[2020-07-16 09:25:24][INFO] : -> Zigbee2MQTT|status online [2020-07-16 09:25:33][DEBUG] : broker msg: Client Zigbee received PUBLISH (d0, q1, r0, m6, 'Zwave/status', ... (7 bytes)) [2020-07-16 09:25:33][DEBUG] : broker msg: Client Zigbee sending PUBACK (Mid: 6) [2020-07-16 09:25:33][DEBUG] : Payload offline for topic Zwave/status [2020-07-16 09:25:33][INFO] : -> Zwave|status offline [2020-07-16 09:25:33][DEBUG] : broker msg: Client Zigbee received PUBLISH (d0, q1, r0, m7, 'Zwave/status', ... (6 bytes)) [2020-07-16 09:25:33][DEBUG] : broker msg: Client Zigbee sending PUBACK (Mid: 7) [2020-07-16 09:25:33][DEBUG] : Payload online for topic Zwave/status [2020-07-16 09:25:33][INFO] : -> Zwave|status online [2020-07-16 09:26:28][INFO] : Removing command ZwaveMQTT|status [2020-07-16 09:26:28][INFO] : removing equipment ZwaveMQTT [2020-07-16 09:26:28][INFO] : relance le démon [2020-07-16 09:26:28][INFO] : arrête le démon [2020-07-16 09:26:28][DEBUG] : postRemove: restart daemon [2020-07-16 09:26:28][INFO] : démarre le démon [2020-07-16 09:26:28][DEBUG] : daemon starts, pid is 6020 [2020-07-16 09:26:28][DEBUG] : status cmd id: 206580, topic: [2020-07-16 09:26:28][INFO] : Connect to mosquitto: Host=, Port=1883, Id=Zigbee [2020-07-16 09:26:28][DEBUG] : broker msg: Client Zigbee sending CONNECT [2020-07-16 09:26:28][INFO] : Equipment aqara Ouverture SdB: subscribes to "zigbee2mqtt/#" with Qos=1 [2020-07-16 09:26:28][DEBUG] : broker msg: Client Zigbee sending SUBSCRIBE (Mid: 1, Topic: zigbee2mqtt/#, QoS: 1) [2020-07-16 09:26:28][INFO] : Equipment Zigbee2MQTT: subscribes to "Zigbee/#" with Qos=1 [2020-07-16 09:26:28][DEBUG] : broker msg: Client Zigbee sending SUBSCRIBE (Mid: 2, Topic: Zigbee/#, QoS: 1) [2020-07-16 09:26:28][INFO] : Equipment ZigbeeMQTT: subscribes to "ZigbeeMQTT/#" with Qos=1 [2020-07-16 09:26:28][DEBUG] : broker msg: Client Zigbee sending SUBSCRIBE (Mid: 3, Topic: ZigbeeMQTT/#, QoS: 1) [2020-07-16 09:26:28][INFO] : Equipment Zwave: subscribes to "Zwave/#" with Qos=1 [2020-07-16 09:26:28][DEBUG] : broker msg: Client Zigbee sending SUBSCRIBE (Mid: 4, Topic: Zwave/#, QoS: 1) [2020-07-16 09:26:28][INFO] : Subscribes to the API topic "Zigbee/api" [2020-07-16 09:26:28][DEBUG] : broker msg: Client Zigbee sending SUBSCRIBE (Mid: 5, Topic: Zigbee/api, QoS: 1) [2020-07-16 09:26:28][DEBUG] : broker msg: Client Zigbee received CONNACK (0) [2020-07-16 09:26:28][DEBUG] : broker msg: connection response is Connection Accepted. [2020-07-16 09:26:28][DEBUG] : broker msg: Client Zigbee sending PUBLISH (d0, q1, r1, m6, 'Zigbee/status', ... (6 bytes)) [2020-07-16 09:26:28][DEBUG] : broker msg: Client Zigbee received SUBACK [2020-07-16 09:26:28][DEBUG] : broker msg: topic subscription accepted, mid=1 [2020-07-16 09:26:28][DEBUG] : broker msg: Client Zigbee received PUBLISH (d0, q0, r1, m0, 'zigbee2mqtt/bridge/state', ... (6 bytes)) [2020-07-16 09:26:28][DEBUG] : Payload online for topic zigbee2mqtt/bridge/state [2020-07-16 09:26:28][INFO] : -> aqara Ouverture SdB|bridge:state online [2020-07-16 09:26:28][DEBUG] : broker msg: Client Zigbee received PUBLISH (d0, q0, r1, m0, 'zigbee2mqtt/bridge/config', ... (208 bytes)) [2020-07-16 09:26:28][DEBUG] : Payload {"version":"1.14.1","commit":"7e46435","coordinator":{"type":"zStack12","meta":{"transportrev":2,"product":0,"majorrel":2,"minorrel":6,"maintrel":3,"revision":20190608}},"log_level":"info","permit_join":true} for topic zigbee2mqtt/bridge/config [2020-07-16 09:26:28][INFO] : -> aqara Ouverture SdB|bridge:config {"version":"1.14.1","commit":"7e46435","coordinator":{"type":"zStack12","meta":{"transportrev":2,"product":0,"majorrel":2,"minorrel":6,"maintrel":3,"revision":20190608}},"log_level":"info","permit_join":true} [2020-07-16 09:26:28][DEBUG] : broker msg: Client Zigbee received SUBACK [2020-07-16 09:26:28][DEBUG] : broker msg: topic subscription accepted, mid=2 [2020-07-16 09:26:28][DEBUG] : broker msg: Client Zigbee received PUBLISH (d0, q1, r1, m1, 'Zigbee/status', ... (7 bytes)) [2020-07-16 09:26:28][DEBUG] : broker msg: Client Zigbee sending PUBACK (Mid: 1) [2020-07-16 09:26:28][DEBUG] : Payload offline for topic Zigbee/status [2020-07-16 09:26:28][INFO] : -> Zigbee2MQTT|status offline [2020-07-16 09:26:28][DEBUG] : broker msg: Client Zigbee received SUBACK [2020-07-16 09:26:28][DEBUG] : broker msg: topic subscription accepted, mid=3 [2020-07-16 09:26:28][DEBUG] : broker msg: Client Zigbee received PUBLISH (d0, q1, r1, m2, 'ZigbeeMQTT/status', ... (7 bytes)) [2020-07-16 09:26:28][DEBUG] : broker msg: Client Zigbee sending PUBACK (Mid: 2) [2020-07-16 09:26:28][DEBUG] : Payload offline for topic ZigbeeMQTT/status [2020-07-16 09:26:28][INFO] : -> ZigbeeMQTT|status offline [2020-07-16 09:26:28][DEBUG] : broker msg: Client Zigbee received SUBACK [2020-07-16 09:26:28][DEBUG] : broker msg: topic subscription accepted, mid=4 [2020-07-16 09:26:28][DEBUG] : broker msg: Client Zigbee received PUBLISH (d0, q1, r1, m3, 'Zwave/status', ... (6 bytes)) [2020-07-16 09:26:28][DEBUG] : broker msg: Client Zigbee sending PUBACK (Mid: 3) [2020-07-16 09:26:28][DEBUG] : Payload online for topic Zwave/status [2020-07-16 09:26:28][INFO] : -> Zwave|status online [2020-07-16 09:26:28][DEBUG] : broker msg: Client Zigbee received SUBACK [2020-07-16 09:26:28][DEBUG] : broker msg: topic subscription accepted, mid=5 [2020-07-16 09:26:28][DEBUG] : broker msg: Client Zigbee received PUBACK (Mid: 6) [2020-07-16 09:26:28][DEBUG] : broker msg: Client Zigbee received PUBLISH (d0, q1, r0, m4, 'Zigbee/status', ... (6 bytes)) [2020-07-16 09:26:28][DEBUG] : broker msg: Client Zigbee sending PUBACK (Mid: 4) [2020-07-16 09:26:28][DEBUG] : Payload online for topic Zigbee/status [2020-07-16 09:26:28][INFO] : -> Zigbee2MQTT|status online [2020-07-16 09:26:32][INFO] : Removing command Zwave|status [2020-07-16 09:26:32][INFO] : removing equipment Zwave [2020-07-16 09:26:32][INFO] : relance le démon [2020-07-16 09:26:32][INFO] : arrête le démon [2020-07-16 09:26:32][DEBUG] : postRemove: restart daemon [2020-07-16 09:26:32][INFO] : démarre le démon [2020-07-16 09:26:32][DEBUG] : daemon starts, pid is 6122 [2020-07-16 09:26:32][DEBUG] : status cmd id: 206580, topic: [2020-07-16 09:26:32][INFO] : Connect to mosquitto: Host=, Port=1883, Id=Zigbee [2020-07-16 09:26:32][DEBUG] : broker msg: Client Zigbee sending CONNECT [2020-07-16 09:26:32][INFO] : Equipment aqara Ouverture SdB: subscribes to "zigbee2mqtt/#" with Qos=1 [2020-07-16 09:26:32][DEBUG] : broker msg: Client Zigbee sending SUBSCRIBE (Mid: 1, Topic: zigbee2mqtt/#, QoS: 1) [2020-07-16 09:26:32][INFO] : Equipment Zigbee2MQTT: subscribes to "Zigbee/#" with Qos=1 [2020-07-16 09:26:32][DEBUG] : broker msg: Client Zigbee sending SUBSCRIBE (Mid: 2, Topic: Zigbee/#, QoS: 1) [2020-07-16 09:26:32][INFO] : Equipment ZigbeeMQTT: subscribes to "ZigbeeMQTT/#" with Qos=1 [2020-07-16 09:26:32][DEBUG] : broker msg: Client Zigbee sending SUBSCRIBE (Mid: 3, Topic: ZigbeeMQTT/#, QoS: 1) [2020-07-16 09:26:32][INFO] : Subscribes to the API topic "Zigbee/api" [2020-07-16 09:26:32][DEBUG] : broker msg: Client Zigbee sending SUBSCRIBE (Mid: 4, Topic: Zigbee/api, QoS: 1) [2020-07-16 09:26:32][DEBUG] : broker msg: Client Zigbee received CONNACK (0) [2020-07-16 09:26:32][DEBUG] : broker msg: connection response is Connection Accepted. [2020-07-16 09:26:32][DEBUG] : broker msg: Client Zigbee sending PUBLISH (d0, q1, r1, m5, 'Zigbee/status', ... (6 bytes)) [2020-07-16 09:26:32][DEBUG] : broker msg: Client Zigbee received SUBACK [2020-07-16 09:26:32][DEBUG] : broker msg: topic subscription accepted, mid=1 [2020-07-16 09:26:32][DEBUG] : broker msg: Client Zigbee received PUBLISH (d0, q0, r1, m0, 'zigbee2mqtt/bridge/state', ... (6 bytes)) [2020-07-16 09:26:32][DEBUG] : Payload online for topic zigbee2mqtt/bridge/state [2020-07-16 09:26:32][INFO] : -> aqara Ouverture SdB|bridge:state online [2020-07-16 09:26:32][DEBUG] : broker msg: Client Zigbee received PUBLISH (d0, q0, r1, m0, 'zigbee2mqtt/bridge/config', ... (208 bytes)) [2020-07-16 09:26:32][DEBUG] : Payload {"version":"1.14.1","commit":"7e46435","coordinator":{"type":"zStack12","meta":{"transportrev":2,"product":0,"majorrel":2,"minorrel":6,"maintrel":3,"revision":20190608}},"log_level":"info","permit_join":true} for topic zigbee2mqtt/bridge/config [2020-07-16 09:26:32][INFO] : -> aqara Ouverture SdB|bridge:config {"version":"1.14.1","commit":"7e46435","coordinator":{"type":"zStack12","meta":{"transportrev":2,"product":0,"majorrel":2,"minorrel":6,"maintrel":3,"revision":20190608}},"log_level":"info","permit_join":true} [2020-07-16 09:26:32][DEBUG] : broker msg: Client Zigbee received SUBACK [2020-07-16 09:26:32][DEBUG] : broker msg: topic subscription accepted, mid=2 [2020-07-16 09:26:32][DEBUG] : broker msg: Client Zigbee received PUBLISH (d0, q1, r1, m1, 'Zigbee/status', ... (7 bytes)) [2020-07-16 09:26:32][DEBUG] : broker msg: Client Zigbee sending PUBACK (Mid: 1) [2020-07-16 09:26:32][DEBUG] : Payload offline for topic Zigbee/status [2020-07-16 09:26:32][INFO] : -> Zigbee2MQTT|status offline [2020-07-16 09:26:32][DEBUG] : broker msg: Client Zigbee received SUBACK [2020-07-16 09:26:32][DEBUG] : broker msg: topic subscription accepted, mid=3 [2020-07-16 09:26:32][DEBUG] : broker msg: Client Zigbee received PUBLISH (d0, q1, r1, m2, 'ZigbeeMQTT/status', ... (7 bytes)) [2020-07-16 09:26:32][DEBUG] : broker msg: Client Zigbee sending PUBACK (Mid: 2) [2020-07-16 09:26:32][DEBUG] : Payload offline for topic ZigbeeMQTT/status [2020-07-16 09:26:32][INFO] : -> ZigbeeMQTT|status offline [2020-07-16 09:26:32][DEBUG] : broker msg: Client Zigbee received SUBACK [2020-07-16 09:26:32][DEBUG] : broker msg: topic subscription accepted, mid=4 [2020-07-16 09:26:32][DEBUG] : broker msg: Client Zigbee received PUBACK (Mid: 5) [2020-07-16 09:26:32][DEBUG] : broker msg: Client Zigbee received PUBLISH (d0, q1, r0, m3, 'Zigbee/status', ... (6 bytes)) [2020-07-16 09:26:32][DEBUG] : broker msg: Client Zigbee sending PUBACK (Mid: 3) [2020-07-16 09:26:32][DEBUG] : Payload online for topic Zigbee/status [2020-07-16 09:26:32][INFO] : -> Zigbee2MQTT|status online [2020-07-16 09:26:36][INFO] : Removing command ZigbeeMQTT|status [2020-07-16 09:26:36][INFO] : removing equipment ZigbeeMQTT [2020-07-16 09:26:36][INFO] : relance le démon [2020-07-16 09:26:36][INFO] : arrête le démon [2020-07-16 09:26:36][DEBUG] : postRemove: restart daemon [2020-07-16 09:26:36][INFO] : démarre le démon [2020-07-16 09:26:36][DEBUG] : daemon starts, pid is 6233 [2020-07-16 09:26:36][DEBUG] : status cmd id: 206580, topic: [2020-07-16 09:26:36][INFO] : Connect to mosquitto: Host=, Port=1883, Id=Zigbee [2020-07-16 09:26:36][DEBUG] : broker msg: Client Zigbee sending CONNECT [2020-07-16 09:26:36][INFO] : Equipment aqara Ouverture SdB: subscribes to "zigbee2mqtt/#" with Qos=1 [2020-07-16 09:26:36][DEBUG] : broker msg: Client Zigbee sending SUBSCRIBE (Mid: 1, Topic: zigbee2mqtt/#, QoS: 1) [2020-07-16 09:26:36][INFO] : Equipment Zigbee2MQTT: subscribes to "Zigbee/#" with Qos=1 [2020-07-16 09:26:36][DEBUG] : broker msg: Client Zigbee sending SUBSCRIBE (Mid: 2, Topic: Zigbee/#, QoS: 1) [2020-07-16 09:26:36][INFO] : Subscribes to the API topic "Zigbee/api" [2020-07-16 09:26:36][DEBUG] : broker msg: Client Zigbee sending SUBSCRIBE (Mid: 3, Topic: Zigbee/api, QoS: 1) [2020-07-16 09:26:36][DEBUG] : broker msg: Client Zigbee received CONNACK (0) [2020-07-16 09:26:36][DEBUG] : broker msg: connection response is Connection Accepted. [2020-07-16 09:26:36][DEBUG] : broker msg: Client Zigbee sending PUBLISH (d0, q1, r1, m4, 'Zigbee/status', ... (6 bytes)) [2020-07-16 09:26:36][DEBUG] : broker msg: Client Zigbee received SUBACK [2020-07-16 09:26:36][DEBUG] : broker msg: topic subscription accepted, mid=1 [2020-07-16 09:26:36][DEBUG] : broker msg: Client Zigbee received PUBLISH (d0, q0, r1, m0, 'zigbee2mqtt/bridge/state', ... (6 bytes)) [2020-07-16 09:26:36][DEBUG] : Payload online for topic zigbee2mqtt/bridge/state [2020-07-16 09:26:36][INFO] : -> aqara Ouverture SdB|bridge:state online [2020-07-16 09:26:36][DEBUG] : broker msg: Client Zigbee received PUBLISH (d0, q0, r1, m0, 'zigbee2mqtt/bridge/config', ... (208 bytes)) [2020-07-16 09:26:36][DEBUG] : Payload {"version":"1.14.1","commit":"7e46435","coordinator":{"type":"zStack12","meta":{"transportrev":2,"product":0,"majorrel":2,"minorrel":6,"maintrel":3,"revision":20190608}},"log_level":"info","permit_join":true} for topic zigbee2mqtt/bridge/config [2020-07-16 09:26:36][INFO] : -> aqara Ouverture SdB|bridge:config {"version":"1.14.1","commit":"7e46435","coordinator":{"type":"zStack12","meta":{"transportrev":2,"product":0,"majorrel":2,"minorrel":6,"maintrel":3,"revision":20190608}},"log_level":"info","permit_join":true} [2020-07-16 09:26:36][DEBUG] : broker msg: Client Zigbee received SUBACK [2020-07-16 09:26:36][DEBUG] : broker msg: topic subscription accepted, mid=2 [2020-07-16 09:26:36][DEBUG] : broker msg: Client Zigbee received PUBLISH (d0, q1, r1, m1, 'Zigbee/status', ... (7 bytes)) [2020-07-16 09:26:36][DEBUG] : broker msg: Client Zigbee sending PUBACK (Mid: 1) [2020-07-16 09:26:36][DEBUG] : Payload offline for topic Zigbee/status [2020-07-16 09:26:36][INFO] : -> Zigbee2MQTT|status offline [2020-07-16 09:26:36][DEBUG] : broker msg: Client Zigbee received SUBACK [2020-07-16 09:26:36][DEBUG] : broker msg: topic subscription accepted, mid=3 [2020-07-16 09:26:36][DEBUG] : broker msg: Client Zigbee received PUBACK (Mid: 4) [2020-07-16 09:26:36][DEBUG] : broker msg: Client Zigbee received PUBLISH (d0, q1, r0, m2, 'Zigbee/status', ... (6 bytes)) [2020-07-16 09:26:36][DEBUG] : broker msg: Client Zigbee sending PUBACK (Mid: 2) [2020-07-16 09:26:36][DEBUG] : Payload online for topic Zigbee/status [2020-07-16 09:26:36][INFO] : -> Zigbee2MQTT|status online [2020-07-16 09:26:42][INFO] : active le mode d'inclusion automatique [2020-07-16 09:26:42][INFO] : arrête le démon [2020-07-16 09:26:45][INFO] : démarre le démon [2020-07-16 09:26:45][DEBUG] : daemon starts, pid is 6400 [2020-07-16 09:26:45][DEBUG] : status cmd id: 206580, topic: [2020-07-16 09:26:45][INFO] : Connect to mosquitto: Host=, Port=1883, Id=Zigbee [2020-07-16 09:26:45][DEBUG] : broker msg: Client Zigbee sending CONNECT [2020-07-16 09:26:45][DEBUG] : broker msg: Client Zigbee sending SUBSCRIBE (Mid: 1, Topic: #, QoS: 1) [2020-07-16 09:26:45][DEBUG] : Subscribe to topic "#" with Qos=1 [2020-07-16 09:26:45][INFO] : No need to subscribe to the API topic "Zigbee/api" [2020-07-16 09:26:45][DEBUG] : broker msg: Client Zigbee received CONNACK (0) [2020-07-16 09:26:45][DEBUG] : broker msg: connection response is Connection Accepted. [2020-07-16 09:26:45][DEBUG] : broker msg: Client Zigbee sending PUBLISH (d0, q1, r1, m2, 'Zigbee/status', ... (6 bytes)) [2020-07-16 09:26:45][DEBUG] : broker msg: Client Zigbee received SUBACK [2020-07-16 09:26:45][DEBUG] : broker msg: topic subscription accepted, mid=1 [2020-07-16 09:26:45][DEBUG] : broker msg: Client Zigbee received PUBLISH (d0, q0, r1, m0, 'zigbee2mqtt/bridge/state', ... (6 bytes)) [2020-07-16 09:26:45][DEBUG] : Payload online for topic zigbee2mqtt/bridge/state [2020-07-16 09:26:45][INFO] : -> aqara Ouverture SdB|bridge:state online [2020-07-16 09:26:45][DEBUG] : broker msg: Client Zigbee received PUBLISH (d0, q0, r1, m0, 'zigbee2mqtt/bridge/config', ... (208 bytes)) [2020-07-16 09:26:45][DEBUG] : Payload {"version":"1.14.1","commit":"7e46435","coordinator":{"type":"zStack12","meta":{"transportrev":2,"product":0,"majorrel":2,"minorrel":6,"maintrel":3,"revision":20190608}},"log_level":"info","permit_join":true} for topic zigbee2mqtt/bridge/config [2020-07-16 09:26:45][INFO] : -> aqara Ouverture SdB|bridge:config {"version":"1.14.1","commit":"7e46435","coordinator":{"type":"zStack12","meta":{"transportrev":2,"product":0,"majorrel":2,"minorrel":6,"maintrel":3,"revision":20190608}},"log_level":"info","permit_join":true} [2020-07-16 09:26:45][DEBUG] : broker msg: Client Zigbee received PUBLISH (d0, q1, r1, m1, 'Zigbee/status', ... (7 bytes)) [2020-07-16 09:26:45][DEBUG] : broker msg: Client Zigbee sending PUBACK (Mid: 1) [2020-07-16 09:26:45][DEBUG] : Payload offline for topic Zigbee/status [2020-07-16 09:26:45][INFO] : -> Zigbee2MQTT|status offline [2020-07-16 09:26:45][DEBUG] : broker msg: Client Zigbee received PUBLISH (d0, q1, r1, m2, 'Zwave/status', ... (6 bytes)) [2020-07-16 09:26:45][DEBUG] : broker msg: Client Zigbee sending PUBACK (Mid: 2) [2020-07-16 09:26:45][DEBUG] : Payload online for topic Zwave/status [2020-07-16 09:26:45][INFO] : Create equipment Zwave, topic=Zwave/#, type=eqpt [2020-07-16 09:26:45][DEBUG] : Cmd name max length retrieved from the DB: 127 [2020-07-16 09:26:45][INFO] : Création commande info Zwave|status [2020-07-16 09:26:45][INFO] : -> Zwave|status online [2020-07-16 09:26:45][DEBUG] : broker msg: Client Zigbee received PUBLISH (d0, q1, r1, m3, 'ZigbeeMQTT/status', ... (7 bytes)) [2020-07-16 09:26:45][DEBUG] : broker msg: Client Zigbee sending PUBACK (Mid: 3) [2020-07-16 09:26:45][DEBUG] : Payload offline for topic ZigbeeMQTT/status [2020-07-16 09:26:45][INFO] : Create equipment ZigbeeMQTT, topic=ZigbeeMQTT/#, type=eqpt [2020-07-16 09:26:45][INFO] : Création commande info ZigbeeMQTT|status [2020-07-16 09:26:45][INFO] : -> ZigbeeMQTT|status offline [2020-07-16 09:26:45][DEBUG] : broker msg: Client Zigbee received PUBLISH (d0, q1, r1, m4, 'ZwaveMQTT/status', ... (7 bytes)) [2020-07-16 09:26:45][DEBUG] : broker msg: Client Zigbee sending PUBACK (Mid: 4) [2020-07-16 09:26:45][DEBUG] : Payload offline for topic ZwaveMQTT/status [2020-07-16 09:26:45][INFO] : Create equipment ZwaveMQTT, topic=ZwaveMQTT/#, type=eqpt [2020-07-16 09:26:45][INFO] : Création commande info ZwaveMQTT|status [2020-07-16 09:26:45][INFO] : -> ZwaveMQTT|status offline [2020-07-16 09:26:45][DEBUG] : broker msg: Client Zigbee received PUBACK (Mid: 2) [2020-07-16 09:26:45][DEBUG] : broker msg: Client Zigbee received PUBLISH (d0, q1, r0, m5, 'Zigbee/status', ... (6 bytes)) [2020-07-16 09:26:45][DEBUG] : broker msg: Client Zigbee sending PUBACK (Mid: 5) [2020-07-16 09:26:45][DEBUG] : Payload online for topic Zigbee/status [2020-07-16 09:26:45][INFO] : -> Zigbee2MQTT|status online [2020-07-16 09:26:49][DEBUG] : broker msg: Client Zigbee received PUBLISH (d0, q0, r0, m0, 'zigbee2mqtt/bridge/log', ... (96 bytes)) [2020-07-16 09:26:49][DEBUG] : Payload {"type":"device_removed","message":"left_network","meta":{"friendly_name":"0x00158d0002c9ef0f"}} for topic zigbee2mqtt/bridge/log [2020-07-16 09:26:49][INFO] : -> aqara Ouverture SdB|bridge:log {"type":"device_removed","message":"left_network","meta":{"friendly_name":"0x00158d0002c9ef0f"}} [2020-07-16 09:26:49][DEBUG] : broker msg: Client Zigbee received PUBLISH (d0, q0, r0, m0, 'zigbee2mqtt/bridge/log', ... (96 bytes)) [2020-07-16 09:26:49][DEBUG] : Payload {"type":"device_removed","message":"left_network","meta":{"friendly_name":"0x00158d0002c9ef0f"}} for topic zigbee2mqtt/bridge/log [2020-07-16 09:26:49][INFO] : -> aqara Ouverture SdB|bridge:log {"type":"device_removed","message":"left_network","meta":{"friendly_name":"0x00158d0002c9ef0f"}} [2020-07-16 09:27:02][DEBUG] : broker msg: Client Zigbee received PUBLISH (d0, q0, r0, m0, 'zigbee2mqtt/bridge/log', ... (76 bytes)) [2020-07-16 09:27:02][DEBUG] : Payload {"type":"device_connected","message":{"friendly_name":"0x00158d0002c9ef0f"}} for topic zigbee2mqtt/bridge/log [2020-07-16 09:27:02][INFO] : -> aqara Ouverture SdB|bridge:log {"type":"device_connected","message":{"friendly_name":"0x00158d0002c9ef0f"}} [2020-07-16 09:27:02][DEBUG] : broker msg: Client Zigbee received PUBLISH (d0, q0, r0, m0, 'zigbee2mqtt/bridge/log', ... (94 bytes)) [2020-07-16 09:27:02][DEBUG] : Payload {"type":"pairing","message":"interview_started","meta":{"friendly_name":"0x00158d0002c9ef0f"}} for topic zigbee2mqtt/bridge/log [2020-07-16 09:27:02][INFO] : -> aqara Ouverture SdB|bridge:log {"type":"pairing","message":"interview_started","meta":{"friendly_name":"0x00158d0002c9ef0f"}} [2020-07-16 09:27:02][DEBUG] : broker msg: Client Zigbee received PUBLISH (d0, q0, r0, m0, 'zigbee2mqtt/bridge/log', ... (94 bytes)) [2020-07-16 09:27:02][DEBUG] : Payload {"type":"device_announced","message":"announce","meta":{"friendly_name":"0x00158d0002c9ef0f"}} for topic zigbee2mqtt/bridge/log [2020-07-16 09:27:02][INFO] : -> aqara Ouverture SdB|bridge:log {"type":"device_announced","message":"announce","meta":{"friendly_name":"0x00158d0002c9ef0f"}} [2020-07-16 09:27:03][DEBUG] : broker msg: Client Zigbee received PUBLISH (d0, q0, r0, m0, 'zigbee2mqtt/0x00158d0002c9ef0f', ... (63 bytes)) [2020-07-16 09:27:03][DEBUG] : Payload {"battery":100,"voltage":3035,"contact":false,"linkquality":73} for topic zigbee2mqtt/0x00158d0002c9ef0f [2020-07-16 09:27:03][INFO] : -> aqara Ouverture SdB|0x00158d0002c9ef0f {"battery":100,"voltage":3035,"contact":false,"linkquality":73} [2020-07-16 09:27:04][DEBUG] : broker msg: Client Zigbee received PUBLISH (d0, q0, r0, m0, 'zigbee2mqtt/0x00158d0002c9ef0f', ... (63 bytes)) [2020-07-16 09:27:04][DEBUG] : Payload {"battery":100,"voltage":3035,"contact":false,"linkquality":70} for topic zigbee2mqtt/0x00158d0002c9ef0f [2020-07-16 09:27:04][INFO] : -> aqara Ouverture SdB|0x00158d0002c9ef0f {"battery":100,"voltage":3035,"contact":false,"linkquality":70} [2020-07-16 09:27:05][DEBUG] : broker msg: Client Zigbee received PUBLISH (d0, q0, r0, m0, 'zigbee2mqtt/0x00158d0002c9ef0f', ... (63 bytes)) [2020-07-16 09:27:05][DEBUG] : Payload {"battery":100,"voltage":3035,"contact":false,"linkquality":76} for topic zigbee2mqtt/0x00158d0002c9ef0f [2020-07-16 09:27:05][INFO] : -> aqara Ouverture SdB|0x00158d0002c9ef0f {"battery":100,"voltage":3035,"contact":false,"linkquality":76} [2020-07-16 09:27:07][DEBUG] : broker msg: Client Zigbee received PUBLISH (d0, q0, r0, m0, 'zigbee2mqtt/0x00158d0002c9ef0f', ... (63 bytes)) [2020-07-16 09:27:07][DEBUG] : Payload {"battery":100,"voltage":3035,"contact":false,"linkquality":78} for topic zigbee2mqtt/0x00158d0002c9ef0f [2020-07-16 09:27:07][INFO] : -> aqara Ouverture SdB|0x00158d0002c9ef0f {"battery":100,"voltage":3035,"contact":false,"linkquality":78} [2020-07-16 09:27:08][DEBUG] : broker msg: Client Zigbee received PUBLISH (d0, q0, r0, m0, 'zigbee2mqtt/0x00158d0002c9ef0f', ... (63 bytes)) [2020-07-16 09:27:08][DEBUG] : Payload {"battery":100,"voltage":3035,"contact":false,"linkquality":76} for topic zigbee2mqtt/0x00158d0002c9ef0f [2020-07-16 09:27:08][INFO] : -> aqara Ouverture SdB|0x00158d0002c9ef0f {"battery":100,"voltage":3035,"contact":false,"linkquality":76} [2020-07-16 09:27:11][DEBUG] : broker msg: Client Zigbee received PUBLISH (d0, q0, r0, m0, 'zigbee2mqtt/0x00158d0002c9ef0f', ... (63 bytes)) [2020-07-16 09:27:11][DEBUG] : Payload {"battery":100,"voltage":3035,"contact":false,"linkquality":78} for topic zigbee2mqtt/0x00158d0002c9ef0f [2020-07-16 09:27:11][INFO] : -> aqara Ouverture SdB|0x00158d0002c9ef0f {"battery":100,"voltage":3035,"contact":false,"linkquality":78} [2020-07-16 09:27:13][DEBUG] : broker msg: Client Zigbee received PUBLISH (d0, q0, r0, m0, 'zigbee2mqtt/0x00158d0002c9ef0f', ... (63 bytes)) [2020-07-16 09:27:13][DEBUG] : Payload {"battery":100,"voltage":3035,"contact":false,"linkquality":78} for topic zigbee2mqtt/0x00158d0002c9ef0f [2020-07-16 09:27:13][INFO] : -> aqara Ouverture SdB|0x00158d0002c9ef0f {"battery":100,"voltage":3035,"contact":false,"linkquality":78} [2020-07-16 09:27:21][DEBUG] : broker msg: Client Zigbee received PUBLISH (d0, q0, r0, m0, 'zigbee2mqtt/0x00158d0002c9ef0f', ... (63 bytes)) [2020-07-16 09:27:21][DEBUG] : Payload {"battery":100,"voltage":3035,"contact":false,"linkquality":78} for topic zigbee2mqtt/0x00158d0002c9ef0f [2020-07-16 09:27:21][INFO] : -> aqara Ouverture SdB|0x00158d0002c9ef0f {"battery":100,"voltage":3035,"contact":false,"linkquality":78} [2020-07-16 09:27:22][DEBUG] : broker msg: Client Zigbee received PUBLISH (d0, q0, r0, m0, 'zigbee2mqtt/0x00158d0002c9ef0f', ... (63 bytes)) [2020-07-16 09:27:22][DEBUG] : Payload {"battery":100,"voltage":3035,"contact":false,"linkquality":76} for topic zigbee2mqtt/0x00158d0002c9ef0f [2020-07-16 09:27:22][INFO] : -> aqara Ouverture SdB|0x00158d0002c9ef0f {"battery":100,"voltage":3035,"contact":false,"linkquality":76} [2020-07-16 09:27:23][DEBUG] : broker msg: Client Zigbee received PUBLISH (d0, q0, r0, m0, 'zigbee2mqtt/0x00158d0002c9ef0f', ... (63 bytes)) [2020-07-16 09:27:23][DEBUG] : Payload {"battery":100,"voltage":3035,"contact":false,"linkquality":76} for topic zigbee2mqtt/0x00158d0002c9ef0f [2020-07-16 09:27:23][INFO] : -> aqara Ouverture SdB|0x00158d0002c9ef0f {"battery":100,"voltage":3035,"contact":false,"linkquality":76} [2020-07-16 09:27:25][DEBUG] : broker msg: Client Zigbee received PUBLISH (d0, q0, r0, m0, 'zigbee2mqtt/0x00158d0002c9ef0f', ... (63 bytes)) [2020-07-16 09:27:25][DEBUG] : Payload {"battery":100,"voltage":3035,"contact":false,"linkquality":78} for topic zigbee2mqtt/0x00158d0002c9ef0f [2020-07-16 09:27:25][INFO] : -> aqara Ouverture SdB|0x00158d0002c9ef0f {"battery":100,"voltage":3035,"contact":false,"linkquality":78} [2020-07-16 09:27:27][DEBUG] : broker msg: Client Zigbee received PUBLISH (d0, q0, r0, m0, 'zigbee2mqtt/0x00158d0002c9ef0f', ... (63 bytes)) [2020-07-16 09:27:27][DEBUG] : Payload {"battery":100,"voltage":3035,"contact":false,"linkquality":81} for topic zigbee2mqtt/0x00158d0002c9ef0f [2020-07-16 09:27:27][INFO] : -> aqara Ouverture SdB|0x00158d0002c9ef0f {"battery":100,"voltage":3035,"contact":false,"linkquality":81} [2020-07-16 09:27:28][DEBUG] : broker msg: Client Zigbee received PUBLISH (d0, q0, r0, m0, 'zigbee2mqtt/bridge/log', ... (203 bytes)) [2020-07-16 09:27:28][DEBUG] : Payload {"type":"pairing","message":"interview_successful","meta":{"friendly_name":"0x00158d0002c9ef0f","model":"MCCGQ11LM","vendor":"Xiaomi","description":"Aqara door & window contact sensor","supported":true}} for topic zigbee2mqtt/bridge/log [2020-07-16 09:27:28][INFO] : -> aqara Ouverture SdB|bridge:log {"type":"pairing","message":"interview_successful","meta":{"friendly_name":"0x00158d0002c9ef0f","model":"MCCGQ11LM","vendor":"Xiaomi","description":"Aqara door & window contact sensor","supported":true}} [2020-07-16 09:27:28][INFO] : désactive le mode d'inclusion automatique [2020-07-16 09:27:28][INFO] : arrête le démon [2020-07-16 09:27:29][INFO] : démarre le démon [2020-07-16 09:27:29][DEBUG] : daemon starts, pid is 7155 [2020-07-16 09:27:29][DEBUG] : status cmd id: 206580, topic: [2020-07-16 09:27:29][INFO] : Connect to mosquitto: Host=, Port=1883, Id=Zigbee [2020-07-16 09:27:29][DEBUG] : broker msg: Client Zigbee sending CONNECT [2020-07-16 09:27:29][INFO] : Equipment aqara Ouverture SdB: subscribes to "zigbee2mqtt/#" with Qos=1 [2020-07-16 09:27:29][DEBUG] : broker msg: Client Zigbee sending SUBSCRIBE (Mid: 1, Topic: zigbee2mqtt/#, QoS: 1) [2020-07-16 09:27:29][INFO] : Equipment Zigbee2MQTT: subscribes to "Zigbee/#" with Qos=1 [2020-07-16 09:27:29][DEBUG] : broker msg: Client Zigbee sending SUBSCRIBE (Mid: 2, Topic: Zigbee/#, QoS: 1) [2020-07-16 09:27:29][INFO] : Equipment ZigbeeMQTT: subscribes to "ZigbeeMQTT/#" with Qos=1 [2020-07-16 09:27:29][DEBUG] : broker msg: Client Zigbee sending SUBSCRIBE (Mid: 3, Topic: ZigbeeMQTT/#, QoS: 1) [2020-07-16 09:27:29][INFO] : Equipment Zwave: subscribes to "Zwave/#" with Qos=1 [2020-07-16 09:27:29][DEBUG] : broker msg: Client Zigbee sending SUBSCRIBE (Mid: 4, Topic: Zwave/#, QoS: 1) [2020-07-16 09:27:29][INFO] : Equipment ZwaveMQTT: subscribes to "ZwaveMQTT/#" with Qos=1 [2020-07-16 09:27:29][DEBUG] : broker msg: Client Zigbee sending SUBSCRIBE (Mid: 5, Topic: ZwaveMQTT/#, QoS: 1) [2020-07-16 09:27:29][INFO] : Subscribes to the API topic "Zigbee/api" [2020-07-16 09:27:29][DEBUG] : broker msg: Client Zigbee sending SUBSCRIBE (Mid: 6, Topic: Zigbee/api, QoS: 1) [2020-07-16 09:27:29][DEBUG] : broker msg: Client Zigbee received CONNACK (0) [2020-07-16 09:27:29][DEBUG] : broker msg: connection response is Connection Accepted. [2020-07-16 09:27:29][DEBUG] : broker msg: Client Zigbee sending PUBLISH (d0, q1, r1, m7, 'Zigbee/status', ... (6 bytes)) [2020-07-16 09:27:29][DEBUG] : broker msg: Client Zigbee received SUBACK [2020-07-16 09:27:29][DEBUG] : broker msg: topic subscription accepted, mid=1 [2020-07-16 09:27:29][DEBUG] : broker msg: Client Zigbee received PUBLISH (d0, q0, r1, m0, 'zigbee2mqtt/bridge/state', ... (6 bytes)) [2020-07-16 09:27:29][DEBUG] : Payload online for topic zigbee2mqtt/bridge/state [2020-07-16 09:27:29][INFO] : -> aqara Ouverture SdB|bridge:state online [2020-07-16 09:27:29][DEBUG] : broker msg: Client Zigbee received PUBLISH (d0, q0, r1, m0, 'zigbee2mqtt/bridge/config', ... (208 bytes)) [2020-07-16 09:27:29][DEBUG] : Payload {"version":"1.14.1","commit":"7e46435","coordinator":{"type":"zStack12","meta":{"transportrev":2,"product":0,"majorrel":2,"minorrel":6,"maintrel":3,"revision":20190608}},"log_level":"info","permit_join":true} for topic zigbee2mqtt/bridge/config [2020-07-16 09:27:29][INFO] : -> aqara Ouverture SdB|bridge:config {"version":"1.14.1","commit":"7e46435","coordinator":{"type":"zStack12","meta":{"transportrev":2,"product":0,"majorrel":2,"minorrel":6,"maintrel":3,"revision":20190608}},"log_level":"info","permit_join":true} [2020-07-16 09:27:29][DEBUG] : broker msg: Client Zigbee received SUBACK [2020-07-16 09:27:29][DEBUG] : broker msg: topic subscription accepted, mid=2 [2020-07-16 09:27:29][DEBUG] : broker msg: Client Zigbee received PUBLISH (d0, q1, r1, m1, 'Zigbee/status', ... (7 bytes)) [2020-07-16 09:27:29][DEBUG] : broker msg: Client Zigbee sending PUBACK (Mid: 1) [2020-07-16 09:27:29][DEBUG] : Payload offline for topic Zigbee/status [2020-07-16 09:27:29][INFO] : -> Zigbee2MQTT|status offline [2020-07-16 09:27:29][DEBUG] : broker msg: Client Zigbee received SUBACK [2020-07-16 09:27:29][DEBUG] : broker msg: topic subscription accepted, mid=3 [2020-07-16 09:27:29][DEBUG] : broker msg: Client Zigbee received PUBLISH (d0, q1, r1, m2, 'ZigbeeMQTT/status', ... (7 bytes)) [2020-07-16 09:27:29][DEBUG] : broker msg: Client Zigbee sending PUBACK (Mid: 2) [2020-07-16 09:27:29][DEBUG] : Payload offline for topic ZigbeeMQTT/status [2020-07-16 09:27:29][INFO] : -> ZigbeeMQTT|status offline [2020-07-16 09:27:29][DEBUG] : broker msg: Client Zigbee received SUBACK [2020-07-16 09:27:29][DEBUG] : broker msg: topic subscription accepted, mid=4 [2020-07-16 09:27:29][DEBUG] : broker msg: Client Zigbee received PUBLISH (d0, q1, r1, m3, 'Zwave/status', ... (6 bytes)) [2020-07-16 09:27:29][DEBUG] : broker msg: Client Zigbee sending PUBACK (Mid: 3) [2020-07-16 09:27:29][DEBUG] : Payload online for topic Zwave/status [2020-07-16 09:27:29][INFO] : -> Zwave|status online [2020-07-16 09:27:29][DEBUG] : broker msg: Client Zigbee received SUBACK [2020-07-16 09:27:29][DEBUG] : broker msg: topic subscription accepted, mid=5 [2020-07-16 09:27:29][DEBUG] : broker msg: Client Zigbee received PUBLISH (d0, q1, r1, m4, 'ZwaveMQTT/status', ... (7 bytes)) [2020-07-16 09:27:29][DEBUG] : broker msg: Client Zigbee sending PUBACK (Mid: 4) [2020-07-16 09:27:29][DEBUG] : Payload offline for topic ZwaveMQTT/status [2020-07-16 09:27:29][INFO] : -> ZwaveMQTT|status offline [2020-07-16 09:27:29][DEBUG] : broker msg: Client Zigbee received SUBACK [2020-07-16 09:27:29][DEBUG] : broker msg: topic subscription accepted, mid=6 [2020-07-16 09:27:29][DEBUG] : broker msg: Client Zigbee received PUBACK (Mid: 7) [2020-07-16 09:27:29][DEBUG] : broker msg: Client Zigbee received PUBLISH (d0, q1, r0, m5, 'Zigbee/status', ... (6 bytes)) [2020-07-16 09:27:29][DEBUG] : broker msg: Client Zigbee sending PUBACK (Mid: 5) [2020-07-16 09:27:29][DEBUG] : Payload online for topic Zigbee/status [2020-07-16 09:27:29][INFO] : -> Zigbee2MQTT|status online [2020-07-16 09:27:43][DEBUG] : broker msg: Client Zigbee received PUBLISH (d0, q0, r0, m0, 'zigbee2mqtt/0x00158d0002c9ef0f', ... (63 bytes)) [2020-07-16 09:27:43][DEBUG] : Payload {"battery":100,"voltage":3035,"contact":false,"linkquality":70} for topic zigbee2mqtt/0x00158d0002c9ef0f [2020-07-16 09:27:43][INFO] : -> aqara Ouverture SdB|0x00158d0002c9ef0f {"battery":100,"voltage":3035,"contact":false,"linkquality":70} [2020-07-16 09:27:47][DEBUG] : broker msg: Client Zigbee received PUBLISH (d0, q0, r0, m0, 'zigbee2mqtt/0x00158d0002c9ef0f', ... (63 bytes)) [2020-07-16 09:27:47][DEBUG] : Payload {"battery":100,"voltage":3035,"contact":false,"linkquality":73} for topic zigbee2mqtt/0x00158d0002c9ef0f [2020-07-16 09:27:47][INFO] : -> aqara Ouverture SdB|0x00158d0002c9ef0f {"battery":100,"voltage":3035,"contact":false,"linkquality":73} [2020-07-16 09:27:54][DEBUG] : broker msg: Client Zigbee received PUBLISH (d0, q0, r0, m0, 'zigbee2mqtt/0x00158d0002c9ef0f', ... (63 bytes)) [2020-07-16 09:27:54][DEBUG] : Payload {"battery":100,"voltage":3035,"contact":false,"linkquality":76} for topic zigbee2mqtt/0x00158d0002c9ef0f [2020-07-16 09:27:54][INFO] : -> aqara Ouverture SdB|0x00158d0002c9ef0f {"battery":100,"voltage":3035,"contact":false,"linkquality":76} [2020-07-16 09:27:57][DEBUG] : broker msg: Client Zigbee received PUBLISH (d0, q0, r0, m0, 'zigbee2mqtt/0x00158d0002c9ef0f', ... (63 bytes)) [2020-07-16 09:27:57][DEBUG] : Payload {"battery":100,"voltage":3035,"contact":false,"linkquality":52} for topic zigbee2mqtt/0x00158d0002c9ef0f [2020-07-16 09:27:57][INFO] : -> aqara Ouverture SdB|0x00158d0002c9ef0f {"battery":100,"voltage":3035,"contact":false,"linkquality":52} [2020-07-16 09:28:00][DEBUG] : broker msg: Client Zigbee received PUBLISH (d0, q0, r0, m0, 'zigbee2mqtt/0x00158d0002c9ef0f', ... (63 bytes)) [2020-07-16 09:28:00][DEBUG] : Payload {"battery":100,"voltage":3035,"contact":false,"linkquality":55} for topic zigbee2mqtt/0x00158d0002c9ef0f [2020-07-16 09:28:00][INFO] : -> aqara Ouverture SdB|0x00158d0002c9ef0f {"battery":100,"voltage":3035,"contact":false,"linkquality":55} [2020-07-16 09:28:01][INFO] : active le mode d'inclusion automatique [2020-07-16 09:28:01][INFO] : arrête le démon [2020-07-16 09:28:02][INFO] : démarre le démon [2020-07-16 09:28:02][DEBUG] : daemon starts, pid is 7669 [2020-07-16 09:28:02][DEBUG] : status cmd id: 206580, topic: [2020-07-16 09:28:02][INFO] : Connect to mosquitto: Host=, Port=1883, Id=Zigbee [2020-07-16 09:28:02][DEBUG] : broker msg: Client Zigbee sending CONNECT [2020-07-16 09:28:02][DEBUG] : broker msg: Client Zigbee sending SUBSCRIBE (Mid: 1, Topic: #, QoS: 1) [2020-07-16 09:28:02][DEBUG] : Subscribe to topic "#" with Qos=1 [2020-07-16 09:28:02][INFO] : No need to subscribe to the API topic "Zigbee/api" [2020-07-16 09:28:02][DEBUG] : broker msg: Client Zigbee received CONNACK (0) [2020-07-16 09:28:02][DEBUG] : broker msg: connection response is Connection Accepted. [2020-07-16 09:28:02][DEBUG] : broker msg: Client Zigbee sending PUBLISH (d0, q1, r1, m2, 'Zigbee/status', ... (6 bytes)) [2020-07-16 09:28:02][DEBUG] : broker msg: Client Zigbee received SUBACK [2020-07-16 09:28:02][DEBUG] : broker msg: topic subscription accepted, mid=1 [2020-07-16 09:28:02][DEBUG] : broker msg: Client Zigbee received PUBLISH (d0, q0, r1, m0, 'zigbee2mqtt/bridge/state', ... (6 bytes)) [2020-07-16 09:28:02][DEBUG] : Payload online for topic zigbee2mqtt/bridge/state [2020-07-16 09:28:02][INFO] : -> aqara Ouverture SdB|bridge:state online [2020-07-16 09:28:02][DEBUG] : broker msg: Client Zigbee received PUBLISH (d0, q0, r1, m0, 'zigbee2mqtt/bridge/config', ... (208 bytes)) [2020-07-16 09:28:02][DEBUG] : Payload {"version":"1.14.1","commit":"7e46435","coordinator":{"type":"zStack12","meta":{"transportrev":2,"product":0,"majorrel":2,"minorrel":6,"maintrel":3,"revision":20190608}},"log_level":"info","permit_join":true} for topic zigbee2mqtt/bridge/config [2020-07-16 09:28:02][INFO] : -> aqara Ouverture SdB|bridge:config {"version":"1.14.1","commit":"7e46435","coordinator":{"type":"zStack12","meta":{"transportrev":2,"product":0,"majorrel":2,"minorrel":6,"maintrel":3,"revision":20190608}},"log_level":"info","permit_join":true} [2020-07-16 09:28:02][DEBUG] : broker msg: Client Zigbee received PUBLISH (d0, q1, r1, m1, 'Zigbee/status', ... (7 bytes)) [2020-07-16 09:28:02][DEBUG] : broker msg: Client Zigbee sending PUBACK (Mid: 1) [2020-07-16 09:28:02][DEBUG] : Payload offline for topic Zigbee/status [2020-07-16 09:28:02][INFO] : -> Zigbee2MQTT|status offline [2020-07-16 09:28:02][DEBUG] : broker msg: Client Zigbee received PUBLISH (d0, q1, r1, m2, 'Zwave/status', ... (6 bytes)) [2020-07-16 09:28:02][DEBUG] : broker msg: Client Zigbee sending PUBACK (Mid: 2) [2020-07-16 09:28:02][DEBUG] : Payload online for topic Zwave/status [2020-07-16 09:28:02][INFO] : -> Zwave|status online [2020-07-16 09:28:02][DEBUG] : broker msg: Client Zigbee received PUBLISH (d0, q1, r1, m3, 'ZigbeeMQTT/status', ... (7 bytes)) [2020-07-16 09:28:02][DEBUG] : broker msg: Client Zigbee sending PUBACK (Mid: 3) [2020-07-16 09:28:02][DEBUG] : Payload offline for topic ZigbeeMQTT/status [2020-07-16 09:28:02][INFO] : -> ZigbeeMQTT|status offline [2020-07-16 09:28:02][DEBUG] : broker msg: Client Zigbee received PUBLISH (d0, q1, r1, m4, 'ZwaveMQTT/status', ... (7 bytes)) [2020-07-16 09:28:02][DEBUG] : broker msg: Client Zigbee sending PUBACK (Mid: 4) [2020-07-16 09:28:02][DEBUG] : Payload offline for topic ZwaveMQTT/status [2020-07-16 09:28:02][INFO] : -> ZwaveMQTT|status offline [2020-07-16 09:28:02][DEBUG] : broker msg: Client Zigbee received PUBACK (Mid: 2) [2020-07-16 09:28:02][DEBUG] : broker msg: Client Zigbee received PUBLISH (d0, q1, r0, m5, 'Zigbee/status', ... (6 bytes)) [2020-07-16 09:28:02][DEBUG] : broker msg: Client Zigbee sending PUBACK (Mid: 5) [2020-07-16 09:28:02][DEBUG] : Payload online for topic Zigbee/status [2020-07-16 09:28:02][INFO] : -> Zigbee2MQTT|status online [2020-07-16 09:28:10][DEBUG] : broker msg: Client Zigbee received PUBLISH (d0, q0, r0, m0, 'zigbee2mqtt/bridge/log', ... (96 bytes)) [2020-07-16 09:28:10][DEBUG] : Payload {"type":"device_removed","message":"left_network","meta":{"friendly_name":"0x00158d0002c9ef0f"}} for topic zigbee2mqtt/bridge/log [2020-07-16 09:28:10][INFO] : -> aqara Ouverture SdB|bridge:log {"type":"device_removed","message":"left_network","meta":{"friendly_name":"0x00158d0002c9ef0f"}} [2020-07-16 09:28:13][DEBUG] : broker msg: Client Zigbee received PUBLISH (d0, q0, r0, m0, 'zigbee2mqtt/bridge/log', ... (76 bytes)) [2020-07-16 09:28:13][DEBUG] : Payload {"type":"device_connected","message":{"friendly_name":"0x00158d0002c9ef0f"}} for topic zigbee2mqtt/bridge/log [2020-07-16 09:28:13][INFO] : -> aqara Ouverture SdB|bridge:log {"type":"device_connected","message":{"friendly_name":"0x00158d0002c9ef0f"}} [2020-07-16 09:28:13][DEBUG] : broker msg: Client Zigbee received PUBLISH (d0, q0, r0, m0, 'zigbee2mqtt/bridge/log', ... (94 bytes)) [2020-07-16 09:28:13][DEBUG] : Payload {"type":"pairing","message":"interview_started","meta":{"friendly_name":"0x00158d0002c9ef0f"}} for topic zigbee2mqtt/bridge/log [2020-07-16 09:28:13][INFO] : -> aqara Ouverture SdB|bridge:log {"type":"pairing","message":"interview_started","meta":{"friendly_name":"0x00158d0002c9ef0f"}} [2020-07-16 09:28:14][DEBUG] : broker msg: Client Zigbee received PUBLISH (d0, q0, r0, m0, 'zigbee2mqtt/bridge/log', ... (94 bytes)) [2020-07-16 09:28:14][DEBUG] : Payload {"type":"device_announced","message":"announce","meta":{"friendly_name":"0x00158d0002c9ef0f"}} for topic zigbee2mqtt/bridge/log [2020-07-16 09:28:14][INFO] : -> aqara Ouverture SdB|bridge:log {"type":"device_announced","message":"announce","meta":{"friendly_name":"0x00158d0002c9ef0f"}} [2020-07-16 09:28:14][DEBUG] : broker msg: Client Zigbee received PUBLISH (d0, q0, r0, m0, 'zigbee2mqtt/0x00158d0002c9ef0f', ... (63 bytes)) [2020-07-16 09:28:14][DEBUG] : Payload {"battery":100,"voltage":3035,"contact":false,"linkquality":44} for topic zigbee2mqtt/0x00158d0002c9ef0f [2020-07-16 09:28:14][INFO] : -> aqara Ouverture SdB|0x00158d0002c9ef0f {"battery":100,"voltage":3035,"contact":false,"linkquality":44} [2020-07-16 09:28:16][DEBUG] : broker msg: Client Zigbee received PUBLISH (d0, q0, r0, m0, 'zigbee2mqtt/0x00158d0002c9ef0f', ... (63 bytes)) [2020-07-16 09:28:16][DEBUG] : Payload {"battery":100,"voltage":3035,"contact":false,"linkquality":44} for topic zigbee2mqtt/0x00158d0002c9ef0f [2020-07-16 09:28:16][INFO] : -> aqara Ouverture SdB|0x00158d0002c9ef0f {"battery":100,"voltage":3035,"contact":false,"linkquality":44} [2020-07-16 09:28:18][DEBUG] : broker msg: Client Zigbee received PUBLISH (d0, q0, r0, m0, 'zigbee2mqtt/0x00158d0002c9ef0f', ... (63 bytes)) [2020-07-16 09:28:18][DEBUG] : Payload {"battery":100,"voltage":3035,"contact":false,"linkquality":49} for topic zigbee2mqtt/0x00158d0002c9ef0f [2020-07-16 09:28:18][INFO] : -> aqara Ouverture SdB|0x00158d0002c9ef0f {"battery":100,"voltage":3035,"contact":false,"linkquality":49} [2020-07-16 09:28:20][DEBUG] : broker msg: Client Zigbee received PUBLISH (d0, q0, r0, m0, 'zigbee2mqtt/0x00158d0002c9ef0f', ... (63 bytes)) [2020-07-16 09:28:20][DEBUG] : Payload {"battery":100,"voltage":3035,"contact":false,"linkquality":49} for topic zigbee2mqtt/0x00158d0002c9ef0f [2020-07-16 09:28:20][INFO] : -> aqara Ouverture SdB|0x00158d0002c9ef0f {"battery":100,"voltage":3035,"contact":false,"linkquality":49} [2020-07-16 09:28:23][DEBUG] : broker msg: Client Zigbee received PUBLISH (d0, q0, r0, m0, 'zigbee2mqtt/0x00158d0002c9ef0f', ... (63 bytes)) [2020-07-16 09:28:23][DEBUG] : Payload {"battery":100,"voltage":3035,"contact":false,"linkquality":49} for topic zigbee2mqtt/0x00158d0002c9ef0f [2020-07-16 09:28:23][INFO] : -> aqara Ouverture SdB|0x00158d0002c9ef0f {"battery":100,"voltage":3035,"contact":false,"linkquality":49} [2020-07-16 09:28:28][DEBUG] : broker msg: Client Zigbee received PUBLISH (d0, q0, r0, m0, 'zigbee2mqtt/0x00158d0002c9ef0f', ... (63 bytes)) [2020-07-16 09:28:28][DEBUG] : Payload {"battery":100,"voltage":3035,"contact":false,"linkquality":44} for topic zigbee2mqtt/0x00158d0002c9ef0f [2020-07-16 09:28:28][INFO] : -> aqara Ouverture SdB|0x00158d0002c9ef0f {"battery":100,"voltage":3035,"contact":false,"linkquality":44} [2020-07-16 09:28:29][DEBUG] : broker msg: Client Zigbee received PUBLISH (d0, q0, r0, m0, 'zigbee2mqtt/0x00158d0002c9ef0f', ... (63 bytes)) [2020-07-16 09:28:29][DEBUG] : Payload {"battery":100,"voltage":3035,"contact":false,"linkquality":47} for topic zigbee2mqtt/0x00158d0002c9ef0f [2020-07-16 09:28:29][INFO] : -> aqara Ouverture SdB|0x00158d0002c9ef0f {"battery":100,"voltage":3035,"contact":false,"linkquality":47} [2020-07-16 09:28:33][DEBUG] : broker msg: Client Zigbee received PUBLISH (d0, q0, r0, m0, 'zigbee2mqtt/0x00158d0002c9ef0f', ... (63 bytes)) [2020-07-16 09:28:33][DEBUG] : Payload {"battery":100,"voltage":3035,"contact":false,"linkquality":78} for topic zigbee2mqtt/0x00158d0002c9ef0f [2020-07-16 09:28:33][INFO] : -> aqara Ouverture SdB|0x00158d0002c9ef0f {"battery":100,"voltage":3035,"contact":false,"linkquality":78} [2020-07-16 09:28:38][INFO] : désactive le mode d'inclusion automatique [2020-07-16 09:28:38][INFO] : arrête le démon [2020-07-16 09:28:39][INFO] : démarre le démon [2020-07-16 09:28:39][DEBUG] : daemon starts, pid is 8239 [2020-07-16 09:28:39][DEBUG] : status cmd id: 206580, topic: [2020-07-16 09:28:39][INFO] : Connect to mosquitto: Host=, Port=1883, Id=Zigbee [2020-07-16 09:28:39][DEBUG] : broker msg: Client Zigbee sending CONNECT [2020-07-16 09:28:39][INFO] : Equipment aqara Ouverture SdB: subscribes to "zigbee2mqtt/#" with Qos=1 [2020-07-16 09:28:39][DEBUG] : broker msg: Client Zigbee sending SUBSCRIBE (Mid: 1, Topic: zigbee2mqtt/#, QoS: 1) [2020-07-16 09:28:39][INFO] : Equipment Zigbee2MQTT: subscribes to "Zigbee/#" with Qos=1 [2020-07-16 09:28:39][DEBUG] : broker msg: Client Zigbee sending SUBSCRIBE (Mid: 2, Topic: Zigbee/#, QoS: 1) [2020-07-16 09:28:39][INFO] : Equipment ZigbeeMQTT: subscribes to "ZigbeeMQTT/#" with Qos=1 [2020-07-16 09:28:39][DEBUG] : broker msg: Client Zigbee sending SUBSCRIBE (Mid: 3, Topic: ZigbeeMQTT/#, QoS: 1) [2020-07-16 09:28:39][INFO] : Equipment Zwave: subscribes to "Zwave/#" with Qos=1 [2020-07-16 09:28:39][DEBUG] : broker msg: Client Zigbee sending SUBSCRIBE (Mid: 4, Topic: Zwave/#, QoS: 1) [2020-07-16 09:28:39][INFO] : Equipment ZwaveMQTT: subscribes to "ZwaveMQTT/#" with Qos=1 [2020-07-16 09:28:39][DEBUG] : broker msg: Client Zigbee sending SUBSCRIBE (Mid: 5, Topic: ZwaveMQTT/#, QoS: 1) [2020-07-16 09:28:39][INFO] : Subscribes to the API topic "Zigbee/api" [2020-07-16 09:28:39][DEBUG] : broker msg: Client Zigbee sending SUBSCRIBE (Mid: 6, Topic: Zigbee/api, QoS: 1) [2020-07-16 09:28:39][DEBUG] : broker msg: Client Zigbee received CONNACK (0) [2020-07-16 09:28:39][DEBUG] : broker msg: connection response is Connection Accepted. [2020-07-16 09:28:39][DEBUG] : broker msg: Client Zigbee sending PUBLISH (d0, q1, r1, m7, 'Zigbee/status', ... (6 bytes)) [2020-07-16 09:28:39][DEBUG] : broker msg: Client Zigbee received SUBACK [2020-07-16 09:28:39][DEBUG] : broker msg: topic subscription accepted, mid=1 [2020-07-16 09:28:39][DEBUG] : broker msg: Client Zigbee received PUBLISH (d0, q0, r1, m0, 'zigbee2mqtt/bridge/state', ... (6 bytes)) [2020-07-16 09:28:39][DEBUG] : Payload online for topic zigbee2mqtt/bridge/state [2020-07-16 09:28:39][INFO] : -> aqara Ouverture SdB|bridge:state online [2020-07-16 09:28:39][DEBUG] : broker msg: Client Zigbee received PUBLISH (d0, q0, r1, m0, 'zigbee2mqtt/bridge/config', ... (208 bytes)) [2020-07-16 09:28:39][DEBUG] : Payload {"version":"1.14.1","commit":"7e46435","coordinator":{"type":"zStack12","meta":{"transportrev":2,"product":0,"majorrel":2,"minorrel":6,"maintrel":3,"revision":20190608}},"log_level":"info","permit_join":true} for topic zigbee2mqtt/bridge/config [2020-07-16 09:28:39][INFO] : -> aqara Ouverture SdB|bridge:config {"version":"1.14.1","commit":"7e46435","coordinator":{"type":"zStack12","meta":{"transportrev":2,"product":0,"majorrel":2,"minorrel":6,"maintrel":3,"revision":20190608}},"log_level":"info","permit_join":true} [2020-07-16 09:28:39][DEBUG] : broker msg: Client Zigbee received SUBACK [2020-07-16 09:28:39][DEBUG] : broker msg: topic subscription accepted, mid=2 [2020-07-16 09:28:39][DEBUG] : broker msg: Client Zigbee received PUBLISH (d0, q1, r1, m1, 'Zigbee/status', ... (7 bytes)) [2020-07-16 09:28:39][DEBUG] : broker msg: Client Zigbee sending PUBACK (Mid: 1) [2020-07-16 09:28:39][DEBUG] : Payload offline for topic Zigbee/status [2020-07-16 09:28:39][INFO] : -> Zigbee2MQTT|status offline [2020-07-16 09:28:39][DEBUG] : broker msg: Client Zigbee received SUBACK [2020-07-16 09:28:39][DEBUG] : broker msg: topic subscription accepted, mid=3 [2020-07-16 09:28:39][DEBUG] : broker msg: Client Zigbee received PUBLISH (d0, q1, r1, m2, 'ZigbeeMQTT/status', ... (7 bytes)) [2020-07-16 09:28:39][DEBUG] : broker msg: Client Zigbee sending PUBACK (Mid: 2) [2020-07-16 09:28:39][DEBUG] : Payload offline for topic ZigbeeMQTT/status [2020-07-16 09:28:39][INFO] : -> ZigbeeMQTT|status offline [2020-07-16 09:28:39][DEBUG] : broker msg: Client Zigbee received SUBACK [2020-07-16 09:28:39][DEBUG] : broker msg: topic subscription accepted, mid=4 [2020-07-16 09:28:39][DEBUG] : broker msg: Client Zigbee received PUBLISH (d0, q1, r1, m3, 'Zwave/status', ... (6 bytes)) [2020-07-16 09:28:39][DEBUG] : broker msg: Client Zigbee sending PUBACK (Mid: 3) [2020-07-16 09:28:39][DEBUG] : Payload online for topic Zwave/status [2020-07-16 09:28:39][INFO] : -> Zwave|status online [2020-07-16 09:28:39][DEBUG] : broker msg: Client Zigbee received SUBACK [2020-07-16 09:28:39][DEBUG] : broker msg: topic subscription accepted, mid=5 [2020-07-16 09:28:39][DEBUG] : broker msg: Client Zigbee received PUBLISH (d0, q1, r1, m4, 'ZwaveMQTT/status', ... (7 bytes)) [2020-07-16 09:28:39][DEBUG] : broker msg: Client Zigbee sending PUBACK (Mid: 4) [2020-07-16 09:28:39][DEBUG] : Payload offline for topic ZwaveMQTT/status [2020-07-16 09:28:39][INFO] : -> ZwaveMQTT|status offline [2020-07-16 09:28:39][DEBUG] : broker msg: Client Zigbee received SUBACK [2020-07-16 09:28:39][DEBUG] : broker msg: topic subscription accepted, mid=6 [2020-07-16 09:28:39][DEBUG] : broker msg: Client Zigbee received PUBACK (Mid: 7) [2020-07-16 09:28:39][DEBUG] : broker msg: Client Zigbee received PUBLISH (d0, q1, r0, m5, 'Zigbee/status', ... (6 bytes)) [2020-07-16 09:28:39][DEBUG] : broker msg: Client Zigbee sending PUBACK (Mid: 5) [2020-07-16 09:28:39][DEBUG] : Payload online for topic Zigbee/status [2020-07-16 09:28:39][INFO] : -> Zigbee2MQTT|status online [2020-07-16 09:28:43][DEBUG] : broker msg: Client Zigbee received PUBLISH (d0, q0, r0, m0, 'zigbee2mqtt/bridge/log', ... (203 bytes)) [2020-07-16 09:28:43][DEBUG] : Payload {"type":"pairing","message":"interview_successful","meta":{"friendly_name":"0x00158d0002c9ef0f","model":"MCCGQ11LM","vendor":"Xiaomi","description":"Aqara door & window contact sensor","supported":true}} for topic zigbee2mqtt/bridge/log [2020-07-16 09:28:43][INFO] : -> aqara Ouverture SdB|bridge:log {"type":"pairing","message":"interview_successful","meta":{"friendly_name":"0x00158d0002c9ef0f","model":"MCCGQ11LM","vendor":"Xiaomi","description":"Aqara door & window contact sensor","supported":true}} [2020-07-16 09:29:39][DEBUG] : broker msg: Client Zigbee sending PINGREQ [2020-07-16 09:29:39][DEBUG] : broker msg: Client Zigbee received PINGRESP [2020-07-16 09:30:39][DEBUG] : broker msg: Client Zigbee sending PINGREQ [2020-07-16 09:30:39][DEBUG] : broker msg: Client Zigbee received PINGRESP [2020-07-16 09:31:39][DEBUG] : broker msg: Client Zigbee sending PINGREQ [2020-07-16 09:31:39][DEBUG] : broker msg: Client Zigbee received PINGRESP [2020-07-16 09:32:39][DEBUG] : broker msg: Client Zigbee sending PINGREQ [2020-07-16 09:32:39][DEBUG] : broker msg: Client Zigbee received PINGRESP [2020-07-16 09:33:39][DEBUG] : broker msg: Client Zigbee sending PINGREQ [2020-07-16 09:33:39][DEBUG] : broker msg: Client Zigbee received PINGRESP [2020-07-16 09:34:39][DEBUG] : broker msg: Client Zigbee sending PINGREQ [2020-07-16 09:34:39][DEBUG] : broker msg: Client Zigbee received PINGRESP [2020-07-16 09:35:39][DEBUG] : broker msg: Client Zigbee sending PINGREQ [2020-07-16 09:35:39][DEBUG] : broker msg: Client Zigbee received PINGRESP [2020-07-16 09:36:39][DEBUG] : broker msg: Client Zigbee sending PINGREQ [2020-07-16 09:36:39][DEBUG] : broker msg: Client Zigbee received PINGRESP [2020-07-16 09:37:39][DEBUG] : broker msg: Client Zigbee sending PINGREQ [2020-07-16 09:37:39][DEBUG] : broker msg: Client Zigbee received PINGRESP [2020-07-16 09:38:39][DEBUG] : broker msg: Client Zigbee sending PINGREQ [2020-07-16 09:38:39][DEBUG] : broker msg: Client Zigbee received PINGRESP [2020-07-16 09:39:39][DEBUG] : broker msg: Client Zigbee sending PINGREQ [2020-07-16 09:39:39][DEBUG] : broker msg: Client Zigbee received PINGRESP [2020-07-16 09:40:39][DEBUG] : broker msg: Client Zigbee sending PINGREQ [2020-07-16 09:40:39][DEBUG] : broker msg: Client Zigbee received PINGRESP [2020-07-16 09:41:39][DEBUG] : broker msg: Client Zigbee sending PINGREQ [2020-07-16 09:41:39][DEBUG] : broker msg: Client Zigbee received PINGRESP