Demon RFplayer a relancer periodiquement


Après 6 ans de bons et loyaux services, mon RFplayer me donne des soucis.

Premier soucis je dois relancer le demon de temps en temps.
Deuxième soucis un de mes micromodule on/off (DIO) ne fonctionne qu’une fois sur deux (indépendamment du soucis du demon)

saisissez ou collez du code ici[2024-09-29 08:11:08.600] ERROR  : Error in read_rfplayer: read failed: device reports readiness to read but returned no data (device disconnected or multiple access on port?)
[2024-09-29 08:11:08.801] ERROR  : Error in read_rfplayer: read failed: device reports readiness to read but returned no data (device disconnected or multiple access on port?)
[2024-09-29 10:11:11] INFO  : Lancement démon rfplayer2 : sudo /usr/bin/python3 /var/www/html/plugins/rfplayer2/resources/rfplayer2/ --device=auto --loglevel=info --socketport=55020 --callback= --apikey=vxKtxDCL1VqONvN85wKf8jMv6XQpnecQ --cycle 0.3 --pid /tmp/jeedom/rfplayer2/
[2024-09-29 08:11:11.973] INFO  : Start rfplayerd
[2024-09-29 08:11:11.975] INFO  : Log level : info
[2024-09-29 08:11:11.975] INFO  : Socket port : 55020
[2024-09-29 08:11:11.975] INFO  : Socket host : localhost
[2024-09-29 08:11:11.975] INFO  : PID file : /tmp/jeedom/rfplayer2/
[2024-09-29 08:11:11.976] INFO  : Apikey : vxKtxDCL1VqONvN85wKf8jMv6XQpnecQ
[2024-09-29 08:11:11.976] INFO  : Callback :
[2024-09-29 08:11:11.976] INFO  : Cycle : 0.3
[2024-09-29 08:11:12.000] INFO  : Find device : /dev/ttyUSB0
[2024-09-29 08:11:12.037] INFO  : LOADER------Import de la configuration rfplayer.devices.blyss
[2024-09-29 08:11:12.041] INFO  : LOADER------Import de la configuration rfplayer.devices.chacon
[2024-09-29 08:11:12.043] INFO  : LOADER------Import de la configuration rfplayer.devices.domia
[2024-09-29 08:11:12.045] INFO  : LOADER------Import de la configuration rfplayer.devices.edisio
[2024-09-29 08:11:12.047] INFO  : LOADER------Import de la configuration rfplayer.devices.jamming
[2024-09-29 08:11:12.050] INFO  : LOADER------Import de la configuration rfplayer.devices.kd101
[2024-09-29 08:11:12.052] INFO  : LOADER------Import de la configuration rfplayer.devices.oregon
[2024-09-29 08:11:12.054] INFO  : LOADER------Import de la configuration rfplayer.devices.owl
[2024-09-29 08:11:12.056] INFO  : LOADER------Import de la configuration rfplayer.devices.parrot
[2024-09-29 08:11:12.058] INFO  : LOADER------Import de la configuration rfplayer.devices.rfplayer
[2024-09-29 08:11:12.060] INFO  : LOADER------Import de la configuration rfplayer.devices.rts
[2024-09-29 08:11:12.062] INFO  : LOADER------Import de la configuration rfplayer.devices.tic
[2024-09-29 08:11:12.064] INFO  : LOADER------Import de la configuration rfplayer.devices.types
[2024-09-29 08:11:12.064] INFO  : LOADER------Import de la configuration rfplayer.devices.visionic
[2024-09-29 08:11:12.066] INFO  : LOADER------Import de la configuration rfplayer.devices.visonic
[2024-09-29 08:11:12.068] INFO  : LOADER------Import de la configuration rfplayer.devices.x10
[2024-09-29 08:11:12.070] INFO  : LOADER------Import de la configuration rfplayer.devices.x2d
[2024-09-29 10:11:12] INFO  : API RfPlayer solicité
[2024-09-29 10:11:12] INFO  : Learn désactivé
[2024-09-29 10:11:12] INFO  : API RfPlayer solicité
[2024-09-29 11:46:52] INFO  : API RfPlayer solicité
[2024-09-29 11:59:34] INFO  : API RfPlayer solicité
[2024-09-29 12:04:19] INFO  : API RfPlayer solicité
[2024-09-29 16:32:01] INFO  : API RfPlayer solicité
[2024-09-29 16:46:29] INFO  : API RfPlayer solicité
[2024-09-30 10:12:04] INFO  : API RfPlayer solicité
[2024-09-19 09:00:03][DEBUG] : Execute Action > Allumer / ON / CHACON / 0
[2024-09-19 07:00:03.726][DEBUG] : Client connected to []
[2024-09-19 07:00:03.727][DEBUG] : Message read from socket: b'{"apikey":"vxKtxDCL1VqONvN85wKf8jMv6XQpnecQ","cmd":"send","id":"14","action":"ON","type":"CHACON","qualifier":"0"}'
[2024-09-19 07:00:03.728][DEBUG] : Client disconnected from []
[2024-09-19 07:00:03.829][DEBUG] : Message received in socket JEEDOM_SOCKET_MESSAGE
[2024-09-19 07:00:03.830][DEBUG] : Commande SEND
[2024-09-19 07:00:03.831][DEBUG] : ON ID 14 CHACON
[2024-09-19 07:00:03.832][DEBUG] : Sending message ZIA++ON ID 14 CHACON
[2024-09-19 07:05:45.031][DEBUG] : ZIA33{ "frame" :{"header": {"frameType": "0", "cluster": "0", "dataFlag": "0", "rfLevel": "-93", "floorNoise": "-100", "rfQuality": "2", "protocol": "3", "protocolMeaning": "BLYSS", "infoType": "2", "frequency": "433920"},"infos": {"subType": "0", "subTypeMeaning": "Detector/Sensor", "id": "256749960", "qualifier": "12"}}}
[2024-09-19 07:05:45.031][DEBUG] : Data found
[2024-09-19 07:05:45.032][DEBUG] : {'frame': {'header': {'frameType': '0', 'cluster': '0', 'dataFlag': '0', 'rfLevel': '-93', 'floorNoise': '-100', 'rfQuality': '2', 'protocol': '3', 'protocolMeaning': 'BLYSS', 'infoType': '2', 'frequency': '433920'}, 'infos': {'subType': '0', 'subTypeMeaning': 'Detector/Sensor', 'id': '256749960', 'qualifier': '12'}}}
[2024-09-19 07:05:45.032][DEBUG] : frame found
[2024-09-19 07:05:45.032][DEBUG] : Received a Blyss frame
[2024-09-19 07:05:45.033][DEBUG] : Not a valid type 2 for Blyss
[2024-09-19 07:40:53.422][DEBUG] : ZIA33{ "frame" :{"header": {"frameType": "0", "cluster": "0", "dataFlag": "0", "rfLevel": "-83", "floorNoise": "-99", "rfQuality": "4", "protocol": "4", "protocolMeaning": "CHACON", "infoType": "1", "frequency": "433920"},"infos": {"subType": "1", "id": "2152488576", "subTypeMeaning": "ON"}}}
[2024-09-19 07:40:53.423][DEBUG] : Data found
[2024-09-19 07:40:53.423][DEBUG] : {'frame': {'header': {'frameType': '0', 'cluster': '0', 'dataFlag': '0', 'rfLevel': '-83', 'floorNoise': '-99', 'rfQuality': '4', 'protocol': '4', 'protocolMeaning': 'CHACON', 'infoType': '1', 'frequency': '433920'}, 'infos': {'subType': '1', 'id': '2152488576', 'subTypeMeaning': 'ON'}}}
[2024-09-19 07:40:53.424][DEBUG] : frame found
[2024-09-19 07:40:53.424][DEBUG] : Received a Chacon frame
[2024-09-19 07:40:53.424][DEBUG] : type1
[2024-09-19 07:40:53.445][DEBUG] : Send to jeedom : {'devices': {'804c5e80': {'data': {'subTypeMeaning': 'ON', 'subType': '1', 'dBm': '-83', 'info_5e80': '1'}, 'id': '804c', 'subid': '5e80', 'protocol': 'CHACON', 'raw': {'frame': {'header': {'frameType': '0', 'cluster': '0', 'dataFlag': '0', 'rfLevel': '-83', 'floorNoise': '-99', 'rfQuality': '4', 'protocol': '4', 'protocolMeaning': 'CHACON', 'infoType': '1', 'frequency': '433920'}, 'infos': {'subType': '1', 'id': '2152488576', 'subTypeMeaning': 'ON'}}}, 'learn': False}}}
[2024-09-19 07:40:53.450][DEBUG] : Starting new HTTP connection (1):
[2024-09-19 09:40:53][INFO] : API RfPlayer solicité
[2024-09-19 07:40:53.609][DEBUG] : "POST /plugins/rfplayer2/core/php/jeeRfplayer2.php?apikey=vxKtxDCL1VqONvN85wKf8jMv6XQpnecQ HTTP/1.1" 200 0
[2024-09-19 09:59:35.164][DEBUG] : ZIA33{ "frame" :{"header": {"frameType": "0", "cluster": "0", "dataFlag": "0", "rfLevel": "-88", "floorNoise": "-100", "rfQuality": "3", "protocol": "4", "protocolMeaning": "CHACON", "infoType": "1", "frequency": "433920"},"infos": {"subType": "0", "id": "2152488576", "subTypeMeaning": "OFF"}}}
[2024-09-19 09:59:35.164][DEBUG] : Data found
[2024-09-19 09:59:35.165][DEBUG] : {'frame': {'header': {'frameType': '0', 'cluster': '0', 'dataFlag': '0', 'rfLevel': '-88', 'floorNoise': '-100', 'rfQuality': '3', 'protocol': '4', 'protocolMeaning': 'CHACON', 'infoType': '1', 'frequency': '433920'}, 'infos': {'subType': '0', 'id': '2152488576', 'subTypeMeaning': 'OFF'}}}
[2024-09-19 09:59:35.165][DEBUG] : frame found
[2024-09-19 09:59:35.165][DEBUG] : Received a Chacon frame
[2024-09-19 09:59:35.166][DEBUG] : type1
[2024-09-19 09:59:35.447][DEBUG] : Send to jeedom : {'devices': {'804c5e80': {'data': {'subTypeMeaning': 'OFF', 'subType': '0', 'dBm': '-88', 'info_5e80': '0'}, 'id': '804c', 'subid': '5e80', 'protocol': 'CHACON', 'raw': {'frame': {'header': {'frameType': '0', 'cluster': '0', 'dataFlag': '0', 'rfLevel': '-88', 'floorNoise': '-100', 'rfQuality': '3', 'protocol': '4', 'protocolMeaning': 'CHACON', 'infoType': '1', 'frequency': '433920'}, 'infos': {'subType': '0', 'id': '2152488576', 'subTypeMeaning': 'OFF'}}}, 'learn': False}}}
[2024-09-19 09:59:35.452][DEBUG] : Starting new HTTP connection (1):
[2024-09-19 11:59:35][INFO] : API RfPlayer solicité
[2024-09-19 09:59:35.636][DEBUG] : "POST /plugins/rfplayer2/core/php/jeeRfplayer2.php?apikey=vxKtxDCL1VqONvN85wKf8jMv6XQpnecQ HTTP/1.1" 200 0
[2024-09-19 14:00:06][DEBUG] : Execute Action > Eteindre / OFF / CHACON / 0
[2024-09-19 12:00:06.799][DEBUG] : Client connected to []
[2024-09-19 12:00:06.800][DEBUG] : Message read from socket: b'{"apikey":"vxKtxDCL1VqONvN85wKf8jMv6XQpnecQ","cmd":"send","id":"14","action":"OFF","type":"CHACON","qualifier":"0"}'
[2024-09-19 12:00:06.801][DEBUG] : Client disconnected from []
[2024-09-19 12:00:06.902][DEBUG] : Message received in socket JEEDOM_SOCKET_MESSAGE
[2024-09-19 12:00:06.903][DEBUG] : Commande SEND


On peut voir la config du plugin ?
Niveau du port afin de savoir si vous êtes by id ou pas.

Idem comment est connecté le rfplayer à la boxe ?

RFplayer connecté à la box ( dans une baie ) via une rallonge USB pour meilleur émission

Niveau port je tenterai de sélectionner le port by id voir si cela améliore

Si pas mieux, changer la rallonge usb

Comme cela ?

Une rallonge amplifiée/ autoalimentée ?

Oui voila.

D’une manière générale, le port en auto ce n’est pas conseillé.
Et depuis quelque temps on conseille le portbyid

Donc voir si il y a du mieux comme cela.

Non la même que maintenant mais la changer. J’ai eu le coup sur une rallonge chez un pote, ça a fonctionné des années puis il a eu des soucis à s’arracher les cheveux et en changeant bêtement la rallonge qui sort de son rack ben fini les soucis. Alors comment la rallonge s’est mise à déconner je n’ai pas cherché

Ok je teste ça

Oui car dans ton log on voit clairement

device disconnected or multiple access on port?

Bon problème pas complétement résolut, pas de nouvel arrêt du demon mais 3 relances nécessaires pour passer off ce micromodule DIO ` je pense que je vais le changer pour du zigbee

[2024-10-02 09:38:52][DEBUG] : Execute Action > Eteindre / OFF / CHACON / 0
[2024-10-02 07:38:52.607][DEBUG] : Client connected to []
[2024-10-02 07:38:52.608][DEBUG] : Message read from socket: b'{"apikey":"vxKtxDCL1VqONvN85wKf8jMv6XQpnecQ","cmd":"send","id":"14","action":"OFF","type":"CHACON","qualifier":"0"}'
[2024-10-02 07:38:52.608][DEBUG] : Client disconnected from []
[2024-10-02 07:38:52.657][DEBUG] : Message received in socket JEEDOM_SOCKET_MESSAGE
[2024-10-02 07:38:52.658][DEBUG] : Commande SEND
[2024-10-02 07:38:52.658][DEBUG] : OFF ID 14 CHACON
[2024-10-02 07:38:52.658][DEBUG] : Sending message ZIA++OFF ID 14 CHACON
[2024-10-02 09:39:06][DEBUG] : Execute Action > Eteindre / OFF / CHACON / 0
[2024-10-02 07:39:06.930][DEBUG] : Client connected to []
[2024-10-02 07:39:06.931][DEBUG] : Message read from socket: b'{"apikey":"vxKtxDCL1VqONvN85wKf8jMv6XQpnecQ","cmd":"send","id":"14","action":"OFF","type":"CHACON","qualifier":"0"}'
[2024-10-02 07:39:06.931][DEBUG] : Client disconnected from []
[2024-10-02 07:39:07.078][DEBUG] : Message received in socket JEEDOM_SOCKET_MESSAGE
[2024-10-02 07:39:07.079][DEBUG] : Commande SEND
[2024-10-02 07:39:07.079][DEBUG] : OFF ID 14 CHACON
[2024-10-02 07:39:07.080][DEBUG] : Sending message ZIA++OFF ID 14 CHACON
[2024-10-02 09:39:15][DEBUG] : Execute Action > Eteindre / OFF / CHACON / 0
[2024-10-02 07:39:15.126][DEBUG] : Client connected to []
[2024-10-02 07:39:15.127][DEBUG] : Message read from socket: b'{"apikey":"vxKtxDCL1VqONvN85wKf8jMv6XQpnecQ","cmd":"send","id":"14","action":"OFF","type":"CHACON","qualifier":"0"}'
[2024-10-02 07:39:15.127][DEBUG] : Client disconnected from []
[2024-10-02 07:39:15.290][DEBUG] : Message received in socket JEEDOM_SOCKET_MESSAGE
[2024-10-02 07:39:15.291][DEBUG] : Commande SEND
[2024-10-02 07:39:15.291][DEBUG] : OFF ID 14 CHACON
[2024-10-02 07:39:15.291][DEBUG] : Sending message ZIA++OFF ID 14 CHACON

Oui mais là ce n’est plus le même souci.

Ce souci ERROR : Error in read_rfplayer: read failed: device reports readiness to read but returned no data (device disconnected or multiple access on port?)

a donc été résolu en appliquant le port by id.

1 « J'aime »

Exacte et merci beaucoup :+1:

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