
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 10 20:59:03] setup_mode                off
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 10 20:59:03] pid_file                  
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 10 20:59:03] log_file                  /usr/local/etc/motion/motion.log
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 10 20:59:03] log_level                 9
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 10 20:59:03] log_type                  all
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 10 20:59:03] quiet                     on
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 10 20:59:03] native_language           on
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 10 20:59:03] camera_name               
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 10 20:59:03] camera_id                 0
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 10 20:59:03] target_dir                
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 10 20:59:03] videodevice               /dev/video0
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 10 20:59:03] vid_control_params        
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 10 20:59:03] v4l2_palette              17
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 10 20:59:03] input                     -1
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 10 20:59:03] norm                      0
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 10 20:59:03] frequency                 0
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 10 20:59:03] auto_brightness           0
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 10 20:59:03] tunerdevice               
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 10 20:59:03] roundrobin_frames         1
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 10 20:59:03] roundrobin_skip           1
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 10 20:59:03] roundrobin_switchfilter   off
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 10 20:59:03] netcam_url                
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 10 20:59:03] netcam_highres            
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 10 20:59:03] netcam_userpass           
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 10 20:59:03] netcam_keepalive          off
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 10 20:59:03] netcam_proxy              
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 10 20:59:03] netcam_tolerant_check     off
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 10 20:59:03] netcam_use_tcp            on
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 10 20:59:03] netcam_decoder            
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 10 20:59:03] mmalcam_name              
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 10 20:59:03] mmalcam_control_params    
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 10 20:59:03] width                     640
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 10 20:59:03] height                    480
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 10 20:59:03] framerate                 15
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 10 20:59:03] minimum_frame_time        0
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 10 20:59:03] rotate                    0
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 10 20:59:03] flip_axis                 none
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 10 20:59:03] locate_motion_mode        off
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 10 20:59:03] locate_motion_style       box
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 10 20:59:03] text_left                 
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 10 20:59:03] text_right                %Y-%m-%d\n%T
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 10 20:59:03] text_changes              off
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 10 20:59:03] text_scale                1
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 10 20:59:03] text_event                %Y%m%d%H%M%S
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 10 20:59:03] emulate_motion            off
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 10 20:59:03] threshold                 1500
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 10 20:59:03] threshold_maximum         0
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 10 20:59:03] threshold_tune            off
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 10 20:59:03] noise_level               32
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 10 20:59:03] noise_tune                on
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 10 20:59:03] despeckle_filter          
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 10 20:59:03] area_detect               
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 10 20:59:03] mask_file                 
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 10 20:59:03] mask_privacy              
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 10 20:59:03] smart_mask_speed          0
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 10 20:59:03] lightswitch_percent       0
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 10 20:59:03] lightswitch_frames        5
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 10 20:59:03] minimum_motion_frames     1
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 10 20:59:03] event_gap                 60
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 10 20:59:03] pre_capture               0
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 10 20:59:03] post_capture              0
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 10 20:59:03] on_event_start            
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 10 20:59:03] on_event_end              
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 10 20:59:03] on_picture_save           
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 10 20:59:03] on_area_detected          
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 10 20:59:03] on_motion_detected        
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 10 20:59:03] on_movie_start            
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 10 20:59:03] on_movie_end              
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 10 20:59:03] on_camera_lost            
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 10 20:59:03] on_camera_found           
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 10 20:59:03] picture_output            off
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 10 20:59:03] picture_output_motion     off
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 10 20:59:03] picture_type              jpeg
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 10 20:59:03] picture_quality           75
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 10 20:59:03] picture_exif              
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 10 20:59:03] picture_filename          %v-%Y%m%d%H%M%S-%q
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 10 20:59:03] snapshot_interval         0
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 10 20:59:03] snapshot_filename         %v-%Y%m%d%H%M%S-snapshot
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 10 20:59:03] movie_output              on
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 10 20:59:03] movie_output_motion       off
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 10 20:59:03] movie_max_time            120
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 10 20:59:03] movie_bps                 400000
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 10 20:59:03] movie_quality             60
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 10 20:59:03] movie_codec               mkv
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 10 20:59:03] movie_duplicate_frames    off
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 10 20:59:03] movie_passthrough         off
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 10 20:59:03] movie_filename            %v-%Y%m%d%H%M%S
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 10 20:59:03] movie_extpipe_use         off
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 10 20:59:03] movie_extpipe             
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 10 20:59:03] timelapse_interval        0
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 10 20:59:03] timelapse_mode            daily
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 10 20:59:03] timelapse_fps             30
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 10 20:59:03] timelapse_codec           mpg
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 10 20:59:03] timelapse_filename        %Y%m%d-timelapse
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 10 20:59:03] video_pipe                
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 10 20:59:03] video_pipe_motion         
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 10 20:59:03] webcontrol_port           8080
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 10 20:59:03] webcontrol_ipv6           off
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 10 20:59:03] webcontrol_localhost      off
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 10 20:59:03] webcontrol_parms          2
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 10 20:59:03] webcontrol_interface      1
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 10 20:59:03] webcontrol_auth_method    0
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 10 20:59:03] webcontrol_authentication 
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 10 20:59:03] webcontrol_tls            off
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 10 20:59:03] webcontrol_cert           
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 10 20:59:03] webcontrol_key            
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 10 20:59:03] webcontrol_cors_header    
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 10 20:59:03] stream_port               0
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 10 20:59:03] stream_localhost          on
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 10 20:59:03] stream_auth_method        0
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 10 20:59:03] stream_authentication     
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 10 20:59:03] stream_tls                off
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 10 20:59:03] stream_cors_header        
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 10 20:59:03] stream_preview_scale      25
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 10 20:59:03] stream_preview_newline    off
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 10 20:59:03] stream_preview_method     0
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 10 20:59:03] stream_quality            50
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 10 20:59:03] stream_grey               off
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 10 20:59:03] stream_motion             off
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 10 20:59:03] stream_maxrate            1
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 10 20:59:03] stream_limit              0
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 10 20:59:03] database_type             
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 10 20:59:03] database_dbname           
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 10 20:59:03] database_host             localhost
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 10 20:59:03] database_port             0
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 10 20:59:03] database_user             
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 10 20:59:03] database_password         
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 10 20:59:03] database_busy_timeout     0
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 10 20:59:03] sql_log_picture           off
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 10 20:59:03] sql_log_snapshot          off
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 10 20:59:03] sql_log_movie             off
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 10 20:59:03] sql_log_timelapse         off
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 10 20:59:03] sql_query_start           
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 10 20:59:03] sql_query_stop            
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 10 20:59:03] sql_query                 
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 10 20:59:03] track_type                0
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 10 20:59:03] track_auto                off
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 10 20:59:03] track_port                
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 10 20:59:03] track_motorx              0
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 10 20:59:03] track_motorx_reverse      off
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 10 20:59:03] track_motory              0
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 10 20:59:03] track_motory_reverse      off
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 10 20:59:03] track_maxx                0
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 10 20:59:03] track_minx                0
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 10 20:59:03] track_maxy                0
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 10 20:59:03] track_miny                0
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 10 20:59:03] track_homex               128
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 10 20:59:03] track_homey               128
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 10 20:59:03] track_iomojo_id           0
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 10 20:59:03] track_step_angle_x        10
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 10 20:59:03] track_step_angle_y        10
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 10 20:59:03] track_move_wait           10
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 10 20:59:03] track_speed               255
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 10 20:59:03] track_stepsize            40
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 10 20:59:03] track_generic_move        
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 10 20:59:03] camera                    
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 10 20:59:03] camera_dir                
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 10 20:59:03] Thread 1 - Config file: /usr/local/etc/motion/camera31.conf
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 10 20:59:03] camera_name               camera arriere Motion
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 10 20:59:03] camera_id                 31
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 10 20:59:03] target_dir                /var/www/html/tmp/motion/31/
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 10 20:59:03] v4l2_palette              21
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 10 20:59:03] roundrobin_frames         0
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 10 20:59:03] roundrobin_skip           0
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 10 20:59:03] netcam_url                
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 10 20:59:03] netcam_userpass           
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 10 20:59:03] netcam_keepalive          force
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 10 20:59:03] netcam_use_tcp            off
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 10 20:59:03] framerate                 0
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 10 20:59:03] locate_motion_mode        on
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 10 20:59:03] locate_motion_style       redbox
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 10 20:59:03] text_left                 camera arriere Motion
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 10 20:59:03] text_right                %Y-%m-%d\n%T-%q
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 10 20:59:03] text_scale                0
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 10 20:59:03] lightswitch_percent       50
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 10 20:59:03] lightswitch_frames        500
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 10 20:59:03] minimum_motion_frames     0
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 10 20:59:03] event_gap                 6
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 10 20:59:03] on_event_start            curl -v --header "Connection: keep-alive" ""
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 10 20:59:03] on_event_end              curl -v --header "Connection: keep-alive" ""
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 10 20:59:03] on_picture_save           curl -v --header "Connection: keep-alive" ""
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 10 20:59:03] on_motion_detected        curl -v --header "Connection: keep-alive" ""
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 10 20:59:03] picture_output            best
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 10 20:59:03] movie_output              off
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 10 20:59:03] movie_max_time            60
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 10 20:59:03] movie_bps                 500000
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 10 20:59:03] movie_quality             50
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 10 20:59:03] movie_codec               mp4
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 10 20:59:03] timelapse_mode            hourly
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 10 20:59:03] stream_port               8082
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 10 20:59:03] stream_localhost          off
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 10 20:59:03] stream_quality            100
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 10 20:59:03] stream_maxrate            0
[0:motion] [DBG] [ALL] [Oct 10 20:59:03] motion_ntc: v4l2   : available
[0:motion] [DBG] [ALL] [Oct 10 20:59:03] motion_ntc: bktr   : not available
[0:motion] [DBG] [ALL] [Oct 10 20:59:03] motion_ntc: webp   : available
[0:motion] [DBG] [ALL] [Oct 10 20:59:03] motion_ntc: mmal   : not available
[0:motion] [DBG] [ALL] [Oct 10 20:59:03] motion_ntc: ffmpeg : available
[0:motion] [DBG] [DBL] [Oct 10 20:59:03] motion_ntc: mysql  : not available
[0:motion] [DBG] [DBL] [Oct 10 20:59:03] motion_ntc: MariaDB: not available
[0:motion] [DBG] [DBL] [Oct 10 20:59:03] motion_ntc: sqlite3: not available
[0:motion] [DBG] [DBL] [Oct 10 20:59:03] motion_ntc: pgsql  : not available
[0:motion] [DBG] [DBL] [Oct 10 20:59:03] motion_ntc: nls    : available
[0:motion] [NTC] [STR] [Oct 10 20:59:03] webu_start_strm: Starting camera 31 stream on port 8082
[0:motion] [DBG] [STR] [Oct 10 20:59:03] webu_mhd_features_basic: Basic authentication: available
[0:motion] [DBG] [STR] [Oct 10 20:59:03] webu_mhd_features_digest: Digest authentication: available
[0:motion] [DBG] [STR] [Oct 10 20:59:03] webu_mhd_features_ipv6: IPV6: available
[0:motion] [DBG] [STR] [Oct 10 20:59:03] webu_mhd_features_tls: SSL/TLS: available
[0:motion] [NTC] [STR] [Oct 10 20:59:03] webu_strm_ntc: Started camera 31 stream on port 8082
[0:motion] [NTC] [STR] [Oct 10 20:59:03] webu_start_ctrl: Starting webcontrol on port 8080
[0:motion] [DBG] [STR] [Oct 10 20:59:03] webu_mhd_features_basic: Basic authentication: available
[0:motion] [DBG] [STR] [Oct 10 20:59:03] webu_mhd_features_digest: Digest authentication: available
[0:motion] [DBG] [STR] [Oct 10 20:59:03] webu_mhd_features_ipv6: IPV6: available
[0:motion] [DBG] [STR] [Oct 10 20:59:03] webu_mhd_features_tls: SSL/TLS: available
[0:motion] [NTC] [STR] [Oct 10 20:59:03] webu_start_ctrl: Started webcontrol on port 8080
[0:motion] [DBG] [VID] [Oct 10 20:59:03] bktr_mutex_init: BKTR is not enabled.
[0:motion] [NTC] [ENC] [Oct 10 20:59:03] ffmpeg_global_init: ffmpeg libavcodec version 58.35.100 libavformat version 58.20.100
[0:motion] [DBG] [DBL] [Oct 10 20:59:03] dbse_global_init: Initializing database
[0:motion] [NTC] [ALL] [Oct 10 20:59:03] translate_init: Language: English
[0:motion] [NTC] [ALL] [Oct 10 20:59:03] motion_start_thread: Camera ID: 31 is from /usr/local/etc/motion/camera31.conf
[0:motion] [NTC] [ALL] [Oct 10 20:59:03] motion_start_thread: Camera ID: 31 Camera Name: camera arriere Motion Service: rtsp:
[0:motion] [NTC] [ALL] [Oct 10 20:59:03] main: Waiting for threads to finish, pid: 5456
[1:ml1:camera arri] [NTC] [ALL] [Oct 10 20:59:03] motion_init: Camera 31 started: motion detection Enabled
[1:ml1:camera arri] [NTC] [VID] [Oct 10 20:59:03] vid_start: Opening Netcam RTSP
[1:ml1:camera arri] [INF] [NET] [Oct 10 20:59:03] netcam_rtsp_set_parms: Setting up Normal resolution stream.
[1:ml1:camera arri] [INF] [NET] [Oct 10 20:59:03] netcam_rtsp_set_path: Setting up rtsp via ffmpeg netcam
[1:ml1:camera arri] [INF] [NET] [Oct 10 20:59:03] netcam_rtsp_set_rtsp: Normal resolution: Setting rtsp transport to udp
[1:ml1:camera arri] [ERR] [NET] [Oct 10 20:59:04] netcam_rtsp_open_context: Normal resolution: Unable to open camera(camera arriere Motion): Server returned 400 Bad Request
[1:ml1:camera arri] [INF] [NET] [Oct 10 20:59:04] netcam_rtsp_cleanup: Normal resolution: Shutting down network camera.
[1:ml1:camera arri] [NTC] [NET] [Oct 10 20:59:04] netcam_rtsp_cleanup: Normal resolution: Shut down complete.
[1:ml1:camera arri] [ERR] [VID] [Oct 10 20:59:04] vid_start: Netcam RTSP failed to open
[1:ml1:camera arri] [WRN] [ALL] [Oct 10 20:59:04] motion_init: Could not fetch initial image from camera 
[1:ml1:camera arri] [WRN] [ALL] [Oct 10 20:59:04] motion_init: Motion continues using width and height from config file(s)
[1:ml1:camera arri] [NTC] [ALL] [Oct 10 20:59:04] image_ring_resize: Resizing pre_capture buffer to 1 items
[1:ml1:camera arri] [WRN] [ALL] [Oct 10 20:59:10] mlp_retry: Retrying until successful connection with camera
[1:ml1:camera arri] [NTC] [VID] [Oct 10 20:59:10] vid_start: Opening Netcam RTSP
[1:ml1:camera arri] [INF] [NET] [Oct 10 20:59:10] netcam_rtsp_set_parms: Setting up Normal resolution stream.
[1:ml1:camera arri] [INF] [NET] [Oct 10 20:59:10] netcam_rtsp_set_path: Setting up rtsp via ffmpeg netcam
[1:ml1:camera arri] [INF] [NET] [Oct 10 20:59:10] netcam_rtsp_set_rtsp: Normal resolution: Setting rtsp transport to udp
[1:ml1:camera arri] [ERR] [NET] [Oct 10 20:59:10] netcam_rtsp_open_context: Normal resolution: Unable to open camera(camera arriere Motion): Server returned 400 Bad Request
[1:ml1:camera arri] [INF] [NET] [Oct 10 20:59:10] netcam_rtsp_cleanup: Normal resolution: Shutting down network camera.
[1:ml1:camera arri] [NTC] [NET] [Oct 10 20:59:10] netcam_rtsp_cleanup: Normal resolution: Shut down complete.
[1:ml1:camera arri] [ERR] [VID] [Oct 10 20:59:10] vid_start: Netcam RTSP failed to open
[1:ml1:camera arri] [NTC] [ALL] [Oct 10 20:59:10] motion_loop: Thread exiting
[1:ml1:camera arri] [DBG] [EVT] [Oct 10 20:59:10] exec_command: Executing external command 'curl -v --header "Connection: keep-alive" ""'
[0:motion] [NTC] [ALL] [Oct 10 20:59:10] main: Motion thread 1 restart
[0:motion] [NTC] [ALL] [Oct 10 20:59:10] motion_start_thread: Camera ID: 31 is from /usr/local/etc/motion/camera31.conf
[0:motion] [NTC] [ALL] [Oct 10 20:59:10] motion_start_thread: Camera ID: 31 Camera Name: camera arriere Motion Service: rtsp:
[1:ml1:camera arri] [NTC] [ALL] [Oct 10 20:59:10] motion_init: Camera 31 started: motion detection Enabled
[1:ml1:camera arri] [NTC] [VID] [Oct 10 20:59:10] vid_start: Opening Netcam RTSP
[1:ml1:camera arri] [INF] [NET] [Oct 10 20:59:10] netcam_rtsp_set_parms: Setting up Normal resolution stream.
[1:ml1:camera arri] [INF] [NET] [Oct 10 20:59:10] netcam_rtsp_set_path: Setting up rtsp via ffmpeg netcam
[1:ml1:camera arri] [INF] [NET] [Oct 10 20:59:10] netcam_rtsp_set_rtsp: Normal resolution: Setting rtsp transport to udp
[1:ml1:camera arri] [ERR] [NET] [Oct 10 20:59:11] netcam_rtsp_open_context: Normal resolution: Unable to open camera(camera arriere Motion): Server returned 400 Bad Request
[1:ml1:camera arri] [INF] [NET] [Oct 10 20:59:11] netcam_rtsp_cleanup: Normal resolution: Shutting down network camera.
[1:ml1:camera arri] [NTC] [NET] [Oct 10 20:59:11] netcam_rtsp_cleanup: Normal resolution: Shut down complete.
[1:ml1:camera arri] [ERR] [VID] [Oct 10 20:59:11] vid_start: Netcam RTSP failed to open
[1:ml1:camera arri] [WRN] [ALL] [Oct 10 20:59:11] motion_init: Could not fetch initial image from camera 
[1:ml1:camera arri] [WRN] [ALL] [Oct 10 20:59:11] motion_init: Motion continues using width and height from config file(s)
[1:ml1:camera arri] [NTC] [ALL] [Oct 10 20:59:11] image_ring_resize: Resizing pre_capture buffer to 1 items
[1:ml1:camera arri] [WRN] [ALL] [Oct 10 20:59:20] mlp_retry: Retrying until successful connection with camera
[1:ml1:camera arri] [NTC] [VID] [Oct 10 20:59:20] vid_start: Opening Netcam RTSP
[1:ml1:camera arri] [INF] [NET] [Oct 10 20:59:20] netcam_rtsp_set_parms: Setting up Normal resolution stream.
[1:ml1:camera arri] [INF] [NET] [Oct 10 20:59:20] netcam_rtsp_set_path: Setting up rtsp via ffmpeg netcam
[1:ml1:camera arri] [INF] [NET] [Oct 10 20:59:20] netcam_rtsp_set_rtsp: Normal resolution: Setting rtsp transport to udp
[1:ml1:camera arri] [ERR] [NET] [Oct 10 20:59:20] netcam_rtsp_open_context: Normal resolution: Unable to open camera(camera arriere Motion): Server returned 400 Bad Request
[1:ml1:camera arri] [INF] [NET] [Oct 10 20:59:20] netcam_rtsp_cleanup: Normal resolution: Shutting down network camera.
[1:ml1:camera arri] [NTC] [NET] [Oct 10 20:59:20] netcam_rtsp_cleanup: Normal resolution: Shut down complete.
[1:ml1:camera arri] [ERR] [VID] [Oct 10 20:59:20] vid_start: Netcam RTSP failed to open
[1:ml1:camera arri] [NTC] [ALL] [Oct 10 20:59:20] motion_loop: Thread exiting
[1:ml1:camera arri] [DBG] [EVT] [Oct 10 20:59:20] exec_command: Executing external command 'curl -v --header "Connection: keep-alive" ""'
[0:motion] [NTC] [ALL] [Oct 10 20:59:20] main: Motion thread 1 restart
[0:motion] [NTC] [ALL] [Oct 10 20:59:20] motion_start_thread: Camera ID: 31 is from /usr/local/etc/motion/camera31.conf
[0:motion] [NTC] [ALL] [Oct 10 20:59:20] motion_start_thread: Camera ID: 31 Camera Name: camera arriere Motion Service: rtsp:
[1:ml1:camera arri] [NTC] [ALL] [Oct 10 20:59:20] motion_init: Camera 31 started: motion detection Enabled
[1:ml1:camera arri] [NTC] [VID] [Oct 10 20:59:20] vid_start: Opening Netcam RTSP
[1:ml1:camera arri] [INF] [NET] [Oct 10 20:59:20] netcam_rtsp_set_parms: Setting up Normal resolution stream.
[1:ml1:camera arri] [INF] [NET] [Oct 10 20:59:20] netcam_rtsp_set_path: Setting up rtsp via ffmpeg netcam
[1:ml1:camera arri] [INF] [NET] [Oct 10 20:59:20] netcam_rtsp_set_rtsp: Normal resolution: Setting rtsp transport to udp
[1:ml1:camera arri] [ERR] [NET] [Oct 10 20:59:21] netcam_rtsp_open_context: Normal resolution: Unable to open camera(camera arriere Motion): Server returned 400 Bad Request
[1:ml1:camera arri] [INF] [NET] [Oct 10 20:59:21] netcam_rtsp_cleanup: Normal resolution: Shutting down network camera.
[1:ml1:camera arri] [NTC] [NET] [Oct 10 20:59:21] netcam_rtsp_cleanup: Normal resolution: Shut down complete.
[1:ml1:camera arri] [ERR] [VID] [Oct 10 20:59:21] vid_start: Netcam RTSP failed to open
[1:ml1:camera arri] [WRN] [ALL] [Oct 10 20:59:21] motion_init: Could not fetch initial image from camera 
[1:ml1:camera arri] [WRN] [ALL] [Oct 10 20:59:21] motion_init: Motion continues using width and height from config file(s)
[1:ml1:camera arri] [NTC] [ALL] [Oct 10 20:59:21] image_ring_resize: Resizing pre_capture buffer to 1 items
[0:cn0] [DBG] [STR] [Oct 10 20:59:28] webu_parseurl: Sent url: /stream
[0:cn0] [DBG] [STR] [Oct 10 20:59:28] webu_parseurl: Decoded url: /stream
[0:cn0] [DBG] [STR] [Oct 10 20:59:28] webu_parseurl: camid: >stream< cmd1: >< cmd2: >< parm1:>< val1:>< parm2:>< val2:><
[0:st0] [INF] [ALL] [Oct 10 20:59:28] webu_clientip: Connection from:
[1:ml1:camera arri] [WRN] [ALL] [Oct 10 20:59:30] mlp_retry: Retrying until successful connection with camera
[1:ml1:camera arri] [NTC] [VID] [Oct 10 20:59:30] vid_start: Opening Netcam RTSP
[1:ml1:camera arri] [INF] [NET] [Oct 10 20:59:30] netcam_rtsp_set_parms: Setting up Normal resolution stream.
[1:ml1:camera arri] [INF] [NET] [Oct 10 20:59:30] netcam_rtsp_set_path: Setting up rtsp via ffmpeg netcam
[1:ml1:camera arri] [INF] [NET] [Oct 10 20:59:30] netcam_rtsp_set_rtsp: Normal resolution: Setting rtsp transport to udp
[1:ml1:camera arri] [ERR] [NET] [Oct 10 20:59:30] netcam_rtsp_open_context: Normal resolution: Unable to open camera(camera arriere Motion): Server returned 400 Bad Request
[1:ml1:camera arri] [INF] [NET] [Oct 10 20:59:30] netcam_rtsp_cleanup: Normal resolution: Shutting down network camera.
[1:ml1:camera arri] [NTC] [NET] [Oct 10 20:59:30] netcam_rtsp_cleanup: Normal resolution: Shut down complete.
[1:ml1:camera arri] [ERR] [VID] [Oct 10 20:59:30] vid_start: Netcam RTSP failed to open
[1:ml1:camera arri] [NTC] [ALL] [Oct 10 20:59:30] motion_loop: Thread exiting
[1:ml1:camera arri] [DBG] [EVT] [Oct 10 20:59:30] exec_command: Executing external command 'curl -v --header "Connection: keep-alive" ""'
[0:motion] [NTC] [ALL] [Oct 10 20:59:30] main: Motion thread 1 restart
[0:motion] [NTC] [ALL] [Oct 10 20:59:30] motion_start_thread: Camera ID: 31 is from /usr/local/etc/motion/camera31.conf
[0:motion] [NTC] [ALL] [Oct 10 20:59:30] motion_start_thread: Camera ID: 31 Camera Name: camera arriere Motion Service: rtsp:
[1:ml1:camera arri] [NTC] [ALL] [Oct 10 20:59:30] motion_init: Camera 31 started: motion detection Enabled
[1:ml1:camera arri] [NTC] [VID] [Oct 10 20:59:30] vid_start: Opening Netcam RTSP
[1:ml1:camera arri] [INF] [NET] [Oct 10 20:59:30] netcam_rtsp_set_parms: Setting up Normal resolution stream.
[1:ml1:camera arri] [INF] [NET] [Oct 10 20:59:30] netcam_rtsp_set_path: Setting up rtsp via ffmpeg netcam
[1:ml1:camera arri] [INF] [NET] [Oct 10 20:59:30] netcam_rtsp_set_rtsp: Normal resolution: Setting rtsp transport to udp
[1:ml1:camera arri] [ERR] [NET] [Oct 10 20:59:31] netcam_rtsp_open_context: Normal resolution: Unable to open camera(camera arriere Motion): Server returned 400 Bad Request
[1:ml1:camera arri] [INF] [NET] [Oct 10 20:59:31] netcam_rtsp_cleanup: Normal resolution: Shutting down network camera.
[1:ml1:camera arri] [NTC] [NET] [Oct 10 20:59:31] netcam_rtsp_cleanup: Normal resolution: Shut down complete.
[1:ml1:camera arri] [ERR] [VID] [Oct 10 20:59:31] vid_start: Netcam RTSP failed to open
[1:ml1:camera arri] [WRN] [ALL] [Oct 10 20:59:31] motion_init: Could not fetch initial image from camera 
[1:ml1:camera arri] [WRN] [ALL] [Oct 10 20:59:31] motion_init: Motion continues using width and height from config file(s)
[1:ml1:camera arri] [NTC] [ALL] [Oct 10 20:59:31] image_ring_resize: Resizing pre_capture buffer to 1 items
[1:ml1:camera arri] [NTC] [ALL] [Oct 10 20:59:36] mlp_capture: Video signal lost - Adding grey image

j’ai aussi essayé en utilisant la résolution de la camera 2560*1920 et même problème

netcam_rtsp_open_context: Normal resolution: Unable to open camera(camera arriere Motion): Server returned 400 Bad Request


Je reviens aux nouvelles! je me suis remis sur le probleme et j’ai essayer plusieurs config mais je n’arrive toujours pas a affiché le flux video de ma camera IP.

Y a il une limite au flux video? debit binaire ou résolution maximal?

Config de la camera :

  • encodage video H264 mainProfile (j’ai le choix entre plusieurs h264 et un 265)
  • résolution : 2560*1920
  • débit binaire : 1536 kbps (32-6144)
  • images /s : 25fps
  • intervalle de l’image principale : 100 (2-150) (je ne sais pas à quoi cela correspond).
  • Controle du débit Binaire : VBR (autre option : CBR)
  • Pour le réseau rien d’exceptionnel
  • les ports sont http 80 / rtsp 554
  • Il y a aussi la fonction ONVIF (aui utilise le port 8083 pour ma part dans la config motion j’utilise le 8084)

a part l’adresse IP et le Port de streaming, quel parametres peuvent influer pour ce probleme?

Merci d’avance.
Au cas ou voici les logs:

[0:motion] [NTC] [ALL] [Mar 06 20:55:50] motion_startup: Motion 4.3.2 Started
[0:motion] [NTC] [ALL] [Mar 06 20:55:50] motion_startup: Using log type (ALL) log level (ALL)
[0:motion] [NTC] [ALL] [Mar 06 20:55:50] become_daemon: Motion going to daemon mode
[0:motion] [NTC] [ALL] [Mar 06 20:55:50] motion_startup: Motion running as daemon process
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Mar 06 20:55:50] conf_output_parms: Writing configuration parameters from all files (2):
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Mar 06 20:55:50] Thread 0 - Config file: /usr/local/etc/motion/motion.conf
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Mar 06 20:55:50] daemon                    on
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Mar 06 20:55:50] setup_mode                off
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Mar 06 20:55:50] pid_file                  
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Mar 06 20:55:50] log_file                  /usr/local/etc/motion/motion.log
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Mar 06 20:55:50] log_level                 9
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Mar 06 20:55:50] log_type                  all
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Mar 06 20:55:50] quiet                     on
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Mar 06 20:55:50] native_language           on
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Mar 06 20:55:50] camera_name               
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Mar 06 20:55:50] camera_id                 0
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Mar 06 20:55:50] target_dir                
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Mar 06 20:55:50] videodevice               /dev/video0
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Mar 06 20:55:50] vid_control_params        
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Mar 06 20:55:50] v4l2_palette              17
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Mar 06 20:55:50] input                     -1
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Mar 06 20:55:50] norm                      0
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Mar 06 20:55:50] frequency                 0
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Mar 06 20:55:50] auto_brightness           0
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Mar 06 20:55:50] tunerdevice               
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Mar 06 20:55:50] roundrobin_frames         1
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Mar 06 20:55:50] roundrobin_skip           1
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Mar 06 20:55:50] roundrobin_switchfilter   off
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Mar 06 20:55:50] netcam_url                
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Mar 06 20:55:50] netcam_highres            
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Mar 06 20:55:50] netcam_userpass           
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Mar 06 20:55:50] netcam_keepalive          off
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Mar 06 20:55:50] netcam_proxy              
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Mar 06 20:55:50] netcam_tolerant_check     off
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Mar 06 20:55:50] netcam_use_tcp            on
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Mar 06 20:55:50] netcam_decoder            
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Mar 06 20:55:50] mmalcam_name              
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Mar 06 20:55:50] mmalcam_control_params    
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Mar 06 20:55:50] width                     640
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Mar 06 20:55:50] height                    480
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Mar 06 20:55:50] framerate                 15
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Mar 06 20:55:50] minimum_frame_time        0
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Mar 06 20:55:50] rotate                    0
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Mar 06 20:55:50] flip_axis                 none
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Mar 06 20:55:50] locate_motion_mode        off
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Mar 06 20:55:50] locate_motion_style       box
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Mar 06 20:55:50] text_left                 
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Mar 06 20:55:50] text_right                %Y-%m-%d\n%T
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Mar 06 20:55:50] text_changes              off
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Mar 06 20:55:50] text_scale                1
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Mar 06 20:55:50] text_event                %Y%m%d%H%M%S
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Mar 06 20:55:50] emulate_motion            off
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Mar 06 20:55:50] threshold                 1500
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Mar 06 20:55:50] threshold_maximum         0
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Mar 06 20:55:50] threshold_tune            off
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Mar 06 20:55:50] noise_level               32
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Mar 06 20:55:50] noise_tune                on
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Mar 06 20:55:50] despeckle_filter          
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Mar 06 20:55:50] area_detect               
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Mar 06 20:55:50] mask_file                 
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Mar 06 20:55:50] mask_privacy              
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Mar 06 20:55:50] smart_mask_speed          0
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Mar 06 20:55:50] lightswitch_percent       0
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Mar 06 20:55:50] lightswitch_frames        5
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Mar 06 20:55:50] minimum_motion_frames     1
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Mar 06 20:55:50] event_gap                 60
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Mar 06 20:55:50] pre_capture               0
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Mar 06 20:55:50] post_capture              0
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Mar 06 20:55:50] on_event_start            
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Mar 06 20:55:50] on_event_end              
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Mar 06 20:55:50] on_picture_save           
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Mar 06 20:55:50] on_area_detected          
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Mar 06 20:55:50] on_motion_detected        
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Mar 06 20:55:50] on_movie_start            
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Mar 06 20:55:50] on_movie_end              
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Mar 06 20:55:50] on_camera_lost            
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Mar 06 20:55:50] on_camera_found           
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Mar 06 20:55:50] picture_output            off
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Mar 06 20:55:50] picture_output_motion     off
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Mar 06 20:55:50] picture_type              jpeg
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Mar 06 20:55:50] picture_quality           75
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Mar 06 20:55:50] picture_exif              
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Mar 06 20:55:50] picture_filename          %v-%Y%m%d%H%M%S-%q
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Mar 06 20:55:50] snapshot_interval         0
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Mar 06 20:55:50] snapshot_filename         %v-%Y%m%d%H%M%S-snapshot
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Mar 06 20:55:50] movie_output              on
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Mar 06 20:55:50] movie_output_motion       off
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Mar 06 20:55:50] movie_max_time            120
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Mar 06 20:55:50] movie_bps                 400000
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Mar 06 20:55:50] movie_quality             60
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Mar 06 20:55:50] movie_codec               mkv
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Mar 06 20:55:50] movie_duplicate_frames    off
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Mar 06 20:55:50] movie_passthrough         off
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Mar 06 20:55:50] movie_filename            %v-%Y%m%d%H%M%S
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Mar 06 20:55:50] movie_extpipe_use         off
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Mar 06 20:55:50] movie_extpipe             
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Mar 06 20:55:50] timelapse_interval        0
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Mar 06 20:55:50] timelapse_mode            daily
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Mar 06 20:55:50] timelapse_fps             30
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Mar 06 20:55:50] timelapse_codec           mpg
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Mar 06 20:55:50] timelapse_filename        %Y%m%d-timelapse
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Mar 06 20:55:50] video_pipe                
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Mar 06 20:55:50] video_pipe_motion         
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Mar 06 20:55:50] webcontrol_port           8080
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Mar 06 20:55:50] webcontrol_ipv6           off
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Mar 06 20:55:50] webcontrol_localhost      off
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Mar 06 20:55:50] webcontrol_parms          2
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Mar 06 20:55:50] webcontrol_interface      1
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Mar 06 20:55:50] webcontrol_auth_method    0
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Mar 06 20:55:50] webcontrol_authentication 
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Mar 06 20:55:50] webcontrol_tls            off
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Mar 06 20:55:50] webcontrol_cert           
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Mar 06 20:55:50] webcontrol_key            
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Mar 06 20:55:50] webcontrol_cors_header    
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Mar 06 20:55:50] stream_port               0
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Mar 06 20:55:50] stream_localhost          on
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Mar 06 20:55:50] stream_auth_method        0
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Mar 06 20:55:50] stream_authentication     
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Mar 06 20:55:50] stream_tls                off
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Mar 06 20:55:50] stream_cors_header        
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Mar 06 20:55:50] stream_preview_scale      25
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Mar 06 20:55:50] stream_preview_newline    off
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Mar 06 20:55:50] stream_preview_method     0
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Mar 06 20:55:50] stream_quality            50
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Mar 06 20:55:50] stream_grey               off
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Mar 06 20:55:50] stream_motion             off
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Mar 06 20:55:50] stream_maxrate            1
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Mar 06 20:55:50] stream_limit              0
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Mar 06 20:55:50] database_type             
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Mar 06 20:55:50] database_dbname           
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Mar 06 20:55:50] database_host             localhost
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Mar 06 20:55:50] database_port             0
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Mar 06 20:55:50] database_user             
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Mar 06 20:55:50] database_password         
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Mar 06 20:55:50] database_busy_timeout     0
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Mar 06 20:55:50] sql_log_picture           off
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Mar 06 20:55:50] sql_log_snapshot          off
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Mar 06 20:55:50] sql_log_movie             off
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Mar 06 20:55:50] sql_log_timelapse         off
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Mar 06 20:55:50] sql_query_start           
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Mar 06 20:55:50] sql_query_stop            
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Mar 06 20:55:50] sql_query                 
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Mar 06 20:55:50] track_type                0
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Mar 06 20:55:50] track_auto                off
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Mar 06 20:55:50] track_port                
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Mar 06 20:55:50] track_motorx              0
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Mar 06 20:55:50] track_motorx_reverse      off
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Mar 06 20:55:50] track_motory              0
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Mar 06 20:55:50] track_motory_reverse      off
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Mar 06 20:55:50] track_maxx                0
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Mar 06 20:55:50] track_minx                0
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Mar 06 20:55:50] track_maxy                0
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Mar 06 20:55:50] track_miny                0
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Mar 06 20:55:50] track_homex               128
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Mar 06 20:55:50] track_homey               128
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Mar 06 20:55:50] track_iomojo_id           0
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Mar 06 20:55:50] track_step_angle_x        10
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Mar 06 20:55:50] track_step_angle_y        10
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Mar 06 20:55:50] track_move_wait           10
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Mar 06 20:55:50] track_speed               255
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Mar 06 20:55:50] track_stepsize            40
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Mar 06 20:55:50] track_generic_move        
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Mar 06 20:55:50] camera                    
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Mar 06 20:55:50] camera_dir                
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Mar 06 20:55:50] Thread 1 - Config file: /usr/local/etc/motion/camera26.conf
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Mar 06 20:55:50] camera_name               camera arriere
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Mar 06 20:55:50] camera_id                 26
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Mar 06 20:55:50] target_dir                /var/www/html/tmp/motion/26/
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Mar 06 20:55:50] v4l2_palette              21
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Mar 06 20:55:50] roundrobin_frames         0
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Mar 06 20:55:50] roundrobin_skip           0
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Mar 06 20:55:50] netcam_url                
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Mar 06 20:55:50] netcam_userpass           
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Mar 06 20:55:50] netcam_keepalive          force
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Mar 06 20:55:50] netcam_use_tcp            off
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Mar 06 20:55:50] width                     800
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Mar 06 20:55:50] height                    600
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Mar 06 20:55:50] framerate                 5
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Mar 06 20:55:50] text_left                 camera arriere
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Mar 06 20:55:50] text_right                %Y-%m-%d\n%T-%q
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Mar 06 20:55:50] text_scale                0
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Mar 06 20:55:50] lightswitch_percent       50
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Mar 06 20:55:50] lightswitch_frames        500
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Mar 06 20:55:50] minimum_motion_frames     0
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Mar 06 20:55:50] event_gap                 6
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Mar 06 20:55:50] on_event_start            curl -v --header "Connection: keep-alive" ""
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Mar 06 20:55:50] on_event_end              curl -v --header "Connection: keep-alive" ""
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Mar 06 20:55:50] on_picture_save           curl -v --header "Connection: keep-alive" ""
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Mar 06 20:55:50] on_motion_detected        curl -v --header "Connection: keep-alive" ""
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Mar 06 20:55:50] picture_output            best
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Mar 06 20:55:50] movie_max_time            60
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Mar 06 20:55:50] movie_bps                 500000
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Mar 06 20:55:50] movie_quality             50
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Mar 06 20:55:50] movie_codec               mp4
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Mar 06 20:55:50] timelapse_mode            hourly
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Mar 06 20:55:50] stream_port               8084
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Mar 06 20:55:50] stream_localhost          off
[0:motion] [INF] [ALL] [Mar 06 20:55:50] stream_maxrate            5
[0:motion] [DBG] [ALL] [Mar 06 20:55:50] motion_ntc: v4l2   : available
[0:motion] [DBG] [ALL] [Mar 06 20:55:50] motion_ntc: bktr   : not available
[0:motion] [DBG] [ALL] [Mar 06 20:55:50] motion_ntc: webp   : available
[0:motion] [DBG] [ALL] [Mar 06 20:55:50] motion_ntc: mmal   : not available
[0:motion] [DBG] [ALL] [Mar 06 20:55:50] motion_ntc: ffmpeg : available
[0:motion] [DBG] [DBL] [Mar 06 20:55:50] motion_ntc: mysql  : not available
[0:motion] [DBG] [DBL] [Mar 06 20:55:50] motion_ntc: MariaDB: not available
[0:motion] [DBG] [DBL] [Mar 06 20:55:50] motion_ntc: sqlite3: not available
[0:motion] [DBG] [DBL] [Mar 06 20:55:50] motion_ntc: pgsql  : not available
[0:motion] [DBG] [DBL] [Mar 06 20:55:50] motion_ntc: nls    : available
[0:motion] [NTC] [STR] [Mar 06 20:55:50] webu_start_strm: Starting camera 26 stream on port 8084
[0:motion] [DBG] [STR] [Mar 06 20:55:50] webu_mhd_features_basic: Basic authentication: available
[0:motion] [DBG] [STR] [Mar 06 20:55:50] webu_mhd_features_digest: Digest authentication: available
[0:motion] [DBG] [STR] [Mar 06 20:55:50] webu_mhd_features_ipv6: IPV6: available
[0:motion] [DBG] [STR] [Mar 06 20:55:50] webu_mhd_features_tls: SSL/TLS: available
[0:motion] [NTC] [STR] [Mar 06 20:55:50] webu_strm_ntc: Started camera 26 stream on port 8084
[0:motion] [NTC] [STR] [Mar 06 20:55:50] webu_start_ctrl: Starting webcontrol on port 8080
[0:motion] [DBG] [STR] [Mar 06 20:55:50] webu_mhd_features_basic: Basic authentication: available
[0:motion] [DBG] [STR] [Mar 06 20:55:50] webu_mhd_features_digest: Digest authentication: available
[0:motion] [DBG] [STR] [Mar 06 20:55:50] webu_mhd_features_ipv6: IPV6: available
[0:motion] [DBG] [STR] [Mar 06 20:55:50] webu_mhd_features_tls: SSL/TLS: available
[0:motion] [NTC] [STR] [Mar 06 20:55:50] webu_start_ctrl: Started webcontrol on port 8080
[0:motion] [DBG] [VID] [Mar 06 20:55:50] bktr_mutex_init: BKTR is not enabled.
[0:motion] [NTC] [ENC] [Mar 06 20:55:50] ffmpeg_global_init: ffmpeg libavcodec version 58.35.100 libavformat version 58.20.100
[0:motion] [DBG] [DBL] [Mar 06 20:55:50] dbse_global_init: Initializing database
[0:motion] [NTC] [ALL] [Mar 06 20:55:50] translate_init: Language: English
[0:motion] [NTC] [ALL] [Mar 06 20:55:50] motion_start_thread: Camera ID: 26 is from /usr/local/etc/motion/camera26.conf
[0:motion] [NTC] [ALL] [Mar 06 20:55:50] motion_start_thread: Camera ID: 26 Camera Name: camera arriere Service: http:
[0:motion] [NTC] [ALL] [Mar 06 20:55:50] main: Waiting for threads to finish, pid: 20747
[1:ml1:camera arri] [NTC] [ALL] [Mar 06 20:55:50] motion_init: Camera 26 started: motion detection Enabled
[1:ml1:camera arri] [NTC] [VID] [Mar 06 20:55:50] vid_start: Opening Netcam
[1:ml1:camera arri] [NTC] [NET] [Mar 06 20:55:50] netcam_start: Network Camera starting for camera (camera arriere)
[1:ml1:camera arri] [INF] [NET] [Mar 06 20:55:50] netcam_start: Netcam_http parameter 'force' converts to flags: HTTP/1.0: 1 HTTP/1.1: 0 Keep-Alive ON.
[1:ml1:camera arri] [INF] [NET] [Mar 06 20:55:50] netcam_start: now calling netcam_setup_html()
[1:ml1:camera arri] [INF] [NET] [Mar 06 20:55:50] netcam_http_build_url: Netcam has flags: HTTP/1.0: 1 HTTP/1.1: 0 Keep-Alive ON.
[1:ml1:camera arri] [INF] [NET] [Mar 06 20:55:50] netcam_http_request: about to try to connect, time #0
[1:ml1:camera arri] [INF] [NET] [Mar 06 20:55:50] netcam_connect: with keepalive set, invalid socket.This could be first time, created a new one with fd 8
[1:ml1:camera arri] [INF] [NET] [Mar 06 20:55:50] netcam_connect: SO_KEEPALIVE is OFF
[1:ml1:camera arri] [INF] [NET] [Mar 06 20:55:50] netcam_connect: SO_KEEPALIVE set on socket.
[1:ml1:camera arri] [INF] [NET] [Mar 06 20:55:50] netcam_connect: re-using socket 8 since keepalive is set.
[1:ml1:camera arri] [DBG] [NET] [Mar 06 20:55:50] netcam_read_first_header: Received first header ('HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request')
[1:ml1:camera arri] [DBG] [NET] [Mar 06 20:55:50] netcam_read_first_header: HTTP Result code 400
[1:ml1:camera arri] [NTC] [NET] [Mar 06 20:55:50] netcam_read_first_header: Removed netcam Keep-Alive flag due to apparent closed HTTP connection.
[1:ml1:camera arri] [NTC] [NET] [Mar 06 20:55:50] netcam_setup_html: connected, going on to read image.
[1:ml1:camera arri] [DBG] [NET] [Mar 06 20:55:50] netcam_check_buffsize: expanding buffer from [0/0] to [0/4096] bytes.
[1:ml1:camera arri] [NTC] [NET] [Mar 06 20:55:50] netcam_read_html_jpeg: disconnecting netcam since keep-alive not set.
[1:ml1:camera arri] [DBG] [NET] [Mar 06 20:55:50] netcam_output_message: Not a JPEG file: starts with 0x43 0x6f
[1:ml1:camera arri] [DBG] [NET] [Mar 06 20:55:50] netcam_error_exit: netcam->jpeg_error 1
[1:ml1:camera arri] [CRT] [NET] [Mar 06 20:55:50] netcam_start: libjpeg decompression failure on first frame - giving up!
[1:ml1:camera arri] [ERR] [VID] [Mar 06 20:55:50] vid_start: Netcam failed to open
[1:ml1:camera arri] [WRN] [ALL] [Mar 06 20:55:50] motion_init: Could not fetch initial image from camera 
[1:ml1:camera arri] [WRN] [ALL] [Mar 06 20:55:50] motion_init: Motion continues using width and height from config file(s)
[1:ml1:camera arri] [CRT] [NET] [Mar 06 20:55:50] motion_init: Substream not available.  Image sizes not modulo 16.
[1:ml1:camera arri] [NTC] [ALL] [Mar 06 20:55:50] image_ring_resize: Resizing pre_capture buffer to 1 items
[1:ml1:camera arri] [WRN] [ALL] [Mar 06 20:55:50] mlp_retry: Retrying until successful connection with camera
[1:ml1:camera arri] [NTC] [VID] [Mar 06 20:55:50] vid_start: Opening Netcam
[1:ml1:camera arri] [NTC] [NET] [Mar 06 20:55:50] netcam_start: Network Camera starting for camera (camera arriere)
[1:ml1:camera arri] [INF] [NET] [Mar 06 20:55:50] netcam_start: Netcam_http parameter 'off' converts to flags: HTTP/1.0: 1 HTTP/1.1: 0 Keep-Alive OFF.
[1:ml1:camera arri] [INF] [NET] [Mar 06 20:55:50] netcam_start: now calling netcam_setup_html()
[1:ml1:camera arri] [INF] [NET] [Mar 06 20:55:50] netcam_http_build_url: Netcam has flags: HTTP/1.0: 1 HTTP/1.1: 0 Keep-Alive OFF.
[1:ml1:camera arri] [INF] [NET] [Mar 06 20:55:50] netcam_http_request: about to try to connect, time #0
[1:ml1:camera arri] [INF] [NET] [Mar 06 20:55:50] netcam_connect: disconnecting netcam since keep-alive not set.
[1:ml1:camera arri] [INF] [NET] [Mar 06 20:55:50] netcam_connect: with no keepalive, new socket created fd 8
[1:ml1:camera arri] [INF] [NET] [Mar 06 20:55:50] netcam_connect: re-using socket 8 since keepalive is set.
[1:ml1:camera arri] [DBG] [NET] [Mar 06 20:55:50] netcam_read_first_header: Received first header ('HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request')
[1:ml1:camera arri] [DBG] [NET] [Mar 06 20:55:50] netcam_read_first_header: HTTP Result code 400
[1:ml1:camera arri] [NTC] [NET] [Mar 06 20:55:50] netcam_setup_html: connected, going on to read image.
[1:ml1:camera arri] [DBG] [NET] [Mar 06 20:55:50] netcam_check_buffsize: expanding buffer from [0/0] to [0/4096] bytes.
[1:ml1:camera arri] [NTC] [NET] [Mar 06 20:55:50] netcam_read_html_jpeg: disconnecting netcam since keep-alive not set.
[1:ml1:camera arri] [DBG] [NET] [Mar 06 20:55:50] netcam_output_message: Not a JPEG file: starts with 0x43 0x6f
[1:ml1:camera arri] [DBG] [NET] [Mar 06 20:55:50] netcam_error_exit: netcam->jpeg_error 1
[1:ml1:camera arri] [CRT] [NET] [Mar 06 20:55:50] netcam_start: libjpeg decompression failure on first frame - giving up!
[1:ml1:camera arri] [ERR] [VID] [Mar 06 20:55:50] vid_start: Netcam failed to open
[1:ml1:camera arri] [NTC] [ALL] [Mar 06 20:55:50] motion_loop: Thread exiting
[1:ml1:camera arri] [DBG] [EVT] [Mar 06 20:55:50] exec_command: Executing external command 'curl -v --header "Connection: keep-alive" ""'
[0:motion] [NTC] [ALL] [Mar 06 20:55:51] main: Motion thread 1 restart
[0:motion] [NTC] [ALL] [Mar 06 20:55:51] motion_start_thread: Camera ID: 26 is from /usr/local/etc/motion/camera26.conf
[0:motion] [NTC] [ALL] [Mar 06 20:55:51] motion_start_thread: Camera ID: 26 Camera Name: camera arriere Service: http:
[1:ml1:camera arri] [NTC] [ALL] [Mar 06 20:55:51] motion_init: Camera 26 started: motion detection Enabled
[1:ml1:camera arri] [NTC] [VID] [Mar 06 20:55:51] vid_start: Opening Netcam
[1:ml1:camera arri] [NTC] [NET] [Mar 06 20:55:51] netcam_start: Network Camera starting for camera (camera arriere)
[1:ml1:camera arri] [INF] [NET] [Mar 06 20:55:51] netcam_start: Netcam_http parameter 'off' converts to flags: HTTP/1.0: 1 HTTP/1.1: 0 Keep-Alive OFF.
[1:ml1:camera arri] [INF] [NET] [Mar 06 20:55:51] netcam_start: now calling netcam_setup_html()
[1:ml1:camera arri] [INF] [NET] [Mar 06 20:55:51] netcam_http_build_url: Netcam has flags: HTTP/1.0: 1 HTTP/1.1: 0 Keep-Alive OFF.
[1:ml1:camera arri] [INF] [NET] [Mar 06 20:55:51] netcam_http_request: about to try to connect, time #0
[1:ml1:camera arri] [INF] [NET] [Mar 06 20:55:51] netcam_connect: disconnecting netcam since keep-alive not set.
[1:ml1:camera arri] [INF] [NET] [Mar 06 20:55:51] netcam_connect: with no keepalive, new socket created fd 8
[1:ml1:camera arri] [INF] [NET] [Mar 06 20:55:51] netcam_connect: re-using socket 8 since keepalive is set.
[1:ml1:camera arri] [DBG] [NET] [Mar 06 20:55:51] netcam_read_first_header: Received first header ('HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request')
[1:ml1:camera arri] [DBG] [NET] [Mar 06 20:55:51] netcam_read_first_header: HTTP Result code 400
[1:ml1:camera arri] [NTC] [NET] [Mar 06 20:55:51] netcam_setup_html: connected, going on to read image.
[1:ml1:camera arri] [DBG] [NET] [Mar 06 20:55:51] netcam_check_buffsize: expanding buffer from [0/0] to [0/4096] bytes.
[1:ml1:camera arri] [NTC] [NET] [Mar 06 20:55:51] netcam_read_html_jpeg: disconnecting netcam since keep-alive not set.
[1:ml1:camera arri] [DBG] [NET] [Mar 06 20:55:51] netcam_output_message: Not a JPEG file: starts with 0x43 0x6f
[1:ml1:camera arri] [DBG] [NET] [Mar 06 20:55:51] netcam_error_exit: netcam->jpeg_error 1
[1:ml1:camera arri] [CRT] [NET] [Mar 06 20:55:51] netcam_start: libjpeg decompression failure on first frame - giving up!
[1:ml1:camera arri] [ERR] [VID] [Mar 06 20:55:51] vid_start: Netcam failed to open
[1:ml1:camera arri] [WRN] [ALL] [Mar 06 20:55:51] motion_init: Could not fetch initial image from camera 
[1:ml1:camera arri] [WRN] [ALL] [Mar 06 20:55:51] motion_init: Motion continues using width and height from config file(s)
[1:ml1:camera arri] [CRT] [NET] [Mar 06 20:55:51] motion_init: Substream not available.  Image sizes not modulo 16.
[1:ml1:camera arri] [NTC] [ALL] [Mar 06 20:55:51] image_ring_resize: Resizing pre_capture buffer to 1 items