Detecteur ouverture - DIO - pas de remontée d'evenement / "desinclusion"

Bonjour a tous,
Je poste dans plugin / protocole, mais ce n’est peut etre pas la cause …
Alors, je mets toutes les etapes car je manque peut etre l’une d’elles… :

J’ai un detecteur d ouverture DIO

Je lance l’inclusion, je le trifouille un peu apres avoir mis le RFplayer en mode inclusion pour l’inclure: il est detecté . Je le sauvegarde, puis je repars dans l ecran principal rfplayer pour arreter le mode inclusion.

Je cree par exemple, un scenario qui va se declencher juste sur le fait de voir un des msg du capteur :

, je rajoute une action ( notif ), que je teste → ok . Je sauve le tout.
Je trifouille le capteur → rien .
Du coup, log du rfplayer => je vois bien les notifs passer :

Je me dis que c est le probleme des repetitions, du coup, je vais modifier de auto à toujours. → pas de changements.

Je me dis alors que peut etre que le service rfplayer n’est pas en forme, je redemarre le demon .
je trifouille le capteur, toujours rien MAIS il me dit que la device n est plus inclue :

QQ’un aurait il une idee ?

Ce qui serait bien c’est de voir le log dans son intégralité , insérez le log dans les balises en mode texte .
Voir aussi la page commande de l’équipement …

2 « J'aime »

bonjour @Doubledom ,merci pour le retour.
Voici la page de commande

et voici le log avec le capteur ajoute - demon non redemarré :

 `[2021-03-05 17:07:06][DEBUG] : ZIA33{ "frame" :{"header": {"frameType": "0", "cluster": "0", "dataFlag": "0", "rfLevel": "-89", "floorNoise": "-103", "rfQuality": "3", "protocol": "4", "protocolMeaning": "CHACON", "infoType": "1", "frequency": "433920"},"infos": {"subType": "0", "id": "70468544", "subTypeMeaning": "OFF"}}}
[2021-03-05 17:07:06][DEBUG] : Received a Chacon frame
[2021-03-05 17:07:06][DEBUG] : type1
[2021-03-05 17:07:06][DEBUG] : Send to jeedom : {'devices': {'43343c0': {'protocol': 'CHACON', 'subid': '3c0', 'raw': {'frame': {'header': {'rfQuality': '3', 'protocol': '4', 'frameType': '0', 'floorNoise': '-103', 'cluster': '0', 'frequency': '433920', 'rfLevel': '-89', 'dataFlag': '0', 'infoType': '1', 'protocolMeaning': 'CHACON'}, 'infos': {'subType': '0', 'id': '70468544', 'subTypeMeaning': 'OFF'}}}, 'learn': False, 'data': {'subType': '0', 'dBm': '-89', 'subTypeMeaning': 'OFF', 'info_3c0': '0'}, 'id': '4334'}}}
[2021-03-05 17:07:06][DEBUG] : Starting new HTTP connection (1):
[2021-03-05 17:07:06][INFO] : API RfPlayer solicité
[2021-03-05 17:07:06][DEBUG] : "POST /plugins/rfplayer2/core/php/jeeRfplayer2.php?apikey=ubGpsC80MH1qCrVcG0LYDAA5Asb80G27 HTTP/1.1" 200 0
[2021-03-05 17:07:06][DEBUG] : ZIA33{ "frame" :{"header": {"frameType": "0", "cluster": "0", "dataFlag": "0", "rfLevel": "-95", "floorNoise": "-103", "rfQuality": "2", "protocol": "4", "protocolMeaning": "CHACON", "infoType": "1", "frequency": "433920"},"infos": {"subType": "0", "id": "70468544", "subTypeMeaning": "OFF"}}}
[2021-03-05 17:07:06][DEBUG] : Received a Chacon frame
[2021-03-05 17:07:06][DEBUG] : type1
[2021-03-05 17:07:06][DEBUG] : Send to jeedom : {'devices': {'43343c0': {'protocol': 'CHACON', 'subid': '3c0', 'raw': {'frame': {'header': {'rfQuality': '2', 'protocol': '4', 'frameType': '0', 'floorNoise': '-103', 'cluster': '0', 'frequency': '433920', 'rfLevel': '-95', 'dataFlag': '0', 'infoType': '1', 'protocolMeaning': 'CHACON'}, 'infos': {'subType': '0', 'id': '70468544', 'subTypeMeaning': 'OFF'}}}, 'learn': False, 'data': {'subType': '0', 'dBm': '-95', 'subTypeMeaning': 'OFF', 'info_3c0': '0'}, 'id': '4334'}}}
[2021-03-05 17:07:06][DEBUG] : Starting new HTTP connection (1):
[2021-03-05 17:07:07][INFO] : API RfPlayer solicité
[2021-03-05 17:07:07][DEBUG] : "POST /plugins/rfplayer2/core/php/jeeRfplayer2.php?apikey=ubGpsC80MH1qCrVcG0LYDAA5Asb80G27 HTTP/1.1" 200 0
[2021-03-05 17:07:07][DEBUG] : ZIA33{ "frame" :{"header": {"frameType": "0", "cluster": "0", "dataFlag": "0", "rfLevel": "-75", "floorNoise": "-103", "rfQuality": "7", "protocol": "5", "protocolMeaning": "OREGON", "infoType": "4", "frequency": "433920"},"infos": {"subType": "0", "id_PHY": "0xEA4C", "id_PHYMeaning": "THC238/268,THWR288,THRN122,THN122/132,AW129/131", "adr_channel": "25345",  "adr": "99",  "channel": "1",  "qualifier": "32",  "lowBatt": "0", "measures" : [{"type" : "temperature", "value" : "+18.0", "unit" : "Celsius"}, {"type" : "hygrometry", "value" : "0", "unit" : "%"}]}}}
[2021-03-05 17:07:07][DEBUG] : Received an Oregon frame
[2021-03-05 17:07:07][DEBUG] : type4
[2021-03-05 17:07:07][DEBUG] : Send to jeedom : {'devices': {'25345': {'protocol': 'OREGON', 'raw': {'frame': {'header': {'rfQuality': '7', 'protocol': '5', 'frameType': '0', 'floorNoise': '-103', 'cluster': '0', 'frequency': '433920', 'rfLevel': '-75', 'dataFlag': '0', 'infoType': '4', 'protocolMeaning': 'OREGON'}, 'infos': {'id_PHYMeaning': 'THC238/268,THWR288,THRN122,THN122/132,AW129/131', 'adr': '99', 'qualifier': '32', 'id_PHY': '0xEA4C', 'adr_channel': '25345', 'measures': [{'type': 'temperature', 'value': '+18.0', 'unit': 'Celsius'}, {'type': 'hygrometry', 'value': '0', 'unit': '%'}], 'subType': '0', 'lowBatt': '0', 'channel': '1'}}}, 'learn': False, 'model': '0xEA4C', 'data': {'battery': '100', 'batterybinary': '0', 'dBm': '-75', 'hygrometry': '0', 'temperature': '+18.0'}, 'id': '25345'}}}
[2021-03-05 17:07:07][DEBUG] : Starting new HTTP connection (1):
[2021-03-05 17:07:07][INFO] : API RfPlayer solicité
[2021-03-05 17:07:07][DEBUG] : "POST /plugins/rfplayer2/core/php/jeeRfplayer2.php?apikey=ubGpsC80MH1qCrVcG0LYDAA5Asb80G27 HTTP/1.1" 200 0
[2021-03-05 17:07:07][DEBUG] : ZIA33{ "frame" :{"header": {"frameType": "0", "cluster": "0", "dataFlag": "0", "rfLevel": "-95", "floorNoise": "-103", "rfQuality": "2", "protocol": "4", "protocolMeaning": "CHACON", "infoType": "1", "frequency": "433920"},"infos": {"subType": "1", "id": "70468544", "subTypeMeaning": "ON"}}}
[2021-03-05 17:07:07][DEBUG] : Received a Chacon frame
[2021-03-05 17:07:07][DEBUG] : type1
[2021-03-05 17:07:08][DEBUG] : Send to jeedom : {'devices': {'43343c0': {'protocol': 'CHACON', 'subid': '3c0', 'raw': {'frame': {'header': {'rfQuality': '2', 'protocol': '4', 'frameType': '0', 'floorNoise': '-103', 'cluster': '0', 'frequency': '433920', 'rfLevel': '-95', 'dataFlag': '0', 'infoType': '1', 'protocolMeaning': 'CHACON'}, 'infos': {'subType': '1', 'id': '70468544', 'subTypeMeaning': 'ON'}}}, 'learn': False, 'data': {'subType': '1', 'dBm': '-95', 'subTypeMeaning': 'ON', 'info_3c0': '1'}, 'id': '4334'}}}
[2021-03-05 17:07:08][DEBUG] : Starting new HTTP connection (1):
[2021-03-05 17:07:08][INFO] : API RfPlayer solicité
[2021-03-05 17:07:08][DEBUG] : "POST /plugins/rfplayer2/core/php/jeeRfplayer2.php?apikey=ubGpsC80MH1qCrVcG0LYDAA5Asb80G27 HTTP/1.1" 200 0
[2021-03-05 17:07:08][DEBUG] : ZIA33{ "frame" :{"header": {"frameType": "0", "cluster": "0", "dataFlag": "0", "rfLevel": "-93", "floorNoise": "-103", "rfQuality": "2", "protocol": "4", "protocolMeaning": "CHACON", "infoType": "1", "frequency": "433920"},"infos": {"subType": "0", "id": "70468544", "subTypeMeaning": "OFF"}}}
[2021-03-05 17:07:08][DEBUG] : Received a Chacon frame
[2021-03-05 17:07:08][DEBUG] : type1
[2021-03-05 17:07:08][DEBUG] : Send to jeedom : {'devices': {'43343c0': {'protocol': 'CHACON', 'subid': '3c0', 'raw': {'frame': {'header': {'rfQuality': '2', 'protocol': '4', 'frameType': '0', 'floorNoise': '-103', 'cluster': '0', 'frequency': '433920', 'rfLevel': '-93', 'dataFlag': '0', 'infoType': '1', 'protocolMeaning': 'CHACON'}, 'infos': {'subType': '0', 'id': '70468544', 'subTypeMeaning': 'OFF'}}}, 'learn': False, 'data': {'subType': '0', 'dBm': '-93', 'subTypeMeaning': 'OFF', 'info_3c0': '0'}, 'id': '4334'}}}
[2021-03-05 17:07:08][DEBUG] : Starting new HTTP connection (1):
[2021-03-05 17:07:08][INFO] : API RfPlayer solicité
[2021-03-05 17:07:08][DEBUG] : "POST /plugins/rfplayer2/core/php/jeeRfplayer2.php?apikey=ubGpsC80MH1qCrVcG0LYDAA5Asb80G27 HTTP/1.1" 200 0
[2021-03-05 17:07:09][DEBUG] : ZIA33{ "frame" :{"header": {"frameType": "0", "cluster": "0", "dataFlag": "0", "rfLevel": "-91", "floorNoise": "-103", "rfQuality": "3", "protocol": "4", "protocolMeaning": "CHACON", "infoType": "1", "frequency": "433920"},"infos": {"subType": "0", "id": "70468544", "subTypeMeaning": "OFF"}}}
[2021-03-05 17:07:09][DEBUG] : Received a Chacon frame
[2021-03-05 17:07:09][DEBUG] : type1
[2021-03-05 17:07:09][DEBUG] : Send to jeedom : {'devices': {'43343c0': {'protocol': 'CHACON', 'subid': '3c0', 'raw': {'frame': {'header': {'rfQuality': '3', 'protocol': '4', 'frameType': '0', 'floorNoise': '-103', 'cluster': '0', 'frequency': '433920', 'rfLevel': '-91', 'dataFlag': '0', 'infoType': '1', 'protocolMeaning': 'CHACON'}, 'infos': {'subType': '0', 'id': '70468544', 'subTypeMeaning': 'OFF'}}}, 'learn': False, 'data': {'subType': '0', 'dBm': '-91', 'subTypeMeaning': 'OFF', 'info_3c0': '0'}, 'id': '4334'}}}
[2021-03-05 17:07:09][DEBUG] : Starting new HTTP connection (1):
[2021-03-05 17:07:09][INFO] : API RfPlayer solicité
[2021-03-05 17:07:09][DEBUG] : "POST /plugins/rfplayer2/core/php/jeeRfplayer2.php?apikey=ubGpsC80MH1qCrVcG0LYDAA5Asb80G27 HTTP/1.1" 200 0
[2021-03-05 17:07:10][DEBUG] : ZIA33{ "frame" :{"header": {"frameType": "0", "cluster": "0", "dataFlag": "0", "rfLevel": "-90", "floorNoise": "-103", "rfQuality": "3", "protocol": "4", "protocolMeaning": "CHACON", "infoType": "1", "frequency": "433920"},"infos": {"subType": "1", "id": "70468544", "subTypeMeaning": "ON"}}}
[2021-03-05 17:07:10][DEBUG] : Received a Chacon frame
[2021-03-05 17:07:10][DEBUG] : type1
[2021-03-05 17:07:10][DEBUG] : ZIA33{ "frame" :{"header": {"frameType": "0", "cluster": "0", "dataFlag": "0", "rfLevel": "-91", "floorNoise": "-103", "rfQuality": "3", "protocol": "6", "protocolMeaning": "DOMIA", "infoType": "0", "frequency": "433920"},"infos": {"subType": "0", "id": "0", "subTypeMeaning": "OFF", "idMeaning": "A1"}}}
[2021-03-05 17:07:10][DEBUG] : Received a Domia frame
[2021-03-05 17:07:10][DEBUG] : type0
[2021-03-05 17:07:10][DEBUG] : Device with id A1 is not included
[2021-03-05 17:07:10][DEBUG] : Send to jeedom : {'devices': {'43343c0': {'protocol': 'CHACON', 'subid': '3c0', 'raw': {'frame': {'header': {'rfQuality': '3', 'protocol': '4', 'frameType': '0', 'floorNoise': '-103', 'cluster': '0', 'frequency': '433920', 'rfLevel': '-90', 'dataFlag': '0', 'infoType': '1', 'protocolMeaning': 'CHACON'}, 'infos': {'subType': '1', 'id': '70468544', 'subTypeMeaning': 'ON'}}}, 'learn': False, 'data': {'subType': '1', 'dBm': '-90', 'subTypeMeaning': 'ON', 'info_3c0': '1'}, 'id': '4334'}}}
[2021-03-05 17:07:10][DEBUG] : Starting new HTTP connection (1):
[2021-03-05 17:07:10][INFO] : API RfPlayer solicité
[2021-03-05 17:07:10][DEBUG] : "POST /plugins/rfplayer2/core/php/jeeRfplayer2.php?apikey=ubGpsC80MH1qCrVcG0LYDAA5Asb80G27 HTTP/1.1" 200 0
[2021-03-05 17:07:10][DEBUG] : ZIA33{ "frame" :{"header": {"frameType": "0", "cluster": "0", "dataFlag": "0", "rfLevel": "-90", "floorNoise": "-103", "rfQuality": "3", "protocol": "4", "protocolMeaning": "CHACON", "infoType": "1", "frequency": "433920"},"infos": {"subType": "1", "id": "70468544", "subTypeMeaning": "ON"}}}
[2021-03-05 17:07:10][DEBUG] : Received a Chacon frame
[2021-03-05 17:07:10][DEBUG] : type1
[2021-03-05 17:07:10][DEBUG] : Send to jeedom : {'devices': {'43343c0': {'protocol': 'CHACON', 'subid': '3c0', 'raw': {'frame': {'header': {'rfQuality': '3', 'protocol': '4', 'frameType': '0', 'floorNoise': '-103', 'cluster': '0', 'frequency': '433920', 'rfLevel': '-90', 'dataFlag': '0', 'infoType': '1', 'protocolMeaning': 'CHACON'}, 'infos': {'subType': '1', 'id': '70468544', 'subTypeMeaning': 'ON'}}}, 'learn': False, 'data': {'subType': '1', 'dBm': '-90', 'subTypeMeaning': 'ON', 'info_3c0': '1'}, 'id': '4334'}}}
[2021-03-05 17:07:10][DEBUG] : Starting new HTTP connection (1):
[2021-03-05 17:07:11][INFO] : API RfPlayer solicité`

ET voici , avec le demon redemarré

`[2021-03-05 17:01:49][DEBUG] : Send to jeedom : {'devices': {'51457': {'protocol': 'OREGON', 'raw': {'frame': {'header': {'rfQuality': '3', 'protocol': '5', 'frameType': '0', 'floorNoise': '-103', 'cluster': '0', 'frequency': '433920', 'rfLevel': '-91', 'dataFlag': '0', 'infoType': '4', 'protocolMeaning': 'OREGON'}, 'infos': {'id_PHYMeaning': 'THC238/268,THWR288,THRN122,THN122/132,AW129/131', 'adr': '201', 'qualifier': '32', 'id_PHY': '0xEA4C', 'adr_channel': '51457', 'measures': [{'type': 'temperature', 'value': '+14.1', 'unit': 'Celsius'}, {'type': 'hygrometry', 'value': '0', 'unit': '%'}], 'subType': '0', 'lowBatt': '0', 'channel': '1'}}}, 'learn': False, 'model': '0xEA4C', 'data': {'battery': '100', 'batterybinary': '0', 'dBm': '-91', 'hygrometry': '0', 'temperature': '+14.1'}, 'id': '51457'}}}
[2021-03-05 17:01:49][DEBUG] : Starting new HTTP connection (1):
[2021-03-05 17:01:49][INFO] : API RfPlayer solicité
[2021-03-05 17:01:49][DEBUG] : "POST /plugins/rfplayer2/core/php/jeeRfplayer2.php?apikey=ubGpsC80MH1qCrVcG0LYDAA5Asb80G27 HTTP/1.1" 200 0
[2021-03-05 17:01:50][DEBUG] : ZIA33{ "frame" :{"header": {"frameType": "0", "cluster": "0", "dataFlag": "0", "rfLevel": "-68", "floorNoise": "-103", "rfQuality": "8", "protocol": "5", "protocolMeaning": "OREGON", "infoType": "4", "frequency": "433920"},"infos": {"subType": "0", "id_PHY": "0x1A2D", "id_PHYMeaning": "THGR122/228/238/268,THGN122/123/132", "adr_channel": "3842",  "adr": "15",  "channel": "2",  "qualifier": "33",  "lowBatt": "1", "measures" : [{"type" : "temperature", "value" : "+14.9", "unit" : "Celsius"}, {"type" : "hygrometry", "value" : "51", "unit" : "%"}]}}}
[2021-03-05 17:01:50][DEBUG] : Received an Oregon frame
[2021-03-05 17:01:50][DEBUG] : type4
[2021-03-05 17:01:50][DEBUG] : Send to jeedom : {'devices': {'3842': {'protocol': 'OREGON', 'raw': {'frame': {'header': {'rfQuality': '8', 'protocol': '5', 'frameType': '0', 'floorNoise': '-103', 'cluster': '0', 'frequency': '433920', 'rfLevel': '-68', 'dataFlag': '0', 'infoType': '4', 'protocolMeaning': 'OREGON'}, 'infos': {'id_PHYMeaning': 'THGR122/228/238/268,THGN122/123/132', 'adr': '15', 'qualifier': '33', 'id_PHY': '0x1A2D', 'adr_channel': '3842', 'measures': [{'type': 'temperature', 'value': '+14.9', 'unit': 'Celsius'}, {'type': 'hygrometry', 'value': '51', 'unit': '%'}], 'subType': '0', 'lowBatt': '1', 'channel': '2'}}}, 'learn': False, 'model': '0x1A2D', 'data': {'battery': '0', 'batterybinary': '1', 'dBm': '-68', 'hygrometry': '51', 'temperature': '+14.9'}, 'id': '3842'}}}
[2021-03-05 17:01:50][DEBUG] : Starting new HTTP connection (1):
[2021-03-05 17:01:50][INFO] : API RfPlayer solicité
[2021-03-05 17:01:50][DEBUG] : "POST /plugins/rfplayer2/core/php/jeeRfplayer2.php?apikey=ubGpsC80MH1qCrVcG0LYDAA5Asb80G27 HTTP/1.1" 200 0
[2021-03-05 17:01:51][DEBUG] : ZIA33{ "frame" :{"header": {"frameType": "0", "cluster": "0", "dataFlag": "0", "rfLevel": "-80", "floorNoise": "-103", "rfQuality": "5", "protocol": "4", "protocolMeaning": "CHACON", "infoType": "1", "frequency": "433920"},"infos": {"subType": "1", "id": "70468544", "subTypeMeaning": "ON"}}}
[2021-03-05 17:01:51][DEBUG] : Received a Chacon frame
[2021-03-05 17:01:51][DEBUG] : type1
[2021-03-05 17:01:51][DEBUG] : Device with id 43343c0 is not included
[2021-03-05 17:01:52][DEBUG] : ZIA33{ "frame" :{"header": {"frameType": "0", "cluster": "0", "dataFlag": "0", "rfLevel": "-81", "floorNoise": "-103", "rfQuality": "5", "protocol": "4", "protocolMeaning": "CHACON", "infoType": "1", "frequency": "433920"},"infos": {"subType": "0", "id": "70468544", "subTypeMeaning": "OFF"}}}
[2021-03-05 17:01:52][DEBUG] : Received a Chacon frame
[2021-03-05 17:01:52][DEBUG] : type1
[2021-03-05 17:01:52][DEBUG] : Device with id 43343c0 is not included
[2021-03-05 17:01:54][DEBUG] : ZIA33{ "frame" :{"header": {"frameType": "0", "cluster": "0", "dataFlag": "0", "rfLevel": "-81", "floorNoise": "-103", "rfQuality": "5", "protocol": "4", "protocolMeaning": "CHACON", "infoType": "1", "frequency": "433920"},"infos": {"subType": "1", "id": "70468544", "subTypeMeaning": "ON"}}}
[2021-03-05 17:01:54][DEBUG] : Received a Chacon frame
[2021-03-05 17:01:54][DEBUG] : type1
[2021-03-05 17:01:54][DEBUG] : Device with id 43343c0 is not included
[2021-03-05 17:01:55][DEBUG] : ZIA33{ "frame" :{"header": {"frameType": "0", "cluster": "0", "dataFlag": "0", "rfLevel": "-82", "floorNoise": "-103", "rfQuality": "5", "protocol": "4", "protocolMeaning": "CHACON", "infoType": "1", "frequency": "433920"},"infos": {"subType": "0", "id": "70468544", "subTypeMeaning": "OFF"}}}
[2021-03-05 17:01:55][DEBUG] : Received a Chacon frame
[2021-03-05 17:01:55][DEBUG] : type1
[2021-03-05 17:01:55][DEBUG] : Device with id 43343c0 is not included
[2021-03-05 17:01:56][DEBUG] : ZIA33{ "frame" :{"header": {"frameType": "0", "cluster": "0", "dataFlag": "0", "rfLevel": "-81", "floorNoise": "-103", "rfQuality": "5", "protocol": "4", "protocolMeaning": "CHACON", "infoType": "1", "frequency": "433920"},"infos": {"subType": "0", "id": "70468544", "subTypeMeaning": "OFF"}}}
[2021-03-05 17:01:56][DEBUG] : Received a Chacon frame
[2021-03-05 17:01:56][DEBUG] : type1
[2021-03-05 17:01:56][DEBUG] : Device with id 43343c0 is not included
[2021-03-05 17:01:58][DEBUG] : ZIA33{ "frame" :{"header": {"frameType": "0", "cluster": "0", "dataFlag": "0", "rfLevel": "-81", "floorNoise": "-103", "rfQuality": "5", "protocol": "4", "protocolMeaning": "CHACON", "infoType": "1", "frequency": "433920"},"infos": {"subType": "1", "id": "70468544", "subTypeMeaning": "ON"}}}
[2021-03-05 17:01:58][DEBUG] : Received a Chacon frame
[2021-03-05 17:01:58][DEBUG] : type1
[2021-03-05 17:01:58][DEBUG] : Device with id 43343c0 is not included
[2021-03-05 17:01:59][DEBUG] : ZIA33{ "frame" :{"header": {"frameType": "0", "cluster": "0", "dataFlag": "0", "rfLevel": "-82", "floorNoise": "-103", "rfQuality": "5", "protocol": "4", "protocolMeaning": "CHACON", "infoType": "1", "frequency": "433920"},"infos": {"subType": "0", "id": "70468544", "subTypeMeaning": "OFF"}}}
[2021-03-05 17:01:59][DEBUG] : Received a Chacon frame
[2021-03-05 17:01:59][DEBUG] : type1
[2021-03-05 17:01:59][DEBUG] : Device with id 43343c0 is not included
[2021-03-05 17:02:06][DEBUG] : ZIA33{ "frame" :{"header": {"frameType": "0", "cluster": "0", "dataFlag": "0", "rfLevel": "-69", "floorNoise": "-103", "rfQuality": "8", "protocol": "5", "protocolMeaning": "OREGON", "infoType": "4", "frequency": "433920"},"infos": {"subType": "0", "id_PHY": "0xEA4C", "id_PHYMeaning": "THC238/268,THWR288,THRN122,THN122/132,AW129/131", "adr_channel": "20737",  "adr": "81",  "channel": "1",  "qualifier": "32",  "lowBatt": "0", "measures" : [{"type" : "temperature", "value" : "+19.9", "unit" : "Celsius"}, {"type" : "hygrometry", "value" : "0", "unit" : "%"}]}}}
[2021-03-05 17:02:06][DEBUG] : Received an Oregon frame
[2021-03-05 17:02:06][DEBUG] : type4`

Mets tes messages dans les balises !
</> texte préformaté (Ctrl + MAj + C)

saisir ou coller le code ici
[2021-03-05 17:07:06][DEBUG] : ZIA33{ "frame" :{"header": {"frameType": "0", "cluster": "0", "dataFlag": "0", "rfLevel": "-89", "floorNoise": "-103", "rfQuality": "3", "protocol": "4", "protocolMeaning": "CHACON", "infoType": "1", "frequency": "433920"},"infos": {"subType": "0", "id": "70468544", "subTypeMeaning": "OFF"}}}
[2021-03-05 17:07:06][DEBUG] : Received a Chacon frame 
[2021-03-05 17:07:06][DEBUG] : type1 
[2021-03-05 17:07:06][DEBUG] : Send to jeedom : {'devices': {'43343c0': {'protocol': 'CHACON', 'subid': '3c0', 'raw': {'frame': {'header': {'rfQuality': '3', 'protocol': '4', 'frameType': '0', 'floorNoise': '-103', 'cluster': '0', 'frequency': '433920', 'rfLevel': '-89', 'dataFlag': '0', 'infoType': '1', 'protocolMeaning': 'CHACON'}, 'infos': {'subType': '0', 'id': '70468544', 'subTypeMeaning': 'OFF'}}}, 'learn': False, 'data': {'subType': '0', 'dBm': '-89', 'subTypeMeaning': 'OFF', 'info_3c0': '0'}, 'id': '4334'}}} 

[2021-03-05 17:07:06][DEBUG] : Starting new HTTP connection (1): 
[2021-03-05 17:07:06][INFO] : API RfPlayer solicité 

[2021-03-05 17:07:06][DEBUG] : ZIA33{ "frame" :{"header": {"frameType": "0", "cluster": "0", "dataFlag": "0", "rfLevel": "-95", "floorNoise": "-103", "rfQuality": "2", "protocol": "4", "protocolMeaning": "CHACON", "infoType": "1", "frequency": "433920"},"infos": {"subType": "0", "id": "70468544", "subTypeMeaning": "OFF"}}} 
[2021-03-05 17:07:06][DEBUG] : Received a Chacon frame 
[2021-03-05 17:07:06][DEBUG] : type1 
[2021-03-05 17:07:06][DEBUG] : Send to jeedom : {'devices': {'43343c0': {'protocol': 'CHACON', 'subid': '3c0', 'raw': {'frame': {'header': {'rfQuality': '2', 'protocol': '4', 'frameType': '0', 'floorNoise': '-103', 'cluster': '0', 'frequency': '433920', 'rfLevel': '-95', 'dataFlag': '0', 'infoType': '1', 'protocolMeaning': 'CHACON'}, 'infos': {'subType': '0', 'id': '70468544', 'subTypeMeaning': 'OFF'}}}, 'learn': False, 'data': {'subType': '0', 'dBm': '-95', 'subTypeMeaning': 'OFF', 'info_3c0': '0'}, 'id': '4334'}}} 

[2021-03-05 17:07:07][DEBUG] : Starting new HTTP connection (1): 
[2021-03-05 17:07:07][INFO] : API RfPlayer solicité 

[2021-03-05 17:07:07][DEBUG] : ZIA33{ "frame" :{"header": {"frameType": "0", "cluster": "0", "dataFlag": "0", "rfLevel": "-95", "floorNoise": "-103", "rfQuality": "2", "protocol": "4", "protocolMeaning": "CHACON", "infoType": "1", "frequency": "433920"},"infos": {"subType": "1", "id": "70468544", "subTypeMeaning": "ON"}}} 
[2021-03-05 17:07:07][DEBUG] : Received a Chacon frame 
[2021-03-05 17:07:07][DEBUG] : type1 
[2021-03-05 17:07:08][DEBUG] : Send to jeedom : {'devices': {'43343c0': {'protocol': 'CHACON', 'subid': '3c0', 'raw': {'frame': {'header': {'rfQuality': '2', 'protocol': '4', 'frameType': '0', 'floorNoise': '-103', 'cluster': '0', 'frequency': '433920', 'rfLevel': '-95', 'dataFlag': '0', 'infoType': '1', 'protocolMeaning': 'CHACON'}, 'infos': {'subType': '1', 'id': '70468544', 'subTypeMeaning': 'ON'}}}, 'learn': False, 'data': {'subType': '1', 'dBm': '-95', 'subTypeMeaning': 'ON', 'info_3c0': '1'}, 'id': '4334'}}}

[2021-03-05 17:07:08][DEBUG] : Starting new HTTP connection (1): 
[2021-03-05 17:07:08][INFO] : API RfPlayer solicité 

[2021-03-05 17:07:08][DEBUG] : ZIA33{ "frame" :{"header": {"frameType": "0", "cluster": "0", "dataFlag": "0", "rfLevel": "-93", "floorNoise": "-103", "rfQuality": "2", "protocol": "4", "protocolMeaning": "CHACON", "infoType": "1", "frequency": "433920"},"infos": {"subType": "0", "id": "70468544", "subTypeMeaning": "OFF"}}} 
[2021-03-05 17:07:08][DEBUG] : Received a Chacon frame 
[2021-03-05 17:07:08][DEBUG] : type1 
[2021-03-05 17:07:08][DEBUG] : Send to jeedom : {'devices': {'43343c0': {'protocol': 'CHACON', 'subid': '3c0', 'raw': {'frame': {'header': {'rfQuality': '2', 'protocol': '4', 'frameType': '0', 'floorNoise': '-103', 'cluster': '0', 'frequency': '433920', 'rfLevel': '-93', 'dataFlag': '0', 'infoType': '1', 'protocolMeaning': 'CHACON'}, 'infos': {'subType': '0', 'id': '70468544', 'subTypeMeaning': 'OFF'}}}, 'learn': False, 'data': {'subType': '0', 'dBm': '-93', 'subTypeMeaning': 'OFF', 'info_3c0': '0'}, 'id': '4334'}}} 

[2021-03-05 17:07:08][DEBUG] : Starting new HTTP connection (1): 
[2021-03-05 17:07:08][INFO] : API RfPlayer solicité 

[2021-03-05 17:07:09][DEBUG] : ZIA33{ "frame" :{"header": {"frameType": "0", "cluster": "0", "dataFlag": "0", "rfLevel": "-91", "floorNoise": "-103", "rfQuality": "3", "protocol": "4", "protocolMeaning": "CHACON", "infoType": "1", "frequency": "433920"},"infos": {"subType": "0", "id": "70468544", "subTypeMeaning": "OFF"}}} 
[2021-03-05 17:07:09][DEBUG] : Received a Chacon frame 
[2021-03-05 17:07:09][DEBUG] : type1 
[2021-03-05 17:07:09][DEBUG] : Send to jeedom : {'devices': {'43343c0': {'protocol': 'CHACON', 'subid': '3c0', 'raw': {'frame': {'header': {'rfQuality': '3', 'protocol': '4', 'frameType': '0', 'floorNoise': '-103', 'cluster': '0', 'frequency': '433920', 'rfLevel': '-91', 'dataFlag': '0', 'infoType': '1', 'protocolMeaning': 'CHACON'}, 'infos': {'subType': '0', 'id': '70468544', 'subTypeMeaning': 'OFF'}}}, 'learn': False, 'data': {'subType': '0', 'dBm': '-91', 'subTypeMeaning': 'OFF', 'info_3c0': '0'}, 'id': '4334'}}} 

[2021-03-05 17:07:09][DEBUG] : Starting new HTTP connection (1): 

[2021-03-05 17:07:10][DEBUG] : ZIA33{ "frame" :{"header": {"frameType": "0", "cluster": "0", "dataFlag": "0", "rfLevel": "-90", "floorNoise": "-103", "rfQuality": "3", "protocol": "4", "protocolMeaning": "CHACON", "infoType": "1", "frequency": "433920"},"infos": {"subType": "1", "id": "70468544", "subTypeMeaning": "ON"}}} 
[2021-03-05 17:07:10][DEBUG] : Received a Chacon frame 
[2021-03-05 17:07:10][DEBUG] : type1 
[2021-03-05 17:07:10][DEBUG] : ZIA33{ "frame" :{"header": {"frameType": "0", "cluster": "0", "dataFlag": "0", "rfLevel": "-91", "floorNoise": "-103", "rfQuality": "3", "protocol": "6", "protocolMeaning": "DOMIA", "infoType": "0", "frequency": "433920"},"infos": {"subType": "0", "id": "0", "subTypeMeaning": "OFF", "idMeaning": "A1"}}} 
[2021-03-05 17:07:10][DEBUG] : Received a Domia frame 
[2021-03-05 17:07:10][DEBUG] : type0 
[2021-03-05 17:07:10][DEBUG] : Device with id A1 is not included 
[2021-03-05 17:07:10][DEBUG] : Send to jeedom : {'devices': {'43343c0': {'protocol': 'CHACON', 'subid': '3c0', 'raw': {'frame': {'header': {'rfQuality': '3', 'protocol': '4', 'frameType': '0', 'floorNoise': '-103', 'cluster': '0', 'frequency': '433920', 'rfLevel': '-90', 'dataFlag': '0', 'infoType': '1', 'protocolMeaning': 'CHACON'}, 'infos': {'subType': '1', 'id': '70468544', 'subTypeMeaning': 'ON'}}}, 'learn': False, 'data': {'subType': '1', 'dBm': '-90', 'subTypeMeaning': 'ON', 'info_3c0': '1'}, 'id': '4334'}}} 

[2021-03-05 17:07:10][DEBUG] : Starting new HTTP connection (1): 
[2021-03-05 17:07:10][INFO] : API RfPlayer solicité 

[2021-03-05 17:07:10][DEBUG] : ZIA33{ "frame" :{"header": {"frameType": "0", "cluster": "0", "dataFlag": "0", "rfLevel": "-90", "floorNoise": "-103", "rfQuality": "3", "protocol": "4", "protocolMeaning": "CHACON", "infoType": "1", "frequency": "433920"},"infos": {"subType": "1", "id": "70468544", "subTypeMeaning": "ON"}}} 
[2021-03-05 17:07:10][DEBUG] : Received a Chacon frame 
[2021-03-05 17:07:10][DEBUG] : type1 
[2021-03-05 17:07:10][DEBUG] : Send to jeedom : {'devices': {'43343c0': {'protocol': 'CHACON', 'subid': '3c0', 'raw': {'frame': {'header': {'rfQuality': '3', 'protocol': '4', 'frameType': '0', 'floorNoise': '-103', 'cluster': '0', 'frequency': '433920', 'rfLevel': '-90', 'dataFlag': '0', 'infoType': '1', 'protocolMeaning': 'CHACON'}, 'infos': {'subType': '1', 'id': '70468544', 'subTypeMeaning': 'ON'}}}, 'learn': False, 'data': {'subType': '1', 'dBm': '-90', 'subTypeMeaning': 'ON', 'info_3c0': '1'}, 'id': '4334'}}} 

[2021-03-05 17:07:10][DEBUG] : Starting new HTTP connection (1): 
[2021-03-05 17:07:11][INFO] : API RfPlayer solicité

Essai de masquer les clefs API (apikey)

j’etais en train :stuck_out_tongue: 3 edits pour y arriver … j’ai deux mains gauches oui ///:stuck_out_tongue:

"id": "70468544" = 43343c0 avec le subTypeMeaning on voit bien les OFF et ON !

Donc si tu prends l’info sur ‹ info_3c0 › = 0 pour OFF et 1 pour ON ? METTRE EN BINAIRE

Regarde sur Dashboard ce que cela donne avec seulement ‹ info_3c0 › visible

cela ne bouge pas du tout :

La piste serait…
apres le redemerrage du demon, le module ne serait il plus inclut ?

Montre l’onglet équipement !

C’est surtout que tu as changé l’ID en admin ???
IL faut laisser l’ ID d’origine sinon ne trouve plus !

je ne change rien en fait …

Donc est-ce que tu as vu l’ID sur ta page équipement

yep … je comprends …
Je viens de refaire, il me recolle admin a chaque fois …
je vais d’autres tests

Alors tu as trouvé pourquoi cela change l ’ ID en « admin » ?

Je viens de trouver le probleme en changeant de PC …
J’utilise Roboform pour la gestion des mots de passes… a chaque fois que je sauvais, Roboform reconnaissait le champs de maniere erronée et remplaçais la valeur.
Aucun soucis depuis un autre PC, je viens de tester par 2 fois … donc rien a voir avec Jeedom ( et pour le coup bien sur, remontée d’info correcte sans soucis avec le bon ID …)
merci encore @Doubledom

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