a1443884633423565f46507e752eff28 a1443884633423565f46507e752eff28 a1443884633423565f46507e752eff28 a1443884633423565f46507e752eff28 a1443884633423565f46507e752eff28 a1443884633423565f46507e752eff28 a1443884633423565f46507e752eff28 a1443884633423565f46507e752eff28 a1443884633423565f46507e752eff28 a1443884633423565f46507e752eff28 a1443884633423565f46507e752eff28 a1443884633423565f46507e752eff28 a1443884633423565f46507e752eff28 a1443884633423565f46507e752eff28 a1443884633423565f46507e752eff28 a1443884633423565f46507e752eff28 a1443884633423565f46507e752eff28 a1443884633423565f46507e752eff28 a1443884633423565f46507e752eff28 a1443884633423565f46507e752eff28 a1443884633423565f46507e752eff28 a1443884633423565f46507e752eff28 a1443884633423565f46507e752eff28 a1443884633423565f46507e752eff28 a1443884633423565f46507e752eff28 a1443884633423565f46507e752eff28 a1443884633423565f46507e752eff28 a1443884633423565f46507e752eff28 a1443884633423565f46507e752eff28 a1443884633423565f46507e752eff28 a1443884633423565f46507e752eff28 [2021-04-18 11:14:12][DEBUG] : Lancement démon beagle : sudo /usr/bin/python3 /var/www/html/plugins/beagle/resources/beagled/beagled.py --device hci0 --loglevel debug --socketport 55556 --sockethost --callback --apikey dhqpQFO5qVMTuG4sX00uAKN0FrVIQRPX --cycle 0.1 --jeedomkey 633423565f46507e752eff28 [2021-04-18 11:14:12.702][INFO] : Start beagled [2021-04-18 11:14:12.703][INFO] : Log level : debug [2021-04-18 11:14:12.703][INFO] : Socket port : 55556 [2021-04-18 11:14:12.703][INFO] : Socket host : [2021-04-18 11:14:12.703][INFO] : Device : hci0 [2021-04-18 11:14:12.703][INFO] : PID file : /tmp/beagled.pid [2021-04-18 11:14:12.703][INFO] : Apikey : dhqpQFO5qVMTuG4sX00uAKN0FrVIQRPX [2021-04-18 11:14:12.703][INFO] : Callback : [2021-04-18 11:14:12.704][INFO] : Cycle : 0.1 [2021-04-18 11:14:12.704][INFO] : JeedomKey : 633423565f46507e752eff28 [2021-04-18 11:14:12.711][DEBUG] : Bluetooth Mac adress is 00:01:95:6D:94:D1 [2021-04-18 11:14:12.712][DEBUG] : Writing PID 1852 to /tmp/beagled.pid [2021-04-18 11:14:12.713][DEBUG] : Init request module v2.21.0 [2021-04-18 11:14:12.722][DEBUG] : Starting new HTTP connection (1): [2021-04-18 11:14:12.751][DEBUG] : "GET /plugins/beagle/core/php/jeeBeagle.php?apikey=dhqpQFO5qVMTuG4sX00uAKN0FrVIQRPX HTTP/1.1" 200 0 [2021-04-18 11:14:12.754][DEBUG] : Socket interface started [2021-04-18 11:14:12.755][DEBUG] : LoopNetServer Thread started [2021-04-18 11:14:12.755][DEBUG] : Read Socket Thread Launched [2021-04-18 11:14:12.756][DEBUG] : Listening on: [localhost:55556] [2021-04-18 11:14:12.756][DEBUG] : Ble Scanner Thread Launched [2021-04-18 11:14:12.757][DEBUG] : Heartbeat Thread Launched [2021-04-18 11:14:15.254][DEBUG] : Client connected to [] [2021-04-18 11:14:15.255][DEBUG] : Message read from socket: b'{"apikey":"dhqpQFO5qVMTuG4sX00uAKN0FrVIQRPX","cmd":"add","device":{"uuid":"770800","model":"shutter","mac":"14:b4:57:37:a0:47","type":""}}' [2021-04-18 11:14:15.255][DEBUG] : Client disconnected from [] [2021-04-18 11:14:15.256][DEBUG] : Client connected to [] [2021-04-18 11:14:15.256][DEBUG] : Message read from socket: b'{"apikey":"dhqpQFO5qVMTuG4sX00uAKN0FrVIQRPX","cmd":"ready"}' [2021-04-18 11:14:15.257][DEBUG] : Client disconnected from [] [2021-04-18 11:14:15.260][DEBUG] : Message received in socket JEEDOM_SOCKET_MESSAGE [2021-04-18 11:14:15.261][DEBUG] : Received command from jeedom : add [2021-04-18 11:14:15.261][DEBUG] : Add device : {'uuid': '770800', 'model': 'shutter', 'mac': '14:b4:57:37:a0:47', 'type': ''} [2021-04-18 11:14:15.261][DEBUG] : Known devices {'770800': {'uuid': '770800', 'model': 'shutter', 'mac': '14:b4:57:37:a0:47', 'type': ''}} [2021-04-18 11:14:15.362][DEBUG] : Message received in socket JEEDOM_SOCKET_MESSAGE [2021-04-18 11:14:15.362][DEBUG] : Received command from jeedom : ready [2021-04-18 11:14:15.362][DEBUG] : Daemon is ready [2021-04-18 11:14:15.760][DEBUG] : Ble thread started on device 0 [2021-04-18 11:14:16.194][DEBUG] : 0201061bffb6028f44010030770800000700ffffffff00ffffffffffff1406 [2021-04-18 11:14:16.194][DEBUG] : Beagle found This is a Shutter with UUID 770800 advertisement state is stopped with position 100 group1 : ffffffff state is opened group2 : ffffffff [2021-04-18 11:14:16.228][DEBUG] : Send to jeedom : {'devices': {'770800': {'mac': '14:b4:57:37:a0:47', 'uuid': '770800', 'model': 'shutter', 'data': {'type': 'advertisement', 'firmware': '1406', 'label': 'Arrêté', 'value': 100, 'groups': {'ffffffff': {'data': {}}}}}}} [2021-04-18 11:14:16.231][DEBUG] : Starting new HTTP connection (1): [2021-04-18 11:14:16.270][DEBUG] : "POST /plugins/beagle/core/php/jeeBeagle.php?apikey=dhqpQFO5qVMTuG4sX00uAKN0FrVIQRPX HTTP/1.1" 200 0 [2021-04-18 11:23:09.895][DEBUG] : Client connected to [] [2021-04-18 11:23:09.896][DEBUG] : Message read from socket: b'{"apikey":"dhqpQFO5qVMTuG4sX00uAKN0FrVIQRPX","cmd":"send","target":"770800","command":{"ac":"goto","options":"0"}}' [2021-04-18 11:23:09.897][DEBUG] : Client disconnected from [] [2021-04-18 11:23:09.966][DEBUG] : Message received in socket JEEDOM_SOCKET_MESSAGE [2021-04-18 11:23:09.966][DEBUG] : Received command from jeedom : send [2021-04-18 11:23:09.967][DEBUG] : Sending to device : 770800 [2021-04-18 11:23:09.967][DEBUG] : Sending command for device {'uuid': '770800', 'model': 'shutter', 'mac': '14:b4:57:37:a0:47', 'type': ''} [2021-04-18 11:23:09.967][DEBUG] : Command data is 0201041BFFB602A2440101A044388401203FFF77080064FFFF6E1E [2021-04-18 11:23:09.968][DEBUG] : Mac payload is d1946d950100a0443884ff203fff77080064ffff6e1e [2021-04-18 11:23:10.230][DEBUG] : Hashed data is b'af570d53050ecbde61c5b75cdee19b83' [2021-04-18 11:23:10.230][DEBUG] : Final payload is 0201041BFFB602A2440101A044388401203FFF77080064FFFF6E1EAF570D53 [2021-04-18 11:23:10.230][DEBUG] : Validating payload : 02 01 04 1B FF B6 02 A2 44 01 01 A0 44 38 84 01 20 3F FF 77 08 00 64 FF FF 6E 1E AF 57 0D 53 [2021-04-18 11:23:10.231][DEBUG] : Correct Length for payload [2021-04-18 11:23:10.231][DEBUG] : Correct header for payload [2021-04-18 11:23:10.231][DEBUG] : Payload is valid sending : 02 01 04 1B FF B6 02 A2 44 01 01 A0 44 38 84 01 20 3F FF 77 08 00 64 FF FF 6E 1E AF 57 0D 53 < HCI Command: ogf 0x08, ocf 0x0008, plen 32 1F 02 01 04 1B FF B6 02 A2 44 01 01 A0 44 38 84 01 20 3F FF 77 08 00 64 FF FF 6E 1E AF 57 0D 53 > HCI Event: 0x3e plen 43 02 01 00 00 47 A0 37 57 B4 14 1F 02 01 06 1B FF B6 02 8F 44 01 00 30 77 08 00 0F 07 00 FF FF FF FF 00 FF FF FF FF FF FF 14 06 C4 < HCI Command: ogf 0x08, ocf 0x0006, plen 15 A0 00 A0 00 03 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 07 00 > HCI Event: 0x3e plen 43 02 01 00 01 7C 23 61 9D 86 5A 1F 02 01 06 1B FF 4C 00 0C 0E 00 FA 96 EC 27 E9 80 80 A6 FB 5E 3B 8F 35 10 06 02 19 65 E4 EA 08 C0 < HCI Command: ogf 0x08, ocf 0x000a, plen 1 01 > HCI Event: 0x0e plen 4 01 0A 20 00 < HCI Command: ogf 0x08, ocf 0x000a, plen 1 00 > HCI Event: 0x3e plen 39 02 01 00 00 32 5D AD 26 C6 88 1B 02 01 1A 02 08 00 03 03 61 FE 10 FF 03 00 00 60 52 00 00 01 60 AB 67 4C 89 CF 32 B2 [2021-04-18 11:23:13.908][DEBUG] : Client connected to [] [2021-04-18 11:23:13.908][DEBUG] : Message read from socket: b'{"apikey":"dhqpQFO5qVMTuG4sX00uAKN0FrVIQRPX","cmd":"send","target":"770800","command":{"ac":"up"}}' [2021-04-18 11:23:13.908][DEBUG] : Client disconnected from [] [2021-04-18 11:23:13.923][DEBUG] : Message received in socket JEEDOM_SOCKET_MESSAGE [2021-04-18 11:23:13.923][DEBUG] : Received command from jeedom : send [2021-04-18 11:23:13.923][DEBUG] : Sending to device : 770800 [2021-04-18 11:23:13.924][DEBUG] : Sending command for device {'uuid': '770800', 'model': 'shutter', 'mac': '14:b4:57:37:a0:47', 'type': ''} [2021-04-18 11:23:13.924][DEBUG] : Command data is 0201041BFFB602A2440101A044388401053FFF770800FFFFFFBCFC [2021-04-18 11:23:13.924][DEBUG] : Mac payload is d1946d950100a0443884ff053fff770800ffffffbcfc [2021-04-18 11:23:13.925][DEBUG] : Hashed data is b'604d4776d17e921bed55ac0aead6373b' [2021-04-18 11:23:13.925][DEBUG] : Final payload is 0201041BFFB602A2440101A044388401053FFF770800FFFFFFBCFC604D4776 [2021-04-18 11:23:13.925][DEBUG] : Validating payload : 02 01 04 1B FF B6 02 A2 44 01 01 A0 44 38 84 01 05 3F FF 77 08 00 FF FF FF BC FC 60 4D 47 76 [2021-04-18 11:23:13.925][DEBUG] : Correct Length for payload [2021-04-18 11:23:13.926][DEBUG] : Correct header for payload [2021-04-18 11:23:13.926][DEBUG] : Payload is valid sending : 02 01 04 1B FF B6 02 A2 44 01 01 A0 44 38 84 01 05 3F FF 77 08 00 FF FF FF BC FC 60 4D 47 76 < HCI Command: ogf 0x08, ocf 0x0008, plen 32 1F 02 01 04 1B FF B6 02 A2 44 01 01 A0 44 38 84 01 05 3F FF 77 08 00 FF FF FF BC FC 60 4D 47 76 > HCI Event: 0x0e plen 4 01 0C 20 0C < HCI Command: ogf 0x08, ocf 0x0006, plen 15 A0 00 A0 00 03 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 07 00 > HCI Event: 0x0e plen 4 01 06 20 00 < HCI Command: ogf 0x08, ocf 0x000a, plen 1 01 > HCI Event: 0x0e plen 4 01 0A 20 00 < HCI Command: ogf 0x08, ocf 0x000a, plen 1 00 > HCI Event: 0x3e plen 43 02 01 00 00 47 A0 37 57 B4 14 1F 02 01 06 1B FF B6 02 8F 44 01 00 30 77 08 00 00 07 00 FF FF FF FF 00 FF FF FF FF FF FF 14 06 C7 [2021-04-18 11:23:14.534][DEBUG] : Client connected to [] [2021-04-18 11:23:14.535][DEBUG] : Message read from socket: b'{"apikey":"dhqpQFO5qVMTuG4sX00uAKN0FrVIQRPX","cmd":"send","target":"770800","command":{"ac":"up"}}' [2021-04-18 11:23:14.535][DEBUG] : Client disconnected from [] [2021-04-18 11:23:14.625][DEBUG] : Message received in socket JEEDOM_SOCKET_MESSAGE [2021-04-18 11:23:14.625][DEBUG] : Received command from jeedom : send [2021-04-18 11:23:14.625][DEBUG] : Sending to device : 770800 [2021-04-18 11:23:14.626][DEBUG] : Sending command for device {'uuid': '770800', 'model': 'shutter', 'mac': '14:b4:57:37:a0:47', 'type': ''} [2021-04-18 11:23:14.626][DEBUG] : Command data is 0201041BFFB602A2440101A044388401053FFF770800FFFFFF9A33 [2021-04-18 11:23:14.626][DEBUG] : Mac payload is d1946d950100a0443884ff053fff770800ffffff9a33 [2021-04-18 11:23:14.627][DEBUG] : Hashed data is b'e72af7a44a0b3058561b876a932b2579' [2021-04-18 11:23:14.627][DEBUG] : Final payload is 0201041BFFB602A2440101A044388401053FFF770800FFFFFF9A33E72AF7A4 [2021-04-18 11:23:14.627][DEBUG] : Validating payload : 02 01 04 1B FF B6 02 A2 44 01 01 A0 44 38 84 01 05 3F FF 77 08 00 FF FF FF 9A 33 E7 2A F7 A4 [2021-04-18 11:23:14.627][DEBUG] : Correct Length for payload [2021-04-18 11:23:14.627][DEBUG] : Correct header for payload [2021-04-18 11:23:14.627][DEBUG] : Payload is valid sending : 02 01 04 1B FF B6 02 A2 44 01 01 A0 44 38 84 01 05 3F FF 77 08 00 FF FF FF 9A 33 E7 2A F7 A4 < HCI Command: ogf 0x08, ocf 0x0008, plen 32 1F 02 01 04 1B FF B6 02 A2 44 01 01 A0 44 38 84 01 05 3F FF 77 08 00 FF FF FF 9A 33 E7 2A F7 A4 > HCI Event: 0x0e plen 4 01 08 20 00 < HCI Command: ogf 0x08, ocf 0x0006, plen 15 A0 00 A0 00 03 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 07 00 > HCI Event: 0x3e plen 30 02 01 00 01 CE B0 87 5A 98 5B 12 02 01 1A 02 0A 0C 0B FF 4C 00 10 06 43 1D 6D A8 CC 38 D5 < HCI Command: ogf 0x08, ocf 0x000a, plen 1 01 > HCI Event: 0x3e plen 39 02 01 00 00 32 5D AD 26 C6 88 1B 02 01 1A 02 08 00 03 03 61 FE 10 FF 03 00 00 60 52 00 00 01 60 AB 67 4C 89 CF 32 B3 [2021-04-18 11:23:14.718][DEBUG] : Client connected to [] [2021-04-18 11:23:14.718][DEBUG] : Message read from socket: b'{"apikey":"dhqpQFO5qVMTuG4sX00uAKN0FrVIQRPX","cmd":"send","target":"770800","command":{"ac":"up"}}' [2021-04-18 11:23:14.718][DEBUG] : Client disconnected from [] [2021-04-18 11:23:14.899][DEBUG] : Client connected to [] [2021-04-18 11:23:14.899][DEBUG] : Message read from socket: b'{"apikey":"dhqpQFO5qVMTuG4sX00uAKN0FrVIQRPX","cmd":"send","target":"770800","command":{"ac":"up"}}' [2021-04-18 11:23:14.899][DEBUG] : Client disconnected from [] < HCI Command: ogf 0x08, ocf 0x000a, plen 1 00 > HCI Event: 0x3e plen 30 02 01 00 01 FF 0D 22 C4 23 75 12 02 01 1A 02 0A 0C 0B FF 4C 00 10 06 02 1D 01 21 1E 48 C5 [2021-04-18 11:23:15.325][DEBUG] : Message received in socket JEEDOM_SOCKET_MESSAGE [2021-04-18 11:23:15.326][DEBUG] : Received command from jeedom : send [2021-04-18 11:23:15.326][DEBUG] : Sending to device : 770800 [2021-04-18 11:23:15.327][DEBUG] : Sending command for device {'uuid': '770800', 'model': 'shutter', 'mac': '14:b4:57:37:a0:47', 'type': ''} [2021-04-18 11:23:15.328][DEBUG] : Command data is 0201041BFFB602A2440101A044388401053FFF770800FFFFFFB398 [2021-04-18 11:23:15.328][DEBUG] : Mac payload is d1946d950100a0443884ff053fff770800ffffffb398 [2021-04-18 11:23:15.329][DEBUG] : Hashed data is b'51b50d005fe8e5f8dbc559fb9e3d77bd' [2021-04-18 11:23:15.330][DEBUG] : Final payload is 0201041BFFB602A2440101A044388401053FFF770800FFFFFFB39851B50D00 [2021-04-18 11:23:15.330][DEBUG] : Validating payload : 02 01 04 1B FF B6 02 A2 44 01 01 A0 44 38 84 01 05 3F FF 77 08 00 FF FF FF B3 98 51 B5 0D 00 [2021-04-18 11:23:15.330][DEBUG] : Correct Length for payload [2021-04-18 11:23:15.330][DEBUG] : Correct header for payload [2021-04-18 11:23:15.331][DEBUG] : Payload is valid sending : 02 01 04 1B FF B6 02 A2 44 01 01 A0 44 38 84 01 05 3F FF 77 08 00 FF FF FF B3 98 51 B5 0D 00 < HCI Command: ogf 0x08, ocf 0x0008, plen 32 1F 02 01 04 1B FF B6 02 A2 44 01 01 A0 44 38 84 01 05 3F FF 77 08 00 FF FF FF B3 98 51 B5 0D 00 > HCI Event: 0x0e plen 4 01 08 20 00 < HCI Command: ogf 0x08, ocf 0x0006, plen 15 A0 00 A0 00 03 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 07 00 > HCI Event: 0x0e plen 4 01 06 20 00 < HCI Command: ogf 0x08, ocf 0x000a, plen 1 01 > HCI Event: 0x0e plen 4 01 0A 20 00 < HCI Command: ogf 0x08, ocf 0x000a, plen 1 00 > HCI Event: 0x0e plen 4 01 0A 20 00 [2021-04-18 11:23:16.075][DEBUG] : Message received in socket JEEDOM_SOCKET_MESSAGE [2021-04-18 11:23:16.076][DEBUG] : Received command from jeedom : send [2021-04-18 11:23:16.076][DEBUG] : Sending to device : 770800 [2021-04-18 11:23:16.076][DEBUG] : Sending command for device {'uuid': '770800', 'model': 'shutter', 'mac': '14:b4:57:37:a0:47', 'type': ''} [2021-04-18 11:23:16.077][DEBUG] : Command data is 0201041BFFB602A2440101A044388401053FFF770800FFFFFF99B8 [2021-04-18 11:23:16.077][DEBUG] : Mac payload is d1946d950100a0443884ff053fff770800ffffff99b8 [2021-04-18 11:23:16.079][DEBUG] : Hashed data is b'1bf30b3593e84bf98b6894eeb8297ba9' [2021-04-18 11:23:16.079][DEBUG] : Final payload is 0201041BFFB602A2440101A044388401053FFF770800FFFFFF99B81BF30B35 [2021-04-18 11:23:16.080][DEBUG] : Validating payload : 02 01 04 1B FF B6 02 A2 44 01 01 A0 44 38 84 01 05 3F FF 77 08 00 FF FF FF 99 B8 1B F3 0B 35 [2021-04-18 11:23:16.080][DEBUG] : Correct Length for payload [2021-04-18 11:23:16.080][DEBUG] : Correct header for payload [2021-04-18 11:23:16.080][DEBUG] : Payload is valid sending : 02 01 04 1B FF B6 02 A2 44 01 01 A0 44 38 84 01 05 3F FF 77 08 00 FF FF FF 99 B8 1B F3 0B 35 < HCI Command: ogf 0x08, ocf 0x0008, plen 32 1F 02 01 04 1B FF B6 02 A2 44 01 01 A0 44 38 84 01 05 3F FF 77 08 00 FF FF FF 99 B8 1B F3 0B 35 > HCI Event: 0x3e plen 30 02 01 00 01 BF 1D 48 02 A9 7B 12 02 01 1A 02 0A 0C 0B FF 4C 00 10 06 12 19 47 0D 16 78 D2 < HCI Command: ogf 0x08, ocf 0x0006, plen 15 A0 00 A0 00 03 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 07 00 > HCI Event: 0x0e plen 4 01 06 20 00 < HCI Command: ogf 0x08, ocf 0x000a, plen 1 01 > HCI Event: 0x0e plen 4 01 0A 20 00 < HCI Command: ogf 0x08, ocf 0x000a, plen 1 00 > HCI Event: 0x0e plen 4 01 0A 20 00 [2021-04-18 11:23:16.868][DEBUG] : Client connected to [] [2021-04-18 11:23:16.869][DEBUG] : Message read from socket: b'{"apikey":"dhqpQFO5qVMTuG4sX00uAKN0FrVIQRPX","cmd":"send","target":"770800","command":{"ac":"goto","options":"100"}}' [2021-04-18 11:23:16.869][DEBUG] : Client disconnected from [] [2021-04-18 11:23:16.926][DEBUG] : Message received in socket JEEDOM_SOCKET_MESSAGE [2021-04-18 11:23:16.927][DEBUG] : Received command from jeedom : send [2021-04-18 11:23:16.927][DEBUG] : Sending to device : 770800 [2021-04-18 11:23:16.927][DEBUG] : Sending command for device {'uuid': '770800', 'model': 'shutter', 'mac': '14:b4:57:37:a0:47', 'type': ''} [2021-04-18 11:23:16.927][DEBUG] : Command data is 0201041BFFB602A2440101A044388401203FFF7708000FFFFF12D [2021-04-18 11:23:16.928][DEBUG] : Mac payload is d1946d950100a0443884ff203fff7708000fffff12d [2021-04-18 11:23:16.928][ERROR] : Exception on socket : Odd-length string [2021-04-18 12:49:56.008][DEBUG] : Client connected to [] [2021-04-18 12:49:56.009][DEBUG] : Message read from socket: b'{"apikey":"dhqpQFO5qVMTuG4sX00uAKN0FrVIQRPX","cmd":"send","target":"770800","command":{"ac":"schneiderScenes"}}' [2021-04-18 12:49:56.009][DEBUG] : Client disconnected from [] [2021-04-18 12:49:56.100][DEBUG] : Message received in socket JEEDOM_SOCKET_MESSAGE [2021-04-18 12:49:56.101][DEBUG] : Received command from jeedom : send [2021-04-18 12:49:56.101][DEBUG] : Sending to device : 770800 [2021-04-18 12:49:56.102][DEBUG] : Sending command for device {'uuid': '770800', 'model': 'shutter', 'mac': '14:b4:57:37:a0:47', 'type': ''} [2021-04-18 12:49:56.102][DEBUG] : Command data is 0201041BFFB602A2440101A0443884010D3FFF770800FFFFFFC083 [2021-04-18 12:49:56.102][DEBUG] : Mac payload is d1946d950100a0443884ff0d3fff770800ffffffc083 [2021-04-18 12:49:56.103][DEBUG] : Hashed data is b'2223f126e643765e9a436a0da518a1a5' [2021-04-18 12:49:56.104][DEBUG] : Final payload is 0201041BFFB602A2440101A0443884010D3FFF770800FFFFFFC0832223F126 [2021-04-18 12:49:56.104][DEBUG] : Validating payload : 02 01 04 1B FF B6 02 A2 44 01 01 A0 44 38 84 01 0D 3F FF 77 08 00 FF FF FF C0 83 22 23 F1 26 [2021-04-18 12:49:56.104][DEBUG] : Correct Length for payload [2021-04-18 12:49:56.104][DEBUG] : Correct header for payload [2021-04-18 12:49:56.105][DEBUG] : Payload is valid sending : 02 01 04 1B FF B6 02 A2 44 01 01 A0 44 38 84 01 0D 3F FF 77 08 00 FF FF FF C0 83 22 23 F1 26 < HCI Command: ogf 0x08, ocf 0x0008, plen 32 1F 02 01 04 1B FF B6 02 A2 44 01 01 A0 44 38 84 01 0D 3F FF 77 08 00 FF FF FF C0 83 22 23 F1 26 > HCI Event: 0x3e plen 43 02 01 03 01 08 08 06 8F 08 18 1F 1E FF 06 00 01 09 20 02 9C F2 62 97 8C 78 F7 83 09 A8 4E F2 FB 42 F0 EF 2D 20 36 88 7F D5 14 BD < HCI Command: ogf 0x08, ocf 0x0006, plen 15 A0 00 A0 00 03 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 07 00 > HCI Event: 0x3e plen 39 02 01 00 00 32 5D AD 26 C6 88 1B 02 01 1A 02 08 00 03 03 61 FE 10 FF 03 00 00 60 52 00 00 01 60 AB 67 4C 89 CF 32 BA < HCI Command: ogf 0x08, ocf 0x000a, plen 1 01 > HCI Event: 0x0e plen 4 01 0A 20 00 < HCI Command: ogf 0x08, ocf 0x000a, plen 1 00 > HCI Event: 0x0e plen 4 01 0A 20 00 [2021-04-18 12:50:24.851][DEBUG] : Client connected to [] [2021-04-18 12:50:24.852][DEBUG] : Message read from socket: b'{"apikey":"dhqpQFO5qVMTuG4sX00uAKN0FrVIQRPX","cmd":"bind","uuid":"770800"}' [2021-04-18 12:50:24.853][DEBUG] : Client disconnected from [] [2021-04-18 12:50:24.909][DEBUG] : Message received in socket JEEDOM_SOCKET_MESSAGE [2021-04-18 12:50:24.910][DEBUG] : Received command from jeedom : bind [2021-04-18 12:50:24.910][DEBUG] : Binding device : 770800 [2021-04-18 12:50:24.911][DEBUG] : Sending command for device {'uuid': '770800', 'model': 'shutter', 'mac': '14:b4:57:37:a0:47', 'type': ''} [2021-04-18 12:50:24.911][DEBUG] : Building pairing data with key 633423565f46507e752eff28 [2021-04-18 12:50:24.911][DEBUG] : Command data is 0201041BFFB602A2440101A1443884633423565f46507e752eff28 [2021-04-18 12:50:24.912][DEBUG] : Mac payload is d1946d950100a1443884ff3423565f46507e752eff28 [2021-04-18 12:50:24.913][DEBUG] : Hashed data is b'26b3a6e8cb359564d4833e13525f2eec' [2021-04-18 12:50:24.914][DEBUG] : Final payload is 0201041BFFB602A2440101A1443884633423565F46507E752EFF2826B3A6E8 [2021-04-18 12:50:24.914][DEBUG] : Validating payload : 02 01 04 1B FF B6 02 A2 44 01 01 A1 44 38 84 63 34 23 56 5F 46 50 7E 75 2E FF 28 26 B3 A6 E8 [2021-04-18 12:50:24.914][DEBUG] : Correct Length for payload [2021-04-18 12:50:24.915][DEBUG] : Correct header for payload [2021-04-18 12:50:24.915][DEBUG] : Payload is valid sending : 02 01 04 1B FF B6 02 A2 44 01 01 A1 44 38 84 63 34 23 56 5F 46 50 7E 75 2E FF 28 26 B3 A6 E8 < HCI Command: ogf 0x08, ocf 0x0008, plen 32 1F 02 01 04 1B FF B6 02 A2 44 01 01 A1 44 38 84 63 34 23 56 5F 46 50 7E 75 2E FF 28 26 B3 A6 E8 > HCI Event: 0x0e plen 4 01 08 20 00 < HCI Command: ogf 0x08, ocf 0x0006, plen 15 A0 00 A0 00 03 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 07 00 > HCI Event: 0x0e plen 4 01 06 20 00 < HCI Command: ogf 0x08, ocf 0x000a, plen 1 01 > HCI Event: 0x0e plen 4 01 0A 20 00 < HCI Command: ogf 0x08, ocf 0x000a, plen 1 00 > HCI Event: 0x3e plen 39 02 01 00 00 8B EE 81 8D 28 C0 1B 02 01 1A 02 08 00 03 03 61 FE 10 FF 03 00 00 65 3D 00 00 0D B0 55 08 4B 14 D6 32 B3