Problème avec l'actualisation


Depuis hier, environ 14h30, les actualisations planifiées toutes les 30s ne se font que toutes les 120s à 180s.

Voici les données issues du log enphasesecur_daemon :

[2023-04-24 09:54:29]INFO : Recuperation mesures
[2023-04-24 09:54:29]DEBUG : Recuperation mesures passerelle
[2023-04-24 09:54:30]DEBUG : HTTP Request: GET "HTTP/1.1 401 Unauthorized"
[2023-04-24 09:54:35]INFO : Tentative de connexion:1
[2023-04-24 09:54:35]DEBUG : Attente 120s avant reconnexion

J’ai tenté de réinstaller la version stable ==> pas d’effet,
J’ai réinstallé la version béta ==> pas d’effet,
J’ai coupé le plugin 10min le temps de redémarrer la passerelle Envoy ==> pas d’effet.

Quelqu’un aurait une idée pour refaire fonctionner l’actualisation toutes les 30s ?

Merci d’avance pour vos réponses.

JeeDom : dernière en date.
Enphasesecure Béta : dernière en date.


C’est surtout que ça n’actualise plus puisque que l’authentification échoue. La prochaine tentative d’authentification est alors planifiée au bout de 120s.

1 « J'aime »


Pareil chez moi sur rasp 3 depuis la ( les ) maj du 23/04.
Je n’ai plus d’actualisation à la seconde comme avant.
log de maniere récurrente

[2023-04-24 18:39:16]ERROR : Erreur de connexion
[2023-04-24 18:39:16]INFO : Send to jeedom :  error arret
[2023-04-24 18:40:11]INFO : Start demond
[2023-04-24 18:40:11]INFO : Log level : info
[2023-04-24 18:40:11]INFO : Adresse IP Passerelle :
[2023-04-24 18:40:11]INFO : Writing PID 18484 to /tmp/jeedom/enphasesecur/
[2023-04-24 18:40:11]INFO : Init request module v2.21.0
[2023-04-24 18:40:12]INFO : Recuperation token
[2023-04-24 18:40:16]INFO : Test Token

idem Enphasesecure BETA/STABLE

Bonjour, vous ne fournissez pas les même logs donc c’est un peu rapide de dire que c’est le mème problème.
1s c’est quand elle très court… Un raspberry c’est pas une bête de course.^^
La différence par rapport à avant c’est que j’ai imposé un délais de 120s quand la première tentative échoue pour éviter d’avoir des messages dans les logs et couper le démon

Il y a des chances que les problèmes soit présent bien avant dans vos cas respectifs mais que c’était transparent car pasde délais.

Redémarrer la passerelle
Attendre 10min

Et fournir les 2 logs en debug .
Et la page santé


Pour la temporisation à 1 seconde, cela me permet le courant de charge d’un VE de maniere plutôt optimisé en limitant le courant de charge au maximum lors d’un nuage ou d’un appel de courant dans la maison. La rasp s’en sort pas trop mal pour mon besoin.
la page santé ( le plugin en défaut n’est pas celui d’enphase ):

Pour les logs sur deux messages car trop de caracteres après reboot de la passerelle:


[2023-04-24 19:23:45]INFO : Send to jeedom :  error check
[2023-04-24 19:24:45]INFO : Renouvellement du token
[2023-04-24 19:24:45]INFO : Send to jeedom :  error check bis
[2023-04-24 19:24:45]INFO : Test Token
[2023-04-24 19:24:46]INFO : Erreur de vérification du jeton, attente de 60s pour recommmencer
[2023-04-24 19:24:46]INFO : Send to jeedom :  error check
[2023-04-24 19:25:06]INFO : Send to jeedom :  error arret
[2023-04-24 19:25:11]INFO : Start demond
[2023-04-24 19:25:11]INFO : Log level : debug
[2023-04-24 19:25:11]DEBUG : Socket port : 52611
[2023-04-24 19:25:11]DEBUG : Socket host : localhost
[2023-04-24 19:25:11]DEBUG : PID file : /tmp/jeedom/enphasesecur/
[2023-04-24 19:25:11]DEBUG : Apikey : RxKUHtjtc6YO15TTwiiJMvr246MTe0uBq20pvPfJFy3heyJHPhY8vsTP2V9A5HXW
[2023-04-24 19:25:11]DEBUG : Device : auto
[2023-04-24 19:25:11]DEBUG : Callback :
[2023-04-24 19:25:11]DEBUG : Delais actualisation : 1
[2023-04-24 19:25:11]INFO : Adresse IP Passerelle :
[2023-04-24 19:25:11]DEBUG : User :
[2023-04-24 19:25:11]DEBUG : Password : xxxxxxxxxx
[2023-04-24 19:25:11]DEBUG : Numero de serie : xxxxxxxxxx
[2023-04-24 19:25:11]INFO : Writing PID 31671 to /tmp/jeedom/enphasesecur/
[2023-04-24 19:25:11]INFO : Init request module v2.21.0
[2023-04-24 19:25:11]DEBUG : Starting new HTTP connection (1):
[2023-04-24 19:25:11]DEBUG : "GET /plugins/enphasesecur/core/php/jeeenphasesecur.php?apikey=RxKUHtjtc6YO15TTwiiJMvr246MTe0uBq20pvPfJFy3heyJHPhY8vsTP2V9A5HXW HTTP/1.1" 200 2
[2023-04-24 19:25:12]INFO : Recuperation token
[2023-04-24 19:25:12]DEBUG : Starting new HTTPS connection (1):
[2023-04-24 19:25:17]DEBUG : "POST /login/login.json HTTP/1.1" 200 None
[2023-04-24 19:25:17]DEBUG : Starting new HTTPS connection (1):
[2023-04-24 19:25:17]DEBUG : "POST /tokens HTTP/1.1" 200 None
[2023-04-24 19:25:17]DEBUG : eyJraWQiOiI3ZDEwMDA1ZC03ODk5LTRkMGQtYmNiNC0yNDRmOThlZTE1NmIiLCJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJFUzI1NiJ9.eyJhdWQiOiIxMjIyMjUwNjY5MTAiLCJpc3MiOiJFbnRyZXoiLCJlbnBoYXNlVXNlciI6Im93bmVyIiwiZXhwIjoxNzEzODkzMTE3LCJpYXQiOjE2ODIzNTcxMTcsImp0aSI6ImQ4MzE2NWIzLTM4MGYtNDMyOC1iNDgwLTA5NDBlOWMzZjY3YyIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoic2VsbG9saXZpZXJAZ21haWwuY29tIn0.xj8wtLOjHAa5WYAfbenqccaS6mIH9VpjIuYq49tL3wYPmtE2Hq7aq13-iq8TA-kpT582KqwcTJ9JyXYsnB_K0A
[2023-04-24 19:25:17]INFO : Test Token
[2023-04-24 19:25:18]DEBUG : HTTP Request: GET "HTTP/1.1 200 OK"
[2023-04-24 19:25:18]DEBUG : Recuperation Inventaire
[2023-04-24 19:25:20]DEBUG : HTTP Request: GET "HTTP/1.1 200 OK"
[2023-04-24 19:25:20]INFO : Send to jeedom :  [{'type': 'PCU', 'devices': [{'part_num': '800-01736-r02', 'installed': '1664470732', 'serial_num': '482227122085', 'device_status': [''], 'last_rpt_date': '1682357037', 'admin_state': 1, 'dev_type': 1, 'created_date': '1664470732', 'img_load_date': '1613405093', 'img_pnum_running': '520-00082-r01-v04.27.04', 'ptpn': '540-00135-r01-v04.27.10', 'chaneid': 1627390225, 'device_control': [{'gficlearset': False}], 'producing': True, 'communicating': True, 'provisioned': True, 'operating': True}, {'part_num': '800-01736-r02', 'installed': '1664470736', 'serial_num': '482227122122', 'device_status': [''], 'last_rpt_date': '1682357039', 'admin_state': 1, 'dev_type': 1, 'created_date': '1664470736', 'img_load_date': '1613405093', 'img_pnum_running': '520-00082-r01-v04.27.04', 'ptpn': '540-00135-r01-v04.27.10', 'chaneid': 1627390481, 'device_control': [{'gficlearset': False}], 'producing': True, 'communicating': True, 'provisioned': True, 'operating': True}, {'part_num': '800-01736-r02', 'installed': '1664470745', 'serial_num': '482227122134', 'device_status': [''], 'last_rpt_date': '1682357042', 'admin_state': 1, 'dev_type': 1, 'created_date': '1664470745', 'img_load_date': '1613405093', 'img_pnum_running': '520-00082-r01-v04.27.04', 'ptpn': '540-00135-r01-v04.27.10', 'chaneid': 1627390737, 'device_control': [{'gficlearset': False}], 'producing': True, 'communicating': True, 'provisioned': True, 'operating': True}, {'part_num': '800-01736-r02', 'installed': '1664470748', 'serial_num': '482227122242', 'device_status': [''], 'last_rpt_date': '1682357043', 'admin_state': 1, 'dev_type': 1, 'created_date': '1664470748', 'img_load_date': '1613405093', 'img_pnum_running': '520-00082-r01-v04.27.04', 'ptpn': '540-00135-r01-v04.27.10', 'chaneid': 1627390993, 'device_control': [{'gficlearset': False}], 'producing': True, 'communicating': True, 'provisioned': True, 'operating': True}, {'part_num': '800-01736-r02', 'installed': '1664470753', 'serial_num': '482227122076', 'device_status': [''], 'last_rpt_date': '1682357045', 'admin_state': 1, 'dev_type': 1, 'created_date': '1664470753', 'img_load_date': '1613405093', 'img_pnum_running': '520-00082-r01-v04.27.04', 'ptpn': '540-00135-r01-v04.27.10', 'chaneid': 1627391249, 'device_control': [{'gficlearset': False}], 'producing': True, 'communicating': True, 'provisioned': True, 'operating': True}, {'part_num': '800-01736-r02', 'installed': '1664470760', 'serial_num': '482227122112', 'device_status': [''], 'last_rpt_date': '1682357047', 'admin_state': 1, 'dev_type': 1, 'created_date': '1664470760', 'img_load_date': '1613405093', 'img_pnum_running': '520-00082-r01-v04.27.04', 'ptpn': '540-00135-r01-v04.27.10', 'chaneid': 1627391505, 'device_control': [{'gficlearset': False}], 'producing': True, 'communicating': True, 'provisioned': True, 'operating': True}, {'part_num': '800-01736-r02', 'installed': '1664470765', 'serial_num': '482227122353', 'device_status': [''], 'last_rpt_date': '1682357048', 'admin_state': 1, 'dev_type': 1, 'created_date': '1664470765', 'img_load_date': '1613405093', 'img_pnum_running': '520-00082-r01-v04.27.04', 'ptpn': '540-00135-r01-v04.27.10', 'chaneid': 1627391761, 'device_control': [{'gficlearset': False}], 'producing': True, 'communicating': True, 'provisioned': True, 'operating': True}, {'part_num': '800-01736-r02', 'installed': '1664470768', 'serial_num': '482227122210', 'device_status': [''], 'last_rpt_date': '1682357049', 'admin_state': 1, 'dev_type': 1, 'created_date': '1664470768', 'img_load_date': '1613405093', 'img_pnum_running': '520-00082-r01-v04.27.04', 'ptpn': '540-00135-r01-v04.27.10', 'chaneid': 1627392017, 'device_control': [{'gficlearset': False}], 'producing': True, 'communicating': True, 'provisioned': True, 'operating': True}, {'part_num': '800-01736-r02', 'installed': '1664470772', 'serial_num': '482227122077', 'device_status': [''], 'last_rpt_date': '1682357052', 'admin_state': 1, 'dev_type': 1, 'created_date': '1664470772', 'img_load_date': '1613405093', 'img_pnum_running': '520-00082-r01-v04.27.04', 'ptpn': '540-00135-r01-v04.27.10', 'chaneid': 1627392273, 'device_control': [{'gficlearset': False}], 'producing': True, 'communicating': True, 'provisioned': True, 'operating': True}, {'part_num': '800-01736-r02', 'installed': '1664470783', 'serial_num': '482227122110', 'device_status': [''], 'last_rpt_date': '1682357053', 'admin_state': 1, 'dev_type': 1, 'created_date': '1664470783', 'img_load_date': '1613405093', 'img_pnum_running': '520-00082-r01-v04.27.04', 'ptpn': '540-00135-r01-v04.27.10', 'chaneid': 1627392529, 'device_control': [{'gficlearset': False}], 'producing': True, 'communicating': True, 'provisioned': True, 'operating': True}, {'part_num': '800-01736-r02', 'installed': '1664470794', 'serial_num': '482227122086', 'device_status': [''], 'last_rpt_date': '1682357054', 'admin_state': 1, 'dev_type': 1, 'created_date': '1664470794', 'img_load_date': '1613405093', 'img_pnum_running': '520-00082-r01-v04.27.04', 'ptpn': '540-00135-r01-v04.27.10', 'chaneid': 1627392785, 'device_control': [{'gficlearset': False}], 'producing': True, 'communicating': True, 'provisioned': True, 'operating': True}, {'part_num': '800-01736-r02', 'installed': '1664470800', 'serial_num': '482227122380', 'device_status': [''], 'last_rpt_date': '1682357057', 'admin_state': 1, 'dev_type': 1, 'created_date': '1664470800', 'img_load_date': '1613405093', 'img_pnum_running': '520-00082-r01-v04.27.04', 'ptpn': '540-00135-r01-v04.27.10', 'chaneid': 1627393041, 'device_control': [{'gficlearset': False}], 'producing': True, 'communicating': True, 'provisioned': True, 'operating': True}, {'part_num': '800-01736-r02', 'installed': '1664470805', 'serial_num': '482227122390', 'device_status': [''], 'last_rpt_date': '1682357076', 'admin_state': 1, 'dev_type': 1, 'created_date': '1664470805', 'img_load_date': '1613405093', 'img_pnum_running': '520-00082-r01-v04.27.04', 'ptpn': 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'device_control': [{'gficlearset': False}], 'producing': True, 'communicating': True, 'provisioned': True, 'operating': True}, {'part_num': '800-01736-r02', 'installed': '1664470829', 'serial_num': '482227122088', 'device_status': [''], 'last_rpt_date': '1682357030', 'admin_state': 1, 'dev_type': 1, 'created_date': '1664470829', 'img_load_date': '1613405093', 'img_pnum_running': '520-00082-r01-v04.27.04', 'ptpn': '540-00135-r01-v04.27.10', 'chaneid': 1627394065, 'device_control': [{'gficlearset': False}], 'producing': True, 'communicating': True, 'provisioned': True, 'operating': True}]}, {'type': 'ACB', 'devices': []}, {'type': 'NSRB', 'devices': [{'part_num': '800-00598-r04', 'installed': '1664470741', 'serial_num': '122232049487', 'device_status': [''], 'last_rpt_date': '1682357032', 'admin_state': 1, 'dev_type': 12, 'created_date': '1664470741', 'img_load_date': '1522376696', 'img_pnum_running': '520-00086-r01-v02.12.07', 'ptpn': '540-00139-r01-v02.12.00', 'chaneid': 1811939601, 'device_control': [{'gficlearset': False}], 'producing': False, 'communicating': True, 'provisioned': True, 'operating': True, 'relay': 'closed', 'reason_code': -1, 'reason': 'ok', 'line-count': 1, 'line1-connected': True, 'line2-connected': False, 'line3-connected': False}, {'part_num': '800-00598-r04', 'installed': '1664470808', 'serial_num': '122232048663', 'device_status': [''], 'last_rpt_date': '1682357035', 'admin_state': 1, 'dev_type': 12, 'created_date': '1664470808', 'img_load_date': '1522376696', 'img_pnum_running': '520-00086-r01-v02.12.07', 'ptpn': '540-00139-r01-v02.12.00', 'chaneid': 1811939857, 'device_control': [{'gficlearset': False}], 'producing': False, 'communicating': True, 'provisioned': True, 'operating': True, 'relay': 'closed', 'reason_code': -1, 'reason': 'ok', 'line-count': 1, 'line1-connected': True, 'line2-connected': False, 'line3-connected': False}]}, {'type': 'ESUB', 'devices': []}]
[2023-04-24 19:25:20]DEBUG : Attente de 5s
[2023-04-24 19:25:20]DEBUG : Starting new HTTP connection (1):
[2023-04-24 19:25:21]DEBUG : "POST /plugins/enphasesecur/core/php/jeeenphasesecur.php?apikey=RxKUHtjtc6YO15TTwiiJMvr246MTe0uBq20pvPfJFy3heyJHPhY8vsTP2V9A5HXW HTTP/1.1" 200 0
[2023-04-24 19:25:25]INFO : Recuperation mesures
[2023-04-24 19:25:25]DEBUG : Recuperation mesures passerelle
[2023-04-24 19:25:27]DEBUG : HTTP Request: GET "HTTP/1.1 200 OK"
[2023-04-24 19:25:27]INFO : Send to jeedom :  {'production': [{'type': 'inverters', 'activeCount': 16, 'readingTime': 1682357075, 'wNow': 248, 'whLifetime': 13437}, {'type': 'eim', 'activeCount': 1, 'measurementType': 'production', 'readingTime': 1682357093, 'wNow': 275.601, 'whLifetime': 3624392.202, 'varhLeadLifetime': 0.0, 'varhLagLifetime': 1438949.072, 'vahLifetime': 4604926.09, 'rmsCurrent': 1.784, 'rmsVoltage': 243.403, 'reactPwr': 298.102, 'apprntPwr': 434.801, 'pwrFactor': 0.6, 'whToday': 166.202, 'whLastSevenDays': 218854.202, 'vahToday': 211.09, 'varhLeadToday': 0.0, 'varhLagToday': 111.072, 'lines': [{'wNow': 275.601, 'whLifetime': 3624392.202, 'varhLeadLifetime': 0.0, 'varhLagLifetime': 1438949.072, 'vahLifetime': 4604926.09, 'rmsCurrent': 1.784, 'rmsVoltage': 243.403, 'reactPwr': 298.102, 'apprntPwr': 434.801, 'pwrFactor': 0.6, 'whToday': 166.202, 'whLastSevenDays': 218854.202, 'vahToday': 211.09, 'varhLeadToday': 0.0, 'varhLagToday': 111.072}]}], 'consumption': [{'type': 'eim', 'activeCount': 1, 'measurementType': 'total-consumption', 'readingTime': 1682357093, 'wNow': 141.417, 'whLifetime': 7648452.328, 'varhLeadLifetime': 2685948.852, 'varhLagLifetime': 1486805.391, 'vahLifetime': 8053525.504, 'rmsCurrent': -1.463, 'rmsVoltage': 243.438, 'reactPwr': -1058.088, 'apprntPwr': -356.27, 'pwrFactor': 1.0, 'whToday': 256.328, 'whLastSevenDays': 170282.328, 'vahToday': 347.504, 'varhLeadToday': 237.852, 'varhLagToday': 110.391, 'lines': [{'wNow': 141.417, 'whLifetime': 7648452.328, 'varhLeadLifetime': 2685948.852, 'varhLagLifetime': 1486805.391, 'vahLifetime': 8053525.504, 'rmsCurrent': -1.463, 'rmsVoltage': 243.438, 'reactPwr': -1058.088, 'apprntPwr': -356.27, 'pwrFactor': 1.0, 'whToday': 256.328, 'whLastSevenDays': 170282.328, 'vahToday': 347.504, 'varhLeadToday': 237.852, 'varhLagToday': 110.391}]}, {'type': 'eim', 'activeCount': 1, 'measurementType': 'net-consumption', 'readingTime': 1682357093, 'wNow': -134.185, 'whLifetime': 5380315.901, 'varhLeadLifetime': 2685948.852, 'varhLagLifetime': 47856.319, 'vahLifetime': 8053525.504, 'rmsCurrent': 3.247, 'rmsVoltage': 243.472, 'reactPwr': -759.987, 'apprntPwr': 790.151, 'pwrFactor': -0.16, 'whToday': 0, 'whLastSevenDays': 0, 'vahToday': 0, 'varhLeadToday': 0, 'varhLagToday': 0, 'lines': [{'wNow': -134.185, 'whLifetime': 5380315.901, 'varhLeadLifetime': 2685948.852, 'varhLagLifetime': 47856.319, 'vahLifetime': 8053525.504, 'rmsCurrent': 3.247, 'rmsVoltage': 243.472, 'reactPwr': -759.987, 'apprntPwr': 790.151, 'pwrFactor': -0.16, 'whToday': 0, 'whLastSevenDays': 0, 'vahToday': 0, 'varhLeadToday': 0, 'varhLagToday': 0}]}], 'storage': [{'type': 'acb', 'activeCount': 0, 'readingTime': 0, 'wNow': 0, 'whNow': 0, 'state': 'idle'}]}
[2023-04-24 19:25:27]DEBUG : Starting new HTTP connection (1):
[2023-04-24 19:25:28]DEBUG : Recuperation mesures onduleurs
[2023-04-24 19:25:28]DEBUG : HTTP Request: GET "HTTP/1.1 200 OK"
[2023-04-24 19:25:28]INFO : Send to jeedom :  [{'serialNumber': '482227122085', 'lastReportDate': 1682356997, 'devType': 1, 'lastReportWatts': 15, 'maxReportWatts': 32}, {'serialNumber': '482227122122', 'lastReportDate': 1682357002, 'devType': 1, 'lastReportWatts': 15, 'maxReportWatts': 32}, {'serialNumber': '482227122134', 'lastReportDate': 1682357003, 'devType': 1, 'lastReportWatts': 15, 'maxReportWatts': 32}, {'serialNumber': '482227122242', 'lastReportDate': 1682357003, 'devType': 1, 'lastReportWatts': 16, 'maxReportWatts': 33}, {'serialNumber': '482227122076', 'lastReportDate': 1682357007, 'devType': 1, 'lastReportWatts': 15, 'maxReportWatts': 34}, {'serialNumber': '482227122112', 'lastReportDate': 1682357008, 'devType': 1, 'lastReportWatts': 15, 'maxReportWatts': 34}, {'serialNumber': '482227122353', 'lastReportDate': 1682357011, 'devType': 1, 'lastReportWatts': 16, 'maxReportWatts': 35}, {'serialNumber': '482227122210', 'lastReportDate': 1682357014, 'devType': 1, 'lastReportWatts': 15, 'maxReportWatts': 33}, {'serialNumber': '482227122077', 'lastReportDate': 1682357013, 'devType': 1, 'lastReportWatts': 15, 'maxReportWatts': 35}, {'serialNumber': '482227122110', 'lastReportDate': 1682357017, 'devType': 1, 'lastReportWatts': 16, 'maxReportWatts': 34}, {'serialNumber': '482227122086', 'lastReportDate': 1682357021, 'devType': 1, 'lastReportWatts': 15, 'maxReportWatts': 33}, {'serialNumber': '482227122380', 'lastReportDate': 1682357020, 'devType': 1, 'lastReportWatts': 14, 'maxReportWatts': 32}, {'serialNumber': '482227122390', 'lastReportDate': 1682357023, 'devType': 1, 'lastReportWatts': 15, 'maxReportWatts': 34}, {'serialNumber': '482227122236', 'lastReportDate': 1682357027, 'devType': 1, 'lastReportWatts': 15, 'maxReportWatts': 33}, {'serialNumber': '482227122237', 'lastReportDate': 1682357026, 'devType': 1, 'lastReportWatts': 16, 'maxReportWatts': 34}, {'serialNumber': '482227122088', 'lastReportDate': 1682357028, 'devType': 1, 'lastReportWatts': 16, 'maxReportWatts': 35}]
[2023-04-24 19:25:28]DEBUG : Starting new HTTP connection (1):
[2023-04-24 19:25:28]DEBUG : "POST /plugins/enphasesecur/core/php/jeeenphasesecur.php?apikey=RxKUHtjtc6YO15TTwiiJMvr246MTe0uBq20pvPfJFy3heyJHPhY8vsTP2V9A5HXW HTTP/1.1" 200 0
[2023-04-24 19:25:29]INFO : Recuperation mesures
[2023-04-24 19:25:29]DEBUG : Recuperation mesures passerelle
[2023-04-24 19:25:29]DEBUG : HTTP Request: GET "HTTP/1.1 401 Unauthorized"
[2023-04-24 19:25:30]DEBUG : "POST /plugins/enphasesecur/core/php/jeeenphasesecur.php?apikey=RxKUHtjtc6YO15TTwiiJMvr246MTe0uBq20pvPfJFy3heyJHPhY8vsTP2V9A5HXW HTTP/1.1" 200 0
[2023-04-24 19:25:34]INFO : Tentative de connexion:1
[2023-04-24 19:25:34]DEBUG : Attente 120s avant reconnexion
[2023-04-24 19:27:35]INFO : Test Token
[2023-04-24 19:27:35]DEBUG : HTTP Request: GET "HTTP/1.1 200 OK"
[2023-04-24 19:27:35]INFO : Recuperation mesures
[2023-04-24 19:27:36]DEBUG : Recuperation mesures passerelle
[2023-04-24 19:27:36]DEBUG : HTTP Request: GET "HTTP/1.1 200 OK"
[2023-04-24 19:27:37]INFO : Send to jeedom :  {'production': [{'type': 'inverters', 'activeCount': 16, 'readingTime': 1682357220, 'wNow': 272, 'whLifetime': 13439}, {'type': 'eim', 'activeCount': 1, 'measurementType': 'production', 'readingTime': 1682357223, 'wNow': 313.318, 'whLifetime': 3624402.805, 'varhLeadLifetime': 0.0, 'varhLagLifetime': 1438959.785, 'vahLifetime': 4604941.975, 'rmsCurrent': 1.879, 'rmsVoltage': 243.781, 'reactPwr': 297.952, 'apprntPwr': 458.102, 'pwrFactor': 0.68, 'whToday': 176.805, 'whLastSevenDays': 218864.805, 'vahToday': 226.975, 'varhLeadToday': 0.0, 'varhLagToday': 121.785, 'lines': [{'wNow': 313.318, 'whLifetime': 3624402.805, 'varhLeadLifetime': 0.0, 'varhLagLifetime': 1438959.785, 'vahLifetime': 4604941.975, 'rmsCurrent': 1.879, 'rmsVoltage': 243.781, 'reactPwr': 297.952, 'apprntPwr': 458.102, 'pwrFactor': 0.68, 'whToday': 176.805, 'whLastSevenDays': 218864.805, 'vahToday': 226.975, 'varhLeadToday': 0.0, 'varhLagToday': 121.785}]}], 'consumption': [{'type': 'eim', 'activeCount': 1, 'measurementType': 'total-consumption', 'readingTime': 1682357223, 'wNow': 225.886, 'whLifetime': 7648457.902, 'varhLeadLifetime': 2685975.904, 'varhLagLifetime': 1486816.105, 'vahLifetime': 8053553.798, 'rmsCurrent': -0.871, 'rmsVoltage': 243.702, 'reactPwr': -941.75, 'apprntPwr': -212.324, 'pwrFactor': 1.0, 'whToday': 261.902, 'whLastSevenDays': 170287.902, 'vahToday': 375.798, 'varhLeadToday': 264.904, 'varhLagToday': 121.105, 'lines': [{'wNow': 225.886, 'whLifetime': 7648457.902, 'varhLeadLifetime': 2685975.904, 'varhLagLifetime': 1486816.105, 'vahLifetime': 8053553.798, 'rmsCurrent': -0.871, 'rmsVoltage': 243.702, 'reactPwr': -941.75, 'apprntPwr': -212.324, 'pwrFactor': 1.0, 'whToday': 261.902, 'whLastSevenDays': 170287.902, 'vahToday': 375.798, 'varhLeadToday': 264.904, 'varhLagToday': 121.105}]}, {'type': 'eim', 'activeCount': 1, 'measurementType': 'net-consumption', 'readingTime': 1682357223, 'wNow': -87.432, 'whLifetime': 5380316.154, 'varhLeadLifetime': 2685975.904, 'varhLagLifetime': 47856.319, 'vahLifetime': 8053553.798, 'rmsCurrent': 2.75, 'rmsVoltage': 243.622, 'reactPwr': -643.798, 'apprntPwr': 670.259, 'pwrFactor': -0.12, 'whToday': 0, 'whLastSevenDays': 0, 'vahToday': 0, 'varhLeadToday': 0, 'varhLagToday': 0, 'lines': [{'wNow': -87.432, 'whLifetime': 5380316.154, 'varhLeadLifetime': 2685975.904, 'varhLagLifetime': 47856.319, 'vahLifetime': 8053553.798, 'rmsCurrent': 2.75, 'rmsVoltage': 243.622, 'reactPwr': -643.798, 'apprntPwr': 670.259, 'pwrFactor': -0.12, 'whToday': 0, 'whLastSevenDays': 0, 'vahToday': 0, 'varhLeadToday': 0, 'varhLagToday': 0}]}], 'storage': [{'type': 'acb', 'activeCount': 0, 'readingTime': 0, 'wNow': 0, 'whNow': 0, 'state': 'idle'}]}
[2023-04-24 19:27:37]DEBUG : Starting new HTTP connection (1):
[2023-04-24 19:27:38]DEBUG : Recuperation mesures onduleurs
[2023-04-24 19:27:38]DEBUG : HTTP Request: GET "HTTP/1.1 200 OK"
[2023-04-24 19:27:38]INFO : Send to jeedom :  [{'serialNumber': '482227122085', 'lastReportDate': 1682357035, 'devType': 1, 'lastReportWatts': 15, 'maxReportWatts': 32}, {'serialNumber': '482227122122', 'lastReportDate': 1682357037, 'devType': 1, 'lastReportWatts': 15, 'maxReportWatts': 32}, {'serialNumber': '482227122134', 'lastReportDate': 1682357041, 'devType': 1, 'lastReportWatts': 15, 'maxReportWatts': 32}, {'serialNumber': '482227122242', 'lastReportDate': 1682357041, 'devType': 1, 'lastReportWatts': 16, 'maxReportWatts': 33}, {'serialNumber': '482227122076', 'lastReportDate': 1682357043, 'devType': 1, 'lastReportWatts': 16, 'maxReportWatts': 34}, {'serialNumber': '482227122112', 'lastReportDate': 1682357047, 'devType': 1, 'lastReportWatts': 16, 'maxReportWatts': 34}, {'serialNumber': '482227122353', 'lastReportDate': 1682357047, 'devType': 1, 'lastReportWatts': 16, 'maxReportWatts': 35}, {'serialNumber': '482227122210', 'lastReportDate': 1682357048, 'devType': 1, 'lastReportWatts': 15, 'maxReportWatts': 33}, {'serialNumber': '482227122077', 'lastReportDate': 1682357051, 'devType': 1, 'lastReportWatts': 15, 'maxReportWatts': 35}, {'serialNumber': '482227122110', 'lastReportDate': 1682357051, 'devType': 1, 'lastReportWatts': 16, 'maxReportWatts': 34}, {'serialNumber': '482227122086', 'lastReportDate': 1682357053, 'devType': 1, 'lastReportWatts': 15, 'maxReportWatts': 33}, {'serialNumber': '482227122380', 'lastReportDate': 1682357056, 'devType': 1, 'lastReportWatts': 15, 'maxReportWatts': 32}, {'serialNumber': '482227122390', 'lastReportDate': 1682357075, 'devType': 1, 'lastReportWatts': 15, 'maxReportWatts': 34}, {'serialNumber': '482227122236', 'lastReportDate': 1682357094, 'devType': 1, 'lastReportWatts': 16, 'maxReportWatts': 33}, {'serialNumber': '482227122237', 'lastReportDate': 1682357115, 'devType': 1, 'lastReportWatts': 17, 'maxReportWatts': 34}, {'serialNumber': '482227122088', 'lastReportDate': 1682357120, 'devType': 1, 'lastReportWatts': 17, 'maxReportWatts': 35}]
[2023-04-24 19:27:38]DEBUG : Starting new HTTP connection (1):
[2023-04-24 19:27:38]DEBUG : "POST /plugins/enphasesecur/core/php/jeeenphasesecur.php?apikey=RxKUHtjtc6YO15TTwiiJMvr246MTe0uBq20pvPfJFy3heyJHPhY8vsTP2V9A5HXW HTTP/1.1" 200 0
[2023-04-24 19:27:38]DEBUG : "POST /plugins/enphasesecur/core/php/jeeenphasesecur.php?apikey=RxKUHtjtc6YO15TTwiiJMvr246MTe0uBq20pvPfJFy3heyJHPhY8vsTP2V9A5HXW HTTP/1.1" 200 0
[2023-04-24 19:27:39]INFO : Recuperation mesures
[2023-04-24 19:27:39]DEBUG : Recuperation mesures passerelle
[2023-04-24 19:27:39]DEBUG : HTTP Request: GET "HTTP/1.1 401 Unauthorized"
[2023-04-24 19:27:44]INFO : Tentative de connexion:1
[2023-04-24 19:27:44]DEBUG : Attente 120s avant reconnexion
[2023-04-24 19:29:45]INFO : Test Token
[2023-04-24 19:29:45]DEBUG : HTTP Request: GET "HTTP/1.1 200 OK"
[2023-04-24 19:29:45]INFO : Recuperation mesures
[2023-04-24 19:29:45]DEBUG : Recuperation mesures passerelle
[2023-04-24 19:29:47]DEBUG : HTTP Request: GET "HTTP/1.1 200 OK"
[2023-04-24 19:29:47]INFO : Send to jeedom :  {'production': [{'type': 'inverters', 'activeCount': 16, 'readingTime': 1682357333, 'wNow': 310, 'whLifetime': 13458}, {'type': 'eim', 'activeCount': 1, 'measurementType': 'production', 'readingTime': 1682357353, 'wNow': 318.662, 'whLifetime': 3624414.41, 'varhLeadLifetime': 0.0, 'varhLagLifetime': 1438970.596, 'vahLifetime': 4604958.785, 'rmsCurrent': 1.893, 'rmsVoltage': 244.216, 'reactPwr': 299.895, 'apprntPwr': 462.833, 'pwrFactor': 0.68, 'whToday': 188.41, 'whLastSevenDays': 218876.41, 'vahToday': 243.785, 'varhLeadToday': 0.0, 'varhLagToday': 132.596, 'lines': [{'wNow': 318.662, 'whLifetime': 3624414.41, 'varhLeadLifetime': 0.0, 'varhLagLifetime': 1438970.596, 'vahLifetime': 4604958.785, 'rmsCurrent': 1.893, 'rmsVoltage': 244.216, 'reactPwr': 299.895, 'apprntPwr': 462.833, 'pwrFactor': 0.68, 'whToday': 188.41, 'whLastSevenDays': 218876.41, 'vahToday': 243.785, 'varhLeadToday': 0.0, 'varhLagToday': 132.596}]}], 'consumption': [{'type': 'eim', 'activeCount': 1, 'measurementType': 'total-consumption', 'readingTime': 1682357353, 'wNow': 215.724, 'whLifetime': 7648465.995, 'varhLeadLifetime': 2685999.238, 'varhLagLifetime': 1486826.916, 'vahLifetime': 8053578.178, 'rmsCurrent': -0.865, 'rmsVoltage': 244.18, 'reactPwr': -943.368, 'apprntPwr': -211.141, 'pwrFactor': 1.0, 'whToday': 269.995, 'whLastSevenDays': 170295.995, 'vahToday': 400.178, 'varhLeadToday': 288.238, 'varhLagToday': 131.916, 'lines': [{'wNow': 215.724, 'whLifetime': 7648465.995, 'varhLeadLifetime': 2685999.238, 'varhLagLifetime': 1486826.916, 'vahLifetime': 8053578.178, 'rmsCurrent': -0.865, 'rmsVoltage': 244.18, 'reactPwr': -943.368, 'apprntPwr': -211.141, 'pwrFactor': 1.0, 'whToday': 269.995, 'whLastSevenDays': 170295.995, 'vahToday': 400.178, 'varhLeadToday': 288.238, 'varhLagToday': 131.916}]}, {'type': 'eim', 'activeCount': 1, 'measurementType': 'net-consumption', 'readingTime': 1682357353, 'wNow': -102.938, 'whLifetime': 5380316.154, 'varhLeadLifetime': 2685999.238, 'varhLagLifetime': 47856.319, 'vahLifetime': 8053578.178, 'rmsCurrent': 2.758, 'rmsVoltage': 244.145, 'reactPwr': -643.473, 'apprntPwr': 673.24, 'pwrFactor': -0.14, 'whToday': 0, 'whLastSevenDays': 0, 'vahToday': 0, 'varhLeadToday': 0, 'varhLagToday': 0, 'lines': [{'wNow': -102.938, 'whLifetime': 5380316.154, 'varhLeadLifetime': 2685999.238, 'varhLagLifetime': 47856.319, 'vahLifetime': 8053578.178, 'rmsCurrent': 2.758, 'rmsVoltage': 244.145, 'reactPwr': -643.473, 'apprntPwr': 673.24, 'pwrFactor': -0.14, 'whToday': 0, 'whLastSevenDays': 0, 'vahToday': 0, 'varhLeadToday': 0, 'varhLagToday': 0}]}], 'storage': [{'type': 'acb', 'activeCount': 0, 'readingTime': 0, 'wNow': 0, 'whNow': 0, 'state': 'idle'}]}
[2023-04-24 19:29:47]DEBUG : Starting new HTTP connection (1):
[2023-04-24 19:29:48]DEBUG : Recuperation mesures onduleurs
[2023-04-24 19:29:48]DEBUG : HTTP Request: GET "HTTP/1.1 200 OK"
[2023-04-24 19:29:48]INFO : Send to jeedom :  [{'serialNumber': '482227122085', 'lastReportDate': 1682357302, 'devType': 1, 'lastReportWatts': 19, 'maxReportWatts': 32}, {'serialNumber': '482227122122', 'lastReportDate': 1682357302, 'devType': 1, 'lastReportWatts': 19, 'maxReportWatts': 32}, {'serialNumber': '482227122134', 'lastReportDate': 1682357304, 'devType': 1, 'lastReportWatts': 19, 'maxReportWatts': 32}, {'serialNumber': '482227122242', 'lastReportDate': 1682357307, 'devType': 1, 'lastReportWatts': 20, 'maxReportWatts': 33}, {'serialNumber': '482227122076', 'lastReportDate': 1682357307, 'devType': 1, 'lastReportWatts': 20, 'maxReportWatts': 34}, {'serialNumber': '482227122112', 'lastReportDate': 1682357309, 'devType': 1, 'lastReportWatts': 20, 'maxReportWatts': 34}, {'serialNumber': '482227122353', 'lastReportDate': 1682357313, 'devType': 1, 'lastReportWatts': 20, 'maxReportWatts': 35}, {'serialNumber': '482227122210', 'lastReportDate': 1682357314, 'devType': 1, 'lastReportWatts': 19, 'maxReportWatts': 33}, {'serialNumber': '482227122077', 'lastReportDate': 1682357314, 'devType': 1, 'lastReportWatts': 20, 'maxReportWatts': 35}, {'serialNumber': '482227122110', 'lastReportDate': 1682357319, 'devType': 1, 'lastReportWatts': 19, 'maxReportWatts': 34}, {'serialNumber': '482227122086', 'lastReportDate': 1682357319, 'devType': 1, 'lastReportWatts': 19, 'maxReportWatts': 33}, {'serialNumber': '482227122380', 'lastReportDate': 1682357319, 'devType': 1, 'lastReportWatts': 19, 'maxReportWatts': 32}, {'serialNumber': '482227122390', 'lastReportDate': 1682357323, 'devType': 1, 'lastReportWatts': 19, 'maxReportWatts': 34}, {'serialNumber': '482227122236', 'lastReportDate': 1682357325, 'devType': 1, 'lastReportWatts': 19, 'maxReportWatts': 33}, {'serialNumber': '482227122237', 'lastReportDate': 1682357326, 'devType': 1, 'lastReportWatts': 19, 'maxReportWatts': 34}, {'serialNumber': '482227122088', 'lastReportDate': 1682357329, 'devType': 1, 'lastReportWatts': 20, 'maxReportWatts': 35}]
[2023-04-24 19:29:48]DEBUG : Starting new HTTP connection (1):
[2023-04-24 19:29:49]INFO : Recuperation mesures
[2023-04-24 19:29:49]DEBUG : Recuperation mesures passerelle
[2023-04-24 19:29:49]DEBUG : HTTP Request: GET "HTTP/1.1 401 Unauthorized"
[2023-04-24 19:29:49]DEBUG : "POST /plugins/enphasesecur/core/php/jeeenphasesecur.php?apikey=RxKUHtjtc6YO15TTwiiJMvr246MTe0uBq20pvPfJFy3heyJHPhY8vsTP2V9A5HXW HTTP/1.1" 200 0
[2023-04-24 19:29:50]DEBUG : "POST /plugins/enphasesecur/core/php/jeeenphasesecur.php?apikey=RxKUHtjtc6YO15TTwiiJMvr246MTe0uBq20pvPfJFy3heyJHPhY8vsTP2V9A5HXW HTTP/1.1" 200 0
[2023-04-24 19:29:54]INFO : Tentative de connexion:1
[2023-04-24 19:29:54]DEBUG : Attente 120s avant reconnexion

Merci de ton aide

Plugin : 

[2023-04-24 19:24:46]INFO : Erreur contole token, nouvelle tentative dans 60s
[2023-04-24 19:25:09]INFO : python3 /var/www/html/plugins/enphasesecur/resources/enphasesecurd/ --renew "auto" --loglevel debug --socketport 52611 --callback --user "xxxxxxx" --password "xxxxxxx." --serie "xxxxxxxxx" --token "" --ip "" --apikey RxKUHtjtc6YO15TTwiiJMvr246MTe0uBq20pvPfJFy3heyJHPhY8vsTP2V9A5HXW --pid /tmp/jeedom/enphasesecur/ --delais 1
[2023-04-24 19:25:09]INFO : Lancement démon
[2023-04-24 19:25:11]DEBUG : Test OK
[2023-04-24 19:25:20]DEBUG : Réception inventaire
[2023-04-24 19:25:20]DEBUG : Mise à jour des commandes effectuée pour l'équipement [Aucun][482227122077]
[2023-04-24 19:25:20]DEBUG : Mise à jour des commandes effectuée pour l'équipement [Aucun][482227122085]
[2023-04-24 19:25:20]DEBUG : Mise à jour des commandes effectuée pour l'équipement [Aucun][482227122086]
[2023-04-24 19:25:20]DEBUG : Mise à jour des commandes effectuée pour l'équipement [Aucun][482227122088]
[2023-04-24 19:25:21]DEBUG : Mise à jour des commandes effectuée pour l'équipement [Aucun][482227122110]
[2023-04-24 19:25:21]DEBUG : Mise à jour des commandes effectuée pour l'équipement [Aucun][482227122112]
[2023-04-24 19:25:21]DEBUG : Mise à jour des commandes effectuée pour l'équipement [Aucun][482227122122]
[2023-04-24 19:25:21]DEBUG : Mise à jour des commandes effectuée pour l'équipement [Aucun][482227122134]
[2023-04-24 19:25:21]DEBUG : Mise à jour des commandes effectuée pour l'équipement [Aucun][482227122210]
[2023-04-24 19:25:21]DEBUG : Mise à jour des commandes effectuée pour l'équipement [Aucun][482227122236]
[2023-04-24 19:25:21]DEBUG : Mise à jour des commandes effectuée pour l'équipement [Aucun][482227122237]
[2023-04-24 19:25:21]DEBUG : Mise à jour des commandes effectuée pour l'équipement [Aucun][482227122242]
[2023-04-24 19:25:21]DEBUG : Mise à jour des commandes effectuée pour l'équipement [Aucun][482227122353]
[2023-04-24 19:25:21]DEBUG : Mise à jour des commandes effectuée pour l'équipement [Aucun][482227122380]
[2023-04-24 19:25:21]DEBUG : Mise à jour des commandes effectuée pour l'équipement [Aucun][482227122390]
[2023-04-24 19:25:21]DEBUG : Mise à jour des commandes effectuée pour l'équipement [TECHNIQUE][482227122076]
[2023-04-24 19:25:21]DEBUG : Mise à jour des commandes effectuée pour l'équipement [TECHNIQUE][Passerelle Enphase]
[2023-04-24 19:25:27]DEBUG : Réception mesures passerelle
[2023-04-24 19:25:27]DEBUG : Production depuis la mise en service: 3624392.202
[2023-04-24 19:25:27]DEBUG : Production totale du jour: 166.202
[2023-04-24 19:25:27]DEBUG : Production totale de la semaine: 218854.202
[2023-04-24 19:25:27]DEBUG : Production instantannée: 275.601
[2023-04-24 19:25:27]DEBUG : Consommation Totale depuis la mise en service: 7648452.328
[2023-04-24 19:25:27]DEBUG : Consommation Totale du jour: 256.328
[2023-04-24 19:25:27]DEBUG : Consommation Totale de la semaine: 170282.328
[2023-04-24 19:25:27]DEBUG : Consommation Totale instantannée: 141.417
[2023-04-24 19:25:27]DEBUG : Tension réseau: 243.472
[2023-04-24 19:25:27]DEBUG : Consommation Net depuis la mise en service: 5380315.901
[2023-04-24 19:25:27]DEBUG : Consommation Net du jour: 90.126
[2023-04-24 19:25:28]DEBUG : Consommation Net de la semaine: -48571.874
[2023-04-24 19:25:28]DEBUG : Consommation Net instantannée: -134.185
[2023-04-24 19:25:28]DEBUG : Nombre de batteries: 0
[2023-04-24 19:25:28]DEBUG : Réception mesures des convertisseurs
[2023-04-24 19:25:28]DEBUG : Convertisseurs 482227122085 Puissance: 15
[2023-04-24 19:25:28]DEBUG : Convertisseurs 482227122085 Puissance max: 32
[2023-04-24 19:25:28]DEBUG : Convertisseurs 482227122122 Puissance: 15
[2023-04-24 19:25:28]DEBUG : Convertisseurs 482227122122 Puissance max: 32
[2023-04-24 19:25:28]DEBUG : Convertisseurs 482227122134 Puissance: 15
[2023-04-24 19:25:28]DEBUG : Convertisseurs 482227122134 Puissance max: 32
[2023-04-24 19:25:28]DEBUG : Convertisseurs 482227122242 Puissance: 16
[2023-04-24 19:25:28]DEBUG : Convertisseurs 482227122242 Puissance max: 33
[2023-04-24 19:25:28]DEBUG : Convertisseurs 482227122076 Puissance: 15
[2023-04-24 19:25:28]DEBUG : Convertisseurs 482227122076 Puissance max: 34
[2023-04-24 19:25:28]DEBUG : Convertisseurs 482227122112 Puissance: 15
[2023-04-24 19:25:29]DEBUG : Convertisseurs 482227122112 Puissance max: 34
[2023-04-24 19:25:29]DEBUG : Convertisseurs 482227122353 Puissance: 16
[2023-04-24 19:25:29]DEBUG : Convertisseurs 482227122353 Puissance max: 35
[2023-04-24 19:25:29]DEBUG : Convertisseurs 482227122210 Puissance: 15
[2023-04-24 19:25:29]DEBUG : Convertisseurs 482227122210 Puissance max: 33
[2023-04-24 19:25:29]DEBUG : Convertisseurs 482227122077 Puissance: 15
[2023-04-24 19:25:29]DEBUG : Convertisseurs 482227122077 Puissance max: 35
[2023-04-24 19:25:29]DEBUG : Convertisseurs 482227122110 Puissance: 16
[2023-04-24 19:25:29]DEBUG : Convertisseurs 482227122110 Puissance max: 34
[2023-04-24 19:25:29]DEBUG : Convertisseurs 482227122086 Puissance: 15
[2023-04-24 19:25:29]DEBUG : Convertisseurs 482227122086 Puissance max: 33
[2023-04-24 19:25:29]DEBUG : Convertisseurs 482227122380 Puissance: 14
[2023-04-24 19:25:29]DEBUG : Convertisseurs 482227122380 Puissance max: 32
[2023-04-24 19:25:30]DEBUG : Convertisseurs 482227122390 Puissance: 15
[2023-04-24 19:25:30]DEBUG : Convertisseurs 482227122390 Puissance max: 34
[2023-04-24 19:25:30]DEBUG : Convertisseurs 482227122236 Puissance: 15
[2023-04-24 19:25:30]DEBUG : Convertisseurs 482227122236 Puissance max: 33
[2023-04-24 19:25:30]DEBUG : Convertisseurs 482227122237 Puissance: 16
[2023-04-24 19:25:30]DEBUG : Convertisseurs 482227122237 Puissance max: 34
[2023-04-24 19:25:30]DEBUG : Convertisseurs 482227122088 Puissance: 16
[2023-04-24 19:25:30]DEBUG : Convertisseurs 482227122088 Puissance max: 35
[2023-04-24 19:27:37]DEBUG : Réception mesures passerelle
[2023-04-24 19:27:37]DEBUG : Production depuis la mise en service: 3624402.805
[2023-04-24 19:27:37]DEBUG : Production totale du jour: 176.805
[2023-04-24 19:27:37]DEBUG : Production totale de la semaine: 218864.805
[2023-04-24 19:27:37]DEBUG : Production instantannée: 313.318
[2023-04-24 19:27:37]DEBUG : Consommation Totale depuis la mise en service: 7648457.902
[2023-04-24 19:27:37]DEBUG : Consommation Totale du jour: 261.902
[2023-04-24 19:27:37]DEBUG : Consommation Totale de la semaine: 170287.902
[2023-04-24 19:27:37]DEBUG : Consommation Totale instantannée: 225.886
[2023-04-24 19:27:37]DEBUG : Tension réseau: 243.622
[2023-04-24 19:27:37]DEBUG : Consommation Net depuis la mise en service: 5380316.154
[2023-04-24 19:27:37]DEBUG : Consommation Net du jour: 85.097
[2023-04-24 19:27:37]DEBUG : Consommation Net de la semaine: -48576.903
[2023-04-24 19:27:37]DEBUG : Consommation Net instantannée: -87.432
[2023-04-24 19:27:38]DEBUG : Réception mesures des convertisseurs
[2023-04-24 19:27:38]DEBUG : Convertisseurs 482227122085 Puissance: 15
[2023-04-24 19:27:38]DEBUG : Convertisseurs 482227122085 Puissance max: 32
[2023-04-24 19:27:38]DEBUG : Convertisseurs 482227122122 Puissance: 15
[2023-04-24 19:27:38]DEBUG : Convertisseurs 482227122122 Puissance max: 32
[2023-04-24 19:27:38]DEBUG : Convertisseurs 482227122134 Puissance: 15
[2023-04-24 19:27:38]DEBUG : Convertisseurs 482227122134 Puissance max: 32
[2023-04-24 19:27:38]DEBUG : Convertisseurs 482227122242 Puissance: 16
[2023-04-24 19:27:38]DEBUG : Convertisseurs 482227122242 Puissance max: 33
[2023-04-24 19:27:38]DEBUG : Convertisseurs 482227122076 Puissance: 16
[2023-04-24 19:27:38]DEBUG : Nombre de batteries: 0
[2023-04-24 19:27:38]DEBUG : Convertisseurs 482227122076 Puissance max: 34
[2023-04-24 19:27:38]DEBUG : Convertisseurs 482227122112 Puissance: 16
[2023-04-24 19:27:38]DEBUG : Convertisseurs 482227122112 Puissance max: 34
[2023-04-24 19:27:38]DEBUG : Convertisseurs 482227122353 Puissance: 16
[2023-04-24 19:27:38]DEBUG : Convertisseurs 482227122353 Puissance max: 35
[2023-04-24 19:27:38]DEBUG : Convertisseurs 482227122210 Puissance: 15
[2023-04-24 19:27:38]DEBUG : Convertisseurs 482227122210 Puissance max: 33
[2023-04-24 19:27:38]DEBUG : Convertisseurs 482227122077 Puissance: 15
[2023-04-24 19:27:38]DEBUG : Convertisseurs 482227122077 Puissance max: 35
[2023-04-24 19:27:38]DEBUG : Convertisseurs 482227122110 Puissance: 16
[2023-04-24 19:27:38]DEBUG : Convertisseurs 482227122110 Puissance max: 34
[2023-04-24 19:27:38]DEBUG : Convertisseurs 482227122086 Puissance: 15
[2023-04-24 19:27:38]DEBUG : Convertisseurs 482227122086 Puissance max: 33
[2023-04-24 19:27:38]DEBUG : Convertisseurs 482227122380 Puissance: 15
[2023-04-24 19:27:38]DEBUG : Convertisseurs 482227122380 Puissance max: 32
[2023-04-24 19:27:38]DEBUG : Convertisseurs 482227122390 Puissance: 15
[2023-04-24 19:27:38]DEBUG : Convertisseurs 482227122390 Puissance max: 34
[2023-04-24 19:27:38]DEBUG : Convertisseurs 482227122236 Puissance: 16
[2023-04-24 19:27:38]DEBUG : Convertisseurs 482227122236 Puissance max: 33
[2023-04-24 19:27:38]DEBUG : Convertisseurs 482227122237 Puissance: 17
[2023-04-24 19:27:38]DEBUG : Convertisseurs 482227122237 Puissance max: 34
[2023-04-24 19:27:38]DEBUG : Convertisseurs 482227122088 Puissance: 17
[2023-04-24 19:27:38]DEBUG : Convertisseurs 482227122088 Puissance max: 35
[2023-04-24 19:29:47]DEBUG : Réception mesures passerelle
[2023-04-24 19:29:47]DEBUG : Production depuis la mise en service: 3624414.41
[2023-04-24 19:29:47]DEBUG : Production totale du jour: 188.41
[2023-04-24 19:29:48]DEBUG : Réception mesures des convertisseurs
[2023-04-24 19:29:48]DEBUG : Convertisseurs 482227122085 Puissance: 19
[2023-04-24 19:29:48]DEBUG : Convertisseurs 482227122085 Puissance max: 32
[2023-04-24 19:29:48]DEBUG : Production totale de la semaine: 218876.41
[2023-04-24 19:29:48]DEBUG : Convertisseurs 482227122122 Puissance: 19
[2023-04-24 19:29:48]DEBUG : Production instantannée: 318.662
[2023-04-24 19:29:48]DEBUG : Convertisseurs 482227122122 Puissance max: 32
[2023-04-24 19:29:48]DEBUG : Convertisseurs 482227122134 Puissance: 19
[2023-04-24 19:29:49]DEBUG : Convertisseurs 482227122134 Puissance max: 32
[2023-04-24 19:29:49]DEBUG : Convertisseurs 482227122242 Puissance: 20
[2023-04-24 19:29:49]DEBUG : Convertisseurs 482227122242 Puissance max: 33
[2023-04-24 19:29:49]DEBUG : Convertisseurs 482227122076 Puissance: 20
[2023-04-24 19:29:49]DEBUG : Consommation Totale depuis la mise en service: 7648465.995
[2023-04-24 19:29:49]DEBUG : Convertisseurs 482227122076 Puissance max: 34
[2023-04-24 19:29:49]DEBUG : Convertisseurs 482227122112 Puissance: 20
[2023-04-24 19:29:49]DEBUG : Consommation Totale du jour: 269.995
[2023-04-24 19:29:49]DEBUG : Convertisseurs 482227122112 Puissance max: 34
[2023-04-24 19:29:49]DEBUG : Convertisseurs 482227122353 Puissance: 20
[2023-04-24 19:29:49]DEBUG : Consommation Totale de la semaine: 170295.995
[2023-04-24 19:29:49]DEBUG : Convertisseurs 482227122353 Puissance max: 35
[2023-04-24 19:29:49]DEBUG : Convertisseurs 482227122210 Puissance: 19
[2023-04-24 19:29:49]DEBUG : Consommation Totale instantannée: 215.724
[2023-04-24 19:29:49]DEBUG : Convertisseurs 482227122210 Puissance max: 33
[2023-04-24 19:29:49]DEBUG : Convertisseurs 482227122077 Puissance: 20
[2023-04-24 19:29:49]DEBUG : Tension réseau: 244.145
[2023-04-24 19:29:49]DEBUG : Convertisseurs 482227122077 Puissance max: 35
[2023-04-24 19:29:49]DEBUG : Convertisseurs 482227122110 Puissance: 19
[2023-04-24 19:29:49]DEBUG : Consommation Net depuis la mise en service: 5380316.154
[2023-04-24 19:29:49]DEBUG : Consommation Net du jour: 81.585
[2023-04-24 19:29:49]DEBUG : Convertisseurs 482227122110 Puissance max: 34
[2023-04-24 19:29:49]DEBUG : Convertisseurs 482227122086 Puissance: 19
[2023-04-24 19:29:49]DEBUG : Consommation Net de la semaine: -48580.415
[2023-04-24 19:29:49]DEBUG : Convertisseurs 482227122086 Puissance max: 33
[2023-04-24 19:29:49]DEBUG : Convertisseurs 482227122380 Puissance: 19
[2023-04-24 19:29:49]DEBUG : Consommation Net instantannée: -102.938
[2023-04-24 19:29:49]DEBUG : Convertisseurs 482227122380 Puissance max: 32
[2023-04-24 19:29:49]DEBUG : Convertisseurs 482227122390 Puissance: 19
[2023-04-24 19:29:49]DEBUG : Convertisseurs 482227122390 Puissance max: 34
[2023-04-24 19:29:49]DEBUG : Convertisseurs 482227122236 Puissance: 19
[2023-04-24 19:29:49]DEBUG : Nombre de batteries: 0
[2023-04-24 19:29:49]DEBUG : Convertisseurs 482227122236 Puissance max: 33
[2023-04-24 19:29:49]DEBUG : Convertisseurs 482227122237 Puissance: 19
[2023-04-24 19:29:49]DEBUG : Convertisseurs 482227122237 Puissance max: 34
[2023-04-24 19:29:49]DEBUG : Convertisseurs 482227122088 Puissance: 20
[2023-04-24 19:29:50]DEBUG : Convertisseurs 482227122088 Puissance max: 35

tu as redémarrer ta passerelle?

1s ce n’est pas viable car le script récupère trop de données essais 10s dans un premier temps.

Le plugin doit pouvoir fonctionné sur les smart, raspberry et plus petit donc je suis obligé de temporisé certaines commandes

oui, reboot au disjoncteur
pas de redémarrage du jeedom par contre.
j’ai modifié comme proposé à 10 secondes,
=>Pas d’amélioration

tu as le soucis dès le démarrage?
version de la passerelle?
certain compte créé des token très court

j’ai eu plusieurs occurence de problème de connexion ( voir dessous)
passerelle en wifi

[2023-04-24 19:07:30][INFO] : Test Token
[2023-04-24 19:07:35][INFO] : Erreur de vérification du jeton, attente de 60s pour recommmencer
[2023-04-24 19:07:35][INFO] : Send to jeedom : error check
[2023-04-24 19:08:35][INFO] : Test Token
[2023-04-24 19:08:38][INFO] : Erreur de vérification du jeton, attente de 60s pour recommmencer
[2023-04-24 19:08:38][INFO] : Send to jeedom : error check
[2023-04-24 19:09:38][INFO] : Renouvellement du token
[2023-04-24 19:09:38][INFO] : Send to jeedom : error check bis
[2023-04-24 19:09:38][INFO] : Test Token
[2023-04-24 19:09:39][INFO] : Erreur de vérification du jeton, attente de 60s pour recommmencer
[2023-04-24 19:09:39][INFO] : Send to jeedom : error check
[2023-04-24 19:10:39][INFO] : Renouvellement du token
[2023-04-24 19:10:39][INFO] : Send to jeedom : error check bis
[2023-04-24 19:10:39][INFO] : Test Token
[2023-04-24 19:10:39][INFO] : Erreur de vérification du jeton, attente de 60s pour recommmencer
[2023-04-24 19:10:39][INFO] : Send to jeedom : error check
[2023-04-24 19:11:39][INFO] : Renouvellement du token
[2023-04-24 19:11:39][INFO] : Send to jeedom : error check bis
[2023-04-24 19:11:39][INFO] : Test Token
[2023-04-24 19:11:40][INFO] : Erreur de vérification du jeton, attente de 60s pour recommmencer
[2023-04-24 19:11:40][INFO] : Send to jeedom : error check
[2023-04-24 19:12:40][INFO] : Renouvellement du token
[2023-04-24 19:12:40][INFO] : Send to jeedom : error check bis
[2023-04-24 19:12:40][INFO] : Test Token
[2023-04-24 19:12:40][INFO] : Erreur de vérification du jeton, attente de 60s pour recommmencer
[2023-04-24 19:12:40][INFO] : Send to jeedom : error check
[2023-04-24 19:13:40][INFO] : Renouvellement du token
[2023-04-24 19:13:40][INFO] : Send to jeedom : error check bis
[2023-04-24 19:13:40][INFO] : Test Token
[2023-04-24 19:13:41][INFO] : Erreur de vérification du jeton, attente de 60s pour recommmencer
[2023-04-24 19:13:41][INFO] : Send to jeedom : error check
[2023-04-24 19:14:41][INFO] : Renouvellement du token
[2023-04-24 19:14:41][INFO] : Send to jeedom : error check bis
[2023-04-24 19:14:41][INFO] : Test Token
[2023-04-24 19:14:41][INFO] : Erreur de vérification du jeton, attente de 60s pour recommmencer
[2023-04-24 19:14:41][INFO] : Send to jeedom : error check
[2023-04-24 19:15:41][INFO] : Renouvellement du token
[2023-04-24 19:15:41][INFO] : Send to jeedom : error check bis
[2023-04-24 19:15:41][INFO] : Test Token
[2023-04-24 19:15:41][INFO] : Erreur de vérification du jeton, attente de 60s pour recommmencer
[2023-04-24 19:15:41][INFO] : Send to jeedom : error check
[2023-04-24 19:16:41][INFO] : Renouvellement du token
[2023-04-24 19:16:41][INFO] : Send to jeedom : error check bis
[2023-04-24 19:16:41][INFO] : Test Token
[2023-04-24 19:16:42][INFO] : Erreur de vérification du jeton, attente de 60s pour recommmencer
[2023-04-24 19:16:42][INFO] : Send to jeedom : error check
[2023-04-24 19:17:42][INFO] : Renouvellement du token
[2023-04-24 19:17:42][INFO] : Send to jeedom : error check bis
[2023-04-24 19:17:42][INFO] : Test Token
[2023-04-24 19:17:42][INFO] : Erreur de vérification du jeton, attente de 60s pour recommmencer
[2023-04-24 19:17:42][INFO] : Send to jeedom : error check
[2023-04-24 19:18:42][INFO] : Renouvellement du token
[2023-04-24 19:18:42][INFO] : Send to jeedom : error check bis
[2023-04-24 19:18:42][INFO] : Test Token
[2023-04-24 19:18:43][INFO] : Erreur de vérification du jeton, attente de 60s pour recommmencer
[2023-04-24 19:18:43][INFO] : Send to jeedom : error check
[2023-04-24 19:19:43][INFO] : Renouvellement du token
[2023-04-24 19:19:43][INFO] : Send to jeedom : error check bis
[2023-04-24 19:19:43][INFO] : Test Token
[2023-04-24 19:19:43][INFO] : Erreur de vérification du jeton, attente de 60s pour recommmencer
[2023-04-24 19:19:43][INFO] : Send to jeedom : error check
[2023-04-24 19:20:43][INFO] : Renouvellement du token
[2023-04-24 19:20:43][INFO] : Send to jeedom : error check bis
[2023-04-24 19:20:43][INFO] : Test Token
[2023-04-24 19:20:44][INFO] : Erreur de vérification du jeton, attente de 60s pour recommmencer
[2023-04-24 19:20:44][INFO] : Send to jeedom : error check
[2023-04-24 19:21:44][INFO] : Renouvellement du token
[2023-04-24 19:21:44][INFO] : Send to jeedom : error check bis
[2023-04-24 19:21:44][INFO] : Test Token
[2023-04-24 19:21:44][INFO] : Erreur de vérification du jeton, attente de 60s pour recommmencer
[2023-04-24 19:21:44][INFO] : Send to jeedom : error check
[2023-04-24 19:22:44][INFO] : Renouvellement du token
[2023-04-24 19:22:44][INFO] : Send to jeedom : error check bis
[2023-04-24 19:22:44][INFO] : Test Token
[2023-04-24 19:22:45][INFO] : Erreur de vérification du jeton, attente de 60s pour recommmencer
[2023-04-24 19:22:45][INFO] : Send to jeedom : error check
[2023-04-24 19:23:45][INFO] : Renouvellement du token
[2023-04-24 19:23:45][INFO] : Send to jeedom : error check bis
[2023-04-24 19:23:45][INFO] : Test Token
[2023-04-24 19:23:45][INFO] : Erreur de vérification du jeton, attente de 60s pour recommmencer
[2023-04-24 19:23:45][INFO] : Send to jeedom : error check
[2023-04-24 19:24:45][INFO] : Renouvellement du token
[2023-04-24 19:24:45][INFO] : Send to jeedom : error check bis
[2023-04-24 19:24:45][INFO] : Test Token
[2023-04-24 19:24:46][INFO] : Erreur de vérification du jeton, attente de 60s pour recommmencer
[2023-04-24 19:24:46][INFO] : Send to jeedom : error check
[2023-04-24 19:25:06][INFO] : Send to jeedom : error arret
[2023-04-24 19:25:11][INFO] : Start demond
[2023-04-24 19:25:11][INFO] : Log level : debug
[2023-04-24 19:25:11][DEBUG] : Socket port : 52611
[2023-04-24 19:25:11][DEBUG] : Socket host : localhost
[2023-04-24 19:25:11][DEBUG] : PID file : /tmp/jeedom/enphasesecur/
[2023-04-24 19:25:11][DEBUG] : Apikey : RxKUHtjtc6YO15TTwiiJMvr246MTe0uBq20pvPfJFy3heyJHPhY8vsTP2V9A5HXW

tu n’as pas autre chose qui se connecte à la passerelle? car là c’est vraiment la génération du token qui coince…

J’ai poussé une modif en beta dans la gestion de ce défaut mais vu ton dernier log c’est très bizarre

plutot un probleme internet. redemarre ta box

Et depuis la conception de ce plugin tous ceux qui ont galéré était en wifi…

Non, je n’ai que ( mon ) jeedom et donc ton plugin qui accède via le token. J’utilise occasionnellement mon téléphone avec l’application enphase également.

A savoir que j’ai le même soucis sur le jeedom installé chez mes parents avec une installation similaire suite à la maj d’hier.

tu avais mis la maj du 21?

Me concernant, je ne me souviens pas pour celle du 21, concernant l’installation chez mes parents, de maniere certaine, pas de maj depuis 10 jours minimum.

En parallèle pour explorer la piste de l’ETH, j’ai câblé ma passerelle en CPL

Idem en cablé

Changement de configuration à 21:06:45

[2023-04-24 21:00:03]INFO : Tentative de connexion:1
[2023-04-24 21:00:03]DEBUG : Attente 120s avant reconnexion
[2023-04-24 21:02:13]INFO : Test Token
[2023-04-24 21:02:14]DEBUG : HTTP Request: GET "HTTP/1.1 200 OK"
[2023-04-24 21:02:14]INFO : Recuperation mesures
[2023-04-24 21:02:14]DEBUG : Recuperation mesures passerelle
[2023-04-24 21:02:15]DEBUG : HTTP Request: GET "HTTP/1.1 200 OK"
[2023-04-24 21:02:15]INFO : Send to jeedom :  {'production': [{'type': 'inverters', 'activeCount': 16, 'readingTime': 1682362349, 'wNow': 0, 'whLifetime': 13588}, {'type': 'eim', 'activeCount': 1, 'measurementType': 'production', 'readingTime': 1682362901, 'wNow': -9.56, 'whLifetime': 3624552.134, 'varhLeadLifetime': 0.0, 'varhLagLifetime': 1439427.295, 'vahLifetime': 4605474.241, 'rmsCurrent': 1.198, 'rmsVoltage': 241.878, 'reactPwr': 289.658, 'apprntPwr': 289.658, 'pwrFactor': -0.03, 'whToday': 326.134, 'whLastSevenDays': 218807.134, 'vahToday': 759.241, 'varhLeadToday': 0.0, 'varhLagToday': 589.295, 'lines': [{'wNow': -9.56, 'whLifetime': 3624552.134, 'varhLeadLifetime': 0.0, 'varhLagLifetime': 1439427.295, 'vahLifetime': 4605474.241, 'rmsCurrent': 1.198, 'rmsVoltage': 241.878, 'reactPwr': 289.658, 'apprntPwr': 289.658, 'pwrFactor': -0.03, 'whToday': 326.134, 'whLastSevenDays': 218807.134, 'vahToday': 759.241, 'varhLeadToday': 0.0, 'varhLagToday': 589.295}]}], 'consumption': [{'type': 'eim', 'activeCount': 1, 'measurementType': 'total-consumption', 'readingTime': 1682362901, 'wNow': 293.305, 'whLifetime': 7648973.467, 'varhLeadLifetime': 2687038.583, 'varhLagLifetime': 1487290.18, 'vahLifetime': 8054791.463, 'rmsCurrent': 4.338, 'rmsVoltage': 241.759, 'reactPwr': -972.844, 'apprntPwr': 1048.741, 'pwrFactor': 0.28, 'whToday': 777.467, 'whLastSevenDays': 170233.467, 'vahToday': 1613.463, 'varhLeadToday': 1327.583, 'varhLagToday': 595.18, 'lines': [{'wNow': 293.305, 'whLifetime': 7648973.467, 'varhLeadLifetime': 2687038.583, 'varhLagLifetime': 1487290.18, 'vahLifetime': 8054791.463, 'rmsCurrent': 4.338, 'rmsVoltage': 241.759, 'reactPwr': -972.844, 'apprntPwr': 1048.741, 'pwrFactor': 0.28, 'whToday': 777.467, 'whLastSevenDays': 170233.467, 'vahToday': 1613.463, 'varhLeadToday': 1327.583, 'varhLagToday': 595.18}]}, {'type': 'eim', 'activeCount': 1, 'measurementType': 'net-consumption', 'readingTime': 1682362901, 'wNow': 302.865, 'whLifetime': 5380703.477, 'varhLeadLifetime': 2687038.583, 'varhLagLifetime': 47862.886, 'vahLifetime': 8054791.463, 'rmsCurrent': 3.14, 'rmsVoltage': 241.64, 'reactPwr': -683.186, 'apprntPwr': 760.271, 'pwrFactor': 0.39, 'whToday': 0, 'whLastSevenDays': 0, 'vahToday': 0, 'varhLeadToday': 0, 'varhLagToday': 0, 'lines': [{'wNow': 302.865, 'whLifetime': 5380703.477, 'varhLeadLifetime': 2687038.583, 'varhLagLifetime': 47862.886, 'vahLifetime': 8054791.463, 'rmsCurrent': 3.14, 'rmsVoltage': 241.64, 'reactPwr': -683.186, 'apprntPwr': 760.271, 'pwrFactor': 0.39, 'whToday': 0, 'whLastSevenDays': 0, 'vahToday': 0, 'varhLeadToday': 0, 'varhLagToday': 0}]}], 'storage': [{'type': 'acb', 'activeCount': 0, 'readingTime': 0, 'wNow': 0, 'whNow': 0, 'state': 'idle'}]}
[2023-04-24 21:02:15]DEBUG : Starting new HTTP connection (1):
[2023-04-24 21:02:16]DEBUG : Recuperation mesures onduleurs
[2023-04-24 21:02:16]DEBUG : HTTP Request: GET "HTTP/1.1 200 OK"
[2023-04-24 21:02:16]DEBUG : "POST /plugins/enphasesecur/core/php/jeeenphasesecur.php?apikey=RxKUHtjtc6YO15TTwiiJMvr246MTe0uBq20pvPfJFy3heyJHPhY8vsTP2V9A5HXW HTTP/1.1" 200 0
[2023-04-24 21:02:16]INFO : Send to jeedom :  [{'serialNumber': '482227122085', 'lastReportDate': 1682360911, 'devType': 1, 'lastReportWatts': 0, 'maxReportWatts': 32}, {'serialNumber': '482227122122', 'lastReportDate': 1682361168, 'devType': 1, 'lastReportWatts': 0, 'maxReportWatts': 32}, {'serialNumber': '482227122134', 'lastReportDate': 1682361172, 'devType': 1, 'lastReportWatts': 0, 'maxReportWatts': 32}, {'serialNumber': '482227122242', 'lastReportDate': 1682361174, 'devType': 1, 'lastReportWatts': 0, 'maxReportWatts': 33}, {'serialNumber': '482227122076', 'lastReportDate': 1682361177, 'devType': 1, 'lastReportWatts': 0, 'maxReportWatts': 34}, {'serialNumber': '482227122112', 'lastReportDate': 1682360921, 'devType': 1, 'lastReportWatts': 0, 'maxReportWatts': 34}, {'serialNumber': '482227122353', 'lastReportDate': 1682361181, 'devType': 1, 'lastReportWatts': 0, 'maxReportWatts': 35}, {'serialNumber': '482227122210', 'lastReportDate': 1682360021, 'devType': 1, 'lastReportWatts': 0, 'maxReportWatts': 33}, {'serialNumber': '482227122077', 'lastReportDate': 1682360023, 'devType': 1, 'lastReportWatts': 0, 'maxReportWatts': 35}, {'serialNumber': '482227122110', 'lastReportDate': 1682360928, 'devType': 1, 'lastReportWatts': 0, 'maxReportWatts': 34}, {'serialNumber': '482227122086', 'lastReportDate': 1682360028, 'devType': 1, 'lastReportWatts': 0, 'maxReportWatts': 33}, {'serialNumber': '482227122380', 'lastReportDate': 1682360933, 'devType': 1, 'lastReportWatts': 0, 'maxReportWatts': 32}, {'serialNumber': '482227122390', 'lastReportDate': 1682360033, 'devType': 1, 'lastReportWatts': 0, 'maxReportWatts': 34}, {'serialNumber': '482227122236', 'lastReportDate': 1682360032, 'devType': 1, 'lastReportWatts': 0, 'maxReportWatts': 33}, {'serialNumber': '482227122237', 'lastReportDate': 1682360033, 'devType': 1, 'lastReportWatts': 0, 'maxReportWatts': 34}, {'serialNumber': '482227122088', 'lastReportDate': 1682360940, 'devType': 1, 'lastReportWatts': 0, 'maxReportWatts': 35}]
[2023-04-24 21:02:16]DEBUG : Starting new HTTP connection (1):
[2023-04-24 21:02:16]DEBUG : "POST /plugins/enphasesecur/core/php/jeeenphasesecur.php?apikey=RxKUHtjtc6YO15TTwiiJMvr246MTe0uBq20pvPfJFy3heyJHPhY8vsTP2V9A5HXW HTTP/1.1" 200 0
[2023-04-24 21:02:26]INFO : Recuperation mesures
[2023-04-24 21:02:26]DEBUG : Recuperation mesures passerelle
[2023-04-24 21:02:26]DEBUG : HTTP Request: GET "HTTP/1.1 401 Unauthorized"
[2023-04-24 21:02:31]INFO : Tentative de connexion:1
[2023-04-24 21:02:31]DEBUG : Attente 120s avant reconnexion
[2023-04-24 21:04:41]INFO : Test Token
[2023-04-24 21:04:41]DEBUG : HTTP Request: GET "HTTP/1.1 200 OK"
[2023-04-24 21:04:41]INFO : Recuperation mesures
[2023-04-24 21:04:41]DEBUG : Recuperation mesures passerelle
[2023-04-24 21:04:42]DEBUG : HTTP Request: GET "HTTP/1.1 200 OK"
[2023-04-24 21:04:42]INFO : Send to jeedom :  {'production': [{'type': 'inverters', 'activeCount': 16, 'readingTime': 1682362349, 'wNow': 0, 'whLifetime': 13588}, {'type': 'eim', 'activeCount': 1, 'measurementType': 'production', 'readingTime': 1682363048, 'wNow': -8.664, 'whLifetime': 3624552.134, 'varhLeadLifetime': 0.0, 'varhLagLifetime': 1439439.206, 'vahLifetime': 4605486.055, 'rmsCurrent': 1.199, 'rmsVoltage': 241.989, 'reactPwr': 289.564, 'apprntPwr': 290.034, 'pwrFactor': -0.03, 'whToday': 326.134, 'whLastSevenDays': 218807.134, 'vahToday': 771.055, 'varhLeadToday': 0.0, 'varhLagToday': 601.206, 'lines': [{'wNow': -8.664, 'whLifetime': 3624552.134, 'varhLeadLifetime': 0.0, 'varhLagLifetime': 1439439.206, 'vahLifetime': 4605486.055, 'rmsCurrent': 1.199, 'rmsVoltage': 241.989, 'reactPwr': 289.564, 'apprntPwr': 290.034, 'pwrFactor': -0.03, 'whToday': 326.134, 'whLastSevenDays': 218807.134, 'vahToday': 771.055, 'varhLeadToday': 0.0, 'varhLagToday': 601.206}]}], 'consumption': [{'type': 'eim', 'activeCount': 1, 'measurementType': 'total-consumption', 'readingTime': 1682363048, 'wNow': 252.691, 'whLifetime': 7648985.15, 'varhLeadLifetime': 2687066.172, 'varhLagLifetime': 1487302.092, 'vahLifetime': 8054821.827, 'rmsCurrent': 4.199, 'rmsVoltage': 241.965, 'reactPwr': -957.188, 'apprntPwr': 1016.097, 'pwrFactor': 0.25, 'whToday': 789.15, 'whLastSevenDays': 170245.15, 'vahToday': 1643.827, 'varhLeadToday': 1355.172, 'varhLagToday': 607.092, 'lines': [{'wNow': 252.691, 'whLifetime': 7648985.15, 'varhLeadLifetime': 2687066.172, 'varhLagLifetime': 1487302.092, 'vahLifetime': 8054821.827, 'rmsCurrent': 4.199, 'rmsVoltage': 241.965, 'reactPwr': -957.188, 'apprntPwr': 1016.097, 'pwrFactor': 0.25, 'whToday': 789.15, 'whLastSevenDays': 170245.15, 'vahToday': 1643.827, 'varhLeadToday': 1355.172, 'varhLagToday': 607.092}]}, {'type': 'eim', 'activeCount': 1, 'measurementType': 'net-consumption', 'readingTime': 1682363048, 'wNow': 261.355, 'whLifetime': 5380715.16, 'varhLeadLifetime': 2687066.172, 'varhLagLifetime': 47862.886, 'vahLifetime': 8054821.827, 'rmsCurrent': 3.001, 'rmsVoltage': 241.942, 'reactPwr': -667.623, 'apprntPwr': 723.195, 'pwrFactor': 0.39, 'whToday': 0, 'whLastSevenDays': 0, 'vahToday': 0, 'varhLeadToday': 0, 'varhLagToday': 0, 'lines': [{'wNow': 261.355, 'whLifetime': 5380715.16, 'varhLeadLifetime': 2687066.172, 'varhLagLifetime': 47862.886, 'vahLifetime': 8054821.827, 'rmsCurrent': 3.001, 'rmsVoltage': 241.942, 'reactPwr': -667.623, 'apprntPwr': 723.195, 'pwrFactor': 0.39, 'whToday': 0, 'whLastSevenDays': 0, 'vahToday': 0, 'varhLeadToday': 0, 'varhLagToday': 0}]}], 'storage': [{'type': 'acb', 'activeCount': 0, 'readingTime': 0, 'wNow': 0, 'whNow': 0, 'state': 'idle'}]}
[2023-04-24 21:04:42]DEBUG : Starting new HTTP connection (1):
[2023-04-24 21:04:43]DEBUG : Recuperation mesures onduleurs
[2023-04-24 21:04:43]DEBUG : HTTP Request: GET "HTTP/1.1 200 OK"
[2023-04-24 21:04:43]INFO : Send to jeedom :  [{'serialNumber': '482227122085', 'lastReportDate': 1682360911, 'devType': 1, 'lastReportWatts': 0, 'maxReportWatts': 32}, {'serialNumber': '482227122122', 'lastReportDate': 1682361168, 'devType': 1, 'lastReportWatts': 0, 'maxReportWatts': 32}, {'serialNumber': '482227122134', 'lastReportDate': 1682361172, 'devType': 1, 'lastReportWatts': 0, 'maxReportWatts': 32}, {'serialNumber': '482227122242', 'lastReportDate': 1682361174, 'devType': 1, 'lastReportWatts': 0, 'maxReportWatts': 33}, {'serialNumber': '482227122076', 'lastReportDate': 1682361177, 'devType': 1, 'lastReportWatts': 0, 'maxReportWatts': 34}, {'serialNumber': '482227122112', 'lastReportDate': 1682360921, 'devType': 1, 'lastReportWatts': 0, 'maxReportWatts': 34}, {'serialNumber': '482227122353', 'lastReportDate': 1682361181, 'devType': 1, 'lastReportWatts': 0, 'maxReportWatts': 35}, {'serialNumber': '482227122210', 'lastReportDate': 1682360021, 'devType': 1, 'lastReportWatts': 0, 'maxReportWatts': 33}, {'serialNumber': '482227122077', 'lastReportDate': 1682360023, 'devType': 1, 'lastReportWatts': 0, 'maxReportWatts': 35}, {'serialNumber': '482227122110', 'lastReportDate': 1682360928, 'devType': 1, 'lastReportWatts': 0, 'maxReportWatts': 34}, {'serialNumber': '482227122086', 'lastReportDate': 1682360028, 'devType': 1, 'lastReportWatts': 0, 'maxReportWatts': 33}, {'serialNumber': '482227122380', 'lastReportDate': 1682360933, 'devType': 1, 'lastReportWatts': 0, 'maxReportWatts': 32}, {'serialNumber': '482227122390', 'lastReportDate': 1682360033, 'devType': 1, 'lastReportWatts': 0, 'maxReportWatts': 34}, {'serialNumber': '482227122236', 'lastReportDate': 1682360032, 'devType': 1, 'lastReportWatts': 0, 'maxReportWatts': 33}, {'serialNumber': '482227122237', 'lastReportDate': 1682360033, 'devType': 1, 'lastReportWatts': 0, 'maxReportWatts': 34}, {'serialNumber': '482227122088', 'lastReportDate': 1682360940, 'devType': 1, 'lastReportWatts': 0, 'maxReportWatts': 35}]
[2023-04-24 21:04:43]DEBUG : Starting new HTTP connection (1):
[2023-04-24 21:04:43]DEBUG : "POST /plugins/enphasesecur/core/php/jeeenphasesecur.php?apikey=RxKUHtjtc6YO15TTwiiJMvr246MTe0uBq20pvPfJFy3heyJHPhY8vsTP2V9A5HXW HTTP/1.1" 200 0
[2023-04-24 21:04:45]DEBUG : "POST /plugins/enphasesecur/core/php/jeeenphasesecur.php?apikey=RxKUHtjtc6YO15TTwiiJMvr246MTe0uBq20pvPfJFy3heyJHPhY8vsTP2V9A5HXW HTTP/1.1" 200 0
[2023-04-24 21:04:53]INFO : Recuperation mesures
[2023-04-24 21:04:53]DEBUG : Recuperation mesures passerelle
[2023-04-24 21:04:53]DEBUG : HTTP Request: GET "HTTP/1.1 401 Unauthorized"
[2023-04-24 21:04:58]INFO : Tentative de connexion:1
[2023-04-24 21:04:58]DEBUG : Attente 120s avant reconnexion
[2023-04-24 21:06:40]DEBUG : Signal 15 caught, exiting...
[2023-04-24 21:06:40]DEBUG : Shutdown
[2023-04-24 21:06:40]DEBUG : Removing PID file /tmp/jeedom/enphasesecur/
[2023-04-24 21:06:40]INFO : Send to jeedom :  error arret
[2023-04-24 21:06:40]DEBUG : Starting new HTTP connection (1):
[2023-04-24 21:06:40]DEBUG : Exit 0
[2023-04-24 21:06:45]INFO : Start demond
[2023-04-24 21:06:45]INFO : Log level : debug
[2023-04-24 21:06:45]DEBUG : Socket port : 2504
[2023-04-24 21:06:45]DEBUG : Socket host : localhost
[2023-04-24 21:06:45]DEBUG : PID file : /tmp/jeedom/enphasesecur/
[2023-04-24 21:06:45]DEBUG : Apikey : RxKUHtjtc6YO15TTwiiJMvr246MTe0uBq20pvPfJFy3heyJHPhY8vsTP2V9A5HXW
[2023-04-24 21:06:45]DEBUG : Device : auto
[2023-04-24 21:06:45]DEBUG : Callback :
[2023-04-24 21:06:45]DEBUG : Delais actualisation : 10
[2023-04-24 21:06:45]INFO : Adresse IP Passerelle :
[2023-04-24 21:06:45]DEBUG : User : 
[2023-04-24 21:06:45]DEBUG : Password : 
[2023-04-24 21:06:45]DEBUG : Numero de serie : 
[2023-04-24 21:06:45]INFO : Writing PID 6476 to /tmp/jeedom/enphasesecur/
[2023-04-24 21:06:45]INFO : Init request module v2.21.0
[2023-04-24 21:06:45]DEBUG : Starting new HTTP connection (1):
[2023-04-24 21:06:45]DEBUG : "GET /plugins/enphasesecur/core/php/jeeenphasesecur.php?apikey=RxKUHtjtc6YO15TTwiiJMvr246MTe0uBq20pvPfJFy3heyJHPhY8vsTP2V9A5HXW HTTP/1.1" 200 2
[2023-04-24 21:06:55]INFO : Recuperation token
[2023-04-24 21:06:55]DEBUG : Starting new HTTPS connection (1):
[2023-04-24 21:06:58]DEBUG : "POST /login/login.json HTTP/1.1" 200 None
[2023-04-24 21:06:58]DEBUG : Starting new HTTPS connection (1):
[2023-04-24 21:06:59]DEBUG : "POST /tokens HTTP/1.1" 200 None
[2023-04-24 21:06:59]DEBUG : eyJraWQiOiI3ZDEwMDA1ZC03ODk5LTRkMGQtYmNiNC0yNDRmOThlZTE1NmIiLCJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJFUzI1NiJ9.eyJhdWQiOiIxMjIyMjUwNjY5MTAiLCJpc3MiOiJFbnRyZXoiLCJlbnBoYXNlVXNlciI6Im93bmVyIiwiZXhwIjoxNzEzODk5MjE5LCJpYXQiOjE2ODIzNjMyMTksImp0aSI6IjdiMzdjZmRmLWE1N2YtNDY1MS1hOTg2LWNjMTFjNjdlMzM2ZCIsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoic2VsbG9saXZpZXJAZ21haWwuY29tIn0.-8m_-rxLOAp05f7H0w7wZR8dxfC0xdHunFqYDc9JQSNjCAOgux6-N9YS-0f9tAvytaU7to-2twBdVpp4u0qIkg
[2023-04-24 21:06:59]INFO : Test Token
[2023-04-24 21:06:59]DEBUG : HTTP Request: GET "HTTP/1.1 200 OK"
[2023-04-24 21:06:59]DEBUG : Recuperation Inventaire
[2023-04-24 21:07:00]DEBUG : HTTP Request: GET "HTTP/1.1 200 OK"
[2023-04-24 21:07:00]INFO : Send to jeedom :  [{'type': 'PCU', 'devices': [{'part_num': '800-01736-r02', 'installed': '1664470732', 'serial_num': '482227122085', 'device_status': ['envoy.cond_flags.pcu_ctrl.dc-pwr-low', 'envoy.cond_flags.obs_strs.failure'], 'last_rpt_date': '1682361167', 'admin_state': 1, 'dev_type': 1, 'created_date': '1664470732', 'img_load_date': '1613405093', 'img_pnum_running': '520-00082-r01-v04.27.04', 'ptpn': '540-00135-r01-v04.27.10', 'chaneid': 1627390225, 'device_control': [{'gficlearset': False}], 'producing': False, 'communicating': False, 'provisioned': False, 'operating': False}, {'part_num': '800-01736-r02', 'installed': '1664470736', 'serial_num': '482227122122', 'device_status': ['envoy.cond_flags.obs_strs.failure'], 'last_rpt_date': '1682361170', 'admin_state': 1, 'dev_type': 1, 'created_date': '1664470736', 'img_load_date': '1613405093', 'img_pnum_running': '520-00082-r01-v04.27.04', 'ptpn': '540-00135-r01-v04.27.10', 'chaneid': 1627390481, 'device_control': [{'gficlearset': False}], 'producing': False, 'communicating': False, 'provisioned': False, 'operating': False}, {'part_num': '800-01736-r02', 'installed': '1664470745', 'serial_num': '482227122134', 'device_status': ['envoy.cond_flags.pcu_ctrl.dc-pwr-low', 'envoy.cond_flags.obs_strs.failure'], 'last_rpt_date': '1682361172', 'admin_state': 1, 'dev_type': 1, 'created_date': '1664470745', 'img_load_date': '1613405093', 'img_pnum_running': '520-00082-r01-v04.27.04', 'ptpn': '540-00135-r01-v04.27.10', 'chaneid': 1627390737, 'device_control': [{'gficlearset': False}], 'producing': False, 'communicating': False, 'provisioned': False, 'operating': False}, {'part_num': '800-01736-r02', 'installed': '1664470748', 'serial_num': '482227122242', 'device_status': ['envoy.cond_flags.pcu_chan.dcvoltagetoolow', 'envoy.cond_flags.pcu_ctrl.dc-pwr-low', 'envoy.cond_flags.obs_strs.failure'], 'last_rpt_date': '1682361175', 'admin_state': 1, 'dev_type': 1, 'created_date': '1664470748', 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'devices': []}]
[2023-04-24 21:07:00]DEBUG : Attente de 5s
[2023-04-24 21:07:00]DEBUG : Starting new HTTP connection (1):
[2023-04-24 21:07:00]DEBUG : "POST /plugins/enphasesecur/core/php/jeeenphasesecur.php?apikey=RxKUHtjtc6YO15TTwiiJMvr246MTe0uBq20pvPfJFy3heyJHPhY8vsTP2V9A5HXW HTTP/1.1" 200 0
[2023-04-24 21:07:05]INFO : Recuperation mesures
[2023-04-24 21:07:05]DEBUG : Recuperation mesures passerelle
[2023-04-24 21:07:06]DEBUG : HTTP Request: GET "HTTP/1.1 200 OK"
[2023-04-24 21:07:06]INFO : Send to jeedom :  {'production': [{'type': 'inverters', 'activeCount': 16, 'readingTime': 1682362349, 'wNow': 0, 'whLifetime': 13588}, {'type': 'eim', 'activeCount': 1, 'measurementType': 'production', 'readingTime': 1682363192, 'wNow': -9.45, 'whLifetime': 3624552.134, 'varhLeadLifetime': 0.0, 'varhLagLifetime': 1439450.891, 'vahLifetime': 4605497.64, 'rmsCurrent': 1.197, 'rmsVoltage': 241.455, 'reactPwr': 289.011, 'apprntPwr': 289.252, 'pwrFactor': -0.05, 'whToday': 326.134, 'whLastSevenDays': 218807.134, 'vahToday': 782.64, 'varhLeadToday': 0.0, 'varhLagToday': 612.891, 'lines': [{'wNow': -9.45, 'whLifetime': 3624552.134, 'varhLeadLifetime': 0.0, 'varhLagLifetime': 1439450.891, 'vahLifetime': 4605497.64, 'rmsCurrent': 1.197, 'rmsVoltage': 241.455, 'reactPwr': 289.011, 'apprntPwr': 289.252, 'pwrFactor': -0.05, 'whToday': 326.134, 'whLastSevenDays': 218807.134, 'vahToday': 782.64, 'varhLeadToday': 0.0, 'varhLagToday': 612.891}]}], 'consumption': [{'type': 'eim', 'activeCount': 1, 'measurementType': 'total-consumption', 'readingTime': 1682363192, 'wNow': 246.454, 'whLifetime': 7648995.527, 'varhLeadLifetime': 2687092.853, 'varhLagLifetime': 1487313.777, 'vahLifetime': 8054850.692, 'rmsCurrent': 4.175, 'rmsVoltage': 241.442, 'reactPwr': -954.788, 'apprntPwr': 1008.025, 'pwrFactor': 0.24, 'whToday': 799.527, 'whLastSevenDays': 170255.527, 'vahToday': 1672.692, 'varhLeadToday': 1381.853, 'varhLagToday': 618.777, 'lines': [{'wNow': 246.454, 'whLifetime': 7648995.527, 'varhLeadLifetime': 2687092.853, 'varhLagLifetime': 1487313.777, 'vahLifetime': 8054850.692, 'rmsCurrent': 4.175, 'rmsVoltage': 241.442, 'reactPwr': -954.788, 'apprntPwr': 1008.025, 'pwrFactor': 0.24, 'whToday': 799.527, 'whLastSevenDays': 170255.527, 'vahToday': 1672.692, 'varhLeadToday': 1381.853, 'varhLagToday': 618.777}]}, {'type': 'eim', 'activeCount': 1, 'measurementType': 'net-consumption', 'readingTime': 1682363192, 'wNow': 255.904, 'whLifetime': 5380725.537, 'varhLeadLifetime': 2687092.853, 'varhLagLifetime': 47862.886, 'vahLifetime': 8054850.692, 'rmsCurrent': 2.978, 'rmsVoltage': 241.43, 'reactPwr': -665.777, 'apprntPwr': 718.443, 'pwrFactor': 0.36, 'whToday': 0, 'whLastSevenDays': 0, 'vahToday': 0, 'varhLeadToday': 0, 'varhLagToday': 0, 'lines': [{'wNow': 255.904, 'whLifetime': 5380725.537, 'varhLeadLifetime': 2687092.853, 'varhLagLifetime': 47862.886, 'vahLifetime': 8054850.692, 'rmsCurrent': 2.978, 'rmsVoltage': 241.43, 'reactPwr': -665.777, 'apprntPwr': 718.443, 'pwrFactor': 0.36, 'whToday': 0, 'whLastSevenDays': 0, 'vahToday': 0, 'varhLeadToday': 0, 'varhLagToday': 0}]}], 'storage': [{'type': 'acb', 'activeCount': 0, 'readingTime': 0, 'wNow': 0, 'whNow': 0, 'state': 'idle'}]}
[2023-04-24 21:07:06]DEBUG : Starting new HTTP connection (1):
[2023-04-24 21:07:07]DEBUG : Recuperation mesures onduleurs
[2023-04-24 21:07:07]DEBUG : HTTP Request: GET "HTTP/1.1 200 OK"
[2023-04-24 21:07:07]INFO : Send to jeedom :  [{'serialNumber': '482227122085', 'lastReportDate': 1682360911, 'devType': 1, 'lastReportWatts': 0, 'maxReportWatts': 32}, {'serialNumber': '482227122122', 'lastReportDate': 1682361168, 'devType': 1, 'lastReportWatts': 0, 'maxReportWatts': 32}, {'serialNumber': '482227122134', 'lastReportDate': 1682361172, 'devType': 1, 'lastReportWatts': 0, 'maxReportWatts': 32}, {'serialNumber': '482227122242', 'lastReportDate': 1682361174, 'devType': 1, 'lastReportWatts': 0, 'maxReportWatts': 33}, {'serialNumber': '482227122076', 'lastReportDate': 1682361177, 'devType': 1, 'lastReportWatts': 0, 'maxReportWatts': 34}, {'serialNumber': '482227122112', 'lastReportDate': 1682360921, 'devType': 1, 'lastReportWatts': 0, 'maxReportWatts': 34}, {'serialNumber': '482227122353', 'lastReportDate': 1682361181, 'devType': 1, 'lastReportWatts': 0, 'maxReportWatts': 35}, {'serialNumber': '482227122210', 'lastReportDate': 1682360021, 'devType': 1, 'lastReportWatts': 0, 'maxReportWatts': 33}, {'serialNumber': '482227122077', 'lastReportDate': 1682360023, 'devType': 1, 'lastReportWatts': 0, 'maxReportWatts': 35}, {'serialNumber': '482227122110', 'lastReportDate': 1682360928, 'devType': 1, 'lastReportWatts': 0, 'maxReportWatts': 34}, {'serialNumber': '482227122086', 'lastReportDate': 1682360028, 'devType': 1, 'lastReportWatts': 0, 'maxReportWatts': 33}, {'serialNumber': '482227122380', 'lastReportDate': 1682360933, 'devType': 1, 'lastReportWatts': 0, 'maxReportWatts': 32}, {'serialNumber': '482227122390', 'lastReportDate': 1682360033, 'devType': 1, 'lastReportWatts': 0, 'maxReportWatts': 34}, {'serialNumber': '482227122236', 'lastReportDate': 1682360032, 'devType': 1, 'lastReportWatts': 0, 'maxReportWatts': 33}, {'serialNumber': '482227122237', 'lastReportDate': 1682360033, 'devType': 1, 'lastReportWatts': 0, 'maxReportWatts': 34}, {'serialNumber': '482227122088', 'lastReportDate': 1682360940, 'devType': 1, 'lastReportWatts': 0, 'maxReportWatts': 35}]
[2023-04-24 21:07:07]DEBUG : "POST /plugins/enphasesecur/core/php/jeeenphasesecur.php?apikey=RxKUHtjtc6YO15TTwiiJMvr246MTe0uBq20pvPfJFy3heyJHPhY8vsTP2V9A5HXW HTTP/1.1" 200 0
[2023-04-24 21:07:07]DEBUG : Starting new HTTP connection (1):
[2023-04-24 21:07:07]DEBUG : "POST /plugins/enphasesecur/core/php/jeeenphasesecur.php?apikey=RxKUHtjtc6YO15TTwiiJMvr246MTe0uBq20pvPfJFy3heyJHPhY8vsTP2V9A5HXW HTTP/1.1" 200 0
[2023-04-24 21:07:17]INFO : Recuperation mesures
[2023-04-24 21:07:17]DEBUG : Recuperation mesures passerelle
[2023-04-24 21:07:18]DEBUG : HTTP Request: GET "HTTP/1.1 401 Unauthorized"
[2023-04-24 21:07:23]INFO : Tentative de connexion:1
[2023-04-24 21:07:23]DEBUG : Attente 120s avant reconnexion```

essai la nouvelle beta, j’ai rajouté des logs.
Ya possibilité d’avoir un accé à ton jeedom?

Je viens de pousser la NVL beta et MP pour les infos d’accès au jeedom

Donc, apparemment l’API est légèrement différente entre les versions des passerelles…
Il faut donc vérifié le token quasiment à chaque requête…

La modif est disponible en béta et en suivant sur la stable qui est identique pour le moment

Bonjour @cddu33,

Après installation de la BETA, le problème semble résolu car l’actualisation fonctionne de nouveau.

Merci pour cette MAJ.