Hello @lefilliatre : il y a une maj coté Piazzetta en urgence le 10 ou 11 octobre. (avec interruption de service)
Depuis le plugin n’arrive plus à se lancer !
Tu aurais une idée ?
Tu as besoin de logs ?
Hello @lefilliatre : il y a une maj coté Piazzetta en urgence le 10 ou 11 octobre. (avec interruption de service)
Depuis le plugin n’arrive plus à se lancer !
Tu aurais une idée ?
Tu as besoin de logs ?
Je suis dans la même situation.
J’utilise la config avec l’ID 27.
26 MyPiazzetta 458632 https://piazzetta.agua-iot.com https://piazzetta.iot.web2app.it/api/bridge/endpoint/ 1 1.6.0
27 MyPiazzetta 1.8.1 458632 https://piazzetta-iot.app2cloud.it/api/bridge/endpoint/ https://piazzetta-iot.app2cloud.it/api/bridge/endpoint/ 1 piazzetta 1.9.0
J’ai noté que la version de l’appli est maintenant passée à la 1.9.5.
J’ai testé mais ça ne fonctionne pas mieux.
La configuration vec l’ID 26 fonctionne un peu mieux au sens où le demon ne plante plus mais il y a des errors dans les logs.
[2023-10-14 18:19:10]INFO : Démon PoeleAgua lancé
[2023-10-14 18:19:17]INFO : [demon]|** |** Re-connexion.
[2023-10-14 18:19:17]DEBUG : [demon]|** |** connection au PoeleAgua apres erreur adr:https://piazzetta-iot.app2cloud.it/api/bridge/endpoint/ url login:https://piazzetta-iot.app2cloud.it/api/bridge/endpoint/
[2023-10-14 18:19:17]DEBUG : [AguaIot] Initialisation pyAguaiot
[2023-10-14 18:19:17]INFO : [AguaIot] |-- Lancement pyAguaIOT
[2023-10-14 18:19:17]DEBUG : [AguaIot] |-- |-- Suppression des devices
[2023-10-14 18:19:17]DEBUG : [AguaIot] |-- |-- Register app ID
[2023-10-14 18:19:17]DEBUG : [AguaIot] |-- |-- |-- Register App ID with postURL
[2023-10-14 18:19:17]DEBUG : Starting new HTTPS connection (1): piazzetta-iot.app2cloud.it:443
[2023-10-14 18:19:18]DEBUG : https://piazzetta-iot.app2cloud.it:443 "POST /api/bridge/endpoint/ HTTP/1.1" 500 0
[2023-10-14 18:19:18]DEBUG : [AguaIot] |-- |-- |-- Erreur : Failed to register app id :
[2023-10-14 18:19:18]ERROR : [demon]|** |** Fatal error : Failed to register app id
[2023-10-14 18:19:18]DEBUG : [demon]|** |** Shutdown
[2023-10-14 18:19:18]DEBUG : [demon]|** |** |** Removing PID file /tmp/jeedom/PoeleAgua/deamon.pid
[2023-10-14 18:19:18]DEBUG : LoopNetServer Thread stopped
[2023-10-14 18:19:18]DEBUG : [demon]|** |** |** Exit 0
[2023-10-14 18:19:18]DEBUG : [demon]|** |** Shutdown OK
Si besoin @lefilliatre on peut faire comme la dernière fois (je te fournis un accès temporaire à mon poêle si besoin).
Merci par avance.
J’utilise aussi le paramétrage 27…
Pour info ! Bon je crois que c’est le python de base qui a des soucis suite à une maj chez Piazetta … ( Comme par hasard quand il commence à faire froid )
Hello !
A priori ils ont fixé coté python : GitHub - fredericvl/py-agua-iot: py-agua-iot provides controlling heating devices connected via the IOT Agua platform of Micronova
Je regarde cela dans la journée.
Cool merci : à dispo pour tester !
Les modif faite sur la partie py-agua-iot, existait déjà pour la plupart sur le plugins. Le défaut que vous rencontré se passe avant la connexion. C’est l’enregistrement du tel sur le serveur qui pose problème.
J’ai mis à jour chez moi, et c’est passer en Jolly Mec 1.9.10 Plus rien ne marche!!
L’application ne passe plus sur les serveur aguaiot mais sur des googleapis que je n’arrive pas sniffer.
Je n’arrive pas non plus à piloter pas l’app sur le tel. Peut etre un pb serveur temporaire.
Je sors une beta ce soir. Attention elle n’est pas testée!!!
Hello j’ai fait la maj en beta et appliqué la nouvelle conf « 34 » : le login a l’air de bien se passer et le daemon a l’air de tenir.
Mon appli Android fonctionne toujours bien !
Mais j’ai bien l’impression qu’ils n’ont pas changé que ça … Je ne récupère plus aucune info et mes actions ne fonctionnent pas.
Testé en stable et beta avec les deux configs (27&34) sans succès de mon côté. Les UUID ont été systématiquement changés à chaque essais.
Config 34:
[2023-10-17 10:50:05]INFO : Lancement démon PoeleAgua : /usr/bin/python3 /var/www/html/plugins/PoeleAgua/resources/demond/PoeleAgua.py --loglevel debug --PoeleAgua_SERVICE https://piazzetta.agua-iot.com --PoeleAgua_LoginURL https://piazzetta-iot.app2cloud.it/api/bridge/endpoint/ --PoeleAgua_CUSTOMER_CODE 458632 --PoeleAgua_LOGIN 'xxxxx.fr@gmail.com' --PoeleAgua_UUID e56056bd-xxxx-4c13-a795-22d1898d7f81 --PoeleAgua_BRAND_ID 1 --PoeleAgua_PASSWD 'xxxxx' --callback --apikey ByqYEytfBHlUIf4xAampaDgmnlIFrBvJk1adKk1TfvZ3jRkQtxEjl5XRxiK0lFn6 --pid /tmp/jeedom/PoeleAgua/deamon.pid --socketport 4576 --PoeleAgua_BrandName 'piazzetta' --PoeleAgua_Version '1.9.5'
[2023-10-17 08:50:06]DEBUG : [demon]Start demond
[2023-10-17 08:50:06]DEBUG : [demon]Log level : debug
[2023-10-17 08:50:06]DEBUG : [demon]Socket port : 4576
[2023-10-17 08:50:06]DEBUG : [demon]PoeleAgua service : https://piazzetta.agua-iot.com
[2023-10-17 08:50:06]DEBUG : [demon]PoeleAgua login url : https://piazzetta-iot.app2cloud.it/api/bridge/endpoint/
[2023-10-17 08:50:06]DEBUG : [demon]PoeleAgua uuid : e56056bd-367e-4c13-a795-22d1898d7f81
[2023-10-17 08:50:06]DEBUG : [demon]PoeleAgua Brand : 1
[2023-10-17 08:50:06]DEBUG : [demon]PoeleAgua customer code : 458632
[2023-10-17 08:50:06]DEBUG : [demon]PID file : /tmp/jeedom/PoeleAgua/deamon.pid
[2023-10-17 08:50:06]DEBUG : [demon]PoeleAgua BrandName : piazzetta
[2023-10-17 08:50:06]DEBUG : [demon]PoeleAgua Version : 1.9.5
[2023-10-17 08:50:06]DEBUG : [demon]creation pid file
[2023-10-17 08:50:06]DEBUG : Writing PID 27287 to /tmp/jeedom/PoeleAgua/deamon.pid
[2023-10-17 08:50:06]DEBUG : Init request module v2.31.0
[2023-10-17 08:50:06]DEBUG : [demon]creation pid file done
[2023-10-17 08:50:06]DEBUG : Starting new HTTP connection (1):
[2023-10-17 10:50:06]DEBUG : [JEE]reception Message Demon
[2023-10-17 08:50:06]DEBUG : "GET /plugins/PoeleAgua/core/php/jeePoeleAgua.php?apikey=ByqYEytfBHlUIf4xAampaDgmnlIFrBvJk1adKk1TfvZ3jRkQtxEjl5XRxiK0lFn6 HTTP/1.1" 200 0
[2023-10-17 08:50:06]DEBUG : [demon]creation socket
[2023-10-17 08:50:06]DEBUG : [demon]appel main
[2023-10-17 08:50:06]INFO : [demon]Start Main...
[2023-10-17 08:50:06]DEBUG : Socket interface started
[2023-10-17 08:50:06]DEBUG : LoopNetServer Thread started
[2023-10-17 08:50:06]DEBUG : Listening on: []
[2023-10-17 08:50:06]DEBUG : [demon]|** Read Socket Thread Launched
[2023-10-17 08:50:06]DEBUG : [demon]|** Recupere la loop
[2023-10-17 08:50:06]DEBUG : Using selector: EpollSelector
[2023-10-17 08:50:06]DEBUG : [demon]|** Lance l api
[2023-10-17 08:50:06]DEBUG : [demon]|** lance la boucle
[2023-10-17 08:50:06]INFO : [demon]|** Connection
[2023-10-17 08:50:06]DEBUG : [demon]|** |** connection au PoeleAgua adr:https://piazzetta.agua-iot.com url login:https://piazzetta-iot.app2cloud.it/api/bridge/endpoint/
[2023-10-17 08:50:06]DEBUG : [AguaIot] Initialisation pyAguaiot
[2023-10-17 08:50:06]INFO : [AguaIot] |-- Lancement pyAguaIOT
[2023-10-17 08:50:06]DEBUG : [AguaIot] |-- |-- Suppression des devices
[2023-10-17 08:50:06]DEBUG : [AguaIot] |-- |-- Authenticate with email and password to Agua IOT
[2023-10-17 08:50:06]DEBUG : [AguaIot] |-- |-- |-- Authenticate with postURL
[2023-10-17 08:50:06]DEBUG : [AguaIot] |-- |-- |-- login header:{'Accept': 'application/json, text/javascript, */*; q=0.01', 'Content-Type': 'application/json; charset=utf-8', 'Origin': 'file://', 'Host': 'piazzetta.agua-iot.com', 'id_brand': '1', 'idbrand': '1', 'customer_code': '458632', 'local': 'true', 'Authorization': 'e56056bd-367e-4c13-a795-22d1898d7f81', 'applicationversion': '1.9.5', 'url': 'userLogin', 'brand': 'piazzetta'}
[2023-10-17 08:50:06]DEBUG : [AguaIot] |-- |-- |-- login url:https://piazzetta-iot.app2cloud.it/api/bridge/endpoint/
[2023-10-17 08:50:06]DEBUG : [AguaIot] |-- |-- |-- login payload:{"email": "xxxxxx.fr@gmail.com", "password": "xxxxxxxx"}
[2023-10-17 08:50:06]DEBUG : Starting new HTTPS connection (1): piazzetta-iot.app2cloud.it:443
[2023-10-17 08:50:07]DEBUG : https://piazzetta-iot.app2cloud.it:443 "POST /api/bridge/endpoint/ HTTP/1.1" 403 151
[2023-10-17 08:50:07]DEBUG : [AguaIot] |-- |-- |-- Failed to login, please check credentials
[2023-10-17 08:50:07]ERROR : [demon]|** |** Connexion error : Failed to login, please check credentials
[2023-10-17 08:50:07]DEBUG : [demon]|** |** IP : https://piazzetta.agua-iot.com
[2023-10-17 10:50:08]INFO : Démon PoeleAgua lancé
[2023-10-17 08:50:17]INFO : [demon]|** |** Re-connexion.
[2023-10-17 08:50:17]DEBUG : [demon]|** |** connection au PoeleAgua apres erreur adr:https://piazzetta.agua-iot.com url login:https://piazzetta-iot.app2cloud.it/api/bridge/endpoint/
[2023-10-17 08:50:17]DEBUG : [AguaIot] Initialisation pyAguaiot
[2023-10-17 08:50:17]INFO : [AguaIot] |-- Lancement pyAguaIOT
[2023-10-17 08:50:17]DEBUG : [AguaIot] |-- |-- Suppression des devices
[2023-10-17 08:50:17]DEBUG : [AguaIot] |-- |-- Authenticate with email and password to Agua IOT
[2023-10-17 08:50:17]DEBUG : [AguaIot] |-- |-- |-- Authenticate with postURL
[2023-10-17 08:50:17]DEBUG : [AguaIot] |-- |-- |-- login header:{'Accept': 'application/json, text/javascript, */*; q=0.01', 'Content-Type': 'application/json; charset=utf-8', 'Origin': 'file://', 'Host': 'piazzetta.agua-iot.com', 'id_brand': '1', 'idbrand': '1', 'customer_code': '458632', 'local': 'true', 'Authorization': 'e56056bd-367e-4c13-a795-22d1898d7f81', 'applicationversion': '1.9.5', 'url': 'userLogin', 'brand': 'piazzetta'}
[2023-10-17 08:50:17]DEBUG : [AguaIot] |-- |-- |-- login url:https://piazzetta-iot.app2cloud.it/api/bridge/endpoint/
[2023-10-17 08:50:17]DEBUG : [AguaIot] |-- |-- |-- login payload:{"email": "xxxxxx.fr@gmail.com", "password": "xxxxxx"}
[2023-10-17 08:50:17]DEBUG : Starting new HTTPS connection (1): piazzetta-iot.app2cloud.it:443
[2023-10-17 08:50:17]DEBUG : https://piazzetta-iot.app2cloud.it:443 "POST /api/bridge/endpoint/ HTTP/1.1" 403 151
[2023-10-17 08:50:17]DEBUG : [AguaIot] |-- |-- |-- Failed to login, please check credentials
[2023-10-17 08:50:17]ERROR : [demon]|** |** Fatal error : Failed to login, please check credentials
[2023-10-17 08:50:17]DEBUG : [demon]|** |** Shutdown
[2023-10-17 08:50:17]DEBUG : [demon]|** |** |** Removing PID file /tmp/jeedom/PoeleAgua/deamon.pid
[2023-10-17 08:50:17]DEBUG : LoopNetServer Thread stopped
[2023-10-17 08:50:17]DEBUG : [demon]|** |** |** Exit 0
[2023-10-17 08:50:17]DEBUG : [demon]|** |** Shutdown OK
[deamon] Lancement du fichier deamon
Avec config 27 en version 1.9.5:
[2023-10-17 10:56:45]ERROR : Attention je pense qu'il y a un soucis avec le démon que j'ai relancé plus de 3 fois consécutivement
[2023-10-17 10:56:47]INFO : Lancement démon PoeleAgua : /usr/bin/python3 /var/www/html/plugins/PoeleAgua/resources/demond/PoeleAgua.py --loglevel debug --PoeleAgua_SERVICE https://piazzetta-iot.app2cloud.it/api/bridge/endpoint/ --PoeleAgua_LoginURL https://piazzetta-iot.app2cloud.it/api/bridge/endpoint/ --PoeleAgua_CUSTOMER_CODE 458632 --PoeleAgua_LOGIN 'xxxxx.fr@gmail.com' --PoeleAgua_UUID e56056bd-XXXX-4c13-a795-22d1898d7f81 --PoeleAgua_BRAND_ID 1 --PoeleAgua_PASSWD 'xxxxxx' --callback --apikey ByqYEytfBHlUIf4xAampaDgmnlIFrBvJk1adKk1TfvZ3jRkQtxEjl5XRxiK0lFn6 --pid /tmp/jeedom/PoeleAgua/deamon.pid --socketport 4576 --PoeleAgua_BrandName 'piazzetta' --PoeleAgua_Version '1.9.5'
[2023-10-17 08:56:48]DEBUG : [demon]Start demond
[2023-10-17 08:56:48]DEBUG : [demon]Log level : debug
[2023-10-17 08:56:48]DEBUG : [demon]Socket port : 4576
[2023-10-17 08:56:48]DEBUG : [demon]PoeleAgua service : https://piazzetta-iot.app2cloud.it/api/bridge/endpoint/
[2023-10-17 08:56:48]DEBUG : [demon]PoeleAgua login url : https://piazzetta-iot.app2cloud.it/api/bridge/endpoint/
[2023-10-17 08:56:48]DEBUG : [demon]PoeleAgua uuid : e56056bd-367e-4c13-a795-22d1898d7f81
[2023-10-17 08:56:48]DEBUG : [demon]PoeleAgua Brand : 1
[2023-10-17 08:56:48]DEBUG : [demon]PoeleAgua customer code : 458632
[2023-10-17 08:56:48]DEBUG : [demon]PID file : /tmp/jeedom/PoeleAgua/deamon.pid
[2023-10-17 08:56:48]DEBUG : [demon]PoeleAgua BrandName : piazzetta
[2023-10-17 08:56:48]DEBUG : [demon]PoeleAgua Version : 1.9.5
[2023-10-17 08:56:48]DEBUG : [demon]creation pid file
[2023-10-17 08:56:48]DEBUG : Writing PID 28129 to /tmp/jeedom/PoeleAgua/deamon.pid
[2023-10-17 08:56:48]DEBUG : Init request module v2.31.0
[2023-10-17 08:56:48]DEBUG : [demon]creation pid file done
[2023-10-17 08:56:48]DEBUG : Starting new HTTP connection (1):
[2023-10-17 10:56:48]DEBUG : [JEE]reception Message Demon
[2023-10-17 08:56:48]DEBUG : "GET /plugins/PoeleAgua/core/php/jeePoeleAgua.php?apikey=ByqYEytfBHlUIf4xAampaDgmnlIFrBvJk1adKk1TfvZ3jRkQtxEjl5XRxiK0lFn6 HTTP/1.1" 200 0
[2023-10-17 08:56:48]DEBUG : [demon]creation socket
[2023-10-17 08:56:48]DEBUG : [demon]appel main
[2023-10-17 08:56:48]INFO : [demon]Start Main...
[2023-10-17 08:56:48]DEBUG : Socket interface started
[2023-10-17 08:56:48]DEBUG : LoopNetServer Thread started
[2023-10-17 08:56:48]DEBUG : Listening on: []
[2023-10-17 08:56:48]DEBUG : [demon]|** Read Socket Thread Launched
[2023-10-17 08:56:48]DEBUG : [demon]|** Recupere la loop
[2023-10-17 08:56:48]DEBUG : Using selector: EpollSelector
[2023-10-17 08:56:48]DEBUG : [demon]|** Lance l api
[2023-10-17 08:56:48]DEBUG : [demon]|** lance la boucle
[2023-10-17 08:56:48]INFO : [demon]|** Connection
[2023-10-17 08:56:48]DEBUG : [demon]|** |** connection au PoeleAgua adr:https://piazzetta-iot.app2cloud.it/api/bridge/endpoint/ url login:https://piazzetta-iot.app2cloud.it/api/bridge/endpoint/
[2023-10-17 08:56:48]DEBUG : [AguaIot] Initialisation pyAguaiot
[2023-10-17 08:56:48]INFO : [AguaIot] |-- Lancement pyAguaIOT
[2023-10-17 08:56:48]DEBUG : [AguaIot] |-- |-- Suppression des devices
[2023-10-17 08:56:48]DEBUG : [AguaIot] |-- |-- Authenticate with email and password to Agua IOT
[2023-10-17 08:56:48]DEBUG : [AguaIot] |-- |-- |-- Authenticate with postURL
[2023-10-17 08:56:48]DEBUG : [AguaIot] |-- |-- |-- login header:{'Accept': 'application/json, text/javascript, */*; q=0.01', 'Content-Type': 'application/json; charset=utf-8', 'Origin': 'file://', 'Host': 'piazzetta-iot.app2cloud.it', 'id_brand': '1', 'idbrand': '1', 'customer_code': '458632', 'local': 'true', 'Authorization': 'e56056bd-367e-4c13-a795-22d1898d7f81', 'applicationversion': '1.9.5', 'url': 'userLogin', 'brand': 'piazzetta'}
[2023-10-17 08:56:48]DEBUG : [AguaIot] |-- |-- |-- login url:https://piazzetta-iot.app2cloud.it/api/bridge/endpoint/
[2023-10-17 08:56:48]DEBUG : [AguaIot] |-- |-- |-- login payload:{"email": "xxxxxx.fr@gmail.com", "password": "xxxxxxx"}
[2023-10-17 08:56:48]DEBUG : Starting new HTTPS connection (1): piazzetta-iot.app2cloud.it:443
[2023-10-17 10:56:50]INFO : Démon PoeleAgua lancé
[2023-10-17 10:57:03]DEBUG : Deamon_info:ok
[2023-10-17 10:57:03]DEBUG : [core] recherche cmd spe
[2023-10-17 10:57:03]DEBUG : [core] commandeSpe trouvée :i_es_air_start_get
[2023-10-17 10:57:03]DEBUG : [core] commandeSpe trouvée :i_es_air_stop_get
[2023-10-17 10:57:03]DEBUG : [core] commandeSpe trouvée :i_vent_front_get
[2023-10-17 10:57:03]DEBUG : [core] commandeSpe trouvée :i_natural_mode_manual_get
[2023-10-17 10:57:03]DEBUG : [core] commandeSpe trouvée :i_natural_mode_type_get
[2023-10-17 10:57:03]DEBUG : [core] commandeSpe trouvée :i_temp_air_get
[2023-10-17 10:57:03]DEBUG : [core] commandeSpe trouvée :i_therm_ext_get
[2023-10-17 10:57:03]DEBUG : [core] refreshAll
[2023-10-17 10:57:03]DEBUG : [core] socket close
[2023-10-17 08:57:03]DEBUG : Client connected to []
[2023-10-17 08:57:03]DEBUG : Message read from socket: b'{"apikey":"ByqYEytfBHlUIf4xAampaDgmnlIFrBvJk1adKk1TfvZ3jRkQtxEjl5XRxiK0lFn6","ID":"0","TYPE":"REFRESH_ALL","VALUE":"0","cmdSpe":["i_es_air_start_get","i_es_air_stop_get","i_vent_front_get","i_natural_mode_manual_get","i_natural_mode_type_get","i_temp_air_get","i_therm_ext_get"]}'
[2023-10-17 08:57:03]DEBUG : Client disconnected from []
[2023-10-17 08:57:03]DEBUG : [demon]|** |** Message 1 received in socket JEEDOM_SOCKET_MESSAGE :b'{"apikey":"ByqYEytfBHlUIf4xAampaDgmnlIFrBvJk1adKk1TfvZ3jRkQtxEjl5XRxiK0lFn6","ID":"0","TYPE":"REFRESH_ALL","VALUE":"0","cmdSpe":["i_es_air_start_get","i_es_air_stop_get","i_vent_front_get","i_natural_mode_manual_get","i_natural_mode_type_get","i_temp_air_get","i_therm_ext_get"]}'
[2023-10-17 08:57:03]DEBUG : [demon]|** |** COMMANDE_TYPE :REFRESH_ALL ID:0 value:0 cmdSpe:['i_es_air_start_get', 'i_es_air_stop_get', 'i_vent_front_get', 'i_natural_mode_manual_get', 'i_natural_mode_type_get', 'i_temp_air_get', 'i_therm_ext_get']
[2023-10-17 08:57:03]DEBUG : [demon]|** |** COMMANDE pending
[2023-10-17 08:57:29]DEBUG : https://piazzetta-iot.app2cloud.it:443 "POST /api/bridge/endpoint/ HTTP/1.1" 500 0
[2023-10-17 08:57:29]DEBUG : [AguaIot] |-- |-- |-- Failed to login, please check credentials
[2023-10-17 08:57:29]ERROR : [demon]|** |** Connexion error : Failed to login, please check credentials
[2023-10-17 08:57:29]DEBUG : [demon]|** |** IP : https://piazzetta-iot.app2cloud.it/api/bridge/endpoint/
[2023-10-17 08:57:39]INFO : [demon]|** |** Re-connexion.
[2023-10-17 08:57:39]DEBUG : [demon]|** |** connection au PoeleAgua apres erreur adr:https://piazzetta-iot.app2cloud.it/api/bridge/endpoint/ url login:https://piazzetta-iot.app2cloud.it/api/bridge/endpoint/
[2023-10-17 08:57:39]DEBUG : [AguaIot] Initialisation pyAguaiot
[2023-10-17 08:57:39]INFO : [AguaIot] |-- Lancement pyAguaIOT
[2023-10-17 08:57:39]DEBUG : [AguaIot] |-- |-- Suppression des devices
[2023-10-17 08:57:39]DEBUG : [AguaIot] |-- |-- Authenticate with email and password to Agua IOT
[2023-10-17 08:57:39]DEBUG : [AguaIot] |-- |-- |-- Authenticate with postURL
[2023-10-17 08:57:39]DEBUG : [AguaIot] |-- |-- |-- login header:{'Accept': 'application/json, text/javascript, */*; q=0.01', 'Content-Type': 'application/json; charset=utf-8', 'Origin': 'file://', 'Host': 'piazzetta-iot.app2cloud.it', 'id_brand': '1', 'idbrand': '1', 'customer_code': '458632', 'local': 'true', 'Authorization': 'e56056bd-367e-4c13-a795-22d1898d7f81', 'applicationversion': '1.9.5', 'url': 'userLogin', 'brand': 'piazzetta'}
[2023-10-17 08:57:39]DEBUG : [AguaIot] |-- |-- |-- login url:https://piazzetta-iot.app2cloud.it/api/bridge/endpoint/
[2023-10-17 08:57:39]DEBUG : [AguaIot] |-- |-- |-- login payload:{"email": "xxxxxx.fr@gmail.com", "password": "xxxxxxxx"}
[2023-10-17 08:57:39]DEBUG : Starting new HTTPS connection (1): piazzetta-iot.app2cloud.it:443
[2023-10-17 10:58:03]DEBUG : Deamon_info:ok
[2023-10-17 10:58:03]DEBUG : [core] recherche cmd spe
[2023-10-17 10:58:03]DEBUG : [core] commandeSpe trouvée :i_es_air_start_get
[2023-10-17 10:58:03]DEBUG : [core] commandeSpe trouvée :i_es_air_stop_get
[2023-10-17 10:58:03]DEBUG : [core] commandeSpe trouvée :i_vent_front_get
[2023-10-17 10:58:03]DEBUG : [core] commandeSpe trouvée :i_natural_mode_manual_get
[2023-10-17 10:58:03]DEBUG : [core] commandeSpe trouvée :i_natural_mode_type_get
[2023-10-17 10:58:03]DEBUG : [core] commandeSpe trouvée :i_temp_air_get
[2023-10-17 10:58:03]DEBUG : [core] commandeSpe trouvée :i_therm_ext_get
[2023-10-17 10:58:03]DEBUG : [core] refreshAll
[2023-10-17 10:58:03]DEBUG : [core] socket close
[2023-10-17 08:58:03]DEBUG : Client connected to []
[2023-10-17 08:58:03]DEBUG : Message read from socket: b'{"apikey":"ByqYEytfBHlUIf4xAampaDgmnlIFrBvJk1adKk1TfvZ3jRkQtxEjl5XRxiK0lFn6","ID":"0","TYPE":"REFRESH_ALL","VALUE":"0","cmdSpe":["i_es_air_start_get","i_es_air_stop_get","i_vent_front_get","i_natural_mode_manual_get","i_natural_mode_type_get","i_temp_air_get","i_therm_ext_get"]}'
[2023-10-17 08:58:03]DEBUG : Client disconnected from []
[2023-10-17 08:58:23]DEBUG : https://piazzetta-iot.app2cloud.it:443 "POST /api/bridge/endpoint/ HTTP/1.1" 500 0
[2023-10-17 08:58:23]DEBUG : [AguaIot] |-- |-- |-- Failed to login, please check credentials
[2023-10-17 08:58:23]ERROR : [demon]|** |** Fatal error : Failed to login, please check credentials
[2023-10-17 08:58:23]DEBUG : [demon]|** |** Shutdown
[2023-10-17 08:58:23]DEBUG : [demon]|** |** |** Removing PID file /tmp/jeedom/PoeleAgua/deamon.pid
[2023-10-17 08:58:23]DEBUG : LoopNetServer Thread stopped
[2023-10-17 08:58:23]DEBUG : [demon]|** |** |** Exit 0
[2023-10-17 08:58:23]DEBUG : [demon]|** |** Shutdown OK
J’ai décompilé l’apk de mon téléphone (MyPiazzetta 1.9.5) et j’ai trouvé ça, si ca peut aider. Les XXXX dans l’UUID sont de mon fait.
/* global it */
(function( n )
tokens = n.split( "." )
, path
, token
, current = window
for( token in tokens )
path = tokens[token];
if( typeof current[path] === "undefined" )
current[path] = {};
current = current[path];
})( "it.omniaweb" );
it.omniaweb.extend = function()
var merger = '', i = 0, l = arguments.length, temp;
for( ; i < l; i++ )
temp = JSON.stringify( arguments[i] ).replace(/\}\{/g, "[MERGER]");
if( temp !== '{}' )
merger += temp;
return JSON.parse( merger.replace(/\}\{/g, ",").replace( /\[MERGER\]/g, "}{" ) );
it.omniaweb.plugins = {};
it.omniaweb.config = {
"namespace": "it.piazzetta.mypiazzetta",
"debug": true,
"defaultLanguage": "it",
"applicationVersion": "1.9.5",
"currentBrand": {
"name": "MyPiazzetta",
"slug": "mypiazzetta",
"brand": "piazzetta",
"clientId": "mypiazzetta",
"id": 1,
"code": "458632",
"host": "https://piazzetta-iot.app2cloud.it/api/bridge/endpoint/",
//"host": "https://bridge.mypiazzetta.localhost/api/bridge/endpoint/",
//"host": "",
"port": null,
"useHeaderLogo": true,
"loginRequired": true,
"useStartScreen": true,
"subscribeWithDevice": false,
"wifiPrefix": "T009_",
"ssidDigits": 6,
"inactivityCode": 32768,
"showDisabledSettingsTab": true,
"showDisabledChronosTab": true,
"showStartLanguageSet": true,
"bleDeviceCrud": true,
"showCustomExternalLink": false,
"showWifiBleSwitch": true,
"showSerialNumberScannerButton": true,
"showMacAddressScannerButton": true,
"sidenavOnRightSide": false
"languages": {
"da": "Dansk",
"de": "Deutsch",
"en": "English",
"es": "Español",
"fr": "Français",
"hr": "Hrvatski",
"it": "Italiano",
"nl": "Nederlands",
"pl": "Polski",
"pt": "Português"
"checkInternetConnection": {
"dataInterval": 10000,
"ssidInterval": 3000,
"endpoint": "https://piazzetta-iot.app2cloud.it/firmware/agua.html"
"defaultBufferId": 1,
"serviceUUID": "6e400001-b5a3-XXXX-e0a9-e50e24dcca9e",
"characteristicUUID": "6e400002-XXXX-f393-e0a9-e50e24dcca9e",
"bleMessageChunkSize": 20,
"cordova-plugin-splashscreen": {
"AutoHideSplashScreen": "true",
"FadeSplashScreen": "true",
"FadeSplashScreenDuration": "500",
"ShowSplashScreenSpinner": "false",
"SplashMaintainAspectRatio": "true",
"SplashScreenBackgroundColor": "0xFFFFFFFF",
"SplashScreenDelay": "3000",
"SplashScreenSpinnerColor": "#333333",
"SplashShowOnlyFirstTime": "false"
"cordova-plugin-statusbar": {
"StatusBarBackgroundColor": "#000721",
"StatusBarOverlaysWebView": false,
"StatusBarStyle": "lightcontent"
it.omniaweb.vars =
Faites moi savoir si vous voulez le fichier décompilé complet ou bien que je fasse une recherche sur des mots clés qui vous interessent.
C’est étonnant je ne vois pas l’étape du register appID vous pouvez vérifier que vous avez bien la derniere version en beta?
Tu m’envoyer des logs en debug avec tout depuis le démarrage du plugins?
Je viens de sortir une nouvelle béta qui fonctionne avec JollyMec 1.9.10 et à premiere vue avec Piazzetta 1.9.5.
Faites moi vos retours.
Hello! Les infos remontent bien. J’ai pu déclancher le poêle ce matin! J’ai pas eu le temps de tester à fond : je regarde ce soir! Merci!
La version de l’appli est la suivante (Dernier Beta):
Après déactivation, réactivation de l’appli, les logs:
[2023-10-18 09:12:35]INFO : Début d'activation du plugin
[2023-10-18 09:12:36]INFO : Info sur le démon : {"launchable_message":"","launchable":"nok","state":"nok","log":"nok","auto":0}
[2023-10-18 09:12:37]DEBUG : Lancement de : /var/www/html/core/class/../../core/php/jeePlugin.php plugin_id=PoeleAgua function=install callInstallFunction=1
[2023-10-18 09:13:02]ERROR : Attention je pense qu'il y a un soucis avec le démon que j'ai relancé plus de 3 fois consécutivement
[2023-10-18 09:13:03]DEBUG : Deamon_info:nok
[2023-10-18 09:13:03]INFO : Lancement démon PoeleAgua : /usr/bin/python3 /var/www/html/plugins/PoeleAgua/resources/demond/PoeleAgua.py --loglevel debug --PoeleAgua_SERVICE https://piazzetta.agua-iot.com --PoeleAgua_LoginURL https://piazzetta-iot.app2cloud.it/api/bridge/endpoint/ --PoeleAgua_CUSTOMER_CODE 458632 --PoeleAgua_LOGIN 'XXXXXX@gmail.com' --PoeleAgua_UUID e56056bd-367e-4c13-a795-22d1898d7f81 --PoeleAgua_BRAND_ID 1 --PoeleAgua_PASSWD 'XXXXXX' --callback --apikey ByqYEytfBHlUIf4xAampaDgmnlIFrBvJk1adKk1TfvZ3jRkQtxEjl5XRxiK0lFn6 --pid /tmp/jeedom/PoeleAgua/deamon.pid --socketport 4576 --PoeleAgua_BrandName 'piazzetta' --PoeleAgua_Version '1.9.5'
[2023-10-18 07:13:04]DEBUG : [demon]Start demond
[2023-10-18 07:13:04]DEBUG : [demon]Log level : debug
[2023-10-18 07:13:04]DEBUG : [demon]Socket port : 4576
[2023-10-18 07:13:04]DEBUG : [demon]PoeleAgua service : https://piazzetta.agua-iot.com
[2023-10-18 07:13:04]DEBUG : [demon]PoeleAgua login url : https://piazzetta-iot.app2cloud.it/api/bridge/endpoint/
[2023-10-18 07:13:04]DEBUG : [demon]PoeleAgua uuid : e56056bd-367e-4c13-a795-22d1898d7f81
[2023-10-18 07:13:04]DEBUG : [demon]PoeleAgua Brand : 1
[2023-10-18 07:13:04]DEBUG : [demon]PoeleAgua customer code : 458632
[2023-10-18 07:13:04]DEBUG : [demon]PID file : /tmp/jeedom/PoeleAgua/deamon.pid
[2023-10-18 07:13:04]DEBUG : [demon]PoeleAgua BrandName : piazzetta
[2023-10-18 07:13:04]DEBUG : [demon]PoeleAgua Version : 1.9.5
[2023-10-18 07:13:04]DEBUG : [demon]creation pid file
[2023-10-18 07:13:04]DEBUG : Writing PID 20328 to /tmp/jeedom/PoeleAgua/deamon.pid
[2023-10-18 07:13:04]DEBUG : Init request module v2.31.0
[2023-10-18 07:13:04]DEBUG : [demon]creation pid file done
[2023-10-18 07:13:04]DEBUG : Starting new HTTP connection (1):
[2023-10-18 09:13:04]DEBUG : [JEE]reception Message Demon
[2023-10-18 07:13:04]DEBUG : "GET /plugins/PoeleAgua/core/php/jeePoeleAgua.php?apikey=ByqYEytfBHlUIf4xAampaDgmnlIFrBvJk1adKk1TfvZ3jRkQtxEjl5XRxiK0lFn6 HTTP/1.1" 200 0
[2023-10-18 07:13:04]DEBUG : [demon]creation socket
[2023-10-18 07:13:04]DEBUG : [demon]appel main
[2023-10-18 07:13:04]INFO : [demon]Start Main...
[2023-10-18 07:13:04]DEBUG : Socket interface started
[2023-10-18 07:13:04]DEBUG : LoopNetServer Thread started
[2023-10-18 07:13:04]DEBUG : Listening on: []
[2023-10-18 07:13:04]DEBUG : [demon]|** Read Socket Thread Launched
[2023-10-18 07:13:04]DEBUG : [demon]|** Recupere la loop
[2023-10-18 07:13:04]DEBUG : Using selector: EpollSelector
[2023-10-18 07:13:04]DEBUG : [demon]|** Lance l api
[2023-10-18 07:13:04]DEBUG : [demon]|** lance la boucle
[2023-10-18 07:13:04]INFO : [demon]|** Connection
[2023-10-18 07:13:04]DEBUG : [demon]|** |** connection au PoeleAgua adr:https://piazzetta.agua-iot.com url login:https://piazzetta-iot.app2cloud.it/api/bridge/endpoint/
[2023-10-18 07:13:04]DEBUG : [AguaIot] Initialisation pyAguaiot
[2023-10-18 07:13:04]INFO : [AguaIot] |-- Lancement pyAguaIOT
[2023-10-18 07:13:04]DEBUG : [AguaIot] |-- |-- Suppression des devices
[2023-10-18 07:13:04]DEBUG : [AguaIot] |-- |-- Authenticate with email and password to Agua IOT
[2023-10-18 07:13:04]DEBUG : [AguaIot] |-- |-- |-- Authenticate with postURL
[2023-10-18 07:13:04]DEBUG : [AguaIot] |-- |-- |-- login header:{'Accept': 'application/json, text/javascript, */*; q=0.01', 'Content-Type': 'application/json; charset=utf-8', 'Origin': 'file://', 'Host': 'piazzetta.agua-iot.com', 'id_brand': '1', 'idbrand': '1', 'customer_code': '458632', 'local': 'true', 'Authorization': 'e56056bd-367e-4c13-a795-22d1898d7f81', 'applicationversion': '1.9.5', 'url': 'userLogin', 'brand': 'piazzetta'}
[2023-10-18 07:13:04]DEBUG : [AguaIot] |-- |-- |-- login url:https://piazzetta-iot.app2cloud.it/api/bridge/endpoint/
[2023-10-18 07:13:04]DEBUG : [AguaIot] |-- |-- |-- login payload:{"email": "XXXXXX@gmail.com", "password": "XXXXXX"}
[2023-10-18 07:13:04]DEBUG : Starting new HTTPS connection (1): piazzetta-iot.app2cloud.it:443
[2023-10-18 07:13:04]DEBUG : https://piazzetta-iot.app2cloud.it:443 "POST /api/bridge/endpoint/ HTTP/1.1" 403 151
[2023-10-18 07:13:04]DEBUG : [AguaIot] |-- |-- |-- Failed to login, please check credentials
[2023-10-18 07:13:04]ERROR : [demon]|** |** Connexion error : Failed to login, please check credentials
[2023-10-18 07:13:04]DEBUG : [demon]|** |** IP : https://piazzetta.agua-iot.com
[2023-10-18 09:13:07]INFO : Démon PoeleAgua lancé
[2023-10-18 07:13:14]INFO : [demon]|** |** Re-connexion.
[2023-10-18 07:13:14]DEBUG : [demon]|** |** connection au PoeleAgua apres erreur adr:https://piazzetta.agua-iot.com url login:https://piazzetta-iot.app2cloud.it/api/bridge/endpoint/
[2023-10-18 07:13:14]DEBUG : [AguaIot] Initialisation pyAguaiot
[2023-10-18 07:13:14]INFO : [AguaIot] |-- Lancement pyAguaIOT
[2023-10-18 07:13:14]DEBUG : [AguaIot] |-- |-- Suppression des devices
[2023-10-18 07:13:14]DEBUG : [AguaIot] |-- |-- Authenticate with email and password to Agua IOT
[2023-10-18 07:13:14]DEBUG : [AguaIot] |-- |-- |-- Authenticate with postURL
[2023-10-18 07:13:14]DEBUG : [AguaIot] |-- |-- |-- login header:{'Accept': 'application/json, text/javascript, */*; q=0.01', 'Content-Type': 'application/json; charset=utf-8', 'Origin': 'file://', 'Host': 'piazzetta.agua-iot.com', 'id_brand': '1', 'idbrand': '1', 'customer_code': '458632', 'local': 'true', 'Authorization': 'e56056bd-367e-4c13-a795-22d1898d7f81', 'applicationversion': '1.9.5', 'url': 'userLogin', 'brand': 'piazzetta'}
[2023-10-18 07:13:14]DEBUG : [AguaIot] |-- |-- |-- login url:https://piazzetta-iot.app2cloud.it/api/bridge/endpoint/
[2023-10-18 07:13:14]DEBUG : [AguaIot] |-- |-- |-- login payload:{"email": "XXXXXX@gmail.com", "password": "XXXXXX"}
[2023-10-18 07:13:14]DEBUG : Starting new HTTPS connection (1): piazzetta-iot.app2cloud.it:443
[2023-10-18 07:13:14]DEBUG : https://piazzetta-iot.app2cloud.it:443 "POST /api/bridge/endpoint/ HTTP/1.1" 403 151
[2023-10-18 07:13:14]DEBUG : [AguaIot] |-- |-- |-- Failed to login, please check credentials
[2023-10-18 07:13:14]ERROR : [demon]|** |** Fatal error : Failed to login, please check credentials
[2023-10-18 07:13:14]DEBUG : [demon]|** |** Shutdown
[2023-10-18 07:13:14]DEBUG : [demon]|** |** |** Removing PID file /tmp/jeedom/PoeleAgua/deamon.pid
[2023-10-18 07:13:15]DEBUG : LoopNetServer Thread stopped
[2023-10-18 07:13:15]DEBUG : [demon]|** |** |** Exit 0
[2023-10-18 07:13:15]DEBUG : [demon]|** |** Shutdown OK
[deamon] Lancement du fichier deamon
Bonne journée.
Tout est OK chez moi avec la config 34. (pas d’erreur ni de warning dans les logs)
Les Infos et cmd spécifiques fonctionnent également.
Merci @lefilliatre
C’est vraiment étonnant c’est comme si il manqué l’appel d’une méthode dans votre code.
Il ne fait pas le registerApp!
Pouvez-vous reforcer l’installation de la mise a jour?
C’est le même problème que vos postes précédent!
J’ai réinstallé en stable, désactivé, réinstallé le BETA et réactivé. Il y a du mieux, mais ce n’est toujours pas ça.
Ci dessous les logs.
[2023-10-18 15:14:28][DEBUG] : Lancement de : /var/www/html/core/class/../../core/php/jeePlugin.php plugin_id=PoeleAgua function=remove callInstallFunction=1
[2023-10-18 15:14:58][INFO] : Début d'activation du plugin
[2023-10-18 15:14:59][INFO] : Info sur le démon : {"launchable_message":"","launchable":"nok","state":"nok","log":"nok","auto":0}
[2023-10-18 15:14:59][DEBUG] : Lancement de : /var/www/html/core/class/../../core/php/jeePlugin.php plugin_id=PoeleAgua function=install callInstallFunction=1
[2023-10-18 15:15:03][DEBUG] : Deamon_info:nok
[2023-10-18 15:15:52][ERROR] : Attention je pense qu'il y a un soucis avec le démon que j'ai relancé plus de 3 fois consécutivement
[2023-10-18 15:15:53][INFO] : Lancement démon PoeleAgua : /usr/bin/python3 /var/www/html/plugins/PoeleAgua/resources/demond/PoeleAgua.py --loglevel debug --PoeleAgua_SERVICE https://piazzetta.agua-iot.com --PoeleAgua_LoginURL https://piazzetta-iot.app2cloud.it/api/bridge/endpoint/ --PoeleAgua_CUSTOMER_CODE 458632 --PoeleAgua_LOGIN 'XXXXXX@gmail.com' --PoeleAgua_UUID e56056bd-367e-4c13-a795-22d1898d7f81 --PoeleAgua_BRAND_ID 1 --PoeleAgua_PASSWD 'XXXXXX' --callback --apikey ByqYEytfBHlUIf4xAampaDgmnlIFrBvJk1adKk1TfvZ3jRkQtxEjl5XRxiK0lFn6 --pid /tmp/jeedom/PoeleAgua/deamon.pid --socketport 4576 --PoeleAgua_BrandName 'piazzetta' --PoeleAgua_Version '1.9.5'
[2023-10-18 13:15:54][DEBUG] : [demon]Start demond
[2023-10-18 13:15:54][DEBUG] : [demon]Log level : debug
[2023-10-18 13:15:54][DEBUG] : [demon]Socket port : 4576
[2023-10-18 13:15:54][DEBUG] : [demon]PoeleAgua service : https://piazzetta.agua-iot.com
[2023-10-18 13:15:54][DEBUG] : [demon]PoeleAgua login url : https://piazzetta-iot.app2cloud.it/api/bridge/endpoint/
[2023-10-18 13:15:54][DEBUG] : [demon]PoeleAgua uuid : e56056bd-367e-4c13-a795-22d1898d7f81
[2023-10-18 13:15:54][DEBUG] : [demon]PoeleAgua Brand : 1
[2023-10-18 13:15:54][DEBUG] : [demon]PoeleAgua customer code : 458632
[2023-10-18 13:15:54][DEBUG] : [demon]PID file : /tmp/jeedom/PoeleAgua/deamon.pid
[2023-10-18 13:15:54][DEBUG] : [demon]PoeleAgua BrandName : piazzetta
[2023-10-18 13:15:54][DEBUG] : [demon]PoeleAgua Version : 1.9.5
[2023-10-18 13:15:54][DEBUG] : [demon]creation pid file
[2023-10-18 13:15:54][DEBUG] : Writing PID 20181 to /tmp/jeedom/PoeleAgua/deamon.pid
[2023-10-18 13:15:54][DEBUG] : Init request module v2.31.0
[2023-10-18 13:15:54][DEBUG] : [demon]creation pid file done
[2023-10-18 13:15:55][DEBUG] : Starting new HTTP connection (1):
[2023-10-18 15:15:55][DEBUG] : [JEE]reception Message Demon
[2023-10-18 13:15:55][DEBUG] : "GET /plugins/PoeleAgua/core/php/jeePoeleAgua.php?apikey=ByqYEytfBHlUIf4xAampaDgmnlIFrBvJk1adKk1TfvZ3jRkQtxEjl5XRxiK0lFn6 HTTP/1.1" 200 0
[2023-10-18 13:15:55][DEBUG] : [demon]creation socket
[2023-10-18 13:15:55][DEBUG] : [demon]appel main
[2023-10-18 13:15:55][INFO] : [demon]Start Main...
[2023-10-18 13:15:55][DEBUG] : Socket interface started
[2023-10-18 13:15:55][DEBUG] : LoopNetServer Thread started
[2023-10-18 13:15:55][DEBUG] : Listening on: []
[2023-10-18 13:15:55][DEBUG] : [demon]|** Read Socket Thread Launched
[2023-10-18 13:15:55][DEBUG] : [demon]|** Recupere la loop
[2023-10-18 13:15:55][DEBUG] : Using selector: EpollSelector
[2023-10-18 13:15:55][DEBUG] : [demon]|** Lance l api
[2023-10-18 13:15:55][DEBUG] : [demon]|** lance la boucle
[2023-10-18 13:15:55][INFO] : [demon]|** Connection
[2023-10-18 13:15:55][DEBUG] : [demon]|** |** connection au PoeleAgua adr:https://piazzetta.agua-iot.com url login:https://piazzetta-iot.app2cloud.it/api/bridge/endpoint/
[2023-10-18 13:15:55][DEBUG] : [AguaIot] Initialisation pyAguaiot
[2023-10-18 13:15:55][INFO] : [AguaIot] |-- Lancement pyAguaIOT
[2023-10-18 13:15:55][DEBUG] : [AguaIot] |-- |-- Suppression des devices
[2023-10-18 13:15:55][DEBUG] : [AguaIot] |-- |-- Authenticate with email and password to Agua IOT
[2023-10-18 13:15:55][DEBUG] : [AguaIot] |-- |-- |-- Authenticate with postURL
[2023-10-18 13:15:55][DEBUG] : [AguaIot] |-- |-- |-- login header:{'Accept': 'application/json, text/javascript, */*; q=0.01', 'Content-Type': 'application/json; charset=utf-8', 'Origin': 'file://', 'Host': 'piazzetta.agua-iot.com', 'id_brand': '1', 'idbrand': '1', 'customer_code': '458632', 'local': 'true', 'Authorization': 'e56056bd-367e-4c13-a795-22d1898d7f81', 'applicationversion': '1.9.5', 'url': 'userLogin', 'brand': 'piazzetta'}
[2023-10-18 13:15:55][DEBUG] : [AguaIot] |-- |-- |-- login url:https://piazzetta-iot.app2cloud.it/api/bridge/endpoint/
[2023-10-18 13:15:55][DEBUG] : [AguaIot] |-- |-- |-- login payload:{"email": "XXXXXX@gmail.com", "password": "XXXXXX"}
[2023-10-18 13:15:55][DEBUG] : Starting new HTTPS connection (1): piazzetta-iot.app2cloud.it:443
[2023-10-18 13:15:55][DEBUG] : https://piazzetta-iot.app2cloud.it:443 "POST /api/bridge/endpoint/ HTTP/1.1" 403 151
[2023-10-18 13:15:55][DEBUG] : [AguaIot] |-- |-- |-- Failed to login, please check credentials
[2023-10-18 13:15:55][ERROR] : [demon]|** |** Connexion error : Failed to login, please check credentials
[2023-10-18 13:15:55][DEBUG] : [demon]|** |** IP : https://piazzetta.agua-iot.com
[2023-10-18 15:15:57][INFO] : Démon PoeleAgua lancé
[2023-10-18 15:16:03][DEBUG] : Deamon_info:ok
[2023-10-18 15:16:03][DEBUG] : [core] recherche cmd spe
[2023-10-18 15:16:03][DEBUG] : [core] commandeSpe trouvée :i_es_air_start_get
[2023-10-18 15:16:03][DEBUG] : [core] commandeSpe trouvée :i_es_air_stop_get
[2023-10-18 15:16:03][DEBUG] : [core] commandeSpe trouvée :i_vent_front_get
[2023-10-18 15:16:03][DEBUG] : [core] commandeSpe trouvée :i_natural_mode_manual_get
[2023-10-18 15:16:03][DEBUG] : [core] commandeSpe trouvée :i_natural_mode_type_get
[2023-10-18 15:16:03][DEBUG] : [core] commandeSpe trouvée :i_temp_air_get
[2023-10-18 15:16:03][DEBUG] : [core] commandeSpe trouvée :i_therm_ext_get
[2023-10-18 15:16:03][DEBUG] : [core] refreshAll
[2023-10-18 15:16:03][DEBUG] : [core] socket close
[2023-10-18 13:16:03][DEBUG] : Client connected to []
[2023-10-18 13:16:03][DEBUG] : Message read from socket: b'{"apikey":"ByqYEytfBHlUIf4xAampaDgmnlIFrBvJk1adKk1TfvZ3jRkQtxEjl5XRxiK0lFn6","ID":"0","TYPE":"REFRESH_ALL","VALUE":"0","cmdSpe":["i_es_air_start_get","i_es_air_stop_get","i_vent_front_get","i_natural_mode_manual_get","i_natural_mode_type_get","i_temp_air_get","i_therm_ext_get"]}'
[2023-10-18 13:16:03][DEBUG] : Client disconnected from []
[2023-10-18 13:16:03][DEBUG] : [demon]|** |** Message 1 received in socket JEEDOM_SOCKET_MESSAGE :b'{"apikey":"ByqYEytfBHlUIf4xAampaDgmnlIFrBvJk1adKk1TfvZ3jRkQtxEjl5XRxiK0lFn6","ID":"0","TYPE":"REFRESH_ALL","VALUE":"0","cmdSpe":["i_es_air_start_get","i_es_air_stop_get","i_vent_front_get","i_natural_mode_manual_get","i_natural_mode_type_get","i_temp_air_get","i_therm_ext_get"]}'
[2023-10-18 13:16:03][DEBUG] : [demon]|** |** COMMANDE_TYPE :REFRESH_ALL ID:0 value:0 cmdSpe:['i_es_air_start_get', 'i_es_air_stop_get', 'i_vent_front_get', 'i_natural_mode_manual_get', 'i_natural_mode_type_get', 'i_temp_air_get', 'i_therm_ext_get']
[2023-10-18 13:16:03][DEBUG] : [demon]|** |** COMMANDE pending
[2023-10-18 13:16:05][INFO] : [demon]|** |** Re-connexion.
[2023-10-18 13:16:05][DEBUG] : [demon]|** |** connection au PoeleAgua apres erreur adr:https://piazzetta.agua-iot.com url login:https://piazzetta-iot.app2cloud.it/api/bridge/endpoint/
[2023-10-18 13:16:05][DEBUG] : [AguaIot] Initialisation pyAguaiot
[2023-10-18 13:16:05][INFO] : [AguaIot] |-- Lancement pyAguaIOT
[2023-10-18 13:16:05][DEBUG] : [AguaIot] |-- |-- Suppression des devices
[2023-10-18 13:16:05][DEBUG] : [AguaIot] |-- |-- Authenticate with email and password to Agua IOT
[2023-10-18 13:16:05][DEBUG] : [AguaIot] |-- |-- |-- Authenticate with postURL
[2023-10-18 13:16:05][DEBUG] : [AguaIot] |-- |-- |-- login header:{'Accept': 'application/json, text/javascript, */*; q=0.01', 'Content-Type': 'application/json; charset=utf-8', 'Origin': 'file://', 'Host': 'piazzetta.agua-iot.com', 'id_brand': '1', 'idbrand': '1', 'customer_code': '458632', 'local': 'true', 'Authorization': 'e56056bd-367e-4c13-a795-22d1898d7f81', 'applicationversion': '1.9.5', 'url': 'userLogin', 'brand': 'piazzetta'}
[2023-10-18 13:16:05][DEBUG] : [AguaIot] |-- |-- |-- login url:https://piazzetta-iot.app2cloud.it/api/bridge/endpoint/
[2023-10-18 13:16:05][DEBUG] : [AguaIot] |-- |-- |-- login payload:{"email": "XXXXXX@gmail.com", "password": "XXXXXXX"}
[2023-10-18 13:16:05][DEBUG] : Starting new HTTPS connection (1): piazzetta-iot.app2cloud.it:443
[2023-10-18 13:16:05][DEBUG] : https://piazzetta-iot.app2cloud.it:443 "POST /api/bridge/endpoint/ HTTP/1.1" 403 151
[2023-10-18 13:16:05][DEBUG] : [AguaIot] |-- |-- |-- Failed to login, please check credentials
[2023-10-18 13:16:05][ERROR] : [demon]|** |** Fatal error : Failed to login, please check credentials
[2023-10-18 13:16:05][DEBUG] : [demon]|** |** Shutdown
[2023-10-18 13:16:05][DEBUG] : [demon]|** |** |** Removing PID file /tmp/jeedom/PoeleAgua/deamon.pid
[2023-10-18 13:16:05][DEBUG] : LoopNetServer Thread stopped
[2023-10-18 13:16:05][DEBUG] : [demon]|** |** |** Exit 0
[2023-10-18 13:16:05][DEBUG] : [demon]|** |** Shutdown OK
[deamon] Lancement du fichier deamon
il n’y a toujours pas l’étape du register app id!
PSW avec des caractères bizarre ?