[2020-07-23 17:02:20][DEBUG] : write: AT+CREG? [2020-07-23 17:02:20][DEBUG] : response: ['+CREG: 0,2', 'OK'] [2020-07-23 17:02:21][DEBUG] : write: AT+CREG? [2020-07-23 17:02:21][DEBUG] : response: ['+CREG: 0,2', 'OK'] [2020-07-23 17:02:22][DEBUG] : write: AT+CREG? [2020-07-23 17:02:22][DEBUG] : response: ['+CREG: 0,2', 'OK'] [2020-07-23 17:02:23][DEBUG] : write: AT+CREG? [2020-07-23 17:02:23][DEBUG] : response: ['+CREG: 0,2', 'OK'] [2020-07-23 17:02:23][DEBUG] : Signal 15 caught, exiting... [2020-07-23 17:02:23][DEBUG] : Shutdown [2020-07-23 17:02:23][DEBUG] : Removing PID file /tmp/jeedom/sms/deamon.pid [2020-07-23 17:02:26][INFO] : Start smsd [2020-07-23 17:02:26][INFO] : Log level : debug [2020-07-23 17:02:26][INFO] : Socket port : 55002 [2020-07-23 17:02:26][INFO] : Socket host : [2020-07-23 17:02:26][INFO] : PID file : /tmp/jeedom/sms/deamon.pid [2020-07-23 17:02:26][INFO] : Device : /dev/ttyUSB2 [2020-07-23 17:02:26][INFO] : Apikey : xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx [2020-07-23 17:02:26][INFO] : Callback : [2020-07-23 17:02:26][INFO] : Cycle : 30.0 [2020-07-23 17:02:26][INFO] : Serial rate : 115200 [2020-07-23 17:02:26][INFO] : Pin : xxxx [2020-07-23 17:02:26][INFO] : Text mode : no [2020-07-23 17:02:26][INFO] : SMSC : None [2020-07-23 17:02:26][DEBUG] : Writing PID 15201 to /tmp/jeedom/sms/deamon.pid [2020-07-23 17:02:26][DEBUG] : Init request module v2.12.4 [2020-07-23 17:02:26][DEBUG] : Starting new HTTP connection (1): [2020-07-23 17:02:26][DEBUG] : "GET /plugins/sms/core/php/jeeSMS.php?apikey=xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx HTTP/1.1" 200 0 [2020-07-23 17:02:26][DEBUG] : Socket interface started [2020-07-23 17:02:26][DEBUG] : LoopNetServer Thread started [2020-07-23 17:02:26][DEBUG] : Start listening... [2020-07-23 17:02:26][DEBUG] : Listening on: [] [2020-07-23 17:02:26][DEBUG] : Connecting to GSM Modem... [2020-07-23 17:02:26][DEBUG] : Text mode false [2020-07-23 17:02:26][DEBUG] : Enter pin code : 0000 [2020-07-23 17:02:26][INFO] : Connecting to modem on port /dev/ttyUSB2 at 115200bps [2020-07-23 17:02:26][DEBUG] : write: ATZ [2020-07-23 17:02:26][DEBUG] : response: ['OK'] [2020-07-23 17:02:26][DEBUG] : write: ATE0 [2020-07-23 17:02:26][DEBUG] : response: ['ATE0 ', 'OK'] [2020-07-23 17:02:26][DEBUG] : write: AT+CFUN? [2020-07-23 17:02:26][DEBUG] : response: ['+CFUN: 1', 'OK'] [2020-07-23 17:02:26][DEBUG] : write: AT+CMEE=1 [2020-07-23 17:02:26][DEBUG] : response: ['OK'] [2020-07-23 17:02:26][DEBUG] : write: AT+CPIN? [2020-07-23 17:02:26][DEBUG] : response: ['+CPIN: READY', 'OK'] [2020-07-23 17:02:26][DEBUG] : write: AT+CLAC [2020-07-23 17:02:26][DEBUG] : response: ['COMMAND NOT SUPPORT'] [2020-07-23 17:02:26][DEBUG] : write: AT+WIND? [2020-07-23 17:02:26][DEBUG] : response: ['COMMAND NOT SUPPORT'] [2020-07-23 17:02:26][DEBUG] : write: AT+CGMI [2020-07-23 17:02:26][DEBUG] : response: ['huawei', 'OK'] [2020-07-23 17:02:26][INFO] : Loading Huawei call state update table [2020-07-23 17:02:26][DEBUG] : write: AT+COPS=3,0 [2020-07-23 17:02:26][DEBUG] : response: ['OK'] [2020-07-23 17:02:26][DEBUG] : write: AT+CMGF=0 [2020-07-23 17:02:26][DEBUG] : response: ['OK'] [2020-07-23 17:02:26][DEBUG] : write: AT+CSCA? [2020-07-23 17:02:26][DEBUG] : response: ['+CSCA: "+33689004000",145', 'OK'] [2020-07-23 17:02:26][DEBUG] : write: AT+CSMP=49,167,0,0 [2020-07-23 17:02:26][DEBUG] : response: ['OK'] [2020-07-23 17:02:26][DEBUG] : write: AT+CSCA? [2020-07-23 17:02:26][DEBUG] : response: ['+CSCA: "+33689004000",145', 'OK'] [2020-07-23 17:02:26][DEBUG] : write: AT+CPMS=? [2020-07-23 17:02:26][DEBUG] : response: ['+CPMS: ("ME","MT","SM","SR"),("ME","MT","SM","SR"),("ME","MT","SM","SR")', 'OK'] [2020-07-23 17:02:26][DEBUG] : write: AT+CPMS="ME","ME","ME" [2020-07-23 17:02:26][DEBUG] : response: ['+CPMS: 0,255,0,255,0,255', 'OK'] [2020-07-23 17:02:26][DEBUG] : write: AT+CNMI=2,1,0,2 [2020-07-23 17:02:26][DEBUG] : response: ['OK'] [2020-07-23 17:02:26][DEBUG] : write: AT+CLIP=1 [2020-07-23 17:02:26][DEBUG] : response: ['OK'] [2020-07-23 17:02:26][DEBUG] : write: AT+CRC=1 [2020-07-23 17:02:26][DEBUG] : response: ['OK'] [2020-07-23 17:02:26][DEBUG] : write: AT+CVHU=0 [2020-07-23 17:02:26][DEBUG] : response: ['OK'] [2020-07-23 17:02:26][DEBUG] : Waiting for network... [2020-07-23 17:02:26][DEBUG] : write: AT+CREG? [2020-07-23 17:02:26][DEBUG] : response: ['+CREG: 0,2', 'OK'] [2020-07-23 17:02:27][DEBUG] : notification: ['^MODE:5,4'] [2020-07-23 17:02:27][DEBUG] : Unhandled unsolicited modem notification: ['^MODE:5,4'] [2020-07-23 17:02:27][DEBUG] : notification: ['^BOOT:96477861,0,0,0,6'] [2020-07-23 17:02:27][DEBUG] : Unhandled unsolicited modem notification: ['^BOOT:96477861,0,0,0,6'] [2020-07-23 17:02:27][DEBUG] : write: AT+CREG? [2020-07-23 17:02:27][DEBUG] : response: ['+CREG: 0,2', 'OK'] [2020-07-23 17:02:28][DEBUG] : write: AT+CREG? [2020-07-23 17:02:28][DEBUG] : response: ['+CREG: 0,2', 'OK'] [2020-07-23 17:02:29][DEBUG] : notification: ['^RSSI:19'] [2020-07-23 17:02:29][DEBUG] : Unhandled unsolicited modem notification: ['^RSSI:19'] [2020-07-23 17:02:29][DEBUG] : write: AT+CREG? [2020-07-23 17:02:29][DEBUG] : response: ['+CREG: 0,2', 'OK'] [2020-07-23 17:02:30][DEBUG] : write: AT+CREG? [2020-07-23 17:02:30][DEBUG] : response: ['+CREG: 0,2', 'OK'] [2020-07-23 17:02:31][DEBUG] : write: AT+CREG? [2020-07-23 17:02:31][DEBUG] : response: ['+CREG: 0,2', 'OK'] [2020-07-23 17:02:32][DEBUG] : write: AT+CREG? [2020-07-23 17:02:32][DEBUG] : response: ['+CREG: 0,2', 'OK'] [2020-07-23 17:02:33][DEBUG] : write: AT+CREG? [2020-07-23 17:02:33][DEBUG] : response: ['+CREG: 0,2', 'OK'] [2020-07-23 17:02:34][DEBUG] : write: AT+CREG? [2020-07-23 17:02:34][DEBUG] : response: ['+CREG: 0,2', 'OK'] [2020-07-23 17:02:35][DEBUG] : write: AT+CREG? [2020-07-23 17:02:35][DEBUG] : response: ['+CREG: 0,2', 'OK'] [2020-07-23 17:02:36][DEBUG] : write: AT+CREG? [2020-07-23 17:02:36][DEBUG] : response: ['+CREG: 0,2', 'OK'] [2020-07-23 17:02:37][DEBUG] : write: AT+CREG? [2020-07-23 17:02:37][DEBUG] : response: ['+CREG: 0,2', 'OK'] [2020-07-23 17:02:37][DEBUG] : notification: ['^RSSI:0'] [2020-07-23 17:02:37][DEBUG] : Unhandled unsolicited modem notification: ['^RSSI:0'] [2020-07-23 17:02:38][DEBUG] : write: AT+CREG? [2020-07-23 17:02:38][DEBUG] : response: ['+CREG: 0,2', 'OK'] [2020-07-23 17:02:39][DEBUG] : write: AT+CREG? [2020-07-23 17:02:39][DEBUG] : response: ['+CREG: 0,2', 'OK'] [2020-07-23 17:02:40][DEBUG] : write: AT+CREG? [2020-07-23 17:02:40][DEBUG] : response: ['+CREG: 0,2', 'OK'] [2020-07-23 17:02:41][DEBUG] : write: AT+CREG? [2020-07-23 17:02:41][DEBUG] : response: ['+CREG: 0,2', 'OK'] [2020-07-23 17:02:42][DEBUG] : write: AT+CREG? [2020-07-23 17:02:42][DEBUG] : response: ['+CREG: 0,2', 'OK'] [2020-07-23 17:02:43][DEBUG] : write: AT+CREG? [2020-07-23 17:02:43][DEBUG] : response: ['+CREG: 0,2', 'OK'] [2020-07-23 17:02:44][DEBUG] : write: AT+CREG? [2020-07-23 17:02:44][DEBUG] : response: ['+CREG: 0,2', 'OK'] [2020-07-23 17:02:45][DEBUG] : write: AT+CREG? [2020-07-23 17:02:45][DEBUG] : response: ['+CREG: 0,2', 'OK'] [2020-07-23 17:02:46][DEBUG] : write: AT+CREG? [2020-07-23 17:02:46][DEBUG] : response: ['+CREG: 0,2', 'OK'] [2020-07-23 17:02:47][DEBUG] : write: AT+CREG? [2020-07-23 17:02:47][DEBUG] : response: ['+CREG: 0,2', 'OK'] [2020-07-23 17:02:48][DEBUG] : write: AT+CREG? [2020-07-23 17:02:48][DEBUG] : response: ['+CREG: 0,2', 'OK'] [2020-07-23 17:02:49][DEBUG] : write: AT+CREG? [2020-07-23 17:02:49][DEBUG] : response: ['+CREG: 0,2', 'OK'] [2020-07-23 17:02:50][DEBUG] : write: AT+CREG? [2020-07-23 17:02:50][DEBUG] : response: ['+CREG: 0,2', 'OK'] [2020-07-23 17:02:51][DEBUG] : write: AT+CREG? [2020-07-23 17:02:51][DEBUG] : response: ['+CREG: 0,2', 'OK'] [2020-07-23 17:02:52][DEBUG] : write: AT+CREG? [2020-07-23 17:02:52][DEBUG] : response: ['+CREG: 0,2', 'OK'] [2020-07-23 17:02:53][DEBUG] : write: AT+CREG? [2020-07-23 17:02:53][DEBUG] : response: ['+CREG: 0,2', 'OK'] [2020-07-23 17:02:54][DEBUG] : write: AT+CREG? [2020-07-23 17:02:54][DEBUG] : response: ['+CREG: 0,2', 'OK'] [2020-07-23 17:02:55][DEBUG] : write: AT+CREG? [2020-07-23 17:02:55][DEBUG] : response: ['+CREG: 0,2', 'OK'] [2020-07-23 17:02:56][DEBUG] : write: AT+CREG? [2020-07-23 17:02:56][DEBUG] : response: ['+CREG: 0,2', 'OK'] [2020-07-23 17:02:57][DEBUG] : notification: ['^BOOT:96477861,0,0,0,6'] [2020-07-23 17:02:57][DEBUG] : Unhandled unsolicited modem notification: ['^BOOT:96477861,0,0,0,6'] [2020-07-23 17:02:57][DEBUG] : write: AT+CREG? [2020-07-23 17:02:57][DEBUG] : response: ['+CREG: 0,2', 'OK'] [2020-07-23 17:02:58][DEBUG] : write: AT+CREG? [2020-07-23 17:02:58][DEBUG] : response: ['+CREG: 0,2', 'OK'] [2020-07-23 17:02:59][DEBUG] : write: AT+CREG? [2020-07-23 17:02:59][DEBUG] : response: ['+CREG: 0,2', 'OK'] [2020-07-23 17:03:00][DEBUG] : write: AT+CREG? [2020-07-23 17:03:00][DEBUG] : response: ['+CREG: 0,2', 'OK'] [2020-07-23 17:03:01][DEBUG] : write: AT+CREG? [2020-07-23 17:03:01][DEBUG] : response: ['+CREG: 0,2', 'OK'] [2020-07-23 17:03:02][DEBUG] : write: AT+CREG? [2020-07-23 17:03:02][DEBUG] : response: ['+CREG: 0,2', 'OK'] [2020-07-23 17:03:03][DEBUG] : notification: ['^RSSI:19'] [2020-07-23 17:03:03][DEBUG] : Unhandled unsolicited modem notification: ['^RSSI:19'] [2020-07-23 17:03:03][DEBUG] : write: AT+CREG? [2020-07-23 17:03:03][DEBUG] : response: ['+CREG: 0,2', 'OK'] [2020-07-23 17:03:04][DEBUG] : write: AT+CREG? [2020-07-23 17:03:04][DEBUG] : response: ['+CREG: 0,2', 'OK'] [2020-07-23 17:03:05][DEBUG] : write: AT+CREG? [2020-07-23 17:03:05][DEBUG] : response: ['+CREG: 0,2', 'OK'] [2020-07-23 17:03:06][DEBUG] : write: AT+CREG? [2020-07-23 17:03:06][DEBUG] : response: ['+CREG: 0,2', 'OK'] [2020-07-23 17:03:07][DEBUG] : write: AT+CREG? [2020-07-23 17:03:07][DEBUG] : response: ['+CREG: 0,2', 'OK'] [2020-07-23 17:03:08][DEBUG] : write: AT+CREG? [2020-07-23 17:03:08][DEBUG] : response: ['+CREG: 0,2', 'OK'] [2020-07-23 17:03:09][DEBUG] : write: AT+CREG? [2020-07-23 17:03:09][DEBUG] : response: ['+CREG: 0,2', 'OK'] [2020-07-23 17:03:10][DEBUG] : write: AT+CREG? [2020-07-23 17:03:10][DEBUG] : response: ['+CREG: 0,2', 'OK'] [2020-07-23 17:03:11][DEBUG] : write: AT+CREG? [2020-07-23 17:03:11][DEBUG] : response: ['+CREG: 0,2', 'OK'] [2020-07-23 17:03:12][DEBUG] : write: AT+CREG? [2020-07-23 17:03:12][DEBUG] : response: ['+CREG: 0,2', 'OK'] [2020-07-23 17:03:13][DEBUG] : write: AT+CREG? [2020-07-23 17:03:13][DEBUG] : response: ['+CREG: 0,2', 'OK'] [2020-07-23 17:03:14][DEBUG] : write: AT+CREG? [2020-07-23 17:03:14][DEBUG] : response: ['+CREG: 0,2', 'OK'] [2020-07-23 17:03:15][DEBUG] : notification: ['^RSSI:99', '^MODE:0,0'] [2020-07-23 17:03:15][DEBUG] : Unhandled unsolicited modem notification: ['^RSSI:99', '^MODE:0,0'] [2020-07-23 17:03:15][DEBUG] : write: AT+CREG? [2020-07-23 17:03:15][DEBUG] : response: ['+CREG: 0,2', 'OK'] [2020-07-23 17:03:16][DEBUG] : Signal 15 caught, exiting... [2020-07-23 17:03:16][DEBUG] : Shutdown [2020-07-23 17:03:16][DEBUG] : Removing PID file /tmp/jeedom/sms/deamon.pid [2020-07-23 17:04:56][INFO] : Start smsd [2020-07-23 17:04:56][INFO] : Log level : debug [2020-07-23 17:04:56][INFO] : Socket port : 55002 [2020-07-23 17:04:56][INFO] : Socket host : [2020-07-23 17:04:56][INFO] : PID file : /tmp/jeedom/sms/deamon.pid [2020-07-23 17:04:56][INFO] : Device : /dev/ttyUSB2 [2020-07-23 17:04:56][INFO] : Apikey : xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx [2020-07-23 17:04:56][INFO] : Callback : [2020-07-23 17:04:56][INFO] : Cycle : 30.0 [2020-07-23 17:04:56][INFO] : Serial rate : 115200 [2020-07-23 17:04:56][INFO] : Pin : xxxxxxxxxxxx [2020-07-23 17:04:56][INFO] : Text mode : no [2020-07-23 17:04:56][INFO] : SMSC : None [2020-07-23 17:04:56][DEBUG] : Writing PID 21115 to /tmp/jeedom/sms/deamon.pid [2020-07-23 17:04:56][DEBUG] : Init request module v2.12.4 [2020-07-23 17:04:56][DEBUG] : Starting new HTTP connection (1): [2020-07-23 17:04:56][DEBUG] : "GET /plugins/sms/core/php/jeeSMS.php?apikey=xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx HTTP/1.1" 200 0 [2020-07-23 17:04:56][DEBUG] : Socket interface started [2020-07-23 17:04:56][DEBUG] : LoopNetServer Thread started [2020-07-23 17:04:56][DEBUG] : Start listening... [2020-07-23 17:04:56][DEBUG] : Listening on: [] [2020-07-23 17:04:56][DEBUG] : Connecting to GSM Modem... [2020-07-23 17:04:56][DEBUG] : Text mode false [2020-07-23 17:04:56][DEBUG] : Enter pin code : 0000 [2020-07-23 17:04:56][INFO] : Connecting to modem on port /dev/ttyUSB2 at 115200bps [2020-07-23 17:04:56][DEBUG] : write: ATZ [2020-07-23 17:04:56][DEBUG] : response: ['OK'] [2020-07-23 17:04:56][DEBUG] : write: ATE0 [2020-07-23 17:04:56][DEBUG] : response: ['ATE0 ', 'OK'] [2020-07-23 17:04:56][DEBUG] : write: AT+CFUN? [2020-07-23 17:04:56][DEBUG] : response: ['+CFUN: 1', 'OK'] [2020-07-23 17:04:56][DEBUG] : write: AT+CMEE=1 [2020-07-23 17:04:56][DEBUG] : response: ['OK'] [2020-07-23 17:04:56][DEBUG] : write: AT+CPIN? [2020-07-23 17:04:56][DEBUG] : response: ['+CPIN: READY', 'OK'] [2020-07-23 17:04:56][DEBUG] : write: AT+CLAC [2020-07-23 17:04:56][DEBUG] : response: ['COMMAND NOT SUPPORT'] [2020-07-23 17:04:56][DEBUG] : write: AT+WIND? [2020-07-23 17:04:56][DEBUG] : response: ['COMMAND NOT SUPPORT'] [2020-07-23 17:04:56][DEBUG] : write: AT+CGMI [2020-07-23 17:04:56][DEBUG] : response: ['huawei', 'OK'] [2020-07-23 17:04:56][INFO] : Loading Huawei call state update table [2020-07-23 17:04:56][DEBUG] : write: AT+COPS=3,0 [2020-07-23 17:04:56][DEBUG] : response: ['OK'] [2020-07-23 17:04:56][DEBUG] : write: AT+CMGF=0 [2020-07-23 17:04:56][DEBUG] : response: ['OK'] [2020-07-23 17:04:56][DEBUG] : write: AT+CSCA? [2020-07-23 17:04:56][DEBUG] : response: ['+CSCA: "+33689004000",145', 'OK'] [2020-07-23 17:04:56][DEBUG] : write: AT+CSMP=49,167,0,0 [2020-07-23 17:04:56][DEBUG] : response: ['OK'] [2020-07-23 17:04:56][DEBUG] : write: AT+CSCA? [2020-07-23 17:04:56][DEBUG] : response: ['+CSCA: "+33689004000",145', 'OK'] [2020-07-23 17:04:56][DEBUG] : write: AT+CPMS=? [2020-07-23 17:04:56][DEBUG] : response: ['+CPMS: ("ME","MT","SM","SR"),("ME","MT","SM","SR"),("ME","MT","SM","SR")', 'OK'] [2020-07-23 17:04:56][DEBUG] : write: AT+CPMS="ME","ME","ME" [2020-07-23 17:04:56][DEBUG] : response: ['+CPMS: 0,255,0,255,0,255', 'OK'] [2020-07-23 17:04:56][DEBUG] : write: AT+CNMI=2,1,0,2 [2020-07-23 17:04:56][DEBUG] : response: ['OK'] [2020-07-23 17:04:56][DEBUG] : write: AT+CLIP=1 [2020-07-23 17:04:56][DEBUG] : response: ['OK'] [2020-07-23 17:04:56][DEBUG] : write: AT+CRC=1 [2020-07-23 17:04:56][DEBUG] : response: ['OK'] [2020-07-23 17:04:56][DEBUG] : write: AT+CVHU=0 [2020-07-23 17:04:56][DEBUG] : response: ['OK'] [2020-07-23 17:04:56][DEBUG] : Waiting for network... [2020-07-23 17:04:56][DEBUG] : write: AT+CREG? [2020-07-23 17:04:56][DEBUG] : response: ['+CREG: 0,2', 'OK'] [2020-07-23 17:04:57][DEBUG] : notification: ['^BOOT:96477861,0,0,0,6'] [2020-07-23 17:04:57][DEBUG] : Unhandled unsolicited modem notification: ['^BOOT:96477861,0,0,0,6'] [2020-07-23 17:04:57][DEBUG] : write: AT+CREG? [2020-07-23 17:04:57][DEBUG] : response: ['+CREG: 0,2', 'OK'] [2020-07-23 17:04:58][DEBUG] : write: AT+CREG? [2020-07-23 17:04:58][DEBUG] : response: ['+CREG: 0,2', 'OK'] [2020-07-23 17:04:59][DEBUG] : write: AT+CREG? [2020-07-23 17:04:59][DEBUG] : response: ['+CREG: 0,2', 'OK'] [2020-07-23 17:05:00][DEBUG] : write: AT+CREG? [2020-07-23 17:05:00][DEBUG] : response: ['+CREG: 0,2', 'OK'] [2020-07-23 17:05:01][DEBUG] : write: AT+CREG? [2020-07-23 17:05:01][DEBUG] : response: ['+CREG: 0,2', 'OK'] [2020-07-23 17:05:02][DEBUG] : write: AT+CREG? [2020-07-23 17:05:02][DEBUG] : response: ['+CREG: 0,2', 'OK'] [2020-07-23 17:05:03][DEBUG] : write: AT+CREG? [2020-07-23 17:05:03][DEBUG] : response: ['+CREG: 0,2', 'OK'] [2020-07-23 17:05:04][DEBUG] : write: AT+CREG? [2020-07-23 17:05:04][DEBUG] : response: ['+CREG: 0,2', 'OK'] [2020-07-23 17:05:05][DEBUG] : write: AT+CREG? [2020-07-23 17:05:05][DEBUG] : response: ['+CREG: 0,2', 'OK'] [2020-07-23 17:05:06][DEBUG] : write: AT+CREG? [2020-07-23 17:05:06][DEBUG] : response: ['+CREG: 0,2', 'OK'] [2020-07-23 17:05:07][DEBUG] : write: AT+CREG? [2020-07-23 17:05:07][DEBUG] : response: ['+CREG: 0,2', 'OK'] [2020-07-23 17:05:08][DEBUG] : write: AT+CREG? [2020-07-23 17:05:08][DEBUG] : response: ['+CREG: 0,2', 'OK'] [2020-07-23 17:05:09][DEBUG] : write: AT+CREG? [2020-07-23 17:05:09][DEBUG] : response: ['+CREG: 0,2', 'OK'] [2020-07-23 17:05:10][DEBUG] : write: AT+CREG? [2020-07-23 17:05:10][DEBUG] : response: ['+CREG: 0,2', 'OK'] [2020-07-23 17:05:11][DEBUG] : write: AT+CREG? [2020-07-23 17:05:11][DEBUG] : response: ['+CREG: 0,2', 'OK'] [2020-07-23 17:05:12][DEBUG] : write: AT+CREG? [2020-07-23 17:05:12][DEBUG] : response: ['+CREG: 0,2', 'OK'] [2020-07-23 17:05:12][DEBUG] : Client connected to [] [2020-07-23 17:05:12][DEBUG] : Message read from socket: {"apikey":"xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx","number":"xxxxxxxxxxx","message":"Ceci est un test de message pour la commande Tel"} [2020-07-23 17:05:12][DEBUG] : Client disconnected from [] [2020-07-23 17:05:13][DEBUG] : write: AT+CREG? [2020-07-23 17:05:13][DEBUG] : response: ['+CREG: 0,2', 'OK'] [2020-07-23 17:05:14][DEBUG] : write: AT+CREG? [2020-07-23 17:05:14][DEBUG] : response: ['+CREG: 0,2', 'OK'] [2020-07-23 17:05:15][DEBUG] : write: AT+CREG? [2020-07-23 17:05:15][DEBUG] : response: ['+CREG: 0,2', 'OK'] [2020-07-23 17:05:16][DEBUG] : write: AT+CREG? [2020-07-23 17:05:16][DEBUG] : response: ['+CREG: 0,2', 'OK'] [2020-07-23 17:05:17][DEBUG] : write: AT+CREG? [2020-07-23 17:05:17][DEBUG] : response: ['+CREG: 0,2', 'OK'] [2020-07-23 17:05:18][DEBUG] : write: AT+CREG? [2020-07-23 17:05:18][DEBUG] : response: ['+CREG: 0,2', 'OK'] [2020-07-23 17:05:19][DEBUG] : write: AT+CREG? [2020-07-23 17:05:19][DEBUG] : response: ['+CREG: 0,2', 'OK'] [2020-07-23 17:05:20][DEBUG] : write: AT+CREG? [2020-07-23 17:05:20][DEBUG] : response: ['+CREG: 0,2', 'OK'] [2020-07-23 17:05:21][DEBUG] : write: AT+CREG? [2020-07-23 17:05:21][DEBUG] : response: ['+CREG: 0,2', 'OK'] [2020-07-23 17:05:22][DEBUG] : write: AT+CREG? [2020-07-23 17:05:22][DEBUG] : response: ['+CREG: 0,2', 'OK'] [2020-07-23 17:05:23][DEBUG] : write: AT+CREG? [2020-07-23 17:05:23][DEBUG] : response: ['+CREG: 0,2', 'OK'] [2020-07-23 17:05:24][DEBUG] : write: AT+CREG? [2020-07-23 17:05:24][DEBUG] : response: ['+CREG: 0,2', 'OK'] [2020-07-23 17:05:25][DEBUG] : write: AT+CREG? [2020-07-23 17:05:25][DEBUG] : response: ['+CREG: 0,2', 'OK'] [2020-07-23 17:05:26][DEBUG] : write: AT+CREG? [2020-07-23 17:05:26][DEBUG] : response: ['+CREG: 0,2', 'OK'] [2020-07-23 17:05:27][DEBUG] : notification: ['^BOOT:96477861,0,0,0,6'] [2020-07-23 17:05:27][DEBUG] : Unhandled unsolicited modem notification: ['^BOOT:96477861,0,0,0,6'] [2020-07-23 17:05:27][DEBUG] : write: AT+CREG? [2020-07-23 17:05:27][DEBUG] : response: ['+CREG: 0,2', 'OK'] [2020-07-23 17:05:28][DEBUG] : write: AT+CREG? [2020-07-23 17:05:28][DEBUG] : response: ['+CREG: 0,2', 'OK'] [2020-07-23 17:05:29][DEBUG] : write: AT+CREG? [2020-07-23 17:05:29][DEBUG] : response: ['+CREG: 0,2', 'OK'] [2020-07-23 17:05:29][DEBUG] : notification: ['^RSSI:0'] [2020-07-23 17:05:29][DEBUG] : Unhandled unsolicited modem notification: ['^RSSI:0'] [2020-07-23 17:05:30][DEBUG] : write: AT+CREG? [2020-07-23 17:05:30][DEBUG] : response: ['+CREG: 0,2', 'OK'] [2020-07-23 17:05:31][DEBUG] : write: AT+CREG? [2020-07-23 17:05:31][DEBUG] : response: ['+CREG: 0,2', 'OK'] [2020-07-23 17:05:32][DEBUG] : write: AT+CREG? [2020-07-23 17:05:32][DEBUG] : response: ['+CREG: 0,2', 'OK'] [2020-07-23 17:05:33][DEBUG] : write: AT+CREG? [2020-07-23 17:05:33][DEBUG] : response: ['+CREG: 0,2', 'OK'] [2020-07-23 17:05:34][DEBUG] : write: AT+CREG? [2020-07-23 17:05:34][DEBUG] : response: ['+CREG: 0,2', 'OK']