Antenne sur RPI HS

Theengs Gateway (tgw) - stable
MQTT Discovery (MQTTDiscovery) - beta


Je rencontre des problèmes avec une de mes antennes TGW installées sur un Rasberry 3. ID1491

Elle a subitement arrêtée de fonctionner.

0000|[2024-01-17 16:34:02]DEBUG : SSH exec:hcitool dev | grep hci => 	hci1	B8:27:EB:4D:56:CB 	hci0	00:01:95:5E:1A:D3
0001|[2024-01-17 16:34:02]DEBUG : get file '/var/log/TheengsGateway.log' from
0002|[2024-01-17 16:34:14]DEBUG : Listening to topic:'tgw'
0003|[2024-01-17 16:34:14]INFO : Configuration de l'antenne 'TGW RPI'
0004|[2024-01-17 16:34:14]DEBUG : Informations reçues de mqtt2: {"ip":"","port":"1883","user":"","password":null}
0005|[2024-01-17 16:34:17]DEBUG : SSH exec:echo '{"adapter":"hci0","discovery_filter":["IBEACON","GAEN","MS-CDP","APPLE_CONT","APPLE_CONTAT"],"discovery_device_name":"TGW RPI","log_level":"DEBUG","host":"","port":1883,"user":"","pass":null,"lwt_topic":"tgw\/1491\/LWT","publish_topic":"home\/TGW_1491\/BTtoMQTT"}' | sudo tee /root/theengsgw.conf => {"adapter":"hci0","discovery_filter":["IBEACON","GAEN","MS-CDP","APPLE_CONT","APPLE_CONTAT"],"discovery_device_name":"TGW RPI","log_level":"DEBUG","host":"","port":1883,"user":"","pass":null,"lwt_topic":"tgw\/1491\/LWT","publish_topic":"home\/TGW_1491\/BTtoMQTT"}
0006|[2024-01-17 16:34:18]DEBUG : SSH exec:sudo systemctl stop TheengsGateway.service =>
0007|[2024-01-17 16:34:19]DEBUG : SSH exec:echo '     [Unit]     Description=TheengsGateway Service      [Service]     Type=simple     ExecStart=/root/.local/bin/TheengsGateway     Restart=always     RestartSec=10     StandardOutput=append:/var/log/TheengsGateway.log     StandardError=append:/var/log/TheengsGateway.log      [Install]     ' | sudo tee /etc/systemd/system/TheengsGateway.service =>      [Unit]     Description=TheengsGateway Service      [Service]     Type=simple     ExecStart=/root/.local/bin/TheengsGateway     Restart=always     RestartSec=10     StandardOutput=append:/var/log/TheengsGateway.log     StandardError=append:/var/log/TheengsGateway.log      [Install]
0008|[2024-01-17 16:34:20]DEBUG : SSH exec:sudo systemctl daemon-reload =>
0009|[2024-01-17 16:34:21]DEBUG : SSH exec:sudo systemctl enable --now TheengsGateway.service =>
0010|[2024-01-17 16:34:23]DEBUG : SSH exec:echo '     /var/log/TheengsGateway.log {       rotate 4       daily       copytruncate       size=100k       maxsize=50M       compress       missingok       notifempty     }     ' | sudo tee /etc/logrotate.d/TheengsGateway =>      /var/log/TheengsGateway.log {       rotate 4       daily       copytruncate       size=100k       maxsize=50M       compress       missingok       notifempty     }
0011|[2024-01-17 16:35:05]DEBUG : get file '/var/log/TheengsGateway.log' from
0012|[2024-01-17 16:36:02]DEBUG : get file '/var/log/TheengsGateway.log' from
0013|[2024-01-17 16:36:20]DEBUG : SSH exec:ls /tmp/ | grep -Ec tgw_install_in_progress => 0
0014|[2024-01-17 16:36:23]DEBUG : SSH exec:sudo /root/.local/bin/TheengsGateway -h | grep -Ecw "usage:" => 1
0015|[2024-01-17 16:37:03]DEBUG : get file '/var/log/TheengsGateway.log' from
0016|[2024-01-17 16:37:19]DEBUG : SSH exec:hcitool dev | grep hci => 	hci1	B8:27:EB:4D:56:CB 	hci0	00:01:95:5E:1A:D3
0017|[2024-01-17 16:37:23]DEBUG : SSH exec:ls /tmp/ | grep -Ec tgw_install_in_progress => 0
0018|[2024-01-17 16:37:26]DEBUG : SSH exec:sudo /root/.local/bin/TheengsGateway -h | grep -Ecw "usage:" => 1
0019|[2024-01-17 16:38:02]DEBUG : get file '/var/log/TheengsGateway.log' from
0020|[2024-01-17 16:38:15]DEBUG : SSH exec:hcitool dev | grep hci => 	hci1	B8:27:EB:4D:56:CB 	hci0	00:01:95:5E:1A:D3
0021|[2024-01-17 16:38:19]INFO : (Re)Démarrage de l'antenne 'TGW RPI'
0022|[2024-01-17 16:38:19]DEBUG : Listening to topic:'tgw'
0023|[2024-01-17 16:38:20]DEBUG : SSH exec:sudo systemctl restart TheengsGateway.service =>
0024|[2024-01-17 16:38:22]DEBUG : get file '/var/log/TheengsGateway.log' from
0025|[2024-01-17 16:39:03]DEBUG : get file '/var/log/TheengsGateway.log' from
0026|[2024-01-17 16:39:04]DEBUG : SSH exec:ls /tmp/ | grep -Ec tgw_install_in_progress => 0
0027|[2024-01-17 16:39:07]DEBUG : SSH exec:sudo /root/.local/bin/TheengsGateway -h | grep -Ecw "usage:" => 1
0028|[2024-01-17 16:39:24]DEBUG : SSH exec:ls /tmp/ | grep -Ec tgw_install_in_progress => 0
0029|[2024-01-17 16:39:27]DEBUG : SSH exec:sudo /root/.local/bin/TheengsGateway -h | grep -Ecw "usage:" => 1
0030|[2024-01-17 16:40:05]DEBUG : get file '/var/log/TheengsGateway.log' from
0000|"presence_topic": "home/TheengsGateway/presence",
0001|"publish_advdata": 0,
0002|"publish_all": 1,
0003|"publish_topic": "home/TGW_1491/BTtoMQTT",
0004|"scanning_mode": "active",
0005|"subscribe_topic": "home/+/BTtoMQTT/undecoded",
0006|"time_format": 0,
0007|"time_sync": [],
0008|"user": "***"
0011|## Bluetooth adapters
0012|Default adapter: hci0
0013|### hci0
0014|| Name         | Value                   |
0016|| address      | 00:01:95:XX:XX:XX       |
0017|| sw_version   | raspberrypi #1          |
0018|| hw_version   | usb:v1D6Bp0246d0537     |
0019|| passive_scan |                       0 |
0020|| manufacturer | Sena Technologies, Inc. |
0021|| product      | 0001                    |
0022|| vendor_id    | 0a12                    |
0023|| product_id   | 0001                    |
0024|### hci1
0025|| Name         | Value                   |
0027|| address      | B8:27:EB:XX:XX:XX       |
0028|| sw_version   | raspberrypi             |
0029|| hw_version   | usb:v1D6Bp0246d0537     |
0030|| passive_scan |                       0 |
0031|| manufacturer | Raspberry Pi Foundation |
0032|Traceback (most recent call last):
0033|File "/root/.local/bin/TheengsGateway", line 4, in 
0035|File "/root/.local/share/pipx/venvs/theengsgateway/lib/python3.9/site-packages/TheengsGateway/", line 57, in main
0036|run(configuration, config_path)
0037|File "/root/.local/share/pipx/venvs/theengsgateway/lib/python3.9/site-packages/TheengsGateway/", line 591, in run
0039|File "/usr/lib/python3.9/asyncio/", line 44, in run
0040|return loop.run_until_complete(main)
0041|File "/usr/lib/python3.9/asyncio/", line 642, in run_until_complete
0042|return future.result()
0043|File "/root/.local/share/pipx/venvs/theengsgateway/lib/python3.9/site-packages/TheengsGateway/", line 172, in diagnostics
0044|await _adapters()
0045|File "/root/.local/share/pipx/venvs/theengsgateway/lib/python3.9/site-packages/TheengsGateway/", line 155, in _adapters
0046|_section(adapter, properties)  # type: ignore[arg-type]
0047|File "/root/.local/share/pipx/venvs/theengsgateway/lib/python3.9/site-packages/TheengsGateway/", line 55, in _section
0048|print(f"| {name:{max_name}} | {value:{max_value}} |")
0049|TypeError: unsupported format string passed to NoneType.__format__
0050|# Theengs Gateway Diagnostics
0051|## Package Versions
0052|| Name               | Value  |
0054|| Theengs Gateway    | 1.2.0  |
0055|| Theengs Decoder    | 1.6.8  |
0056|| Bleak              | 0.21.1 |
0057|| Bluetooth Clocks   | 0.2.0  |
0058|| Bluetooth Numbers  | 1.1.1  |
0059|| Paho MQTT          | 1.6.1  |
0060|| Bluetooth Adapters | 0.17.0 |
0061|## Python
0062|| Name           | Value                                                   |
0064|| Version        | 3.9.2                                                   |
0065|| Implementation | CPython                                                 |
0066|| Compiler       | GCC 10.2.1 20210110                                     |
0067|| Executable     | /root/.local/share/pipx/venvs/theengsgateway/bin/python |
0068|## Operating System
0069|| Name         | Value                                 |
0071|| System       | Linux                                 |
0072|| Release      | 5.15.76-v7+                           |
0073|| Version      | #1597 SMP Fri Nov 4 12:13:17 GMT 2022 |
0074|| Machine type | armv7l                                |
0075|## Configuration
0076|File: /root/theengsgw.conf
0079|"adapter": "hci0",
0080|"bindkeys": {},
0081|"ble_scan_time": 5,
0082|"ble_time_between_scans": 5,
0083|"discovery": 1,
0084|"discovery_device_name": "TGW RPI",
0085|"discovery_filter": [
0092|"discovery_topic": "homeassistant",
0093|"enable_tls": 0,
0094|"enable_websocket": 0,
0095|"hass_discovery": 1,
0096|"host": "",
0097|"identities": {},
0098|"log_level": "DEBUG",
0099|"lwt_topic": "tgw/1491/LWT",
0100|"pass": "***",
0101|"port": 1883,
0102|"presence": 0,
0103|"presence_topic": "home/TheengsGateway/presence",
0104|"publish_advdata": 0,
0105|"publish_all": 1,
0106|"publish_topic": "home/TGW_1491/BTtoMQTT",
0107|"scanning_mode": "active",
0108|"subscribe_topic": "home/+/BTtoMQTT/undecoded",
0109|"time_format": 0,
0110|"time_sync": [],
0111|"user": "***"

Pour ma deuxième antenne installée sur un PI Zéero ID1425 ; Aucun problème

0990|INFO:BLEGateway:Sent 10 messages to MQTT
0991|INFO:BLEGateway:Sent 9 messages to MQTT
0992|INFO:BLEGateway:Sent 10 messages to MQTT
0993|INFO:BLEGateway:Sent 10 messages to MQTT
0994|INFO:BLEGateway:Sent 7 messages to MQTT
0995|INFO:BLEGateway:Sent 11 messages to MQTT
0996|INFO:BLEGateway:Sent 9 messages to MQTT
0997|INFO:BLEGateway:Sent 14 messages to MQTT
0998|INFO:BLEGateway:Sent 10 messages to MQTT
0999|INFO:BLEGateway:Sent 9 messages to MQTT


Ca doit être lié à un problème dans la config; y a-t-il eu des changements récemment? mise à jour? changement de config?

il y a aussi un truc bizarre, dans la config sous jeedom, pour mqtt, il n’y a pas d’utilisateur mais il y a un password?
et dans le log de theengs c’est remplacé par des *

sinon les erreurs ont plutot l’air lié à l’adaptateur bluetooth, la clé sena est toujours bien connectée au système?
le 2eme pi ca à l’air d’être le bluetooth interne vu la mac; p-e passer sur le bluetooth interne pour le premier pi?

Ca doit être lié à un problème dans la config; y a-t-il eu des changements récemment? mise à jour? changement de config?

Des mise à jour de plugin pour le prochain passage à la v4.4

il y a aussi un truc bizarre, dans la config sous jeedom, pour mqtt, il n’y a pas d’utilisateur mais il y a un password?
et dans le log de theengs c’est remplacé par des *

je n’ai pas créé d’utilisateur et de mdp pour mon broker

J’ai lancé une procédure de supprssion de l’antenne
J’ai créé une nouvelle antenne
Elle fonctionne correctement maintenant

# Theengs Gateway Diagnostics
## Package Versions
| Name               | Value  |
| Theengs Gateway    | 1.2.0  |
| Theengs Decoder    | 1.6.8  |
| Bleak              | 0.21.1 |
| Bluetooth Clocks   | 0.2.0  |
| Bluetooth Numbers  | 1.1.1  |
| Paho MQTT          | 1.6.1  |
| Bluetooth Adapters | 0.17.0 |
## Python
| Name           | Value                                                   |
| Version        | 3.9.2                                                   |
| Implementation | CPython                                                 |
| Compiler       | GCC 10.2.1 20210110                                     |
| Executable     | /root/.local/share/pipx/venvs/theengsgateway/bin/python |
## Operating System
| Name         | Value                                 |
| System       | Linux                                 |
| Release      | 5.15.76-v7+                           |
| Version      | #1597 SMP Fri Nov 4 12:13:17 GMT 2022 |
| Machine type | armv7l                                |
## Configuration
File: /root/theengsgw.conf

"adapter": "hci0",
"bindkeys": {},
"ble_scan_time": 5,
"ble_time_between_scans": 5,
"discovery": 1,
"discovery_device_name": "TGW RPI",
"discovery_filter": [
"discovery_topic": "homeassistant",
"enable_tls": 0,
"enable_websocket": 0,
"hass_discovery": 1,
"host": "",
"identities": {},
"log_level": "DEBUG",
"lwt_topic": "tgw/1491/LWT",
"pass": "***",
"port": 1883,
"presence": 0,
"presence_topic": "home/TheengsGateway/presence",
"publish_advdata": 0,
"publish_all": 1,
"publish_topic": "home/TGW_1491/BTtoMQTT",
"scanning_mode": "active",
"subscribe_topic": "home/+/BTtoMQTT/undecoded",
"time_format": 0,
"time_sync": [],
"user": "***"

## Bluetooth adapters
Default adapter: hci0
### hci0
| Name         | Value                   |
| address      | 00:01:95:XX:XX:XX       |
| sw_version   | raspberrypi #1          |
| hw_version   | usb:v1D6Bp0246d0537     |
| passive_scan |                       0 |
| manufacturer | Sena Technologies, Inc. |
| product      | 0001                    |
| vendor_id    | 0a12                    |
| product_id   | 0001                    |
### hci1
| Name         | Value                   |
| address      | B8:27:EB:XX:XX:XX       |
| sw_version   | raspberrypi             |
| hw_version   | usb:v1D6Bp0246d0537     |
| passive_scan |                       0 |
| manufacturer | Raspberry Pi Foundation |
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/root/.local/bin/TheengsGateway", line 4, in 
File "/root/.local/share/pipx/venvs/theengsgateway/lib/python3.9/site-packages/TheengsGateway/", line 57, in main
run(configuration, config_path)
File "/root/.local/share/pipx/venvs/theengsgateway/lib/python3.9/site-packages/TheengsGateway/", line 591, in run
File "/usr/lib/python3.9/asyncio/", line 44, in run
return loop.run_until_complete(main)
File "/usr/lib/python3.9/asyncio/", line 642, in run_until_complete
return future.result()
File "/root/.local/share/pipx/venvs/theengsgateway/lib/python3.9/site-packages/TheengsGateway/", line 172, in diagnostics
await _adapters()
File "/root/.local/share/pipx/venvs/theengsgateway/lib/python3.9/site-packages/TheengsGateway/", line 155, in _adapters
_section(adapter, properties)  # type: ignore[arg-type]
File "/root/.local/share/pipx/venvs/theengsgateway/lib/python3.9/site-packages/TheengsGateway/", line 55, in _section
print(f"| {name:{max_name}} | {value:{max_value}} |")
TypeError: unsupported format string passed to NoneType.__format__

Une question subsidiaire ?

J’ai MQTT Discovery (MQTTDiscovery) en béta afin de pouvoir faire reconnaitre mes Nutale.

Puis je passer en stable maintenant ?



Avant de faire ca tu avais essayé de renvoyer la config de l’antenne via « configurer le service et demarrer »?

Oui j’ai fait cela