sujet : « Impossible de faire reconnaitre et donc commander les prises BLYSS »
Merci de votre réponse, j’avais fait court en espérant une réponse triviale à laquelle j aurais repondu : « bien evidement … ou avais je la tete ». Mais je peux bien sur fournir les logs et plus.
le setup ne comporte a ce stade que des versions stables sur du Pi4+Debian 11.11
*Dans la fenêtre de choix des protocoles rfxcom lors de mes tests j’en suis a ne sélectionner que 0x15 aka Blyss.
Pour que ce soit plus lisible pour la suite j’ai redémarré le plugin et manipulé ON OFF sur le 1 de la télécommande blyss elle même positionnée sur « b » ( rappel il y a un microswitch a b c d )
Vous trouverez ci-dessous :
- la page santé du Jeedom
- le log de rfxcom
- le log de rfxcomd
un peu de contexte tout de même : J’utilise Jeedom depuis avant 2016, j’ai des prises , des commandes, des lampes , des radiateurs fil pilote, des thermometres, capteurs de presence , humidite … sur du zWave, Deconz et RFXCom. Lors d’une tentative de mise à jour cela s’est mal passé ( possiblement mal fait aussi …) , bref j’ai décidé de repartir de scratch de remettre à jour l’OS du pi4 et refaire ma config. Et nous en sommes là.
A defaut de pouvoir poster une image de l’ecran « santé », un copy/paste tres moche et bidouillé pour enlever les liens :
→ A noter : le seul point rouge c’est le Network, a mon avis sans lien.
[2024-10-19 15:27:16][INFO] : Lancement démon rfxcomd : python3 /var/www/html/plugins/rfxcom/resources/rfxcomd/rfxcomd.py --device /dev/ttyUSB0 --loglevel debug --socketport 55000 --serialrate 38400 --protocol 7 --callback --apikey Qe0dmsX2kcAyRNilASNRkp21ihnzykykLWhEJzLYi50gigQMp122oZgIg2sU4RYj --cycle 0.3 --pid /tmp/jeedom/rfxcom/deamon.pid
[2024-10-19 15:27:19][INFO] : Démon RFXcom lancé
[2024-10-19 15:28:54][DEBUG] : {"devices":{"076115":{"packettype":"0x15","subtype":"0x00","id":"0761","groupcode":66,"unitcode":1,"cmnd":0,"rssi":8}}}
[2024-10-19 15:29:00][DEBUG] : {"devices":{"076115":{"packettype":"0x15","subtype":"0x00","id":"0761","groupcode":66,"unitcode":1,"cmnd":1,"rssi":7}}}
Mais aussi le Daemon
[2024-10-19 15:27:11][INFO] : Signal 15 caught, exiting...
[2024-10-19 15:27:11][DEBUG] : Close serial port
[2024-10-19 15:27:11][DEBUG] : Serial port closed
[2024-10-19 15:27:11][INFO] : Cancelling 3 tasks
[2024-10-19 15:27:11][INFO] : Listening cancelled
[2024-10-19 15:27:11][INFO] : Send async cancelled
[2024-10-19 15:27:11][INFO] : Shutdown
[2024-10-19 15:27:11][DEBUG] : Removing PID file /tmp/jeedom/rfxcom/deamon.pid
[2024-10-19 15:27:11][DEBUG] : Read Device Thread stopped
[2024-10-19 15:27:11][DEBUG] : Exit 0
[2024-10-19 15:27:17][DEBUG] : Load decoder packet type 0x01 : Interface Response Message
[2024-10-19 15:27:17][DEBUG] : Load decoder packet type 0x02 : Receiver/Transmitter Message
[2024-10-19 15:27:17][DEBUG] : Load decoder packet type 0x10 : Lighting1 (X10, ARC, ELRO, Waveman, EMW200, IMPULS,RisingSun, Philips, Energenie, GDR2, HQ, Oase)
[2024-10-19 15:27:17][DEBUG] : Load decoder packet type 0x11 : Lighting2 (AC, HomeEasy EU, ANSLUT, Kambrook)
[2024-10-19 15:27:17][DEBUG] : Load decoder packet type 0x13 : Lighting4 (PT2262)
[2024-10-19 15:27:17][DEBUG] : Load decoder packet type 0x14 : Lighting5 ( LightwaveRF, Siemens, EMW100, BBSB, MDREMOTE,RSL2, OTIO, Livolo, RGB, Aoke relay, Eurodomest, RGB432W, Legrand,Avantek, IT, Kangtai)
[2024-10-19 15:27:17][DEBUG] : Load decoder packet type 0x15 : Lighting6 (Blyss (AE), Cuveo)
[2024-10-19 15:27:17][DEBUG] : Load decoder packet type 0x16 : Chime (Byron SX, Byron MP001, SelectPlus, Envivo, Alfawise)
[2024-10-19 15:27:17][DEBUG] : Load decoder packet type 0x17 : Fan (Siemens SF01, Itho, LucciAir, SEAV,Westinghouse,Casafan,FT1211R,Novy)
[2024-10-19 15:27:17][DEBUG] : Load decoder packet type 0x19 : Blinds1 (RollerTrol,Hasta,A-OK,Raex, Media Mount, DC)
[2024-10-19 15:27:17][DEBUG] : Load decoder packet type 0x1C : Edisio
[2024-10-19 15:27:17][DEBUG] : Load decoder packet type 0x1D : Honeywell ActivLink
[2024-10-19 15:27:17][DEBUG] : Load decoder packet type 0x1E : FunkBus
[2024-10-19 15:27:17][DEBUG] : Load decoder packet type 0x1F : Hunter Fan
[2024-10-19 15:27:17][DEBUG] : Load decoder packet type 0x20 : Security1 (X10, KD101, Visonic, Meiantech, SA30, SA33, RM174RF)
[2024-10-19 15:27:17][DEBUG] : Load decoder packet type 0x21 : Security2 (KeeLoq)
[2024-10-19 15:27:17][DEBUG] : Load decoder packet type 0x28 : Camera1 (Ninja/Robocam)
[2024-10-19 15:27:17][DEBUG] : Load decoder packet type 0x30 : Remote control and IR (ATI, Medion, PC Remote)
[2024-10-19 15:27:17][DEBUG] : Load decoder packet type 0x40 : Thermostat1 (Digimax)
[2024-10-19 15:27:17][DEBUG] : Load decoder packet type 0x42 : Thermostat3 (Mertik-Maxitrol G6R-H4 type)
[2024-10-19 15:27:17][DEBUG] : Load decoder packet type 0x4E : BBQ Temperature sensors (BBQ1)
[2024-10-19 15:27:17][DEBUG] : Load decoder packet type 0x4F : Temperature and rain sensors
[2024-10-19 15:27:17][DEBUG] : Load decoder packet type 0x50 : Temperature sensors
[2024-10-19 15:27:17][DEBUG] : Load decoder packet type 0x51 : Humidity sensors
[2024-10-19 15:27:17][DEBUG] : Load decoder packet type 0x52 : Temperature and humidity sensors
[2024-10-19 15:27:17][DEBUG] : Load decoder packet type 0x53 : Barometric sensors
[2024-10-19 15:27:17][DEBUG] : Load decoder packet type 0x54 : Temperature, humidity and barometric sensors
[2024-10-19 15:27:17][DEBUG] : Load decoder packet type 0x55 : Rain sensors
[2024-10-19 15:27:17][DEBUG] : Load decoder packet type 0x56 : Wind sensors
[2024-10-19 15:27:17][DEBUG] : Load decoder packet type 0x57 : UV sensors
[2024-10-19 15:27:17][DEBUG] : Load decoder packet type 0x58 : Date/time sensors
[2024-10-19 15:27:17][DEBUG] : Load decoder packet type 0x59 : Current sensors
[2024-10-19 15:27:17][DEBUG] : Load decoder packet type 0x5A : Current sensors
[2024-10-19 15:27:17][DEBUG] : Load decoder packet type 0x5B : Current + ENERGY sensors
[2024-10-19 15:27:17][DEBUG] : Load decoder packet type 0x5C : Power sensors
[2024-10-19 15:27:17][DEBUG] : Load decoder packet type 0x5D : Weighting scale
[2024-10-19 15:27:17][DEBUG] : Load decoder packet type 0x60 : CARTELECTRONIC
[2024-10-19 15:27:17][DEBUG] : Load decoder packet type 0x70 : RFXsensor
[2024-10-19 15:27:17][DEBUG] : Load decoder packet type 0x71 : RFXMeter
[2024-10-19 15:27:17][DEBUG] : Load decoder packet type 0x72 : FS20 (FS20, FHT 8V, FHT80)
[2024-10-19 15:27:17][DEBUG] : Load decoder packet type 0x5D : Weighting scale
[2024-10-19 15:27:17][DEBUG] : Load decoder packet type 0x76 : Weather stations (WEATHER1-WEATHER2)
[2024-10-19 15:27:17][DEBUG] : Load decoder packet type 0x77 : SOLAR1
[2024-10-19 15:27:17][INFO] : Starting daemon with log level: debug
[2024-10-19 15:27:17][DEBUG] : Writing PID 3509380 to /tmp/jeedom/rfxcom/deamon.pid
[2024-10-19 15:27:17][INFO] : Listening on
[2024-10-19 15:27:17][DEBUG] : Start...
[2024-10-19 15:27:17][INFO] : Find device : /dev/ttyUSB0
[2024-10-19 15:27:17][DEBUG] : Init serial module v3.5
[2024-10-19 15:27:17][DEBUG] : Open serial port on device: /dev/ttyUSB0, rate 38400, timeout : 9
[2024-10-19 15:27:17][DEBUG] : Open Serialport
[2024-10-19 15:27:17][DEBUG] : flushOutput serial port
[2024-10-19 15:27:17][DEBUG] : flushInput serial port
[2024-10-19 15:27:17][DEBUG] : Read Device Thread Launched
[2024-10-19 15:27:18][DEBUG] : Send rfxcomd_reset
[2024-10-19 15:27:18][DEBUG] : Write data to serial port : 0d00000000000000000000000000
[2024-10-19 15:27:18][DEBUG] : Sleep 1 sec
[2024-10-19 15:27:19][DEBUG] : flushInput serial port
[2024-10-19 15:27:19][DEBUG] : Send get status test
[2024-10-19 15:27:19][DEBUG] : Write data to serial port : 0d00000102000000000000000000
[2024-10-19 15:27:19][DEBUG] : Message: 140100010253050100000001031c03524658434f4d
[2024-10-19 15:27:19][DEBUG] : Decode : 140100010253050100000001031c03524658434f4d
[2024-10-19 15:27:19][DEBUG] : Test message: 140100010253050100000001031c03524658434f4d
[2024-10-19 15:27:19][DEBUG] : PacketType: 0x01
[2024-10-19 15:27:19][DEBUG] : Length: 21
[2024-10-19 15:27:19][DEBUG] : Start decoding packet type 0x01
[2024-10-19 15:27:19][DEBUG] : Data : {'packetlen': '0x14', 'packettype': '0x01', 'subtype': '0x00', 'seqnbr': '0x01', 'cmnd': '0x02', 'msg1': '0x53', 'msg2': '0x05', 'msg3': '0x01', 'msg4': '0x00', 'msg5': '0x00', 'msg6': '0x00', 'msg7': '0x01', 'msg8': '0x03', 'msg9': 28}
[2024-10-19 15:27:19][DEBUG] : Subtype = response on a mode command
[2024-10-19 15:27:19][DEBUG] : Firmware version = 0x05
[2024-10-19 15:27:19][DEBUG] : RFXtrx433 operating at 433.92MHz
[2024-10-19 15:27:19][DEBUG] : Hardware major version = 0x01
[2024-10-19 15:27:19][DEBUG] : Hardware minor version = 0x03
[2024-10-19 15:27:19][DEBUG] : Output power = 10 dBm
[2024-10-19 15:27:19][DEBUG] : undec on : 0
[2024-10-19 15:27:19][DEBUG] : Imagintronix,Opus/Alecto2010/Alecto : 0
[2024-10-19 15:27:19][DEBUG] : Byron SX,SelectPlus/Alecto5500 : 0
[2024-10-19 15:27:19][DEBUG] : RSL,Revolt/La Crosse : 0
[2024-10-19 15:27:19][DEBUG] : Lighting4/Davis EU : 0
[2024-10-19 15:27:19][DEBUG] : FineOffset,Viking/Davis US : 0
[2024-10-19 15:27:19][DEBUG] : Rubicson,Alecto,Banggood/Davis AU : 0
[2024-10-19 15:27:19][DEBUG] : AE Blyss : 1
[2024-10-19 15:27:19][DEBUG] : BlindsTx : 0
[2024-10-19 15:27:19][DEBUG] : BlindsT0 : 0
[2024-10-19 15:27:19][DEBUG] : Proguard : 0
[2024-10-19 15:27:19][DEBUG] : Legrand CAD : 0
[2024-10-19 15:27:19][DEBUG] : La Crosse : 0
[2024-10-19 15:27:19][DEBUG] : Hideki,TFA,Cresta,UPM/FS20 : 0
[2024-10-19 15:27:19][DEBUG] : AD LightwaveRF : 0
[2024-10-19 15:27:19][DEBUG] : Mertik/Edisio : 0
[2024-10-19 15:27:19][DEBUG] : Visonic : 0
[2024-10-19 15:27:19][DEBUG] : ATI/cartelectronic/Meiantech,Atlantic : 0
[2024-10-19 15:27:19][DEBUG] : Oregon Scientific/Keeloq : 0
[2024-10-19 15:27:19][DEBUG] : Meiantech,Atlantic/Proguard : 0
[2024-10-19 15:27:19][DEBUG] : HomeEasy EU : 0
[2024-10-19 15:27:19][DEBUG] : AC : 0
[2024-10-19 15:27:19][DEBUG] : ARC : 0
[2024-10-19 15:27:19][DEBUG] : X10 : 0
[2024-10-19 15:27:19][DEBUG] : FunkBus 433.42/Itho CVE RFT : 0
[2024-10-19 15:27:19][DEBUG] : MCZ 434.50/Itho CVE ECO RFT : 0
[2024-10-19 15:27:19][DEBUG] : Honeywell Chime : 0
[2024-10-19 15:27:19][DEBUG] : HomeConfort,Fan : 0
[2024-10-19 15:27:19][DEBUG] : Keeloq : 0
[2024-10-19 15:27:19][DEBUG] : Received new message on socket
[2024-10-19 15:27:19][DEBUG] : Received new message on socket
[2024-10-19 15:27:19][DEBUG] : Close connection
[2024-10-19 15:27:19][DEBUG] : Add device : {'id': '0761'}
[2024-10-19 15:27:19][DEBUG] : Close connection
[2024-10-19 15:27:19][DEBUG] : Add device : {'id': '0761'}
[2024-10-19 15:27:20][DEBUG] : msg3: [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1] / 01
[2024-10-19 15:27:20][DEBUG] : msg4: [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] / 00
[2024-10-19 15:27:20][DEBUG] : msg5: [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] / 00
[2024-10-19 15:27:20][DEBUG] : msg6: [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] / 00
[2024-10-19 15:27:20][DEBUG] : Command: 0d00000203531C01000000000000
[2024-10-19 15:27:20][DEBUG] : Protocol actually activated 01000000
[2024-10-19 15:27:20][DEBUG] : Actual Frequency 53
[2024-10-19 15:27:20][DEBUG] : Wanted protocol 01000000
[2024-10-19 15:27:20][DEBUG] : All is ok, sending start
[2024-10-19 15:27:20][DEBUG] : Write data to serial port : 0d00000207000000000000000000
[2024-10-19 15:27:20][DEBUG] : Message: 1401070207436f7079726967687420524658434f4d
[2024-10-19 15:27:20][DEBUG] : Decode : 1401070207436f7079726967687420524658434f4d
[2024-10-19 15:27:20][DEBUG] : Test message: 1401070207436f7079726967687420524658434f4d
[2024-10-19 15:27:20][DEBUG] : PacketType: 0x01
[2024-10-19 15:27:20][DEBUG] : Length: 21
[2024-10-19 15:27:20][DEBUG] : Start decoding packet type 0x01
[2024-10-19 15:27:20][DEBUG] : Data : {'packetlen': '0x14', 'packettype': '0x01', 'subtype': '0x07', 'seqnbr': '0x02', 'cmnd': '0x07', 'msg1': '0x43', 'msg2': '0x6F', 'msg3': '0x70', 'msg4': '0x79', 'msg5': '0x72', 'msg6': '0x69', 'msg7': '0x67', 'msg8': '0x68', 'msg9': 116}
[2024-10-19 15:27:20][DEBUG] : Subtype = start RFXtrx receiver
[2024-10-19 15:27:21][INFO] : Send async started with a cycle of 0.3s