Bonjours à tous,
Je rencontre une difficulté à intégrer mon module shelly à jeedom avec le plugin Jmqtt.
J’ai suivi à la lettre ce tuto : TUTO - utiliser un Module Shelly 1 sans le flasher (Avec JMQTT) - Forum Communauté Jeedom
Arrivé au point N° 5 quand je clique sur inclusion, jeedom ne remonte jamais et si j’active/désactive mon shelly aucune commande ne remonte.
Dans les logs je n’ai aucune erreur.
Dans l’onglet santé je suis en OK partout, dans la configuration du plugin le daemon est en OK.
Voici les logs du brocker
[2021-03-27 13:37:15][INFO] : active le mode d'inclusion automatique
[2021-03-27 13:37:15][INFO] : arrête le démon
[2021-03-27 13:37:16][INFO] : démarre le démon
[2021-03-27 13:37:16][DEBUG] : daemon starts, pid is 25976
[2021-03-27 13:37:16][DEBUG] : status cmd id: 747, topic:
[2021-03-27 13:37:16][INFO] : Connect to mosquitto: Host=localhost, Port=1883, Id=jeedom
[2021-03-27 13:37:16][DEBUG] : broker msg: Client jeedom sending CONNECT
[2021-03-27 13:37:16][DEBUG] : broker msg: Client jeedom sending SUBSCRIBE (Mid: 1, Topic: #, QoS: 1, Options: 0x00)
[2021-03-27 13:37:16][DEBUG] : Subscribe to topic "#" with Qos=1
[2021-03-27 13:37:16][INFO] : No need to subscribe to the API topic "jeedom/api"
[2021-03-27 13:37:16][DEBUG] : broker msg: Client jeedom received CONNACK (0)
[2021-03-27 13:37:16][DEBUG] : broker msg: connection response is Connection Accepted.
[2021-03-27 13:37:16][DEBUG] : broker msg: Client jeedom sending PUBLISH (d0, q1, r1, m2, 'jeedom/status', ... (6 bytes))
[2021-03-27 13:37:16][DEBUG] : broker msg: Client jeedom received SUBACK
[2021-03-27 13:37:16][DEBUG] : broker msg: topic subscription accepted, mid=1
[2021-03-27 13:37:16][DEBUG] : broker msg: Client jeedom received PUBLISH (d0, q1, r1, m1, 'jeedom/status', ... (7 bytes))
[2021-03-27 13:37:16][DEBUG] : broker msg: Client jeedom sending PUBACK (m1, rc0)
[2021-03-27 13:37:16][DEBUG] : Payload offline for topic jeedom/status
[2021-03-27 13:37:16][INFO] : -> shelly|status offline
[2021-03-27 13:37:16][DEBUG] : broker msg: Client jeedom received PUBLISH (d0, q1, r0, m2, 'jeedom/status', ... (6 bytes))
[2021-03-27 13:37:16][DEBUG] : broker msg: Client jeedom sending PUBACK (m2, rc0)
[2021-03-27 13:37:16][DEBUG] : Payload online for topic jeedom/status
[2021-03-27 13:37:16][INFO] : -> shelly|status online
[2021-03-27 13:37:16][DEBUG] : broker msg: Client jeedom received PUBACK (Mid: 2, RC:0)
[2021-03-27 13:38:16][DEBUG] : broker msg: Client jeedom sending PINGREQ
[2021-03-27 13:38:16][DEBUG] : broker msg: Client jeedom received PINGRESP
[2021-03-27 13:39:02][INFO] : désactive le mode d'inclusion automatique
[2021-03-27 13:39:02][INFO] : arrête le démon
[2021-03-27 13:39:03][INFO] : démarre le démon
[2021-03-27 13:39:03][DEBUG] : daemon starts, pid is 27300
[2021-03-27 13:39:03][DEBUG] : status cmd id: 747, topic:
[2021-03-27 13:39:03][INFO] : Connect to mosquitto: Host=localhost, Port=1883, Id=jeedom
[2021-03-27 13:39:03][DEBUG] : broker msg: Client jeedom sending CONNECT
[2021-03-27 13:39:03][INFO] : Equipment shelly: subscribes to "jeedom/#" with Qos=1
[2021-03-27 13:39:03][DEBUG] : broker msg: Client jeedom sending SUBSCRIBE (Mid: 1, Topic: jeedom/#, QoS: 1, Options: 0x00)
[2021-03-27 13:39:03][INFO] : Subscribes to the API topic "jeedom/api"
[2021-03-27 13:39:03][DEBUG] : broker msg: Client jeedom sending SUBSCRIBE (Mid: 2, Topic: jeedom/api, QoS: 1, Options: 0x00)
[2021-03-27 13:39:03][DEBUG] : broker msg: Client jeedom received CONNACK (0)
[2021-03-27 13:39:03][DEBUG] : broker msg: connection response is Connection Accepted.
[2021-03-27 13:39:03][DEBUG] : broker msg: Client jeedom sending PUBLISH (d0, q1, r1, m3, 'jeedom/status', ... (6 bytes))
[2021-03-27 13:39:03][DEBUG] : broker msg: Client jeedom received SUBACK
[2021-03-27 13:39:03][DEBUG] : broker msg: topic subscription accepted, mid=1
[2021-03-27 13:39:03][DEBUG] : broker msg: Client jeedom received PUBLISH (d0, q1, r1, m1, 'jeedom/status', ... (7 bytes))
[2021-03-27 13:39:03][DEBUG] : broker msg: Client jeedom sending PUBACK (m1, rc0)
[2021-03-27 13:39:03][DEBUG] : Payload offline for topic jeedom/status
[2021-03-27 13:39:04][INFO] : -> shelly|status offline
[2021-03-27 13:39:04][DEBUG] : broker msg: Client jeedom received SUBACK
[2021-03-27 13:39:04][DEBUG] : broker msg: topic subscription accepted, mid=2
[2021-03-27 13:39:04][DEBUG] : broker msg: Client jeedom received PUBLISH (d0, q1, r0, m2, 'jeedom/status', ... (6 bytes))
[2021-03-27 13:39:04][DEBUG] : broker msg: Client jeedom sending PUBACK (m2, rc0)
[2021-03-27 13:39:04][DEBUG] : Payload online for topic jeedom/status
[2021-03-27 13:39:04][INFO] : -> shelly|status online
[2021-03-27 13:39:04][DEBUG] : broker msg: Client jeedom received PUBACK (Mid: 3, RC:0)
Et dans les logs de shelly je retrouve :
3825707126 mgos_mqtt_conn.c:471 MQTT0 connecting to
3825718575 mgos_mqtt_conn.c:229 MQTT0 TCP connect error (-9)
3825723180 mgos_mqtt_conn.c:256 MQTT0 Disconnect
3825728676 mgos_mqtt_conn.c:549 MQTT0 connecting after 61917 ms
Je suis un petit peu perdu.
Merci de votre aide