Hello !
Je suis en version :
- Jeedom 4.2.21
- Roomba Beta 2022-10-18 01:06:56
- MQTT2 2022-10-25 20:51:04
La découverte fonctionne correctement mais dans le log kroomba_deamon j’ai des timout étonnamment.
0477|[2022-11-01 11:54:05]INFO : Try to connect to iRobot Roomba with ip 192.168.1.XX
0478|[2022-11-01 11:54:05]INFO : Start listening
0479|[2022-11-01 11:54:05]INFO : Connecting...
0480|[2022-11-01 11:54:05]INFO : Setting TLS
0481|[2022-11-01 11:54:05]INFO : Setting TLS - OK
0482|[2022-11-01 11:54:05]DEBUG : Broker Connected with result code 0
0483|[2022-11-01 11:54:05]INFO : subscribed to iRobot/command/Roomba/#, iRobot/setting/Roomba/#
0484|[2022-11-01 11:54:10]ERROR : Connection Error: timed out
0485|[2022-11-01 11:54:11]ERROR : Attempting retry Connection# 0
0486|[2022-11-01 11:54:11]INFO : Attempting to Reconnect...
0487|[2022-11-01 11:54:16]ERROR : Connection Error: timed out
0488|[2022-11-01 11:54:17]ERROR : Attempting retry Connection# 1
0489|[2022-11-01 11:54:17]INFO : Attempting to Reconnect...
0490|[2022-11-01 11:54:22]ERROR : Connection Error: timed out
0491|[2022-11-01 11:54:23]ERROR : Attempting retry Connection# 2
0492|[2022-11-01 11:54:23]INFO : Attempting to Reconnect...
0493|[2022-11-01 11:54:28]ERROR : Connection Error: timed out
0494|[2022-11-01 11:54:42]INFO : Received COMMAND: start
0495|[2022-11-01 11:54:42]INFO : Processing COMMAND: start
0496|[2022-11-01 11:54:42]INFO : Sending Command: {"command": "start", "time": 1667303682, "initiator": "localApp"}
0497|[2022-11-01 11:55:28]ERROR : Attempting retry Connection# 3
0498|[2022-11-01 11:55:28]INFO : Attempting to Reconnect...
0499|[2022-11-01 11:55:33]ERROR : Connection Error: timed out
Une idée du pourquoi ? ou dans quel direction chercher ?
Merci !