Probleme avec mes Netatmo présence

J’ai installé Netatmo Pro pour la Caméra Présence sur Jeedom il y a un an, Ca en fonctionne plus actuellement : pas d’image des caméras.
Lorsque je tente de synchroniser les caméras, j’ai le message suivant

[2020-11-29 19:05:49][DEBUG] : synchronize:: update:false
[2020-11-29 19:05:49][DEBUG] : synchronize:: scope:array ( )
[2020-11-29 19:05:49][DEBUG] : synchronize:: NAWSApiClient
[2020-11-29 19:06:00][DEBUG] : synchronize:: WS:array (   'devices' =>    array (     0 =>      array (       '_id' => '70:ee:50:06:b8:8a',       'station_name' => 'JLC (Entree)',       'type' => 'NAMain',       'last_status_store' => 1606672848,       'reachable' => true,       'favorite' => true,       'data_type' =>        array (         0 => 'Pressure',       ),       'place' =>        array (         'altitude' => 10,         'city' => 'Saint-Palais-sur-Mer',         'country' => 'FR',         'timezone' => 'Europe/Paris',         'location' =>          array (           0 => -1.0809599999999999,           1 => 45.635077000000003,         ),       ),       'read_only' => true,       'dashboard_data' =>        array (         'time_utc' => 1606672836,         'Pressure' => 1018.8,         'AbsolutePressure' => 1017.6,         'pressure_trend' => 'up',       ),       'modules' =>        array (         0 =>          array (           '_id' => '02:00:00:06:a2:d8',           'type' => 'NAModule1',           'data_type' =>            array (             0 => 'Temperature',             1 => 'Humidity',           ),           'reachable' => true,           'last_message' => 1606672843,           'last_seen' => 1606672836,           'dashboard_data' =>            array (             'time_utc' => 1606672836,             'Temperature' => 10.5,             'Humidity' => 68,             'min_temp' => 7.9000000000000004,             'max_temp' => 22.100000000000001,             'date_max_temp' => 1606660123,             'date_min_temp' => 1606637465,             'temp_trend' => 'down',           ),         ),       ),     ),     1 =>      array (       '_id' => '70:ee:50:12:a0:5c',       'station_name' => 'PatouMeteo (Intérieur)',       'type' => 'NAMain',       'last_status_store' => 1606672816,       'reachable' => true,       'favorite' => true,       'data_type' =>        array (         0 => 'Pressure',       ),       'place' =>        array (         'altitude' => 21,         'city' => 'Talence',         'country' => 'FR',         'timezone' => 'Europe/Paris',         'location' =>          array (           0 => -0.59539997577667236,           1 => 44.804798126220703,         ),       ),       'read_only' => true,       'dashboard_data' =>        array (         'time_utc' => 1606672802,         'Pressure' => 1013.3,         'AbsolutePressure' => 1010.8,         'pressure_trend' => 'stable',       ),       'modules' =>        array (         0 =>          array (           '_id' => '02:00:00:12:b1:e2',           'type' => 'NAModule1',           'data_type' =>            array (             0 => 'Temperature',             1 => 'Humidity',           ),           'reachable' => true,           'last_message' => 1606672816,           'last_seen' => 1606672802,           'dashboard_data' =>            array (             'time_utc' => 1606672802,             'Temperature' => 9.8000000000000007,             'Humidity' => 72,             'min_temp' => 4.7000000000000002,             'max_temp' => 19,             'date_max_temp' => 1606661625,             'date_min_temp' => 1606636248,             'temp_trend' => 'down',           ),         ),       ),     ),     2 =>      array (       '_id' => '70:ee:50:00:7c:9e',       'station_name' => 'NETATMO (Intérieur)',       'type' => 'NAMain',       'last_status_store' => 1606236075,       'reachable' => false,       'favorite' => true,       'data_type' =>        array (         0 => 'Pressure',       ),       'place' =>        array (         'altitude' => 152,         'city' => 'Cajarc',         'country' => 'FR',         'timezone' => 'Europe/Paris',         'location' =>          array (           0 => 1.841085000000021,           1 => 44.486317799999988,         ),       ),       'read_only' => true,       'modules' =>        array (         0 =>          array (           '_id' => '02:00:00:00:72:1a',           'type' => 'NAModule1',           'data_type' =>            array (             0 => 'Temperature',             1 => 'Humidity',           ),           'reachable' => false,           'last_message' => 1606236071,           'last_seen' => 1606236033,         ),         1 =>          array (           '_id' => '05:00:00:01:c2:0c',           'type' => 'NAModule3',           'data_type' =>            array (             0 => 'Rain',           ),           'reachable' => false,           'last_message' => 1606236071,           'last_seen' => 1606236071,         ),       ),     ),     3 =>      array (       '_id' => '70:ee:50:13:5e:aa',       'station_name' => 'Madame (Intérieur)',       'type' => 'NAMain',       'last_status_store' => 1606672372,       'reachable' => true,       'favorite' => true,       'data_type' =>        array (         0 => 'Pressure',       ),       'place' =>        array (         'altitude' => 50,         'city' => 'Paris',         'country' => 'FR',         'timezone' => 'Europe/Paris',         'location' =>          array (           0 => 2.3299999237060551,           1 => 48.849300384521477,         ),       ),       'read_only' => true,       'dashboard_data' =>        array (         'time_utc' => 1606672279,         'Pressure' => 1033.5999999999999,         'AbsolutePressure' => 1027.5,         'pressure_trend' => 'up',       ),       'modules' =>        array (         0 =>          array (           '_id' => '02:00:00:13:86:ea',           'type' => 'NAModule1',           'data_type' =>            array (             0 => 'Temperature',             1 => 'Humidity',           ),           'reachable' => true,           'last_message' => 1606672367,           'last_seen' => 1606672335,           'dashboard_data' =>            array (             'time_utc' => 1606672232,             'Temperature' => 5.5,             'Humidity' => 77,             'min_temp' => 5.5,             'max_temp' => 8.8000000000000007,             'date_max_temp' => 1606604544,             'date_min_temp' => 1606671667,             'temp_trend' => 'stable',           ),         ),       ),     ),   ),   'user' =>    array (     'mail' => '',     'administrative' =>      array (       'lang' => 'fr',       'reg_locale' => 'fr-FR',       'unit' => 0,       'windunit' => 0,       'pressureunit' => 0,       'feel_like_algo' => 0,     ),   ), )
[2020-11-29 19:06:00][DEBUG] : synchronize:: M_CREATE_IN_PROGRESS:array (   '_id' => '02:00:00:06:a2:d8',   'type' => 'NAModule1',   'data_type' =>    array (     0 => 'Temperature',     1 => 'Humidity',   ),   'reachable' => true,   'last_message' => 1606672843,   'last_seen' => 1606672836,   'dashboard_data' =>    array (     'time_utc' => 1606672836,     'Temperature' => 10.5,     'Humidity' => 68,     'min_temp' => 7.9000000000000004,     'max_temp' => 22.100000000000001,     'date_max_temp' => 1606660123,     'date_min_temp' => 1606637465,     'temp_trend' => 'down',   ), )
[2020-11-29 19:06:00][DEBUG] : createEqLogic:: data:array (   '_id' => '02:00:00:06:a2:d8',   'type' => 'NAModule1',   'data_type' =>    array (     0 => 'Temperature',     1 => 'Humidity',   ),   'reachable' => true,   'last_message' => 1606672843,   'last_seen' => 1606672836,   'dashboard_data' =>    array (     'time_utc' => 1606672836,     'Temperature' => 10.5,     'Humidity' => 68,     'min_temp' => 7.9000000000000004,     'max_temp' => 22.100000000000001,     'date_max_temp' => 1606660123,     'date_min_temp' => 1606637465,     'temp_trend' => 'down',   ), )
[2020-11-29 19:06:00][DEBUG] : createEqLogic:: name:NULL

Lorsque je lance une action, j’ai le message suivant :

[2020-11-29 19:06:34][DEBUG] : execute:: options:array (   'select' => '0', )
[2020-11-29 19:06:34][DEBUG] : execute:: this:netatmoproCmd::__set_state(array(    'id' => '13669',    'logicalId' => 'floodlight_set_config',    'generic_type' => NULL,    'eqType' => 'netatmopro',    'name' => 'Projecteur (AutoOnOff)',    'order' => '4',    'type' => 'action',    'subType' => 'select',    'eqLogic_id' => '1070',    'isHistorized' => '0',    'unite' => '',    'configuration' =>    array (     'listValue' => '0|Off;1|On;2|Auto',     'minValue' => '',     'maxValue' => '',   ),    'template' => '{"dashboard":"core::default","mobile":"core::default"}',    'display' => '{"invertBinary":"0","showStatsOnmobile":0,"showStatsOndashboard":0}',    'value' => NULL,    'isVisible' => '1',    'alert' => '[]',    '_collectDate' => '',    '_valueDate' => '',    '_eqLogic' =>    netatmopro::__set_state(array(      'id' => '1070',      'name' => 'Camera Escalier',      'logicalId' => '70:ee:50:51:ed:a0',      'generic_type' => NULL,      'object_id' => '39',      'eqType_name' => 'netatmopro',      'eqReal_id' => NULL,      'isVisible' => '1',      'isEnable' => '1',      'configuration' => '{"type":"NOC","version":1,"scope":"read_presence","createtime":"2020-07-03 23:40:35","dashboard":["status","sd_status","alim_status","light_mode_status"],"updatetime":"2020-11-29 18:34:16","home_id":"5d40451f777bfc000c46883c","home_name":"Saint Palais","vpn_url":"https:\/\/\/restricted\/\/18a4f1dbe7068271cb8f3d9eab2b3839\/MTYwNDgzMzIwMDq303cIkvlMMabg_I_mtWH0k41TfA,,","is_local":true,"comment":""}',      'timeout' => NULL,      'category' => '{"heating":"0","security":"1","energy":"0","light":"1","automatism":"0","multimedia":"0","default":"0"}',      'display' => '{"showObjectNameOnview":1,"showObjectNameOndview":1,"showObjectNameOnmview":1,"height":"232px","width":"392px"}',      'order' => '9',      'comment' => NULL,      'tags' => NULL,      '_debug' => false,      '_object' =>      jeeObject::__set_state(array(        'id' => '39',        'name' => '0 - Allée entrée',        'father_id' => '32',        'isVisible' => '1',        'position' => '24',        'configuration' => '{"parentNumber":1,"tagColor":"#000000","tagTextColor":"#FFFFFF","desktop::summaryTextColor":"","mobile::summaryTextColor":"","hideOnDashboard":"0","summary::global::security":"0","summary::global::motion":"0","summary::global::door":"0","summary::global::windows":"0","summary::global::shutter":"0","summary::global::light":"0","summary::global::outlet":"0","summary::global::temperature":"0","summary::global::humidity":"0","summary::global::luminosity":"0","summary::global::power":"0","summary::hide::desktop::security":"0","summary::hide::desktop::motion":"0","summary::hide::desktop::door":"0","summary::hide::desktop::windows":"0","summary::hide::desktop::shutter":"0","summary::hide::desktop::light":"0","summary::hide::desktop::outlet":"0","summary::hide::desktop::temperature":"0","summary::hide::desktop::humidity":"0","summary::hide::desktop::luminosity":"0","summary::hide::desktop::power":"0","summary::hide::mobile::security":"0","summary::hide::mobile::motion":"0","summary::hide::mobile::door":"0","summary::hide::mobile::windows":"0","summary::hide::mobile::shutter":"0","summary::hide::mobile::light":"0","summary::hide::mobile::outlet":"0","summary::hide::mobile::temperature":"0","summary::hide::mobile::humidity":"0","summary::hide::mobile::luminosity":"0","summary::hide::mobile::power":"0","summary":{"security":[],"motion":[],"door":[],"windows":[],"shutter":[],"light":[],"outlet":[],"temperature":[],"humidity":[],"luminosity":[],"power":[]},"useCustomColor":1}',        'display' => '{"icon":"<i class=\"icon maison-entrance\"><\/i>","tagColor":"#51a8ff","tagTextColor":"#000000","dashboard::size":""}',        'image' => '[]',        '_child' =>        array (       ),        '_changed' => false,        '_summaryChanged' => false,     )),      '_needRefreshWidget' => false,      '_timeoutUpdated' => false,      '_batteryUpdated' => false,      '_changed' => false,   )),    '_needRefreshWidget' => NULL,    '_needRefreshAlert' => NULL,    '_changed' => false, ))
[2020-11-29 19:06:34][DEBUG] : execute:: this:array (   'listValue' => '0|Off;1|On;2|Auto',   'minValue' => '',   'maxValue' => '', )
[2020-11-29 19:06:34][ALERT] : Starting task (Camera Escalier/Projecteur (AutoOnOff) #13669)
[2020-11-29 19:06:34][DEBUG] : execute:: FileCookieJar:GuzzleHttp\Cookie\FileCookieJar::__set_state(array(    'filename' => '/tmp/jeedom/netatmopro/b27536f76a9d4d240a34dbd84bc85085',    'storeSessionCookies' => true,    'cookies' =>    array (     0 =>      GuzzleHttp\Cookie\SetCookie::__set_state(array(        'data' =>        array (         'Name' => 'authnetatmocomask_application',         'Value' => 'eyJpdiI6IlJtRU1zYUJyRVJYVUhCcWZFQ25ZRnc9PSIsInZhbHVlIjoiZER2eUc2Qm5nbnZvM0VKNHpSeXlpZz09IiwibWFjIjoiNDBhMzI2ODZlOTUxMTgwMzdlMDFmZTRhYjk3NDk0ZWMyOTllNDhiMjhkY2I3OGRlYTMwNDk2ZjJiM2UxY2RlOCJ9',         'Domain' => '',         'Path' => '/',         'Max-Age' => '0',         'Expires' => 1448992726,         'Secure' => true,         'Discard' => false,         'HttpOnly' => true,       ),     )),     1 =>      GuzzleHttp\Cookie\SetCookie::__set_state(array(        'data' =>        array (         'Name' => 'authnetatmocomask_application_scope',         'Value' => 'eyJpdiI6IkNObnBRUzVqSVJZUGRQXC9oU2N0Zm5RPT0iLCJ2YWx1ZSI6ImxOdkpueXlxc0NLMTJyaXc2OG40QlE9PSIsIm1hYyI6ImY3MGUyY2FjYzYwNGQ5OGYxN2ZkNGRjYWI4NzQ1ZjJkNThiMzM1OThkZjI3MDAxNWEzNjZjYmJlZDAzZWEwZmIifQ%3D%3D',         'Domain' => '',         'Path' => '/',         'Max-Age' => '0',         'Expires' => 1448992726,         'Secure' => true,         'Discard' => false,         'HttpOnly' => true,       ),     )),     2 =>      GuzzleHttp\Cookie\SetCookie::__set_state(array(        'data' =>        array (         'Name' => 'XSRF-TOKEN',         'Value' => 'eyJpdiI6InlEWDh4NE8wUXREOGJqXC9DNWJYc2lBPT0iLCJ2YWx1ZSI6IkNqN0lpNU1DOG03XC84YzBrVDI4ejJ4eURrZTZjem90T01FYW5ZYldTd2hleVZTSmRGVFRrbzdtaEZoRUZQSUk4IiwibWFjIjoiNzYxNTAxMTQ5MGJmNDAxZTUwOWU2Mjg2MTFhYzFjNDc0ZTkzN2QwNjkyY2YyMGMxMjkzOGZmMzExMmQwZTUxNiJ9',         'Domain' => '',         'Path' => '/',         'Max-Age' => '7200',         'Expires' => 1606679927,         'Secure' => false,         'Discard' => false,         'HttpOnly' => false,       ),     )),     3 =>      GuzzleHttp\Cookie\SetCookie::__set_state(array(        'data' =>        array (         'Name' => 'authnetatmocomlaravel_session',         'Value' => 'eyJpdiI6ImFKcEV1b3pIcjVmSUZYXC93SysyNkVRPT0iLCJ2YWx1ZSI6ImI4S2k2WTFLek5qWlBDV3V2NkM0NTRUejI4aW1XaENEY2ZxaUVoK0ViZ0FKMmptbVF4RkVCZzA3XC9nWDZFNmp4IiwibWFjIjoiMTBhYTJmM2ZiMjI1M2FlODczMzEyMDA4N2RkZTU2ZjdhOWI3NTU3OWNlMWNiODU0ODU3MzlkYjRmNWI0MDI1YyJ9',         'Domain' => '',         'Path' => '/',         'Max-Age' => '7200',         'Expires' => 1606679927,         'Secure' => false,         'Discard' => false,         'HttpOnly' => true,       ),     )),     4 =>      GuzzleHttp\Cookie\SetCookie::__set_state(array(        'data' =>        array (         'Name' => 'authnetatmocomrefresh_token',         'Value' => 'eyJpdiI6ImFMOEtKQzZtcWxNa1RvXC9IcGI5Y09BPT0iLCJ2YWx1ZSI6IkV0bnpYNVJPME16SlV0M3hmSXZ2b3lFNW9oXC9GK2d2TklsRGVrY0hBbUNvb05HKzhnOFh6dVwvcUpzUGdyMUIxUW9mNkg0ZmtGaWQ0WWFabUpEbkp0Nmc9PSIsIm1hYyI6IjJjM2E3NDYzZmQwOGU4NzM0NGFmNzRiMTcwODYwMzhhMjI0NjIzMDJkY2M4M2I2MWY1YzIzZDQ4Y2U5MjkzMjMifQ%3D%3D',         'Domain' => '',         'Path' => '/',         'Max-Age' => '31536000',         'Expires' => 1638208727,         'Secure' => true,         'Discard' => false,         'HttpOnly' => true,       ),     )),     5 =>      GuzzleHttp\Cookie\SetCookie::__set_state(array(        'data' =>        array (         'Name' => 'authnetatmocommail_cookie',         'Value' => 'eyJpdiI6IktPSlwvVGZZXC9LUTZmU0RtVjFNaDFtQT09IiwidmFsdWUiOiJpdGVjXC9GSTVsWjdwdTlHRU1KK0U5RXJSRWNQUnRwVHYrdWZCQ2h6OHFWdz0iLCJtYWMiOiIyMDlkMDRjMjk4ZGU1YTcxY2Q2ZTRmMWRmM2NlZDkwYzc5NDUzMTYzYTcwYWZmMDk0Njk3NTg0YjUxYTExOTZkIn0%3D',         'Domain' => '',         'Path' => '/',         'Max-Age' => '1614448727',         'Expires' => -1073845375,         'Secure' => true,         'Discard' => false,         'HttpOnly' => true,       ),     )),     6 =>      GuzzleHttp\Cookie\SetCookie::__set_state(array(        'data' =>        array (         'Name' => 'netatmocomaccess_token',         'Value' => '5c8046b89daf380a008b45ad%7C7d6651c155b0ba8c5d94b8ff8aca6326',         'Domain' => '',         'Path' => '/',         'Max-Age' => '10800',         'Expires' => 1606683527,         'Secure' => true,         'Discard' => false,         'HttpOnly' => false,       ),     )),     7 =>      GuzzleHttp\Cookie\SetCookie::__set_state(array(        'data' =>        array (         'Name' => 'netatmocomci_csrf_cookie_na',         'Value' => 'f9e5df3d8901c5126fa48d791436b0c5',         'Domain' => '',         'Path' => '/',         'Max-Age' => '43200',         'Expires' => 1606715927,         'Secure' => true,         'Discard' => false,         'HttpOnly' => true,       ),     )),     8 =>      GuzzleHttp\Cookie\SetCookie::__set_state(array(        'data' =>        array (         'Name' => 'netatmocomlast_app_used',         'Value' => 'app_station',         'Domain' => '',         'Path' => '/',         'Max-Age' => '31536000',         'Expires' => 1638208727,         'Secure' => true,         'Discard' => false,         'HttpOnly' => true,       ),     )),   ),    'strictMode' => NULL, ))
[2020-11-29 19:06:34][DEBUG] : execute:: netatmocomci_csrf_cookie_na:GuzzleHttp\Cookie\SetCookie::__set_state(array(    'data' =>    array (     'Name' => 'netatmocomci_csrf_cookie_na',     'Value' => 'f9e5df3d8901c5126fa48d791436b0c5',     'Domain' => '',     'Path' => '/',     'Max-Age' => '43200',     'Expires' => 1606715927,     'Secure' => true,     'Discard' => false,     'HttpOnly' => true,   ), ))
[2020-11-29 19:06:34][DEBUG] : execute:: netatmocomci_csrf_cookie_na:'Monday 30th of November 2020 06:58:47 AM / Sunday 29th of November 2020 08:58:47 PM'
[2020-11-29 19:06:34][DEBUG] : execute:: uri:',,/command/floodlight_set_config?config=%7B%22mode%22:%22off%22%7D'
[2020-11-29 19:06:35][ERROR] : Erreur exécution de la commande [0 - Allée entrée][Camera Escalier][Projecteur (AutoOnOff)] : Client error: `GET,,/command/floodlight_set_config?config=%7B%22mode%22:%22off%22%7D` resulted in a `403 Forbidden` response: <html> <head><title>403 Forbidden</title></head> <body bgcolor="white"> <center><h1>403 Forbidden</h1></center> <hr> (truncated...)
[2020-11-29 19:12:47][DEBUG] : getIconFile::
[2020-11-29 19:12:47][DEBUG] : getIconFile::
[2020-11-29 19:12:47][DEBUG] : getIconFile::

Par ailleurs, l’envoi de ces commandes me fait passer en banni sur le site dev de Netatmo.

Avez vous une idée du problème ? Merci de votre aide.

Ma configuration : Jeedom 4.0.61 sur Rapsberry Pi 3b+, disque SSD sous Debian Stretch 9.5

As-tu ajouté une station météo en favori ? Si oui, le plugin « netatmopro » ne supporte pas ce type de configuration ce qui explique la première erreur.

Pour la deuxième erreur, peux-tu supprimer le fichier « /tmp/jeedom/netatmopro/b27536f76a9d4d240a34dbd84bc85085 » et relancer ta commande ?

Je n’ai pas de station météo.
Si je relance la commande, j’ai le message suivant :
Client error: GET,,/command/floodlight_set_config?config=%7B%22mode%22:%22off%22%7D resulted in a 403 Forbidden response:

403 Forbidden


et je suis alors banni sur le site de dev

Le premier log indique que l’équipement de type NAModule1 ne comporte pas de nom.
Ce type d’équipement est le module principale de la station météo.
Sur le site Netatmo, tu peux très bien associé une station météo d’une personne tierce (si elle la partage) sans avoir cet équipement.
Il faut donc vérifier que tu n’as pas de station météo en favori.

Pour le deuxième point, merci d’activer les logs en mode DEBUG et me les envoyer en MP

Pour supprimer une station météo indiquée comme favoris, il suffit de te connecter au site

Tu peux alors sélectionner la station météo posant problème et la supprimer de la liste de tes favoris.

Pour le deuxième point, je regarde tes logs ASAP

Après suppression de la station météo crée via Netatmo Open Data, tout refonctionne correctement. Merci thanaus.

1 « J'aime »

@gcherel : peux-tu cloturer ce topic en indiquant ton message ?

Heureux que tout fonctionne parfaitement bien

Ce sujet a été automatiquement fermé après 24 heures suivant le dernier commentaire. Aucune réponse n’est permise dorénavant.