Clé Huawei E220, SIM Free et Deamon KO


j’ai suivi cette doc:

J’ai acheté une clé Huawei E220 avec une SIM Free à 2€. testé sur le tel, le sms fonctionne bien.

Par contre comme bcp deamon KO. Je suis a jour sur le jeedom core et le plugin sms.

[2024-08-28 22:25:03] INFO  : Lancement démon sms : /usr/bin/python3 /var/www/html/plugins/sms/resources/smsd/ --device /dev/serial/by-id/usb-HUAWEI_Technologies_HUAWEI_Mobile-if00-port0 --loglevel debug --socketport 55002 --serialrate 115200 --pin 1234 --textmode no --smsc None --cycle 30 --callback --apikey VYpaDA7hr9lHxxxxQn0aLpVF --pid /tmp/jeedom/sms/
[2024-08-28 22:25:03] INFO  : Start smsd
[2024-08-28 22:25:03] INFO  : Log level : debug
[2024-08-28 22:25:03] INFO  : Socket port : 55002
[2024-08-28 22:25:03] INFO  : Socket host :
[2024-08-28 22:25:03] INFO  : PID file : /tmp/jeedom/sms/
[2024-08-28 22:25:03] INFO  : Device : /dev/serial/by-id/usb-HUAWEI_Technologies_HUAWEI_Mobile-if00-port0
[2024-08-28 22:25:03] INFO  : Callback :
[2024-08-28 22:25:03] INFO  : Cycle : 30.0
[2024-08-28 22:25:03] INFO  : Serial rate : 115200
[2024-08-28 22:25:03] INFO  : Pin : 1234
[2024-08-28 22:25:03] INFO  : Text mode : no
[2024-08-28 22:25:03] INFO  : SMSC : None
[2024-08-28 22:25:03] DEBUG  : Writing PID 43057 to /tmp/jeedom/sms/
[2024-08-28 22:25:03] DEBUG  : Init request module v2.31.0
[2024-08-28 22:25:03] DEBUG  : Starting new HTTP connection (1):
[2024-08-28 22:25:03] DEBUG  : "GET /plugins/sms/core/php/jeeSMS.php?apikey=VYpaDA7hr9lHxxx7YNXQn0aLpVF HTTP/1.1" 200 0
[2024-08-28 22:25:03] DEBUG  : Socket interface started
[2024-08-28 22:25:03] DEBUG  : LoopNetServer Thread started
[2024-08-28 22:25:03] DEBUG  : Start listening...
[2024-08-28 22:25:03] DEBUG  : Listening on: []
[2024-08-28 22:25:03] DEBUG  : Connecting to GSM Modem...
[2024-08-28 22:25:03] DEBUG  : Text mode false
[2024-08-28 22:25:03] DEBUG  : Enter pin code : 1234
[2024-08-28 22:25:03] INFO  : Connecting to modem on port /dev/serial/by-id/usb-HUAWEI_Technologies_HUAWEI_Mobile-if00-port0 at 115200bps
[2024-08-28 22:25:03] DEBUG  : write: AT
[2024-08-28 22:25:03] DEBUG  : response: ['OK']
[2024-08-28 22:25:03] DEBUG  : write: ATZ
[2024-08-28 22:25:04] DEBUG  : response: ['OK']
[2024-08-28 22:25:04] DEBUG  : write ATZ done
[2024-08-28 22:25:04] DEBUG  : write: ATE0
[2024-08-28 22:25:04] DEBUG  : response: ['ATE0\r', 'OK']
[2024-08-28 22:25:04] DEBUG  : write: AT+CFUN?
[2024-08-28 22:25:04] DEBUG  : response: ['+CFUN: 1', 'OK']
[2024-08-28 22:25:04] DEBUG  : write: AT+CMEE=1
[2024-08-28 22:25:04] DEBUG  : response: ['OK']
[2024-08-28 22:25:04] DEBUG  : write: AT+CPIN?
[2024-08-28 22:25:04] DEBUG  : response: ['+CPIN: READY', 'OK']
[2024-08-28 22:25:04] DEBUG  : write: AT+CLAC
[2024-08-28 22:25:04] DEBUG  : response: ['COMMAND NOT SUPPORT']
[2024-08-28 22:25:04] DEBUG  : write: AT
[2024-08-28 22:25:04] DEBUG  : response: ['OK']
[2024-08-28 22:25:04] DEBUG  : write: AT^CVOICE=?
[2024-08-28 22:25:04] DEBUG  : response: ['COMMAND NOT SUPPORT']
[2024-08-28 22:25:04] DEBUG  : write: AT+VTS=?
[2024-08-28 22:25:04] DEBUG  : response: ['COMMAND NOT SUPPORT']
[2024-08-28 22:25:04] DEBUG  : write: AT^DTMF=?
[2024-08-28 22:25:04] DEBUG  : response: ['COMMAND NOT SUPPORT']
[2024-08-28 22:25:04] DEBUG  : write: AT^USSDMODE=?
[2024-08-28 22:25:04] DEBUG  : response: ['COMMAND NOT SUPPORT']
[2024-08-28 22:25:04] DEBUG  : write: AT+WIND=?
[2024-08-28 22:25:04] DEBUG  : response: ['COMMAND NOT SUPPORT']
[2024-08-28 22:25:04] DEBUG  : write: AT+ZPAS=?
[2024-08-28 22:25:04] DEBUG  : response: ['COMMAND NOT SUPPORT']
[2024-08-28 22:25:04] DEBUG  : write: AT+CSCS=?
[2024-08-28 22:25:04] DEBUG  : response: ['+CSCS: ("IRA","GSM","UCS2")', 'OK']
[2024-08-28 22:25:04] DEBUG  : write: AT+CNUM=?
[2024-08-28 22:25:04] DEBUG  : response: ['OK']
[2024-08-28 22:25:04] DEBUG  : write: AT+CGMI
[2024-08-28 22:25:04] DEBUG  : response: ['huawei', 'OK']
[2024-08-28 22:25:04] DEBUG  : write: AT+CGMI
[2024-08-28 22:25:04] DEBUG  : response: ['huawei', 'OK']
[2024-08-28 22:25:04] INFO  : Loading Huawei call state update table
[2024-08-28 22:25:04] DEBUG  : write: AT+COPS=3,0
[2024-08-28 22:25:04] DEBUG  : response: ['OK']
[2024-08-28 22:25:04] DEBUG  : write: AT+CMGF=0
[2024-08-28 22:25:04] DEBUG  : response: ['OK']
[2024-08-28 22:25:04] DEBUG  : write: AT+CSCA?
[2024-08-28 22:25:04] DEBUG  : response: ['+CSCA: "+33695000695",145', 'OK']
[2024-08-28 22:25:04] DEBUG  : write: AT+CSMP=49,167,0,0
[2024-08-28 22:25:04] DEBUG  : response: ['OK']
[2024-08-28 22:25:04] DEBUG  : write: AT+CSCA?
[2024-08-28 22:25:04] DEBUG  : response: ['+CSCA: "+33695000695",145', 'OK']
[2024-08-28 22:25:04] DEBUG  : write: AT+CPMS=?
[2024-08-28 22:25:04] DEBUG  : response: ['+CPMS: ("ME","MT","SM","SR"),("ME","MT","SM","SR"),("ME","MT","SM","SR")', 'OK']
[2024-08-28 22:25:04] DEBUG  : write: AT+CPMS="ME","ME","ME"
[2024-08-28 22:25:04] DEBUG  : response: ['+CPMS: 0,255,0,255,0,255', 'OK']
[2024-08-28 22:25:04] DEBUG  : write: AT+CNMI=2,1,0,2
[2024-08-28 22:25:04] DEBUG  : response: ['OK']
[2024-08-28 22:25:04] DEBUG  : write: AT+CLIP=1
[2024-08-28 22:25:04] DEBUG  : response: ['OK']
[2024-08-28 22:25:04] DEBUG  : write: AT+CRC=1
[2024-08-28 22:25:04] DEBUG  : response: ['OK']
[2024-08-28 22:25:04] DEBUG  : write: AT+CVHU=0
[2024-08-28 22:25:04] DEBUG  : response: ['OK']
[2024-08-28 22:25:04] DEBUG  : Waiting for network...
[2024-08-28 22:25:04] DEBUG  : write: AT+CREG?
[2024-08-28 22:25:04] DEBUG  : response: ['+CREG: 0,0', 'OK']
[2024-08-28 22:25:04] ERROR  : Global listen exception of type InvalidStateException occurred: Device not searching for network operator
[2024-08-28 22:25:04] DEBUG  : Send to jeedom :  {'number': 'none', 'message': 'Device not searching for network operator'}
[2024-08-28 22:25:04] ERROR  : Exit 1 because this exeption is fatal
[2024-08-28 22:25:04] DEBUG  : Starting new HTTP connection (1):
[2024-08-28 22:25:04] DEBUG  : Shutdown
[2024-08-28 22:25:04] DEBUG  : Removing PID file /tmp/jeedom/sms/
[2024-08-28 22:25:04] DEBUG  : "POST /plugins/sms/core/php/jeeSMS.php?apikey=VYpaDA7hrxxxs7YNXQn0aLpVF HTTP/1.1" 200 0
[2024-08-28 22:25:04] DEBUG  : LoopNetServer Thread stopped
[2024-08-28 22:25:04] DEBUG  : Exit 0
[2024-08-28 22:25:34] ERROR  : Impossible de lancer le démon sms, vérifiez le port

Je ne vois pas quoi faire, j’ai suivi à la lettre la doc :slight_smile:

Sans oublier la page santé :slight_smile:


response: [‹ +CREG: 0,0 ›, ‹ OK ›]


Il faudrait 1 ou 5. mais que veut dire exactement le retour 0 sachant que sur mon iphone la carte SIM fonctionne et trouve free :slight_smile:

1 « J'aime »

Question bête, mais tu as bien de la 3G Free là où tu te trouves, et pas seulement de la 4G/5G ?
Ta clé n’est que 3G …

2 « J'aime »

C’est une clé 3G en effet et bonne remarque sans doute plus de 3G autour de moi.
Savez vous si un site existe qui liste les couvertures 3,4,5G ?


Sur ce site,tu vas voir les relais autour de chez toi et s’il y a de la 3G chez Free.
Après, une clé USB 4G, ça doit exister, faut cher cher sur Amazon ou Google …

Merci pour le site.

J’imagine que si je suis chez Free je ne peux que utiliser les infrastructures Free.
Ci dessous les infos de l’antenne la plus proche:

Je vois de la 5G mais il y a aussi de la 4G normalement puisque mon tel avec la carte SIM Free indique 4G sur le tel.

Il y a de la 3G aussi

cela correspond à l’UMTS ?

Oui cela corresponds à UMTS


En me basant sur tes screenshots, as tu essayer :

  • Supprimer le code PIN
  • Utiliser un autre port

J’utilise la même clé et voici ma config :


J’ai tenté mais tjs ko.
J’ai mis le plugin sms en version beta, tjs KO:

Du coup je n’arrive pas à savoir si c’est un pb de sim (j’ai testé avec Orange, KO aussi), un pb hardware ou autre :frowning:


Tu n’as pas ce port là ?
/dev/ttyUSB0 (/dev/ttyUSB0)

jeedom est sur une VM avec un forward par ID:

root@jeedom:~# ls -l /dev/serial/by-id
total 0
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 13 Sep  6 13:06 usb-0658_0200-if00 -> ../../ttyACM1
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 13 Sep  6 13:04 usb-dresden_elektronik_ingenieurtechnik_GmbH_ConBee_II_DE2122345-if00 -> ../../ttyACM0
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 13 Sep  6 13:04 usb-FTDI_FT232R_USB_UART_A702OS2Y-if00-port0 -> ../../ttyUSB0
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 13 Sep  6 13:17 usb-HUAWEI_Technologies_HUAWEI_Mobile-if00-port0 -> ../../ttyUSB1
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 13 Sep  6 13:17 usb-HUAWEI_Technologies_HUAWEI_Mobile-if01-port0 -> ../../ttyUSB2
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 13 Sep  6 13:17 usb-HUAWEI_Technologies_HUAWEI_Mobile-if02-port0 -> ../../ttyUSB3

Si je teste les 3 différents ttyUSBx, meme pb :frowning:

[2024-09-06 14:42:27] DEBUG  : Listening on: []
[2024-09-06 14:42:27] DEBUG  : Start listening...
[2024-09-06 14:42:27] DEBUG  : Connecting to GSM Modem...
[2024-09-06 14:42:27] DEBUG  : Text mode false
[2024-09-06 14:42:27] INFO  : Connecting to modem on port /dev/ttyUSB1 at 115200bps
[2024-09-06 14:42:27] DEBUG  : write: AT
[2024-09-06 14:42:27] DEBUG  : response: ['OK']
[2024-09-06 14:42:27] DEBUG  : write: ATZ
[2024-09-06 14:42:27] DEBUG  : response: ['OK']
[2024-09-06 14:42:27] DEBUG  : write ATZ done
[2024-09-06 14:42:27] DEBUG  : write: ATE0
[2024-09-06 14:42:27] DEBUG  : response: ['ATE0\r', 'OK']
[2024-09-06 14:42:27] DEBUG  : write: AT+CFUN?
[2024-09-06 14:42:27] DEBUG  : response: ['+CFUN: 1', 'OK']
[2024-09-06 14:42:27] DEBUG  : write: AT+CMEE=1
[2024-09-06 14:42:27] DEBUG  : response: ['OK']
[2024-09-06 14:42:27] DEBUG  : write: AT+CPIN?
[2024-09-06 14:42:27] DEBUG  : response: ['+CPIN: READY', 'OK']
[2024-09-06 14:42:27] DEBUG  : write: AT+CLAC
[2024-09-06 14:42:27] DEBUG  : response: ['COMMAND NOT SUPPORT']
[2024-09-06 14:42:27] DEBUG  : write: AT
[2024-09-06 14:42:27] DEBUG  : response: ['OK']
[2024-09-06 14:42:27] DEBUG  : write: AT^CVOICE=?
[2024-09-06 14:42:27] DEBUG  : response: ['COMMAND NOT SUPPORT']
[2024-09-06 14:42:27] DEBUG  : write: AT+VTS=?
[2024-09-06 14:42:27] DEBUG  : response: ['COMMAND NOT SUPPORT']
[2024-09-06 14:42:27] DEBUG  : write: AT^DTMF=?
[2024-09-06 14:42:27] DEBUG  : response: ['COMMAND NOT SUPPORT']
[2024-09-06 14:42:27] DEBUG  : write: AT^USSDMODE=?
[2024-09-06 14:42:27] DEBUG  : response: ['COMMAND NOT SUPPORT']
[2024-09-06 14:42:27] DEBUG  : write: AT+WIND=?
[2024-09-06 14:42:27] DEBUG  : response: ['COMMAND NOT SUPPORT']
[2024-09-06 14:42:27] DEBUG  : write: AT+ZPAS=?
[2024-09-06 14:42:27] DEBUG  : response: ['COMMAND NOT SUPPORT']
[2024-09-06 14:42:27] DEBUG  : write: AT+CSCS=?
[2024-09-06 14:42:27] DEBUG  : response: ['+CSCS: ("IRA","GSM","UCS2")', 'OK']
[2024-09-06 14:42:27] DEBUG  : write: AT+CNUM=?
[2024-09-06 14:42:27] DEBUG  : response: ['OK']
[2024-09-06 14:42:27] DEBUG  : write: AT+CGMI
[2024-09-06 14:42:27] DEBUG  : response: ['huawei', 'OK']
[2024-09-06 14:42:27] DEBUG  : write: AT+CGMI
[2024-09-06 14:42:27] DEBUG  : response: ['huawei', 'OK']
[2024-09-06 14:42:27] INFO  : Loading Huawei call state update table
[2024-09-06 14:42:27] DEBUG  : write: AT+COPS=3,0
[2024-09-06 14:42:27] DEBUG  : response: ['OK']
[2024-09-06 14:42:27] DEBUG  : write: AT+CMGF=0
[2024-09-06 14:42:27] DEBUG  : response: ['OK']
[2024-09-06 14:42:27] DEBUG  : write: AT+CSCA?
[2024-09-06 14:42:27] DEBUG  : response: ['+CSCA: "002B00330033003600390035003000300030003600390035",145', 'OK']
[2024-09-06 14:42:27] DEBUG  : write: AT+CSMP=49,167,0,0
[2024-09-06 14:42:37] ERROR  : Global listen exception of type TimeoutException occurred: None
[2024-09-06 14:42:37] DEBUG  : Send to jeedom :  {'number': 'none', 'message': 'None'}
[2024-09-06 14:42:37] ERROR  : Exit 1 because this exeption is fatal
[2024-09-06 14:42:37] DEBUG  : Shutdown
[2024-09-06 14:42:37] DEBUG  : Removing PID file /tmp/jeedom/sms/
[2024-09-06 14:42:37] DEBUG  : Starting new HTTP connection (1):
[2024-09-06 14:42:37] DEBUG  : "POST /plugins/sms/core/php/jeeSMS.php?apikey=VYpaDAxxxQn0aLpVF HTTP/11" 200 0
[2024-09-06 14:42:38] DEBUG  : LoopNetServer Thread stopped
[2024-09-06 14:42:38] DEBUG  : Exit 0

Alors il vaudrait mieux monter le port via « Use USB Port »

root@jeedom:~# ls -l /dev/serial/by-id
total 0
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 13 Sep  6 15:07 usb-0658_0200-if00 -> ../../ttyACM1
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 13 Sep  6 15:07 usb-dresden_elektronik_ingenieurtechnik_GmbH_ConBee_II_DE2122345-if00 -> ../../ttyACM0
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 13 Sep  6 15:07 usb-FTDI_FT232R_USB_UART_A702OS2Y-if00-port0 -> ../../ttyUSB0
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 13 Sep  6 15:07 usb-HUAWEI_Technologies_HUAWEI_Mobile-if00-port0 -> ../../ttyUSB1
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 13 Sep  6 15:07 usb-HUAWEI_Technologies_HUAWEI_Mobile-if01-port0 -> ../../ttyUSB2
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 13 Sep  6 15:07 usb-HUAWEI_Technologies_HUAWEI_Mobile-if02-port0 -> ../../ttyUSB3

je ne comprends pas pourquoi 3 ttyUSB donc je teste les 3 mais pas de changement:

[2024-09-06 15:09:18] DEBUG  : Text mode false
[2024-09-06 15:09:18] INFO  : Connecting to modem on port /dev/ttyUSB1 at 115200bps
[2024-09-06 15:09:18] DEBUG  : write: AT
[2024-09-06 15:09:18] DEBUG  : response: ['OK']
[2024-09-06 15:09:18] DEBUG  : write: ATZ
[2024-09-06 15:09:18] DEBUG  : response: ['OK']
[2024-09-06 15:09:18] DEBUG  : write ATZ done
[2024-09-06 15:09:18] DEBUG  : write: ATE0
[2024-09-06 15:09:18] DEBUG  : response: ['ATE0\r', 'OK']
[2024-09-06 15:09:18] DEBUG  : write: AT+CFUN?
[2024-09-06 15:09:18] DEBUG  : response: ['+CFUN: 1', 'OK']
[2024-09-06 15:09:18] DEBUG  : write: AT+CMEE=1
[2024-09-06 15:09:18] DEBUG  : response: ['OK']
[2024-09-06 15:09:18] DEBUG  : write: AT+CPIN?
[2024-09-06 15:09:18] DEBUG  : response: ['+CPIN: READY', 'OK']
[2024-09-06 15:09:18] DEBUG  : write: AT+CLAC
[2024-09-06 15:09:18] DEBUG  : response: ['COMMAND NOT SUPPORT']
[2024-09-06 15:09:18] DEBUG  : write: AT
[2024-09-06 15:09:18] DEBUG  : response: ['OK']
[2024-09-06 15:09:18] DEBUG  : write: AT^CVOICE=?
[2024-09-06 15:09:18] DEBUG  : response: ['COMMAND NOT SUPPORT']
[2024-09-06 15:09:18] DEBUG  : write: AT+VTS=?
[2024-09-06 15:09:18] DEBUG  : response: ['COMMAND NOT SUPPORT']
[2024-09-06 15:09:18] DEBUG  : write: AT^DTMF=?
[2024-09-06 15:09:18] DEBUG  : response: ['COMMAND NOT SUPPORT']
[2024-09-06 15:09:18] DEBUG  : write: AT^USSDMODE=?
[2024-09-06 15:09:18] DEBUG  : response: ['COMMAND NOT SUPPORT']
[2024-09-06 15:09:18] DEBUG  : write: AT+WIND=?
[2024-09-06 15:09:18] DEBUG  : response: ['COMMAND NOT SUPPORT']
[2024-09-06 15:09:18] DEBUG  : write: AT+ZPAS=?
[2024-09-06 15:09:18] DEBUG  : response: ['COMMAND NOT SUPPORT']
[2024-09-06 15:09:18] DEBUG  : write: AT+CSCS=?
[2024-09-06 15:09:18] DEBUG  : response: ['+CSCS: ("IRA","GSM","UCS2")', 'OK']
[2024-09-06 15:09:18] DEBUG  : write: AT+CNUM=?
[2024-09-06 15:09:18] DEBUG  : response: ['OK']
[2024-09-06 15:09:18] DEBUG  : write: AT+CGMI
[2024-09-06 15:09:18] DEBUG  : response: ['huawei', 'OK']
[2024-09-06 15:09:18] DEBUG  : write: AT+CGMI
[2024-09-06 15:09:18] DEBUG  : response: ['huawei', 'OK']
[2024-09-06 15:09:18] INFO  : Loading Huawei call state update table
[2024-09-06 15:09:18] DEBUG  : write: AT+COPS=3,0
[2024-09-06 15:09:18] DEBUG  : response: ['OK']
[2024-09-06 15:09:18] DEBUG  : write: AT+CMGF=0
[2024-09-06 15:09:18] DEBUG  : response: ['OK']
[2024-09-06 15:09:18] DEBUG  : write: AT+CSCA?
[2024-09-06 15:09:18] DEBUG  : response: ['+CSCA: "002B00330033003600390035003000300030003600390035",145', 'OK']
[2024-09-06 15:09:18] DEBUG  : write: AT+CSMP=49,167,0,0
[2024-09-06 15:09:28] ERROR  : Global listen exception of type TimeoutException occurred: None
[2024-09-06 15:09:28] DEBUG  : Send to jeedom :  {'number': 'none', 'message': 'None'}
[2024-09-06 15:09:28] ERROR  : Exit 1 because this exeption is fatal
[2024-09-06 15:09:28] DEBUG  : Shutdown
[2024-09-06 15:09:28] DEBUG  : Removing PID file /tmp/jeedom/sms/
[2024-09-06 15:09:28] DEBUG  : Starting new HTTP connection (1):
[2024-09-06 15:09:28] DEBUG  : "POST /plugins/sms/core/php/jeeSMS.php?apikey=VYpaDA7hxxxYNXQn0aLpVF HTTP/11" 200 0
[2024-09-06 15:09:28] DEBUG  : LoopNetServer Thread stopped
[2024-09-06 15:09:28] DEBUG  : Exit 0

Bonjour à Tous,
Exactement le même probleme avec abo Free depuis que j’ai migré mon installation sur debian 11, le plugin passe en NoK au bout d’une dizaine de secondes.
Par contre ni l’abonnement free, ni la 3G ou 4G ni ma clé HUWAIE ne sont en cause. J’ai essayé avec mon second disque SSD monté avec l’ancienne version Debian et ça fonctionne nickel.
Je ne sais pas ou chercher le problème ?

J’avoue ne pas savoir j’ai eu le meme pb et je suis parti sur une autre clé et miracle