Je viens d’installer une nouvelle VM Debian 11 avec Jeedom, j’ai restauré et impossible de faire marcher de nouveau mon NUT Mini (j’arrive à le faire sonner depuis mon iPhone). De plus, je remarque, que je n’arrive plus non plus à détecter des nouveaux équipements avec MQTT Discovery. @Mips m’a répondu et m’a confirmé que ça ne vient pas de MQTT Discovery. Du coup, j’explore les autres pistes.
Voici quelques éléments et aussi ma conf TGW (on ne sait jamais)
J’ai installé les paquets bluez bluez-tools
# hcitool dev
hci0 00:01:95:3E:A5:93
Si je tape: bluetoothctl, je vois une tonne de périphériques qui apparaisse mais pas évident d’identifier mon NUT (j’'ai essayé de chercher avec l’adresse mac que j’avais choppé de l’application sur l’iPhone mais je le vois pas)
Voici d’autres infos:
# sudo systemctl status bluetooth
● bluetooth.service - Bluetooth service
Loaded: loaded (/lib/systemd/system/bluetooth.service; enabled; vendor preset: enabled)
Active: active (running) since Wed 2024-12-25 14:29:37 CET; 1h 5min ago
Docs: man:bluetoothd(8)
Main PID: 750 (bluetoothd)
Status: "Running"
Tasks: 1 (limit: 2323)
Memory: 3.3M
CPU: 482ms
CGroup: /system.slice/bluetooth.service
└─750 /usr/libexec/bluetooth/bluetoothd
déc. 25 14:29:37 NUC8i7BEH-debian11 systemd[1]: Starting Bluetooth service...
déc. 25 14:29:37 NUC8i7BEH-debian11 bluetoothd[750]: Bluetooth daemon 5.55
déc. 25 14:29:37 NUC8i7BEH-debian11 systemd[1]: Started Bluetooth service.
déc. 25 14:29:37 NUC8i7BEH-debian11 bluetoothd[750]: Starting SDP server
déc. 25 14:29:37 NUC8i7BEH-debian11 bluetoothd[750]: Bluetooth management interface 1.18 initialized
déc. 25 14:29:37 NUC8i7BEH-debian11 bluetoothd[750]: profiles/sap/server.c:sap_server_register() Sap driver initialization failed.
déc. 25 14:29:37 NUC8i7BEH-debian11 bluetoothd[750]: sap-server: Operation not permitted (1)
# rfkill list
0: hci0: Bluetooth
Soft blocked: no
Hard blocked: no
Capture de santé Jeedom
Capture d’écran de la page de config du plugin
Logs TGW (j’ai obfusqué un password):
[2024-12-25 13:06:49][DEBUG] : local exec:hcitool dev | grep hci =>
[2024-12-25 13:22:28][DEBUG] : local exec:hcitool dev | grep hci =>
[2024-12-25 13:22:33][DEBUG] : local exec:hcitool dev | grep hci =>
[2024-12-25 13:22:43][DEBUG] : local exec:hcitool dev | grep hci =>
[2024-12-25 13:23:17][DEBUG] : local exec:hcitool dev | grep hci =>
[2024-12-25 14:13:02][DEBUG] : local exec:hcitool dev | grep hci =>
[2024-12-25 14:16:38][DEBUG] : local exec:hcitool dev | grep hci =>
[2024-12-25 14:18:43][INFO] : (Re)Démarrage de l'antenne 'TGW01'
[2024-12-25 14:18:43][DEBUG] : Listening to topic:'tgw'
[2024-12-25 14:18:43][DEBUG] : local exec:sudo systemctl restart bluetooth.service =>
[2024-12-25 14:18:43][DEBUG] : local exec:sudo systemctl restart TheengsGateway.service =>
[2024-12-25 14:18:54][DEBUG] : local exec:hcitool dev | grep hci =>
[2024-12-25 15:16:15][DEBUG] : local exec:hcitool dev | grep hci => hci0 00:01:95:3E:A5:93
[2024-12-25 15:45:35][DEBUG] : local exec:hcitool dev | grep hci => hci0 00:01:95:3E:A5:93
[2024-12-25 15:46:23][DEBUG] : local exec:hcitool dev | grep hci => hci0 00:01:95:3E:A5:93
[2024-12-25 15:46:37][DEBUG] : adapter changed
[2024-12-25 15:46:37][DEBUG] : Listening to topic:'tgw'
[2024-12-25 15:46:37][INFO] : Configuration de l'antenne 'TGW01'
[2024-12-25 15:46:37][DEBUG] : Informations reçues de mqtt2: {"ip":"","port":"1883","protocol":"mqtt","user":"jeedom","password":"xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"}
[2024-12-25 15:46:37][DEBUG] : local exec:echo '{"adapter":"hci0","discovery_filter":["IBEACON","GAEN","MS-CDP","APPLE_CONT","APPLE_CONTAT"],"discovery_device_name":"TGW01","presence":0,"presence_topic":"home\/TGW_171\/presence","log_level":"WARNING","host":"","port":1883,"user":"jeedom","pass":"xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx","lwt_topic":"tgw\/171\/LWT","publish_topic":"home\/TGW_171\/BTtoMQTT","ble_scan_time":5,"ble_time_between_scans":5,"publish_advdata":"0"}' | sudo tee /root/theengsgw.conf => {"adapter":"hci0","discovery_filter":["IBEACON","GAEN","MS-CDP","APPLE_CONT","APPLE_CONTAT"],"discovery_device_name":"TGW01","presence":0,"presence_topic":"home\/TGW_171\/presence","log_level":"WARNING","host":"","port":1883,"user":"jeedom","pass":"xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx","lwt_topic":"tgw\/171\/LWT","publish_topic":"home\/TGW_171\/BTtoMQTT","ble_scan_time":5,"ble_time_between_scans":5,"publish_advdata":"0"}
[2024-12-25 15:46:37][DEBUG] : local exec:sudo systemctl stop TheengsGateway.service =>
[2024-12-25 15:46:37][DEBUG] : local exec:echo ' [Unit] Description=TheengsGateway Service [Service] Type=simple ExecStart=/opt/TheengsGateway/bin/python3 -m TheengsGateway Restart=always RestartSec=10 StandardOutput=append:/var/www/html/log/tgw_171 StandardError=append:/var/www/html/log/tgw_171 [Install] ' | sudo tee /etc/systemd/system/TheengsGateway.service =>
[2024-12-25 15:46:37][DEBUG] : local exec:sudo systemctl daemon-reload =>
[2024-12-25 15:46:37][DEBUG] : local exec:sudo systemctl enable --now TheengsGateway.service =>
[2024-12-25 15:46:38][DEBUG] : local exec:hcitool dev | grep hci => hci0 00:01:95:3E:A5:93
[2024-12-25 15:46:47][DEBUG] : local exec:hcitool dev | grep hci => hci0 00:01:95:3E:A5:93
[2024-12-25 15:47:45][DEBUG] : local exec:hcitool dev | grep hci => hci0 00:01:95:3E:A5:93
[2024-12-25 15:48:09][INFO] : (Re)Démarrage de l'antenne 'TGW01'
[2024-12-25 15:48:09][DEBUG] : Listening to topic:'tgw'
[2024-12-25 15:48:09][DEBUG] : local exec:sudo systemctl restart bluetooth.service =>
[2024-12-25 15:48:09][DEBUG] : local exec:sudo systemctl restart TheengsGateway.service =>
[2024-12-25 15:48:31][DEBUG] : local exec:hcitool dev | grep hci => hci0 00:01:95:3E:A5:93
[2024-12-25 15:50:09][DEBUG] : local exec:hcitool dev | grep hci => hci0 00:01:95:3E:A5:93
[2024-12-25 15:54:01][DEBUG] : local exec:hcitool dev | grep hci => hci0 00:01:95:3E:A5:93
[2024-12-25 15:54:21][DEBUG] : local exec:hcitool dev | grep hci => hci0 00:01:95:3E:A5:93