Plugin pour Toyota

Savez-vous si il est possible de récupérer les informations de MyT (Toyota) et de les intégrer à Jeedom ?
J’ai vu ce Github, mais je sais pas si c’est intégrable.

Voici le script

# Copyright 2020 Janne Määttä
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
MyT interaction library
import glob
import json
import logging
import os
from pathlib import Path
import platform
import sys

import pendulum
import requests

logging.basicConfig(format='%(asctime)s:%(name)s:%(levelname)s: %(message)s')
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

CACHE_DIR = 'cache'
USER_DATA = 'user_data.json'
INFLUXDB_URL = 'http://localhost:8086/write?db=tojota'

class Myt:
    Class for interacting with Toyota vehicle API
    def __init__(self):
        Create cache directory, try to load existing user data or if it doesn't exists do login.
        os.makedirs(CACHE_DIR, exist_ok=True)
        self.config_data = self._get_config()
        self.user_data = self._get_user_data()
        if self.user_data:
            self.headers = {'X-TME-TOKEN': self.user_data['token']}

    def _get_config(config_file='myt.json'):
        Load configuration values from config file. Return config as a dict.
        :param config_file: Filename on configs directory
        :return: dict
        with open(Path('configs')/config_file) as f:
                config_data = json.load(f)
            except Exception as e:  # pylint: disable=W0703
                log.error('Failed to load configuration JSON! %s', str(e))
        return config_data

    def _get_user_data():
        Try to load existing user data from CACHE_DIR. If it doesn't exists or is malformed return None
        :return: user_data dict or None
            with open(Path(CACHE_DIR) / USER_DATA) as f:
                    user_data = json.load(f)
                except Exception as e:  # pylint: disable=W0703
                    log.error('Failed to load cached user data JSON! %s', str(e))
            return user_data
        except FileNotFoundError:
            return None

    def _read_file(file_path):
        Load file contents or return None if loading fails
        :param file_path: Path for a file
        :return: File contents
            with open(file_path, 'r') as f:
        except (FileNotFoundError, TypeError):
            return None

    def _write_file(file_path, contents):
        Write string to a file
        :param file_path: Path for a file
        :param contents: String to be written
        if platform.system() == 'Windows':
            file_path = str(file_path).replace(':', '')
        with open(file_path, 'w') as f:

    def _find_latest_file(path):
        Return latest file with given path pattern or None if not found
        :param path: Path expression for directory contents. Like 'cache/trips/trips*'
        :return: Latest file path or None if not found
        files = glob.glob(path)
        if files:
            return max(files, key=os.path.getctime)
        return None

    def login(self, locale='fi-fi'):
        Do Toyota SSO login. Saves user data for configured account in self.user_data and sets token to self.headers.
        User data is saved to CACHE_DIR for reuse.
        :param locale: Locale for login is required but doesn't seem to have any effect
        :return: None
        login_headers = {'X-TME-BRAND': 'TOYOTA', 'X-TME-LC': locale, 'Accept': 'application/json, text/plain, */*',
                         'Sec-Fetch-Dest': 'empty'}'Logging in...')
        r ='', headers=login_headers, json=self.config_data)
        if r.status_code != 200:
            raise ValueError('Login failed, check your credentials! {}'.format(r.text))
        user_data = r.json()
        self.user_data = user_data
        self.headers = {'X-TME-TOKEN': user_data['token']}
        self._write_file(Path(CACHE_DIR) / USER_DATA, r.text)

    def get_trips(self, trip=1):
        Get latest 10 trips. Save trips to CACHE_DIR/trips/trips-`datetime` file. Will save every time there is a new
        trip or daily because of changing metadata if no new trips. Saved information is not currently used for
        :param trip: There is paging, but it doesn't seem to do anything. 1 is the default value.
        :return: recentTrips dict, fresh boolean True is new data was fetched
        fresh = False
        trips_path = Path(CACHE_DIR) / 'trips'
        trips_file = trips_path / 'trips-{}'.format('Fetching trips...')
        r = requests.get(
                self.user_data['customerProfile']['uuid'], self.config_data['vin'], trip), headers=self.headers)
        if r.status_code != 200:
            raise ValueError('Failed to get data, {} {}'.format(r.status_code, r.headers))
        os.makedirs(trips_path, exist_ok=True)
        previous_trip = self._read_file(self._find_latest_file(str(trips_path / 'trips*')))
        if r.text != previous_trip:
            self._write_file(trips_file, r.text)
            fresh = True
        trips = r.json()
        return trips, fresh

    def get_trip(self, trip_id):
        Get trip info. Trip is identified by uuidv4. Save trip data to CACHE_DIR/trips/[12]/[34]/uuid file. If given
        trip already exists in CACHE_DIR just get it from there.
        :param trip_id: tripId to fetch. uuid v4 that is received from get_trips().
        :return: trip dict, fresh boolean True is new data was fetched
        fresh = False
        trip_base_path = Path(CACHE_DIR) / 'trips'
        trip_path = trip_base_path / trip_id[0:2] / trip_id[2:4]
        trip_file = trip_path / trip_id
        if not trip_file.exists():
            log.debug('Fetching trip...')
            r = requests.get('{}/cms/trips/v2/{}/events/vin/{}'.format(
                self.user_data['customerProfile']['uuid'], trip_id, self.config_data['vin']), headers=self.headers)
            if r.status_code != 200:
                raise ValueError('Failed to get data {} {}'.format(r.status_code, r.headers))
            os.makedirs(trip_path, exist_ok=True)
            self._write_file(trip_file, r.text)
            trip_data = r.json()
            fresh = True
            with open(trip_file) as f:
                trip_data = json.load(f)
        return trip_data, fresh

    def get_parking(self):
        Get location information. Location is saved when vehicle is powered off. Save data to
        CACHE_DIR/parking/parking-`datetime` file. Saved information is not currently used for anything. When vehicle
        is powered on again tripStatus will change to '1'.
        :return: Location dict, fresh Boolean if new data was fetched
        fresh = False
        parking_path = Path(CACHE_DIR) / 'parking'
        parking_file = parking_path / 'parking-{}'.format(
        token = self.user_data['token']
        uuid = self.user_data['customerProfile']['uuid']
        vin = self.config_data['vin']
        headers = {'Cookie': f'iPlanetDirectoryPro={token}', 'VIN': vin}
        url = f'{uuid}/vehicle/location'
        r = requests.get(url, headers=headers)
        if r.status_code != 200:
            raise ValueError('Failed to get data {} {} {}'.format(r.text, r.status_code, r.headers))
        os.makedirs(parking_path, exist_ok=True)
        previous_parking = self._read_file(self._find_latest_file(str(parking_path / 'parking*')))
        if r.text != previous_parking:
            self._write_file(parking_file, r.text)
            fresh = True
        return r.json(), fresh

    def get_odometer_fuel(self):
        Get mileage and fuel tank information. Data is saved when vehicle is powered off. Save data to
        CACHE_DIR/odometer/odometer-`datetime` file.
        :return: list(odometer, odometer_unit, fuel_percentage, fresh)
        fresh = False
        odometer_path = Path(CACHE_DIR) / 'odometer'
        odometer_file = odometer_path / 'odometer-{}'.format(
        token = self.user_data['token']
        vin = self.config_data['vin']
        headers = {'Cookie': f'iPlanetDirectoryPro={token}'}
        url = f'{vin}/addtionalInfo'  # (sic)
        r = requests.get(url, headers=headers)
        if r.status_code != 200:
            raise ValueError('Failed to get data {} {} {}'.format(r.text, r.status_code, r.headers))
        os.makedirs(odometer_path, exist_ok=True)
        previous_odometer = self._read_file(self._find_latest_file(str(odometer_path / 'odometer*')))
        if r.text != previous_odometer:
            self._write_file(odometer_file, r.text)
            fresh = True
        data = r.json()
        odometer = 0
        odometer_unit = ''
        fuel = 0
        for item in data:
            if item['type'] == 'mileage':
                odometer = item['value']
                odometer_unit = item['unit']
            if item['type'] == 'Fuel':
                fuel = item['value']
        return odometer, odometer_unit, fuel, fresh

    def get_remote_control_status(self):
        Get location information. Location is saved when vehicle is powered off. Save data to
        CACHE_DIR/remote_control/remote_control-`datetime` file.
        :return: Location dict, fresh Boolean if new data was fetched
        fresh = False
        remote_control_path = Path(CACHE_DIR) / 'remote_control'
        remote_control_file = remote_control_path / 'remote_control-{}'.format(
        token = self.user_data['token']
        uuid = self.user_data['customerProfile']['uuid']
        vin = self.config_data['vin']
        headers = {'Cookie': f'iPlanetDirectoryPro={token}', 'uuid': uuid}
        url = f'{vin}/remoteControl/status'
        r = requests.get(url, headers=headers)
        if r.status_code != 200:
            raise ValueError('Failed to get data {} {} {}'.format(r.text, r.status_code, r.headers))
        data = r.json()
        os.makedirs(remote_control_path, exist_ok=True)

        # remoteControl/status messages has varying order of the content, load it as a dict for comparison
            previous_remote_control = json.loads(self._read_file(self._find_latest_file(str(
                remote_control_path / 'remote_control*'))))
        except TypeError:
            previous_remote_control = None

        if data != previous_remote_control:
            self._write_file(remote_control_file, json.dumps(r.json(), sort_keys=True))
            fresh = True
        return data, fresh

def insert_into_influxdb(measurement, value):
    Insert data into influxdb (without authentication)
    :param measurement: Measurement name
    :param value: Measurement value
    :return: null
    headers = {'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'}
    payload = "{} value={}".format(measurement, value), headers=headers, data=payload)

def remote_control_to_db(myt, fresh, charge_info, hvac_info):
    if fresh and myt.config_data['use_influxdb']:
        log.debug('Saving remote control data to influxdb')
        insert_into_influxdb('charge_level', charge_info['ChargeRemainingAmount'])
        insert_into_influxdb('ev_range', charge_info['EvDistanceWithAirCoInKm'])
        insert_into_influxdb('charge_type', charge_info['ChargeType'])
        insert_into_influxdb('charge_week', charge_info['ChargeWeek'])
        insert_into_influxdb('connector_status', charge_info['ConnectorStatus'])
        insert_into_influxdb('subtraction_rate', charge_info['EvTravelableDistanceSubtractionRate'])
        insert_into_influxdb('plugin_history', charge_info['PlugInHistory'])
        insert_into_influxdb('plugin_status', charge_info['PlugStatus'])

        insert_into_influxdb('temperature_inside', hvac_info['InsideTemperature'])
        insert_into_influxdb('temperature_setting', hvac_info['SettingTemperature'])
        insert_into_influxdb('temperature_level', hvac_info['Temperaturelevel'])

def odometer_to_db(myt, fresh, fuel_percent, odometer):
    if fresh and myt.config_data['use_influxdb']:
        log.debug('Saving odometer data to influxdb')
        insert_into_influxdb('odometer', odometer)
        insert_into_influxdb('fuel_level', fuel_percent)

def trip_data_to_db(myt, fresh, average_consumption, stats):
    if fresh and myt.config_data['use_influxdb']:
        insert_into_influxdb('trip_kilometers', stats['totalDistanceInKm'])
        insert_into_influxdb('trip_liters', stats['fuelConsumptionInL'])
        insert_into_influxdb('trip_average_consumption', average_consumption)

def main():
    Get trips, get parking information, get trips information
    myt = Myt()

    # Try to fetch trips array with existing user_info. If it fails, do new login and try again.
        trips, fresh = myt.get_trips()
    except ValueError:'Failed to use cached token, doing fresh login...')
        trips, fresh = myt.get_trips()
        latest_address = trips['recentTrips'][0]['endAddress']
    except (KeyError, IndexError):
        latest_address = 'Unknown address'

    # Check is vehicle is still parked or moving and print corresponding information. Parking timestamp is epoch
    # timestamp with microseconds. Actual value seems to be at second precision level.'Get parking info...')
    parking, fresh = myt.get_parking()
    if parking['tripStatus'] == '0':
        print('Car is parked at {} at {}'.format(latest_address,
                                                 pendulum.from_timestamp(int(parking['event']['timestamp']) / 1000).
        print('Car left from {} parked at {}'.format(latest_address,
                                                     pendulum.from_timestamp(int(parking['event']['timestamp']) / 1000).

    # Get odometer and fuel tank status'Get odometer info...')
    odometer, odometer_unit, fuel_percent, fresh = myt.get_odometer_fuel()
    print('Odometer {} {}, {}% fuel left'.format(odometer, odometer_unit, fuel_percent))
    odometer_to_db(myt, fresh, fuel_percent, odometer)

    # Get remote control status
    if myt.config_data['use_remote_control']:'Get remote control status...')
        status, fresh = myt.get_remote_control_status()
        charge_info = status['VehicleInfo']['ChargeInfo']
        hvac_info = status['VehicleInfo']['RemoteHvacInfo']
        print('Battery level {}%, EV range {} km, Inside temperature {}, Charging status {}, status reported at {}'.
              format(charge_info['ChargeRemainingAmount'], charge_info['EvDistanceWithAirCoInKm'],
                     hvac_info['InsideTemperature'], charge_info['ChargingStatus'],
        if charge_info['ChargingStatus'] == 'charging' and charge_info['RemainingChargeTime'] != 65535:
            acquisition_datetime = pendulum.parse(status['VehicleInfo']['AcquisitionDatetime'])
            charging_end_time = acquisition_datetime.add(minutes=charge_info['RemainingChargeTime'])
            print('Charging will be completed at {}'.format(charging_end_time.in_tz(myt.config_data['timezone']).
        remote_control_to_db(myt, fresh, charge_info, hvac_info)

    # Get detailed information about trips and calculate cumulative kilometers and fuel liters
    kms = 0
    ls = 0
    fresh_data = 0
    for trip in trips['recentTrips']:
        trip_data, fresh = myt.get_trip(trip['tripId'])
        fresh_data += fresh
        stats = trip_data['statistics']
        # Parse UTC datetime strings to local time
        start_time = pendulum.parse(trip['startTimeGmt']).in_tz(myt.config_data['timezone']).to_datetime_string()
        end_time = pendulum.parse(trip['endTimeGmt']).in_tz(myt.config_data['timezone']).to_datetime_string()
        # Remove country part from address strings
            start = trip['startAddress'].split(',')
        except KeyError:
            start = ['Unknown', ' Unknown']
            end = trip['endAddress'].split(',')
        except KeyError:
            end = ['Unknown', ' Unknown']
        start_address = '{},{}'.format(start[0], start[1])
        end_address = '{},{}'.format(end[0], end[1])
        kms += stats['totalDistanceInKm']
        ls += stats['fuelConsumptionInL']
        average_consumption = (stats['fuelConsumptionInL']/stats['totalDistanceInKm'])*100
        trip_data_to_db(myt, fresh, average_consumption, stats)
        print('{} {} -> {} {}: {} km, {} km/h, {:.2f} l/100 km, {:.2f} l'.
              format(start_time, start_address, end_time, end_address, stats['totalDistanceInKm'],
                     stats['averageSpeedInKmph'], average_consumption, stats['fuelConsumptionInL']))
    if fresh_data and myt.config_data['use_influxdb']:
        insert_into_influxdb('short_term_average_consumption', (ls/kms)*100)
    print('Total distance: {:.3f} km, Fuel consumption: {:.2f} l, {:.2f} l/100 km'.format(kms, ls, (ls/kms)*100))

if __name__ == "__main__":

J’ai tenté de le mettre dans le plugin Script, mais j’ai une erreur:

Erreur sur python /var/www/html/plugins/script/data/ 2>&1 valeur retournée : 1. Détails : File "/var/www/html/plugins/script/data/", line 1 SyntaxError: Non-ASCII character '\xc3' in file /var/www/html/plugins/script/data/ on line 1, but no encoding declared; see for details

Merci pour votre aide.

Bonsoir à tous,
Je relance le sujet. Quelqu’un saurait réaliser un plugin pour récupérer les infos des voitures Toyota ?

Merci par avance.


Pas de nouveauté sur ce sujet ? je serai aussi intéressé !

Bonne journée,

1 « J'aime »

Bonjour, je regarde en ce moment comment intégrer les infos issues de myToyota (attention pas de myT), est ce qu’un d’entre vous pourrais tester chez lui? L’idéal serait si vous avez plus d’un véhicule et si un des deux est électrique.

Je n’en suis qu’aux débuts et tout seul j’ai un peu de mal à choisir les options sur lesquelles partir

1 « J'aime »

Bonne nouvelle !
Effectivement ils ont changé d’application il n’y a pas longtemps.
Je veux bien tester, j’ai 2 véhicules hybrides Toyota mais avec 2 comptes différents.
C’est problématique ?


Non je ne pense pas, en tout cas pas pour l’instant. Tu sais accéder en ssh à ton jeedom et lancer qq commandes linux?

Oui, j’ai quelques notions

A mon tour, intéressé par le plugin de Noyax37. Je n’ai qu’un véhicule (CHR) et ai téléchargé et activé MyToyota. Tout a l’air correct au niveau configuration du plugin mais dans la page Equipement, les rubriques Modèle,Date fabrication et Type sont grisées et inéditables et je n’ai aucune info dans le widget :frowning: .
J’ai par ailleurs accès à linux par ssh…

Salut, est ce que tu as des logs à mettre ici stp? Le VIN que tu as saisi est bon tout comme tes identifiants de connexion? Tu as bien cliqué sur synchronisation après avoir saisi tes identifiants et VIN? Après l’installation tu as bien relancé les dépendances?

Hello @Noyax37 et merci pour ton plugin.

je découvre et test en même temps. Pour le moment il sert uniquement à récupérer les infos c’est ca, pas de commande action ?

voici les qq captures que j’ai pu faire et mes logs en debug, j ai juste une erreur de cron30 depuis la MAJ du plugin.

Bonne journée à tous

myToyota_packages.txt (10,2 Ko)
myToyota_Toyota.txt (121,6 Ko)
myToyota.txt (84,1 Ko)

oui ça viendra je l’espère bientôt

Pour l’instant je tatonne sur pas mal d’info car je ne peux pas tout tester avec les véhicules à ma disposition. Je cherche des véhicules tout électrique et aussi des hybrides rechargeables

Merci pour ton retour

moi aussi, je ne l’avais pas vue. Merci :wink:

la mienne est une hybride rechargeable, redis moi si tu as besoin de faire des tests, je sais juste me connecter en ssh et passer des commandes c’est tout :grin:

Si j’ai bien vu tu as fait ce qu’il faut dans les logs, je vais voir si j’ai besoin d’autre chose

je n’arrive pas à voir comment déterminer que ton véhicule est rechargeable…

Est ce que dans l’appli mytoyota tu as les infos de charge de ta batterie?

Ha non il est pas rechargeable, enfin ça se fait en roulant pardon, du coup juste hybride

J’ai juste ça dans l’appli Toyota

on dirait que ton véhicule n’est pas rechargeable. C’est bizarre

ah ok je comprends mieux, merci

La dernière version corrige le pb du cron

1 « J'aime »