Changement voix Google

Bonjour à tous

J’ai reçu le mail ci-dessous de Google concernant un changement dans les voies.
Est ce que cela va changer quelque chose vis-à-vis du plugin même s’ils disent qu’il n’y a pas d’impact?


We’re reaching out to remind you about the upcoming updates to [Google Cloud Text-to-Speech]( voices in European markets.

Initially, the replacement was scheduled for December 6, 2024. However, to give you more time to test the new voices, the transition date has been extended to January 27, 2025. The new replacement voices are now available in our catalog and are listed in the PDF file linked below.

For voices still awaiting replacement, the deadline has been extended to April 15, 2025, allowing users additional time to prepare.

We’ve provided additional information below to guide you through this update.

What you need to know

Upcoming Changes

Starting January 27, 2025, the Cloud Text-to-Speech voices listed in the pdf file linked below will automatically transition to updated versions within the same or less expensive tier across European markets.

Voices with pending replacements will remain accessible until April 15, 2025, and the [catalog](.

The new voices might not resemble the original speaker’s voice, but they will be of higher quality and sound more natural.

No Impact on Current Usage

This update will not change how you currently use voices. Voices will continue to support Speech Synthesis Markup Language (SSML) and remain in the same or cheaper pricing tier as the original voice. You will also have the option to choose a different voice from the available selections.

The Cloud Text-to-Speech voices that will be updated starting January 27, 2025, across European markets are listed in this [PDF file]

What you need to do

No action is required from you to begin using the updated voice versions. You can test out the replacement voices from the pdffile as they will automatically replace the discontinuated voices. If you prefer a different voice, you can choose an alternative from the available options offered.


Merci pour cette information. Je n’ai pas reçu ce mail (pas encore ?), il faut que je regarde si cela aura un impact ou non (à première vue, je dirais que non, mais à vérifier :wink: )

Tu pourrais me faire passer le fameux PDF dont ils parlent ? cela pourrait m’aider.

Bonne soirée,


2 « J'aime »

Euh c’est une blague, toutes les neural2 sont remplacées vers les neural2-F ou neural2-G qui sont juste moches ! J’espère que ce sont pas les définitives… D’abord une réduction du nombre de voix et baisse de qualité dans les voix de l’assistant, maintenant pareil côté API TTS. A croire qu’il y a du travail bâclé sur les voix autres que english/american.
A surveiller…