Octobre 12, 2024, 9:52
Ma version de jeedom: 4.4.18, Debian 11.
Je voudrais créer un widget avec code.
Je vais dans outils, widgets, code, Créer un widget.
Je complète la version (dashboard), le type (info), le sous-type (numérique), le nom (CompassSud).
Puis je clique sur Créer.
Et j’obtiens le message d’erreur: le sous-type ne peut être vide.
Faut-il faire autrement pour créer un widget avec code, ou est-ce un bug ?
Merci de votre réponse.
Ceci n’est pas passé sur la 4.4.18
← Phpvarious:editorCreateWidget
opened 06:20PM - 17 Aug 24 UTC
Please targe… t the `beta` branch when submitting your pull request, unless your change **only** applies to Jeedom 4.x.
## Description
- Remplacement cloneNode par une modale.
### Suggested changelog entry
Correction d’un bug lors de la création d'un widget code.
### Related issues/external references
Fixes #
## Types of changes
- [x] Bug fix _(non-breaking change which fixes)_
- [ ] New feature _(non-breaking change which adds functionality)_
- [ ] Breaking change _(fix or feature that would cause existing functionality to change)_
- [ ] This change is only breaking for integrators, not for external standards or end-users.
- [ ] Documentation improvement
## PR checklist
- [x] I have checked there is no other PR open for the same change.
- [x] I have read the [[La ligne directrice pour contribuer à ce projet / Contribution guidelines for this project](.github/
- [x] I grant the project the right to include and distribute the code under the GNU.
- [x] I have added tests to cover my changes.
- [x] I have verified that the code complies with the projects coding standards.
- [ ] [Required for new sniffs] I have added MD documentation for the sniff.
Please make sure your pull request passes all continuous integration checks!
PRs which are failing their CI checks will likely be ignored by the maintainers.
PRs using atomic, descriptive commits are hugely appreciated as it will make
reviewing your changes easier for the maintainers.
2 « J'aime »
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Octobre 13, 2024, 10:03
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