NUT: Statut non mis à jour


J’ai des Nut Find 3.
Le statut des NUT n’est pas mis à jour dans JEEDOM.
Soit il reste sur Présent alors qu’il devrait être sur absent.

Voici la configuration d’un de mes NUT

Et du plugin

Sans log impossible de determiner dou ca vient

tu veux quel log?


Depuis quand et/ou suite à quoi ?

Quelle est votre version de Jeedom? Type d’installation ?
Copie de la page santé de Jeedom.
Antenne(s) local ou distante(s) ?
Mettez les log en debug et envoyez les ici en utilisant les balises </>

depuis quelques jours mais pas de dates réelles.
je suis sur Jeedom 4.3.15 installé sur un raspberry PI3.

J’ai une antenne locale je dirais. En fait, j’ai ajouté une antenne USB à mon raspberry.

Donc vous avez une clé USB Bluetooth en plus de Bluetooth intégré au raspberry ou avez vous désactivé le Bluetooth du raspberry car dans le premier cas vous avez 2 ports Bluetooth ( hci0 et hci1 ) et peut être que ce n’est pas le bon port qui est sélectionné :thinking:

De plus la case Autoriser la mise à jour des fichiers des antennes automatiquement lors d’une mise à jour n’est utile que si vous avez des antennes déportée

[2023-03-01 13:16:10.216]DEBUG : CONNECTOR------Reading Characteristic...D4:C3:47:F9:A1:8F
[2023-03-01 13:16:10.217]DEBUG : SCANNER------Clearing seen
[2023-03-01 13:16:10.311]DEBUG : SCANNER------[(1, 'Flags', '04'), (10, 'Tx Power', '0c')] True public e8:4f:25:44:00:52
[2023-03-01 13:16:10.313]DEBUG : SCANNER------It's an unknown packet but not sent because this device is not Included and I'am not in learn mode e8:4f:25:44:00:52
[2023-03-01 13:16:10.361]DEBUG : CONNECTOR------Characteristic Readen .... D4:C3:47:F9:A1:8F
[2023-03-01 13:16:10.361]DEBUG : bytearray(b'^')
[2023-03-01 13:16:10.362]DEBUG : {'battery': 94, 'id': 'D4:C3:47:F9:A1:8F'}
[2023-03-01 13:16:10.659]DEBUG : Send to jeedom : {'devices': {'D4:C3:47:F9:A1:8F': {'battery': 94, 'id': 'D4:C3:47:F9:A1:8F', 'source': 'local'}}}
[2023-03-01 13:16:10.660]DEBUG : SCANNER------[(1, 'Flags', '06'), (3, 'Complete 16b Services', '00001803-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb'), (255, 'Manufacturer', '59000046'), (22, '16b Service Data', '0a18f7c6e1077bf3'), (9, 'Complete Local Name', 'nut')] True random f7:c6:e1:07:7b:f3
[2023-03-01 13:16:10.669]DEBUG : SCANNER------This is a nut device f7:c6:e1:07:7b:f3
[2023-03-01 13:16:10.671]DEBUG : Starting new HTTP connection (1):
[2023-03-01 13:16:10.671]DEBUG : {'present': 1, 'id': 'F7:C6:E1:07:7B:F3', 'type': 'nut', 'name': 'nut', 'rssi': -80, 'source': 'local'}
[2023-03-01 13:16:10.728]DEBUG : "POST /plugins/blea/core/php/jeeBlea.php?apikey=baZ1ywN6TiV3cmEaRvBrU0is2TQ8RkUA HTTP/1.1" 200 0
[2023-03-01 13:16:10.831]DEBUG : Send to jeedom : {'devices': {'F7:C6:E1:07:7B:F3': {'present': 1, 'id': 'F7:C6:E1:07:7B:F3', 'type': 'nut', 'name': 'nut', 'rssi': -80, 'source': 'local'}}}
[2023-03-01 13:16:10.835]DEBUG : Starting new HTTP connection (1):
[2023-03-01 13:16:10.866]DEBUG : "POST /plugins/blea/core/php/jeeBlea.php?apikey=baZ1ywN6TiV3cmEaRvBrU0is2TQ8RkUA HTTP/1.1" 200 0
[2023-03-01 13:16:11.356]DEBUG : SCANNER------[(1, 'Flags', '1a'), (10, 'Tx Power', '08'), (255, 'Manufacturer', '4c0010052e18538de9')] True random 4f:8c:25:65:1c:1b
[2023-03-01 13:16:11.358]DEBUG : SCANNER------It's an unknown packet but not sent because this device is not Included and I'am not in learn mode 4f:8c:25:65:1c:1b
[2023-03-01 13:16:11.373]DEBUG : SCANNER------[(255, 'Manufacturer', '06000109200211e7cb041ce1255f01bef18197e78088d98f0d1c010e81')] True random 1c:44:65:21:bc:64
[2023-03-01 13:16:11.374]DEBUG : SCANNER------It's an unknown packet but not sent because this device is not Included and I'am not in learn mode 1c:44:65:21:bc:64
[2023-03-01 13:16:12.632]DEBUG : SCANNER------[(1, 'Flags', '06'), (3, 'Complete 16b Services', '00001803-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb'), (255, 'Manufacturer', '59000046'), (22, '16b Service Data', '0a18d4c347f9a18f'), (9, 'Complete Local Name', 'nut')] True random d4:c3:47:f9:a1:8f
[2023-03-01 13:16:12.634]DEBUG : SCANNER------This is a nut device d4:c3:47:f9:a1:8f
[2023-03-01 13:16:12.635]DEBUG : {'present': 1, 'id': 'D4:C3:47:F9:A1:8F', 'type': 'nut', 'name': 'nut', 'rssi': -84, 'source': 'local'}
[2023-03-01 13:16:12.776]DEBUG : Send to jeedom : {'devices': {'D4:C3:47:F9:A1:8F': {'present': 1, 'id': 'D4:C3:47:F9:A1:8F', 'type': 'nut', 'name': 'nut', 'rssi': -84, 'source': 'local'}}}
[2023-03-01 13:16:12.785]DEBUG : Starting new HTTP connection (1):
[2023-03-01 13:16:12.824]DEBUG : "POST /plugins/blea/core/php/jeeBlea.php?apikey=baZ1ywN6TiV3cmEaRvBrU0is2TQ8RkUA HTTP/1.1" 200 0
[2023-03-01 13:16:40.396]DEBUG : Creating a new connection for D4:C3:47:F9:A1:8F
[2023-03-01 13:16:40.397]DEBUG : CONNECTOR------Connecting : D4:C3:47:F9:A1:8F with bluetooth 1
[2023-03-01 13:16:46.205]DEBUG : Send to jeedom :  {'heartbeat': 1, 'source': 'local', 'version': '2.9'}
[2023-03-01 13:16:46.213]DEBUG : Starting new HTTP connection (1):
[2023-03-01 13:16:46.238]DEBUG : "POST /plugins/blea/core/php/jeeBlea.php?apikey=baZ1ywN6TiV3cmEaRvBrU0is2TQ8RkUA HTTP/1.1" 200 0
[2023-03-01 13:17:21.473]DEBUG : CONNECTOR------Failed to connect to peripheral D4:C3:47:F9:A1:8F, addr type: random attempt 1
[2023-03-01 13:17:32.485]DEBUG : Creating a new connection for D4:C3:47:F9:A1:8F
[2023-03-01 13:17:32.485]DEBUG : CONNECTOR------Connecting : D4:C3:47:F9:A1:8F with bluetooth 1
[2023-03-01 13:17:36.450]DEBUG : CONNECTOR------Failed to connect to peripheral D4:C3:47:F9:A1:8F, addr type: random attempt 1


L’adresse MAC D4:C3:47:F9:A1:8Fc’est un de vos nut?
Qu’en est il des réponses aux questions?