Erreur lors de découverte de l'équipement

Je teste le plugin Kroomba en ce moment sur PI 5 et donc Debian 12.5.
Version Jeedom 4.4.3 - PHP 8.2.7

L’installation des dépendances et du demon se passent très bien jusqu’à la découverte de mon aspirateur ou là, le demon ne se relance plus et avec le message erreur suivant :
Fatal error: Event.init() got an unexpected keyword argument ‹ loop ›

Page santé:

log update :

== 12/04/2024 06:12:05 == Dependencies installation for kroomba

[  5% ] : Clean apt...
[  9% ] : Clean apt : [  OK  ]
[ 10% ] : Update apt...
[ 14% ] : Update apt : [  OK  ]
[ 15% ] : Init python3 & prerequisites...
[ 19% ] : Init python3 & prerequisites : [  OK  ]
[ 20% ] : Init pyEnv...
** PyEnv not required: 3.11.2 >= 3.9 **
** python3 path: python3 **
[ 69% ] : Init pyEnv : [  OK  ]
[ 70% ] : Setting up virtual environment...
** Version of python in VENV: Python 3.11.2
[ 79% ] : Setting up virtual environment : [  OK  ]
[ 80% ] : Install the required python packages...
[ 89% ] : Install the required python packages : [  OK  ]
[ 90% ] : Summary of installed packages...
[ 99% ] : Summary of installed packages : [  OK  ]
[100% ] : Finished !

== OK == Installation Successful 

log kroomba :

[2024-04-12 06:12:59][DEBUG] : preConfig_topic_prefix
[2024-04-12 06:12:59][DEBUG] : Stop listening to topic:'iRobot'
[2024-04-12 06:12:59][DEBUG] : postConfig_topic_prefix
[2024-04-12 06:12:59][ERROR] : Attention je pense qu'il y a un soucis avec le démon que j'ai relancé plus de 3 fois consécutivement
[2024-04-12 06:12:59][DEBUG] : Listening to topic:'iRobot'
[2024-04-12 06:13:01][INFO] : Lancement démon
[2024-04-12 06:13:01][DEBUG] : test from daemon
[2024-04-12 06:15:52][INFO] : Découverte des robots sur tout le réseau...
[2024-04-12 06:15:52][DEBUG] : params to send to daemon:{"action":"discover","login":"xxxx","password":"xxxx","address":""}
[2024-04-12 06:16:09][INFO] : Découverte réussie, relance du démon
[2024-04-12 06:16:11][DEBUG] : Listening to topic:'iRobot'
[2024-04-12 06:16:13][INFO] : Lancement démon
[2024-04-12 06:16:14][DEBUG] : test from daemon
[2024-04-12 06:16:23][ERROR] : Impossible de lancer le démon

log demon :

[2024-04-12 06:13:01][INFO] : Starting daemon
[2024-04-12 06:13:01][INFO] : Log level: debug
[2024-04-12 06:13:01][DEBUG] : Socket port: 55072
[2024-04-12 06:13:01][DEBUG] : PID file: /tmp/jeedom/kroomba/
[2024-04-12 06:13:01][DEBUG] : Writing PID 1070108 to /tmp/jeedom/kroomba/
[2024-04-12 06:13:01][INFO] : Using Password version 2.1
[2024-04-12 06:13:01][INFO] : reading/writing info from config file /var/www/html/plugins/kroomba/data/config.ini
[2024-04-12 06:13:01][WARNING] : No roomba or config file defined, please run discovery from plugin page
[2024-04-12 06:13:01][INFO] : Start listening
[2024-04-12 06:13:01][DEBUG] : Socket interface started
[2024-04-12 06:13:01][DEBUG] : LoopNetServer Thread started
[2024-04-12 06:13:01][DEBUG] : Send to jeedom :  {'msg': 'NO_ROOMBA'}
[2024-04-12 06:13:01][DEBUG] : Listening on: [localhost:55072]
[2024-04-12 06:15:52][DEBUG] : Client connected to []
[2024-04-12 06:15:52][DEBUG] : Message read from socket: b'{"action":"discover","login":"xxxxxx","password":"xxxxx*","address":"","apikey":"xxxxxxxxx"}'
[2024-04-12 06:15:52][DEBUG] : Client disconnected from []
[2024-04-12 06:15:52][DEBUG] : Message received in socket JEEDOM_SOCKET_MESSAGE
[2024-04-12 06:15:52][INFO] : reading/writing info from config file /var/www/html/plugins/kroomba/data/config.ini
[2024-04-12 06:15:52][INFO] : waiting on port: 5678 for data
[2024-04-12 06:15:52][INFO] : Robot at IP: Data: {"ver": "3", "hostname": "Roomba-Dxxxxxxx704", "robotname": "Roomba sejour", "robotid": "Dxxxxx4", "ip": "", "mac": "xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx", "sw": "daredevil+2.6.0+daredevil-release+163", "sku": "i115840", "nc": 1, "proto": "mqtt", "cap": {"binFullDetect": 2, "addOnHw": 1, "oMode": 2, "dockComm": 1, "edge": 0, "maps": 2, "pmaps": null, "mc": null, "tLine": 2, "area": 1, "eco": 1, "multiPass": 3, "team": 0, "pp": 0, "lang": 2, "5ghz": 0, "prov": 3, "sched": 1, "svcConf": 1, "ota": 2, "log": 2, "langOta": 2}}
[2024-04-12 06:16:03][INFO] : Getting Roomba information from iRobot aws cloud...
[2024-04-12 06:16:03][DEBUG] : Starting new HTTPS connection (1):
[2024-04-12 06:16:03][DEBUG] : "GET /v1/discover/endpoints?country_code=US HTTP/1.1" 200 1789
[2024-04-12 06:16:03][DEBUG] : Post accounts.login request
[2024-04-12 06:16:03][DEBUG] : Starting new HTTPS connection (1):
[2024-04-12 06:16:03][DEBUG] : "POST /accounts.login HTTP/1.1" 200 819
[2024-04-12 06:16:03][DEBUG] : response: {'callId': 'dx', 'errorCode': 0, 'apiVersion': 2, 'statusCode': 200, 'statusReason': 'OK', 'time': '2024-04-12T04:16:03.769Z', 'registeredTimestamp': 1669536718, 'UID': 'bx', 'UIDSignature': 'Zx', 'signatureTimestamp': '1712895363', 'created': '2022-11-27T08:11:58.201Z', 'createdTimestamp': 1669536718, 'isActive': True, 'isRegistered': True, 'isVerified': True, 'lastLogin': '2024-04-12T04:16:03.718Z', 'lastLoginTimestamp': 1712895363, 'lastUpdated': '2024-04-10T05:14:18.111Z', 'lastUpdatedTimestamp': 1712726058111, 'loginProvider': 'site', 'oldestDataUpdated': '2022-11-27T08:11:58.201Z', 'oldestDataUpdatedTimestamp': 1669536718201, 'profile': {'firstName': 'xx', 'lastName': 'xx', 'country': 'FR', 'email': 'xxxxx'}, 'registered': '2022-11-27T08:11:58.332Z', 'socialProviders': 'site', 'verified': '2022-11-27T08:12:20.868Z', 'verifiedTimestamp': 1669536740868, 'newUser': False, 'sessionInfo': {'sessionToken': 'sxxxc3', 'sessionSecret': 'xxxx=', 'expires_in': '0'}}
[2024-04-12 06:16:03][DEBUG] : Post login request to with data {'app_id': 'ANDROID-x', 'assume_robot_ownership': '0', 'gigya': {'signature': 'x=', 'timestamp': '1712895363', 'uid': 'xxx'}}
[2024-04-12 06:16:03][DEBUG] : Starting new HTTPS connection (1):
[2024-04-12 06:16:09][DEBUG] : "POST /v2/login HTTP/1.1" 200 2779
[2024-04-12 06:16:09][DEBUG] : response: {'credentials': {'AccessKeyId': 'xx', 'SecretKey': 'xx', 'SessionToken': 'xxaUhE=', 'Expiration': '2024-04-12T05:16:07+00:00', 'CognitoId': 'us-xxx'}, 'robots': {'D9xxx4': {'password': 'xxx', 'sku': 'i115840', 'softwareVer': 'daredevil+2.6.0+daredevil-release+163', 'name': 'Roomba sejour', 'cap': {'binFullDetect': 2, 'dockComm': 1, 'edge': 0, 'maps': 2, 'tLine': 2, 'area': 1, 'eco': 1, 'multiPass': 3, 'pose': 1, 'team': 0, 'pp': 0, 'lang': 2, '5ghz': 0, 'prov': 3, 'sched': 1, 'svcConf': 1, 'ota': 2, 'log': 2, 'langOta': 2, 'oMode': 2, 'addOnHw': 1}, 'digiCap': {}, 'svcDeplId': 'v005', 'user_cert': False}}, 'iot_token': 'exxxx', 'iot_clientid': 'app-ANDROID-xx', 'iot_signature': 'xxx', 'iot_authorizer_name': 'Exxxxx'}
[2024-04-12 06:16:09][INFO] : Login done, getting robots from iRobot aws cloud...
[2024-04-12 06:16:09][INFO] : Got cloud info: {"Dxxx": {"password": "xxx", "sku": "i115840", "softwareVer": "daredevil+2.6.0+daredevil-release+163", "name": "Roomba sejour", "cap": {"binFullDetect": 2, "dockComm": 1, "edge": 0, "maps": 2, "tLine": 2, "area": 1, "eco": 1, "multiPass": 3, "pose": 1, "team": 0, "pp": 0, "lang": 2, "5ghz": 0, "prov": 3, "sched": 1, "svcConf": 1, "ota": 2, "log": 2, "langOta": 2, "oMode": 2, "addOnHw": 1}, "digiCap": {}, "svcDeplId": "v005", "user_cert": false}}
[2024-04-12 06:16:09][INFO] : Found 1 roombas defined in the cloud
[2024-04-12 06:16:09][INFO] : 0 robot(s) already defined in file /var/www/html/plugins/kroomba/data/config.ini, found 1 robot(s) on network
[2024-04-12 06:16:09][INFO] : Configuring robot (Roomba sejour) at IP from cloud data, blid: Dxx, password: :xx
[2024-04-12 06:16:09][INFO] : blid is: Dxx
[2024-04-12 06:16:09][INFO] : Password=> :xxxx <= Yes, all this string.
[2024-04-12 06:16:09][INFO] : Use these credentials in
[2024-04-12 06:16:09][INFO] : Configuration saved to /var/www/html/plugins/kroomba/data/config.ini
[2024-04-12 06:16:09][DEBUG] : Send to jeedom :  {'discover': True}
[2024-04-12 06:16:11][DEBUG] : Signal 15 caught, exiting...
[2024-04-12 06:16:11][INFO] : Cancelling 1 outstanding tasks
[2024-04-12 06:16:14][INFO] : Starting daemon
[2024-04-12 06:16:14][INFO] : Log level: debug
[2024-04-12 06:16:14][DEBUG] : Socket port: 55072
[2024-04-12 06:16:14][DEBUG] : PID file: /tmp/jeedom/kroomba/
[2024-04-12 06:16:14][DEBUG] : Writing PID 1071646 to /tmp/jeedom/kroomba/
[2024-04-12 06:16:14][INFO] : Using Password version 2.1
[2024-04-12 06:16:14][INFO] : reading/writing info from config file /var/www/html/plugins/kroomba/data/config.ini
[2024-04-12 06:16:14][INFO] : Using Password version 2.1
[2024-04-12 06:16:14][ERROR] : Fatal error: Event.__init__() got an unexpected keyword argument 'loop'
[2024-04-12 06:16:14][INFO] : Shutdown
[2024-04-12 06:16:14][DEBUG] : Removing PID file /tmp/jeedom/kroomba/
[2024-04-12 06:16:14][DEBUG] : Exit 0

je n’ai malheureusement rien trouvé sur le forum concernant cette erreur qui pourrait m’aiguiller…


Tout d’abord, merci pour le post complet, j’apprécie beaucoup! :slight_smile:
(ou presque, je ne vois juste pas la version du plugin)

Du coup, c’est quelle version du plugin? stable ou beta?
car je pense que la version beta >= 2024-04-10 devrait déjà fonctionner.
Si pas le cas, la beta de demain fonctionnera. Je viens de refaire un peu de nettoyage et de re-tester sur un debian12

Merci pour ton retour,

Exact, désolé :sweat_smile:
j’ai bien la dernière version beta d’installé :wink:

Je retesterai demain du coup :slight_smile: :+1:

Bonjour @Mips

Le problème est bien réglé avec la beta 2024-04-13 01:07:42.

Encore merci ! :laughing:

1 « J'aime »

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