[GCAST] Impossible de faire parler Google Home Mini


je rencontre des difficultés à faire parler ma Google Home Mini.
-Pluggin Gcast intallé et activé.
-Installation des dépendances OK :

Launch install of googlecast dependancies
– Current OS version :
Description: Raspbian GNU/Linux 10 (buster)
– Updating repo…
Hit:1 https://deb.nodesource.com/node_12.x buster InRelease
Hit:2 Index of /raspbian buster InRelease
Hit:3 Index of /debian buster InRelease
Reading package lists…
– Installation of python3 and dependancies
Reading package lists…
Building dependency tree…
Reading state information…
build-essential is already the newest version (12.6).
python-dev is already the newest version (2.7.16-1).
python3 is already the newest version (3.7.3-1).
The following packages were automatically installed and are no longer required:
python-bcrypt python-blinker python-fasteners python-jwt python-lockfile
python-monotonic python-nacl python-oauthlib python-paramiko python-pexpect
python-ptyprocess python-pyasn1
Use ‹ sudo apt autoremove › to remove them.
0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 121 not upgraded.
– Installed version of Python :
Python 3.7.3
Your version of python is compatible with this plugin.
– Installation of pip for python3 and necessary libraries
Reading package lists…
Building dependency tree…
Reading state information…
python-requests is already the newest version (2.21.0-1).
python3-dev is already the newest version (3.7.3-1).
python3-pip is already the newest version (18.1-5+rpt1).
The following packages were automatically installed and are no longer required:
python-bcrypt python-blinker python-fasteners python-jwt python-lockfile
python-monotonic python-nacl python-oauthlib python-paramiko python-pexpect
python-ptyprocess python-pyasn1
Use ‹ sudo apt autoremove › to remove them.
0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 121 not upgraded.
– Installation of audio sox library
Reading package lists…
Building dependency tree…
Reading state information…
sox is already the newest version (14.4.2+git20190427-1).
The following packages were automatically installed and are no longer required:
python-bcrypt python-blinker python-fasteners python-jwt python-lockfile
python-monotonic python-nacl python-oauthlib python-paramiko python-pexpect
python-ptyprocess python-pyasn1
Use ‹ sudo apt autoremove › to remove them.
0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 121 not upgraded.
– Installation of TTS libraries
Reading package lists…
Building dependency tree…
Reading state information…
Package libttspico-utils is not available, but is referred to by another package.
This may mean that the package is missing, has been obsoleted, or
is only available from another source
E: Package ‹ libttspico-utils › has no installation candidate
– Installation of libav/ffmpeg libraries
Reading package lists…
Building dependency tree…
Reading state information…
ffmpeg is already the newest version (7:4.1.4-1+rpt7~deb10u1).
The following packages were automatically installed and are no longer required:
python-bcrypt python-blinker python-fasteners python-jwt python-lockfile
python-monotonic python-nacl python-oauthlib python-paramiko python-pexpect
python-ptyprocess python-pyasn1
Use ‹ sudo apt autoremove › to remove them.
0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 121 not upgraded.
– Upgrade setuptools with command pip3 if not up to date
Looking in indexes: Simple index, piwheels - Simple index
Requirement already satisfied: setuptools>=42.0.0 in /usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages (46.1.3)
– Installed version of pip :
pip 18.1 from /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/pip (python 3.7)
– Installation of python library ‹ requests › with command pip3
Looking in indexes: Simple index, piwheels - Simple index
Requirement already satisfied: requests>=2.21.0 in /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages (2.21.0)
– Installation of python library ‹ protobuf › with command pip3
Looking in indexes: Simple index, piwheels - Simple index
Requirement already satisfied: protobuf>=3.11.0 in /usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages (3.11.3)
Requirement already satisfied: six>=1.9 in /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages (from protobuf>=3.11.0) (1.12.0)
Requirement already satisfied: setuptools in /usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages (from protobuf>=3.11.0) (46.1.3)
– Installation of python library ‹ zeroconf › with command pip3
Looking in indexes: Simple index, piwheels - Simple index
Requirement already satisfied: zeroconf<0.24.4,>=0.22.0 in /usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages (0.24.3)
Requirement already satisfied: ifaddr in /usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages (from zeroconf<0.24.4,>=0.22.0) (0.1.6)
– Installation of python library ‹ click, bs4 and six › for TTS with command pip3
Looking in indexes: Simple index, piwheels - Simple index
Requirement already satisfied: click in /usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages (7.1.1)
Requirement already satisfied: bs4 in /usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages (0.0.1)
Requirement already satisfied: six in /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages (1.12.0)
Requirement already satisfied: beautifulsoup4 in /usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages (from bs4) (4.9.0)
Requirement already satisfied: soupsieve>1.2 in /usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages (from beautifulsoup4->bs4) (2.0)
– Installation of python library ‹ tqdm, websocket-client › for plex with command pip3
Looking in indexes: Simple index, piwheels - Simple index
Requirement already satisfied: tqdm in /usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages (4.45.0)
Requirement already satisfied: websocket-client in /usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages (0.57.0)
Requirement already satisfied: six in /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages (from websocket-client) (1.12.0)
– Installation of dependencies is done !

La google home est bien reconnu lors du scan.

Lorsque j’exécute la commande « parle », le widget affiche ‹ ERROR › et le son de la GH passe automatiquement au max.


[2020-04-16 14:55:05][DEBUG] : SENDER------Send to jeedom : {‹ devices ›: {‹ 6f8c2d21-f795-4e36-50f5-2463e1575e07 ›: {‹ uuid ›: ‹ 6f8c2d21-f795-4e36-50f5-2463e1575e07 ›, ‹ status ›: {‹ uuid ›: ‹ 6f8c2d21-f795-4e36-50f5-2463e1575e07 ›, ‹ uri ›: ‹ ›, ‹ friendly_name ›: ‹ Salle à manger ›, ‹ is_active_input ›: False, ‹ is_stand_by ›: False, ‹ volume_level ›: 64, ‹ volume_muted ›: False, ‹ app_id ›: None, ‹ icon_url ›: None, ‹ display_name ›: ‹  ›, ‹ status_text ›: ’ ', ‹ is_busy ›: False, ‹ title ›: ‹  ›, ‹ artist ›: ‹  ›, ‹ series_title ›: ‹  ›, ‹ stream_type ›: ‹ UNKNOWN ›, ‹ player_state ›: ‹ UNKNOWN ›}, ‹ typemsg ›: ‹ info ›, ‹ lastOnline ›: 1587045294, ‹ online ›: True, ‹ lastSent ›: 1587045304, ‹ lastOfflineSent ›: 1587045278, ‹ options ›: {‹ ignore_CEC ›: ‹ 0 ›}, ‹ lastScan ›: 1587045298}}}
[2020-04-16 14:55:05][DEBUG] : JEEDOMCHROMECAST------ Detected changes in status of Salle à manger
[2020-04-16 14:55:05][DEBUG] : SENDER------Send to jeedom : {‹ uuid ›: ‹ 6f8c2d21-f795-4e36-50f5-2463e1575e07 ›, ‹ nowplaying ›: {‹ uuid ›: ‹ 6f8c2d21-f795-4e36-50f5-2463e1575e07 ›, ‹ online ›: True, ‹ friendly_name ›: ‹ Salle à manger ›, ‹ is_active_input ›: False, ‹ is_stand_by ›: False, ‹ volume_level ›: 46, ‹ volume_muted ›: False, ‹ app_id ›: None, ‹ icon_url ›: None, ‹ display_name ›: ‹  ›, ‹ status_text ›: ’ ', ‹ is_busy ›: False, ‹ title ›: None, ‹ album_artist ›: None, ‹ metadata_type ›: None, ‹ album_name ›: None, ‹ current_time ›: ‹ 0 ›, ‹ artist ›: None, ‹ series_title ›: None, ‹ season ›: None, ‹ episode ›: None, ‹ image ›: None, ‹ stream_type ›: ‹ UNKNOWN ›, ‹ track ›: None, ‹ player_state ›: ‹ UNKNOWN ›, ‹ supported_media_commands ›: 0, ‹ supports_pause ›: False, ‹ duration ›: None, ‹ content_type ›: None, ‹ idle_reason ›: None}}
[2020-04-16 14:55:05][DEBUG] : SENDER------Send to jeedom : {‹ devices ›: {‹ 6f8c2d21-f795-4e36-50f5-2463e1575e07 ›: {‹ uuid ›: ‹ 6f8c2d21-f795-4e36-50f5-2463e1575e07 ›, ‹ status ›: {‹ uuid ›: ‹ 6f8c2d21-f795-4e36-50f5-2463e1575e07 ›, ‹ uri ›: ‹ ›, ‹ friendly_name ›: ‹ Salle à manger ›, ‹ is_active_input ›: False, ‹ is_stand_by ›: False, ‹ volume_level ›: 46, ‹ volume_muted ›: False, ‹ app_id ›: None, ‹ icon_url ›: None, ‹ display_name ›: ‹  ›, ‹ status_text ›: ’ ', ‹ is_busy ›: False, ‹ title ›: ‹  ›, ‹ artist ›: ‹  ›, ‹ series_title ›: ‹  ›, ‹ stream_type ›: ‹ UNKNOWN ›, ‹ player_state ›: ‹ UNKNOWN ›}, ‹ typemsg ›: ‹ info ›, ‹ lastOnline ›: 1587045294, ‹ online ›: True, ‹ lastSent ›: 1587045305, ‹ lastOfflineSent ›: 1587045278, ‹ options ›: {‹ ignore_CEC ›: ‹ 0 ›}, ‹ lastScan ›: 1587045298}}}
[2020-04-16 14:55:05][DEBUG] : SOCKETHANDLER------Client connected to []
[2020-04-16 14:55:05][DEBUG] : SOCKETHANDLER------Message read from socket: {« apikey »: « XXXXXXXXXXXXX », « cmd »: « action », « device »: {« uuid »: « 6f8c2d21-f795-4e36-50f5-2463e1575e07 », « source »: « googlecast »}, « command »: [{« cmd »: « volume_set », « value »: « 58 »}]}
[2020-04-16 14:55:05][DEBUG] : SOCKETHANDLER------Client disconnected from []
[2020-04-16 14:55:05][DEBUG] : SOCKET-READ------Message received in socket JEEDOM_SOCKET_MESSAGE
[2020-04-16 14:55:05][DEBUG] : SOCKET-READ------Received command from jeedom : action
[2020-04-16 14:55:05][DEBUG] : SOCKET-READ------Attempt an action on a device
[2020-04-16 14:55:05][DEBUG] : SOCKET-READ------Action Thread Launched
[2020-04-16 14:55:05][DEBUG] : ACTION------ action - volume_set - 6f8c2d21-f795-4e36-50f5-2463e1575e07 - 58 - none
[2020-04-16 14:55:05][DEBUG] : ACTION------Volume set action
[2020-04-16 14:55:05][DEBUG] : JEEDOMCHROMECAST------ Detected changes in status of Salle à manger
[2020-04-16 14:55:06][DEBUG] : SENDER------Send to jeedom : {‹ devices ›: {‹ 6f8c2d21-f795-4e36-50f5-2463e1575e07 ›: {‹ uuid ›: ‹ 6f8c2d21-f795-4e36-50f5-2463e1575e07 ›, ‹ status ›: {‹ uuid ›: ‹ 6f8c2d21-f795-4e36-50f5-2463e1575e07 ›, ‹ uri ›: ‹ ›, ‹ friendly_name ›: ‹ Salle à manger ›, ‹ is_active_input ›: False, ‹ is_stand_by ›: False, ‹ volume_level ›: 46, ‹ volume_muted ›: False, ‹ app_id ›: None, ‹ icon_url ›: None, ‹ display_name ›: ‹  ›, ‹ status_text ›: ’ ', ‹ is_busy ›: False, ‹ title ›: ‹  ›, ‹ artist ›: ‹  ›, ‹ series_title ›: ‹  ›, ‹ stream_type ›: ‹ UNKNOWN ›, ‹ player_state ›: ‹ UNKNOWN ›}, ‹ typemsg ›: ‹ info ›, ‹ lastOnline ›: 1587045294, ‹ online ›: True, ‹ lastSent ›: 1587045305, ‹ lastOfflineSent ›: 1587045278, ‹ options ›: {‹ ignore_CEC ›: ‹ 0 ›}, ‹ lastScan ›: 1587045298}}}
[2020-04-16 14:55:06][DEBUG] : JEEDOMCHROMECAST------ Detected changes in status of Salle à manger
[2020-04-16 14:55:06][DEBUG] : SENDER------Send to jeedom : {‹ uuid ›: ‹ 6f8c2d21-f795-4e36-50f5-2463e1575e07 ›, ‹ nowplaying ›: {‹ uuid ›: ‹ 6f8c2d21-f795-4e36-50f5-2463e1575e07 ›, ‹ online ›: True, ‹ friendly_name ›: ‹ Salle à manger ›, ‹ is_active_input ›: False, ‹ is_stand_by ›: False, ‹ volume_level ›: 57, ‹ volume_muted ›: False, ‹ app_id ›: None, ‹ icon_url ›: None, ‹ display_name ›: ‹  ›, ‹ status_text ›: ’ ', ‹ is_busy ›: False, ‹ title ›: None, ‹ album_artist ›: None, ‹ metadata_type ›: None, ‹ album_name ›: None, ‹ current_time ›: ‹ 0 ›, ‹ artist ›: None, ‹ series_title ›: None, ‹ season ›: None, ‹ episode ›: None, ‹ image ›: None, ‹ stream_type ›: ‹ UNKNOWN ›, ‹ track ›: None, ‹ player_state ›: ‹ UNKNOWN ›, ‹ supported_media_commands ›: 0, ‹ supports_pause ›: False, ‹ duration ›: None, ‹ content_type ›: None, ‹ idle_reason ›: None}}
[2020-04-16 14:55:07][DEBUG] : SENDER------Send to jeedom : {‹ devices ›: {‹ 6f8c2d21-f795-4e36-50f5-2463e1575e07 ›: {‹ uuid ›: ‹ 6f8c2d21-f795-4e36-50f5-2463e1575e07 ›, ‹ status ›: {‹ uuid ›: ‹ 6f8c2d21-f795-4e36-50f5-2463e1575e07 ›, ‹ uri ›: ‹ ›, ‹ friendly_name ›: ‹ Salle à manger ›, ‹ is_active_input ›: False, ‹ is_stand_by ›: False, ‹ volume_level ›: 57, ‹ volume_muted ›: False, ‹ app_id ›: None, ‹ icon_url ›: None, ‹ display_name ›: ‹  ›, ‹ status_text ›: ’ ', ‹ is_busy ›: False, ‹ title ›: ‹  ›, ‹ artist ›: ‹  ›, ‹ series_title ›: ‹  ›, ‹ stream_type ›: ‹ UNKNOWN ›, ‹ player_state ›: ‹ UNKNOWN ›}, ‹ typemsg ›: ‹ info ›, ‹ lastOnline ›: 1587045294, ‹ online ›: True, ‹ lastSent ›: 1587045306, ‹ lastOfflineSent ›: 1587045278, ‹ options ›: {‹ ignore_CEC ›: ‹ 0 ›}, ‹ lastScan ›: 1587045298}}}
[2020-04-16 14:55:18][DEBUG] : SOCKETHANDLER------Client connected to []
[2020-04-16 14:55:18][DEBUG] : SOCKETHANDLER------Message read from socket: {« apikey »: « XXXXXXXXXXXXX », « cmd »: « action », « device »: {« uuid »: « 6f8c2d21-f795-4e36-50f5-2463e1575e07 », « source »: « googlecast »}, « command »: [{« cmd »: « tts », « value »: « bonjour ceci est un essai de dialogue », « vol »: « 100 »}]}
[2020-04-16 14:55:18][DEBUG] : SOCKETHANDLER------Client disconnected from []
[2020-04-16 14:55:18][DEBUG] : SOCKET-READ------Message received in socket JEEDOM_SOCKET_MESSAGE
[2020-04-16 14:55:18][DEBUG] : SOCKET-READ------Received command from jeedom : action
[2020-04-16 14:55:18][DEBUG] : SOCKET-READ------Attempt an action on a device
[2020-04-16 14:55:18][DEBUG] : SOCKET-READ------Action Thread Launched
[2020-04-16 14:55:18][DEBUG] : ACTION------ action - tts - 6f8c2d21-f795-4e36-50f5-2463e1575e07 - bonjour ceci est un essai de dialogue - none
[2020-04-16 14:55:18][DEBUG] : ACTION------TTS action
[2020-04-16 14:55:18][DEBUG] : CMD-TTS------TTS Filename hexdigest : cee2ee70a35e0cf2df3e5397e121b5d2 (bonjour ceci est un essai de dialoguepicottsfr-FR300)
[2020-04-16 14:55:18][DEBUG] : CMD-TTS------Generating file
sh: 1: pico2wave: not found
[2020-04-16 14:55:18][ERROR] : CMD-TTS------Exception while generating tts file : [Errno 2] No such file or directory: ‹ /var/www/html/plugins/googlecast/tmp/cee2ee70a35e0cf2df3e5397e121b5d2.wav ›
[2020-04-16 14:55:18][DEBUG] : Traceback (most recent call last):
File « /var/www/html/plugins/googlecast/resources/googlecast.py », line 1719, in get_tts_data
speech = AudioSegment.from_wav(filename)
File « /var/www/html/plugins/googlecast/resources/pydub/audio_segment.py », line 740, in from_wav
return cls.from_file(file, ‹ wav ›, parameters=parameters)
File « /var/www/html/plugins/googlecast/resources/pydub/audio_segment.py », line 615, in from_file
file, close_file = _fd_or_path_or_tempfile(file, ‹ rb ›, tempfile=False)
File « /var/www/html/plugins/googlecast/resources/pydub/utils.py », line 60, in _fd_or_path_or_tempfile
fd = open(fd, mode=mode)
FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: ‹ /var/www/html/plugins/googlecast/tmp/cee2ee70a35e0cf2df3e5397e121b5d2.wav ›
[2020-04-16 14:55:18][DEBUG] : TTS------File generation failed !
[2020-04-16 14:55:18][DEBUG] : ACTION------SET VOLUME OPTION
[2020-04-16 14:55:18][DEBUG] : SENDER------Send to jeedom : {‹ uuid ›: ‹ 6f8c2d21-f795-4e36-50f5-2463e1575e07 ›, ‹ nowplaying ›: {‹ uuid ›: ‹ 6f8c2d21-f795-4e36-50f5-2463e1575e07 ›, ‹ online ›: True, ‹ is_active_input ›: False, ‹ is_stand_by ›: False, ‹ display_name ›: ‹ ERROR ›, ‹ status_text ›: ‹ ERROR ›, ‹ player_state ›: ‹ ERROR ›, ‹ title ›: ‹  ›, ‹ album_artist ›: ‹  ›, ‹ album_name ›: ‹  ›, ‹ current_time ›: 0, ‹ artist ›: ‹  ›, ‹ image ›: None, ‹ series_title ›: ‹  ›, ‹ season ›: ‹  ›, ‹ episode ›: ‹  ›, ‹ stream_type ›: ‹  ›, ‹ track ›: ‹  ›}}
[2020-04-16 14:55:19][DEBUG] : JEEDOMCHROMECAST------ Detected changes in status of Salle à manger
[2020-04-16 14:55:19][DEBUG] : SENDER------Send to jeedom : {‹ devices ›: {‹ 6f8c2d21-f795-4e36-50f5-2463e1575e07 ›: {‹ uuid ›: ‹ 6f8c2d21-f795-4e36-50f5-2463e1575e07 ›, ‹ typemsg ›: ‹ info ›, ‹ status ›: {‹ uuid ›: ‹ 6f8c2d21-f795-4e36-50f5-2463e1575e07 ›, ‹ display_name ›: ‹  ›, ‹ status_text ›: ’ ', ‹ uri ›: ‹ ›, ‹ friendly_name ›: ‹ Salle à manger ›, ‹ is_active_input ›: False, ‹ is_stand_by ›: False, ‹ volume_level ›: 57, ‹ volume_muted ›: False, ‹ app_id ›: None, ‹ icon_url ›: None, ‹ is_busy ›: False, ‹ title ›: ‹  ›, ‹ artist ›: ‹  ›, ‹ series_title ›: ‹  ›, ‹ stream_type ›: ‹ UNKNOWN ›, ‹ player_state ›: ‹ UNKNOWN ›}, ‹ lastOnline ›: 1587045294, ‹ online ›: True, ‹ lastSent ›: 1587045306, ‹ lastOfflineSent ›: 1587045278, ‹ options ›: {‹ ignore_CEC ›: ‹ 0 ›}, ‹ lastScan ›: 1587045298}}}
[2020-04-16 14:55:20][DEBUG] : JEEDOMCHROMECAST------ Detected changes in status of Salle à manger
[2020-04-16 14:55:20][DEBUG] : SENDER------Send to jeedom : {‹ uuid ›: ‹ 6f8c2d21-f795-4e36-50f5-2463e1575e07 ›, ‹ nowplaying ›: {‹ uuid ›: ‹ 6f8c2d21-f795-4e36-50f5-2463e1575e07 ›, ‹ online ›: True, ‹ friendly_name ›: ‹ Salle à manger ›, ‹ is_active_input ›: False, ‹ is_stand_by ›: False, ‹ volume_level ›: 100, ‹ volume_muted ›: False, ‹ app_id ›: None, ‹ icon_url ›: None, ‹ display_name ›: ‹  ›, ‹ status_text ›: ’ ', ‹ is_busy ›: False, ‹ title ›: None, ‹ album_artist ›: None, ‹ metadata_type ›: None, ‹ album_name ›: None, ‹ current_time ›: ‹ 0 ›, ‹ artist ›: None, ‹ series_title ›: None, ‹ season ›: None, ‹ episode ›: None, ‹ image ›: None, ‹ stream_type ›: ‹ UNKNOWN ›, ‹ track ›: None, ‹ player_state ›: ‹ UNKNOWN ›, ‹ supported_media_commands ›: 0, ‹ supports_pause ›: False, ‹ duration ›: None, ‹ content_type ›: None, ‹ idle_reason ›: None}}
[2020-04-16 14:55:20][DEBUG] : SENDER------Send to jeedom : {‹ uuid ›: ‹ 6f8c2d21-f795-4e36-50f5-2463e1575e07 ›, ‹ nowplaying ›: {‹ uuid ›: ‹ 6f8c2d21-f795-4e36-50f5-2463e1575e07 ›, ‹ online ›: True, ‹ friendly_name ›: ‹ Salle à manger ›, ‹ is_active_input ›: False, ‹ is_stand_by ›: False, ‹ volume_level ›: 100, ‹ volume_muted ›: False, ‹ app_id ›: None, ‹ icon_url ›: None, ‹ display_name ›: ‹  ›, ‹ status_text ›: ’ ', ‹ is_busy ›: False, ‹ title ›: None, ‹ album_artist ›: None, ‹ metadata_type ›: None, ‹ album_name ›: None, ‹ current_time ›: ‹ 0 ›, ‹ artist ›: None, ‹ series_title ›: None, ‹ season ›: None, ‹ episode ›: None, ‹ image ›: None, ‹ stream_type ›: ‹ UNKNOWN ›, ‹ track ›: None, ‹ player_state ›: ‹ UNKNOWN ›, ‹ supported_media_commands ›: 0, ‹ supports_pause ›: False, ‹ duration ›: None, ‹ content_type ›: None, ‹ idle_reason ›: None}}
[2020-04-16 14:55:21][DEBUG] : SENDER------Send to jeedom : {‹ devices ›: {‹ 6f8c2d21-f795-4e36-50f5-2463e1575e07 ›: {‹ uuid ›: ‹ 6f8c2d21-f795-4e36-50f5-2463e1575e07 ›, ‹ status ›: {‹ uuid ›: ‹ 6f8c2d21-f795-4e36-50f5-2463e1575e07 ›, ‹ uri ›: ‹ ›, ‹ friendly_name ›: ‹ Salle à manger ›, ‹ is_active_input ›: False, ‹ is_stand_by ›: False, ‹ volume_level ›: 100, ‹ volume_muted ›: False, ‹ app_id ›: None, ‹ icon_url ›: None, ‹ display_name ›: ‹  ›, ‹ status_text ›: ’ ', ‹ is_busy ›: False, ‹ title ›: ‹  ›, ‹ artist ›: ‹  ›, ‹ series_title ›: ‹  ›, ‹ stream_type ›: ‹ UNKNOWN ›, ‹ player_state ›: ‹ UNKNOWN ›}, ‹ typemsg ›: ‹ info ›, ‹ lastOnline ›: 1587045294, ‹ online ›: True, ‹ lastSent ›: 1587045320, ‹ lastOfflineSent ›: 1587045278, ‹ options ›: {‹ ignore_CEC ›: ‹ 0 ›}, ‹ lastScan ›: 1587045298}}}
[2020-04-16 14:55:48][DEBUG] : JEEDOMCHROMECAST------ Connexion change event LOST
[2020-04-16 14:55:48][DEBUG] : JEEDOMCHROMECAST------ Detected changes in status of Salle à manger
[2020-04-16 14:55:48][DEBUG] : JEEDOMCHROMECAST------ Connexion change event CONNECTING
[2020-04-16 14:55:48][DEBUG] : JEEDOMCHROMECAST------ Connexion change event CONNECTED
[2020-04-16 14:55:48][DEBUG] : JEEDOMCHROMECAST------ Detected changes in status of Salle à manger
[2020-04-16 14:55:48][DEBUG] : SENDER------Send to jeedom : {‹ devices ›: {‹ 6f8c2d21-f795-4e36-50f5-2463e1575e07 ›: {‹ uuid ›: ‹ 6f8c2d21-f795-4e36-50f5-2463e1575e07 ›, ‹ status ›: {‹ uuid ›: ‹ 6f8c2d21-f795-4e36-50f5-2463e1575e07 ›, ‹ uri ›: ‹ ›, ‹ friendly_name ›: ‹ Salle à manger ›, ‹ is_active_input ›: False, ‹ is_stand_by ›: False, ‹ volume_level ›: 100, ‹ volume_muted ›: False, ‹ app_id ›: None, ‹ icon_url ›: None, ‹ display_name ›: ‹  ›, ‹ status_text ›: ’ ', ‹ is_busy ›: False, ‹ title ›: ‹  ›, ‹ artist ›: ‹  ›, ‹ series_title ›: ‹  ›, ‹ stream_type ›: ‹ UNKNOWN ›, ‹ player_state ›: ‹ UNKNOWN ›}, ‹ typemsg ›: ‹ info ›, ‹ lastOnline ›: 1587045294, ‹ online ›: True, ‹ lastSent ›: 1587045348, ‹ lastOfflineSent ›: 1587045348, ‹ options ›: {‹ ignore_CEC ›: ‹ 0 ›}, ‹ lastScan ›: 1587045298}}}

J’ai essayé avec tout les moteurs : problème identique.

J’ai tenté une réinstallation du pluggin, réinstallation des dépendances et reboot Jeedom.

Auriez vous une suggestion ?


J’ai oublié de préciser que le TTS ne fonctionne pas non plus avec le pluggin LMS

Bonjour, la semaine dernière j’ai eu le même problème. Je n’avais plus certaines notification .
J’ai fait des essais sur mon jeedom de teste et la aucun souci tout fonctionne, et sur ce jeedom je n’ai pas le plugin TTS. Du coup j’ai désinstallé le plugin TTS sur le jeedom de prod et tout est rentré dans l’ordre.

Bonjour Loustic03,

merci pour ta réponse. De quel pluggin parles tu ?

Salut, j’avais le plugin TTS plus le GCAST donc j’ai désinstallé le plugin TTS et depuis mets notification gcast refonctionne

ce n’est pas mon cas : j’ai uniquement le plugin Gcast.

Ok, je pensais que tu avais tts.

J’ai regardé dans le market, je ne vois pas de plugin TTS, mis a part le plugin playTTS de lunarok.

Tu parles de celui-ci ?

Solution trouvée ! Je suis tombé par hasard sur ce sujet : Question dépendances picoTTS NOK

Je l’avais déjà vu mais ne l’avais pas consulté étant donné que mes dépendances étaient correctement installées et que je n’avais pas de remontées NOK dans la santé du plugin.

Donc au final cela vient de la distrib installée sur mon RPI : Raspbian Buster.
J’ai suivit ce qui est indiqué dans le sujet : le TTS est maintenant OK avec pico. Je n’ai pas testé d’autres moteurs.

J’espère que cela pourra aider ceux qui sont dans le même cas.

A bientôt sur le forum !

Cela des mois que j’avais mis de côté Google home car ça causer pas.
Grâce à vous je viens de résoudre le problème.
Fabuleux la communauté merci.

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