J’ai mis à jour le plugin hier, cela faisait longtemps qu’il n’avait pas été mis à jour.
Il me dit que ma version d’alarme n’est plus supportée.
Quelles sont les versions HW supportées?
J’ai mis à jour le plugin hier, cela faisait longtemps qu’il n’avait pas été mis à jour.
Il me dit que ma version d’alarme n’est plus supportée.
Quelles sont les versions HW supportées?
Nous n’avons pas la liste des versions HW supportées, somfy ne publie pas d’information sur les version dispo.
Nous avons identifiés avec différents utilisateurs 4 variantes logicielles différentes, qui sont toutes prise en charge par le plugin.
Aucune mise à jour n’a arrêté le support d’une version qui pouvait être supportée par le passé. Il est juste probable qu’après la mise à jour le plugin ai perdu la session active de l’alarme.
En cas de difficulté persistente, je te propose de :
1 - Désactive le plugin Jeedom
2 - Débranche, puis rebranche ton alarme afin de t’assurer qu’il n’y aura plus de session active.
3 - Réactive le plugin apres avoir attendu que ton alarme ai terminé son redémarrage (et surtout sans que tu y sois connecter en //)
Tout devrait rentrer dans l’ordre.
Merci, j’ai juste attendu au moins 1 jour, il devait y avoir un pb de session en effet.
J’aurai du stopper le daemon avant de mettre à jour.
J’ai des pb de remontée de data, peut etre que ce n’est pas immédiat.
J’ai toujours des problèmes…
voici la notification:
[Protexiom-32] 3817 Hardware version guessing test result Connection to host: OK HW Version: 3 Login URL recognition: FAILED HW Version: 1 Login URL recognition: FAILED HW Version: 2 Login URL recognition: FAILED HW Version: 4 Login URL recognition: FAILED Deactivating Protexiom
Quand je réactive, j’ai la roue crantée qui reste affichée très longtemps… au bout de 3 minutes, je fais un refresh de mon navigateur, l’alarme est détectée en mode 4, et voici le log:
[2020-03-06 22:05:02][DEBUG] : [Protexiom-32] 3474 Running postsave method...
[2020-03-06 22:05:02][DEBUG] : [Protexiom-32] 3474 Logging off during daemon_stop
[2020-03-06 22:05:04][DEBUG] : [Protexiom-32] 3474 Running postsave method...
[2020-03-06 22:05:04][DEBUG] : [Protexiom-32] 3474 Logging off during daemon_stop
[2020-03-06 22:05:07][INFO] : [Protexiom-32] 3474 Enabling Centralisation lumières from parent.
[2020-03-06 22:05:07][INFO] : [Protexiom-32] 3474 Enabling Centralisation volets from parent.
[2020-03-06 22:05:07][INFO] : [Protexiom-32] 3474 Enabling BA-Visiteur from parent.
[2020-03-06 22:05:07][INFO] : [Protexiom-32] 3474 Enabling CentraleTel from parent.
[2020-03-06 22:05:07][INFO] : [Protexiom-32] 3474 Enabling DM-Couloir from parent.
[2020-03-06 22:05:07][INFO] : [Protexiom-32] 3474 Enabling DM-Salon from parent.
[2020-03-06 22:05:07][INFO] : [Protexiom-32] 3474 Enabling DO-Buanderie from parent.
[2020-03-06 22:05:07][INFO] : [Protexiom-32] 3474 Enabling DO-Entree from parent.
[2020-03-06 22:05:07][INFO] : [Protexiom-32] 3474 Enabling DO-Sas from parent.
[2020-03-06 22:05:07][INFO] : [Protexiom-32] 3474 Enabling LCD from parent.
[2020-03-06 22:05:07][INFO] : [Protexiom-32] 3474 Enabling SirExt from parent.
[2020-03-06 22:05:07][INFO] : [Protexiom-32] 3474 Enabling SirInt from parent.
[2020-03-06 22:05:11][DEBUG] : [Protexiom-32] 3474 Status refreshed
[2020-03-06 22:05:11][DEBUG] : [Protexiom-32] 3474 Setting new battery value to 100
[2020-03-06 22:05:11][DEBUG] : [Protexiom-32] 3474 Running postsave method...
[2020-03-06 22:05:11][DEBUG] : [Protexiom-32] 3474 Logging off during daemon_stop
[2020-03-06 22:05:20][DEBUG] : [Protexiom-32] 3474 Status refreshed
[2020-03-06 22:05:20][DEBUG] : [Protexiom-32] 3474 Setting new battery value to 100
[2020-03-06 22:05:20][DEBUG] : [Protexiom-32] 3474 Running postsave method...
[2020-03-06 22:05:20][DEBUG] : [Protexiom-32] 3474 Logging off during daemon_stop
[2020-03-06 22:05:26][DEBUG] : [Protexiom-32] 3474 Status refreshed
[2020-03-06 22:05:26][DEBUG] : [Protexiom-32] 3474 Setting new battery value to 100
[2020-03-06 22:05:26][DEBUG] : [Protexiom-32] 3474 Running postsave method...
[2020-03-06 22:05:26][DEBUG] : [Protexiom-32] 3474 Logging off during daemon_stop
[2020-03-06 22:05:32][DEBUG] : [Protexiom-32] 3474 Status refreshed
[2020-03-06 22:05:32][DEBUG] : [Protexiom-32] 3474 Setting new battery value to 100
[2020-03-06 22:05:32][DEBUG] : [Protexiom-32] 3474 Running postsave method...
[2020-03-06 22:05:32][DEBUG] : [Protexiom-32] 3474 Logging off during daemon_stop
[2020-03-06 22:05:39][DEBUG] : [Protexiom-32] 3474 Status refreshed
[2020-03-06 22:05:39][DEBUG] : [Protexiom-32] 3474 Setting new battery value to 100
[2020-03-06 22:05:39][DEBUG] : [Protexiom-32] 3474 Running postsave method...
[2020-03-06 22:05:39][DEBUG] : [Protexiom-32] 3474 Logging off during daemon_stop
[2020-03-06 22:05:45][DEBUG] : [Protexiom-32] 3474 Status refreshed
[2020-03-06 22:05:45][DEBUG] : [Protexiom-32] 3474 Setting new battery value to 100
[2020-03-06 22:05:45][DEBUG] : [Protexiom-32] 3474 Running postsave method...
[2020-03-06 22:05:45][DEBUG] : [Protexiom-32] 3474 Logging off during daemon_stop
[2020-03-06 22:05:51][DEBUG] : [Protexiom-32] 3474 Status refreshed
[2020-03-06 22:05:51][DEBUG] : [Protexiom-32] 3474 Setting new battery value to 100
[2020-03-06 22:05:51][DEBUG] : [Protexiom-32] 3474 Running postsave method...
[2020-03-06 22:05:51][DEBUG] : [Protexiom-32] 3474 Logging off during daemon_stop
[2020-03-06 22:05:57][DEBUG] : [Protexiom-32] 3474 Status refreshed
[2020-03-06 22:05:57][DEBUG] : [Protexiom-32] 3474 Setting new battery value to 100
[2020-03-06 22:05:57][DEBUG] : [Protexiom-32] 3474 Running postsave method...
[2020-03-06 22:05:57][DEBUG] : [Protexiom-32] 3474 Logging off during daemon_stop
[2020-03-06 22:06:04][DEBUG] : [Protexiom-32] 3474 Status refreshed
[2020-03-06 22:06:04][DEBUG] : [Protexiom-32] 3474 Setting new battery value to 100
[2020-03-06 22:06:04][DEBUG] : [Protexiom-32] 3474 Running postsave method...
[2020-03-06 22:06:04][DEBUG] : [Protexiom-32] 3474 Logging off during daemon_stop
[2020-03-06 22:06:10][DEBUG] : [Protexiom-32] 3474 Status refreshed
[2020-03-06 22:06:10][DEBUG] : [Protexiom-32] 3474 Setting new battery value to 100
[2020-03-06 22:06:10][DEBUG] : [Protexiom-32] 3474 Running postsave method...
[2020-03-06 22:06:10][DEBUG] : [Protexiom-32] 3474 Logging off during daemon_stop
[2020-03-06 22:06:16][DEBUG] : [Protexiom-32] 3474 Status refreshed
[2020-03-06 22:06:16][DEBUG] : [Protexiom-32] 3474 Setting new battery value to 100
[2020-03-06 22:06:16][DEBUG] : [Protexiom-32] 3474 Running postsave method...
[2020-03-06 22:06:16][DEBUG] : [Protexiom-32] 3474 Logging off during daemon_stop
[2020-03-06 22:06:22][DEBUG] : [Protexiom-32] 3474 Status refreshed
[2020-03-06 22:06:22][DEBUG] : [Protexiom-32] 3474 Setting new battery value to 100
[2020-03-06 22:06:22][DEBUG] : [Protexiom-32] 3474 Running postsave method...
[2020-03-06 22:06:22][DEBUG] : [Protexiom-32] 3474 Logging off during daemon_stop
[2020-03-06 22:06:28][DEBUG] : [Protexiom-32] 3474 Status refreshed
[2020-03-06 22:06:28][DEBUG] : [Protexiom-32] 3474 Setting new battery value to 100
[2020-03-06 22:06:28][DEBUG] : [Protexiom-32] 3474 Running postsave method...
[2020-03-06 22:06:28][DEBUG] : [Protexiom-32] 3474 Logging off during daemon_stop
[2020-03-06 22:06:35][DEBUG] : [Protexiom-32] 3474 Status refreshed
[2020-03-06 22:06:35][DEBUG] : [Protexiom-32] 3474 Setting new battery value to 100
[2020-03-06 22:06:35][DEBUG] : [Protexiom-32] 3474 Running postsave method...
[2020-03-06 22:06:35][DEBUG] : [Protexiom-32] 3474 Logging off during daemon_stop
[2020-03-06 22:06:41][DEBUG] : [Protexiom-32] 3474 Status refreshed
[2020-03-06 22:06:41][DEBUG] : [Protexiom-32] 3474 Setting new battery value to 100
[2020-03-06 22:06:41][DEBUG] : [Protexiom-32] 3474 Running postsave method...
[2020-03-06 22:06:41][DEBUG] : [Protexiom-32] 3474 Logging off during daemon_stop
[2020-03-06 22:06:47][DEBUG] : [Protexiom-32] 3474 Status refreshed
[2020-03-06 22:06:47][DEBUG] : [Protexiom-32] 3474 Setting new battery value to 100
[2020-03-06 22:06:47][DEBUG] : [Protexiom-32] 3474 Running postsave method...
[2020-03-06 22:06:47][DEBUG] : [Protexiom-32] 3474 Logging off during daemon_stop
[2020-03-06 22:06:53][DEBUG] : [Protexiom-32] 3474 Status refreshed
[2020-03-06 22:06:53][DEBUG] : [Protexiom-32] 3474 Setting new battery value to 100
[2020-03-06 22:06:53][DEBUG] : [Protexiom-32] 3474 Running postsave method...
[2020-03-06 22:06:53][DEBUG] : [Protexiom-32] 3474 Logging off during daemon_stop
[2020-03-06 22:07:00][DEBUG] : [Protexiom-32] 3474 Status refreshed
[2020-03-06 22:07:00][DEBUG] : [Protexiom-32] 3474 Setting new battery value to 100
[2020-03-06 22:07:00][DEBUG] : [Protexiom-32] 3474 Running postsave method...
[2020-03-06 22:07:00][DEBUG] : [Protexiom-32] 3474 Logging off during daemon_stop
[2020-03-06 22:07:06][DEBUG] : [Protexiom-32] 3474 Status refreshed
[2020-03-06 22:07:06][DEBUG] : [Protexiom-32] 3474 Setting new battery value to 100
[2020-03-06 22:07:06][DEBUG] : [Protexiom-32] 3474 Running postsave method...
[2020-03-06 22:07:06][DEBUG] : [Protexiom-32] 3474 Logging off during daemon_stop
[2020-03-06 22:07:12][DEBUG] : [Protexiom-32] 3474 Status refreshed
[2020-03-06 22:07:12][DEBUG] : [Protexiom-32] 3474 Setting new battery value to 100
[2020-03-06 22:07:12][DEBUG] : [Protexiom-32] 3474 Running postsave method...
[2020-03-06 22:07:12][DEBUG] : [Protexiom-32] 3474 Logging off during daemon_stop
[2020-03-06 22:07:19][DEBUG] : [Protexiom-32] 3474 Status refreshed
[2020-03-06 22:07:19][DEBUG] : [Protexiom-32] 3474 Setting new battery value to 100
[2020-03-06 22:07:19][DEBUG] : [Protexiom-32] 3474 Running postsave method...
[2020-03-06 22:07:19][DEBUG] : [Protexiom-32] 3474 Logging off during daemon_stop
[2020-03-06 22:07:25][DEBUG] : [Protexiom-32] 3474 Status refreshed
[2020-03-06 22:07:25][DEBUG] : [Protexiom-32] 3474 Setting new battery value to 100
[2020-03-06 22:07:25][DEBUG] : [Protexiom-32] 3474 Running postsave method...
[2020-03-06 22:07:25][DEBUG] : [Protexiom-32] 3474 Logging off during daemon_stop
[2020-03-06 22:07:31][DEBUG] : [Protexiom-32] 3474 Status refreshed
[2020-03-06 22:07:31][DEBUG] : [Protexiom-32] 3474 Setting new battery value to 100
[2020-03-06 22:07:31][DEBUG] : [Protexiom-32] 3474 Running postsave method...
[2020-03-06 22:07:31][DEBUG] : [Protexiom-32] 3474 Logging off during daemon_stop
[2020-03-06 22:07:37][DEBUG] : [Protexiom-32] 3474 Status refreshed
[2020-03-06 22:07:37][DEBUG] : [Protexiom-32] 3474 Setting new battery value to 100
[2020-03-06 22:07:37][DEBUG] : [Protexiom-32] 3474 Running postsave method...
[2020-03-06 22:07:37][DEBUG] : [Protexiom-32] 3474 Logging off during daemon_stop
[2020-03-06 22:07:44][DEBUG] : [Protexiom-32] 3474 Status refreshed
[2020-03-06 22:07:44][DEBUG] : [Protexiom-32] 3474 Setting new battery value to 100
[2020-03-06 22:07:44][DEBUG] : [Protexiom-32] 3474 Running postsave method...
[2020-03-06 22:07:44][DEBUG] : [Protexiom-32] 3474 Logging off during daemon_stop
[2020-03-06 22:07:50][DEBUG] : [Protexiom-32] 3474 Status refreshed
[2020-03-06 22:07:50][DEBUG] : [Protexiom-32] 3474 Setting new battery value to 100
[2020-03-06 22:07:50][DEBUG] : [Protexiom-32] 3474 Running postsave method...
[2020-03-06 22:07:50][DEBUG] : [Protexiom-32] 3474 Logging off during daemon_stop
[2020-03-06 22:07:57][DEBUG] : [Protexiom-32] 3474 Status refreshed
[2020-03-06 22:07:57][DEBUG] : [Protexiom-32] 3474 Setting new battery value to 100
[2020-03-06 22:07:57][DEBUG] : [Protexiom-32] 3474 Running postsave method...
[2020-03-06 22:07:57][DEBUG] : [Protexiom-32] 3474 Logging off during daemon_stop
[2020-03-06 22:08:03][DEBUG] : [Protexiom-32] 3474 Status refreshed
[2020-03-06 22:08:03][DEBUG] : [Protexiom-32] 3474 Setting new battery value to 100
[2020-03-06 22:08:03][DEBUG] : [Protexiom-32] 3474 Running postsave method...
[2020-03-06 22:08:03][DEBUG] : [Protexiom-32] 3474 Logging off during daemon_stop
[2020-03-06 22:08:10][DEBUG] : [Protexiom-32] 3474 Status refreshed
[2020-03-06 22:08:10][DEBUG] : [Protexiom-32] 3474 Setting new battery value to 100
[2020-03-06 22:08:10][DEBUG] : [Protexiom-32] 3474 Running postsave method...
[2020-03-06 22:08:10][DEBUG] : [Protexiom-32] 3474 Logging off during daemon_stop
[2020-03-06 22:08:16][DEBUG] : [Protexiom-32] 3474 Status refreshed
[2020-03-06 22:08:16][DEBUG] : [Protexiom-32] 3474 Setting new battery value to 100
[2020-03-06 22:08:16][DEBUG] : [Protexiom-32] 3474 Running postsave method...
[2020-03-06 22:08:16][DEBUG] : [Protexiom-32] 3474 Logging off during daemon_stop
[2020-03-06 22:08:22][DEBUG] : [Protexiom-32] 3474 Status refreshed
[2020-03-06 22:08:22][DEBUG] : [Protexiom-32] 3474 Setting new battery value to 100
[2020-03-06 22:08:22][DEBUG] : [Protexiom-32] 3474 Running postsave method...
[2020-03-06 22:08:22][DEBUG] : [Protexiom-32] 3474 Logging off during daemon_stop
[2020-03-06 22:08:28][DEBUG] : [Protexiom-32] 3474 Status refreshed
[2020-03-06 22:08:28][DEBUG] : [Protexiom-32] 3474 Setting new battery value to 100
[2020-03-06 22:08:28][DEBUG] : [Protexiom-32] 3474 Running postsave method...
[2020-03-06 22:08:28][DEBUG] : [Protexiom-32] 3474 Logging off during daemon_stop
[2020-03-06 22:08:35][DEBUG] : [Protexiom-32] 3474 Status refreshed
[2020-03-06 22:08:35][DEBUG] : [Protexiom-32] 3474 Setting new battery value to 100
[2020-03-06 22:08:35][DEBUG] : [Protexiom-32] 3474 Running postsave method...
[2020-03-06 22:08:35][DEBUG] : [Protexiom-32] 3474 Logging off during daemon_stop
[2020-03-06 22:08:41][DEBUG] : [Protexiom-32] 3474 Status refreshed
[2020-03-06 22:08:41][DEBUG] : [Protexiom-32] 3474 Setting new battery value to 100
[2020-03-06 22:08:41][DEBUG] : [Protexiom-32] 3474 Running postsave method...
[2020-03-06 22:08:41][DEBUG] : [Protexiom-32] 3474 Logging off during daemon_stop
[2020-03-06 22:08:47][DEBUG] : [Protexiom-32] 3474 Status refreshed
[2020-03-06 22:08:47][DEBUG] : [Protexiom-32] 3474 Setting new battery value to 100
[2020-03-06 22:08:47][DEBUG] : [Protexiom-32] 3474 Running postsave method...
[2020-03-06 22:08:47][DEBUG] : [Protexiom-32] 3474 Logging off during daemon_stop
[2020-03-06 22:08:53][DEBUG] : [Protexiom-32] 3474 Status refreshed
[2020-03-06 22:08:53][DEBUG] : [Protexiom-32] 3474 Setting new battery value to 100
[2020-03-06 22:08:53][DEBUG] : [Protexiom-32] 3474 Running postsave method...
[2020-03-06 22:08:53][DEBUG] : [Protexiom-32] 3474 Logging off during daemon_stop
Au bout d’un moment, l’alarme est de nouveau désactivée.
Version 2020-02-18 11:50:45
Version Jeedom 3.3.16
[2020-03-06 22:19:56][DEBUG] : [Protexiom-32] 3474 Setting new battery value to 100
[2020-03-06 22:19:56][DEBUG] : [Protexiom-32] 3474 Running postsave method...
[2020-03-06 22:19:56][DEBUG] : [Protexiom-32] 3474 Logging off during daemon_stop
[2020-03-06 22:20:02][ERROR] : Attention je pense qu'il y a un soucis avec le démon que j'ai relancé plus de 3 fois consecutivement
[2020-03-06 22:20:02][DEBUG] : [Protexiom-32] 22893 Logging off during daemon_stop
[2020-03-06 22:20:02][DEBUG] : [Protexiom-32] 22893 Cached protexiom cookie found during initSpBrowser.
[2020-03-06 22:20:03][DEBUG] : [Protexiom-32] 3474 Status refreshed
[2020-03-06 22:20:03][DEBUG] : [Protexiom-32] 3474 Setting new battery value to 100
[2020-03-06 22:20:03][DEBUG] : [Protexiom-32] 3474 Running postsave method...
[2020-03-06 22:20:03][DEBUG] : [Protexiom-32] 22893 Successfull logout during daemon_stop
[2020-03-06 22:20:03][DEBUG] : [Protexiom-32] 3474 Logging off during daemon_stop
[2020-03-06 22:20:03][DEBUG] : [*-*] 22893 Daemon started (launchable=ok)
[2020-03-06 22:20:03][DEBUG] : [*-*] 23053 Starting protexiom pull 2020-03-06 22:20:03
[2020-03-06 22:20:03][DEBUG] : [Protexiom-32] 23053 running scheduled equipement update
[2020-03-06 22:20:05][DEBUG] : [Protexiom-32] 23053 Sucessfull login during scheduled pull. authCookie cached.
[2020-03-06 22:20:05][ERROR] : [Protexiom-32] 3474 Hardware version guessing test result Connection to host: OK HW Version: 3 Login URL recognition: FAILED HW Version: 1 Login URL recognition: FAILED HW Version: 2 Login URL recognition: FAILED HW Version: 4 Login URL recognition: FAILED Deactivating Protexiom
[2020-03-06 22:20:07][DEBUG] : [Protexiom-32] 3474 Logging off during daemon_stop
[2020-03-06 22:20:07][DEBUG] : [*-*] 3474 Daemon started (launchable=ok)
[2020-03-06 22:20:07][INFO] : [Protexiom-32] 3474 Disabling Centralisation lumières from parent.
[2020-03-06 22:20:07][INFO] : [Protexiom-32] 3474 Disabling Centralisation volets from parent.
[2020-03-06 22:20:07][INFO] : [Protexiom-32] 3474 Disabling BA-Visiteur from parent.
[2020-03-06 22:20:07][INFO] : [Protexiom-32] 3474 Disabling CentraleTel from parent.
[2020-03-06 22:20:07][INFO] : [Protexiom-32] 3474 Disabling DM-Couloir from parent.
[2020-03-06 22:20:07][INFO] : [Protexiom-32] 3474 Disabling DM-Salon from parent.
[2020-03-06 22:20:07][INFO] : [Protexiom-32] 3474 Disabling DO-Buanderie from parent.
[2020-03-06 22:20:07][INFO] : [Protexiom-32] 3474 Disabling DO-Entree from parent.
[2020-03-06 22:20:07][INFO] : [Protexiom-32] 3474 Disabling DO-Sas from parent.
[2020-03-06 22:20:07][INFO] : [Protexiom-32] 3474 Disabling LCD from parent.
[2020-03-06 22:20:07][INFO] : [Protexiom-32] 3474 Disabling SirExt from parent.
[2020-03-06 22:20:07][INFO] : [Protexiom-32] 3474 Disabling SirInt from parent.
[2020-03-06 22:20:07][DEBUG] : [Protexiom-32] 3474 Running postsave method...
[2020-03-06 22:20:08][DEBUG] : [Protexiom-32] 3474 Logging off during daemon_stop
[2020-03-06 22:20:08][DEBUG] : [Protexiom-32] 3474 Logging off during daemon_stop
[2020-03-06 22:20:08][DEBUG] : [*-*] 3474 Daemon unlaunchable. Won't start (launchable=nok)