$action, 'args' => $args, 'apikey' => jeedom::getApiKey('phone_detection') ); if (config::byKey('noLocal', 'phone_detection', 0) == 0){ $sock = 'unix://' . jeedom::getTmpFolder('phone_detection') . '/daemon.sock'; phone_detection::callDaemon($query, $sock); } $remotes = phone_detection_remote::getCacheRemotes('allremotes',array()); foreach ($remotes as $remote) { phone_detection::callRemoteDaemon($query, $remote); } } /** * Call the call Python daemon (local or remote). * * @param string $action Action calling. * @param string $args Other arguments. * @return array Result of the callZiGate. */ public static function callDaemon($query, $sock) { log::add('phone_detection', 'debug', 'callDaemon (' .$sock.') '. print_r($query, true)); $fp = stream_socket_client($sock, $errno, $errstr, 5); $result = ''; log::add('phone_detection', 'debug', 'error ' . $errno .' : '. $errstr); if ($fp) { try { stream_set_timeout($fp, 5); if (false !== fwrite($fp, json_encode($query))) { while (!feof($fp)) { $result .= fgets($fp, 1024); $info = stream_get_meta_data($fp); if ($info['timed_out']) { log::add('phone_detection', 'info', 'timeout in callDaemon('.$sock.') '.print_r($result, true)); $result = ''; } } } } catch( Exception $ex) { log::add('phone_detection', 'info', print_r($ex)); } finally { fclose($fp); } } $result = (is_json($result)) ? json_decode($result, true) : $result; log::add('phone_detection', 'debug', 'result callDaemon '.print_r($result, true)); return $result; } public static function updateGlobalDevice() { $devices = eqLogic::byType("phone_detection", true); $deviceCount = 0; // $values["count"] = count($devices); // $values["devices"] = $devices; log::add('phone_detection', 'debug', 'updateGlobalDevice(devices=' . (count($devices) - 1) . ')'); foreach($devices as $d) { if ($d->getConfiguration('deviceType') != 'phone') { continue; } $statePropertyCmd = $d->getCmd('info', 'state'); $stateValue = $statePropertyCmd->execCmd(); log::add('phone_detection', 'info', $d->getHumanName() . '-->' . $stateValue); $deviceCount += $stateValue; } $globalDevice = self::byLogicalId('GlobalGroup', 'phone_detection'); $stateCmd = $globalDevice->getCmd('info', 'state'); $newState = ($deviceCount > 0 ? 1 : 0); $globalDevice->checkAndUpdateCmd($stateCmd, $newState); $stateCmd->save(); $deviceCountCmd = $globalDevice->getCmd('info', 'count'); $globalDevice->checkAndUpdateCmd($deviceCountCmd, $deviceCount); //$deviceCountCmd->event($deviceCount); $deviceCountCmd->save(); log::add('phone_detection', 'info', 'updateGlobalDevice: state=' . $newState . '/nb1=' . $deviceCount . '/nbDevices=' .(count($devices) - 1)); } // // Gestion des antennes distantes, base sur le plugin BLEA // public static function sendRemoteFiles($_remoteId) { phone_detection::stopremote($_remoteId); $remoteObject = phone_detection_remote::byId($_remoteId); $user=$remoteObject->getConfiguration('remoteUser'); $script_path = dirname(__FILE__) . '/../../resources/'; log::add('phone_detection','info','Compression du dossier local'); exec('tar -zcvf /tmp/folder-phone_detection.tar.gz ' . $script_path); log::add('phone_detection','info','Envoie du fichier /tmp/folder-phone_detection.tar.gz'); $result = false; $result = $remoteObject->execCmd(['rm -Rf /home/'.$user.'/phone_detectiond','mkdir -p /home/'.$user.'/phone_detectiond']); if ($remoteObject->sendFiles('/tmp/folder-phone_detection.tar.gz','/home/'.$user.'/folder-phone_detection.tar.gz')) { log::add('phone_detection','info',__('Décompression du dossier distant',__FILE__)); $result = $remoteObject->execCmd(['tar -zxf /home/'.$user.'/folder-phone_detection.tar.gz -C /home/'.$user.'/phone_detectiond','rm -f /home/'.$user.'/folder-phone_detection.tar.gz']); } log::add('phone_detection','info',__('Suppression du zip local',__FILE__)); exec('rm -f /tmp/folder-phone_detection.tar.gz'); log::add('phone_detection','info',__('Finie',__FILE__)); return $result; } public static function getRemoteLog($_remoteId,$_dependancy='') { $remoteObject = phone_detection_remote::byId($_remoteId); $name = $remoteObject->getRemoteName(); $local = dirname(__FILE__) . '/../../../../log/phone_detection_'.str_replace(' ','-',$name).$_dependancy; log::add('phone_detection','info','Suppression de la log ' . $local); exec('rm -f '. $local); log::add('phone_detection','info',__('Recuperation de la log distante sur '.$name,__FILE__)); if ($remoteObject->getFiles($local,'/tmp/phone_detection'.$_dependancy)) { $remoteObject->execCmd(['cat /dev/null > /tmp/phone_detection'.$_dependancy]); return true; } return false; } public static function dependancyRemote($_remoteId) { log::add('phone_detection', 'debug', 'entering dependancyRemote'); phone_detection::stopremote($_remoteId); log::add('phone_detection', 'debug', 'remote stopped'); $remoteObject = phone_detection_remote::byId($_remoteId); $user = $remoteObject->getConfiguration('remoteUser'); log::add('phone_detection','info',__('Installation des dependances sur ' . $remoteObject->getRemoteName(),__FILE__)); return $remoteObject->execCmd(['bash /home/'.$user.'/phone_detectiond/resources/install_apt.sh /tmp/phone_detection_dependancy 2>&1 &']); } public static function launchremote($_remoteId) { log::add('phone_detection','info',__('Lancement du démon distant',__FILE__)); $remoteObject = phone_detection_remote::byId($_remoteId); $last = $remoteObject->getCache('lastupdate','0'); phone_detection::stopremote($_remoteId); sleep(5); $user = $remoteObject->getConfiguration('remoteUser'); $device = $remoteObject->getConfiguration('remoteDevice'); $ip = $remoteObject->getConfiguration('remoteIp'); $script_path = '/home/'.$user.'/phone_detectiond/resources/phone_detectiond'; $interval = config::byKey('interval', 'phone_detection', 10); $present_interval = config::byKey('present_interval', 'phone_detection', 30); $absentThreshold = config::byKey('absentThreshold', 'phone_detection', 180); $cmd = '/usr/bin/python3 ' . $script_path . '/phone_detectiond.py'; $cmd .= ' --loglevel ' . log::convertLogLevel(log::getLogLevel('phone_detection')); $cmd .= ' --device ' . $device; $cmd .= ' --socketport ' . config::byKey('socketport', 'phone_detection'); $cmd .= ' --sockethost "' . $ip .'"'; $cmd .= ' --callback ' . network::getNetworkAccess('internal') . '/plugins/phone_detection/core/php/phone_detection.php'; $cmd .= ' --apikey ' . jeedom::getApiKey('phone_detection'); $cmd .= ' --daemonname "' . $remoteObject->getRemoteName() . '"'; $cmd .= ' --interval ' . $interval; $cmd .= ' --present_interval ' . $present_interval; $cmd .= ' --absentThreshold ' . $absentThreshold; $cmd .= ' >> ' . '/tmp/phone_detection' . ' 2>&1 &'; log::add('phone_detection','info','Lancement du démon distant ' . $cmd); phone_detection_remote::setCacheRemotes('allremotes',phone_detection_remote::all()); return $remoteObject->execCmd([$cmd]); } public static function stopremote($_remoteId) { log::add('phone_detection','info',__('Arret du demon distant ' . $_remoteId,__FILE__)); $remoteObject = phone_detection_remote::byId($_remoteId); $value = array('apikey' => jeedom::getApiKey('phone_detection'), 'action' => 'stop', 'args' => ''); $value = json_encode($value); phone_detection::callRemoteDaemon($value, $remoteObject); $port = config::byKey('socketport', 'phone_detection', 55009); $remoteObject->execCmd(['fuser -k ' . $port . '/tcp >> /dev/null 2>&1 &']); return True; } /**************** Methods ****************/ /** * Return plugin version. * * @return string Version of the plugin. */ public static function getVersion() { $pluginVersion = 'Error'; if (!file_exists(dirname(__FILE__) . '/../../plugin_info/info.json')) { log::add('phone_detection', 'warning', 'Pas de fichier info.json'); } $data = json_decode(file_get_contents(dirname(__FILE__) . '/../../plugin_info/info.json'), true); if (!is_array($data)) { log::add('phone_detection', 'warning', 'Impossible de décoder le fichier info.json'); } try { $pluginVersion = $data['version']; } catch (\Exception $e) { log::add('phone_detection', 'warning', 'Impossible de récupérer la version.'); } return $pluginVersion; } /** * Get lib dependancy information. * * @return array Python3 command return. */ public static function dependancy_info() { $return = [ 'state' => 'nok', 'log' => 'phone_detection_update', 'progress_file' => jeedom::getTmpFolder('phone_detection') . '/dependance' ]; $return['state'] = 'ok'; return $return; } /** * Return information (status) about daemon. * * @return array Shell command return. */ public static function deamon_info() { $return = array(); $return['log'] = 'phone_detection'; $return['state'] = 'nok'; if (config::byKey('noLocal', 'phone_detection', 0) == 1){ $return['state'] = 'ok'; $return['launchable'] = 'ok'; return $return; } $pid_file = jeedom::getTmpFolder('phone_detection') . '/phone_detectiond.pid'; if (file_exists($pid_file)) { if (posix_getsid(trim(file_get_contents($pid_file)))) { $return['state'] = 'ok'; } else { shell_exec(system::getCmdSudo() . 'rm -rf ' . $pid_file . ' 2>&1 > /dev/null'); } } $return['launchable'] = 'ok'; $btport = config::byKey('btport', 'phone_detection'); $interval = config::byKey('interval', 'phone_detection', 10); $present_interval = config::byKey('present_interval', 'phone_detection', 30); $absentThreshold = config::byKey('absentThreshold', 'phone_detection', 180); $port = config::byKey('socketport', 'phone_detection', 55009); if (phone_detection::dependancy_info()['state'] == 'nok') { $cache = cache::byKey('dependancy' . 'phone_detection'); $cache->remove(); $return['launchable'] = 'nok'; $return['launchable_message'] = __('Veuillez (ré-)installer les dépendances', __FILE__); return $return; } if ($btport == "none" || $btport == "" || empty($btport)) { $return['launchable'] = 'nok'; $return['launchable_message'] = __('Veuillez sélectionner un contrôleur bluetooth', __FILE__); return $return; } if($interval == 0 || empty($interval)) { $return['launchable'] = 'nok'; $return['launchable_message'] = _('Veuillez reseigner un interval de mise à jour en absence supérieur à 0', __FILE__); } if($present_interval == 0 || empty($present_interval)) { $return['launchable'] = 'nok'; $return['launchable_message'] = _('Veuillez reseigner un interval de mise à jour en présence supérieur à 0', __FILE__); } if($absentThreshold == 0 || empty($absentThreshold)) { $return['launchable'] = 'nok'; $return['launchable_message'] = _('Veuillez reseigner un délai d\'absence supérieur à 0', __FILE__); } if($port == 0 || empty($port)) { $return['launchable'] = 'nok'; $return['launchable_message'] = _('Veuillez renseigner un port (default 55009)', __FILE__); } return $return; } /** * Start python daemon. * * @return array Shell command return. */ public static function deamon_start($_debug = false) { self::deamon_stop(); $deamon_info = self::deamon_info(); if ($deamon_info['launchable'] != 'ok') { throw new Exception(__('Veuillez vérifier la configuration', __FILE__)); } $btport = config::byKey('btport', 'phone_detection'); $deamon_path = dirname(__FILE__) . '/../../resources'; $interval = config::byKey('interval', 'phone_detection', 10); $present_interval = config::byKey('present_interval', 'phone_detection', 30); $absentThreshold = config::byKey('absentThreshold', 'phone_detection', 180); $tcpport = config::byKey('socketport', 'phone_detection', 55009); $callback = network::getNetworkAccess('internal', 'proto:') . '/plugins/phone_detection/core/php/phone_detection.php'; $cmd = '/usr/bin/python3 ' . $deamon_path . '/phone_detectiond/phone_detectiond.py '; $cmd .= ' --device ' . $btport; $cmd .= ' --loglevel ' . log::convertLogLevel(log::getLogLevel('phone_detection')); $cmd .= ' --apikey ' . jeedom::getApiKey('phone_detection'); $cmd .= ' --pidfile ' . jeedom::getTmpFolder('phone_detection') . '/phone_detectiond.pid'; $cmd .= ' --socket ' . jeedom::getTmpFolder('phone_detection') . '/daemon.sock'; $cmd .= ' --callback ' . $callback; $cmd .= ' --daemonname "local"'; $cmd .= ' --interval ' . $interval; $cmd .= ' --present_interval ' . $present_interval; $cmd .= ' --absentThreshold ' . $absentThreshold; log::add('phone_detection', 'info', 'Lancement démon phone_detection : ' . $cmd); exec($cmd . ' >> ' . log::getPathToLog('phone_detection') . ' 2>&1 &'); $i = 0; while ($i < 5) { $deamon_info = self::deamon_info(); if ($deamon_info['state'] == 'ok') { break; } sleep(1); $i++; } if ($i >= 5) { log::add('phone_detection', 'error', 'Impossible de lancer le démon phone_detection, relancer le démon en debug et vérifiez la log', 'unableStartaemon'); return false; } // demarrage des demons distants // phone_detection_remote::setCacheRemotes('allremotes',phone_detection_remote::all()); phone_detection::launch_allremotes(); message::removeAll('phone_detection', 'unableStartDaemon'); log::add('phone_detection', 'info', 'Démon phone_detection lancé'); return true; } public function launch_allremotes(){ log::add('phone_detection','info','Launching remotes ...'); $remotes = phone_detection_remote::all(); foreach ($remotes as $remote) { phone_detection::launchremote($remote->getId()); sleep(1); } } public function update_allremotes(){ log::add('phone_detection','info','Updating remotes ...'); $remotes = phone_detection_remote::all(); foreach ($remotes as $remote) { phone_detection::dependancyRemote($remote->getId()); phone_detection::launchremote($remote->getId()); } } public function send_allremotes(){ log::add('phone_detection','info','Updating files on remotes ...'); $remotes = phone_detection_remote::all(); foreach ($remotes as $remote) { phone_detection::sendRemoteFiles($remote->getId()); phone_detection::launchremote($remote->getId()); } } public function stop_allremotes(){ log::add('phone_detection','info','Stopping remotes ...'); $remotes = phone_detection_remote::all(); foreach ($remotes as $remote) { phone_detection::stopremote($remote->getId()); } } public static function health() { $return = array(); $remotes = phone_detection_remote::getCacheRemotes('allremotes',array()); if (count($remotes) !=0){ $return[] = array( 'test' => __('Nombre d\'antennes', __FILE__), 'result' => count($remotes), 'advice' => '', 'state' => True, ); foreach ($remotes as $remote){ $last = $remote->getCache('lastupdate','0'); $name = $remote->getRemoteName(); if ($last == '0' or time() - strtotime($last)>60){ $result = 'NOK'; $advice = __('Vérifier le démon sur votre antenne',__FILE__); $state = False; } else { $result = 'OK'; $advice = ''; $state = True; } $return[] = array( 'test' => __('Démon ' . $name, __FILE__), 'result' => $result, 'advice' => $advice, 'state' =>$state, ); } } return $return; } public static function cron() { $remotes = phone_detection_remote::getCacheRemotes('allremotes',array()); $allEqlogic = eqLogic::byType('phone_detection'); foreach ($remotes as $remote) { $last = $remote->getCache('lastupdate','0'); if (($last == '0' or time() - strtotime($last)>65)) { $auto = $remote->getConfiguration('remoteDaemonAuto','0'); foreach ($allEqlogic as $eqLogic){ //$rssicmd = $eqLogic->getCmd(null, 'rssi' . $remote->getRemoteName()); //$eqLogic->checkAndUpdateCmd($rssicmd, -200); //$eqLogic->setCache('rssi' . $remote->getRemoteName(),-200); $stateCmd = $eqLogic->getCmd(null, 'state_' . $remote->getRemoteName()); $eqLogic->checkAndUpdateCmd($stateCmd, 0); $eqLogic->computePresence(); } // Update the global presence indicator phone_detection::updateGlobalDevice(); if ($auto == 1){ log::add('phone_detection','info','Restarting daemon on remote ' . $remote->getRemoteName()); phone_detection::launchremote($remote->getId()); } } } $deamon_info = self::deamon_info(); if ($deamon_info['state'] != 'ok'){ foreach ($allEqlogic as $eqLogic){ // $rssicmd = $eqLogic->getCmd(null, 'rssilocal'); // $eqLogic->checkAndUpdateCmd($rssicmd, -200); // $eqLogic->setCache('rssilocal',-200); $stateCmd = $eqLogic->getCmd(null, 'state_local'); $eqLogic->checkAndUpdateCmd($stateCmd, 0); $eqLogic->computePresence(); } // Update the globalPresence indicator phone_detection::updateGlobalDevice(); } } public static function cron15() { $remotes = phone_detection_remote::getCacheRemotes('allremotes',array()); $availremote= array(); foreach ($remotes as $remote) { if (method_exists($remote, 'getRemoteName')) { $availremote[] = $remote->getRemoteName(); self::getRemoteLog($remote->getId()); } } foreach (eqLogic::byType('phone_detection') as $eqLogic){ foreach ($eqLogic->getCmd('info') as $cmd) { $logicalId = $cmd->getLogicalId(); if (substr($logicalId,0,6) == 'state_') { $remotename= substr($logicalId,6); if ($remotename != 'local' && !(in_array($remotename,$availremote))){ $cmd->remove(); } else if ($remotename == 'local') { if (config::byKey('noLocal', 'phone_detection', 0) == 1){ $cmd->remove(); } } } } } } public static function callRemoteDaemon($query, $remote) { $ip = $remote->getConfiguration('remoteIp'); $sock = 'tcp://' . $ip . ':' . config::byKey('socketport', 'phone_detection', 55009); $remote->setCache('lastupdate','0'); phone_detection::callDaemon($query, $sock); } public static function changeLogLive($_level) { phone_detection::callDaemons($_level); } public function computePresence() { if ($this->getConfiguration('deviceType') != 'phone') { return; } $globalState = 0; $stateCmd = $this->getCmd(null, 'state'); if (!is_object($stateCmd)) { $stateCmd = new phone_detectionCmd(); $stateCmd->setLogicalId('state'); $stateCmd->setIsVisible(0); $stateCmd->setIsHistorized(0); $stateCmd->setName(__('Etat', __FILE__)); $stateCmd->setType('info'); $stateCmd->setSubType('binary'); $stateCmd->setTemplate('dashboard','line'); $stateCmd->setTemplate('mobile','line'); $stateCmd->setEqLogic_id($this->getId()); $stateCmd->save(); } if ($stateCmd->getConfiguration('returnStateValue') == 0 || $stateCmd->getConfiguration('returnStateTime') == 2){ $stateCmd->setConfiguration('returnStateValue',''); $stateCmd->setConfiguration('returnStateTime',''); $stateCmd->save(); } foreach ($this->getCmd('info') as $cmd) { if (substr($cmd->getLogicalId(),0,6) == 'state_' && $cmd->getLogicalId() != 'state'){ $globalState += $cmd->execCmd(); } } if ($globalState > 0) { $this->checkAndUpdateCmd($stateCmd, 1); } else { $this->checkAndUpdateCmd($stateCmd, 0); } } /// END REMOTE ANTENNAS /** * Stop python daemon. * * @return array Shell command return. */ public static function deamon_stop() { $deamon_info = self::deamon_info(); $pid_file = jeedom::getTmpFolder('phone_detection') . '/phone_detectiond.pid'; if (file_exists($pid_file)) { $pid = intval(trim(file_get_contents($pid_file))); system::kill($pid); } $i = 0; while ($i < 5) { $deamon_info = self::deamon_info(); if ($deamon_info['state'] == 'nok') { break; } sleep(1); $i++; } if ($i >= 5) { log::add('phone_detection', 'error', 'Impossible d\'arrêter le démon phone_detection, tuons-le'); system::kill('phone_detectiond.py'); } } /** * Install dependancies. * * @return array Shell script command return. */ public static function dependancy_install() { log::remove(__CLASS__ . '_update'); return [ 'script' => dirname(__FILE__) . '/../../resources/install_#stype#.sh ' . jeedom::getTmpFolder('phone_detection') . '/dependance', 'log' => log::getPathToLog(__CLASS__ . '_update') ]; } public function postInsert() { log::add('phone_detection', 'debug', 'postInsert()'); if( $this->getConfiguration('deviceType') == 'phone') { phone_detection::callDaemons('insert_device', [ $this->getId(), $this->getName(), $this->getConfiguration('macAddress') ] ); } } public function preRemove() { log::add('phone_detection', 'debug', 'preRemove()'); if( $this->getConfiguration('deviceType') == 'phone') { phone_detection::callDaemons('remove_device', [ $this->getId(), $this->getName(), $this->getConfiguration('macAddress') ] ); } } public function postUpdate() { log::add('phone_detection', 'debug', 'postUpdate()'); if (empty($this->getConfiguration('deviceType'))) { log::add('phone_detection', 'info', 'deviceType must be set to phone'); $this->setConfiguration('deviceType', 'phone'); $this->save(); } $deviceType = $this->getConfiguration('deviceType'); if ($deviceType == 'phone') { $getDataCmd = $this->getCmd(null, 'state'); if (!is_object($getDataCmd)) { // Création de la commande $cmd = new phone_detectionCmd(); // Nom affiché $cmd->setName('Etat'); // Identifiant de la commande $cmd->setLogicalId('state'); // Identifiant de l'équipement $cmd->setEqLogic_id($this->getId()); // Type de la commande $cmd->setType('info'); // Sous-type de la commande $cmd->setSubType('binary'); // Visibilité de la commande $cmd->setIsVisible(1); // Sauvegarde de la commande $cmd->save(); } $getDataCmd = $this->getCmd(null, 'refresh'); if (!is_object($getDataCmd)) { // Création de la commande $cmd = new phone_detectionCmd(); // Nom affiché $cmd->setName('Rafraichir'); // Identifiant de la commande $cmd->setLogicalId('refresh'); // Identifiant de l'équipement $cmd->setEqLogic_id($this->getId()); // Type de la commande $cmd->setType('action'); // Sous-type de la commande $cmd->setSubType('other'); // Visibilité de la commande $cmd->setIsVisible(1); // Sauvegarde de la commande $cmd->save(); } if ($this->getIsEnable()) { phone_detection::callDaemons('update_device', [ $this->getId(), $this->getName(), $this->getConfiguration('macAddress') ] ); } else { phone_detection::callDaemons('remove_device', [ $this->getId(), $this->getName(), $this->getConfiguration('macAddress') ] ); } } if ($deviceType == 'GlobalGroup') { $getRefreshCmd = $this->getCmd(null, 'refresh'); if (is_object($getRefreshCmd)) { $getRefreshCmd->remove(); } } self::createGlobalGroup(); } private static function createGlobalGroup() { // $test = self::all(); // // log::add('phone_detection', 'debug', get_class($test)); // foreach($test as $t) { // log::add('phone_detection', 'debug', '-----------------'); // // log::add('phone_detection', 'debug', /*$t.getName() . '\t' .*/ $t.getId()); // . '\t' . $t.getEqType_name()); // log::add('phone_detection', 'debug', get_class($t) . '\t' . $t->getName() . ' [' . $t->getId() . '] ' . $t->getEqType_name()); // } // $t = self::byLogicalId('GlobalGroup', 'phone_detection'); // log::add('phone_detection', 'debug', get_class($t) . '\t' . $t->getName() . ' [' . $t->getId() . '] ' . $t->getEqType_name()); // // log::add('phone_detection','debug', print_r($test)); // return; if (is_object(self::byLogicalId('GlobalGroup', 'phone_detection'))) { return; } try { log::add('phone_detection', 'debug', 'create Global Group device'); $group = new self(); $group->setLogicalId('GlobalGroup'); log::add('phone_detection', 'debug', '\t--> set Name'); $group->setName('Tous les téléphones'); log::add('phone_detection', 'debug', '\t--> set eqTypeName'); $group->setEqType_name('phone_detection'); log::add('phone_detection', 'debug', '\t--> set deviceType'); $group->setConfiguration('deviceType', 'GlobalGroup'); log::add('phone_detection', 'debug', '\t--> set visible = 0'); $group->setIsVisible(0); log::add('phone_detection', 'debug', '\t--> set enable = 1'); $group->setIsEnable(1); log::add('phone_detection', 'debug', '\t--> set category '); $group->setConfiguration('category', 'group'); log::add('phone_detection', 'debug', '\t--> set group id'); $group->setConfiguration('id', 0); $group->save(); $group = self::byLogicalId('GlobalGroup', 'phone_detection'); $getDataCmd = $group->getCmd(null, 'state'); if (!is_object($getDataCmd)) { // Création de la commande $cmd = new phone_detectionCmd(); // Nom affiché $cmd->setName('Etat'); // Identifiant de la commande $cmd->setLogicalId('state'); // Identifiant de l'équipement $cmd->setEqLogic_id($group->getId()); // Type de la commande $cmd->setType('info'); // Sous-type de la commande $cmd->setSubType('binary'); // Visibilité de la commande $cmd->setIsVisible(1); // Sauvegarde de la commande $cmd->save(); } $getDataCmd = $group->getCmd(null, 'count'); if (!is_object($getDataCmd)) { // Création de la commande $cmd = new phone_detectionCmd(); // Nom affiché $cmd->setName('Nombre de téléphones présents'); // Identifiant de la commande $cmd->setLogicalId('count'); // Identifiant de l'équipement $cmd->setEqLogic_id($group->getId()); // Type de la commande $cmd->setType('info'); // Sous-type de la commande $cmd->setSubType('numeric'); // Visibilité de la commande $cmd->setIsVisible(1); // Sauvegarde de la commande $cmd->save(); } $getRefreshCmd = $group->getCmd(null, 'refresh'); if (is_object($getRefreshCmd)) { $getRefreshCmd->remove(); $group->save(); } } catch( Exception $ex) { log::add('phone_detection', 'debug', print_r($ex)); } // $group->save(); } private function applyModuleConfiguration() { $this->setConfiguration('applyMacAddress', $this->getConfiguration('macAddress')); $this->save(); } /********** Getters and setters **********/ } class phone_detectionCmd extends cmd { /*************** Attributs ***************/ /************* Static methods ************/ /**************** Methods ****************/ public function execute($_options = array()) { log::add('phone_detection', 'debug', 'cmdId:' . $this->getLogicalId()); // Test pour ne répondre qu'à la commande rafraichir if ($this->getLogicalId() == 'refresh' /*&& $this->getConfiguration('deviceType') == 'phone'*/) { // On récupère l'équipement à partir de l'identifiant fournit par la commande $phone_detectionObj = phone_detection::byId($this->getEqlogic_id()); log::add('phone_detection', 'debug', 'eqLogic Id:' . $this->getEqLogic_id()); if ($phone_detectionObj->getConfiguration('deviceType') == 'phone') { // On récupère la commande 'data' appartenant à l'équipement $dataCmd = $phone_detectionObj->getCmd('info', 'state'); // On récupère la mac address de l'équipement $macAddress = $phone_detectionObj->getConfiguration('macAddress'); log::add('phone_detection','debug', 'mac address: '.$macAddress); // On ping le device pour savoir s'il est là $btController = config::byKey('btport', 'phone_detection'); // $btController = $phone_detectionObj->getConfiguration('btport'); log::add('phone_detection','info', 'BT Device: '.$btController); $btController = ( $btController == '' ? 'hci0' : $btController ); $name = shell_exec("sudo hcitool -i ". $btController ." name " . $macAddress); log::add('phone_detection', 'debug', 'device name: '. $name); $state = (empty($name) ? 0 : 1); log::add('phone_detection', 'debug', 'device state: '. $state); // On lui ajoute un évènement avec pour information 'Données de test' //$dataCmd->event($state); // On sauvegarde cet évènement // $dataCmd->save(); } } phone_detection::updateGlobalDevice(); } /********** Getters and setters **********/ }