Paramétrage de Motion / démon - flux vidéo - ports - streaming

J’ai beaucoup de difficultés à paramétrer MOTION.
J’ai 2 caméras à y inclure, caméras que j’ai déclarées dans le plugin CAMERA sans difficulté : je vois le flux vidéo en RSTP, j’en ai une que je commande aussi en PTZ (après quelques recherches fructueuses) :slight_smile:

Tout d’abord, dans la config de MOTION, j’ai laissé le port d’accès en 8080, pour moi il est libre sur ma machine. Le démon se lance, passe au vert quelques secondes puis redevient rouge…

J’ai donc essayé de configurer une caméra.
J’ai récupéré la ligne de commande de CAMERA en RSTP :
et j’ai adapté en indiquant mon user et password.
Ensuite j’ai configuré un autre port de stream, en occurrence le 8081 (libre aussi).
Impossible de récupérer le flux vidéo…
Je précise que j’ai aussi essayé bien dautres config, en remplissant les champs user et password, puis non, en changeant l’adresse du flux…bref…rien !

J’ai tenté aussi avec une autre caméra, aussi déclarée dans CAMERA, pareil, impossible de récupérer le flux…(je l’ai mise sur le port 8082…)

Bref, un peu d’aide serait bienvenue car là, je sèche…

Merci !

N’oubliez pas le tag du plugin #plugin-motion cela me notifié et donne de la visibilité pour les recherches futures.

Pouvez-vous mettre des screenshot de l’onglet capture et stream.
N’activer qu’une seul caméra à la fois pour facilité le debug.

Enfin pour comprendre ce qu’il se passe dans le démon le log sont disponibles dans la fenêtre « Informations de l’activité de motion » sur la page principal

Bonsoir, merci de ton retour.

Voici :

LOG du démon :

0:motion] [NTC] [ALL] [Nov 10 18:42:39] motion_startup: Motion 4.2.2+git20191030-d8ea81d Started
[0:motion] [NTC] [ALL] [Nov 10 18:42:39] motion_startup: Using log type (ALL) log level (NTC)
[0:motion] [NTC] [ALL] [Nov 10 18:42:39] become_daemon: Motion going to daemon mode
[0:motion] [NTC] [ALL] [Nov 10 18:42:39] motion_startup: Motion running as daemon process
[0:motion] [NTC] [STR] [Nov 10 18:42:39] webu_start_strm: Starting camera 29 stream on port 8081
[0:motion] [NTC] [STR] [Nov 10 18:42:39] webu_strm_ntc: Started camera 29 stream on port 8081
[0:motion] [NTC] [STR] [Nov 10 18:42:39] webu_start_ctrl: Starting webcontrol on port 8080
[0:motion] [NTC] [STR] [Nov 10 18:42:39] webu_start_ctrl: Started webcontrol on port 8080
[0:motion] [NTC] [ENC] [Nov 10 18:42:39] ffmpeg_global_init: ffmpeg libavcodec version 58.35.100 libavformat version 58.20.100
[0:motion] [NTC] [ALL] [Nov 10 18:42:39] translate_init: Language: English
[0:motion] [NTC] [ALL] [Nov 10 18:42:39] motion_start_thread: Camera ID: 29 is from /etc/motion/camera29.conf
[0:motion] [NTC] [ALL] [Nov 10 18:42:39] motion_start_thread: Camera ID: 29 Camera Name: Motion Cam Jardin Service: rtsp:
[0:motion] [NTC] [ALL] [Nov 10 18:42:39] main: Waiting for threads to finish, pid: 2693
[1:ml1:Motion Cam ] [NTC] [ALL] [Nov 10 18:42:39] motion_init: Camera 29 started: motion detection Enabled
[1:ml1:Motion Cam ] [NTC] [VID] [Nov 10 18:42:39] vid_start: Opening Netcam RTSP
[1:ml1:Motion Cam ] [NTC] [NET] [Nov 10 18:42:46] netcam_rtsp_connect: Normal resolution: Camera (Motion Cam Jardin) connected
[1:ml1:Motion Cam ] [CRT] [NET] [Nov 10 18:42:46] motion_init: Substream not available. Image sizes not modulo 16.
[1:ml1:Motion Cam ] [NTC] [ALL] [Nov 10 18:42:46] image_ring_resize: Resizing pre_capture buffer to 1 items
[2:nc2:Motion Cam ] [NTC] [NET] [Nov 10 18:42:46] netcam_rtsp_handler: Normal resolution: Camera handler thread [2] started

J’ai essayé beaucoup de configuration du rstp caméra, rien ne change
J’ai essayé pas mal de port du 8080 jusuq’au 8086… rien ne change

Le démon ne passe jamais vert et je n’ai aucune visu de flux vidéo, sur CAMERA cela fonctionne très bien pourtant…

visiblement motion n’aime pas la resolution
[1:ml1:Motion Cam ] [CRT] [NET] [Nov 10 18:42:46] motion_init: Substream not available. Image sizes not modulo 16.

oui, j’ai vu ça aussi, j’ai également essayé de changer la résolution, rien n’y fait…, 1280x720, 720x480…

sur ta cam c’est l resolution configuré
j’ai trouver une issue identique

tu pzux essayer 1920x1200

aucun résultat, le démon est toujours rouge.

LOG démon :

[0:motion] [NTC] [ALL] [Nov 10 20:00:11] motion_startup: Motion 4.2.2+git20191030-d8ea81d Started
[0:motion] [NTC] [ALL] [Nov 10 20:00:11] motion_startup: Using log type (ALL) log level (NTC)
[0:motion] [NTC] [ALL] [Nov 10 20:00:11] become_daemon: Motion going to daemon mode
[0:motion] [NTC] [ALL] [Nov 10 20:00:11] motion_startup: Motion running as daemon process
[0:motion] [NTC] [STR] [Nov 10 20:00:11] webu_start_strm: Starting camera 29 stream on port 8081
[0:motion] [NTC] [STR] [Nov 10 20:00:11] webu_strm_ntc: Started camera 29 stream on port 8081
[0:motion] [NTC] [STR] [Nov 10 20:00:11] webu_start_ctrl: Starting webcontrol on port 8080
[0:motion] [NTC] [STR] [Nov 10 20:00:11] webu_start_ctrl: Started webcontrol on port 8080
[0:motion] [NTC] [ENC] [Nov 10 20:00:11] ffmpeg_global_init: ffmpeg libavcodec version 58.35.100 libavformat version 58.20.100
[0:motion] [NTC] [ALL] [nov. 10 20:00:1] translate_init: Language: English
[0:motion] [NTC] [ALL] [nov. 10 20:00:1] motion_start_thread: Camera ID: 29 is from /etc/motion/camera29.conf
[0:motion] [NTC] [ALL] [nov. 10 20:00:1] motion_start_thread: Camera ID: 29 Camera Name: Motion Cam Jardin Service: rtsp:
[0:motion] [NTC] [ALL] [nov. 10 20:00:1] main: Waiting for threads to finish, pid: 17095
[1:ml1:Motion Cam ] [NTC] [ALL] [nov. 10 20:00:1] motion_init: Camera 29 started: motion detection Enabled
[1:ml1:Motion Cam ] [NTC] [VID] [nov. 10 20:00:1] vid_start: Opening Netcam RTSP
[1:ml1:Motion Cam ] [NTC] [NET] [nov. 10 20:00:1] netcam_rtsp_ntc:
[1:ml1:Motion Cam ] [NTC] [NET] [nov. 10 20:00:1] netcam_rtsp_ntc: ******************************************************
[1:ml1:Motion Cam ] [NTC] [NET] [nov. 10 20:00:1] netcam_rtsp_ntc: The network camera is sending pictures in a different
[1:ml1:Motion Cam ] [NTC] [NET] [nov. 10 20:00:1] netcam_rtsp_ntc: size than specified in the configuration file.
[1:ml1:Motion Cam ] [NTC] [NET] [nov. 10 20:00:1] netcam_rtsp_ntc: The picture is being transcoded into the size
[1:ml1:Motion Cam ] [NTC] [NET] [nov. 10 20:00:1] netcam_rtsp_ntc: requested in the configuration. If possible change
[1:ml1:Motion Cam ] [NTC] [NET] [nov. 10 20:00:1] netcam_rtsp_ntc: netcam or configuration to indicate the same size
[1:ml1:Motion Cam ] [NTC] [NET] [nov. 10 20:00:1] netcam_rtsp_ntc: to possibly lower CPU usage.
[1:ml1:Motion Cam ] [NTC] [NET] [nov. 10 20:00:1] netcam_rtsp_ntc: Netcam: 1920 x 1080 => Config: 1920 x 1200
[1:ml1:Motion Cam ] [NTC] [NET] [nov. 10 20:00:1] netcam_rtsp_ntc: ******************************************************
[1:ml1:Motion Cam ] [NTC] [NET] [nov. 10 20:00:1] netcam_rtsp_ntc:
[1:ml1:Motion Cam ] [NTC] [NET] [nov. 10 20:00:1] netcam_rtsp_connect: Normal resolution: Camera (Motion Cam Jardin) connected
[1:ml1:Motion Cam ] [NTC] [ALL] [nov. 10 20:00:1] image_ring_resize: Resizing pre_capture buffer to 1 items
[2:nc2:Motion Cam ] [NTC] [NET] [nov. 10 20:00:1] netcam_rtsp_handler: Normal resolution: Camera handler thread [2] started

c’est etrange tous ca
je vais voir si je peux changer le niveau de log

tu as des paramètre de ton flux car avec une telle image la machine vas consommer des ressources

j’ai poussé une mise a jour avec un niveau de log au max

j’a iessayé avec 640x320

rien du tout…

Log démon :


[0:motion] [NTC] [ALL] [Nov 10 20:15:11] motion_startup: Motion 4.2.2+git20191030-d8ea81d Started
[0:motion] [NTC] [ALL] [Nov 10 20:15:11] motion_startup: Using log type (ALL) log level (NTC)
[0:motion] [NTC] [ALL] [Nov 10 20:15:11] become_daemon: Motion going to daemon mode
[0:motion] [NTC] [ALL] [Nov 10 20:15:11] motion_startup: Motion running as daemon process
[0:motion] [NTC] [STR] [Nov 10 20:15:11] webu_start_strm: Starting camera 29 stream on port 8081
[0:motion] [NTC] [STR] [Nov 10 20:15:11] webu_strm_ntc: Started camera 29 stream on port 8081
[0:motion] [NTC] [STR] [Nov 10 20:15:11] webu_start_ctrl: Starting webcontrol on port 8080
[0:motion] [NTC] [STR] [Nov 10 20:15:11] webu_start_ctrl: Started webcontrol on port 8080
[0:motion] [NTC] [ENC] [Nov 10 20:15:11] ffmpeg_global_init: ffmpeg libavcodec version 58.35.100 libavformat version 58.20.100
[0:motion] [NTC] [ALL] [nov. 10 20:15:1] translate_init: Language: English
[0:motion] [NTC] [ALL] [nov. 10 20:15:1] motion_start_thread: Camera ID: 29 is from /etc/motion/camera29.conf
[0:motion] [NTC] [ALL] [nov. 10 20:15:1] motion_start_thread: Camera ID: 29 Camera Name: Motion Cam Jardin Service: rtsp:
[0:motion] [NTC] [ALL] [nov. 10 20:15:1] main: Waiting for threads to finish, pid: 19108
[1:ml1:Motion Cam ] [NTC] [ALL] [nov. 10 20:15:1] motion_init: Camera 29 started: motion detection Enabled
[1:ml1:Motion Cam ] [NTC] [VID] [nov. 10 20:15:1] vid_start: Opening Netcam RTSP

que dois je faire avec la maj log max ?

mettre a jour + sauvegarder la configuration général pour mettre a jour les fichier de conf
et récupéré les log

je supprime le plugin et ré installe c’est ça ?

Non pas de tout, juste fait la mise a jour
Tu clique sur sauvegarde de la configuration du plugin
et tu relance le demon

j’obtiens ceci :

[0:motion] [NTC] [ALL] [Nov 10 20:56:15] motion_startup: Motion 4.2.2+git20191030-d8ea81d Started
[0:motion] [NTC] [ALL] [Nov 10 20:56:15] motion_startup: Using log type (ALL) log level (NTC)
[0:motion] [NTC] [ALL] [Nov 10 20:56:15] become_daemon: Motion going to daemon mode
[0:motion] [NTC] [ALL] [Nov 10 20:56:15] motion_startup: Motion running as daemon process
[0:motion] [NTC] [STR] [Nov 10 20:56:15] webu_start_strm: Starting camera 29 stream on port 8081
[0:motion] [NTC] [STR] [Nov 10 20:56:15] webu_strm_ntc: Started camera 29 stream on port 8081
[0:motion] [NTC] [STR] [Nov 10 20:56:15] webu_start_ctrl: Starting webcontrol on port 8080
[0:motion] [NTC] [STR] [Nov 10 20:56:15] webu_start_ctrl: Started webcontrol on port 8080
[0:motion] [NTC] [ENC] [Nov 10 20:56:15] ffmpeg_global_init: ffmpeg libavcodec version 58.35.100 libavformat version 58.20.100
[0:motion] [NTC] [ALL] [Nov 10 20:56:15] translate_init: Language: English
[0:motion] [NTC] [ALL] [Nov 10 20:56:15] motion_start_thread: Camera ID: 29 is from /etc/motion/camera29.conf
[0:motion] [NTC] [ALL] [Nov 10 20:56:15] motion_start_thread: Camera ID: 29 Camera Name: Motion Cam Jardin Service: rtsp:
[0:motion] [NTC] [ALL] [Nov 10 20:56:15] main: Waiting for threads to finish, pid: 29172
[1:ml1:Motion Cam ] [NTC] [ALL] [Nov 10 20:56:15] motion_init: Camera 29 started: motion detection Enabled
[1:ml1:Motion Cam ] [NTC] [VID] [Nov 10 20:56:15] vid_start: Opening Netcam RTSP
[1:ml1:Motion Cam ] [NTC] [NET] [Nov 10 20:56:19] netcam_rtsp_ntc:
[1:ml1:Motion Cam ] [NTC] [NET] [Nov 10 20:56:19] netcam_rtsp_ntc: ******************************************************
[1:ml1:Motion Cam ] [NTC] [NET] [Nov 10 20:56:19] netcam_rtsp_ntc: The network camera is sending pictures in a different
[1:ml1:Motion Cam ] [NTC] [NET] [Nov 10 20:56:19] netcam_rtsp_ntc: size than specified in the configuration file.
[1:ml1:Motion Cam ] [NTC] [NET] [Nov 10 20:56:19] netcam_rtsp_ntc: The picture is being transcoded into the size
[1:ml1:Motion Cam ] [NTC] [NET] [Nov 10 20:56:19] netcam_rtsp_ntc: requested in the configuration. If possible change
[1:ml1:Motion Cam ] [NTC] [NET] [Nov 10 20:56:19] netcam_rtsp_ntc: netcam or configuration to indicate the same size
[1:ml1:Motion Cam ] [NTC] [NET] [Nov 10 20:56:19] netcam_rtsp_ntc: to possibly lower CPU usage.
[1:ml1:Motion Cam ] [NTC] [NET] [Nov 10 20:56:19] netcam_rtsp_ntc: Netcam: 1920 x 1080 => Config: 640 x 320
[1:ml1:Motion Cam ] [NTC] [NET] [Nov 10 20:56:19] netcam_rtsp_ntc: ******************************************************
[1:ml1:Motion Cam ] [NTC] [NET] [Nov 10 20:56:19] netcam_rtsp_ntc:
[1:ml1:Motion Cam ] [NTC] [NET] [Nov 10 20:56:19] netcam_rtsp_connect: Normal resolution: Camera (Motion Cam Jardin) connected
[1:ml1:Motion Cam ] [NTC] [ALL] [Nov 10 20:56:19] image_ring_resize: Resizing pre_capture buffer to 1 items
[2:nc2:Motion Cam ] [NTC] [NET] [Nov 10 20:56:19] netcam_rtsp_handler: Normal resolution: Camera handler thread [2] started

avec du 640*320 … toujours rien… démon rouge…

même dans le log, je n’arrive pas à voir ce qui cloche…

À tu un espace dans le nom ?
motion n’aime pas ainsi que les es caractère spéciaux
Faut que j’ajoute se contrôle dans le plugin

Bonjour, j’a ienlevé l’espace et je l’ai appelé CamJardin (nom de la zone MotionCamJardin), démon toujours rouge. Voici le log :


[0:motion] [NTC] [ALL] [Nov 11 08:32:24] motion_startup: Motion 4.2.2+git20191030-d8ea81d Started
[0:motion] [NTC] [ALL] [Nov 11 08:32:24] motion_startup: Using log type (ALL) log level (NTC)
[0:motion] [NTC] [ALL] [Nov 11 08:32:24] become_daemon: Motion going to daemon mode
[0:motion] [NTC] [ALL] [Nov 11 08:32:25] motion_startup: Motion running as daemon process
[0:motion] [NTC] [STR] [Nov 11 08:32:25] webu_start_strm: Starting camera 29 stream on port 8081
[0:motion] [NTC] [STR] [Nov 11 08:32:25] webu_strm_ntc: Started camera 29 stream on port 8081
[0:motion] [NTC] [STR] [Nov 11 08:32:25] webu_start_ctrl: Starting webcontrol on port 8080
[0:motion] [NTC] [STR] [Nov 11 08:32:25] webu_start_ctrl: Started webcontrol on port 8080
[0:motion] [NTC] [ENC] [Nov 11 08:32:25] ffmpeg_global_init: ffmpeg libavcodec version 58.35.100 libavformat version 58.20.100
[0:motion] [NTC] [ALL] [Nov 11 08:32:25] translate_init: Language: English
[0:motion] [NTC] [ALL] [Nov 11 08:32:25] motion_start_thread: Camera ID: 29 is from /etc/motion/camera29.conf
[0:motion] [NTC] [ALL] [Nov 11 08:32:25] motion_start_thread: Camera ID: 29 Camera Name: MotionCamJardin Service: rtsp:
[0:motion] [NTC] [ALL] [Nov 11 08:32:25] main: Waiting for threads to finish, pid: 12860
[1:ml1:MotionCamJa] [NTC] [ALL] [Nov 11 08:32:25] motion_init: Camera 29 started: motion detection Enabled
[1:ml1:MotionCamJa] [NTC] [VID] [Nov 11 08:32:25] vid_start: Opening Netcam RTSP
[1:ml1:MotionCamJa] [NTC] [NET] [Nov 11 08:32:27] netcam_rtsp_ntc:
[1:ml1:MotionCamJa] [NTC] [NET] [Nov 11 08:32:27] netcam_rtsp_ntc: ******************************************************
[1:ml1:MotionCamJa] [NTC] [NET] [Nov 11 08:32:27] netcam_rtsp_ntc: The network camera is sending pictures in a different
[1:ml1:MotionCamJa] [NTC] [NET] [Nov 11 08:32:27] netcam_rtsp_ntc: size than specified in the configuration file.
[1:ml1:MotionCamJa] [NTC] [NET] [Nov 11 08:32:27] netcam_rtsp_ntc: The picture is being transcoded into the size
[1:ml1:MotionCamJa] [NTC] [NET] [Nov 11 08:32:27] netcam_rtsp_ntc: requested in the configuration. If possible change
[1:ml1:MotionCamJa] [NTC] [NET] [Nov 11 08:32:27] netcam_rtsp_ntc: netcam or configuration to indicate the same size
[1:ml1:MotionCamJa] [NTC] [NET] [Nov 11 08:32:27] netcam_rtsp_ntc: to possibly lower CPU usage.
[1:ml1:MotionCamJa] [NTC] [NET] [Nov 11 08:32:27] netcam_rtsp_ntc: Netcam: 1920 x 1080 => Config: 640 x 320
[1:ml1:MotionCamJa] [NTC] [NET] [Nov 11 08:32:27] netcam_rtsp_ntc: ******************************************************
[1:ml1:MotionCamJa] [NTC] [NET] [Nov 11 08:32:27] netcam_rtsp_ntc:
[1:ml1:MotionCamJa] [NTC] [NET] [Nov 11 08:32:27] netcam_rtsp_connect: Normal resolution: Camera (MotionCamJardin) connected
[1:ml1:MotionCamJa] [NTC] [ALL] [Nov 11 08:32:27] image_ring_resize: Resizing pre_capture buffer to 1 items
[2:nc2:MotionCamJa] [NTC] [NET] [Nov 11 08:32:27] netcam_rtsp_handler: Normal resolution: Camera handler thread [2] started

Qu’à tu comme caméra car le souci est bien sur la résolution, mais la résolution n’est pas compatible visiblement avec motion

1080 n’est pas un entier divisible par 16 et je pense que motion plante au reseize.
Dans les paramètres de la caméra peux tu changer le flux

Je suis passé en 1280x720, le modulo 16 est respecté et je n’ai plus de message sur la résolution.

Voici le log :


[0:motion] [NTC] [ALL] [Nov 11 13:19:16] motion_startup: Motion 4.2.2+git20191030-d8ea81d Started
[0:motion] [NTC] [ALL] [Nov 11 13:19:16] motion_startup: Using log type (ALL) log level (NTC)
[0:motion] [NTC] [ALL] [Nov 11 13:19:16] become_daemon: Motion going to daemon mode
[0:motion] [NTC] [ALL] [Nov 11 13:19:16] motion_startup: Motion running as daemon process
[0:motion] [NTC] [STR] [Nov 11 13:19:16] webu_start_strm: Starting camera 29 stream on port 8081
[0:motion] [NTC] [STR] [Nov 11 13:19:16] webu_strm_ntc: Started camera 29 stream on port 8081
[0:motion] [NTC] [STR] [Nov 11 13:19:16] webu_start_ctrl: Starting webcontrol on port 8080
[0:motion] [NTC] [STR] [Nov 11 13:19:16] webu_start_ctrl: Started webcontrol on port 8080
[0:motion] [NTC] [ENC] [Nov 11 13:19:16] ffmpeg_global_init: ffmpeg libavcodec version 58.35.100 libavformat version 58.20.100
[0:motion] [NTC] [ALL] [Nov 11 13:19:16] translate_init: Language: English
[0:motion] [NTC] [ALL] [Nov 11 13:19:16] motion_start_thread: Camera ID: 29 is from /etc/motion/camera29.conf
[0:motion] [NTC] [ALL] [Nov 11 13:19:16] motion_start_thread: Camera ID: 29 Camera Name: MotionCamJardin Service: rtsp:
[0:motion] [NTC] [ALL] [Nov 11 13:19:16] main: Waiting for threads to finish, pid: 21767
[1:ml1:MotionCamJa] [NTC] [ALL] [Nov 11 13:19:16] motion_init: Camera 29 started: motion detection Enabled
[1:ml1:MotionCamJa] [NTC] [VID] [Nov 11 13:19:16] vid_start: Opening Netcam RTSP
[1:ml1:MotionCamJa] [NTC] [NET] [Nov 11 13:19:18] netcam_rtsp_connect: Normal resolution: Camera (MotionCamJardin) connected
[1:ml1:MotionCamJa] [NTC] [ALL] [Nov 11 13:19:18] image_ring_resize: Resizing pre_capture buffer to 1 items
[2:nc2:MotionCamJa] [NTC] [NET] [Nov 11 13:19:18] netcam_rtsp_handler: Normal resolution: Camera handler thread [2] started

on progresse, mais toujours démon en rouge …

C’est dingue ça
Y a pas d’indication non d’erreur.

il essaye tout de même un reseize tu as bien configurer la même résolution

Je viens de me rendre compte que tu a cocher la transformation rtsp vers tcp il ne le faut pas

oui, je ne comprends pas non plus.
j’ai décoché la case TCP, pas de changement, voici le log (qui n’évolue pas beaucoup…) :


[0:motion] [NTC] [ALL] [Nov 11 16:35:29] motion_startup: Motion 4.2.2+git20191030-d8ea81d Started
[0:motion] [NTC] [ALL] [Nov 11 16:35:29] motion_startup: Using log type (ALL) log level (NTC)
[0:motion] [NTC] [ALL] [Nov 11 16:35:29] become_daemon: Motion going to daemon mode
[0:motion] [NTC] [ALL] [Nov 11 16:35:29] motion_startup: Motion running as daemon process
[0:motion] [NTC] [STR] [Nov 11 16:35:29] webu_start_strm: Starting camera 29 stream on port 8081
[0:motion] [NTC] [STR] [Nov 11 16:35:29] webu_strm_ntc: Started camera 29 stream on port 8081
[0:motion] [NTC] [STR] [Nov 11 16:35:29] webu_start_ctrl: Starting webcontrol on port 8080
[0:motion] [NTC] [STR] [Nov 11 16:35:29] webu_start_ctrl: Started webcontrol on port 8080
[0:motion] [NTC] [ENC] [Nov 11 16:35:29] ffmpeg_global_init: ffmpeg libavcodec version 58.35.100 libavformat version 58.20.100
[0:motion] [NTC] [ALL] [Nov 11 16:35:29] translate_init: Language: English
[0:motion] [NTC] [ALL] [Nov 11 16:35:29] motion_start_thread: Camera ID: 29 is from /etc/motion/camera29.conf
[0:motion] [NTC] [ALL] [Nov 11 16:35:29] motion_start_thread: Camera ID: 29 Camera Name: MotionCamJardin Service: rtsp:
[0:motion] [NTC] [ALL] [Nov 11 16:35:29] main: Waiting for threads to finish, pid: 15905
[1:ml1:MotionCamJa] [NTC] [ALL] [Nov 11 16:35:29] motion_init: Camera 29 started: motion detection Enabled
[1:ml1:MotionCamJa] [NTC] [VID] [Nov 11 16:35:29] vid_start: Opening Netcam RTSP
[1:ml1:MotionCamJa] [NTC] [NET] [Nov 11 16:35:32] netcam_rtsp_connect: Normal resolution: Camera (MotionCamJardin) connected
[1:ml1:MotionCamJa] [NTC] [ALL] [Nov 11 16:35:32] image_ring_resize: Resizing pre_capture buffer to 1 items

la résolution de ma caméra est bien 1280x720 en natif maintenant, comme indiqué dans l’onglet capture… démon rouge toujours… pfffff…