. */ if (php_sapi_name() != 'cli' || isset($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD']) || !isset($_SERVER['argc'])) { header("Statut: 404 Page non trouvée"); header('HTTP/1.0 404 Not Found'); $_SERVER['REDIRECT_STATUS'] = 404; echo "

404 Non trouvé

"; echo "La page que vous demandez ne peut être trouvée."; exit(); } set_time_limit(1800); echo "[START UPDATE]\n"; $starttime = strtotime('now'); if (isset($argv)) { foreach ($argv as $arg) { $argList = explode('=', $arg); if (isset($argList[0]) && isset($argList[1])) { $_GET[$argList[0]] = $argList[1]; } } } $update = false; $backup_ok = false; $update_begin = false; try { require_once __DIR__ . '/../core/php/core.inc.php'; echo "[PROGRESS][1]\n"; if (count(system::ps('install/update.php', 'sudo')) > 1) { echo "Update in progress. I will wait 10s\n"; sleep(10); if (count(system::ps('install/update.php', 'sudo')) > 1) { echo "Update in progress. You need to wait before update\n"; json_encode(system::ps('install/update.php', 'sudo')) . "\n"; echo "[END UPDATE]\n"; die(); } } echo "****Update from " . jeedom::version() . " (" . date('Y-m-d H:i:s') . ")****\n"; echo "Parameters : " . json_encode($_GET) . "\n"; $curentVersion = config::byKey('version'); /* * ************************MISE A JOUR********************************** */ try { echo "Send begin of update event..."; jeedom::event('begin_update', true); echo "OK\n"; } catch (Exception $e) { if (init('force') != 1) { throw $e; } else { echo '***ERROR***' . $e->getMessage(); } } try { if (init('plugins', 1) == 1 && init('force') != 1) { echo "Check update..."; update::checkAllUpdate('', false); echo "OK\n"; } } catch (Exception $e) { if (init('force') != 1) { throw $e; } else { echo '***ERROR***' . $e->getMessage(); } } echo "[PROGRESS][5]\n"; try { echo "Check rights..."; jeedom::cleanFileSytemRight(); echo "OK\n"; } catch (Exception $e) { echo '***ERROR***' . $e->getMessage(); } if (init('backup::before') == 1 && init('force') != 1) { try { global $NO_PLUGIN_BACKUP; $NO_PLUGIN_BACKUP = true; global $NO_CLOUD_BACKUP; $NO_CLOUD_BACKUP = true; jeedom::backup(); } catch (Exception $e) { if (init('force') != 1) { throw $e; } else { echo '***ERROR***' . $e->getMessage(); } } $backup_ok = true; } echo "[PROGRESS][10]\n"; if (init('core', 1) == 1) { if (init('mode') == 'force') { echo "/!\ Force update /!\ \n"; } echo "[PROGRESS][15]\n"; if (init('update::reapply') == '' && config::byKey('update::allowCore', 'core', 1) != 0) { $tmp_dir = jeedom::getTmpFolder('install'); $tmp = $tmp_dir . '/jeedom_update.zip'; try { if (config::byKey('core::repo::provider') == 'default') { $url = 'https://github.com/jeedom/core/archive/' . config::byKey('core::branch') . '.zip'; echo "Download url : " . $url . "\n"; echo "Download in progress..."; if (!is_writable($tmp_dir)) { throw new Exception('Can not write : ' . $tmp . '. Please execute : chmod 777 -R ' . $tmp_dir); } if (file_exists($tmp)) { unlink($tmp); } exec('wget --no-check-certificate --progress=dot --dot=mega ' . $url . ' -O ' . $tmp); } else { $class = 'repo_' . config::byKey('core::repo::provider'); if (!class_exists($class)) { throw new Exception('Unable to find repo class : ' . $class); } if (!method_exists($class, 'downloadCore')) { throw new Exception('Unable to find method : ' . $class . '::downloadCore'); } if (config::byKey(config::byKey('core::repo::provider') . '::enable') != 1) { throw new Exception('Repo is disable : ' . $class); } $class::downloadCore($tmp); } echo "[PROGRESS][25]\n"; if (filesize($tmp) < 100) { throw new Exception('Download failed please retry later'); } echo "OK\n"; echo "Cleaning folders..."; $cibDir = '/tmp/jeedom_unzip'; if (file_exists($cibDir)) { rrmdir($cibDir); } echo "OK\n"; echo "[PROGRESS][30]\n"; echo "Create temporary folder..."; if (!file_exists($cibDir) && !mkdir($cibDir, 0777, true)) { throw new Exception('Can not write into : ' . $cibDir . '.'); } echo "OK\n"; echo "[PROGRESS][35]\n"; echo "Unzip in progress..."; $zip = new ZipArchive; if ($zip->open($tmp) === TRUE) { if (!$zip->extractTo($cibDir)) { throw new Exception('Can not unzip file'); } $zip->close(); } else { throw new Exception('Unable to unzip file : ' . $tmp); } echo "OK\n"; echo "[PROGRESS][40]\n"; if (!file_exists($cibDir . '/core')) { $files = ls($cibDir, '*'); if (count($files) == 1 && file_exists($cibDir . '/' . $files[0] . 'core')) { $cibDir = $cibDir . '/' . $files[0]; } } if (init('preUpdate') == 1) { echo "Update updater..."; rmove($cibDir . '/install/update.php', __DIR__ . '/update.php', false, array(), array('log' => true, 'ignoreFileSizeUnder' => 1)); echo "OK\n"; echo "Remove temporary files..."; rrmdir($tmp_dir); echo "OK\n"; echo "Wait 10s before relaunch update\n"; sleep(10); $_GET['preUpdate'] = 0; jeedom::update($_GET); echo "[PROGRESS][100]\n"; die(); } try { echo 'Clean temporary files (tmp)...'; shell_exec('rm -rf ' . __DIR__ . '/../install/update/*'); shell_exec('rm -rf ' . __DIR__ . '/../doc'); shell_exec('rm -rf ' . __DIR__ . '/../docs'); shell_exec('rm -rf ' . __DIR__ . '/../support'); shell_exec('rm -rf ' . __DIR__ . '/../core/template/*'); shell_exec('rm -rf ' . __DIR__ . '/../core/themes/*'); echo "OK\n"; } catch (Exception $e) { echo '***ERROR*** ' . $e->getMessage() . "\n"; } jeedom::stop(); echo "[PROGRESS][45]\n"; echo "Moving files..."; $update_begin = true; rmove($cibDir . '/', __DIR__ . '/../', false, array(), true, array('log' => true, 'ignoreFileSizeUnder' => 1)); echo "OK\n"; echo "[PROGRESS][50]\n"; echo "Remove temporary files..."; rrmdir($tmp_dir); try { shell_exec('rm -rf ' . __DIR__ . '/../tests'); shell_exec('rm -rf ' . __DIR__ . '/../.travis.yml'); shell_exec('rm -rf ' . __DIR__ . '/../phpunit.xml.dist'); } catch (Exception $e) { echo '***ERROR*** ' . $e->getMessage() . "\n"; } echo "OK\n"; config::save('update::lastDateCore', date('Y-m-d H:i:s')); } catch (Exception $e) { if (init('force') != 1) { throw $e; } else { echo '***ERROR***' . $e->getMessage(); } } }else{ jeedom::stop(); } echo "[PROGRESS][55]\n"; if (init('update::reapply') != '') { $updateScript = __DIR__ . '/update/' . init('update::reapply') . '.php'; if (file_exists($updateScript)) { try { echo "Update system into : " . init('update::reapply') . "\n"; echo exec(system::getCmdSudo() . ' php ' . $updateScript); echo "OK\n"; } catch (Exception $e) { if (init('force') != 1) { throw $e; } else { echo '***ERROR***' . $e->getMessage(); } } } $curentVersion = init('update::reapply'); } else { while (version_compare(jeedom::version(), $curentVersion, '>')) { $nextVersion = incrementVersion($curentVersion); $updateScript = __DIR__ . '/update/' . $nextVersion . '.php'; if (file_exists($updateScript)) { try { echo "Update system into : " . $nextVersion . "..."; echo exec(system::getCmdSudo() . ' php ' . $updateScript); echo "OK\n"; } catch (Exception $e) { if (init('force') != 1) { throw $e; } else { echo '***ERROR***' . $e->getMessage(); } } } $curentVersion = $nextVersion; config::save('version', $curentVersion); } } try { echo "Check jeedom consistency...\n"; require_once __DIR__ . '/consistency.php'; echo "OK\n"; } catch (Exception $ex) { echo "***ERREUR*** " . $ex->getMessage() . "\n"; } try { echo "Check update..."; update::checkAllUpdate('core', false); config::save('version', jeedom::version()); echo "OK\n"; } catch (Exception $ex) { echo "***ERREUR*** " . $ex->getMessage() . "\n"; } echo "***************Jeedom is up to date in " . jeedom::version() . "***************\n"; } echo "[PROGRESS][75]\n"; if (init('plugins', 1) == 1) { echo "***************Update plugins***************\n"; update::updateAll(); echo "***************Update plugin successfully***************\n"; } echo "[PROGRESS][90]\n"; try { message::removeAll('update', 'newUpdate'); echo "Check update\n"; update::checkAllUpdate(); echo "OK\n"; } catch (Exception $ex) { echo "***ERREUR*** " . $ex->getMessage() . "\n"; } echo "[PROGRESS][95]\n"; try { jeedom::start(); } catch (Exception $ex) { echo "***ERREUR*** " . $ex->getMessage() . "\n"; } config::save('version', jeedom::version()); echo "[PROGRESS][100]\n"; } catch (Exception $e) { if ($update) { if ($backup_ok && $update_begin) { jeedom::restore(); } jeedom::start(); } echo 'Error during update : ' . $e->getMessage(); echo 'Details : ' . print_r($e->getTrace(), true); echo "[END UPDATE ERROR]\n"; throw $e; } try { echo "Launch cron dependancy plugins..."; $cron = cron::byClassAndFunction('plugin', 'checkDeamon'); if (is_object($cron)) { $cron->start(); } echo "OK\n"; } catch (Exception $e) { } try { echo "Send end of update event..."; jeedom::event('end_update'); echo "OK\n"; } catch (Exception $e) { } echo "Update duration : " . (strtotime('now') - $starttime) . "s\n"; echo "[END UPDATE SUCCESS]\n"; function incrementVersion($_version) { $version = explode('.', $_version); if ($version[2] < 100) { $version[2]++; } else { if ($version[1] < 100) { $version[1]++; $version[2] = 0; } else { $version[0]++; $version[1] = 0; $version[2] = 0; } } return $version[0] . '.' . $version[1] . '.' . $version[2]; }