10:26:34 | INFO | Start logger 10:26:40 | DEBUG | [ws] received data type CMD_INFO 10:26:41 | DEBUG | [ws] received data type OBJ_INFO 10:26:41 | DEBUG | [ws] received data type CMD_INFO 10:26:42 | DEBUG | [ws] received data type OBJ_INFO 10:26:42 | INFO | App state changed to background 10:26:42 | DEBUG | sendToJcApi {"method":"SET_APPSTATE","params":{"state":"background","apiKey":"b0700bac9f55e62c41e0ae79c7693b37"},"jsonrpc":"2.0","id":1633681602423} 10:26:52 | INFO | Start logger 10:26:52 | INFO | App state changed to active 10:26:52 | DEBUG | sendToJcApi {"method":"SET_APPSTATE","params":{"state":"active","apiKey":"b0700bac9f55e62c41e0ae79c7693b37"},"jsonrpc":"2.0","id":1633681612916} 10:26:52 | DEBUG | [main] set secure session to false 1633681612919 10:26:52 | INFO | [main] reconnect... 10:26:52 | INFO | [ws] reconnect 10:26:52 | INFO | init websocket... ws:// 10:26:52 | DEBUG | net settings : {"details":{"isConnectionExpensive":false,"subnet":"","ipAddress":"","frequency":5180,"strength":99,"bssid":"34:27:92:d6:bc:4c","ssid":"FREEBOX-DELTA"},"isConnected":true,"type":"wifi","isInternetReachable":true,"isWifiEnabled":true} 10:26:52 | DEBUG | sendToJcApi {"method":"PING","jsonrpc":"2.0","id":1633681612954,"params":{"apiKey":"b0700bac9f55e62c41e0ae79c7693b37"}} 10:26:52 | DEBUG | net settings : {"details":{"isConnectionExpensive":false,"subnet":"","ipAddress":"","frequency":5180,"strength":99,"bssid":"34:27:92:d6:bc:4c","ssid":"FREEBOX-DELTA"},"isConnected":true,"type":"wifi","isInternetReachable":true,"isWifiEnabled":true} 10:26:52 | DEBUG | sendToJcApi {"method":"PING","jsonrpc":"2.0","id":1633681612957,"params":{"apiKey":"b0700bac9f55e62c41e0ae79c7693b37"}} 10:26:52 | INFO | main foreground entry, route : {} 10:26:53 | DEBUG | call initConnection from RootNavigator 10:26:53 | DEBUG | ws connection aborded, already connected 10:26:53 | INFO | App state changed to background 10:26:53 | DEBUG | sendToJcApi {"method":"SET_APPSTATE","params":{"state":"background","apiKey":"b0700bac9f55e62c41e0ae79c7693b37"},"jsonrpc":"2.0","id":1633681613186} 10:26:53 | INFO | main foreground entry, route : {} 10:26:53 | INFO | BackgroundGeolocation is configured and ready: true 10:26:53 | INFO | App state changed to active 10:26:53 | DEBUG | sendToJcApi {"method":"SET_APPSTATE","params":{"state":"active","apiKey":"b0700bac9f55e62c41e0ae79c7693b37"},"jsonrpc":"2.0","id":1633681613219} 10:26:53 | INFO | [main] reconnect... 10:26:53 | INFO | [ws] reconnect 10:26:53 | DEBUG | close socket 10:26:53 | INFO | init websocket... ws:// 10:26:53 | DEBUG | [location] - {"extras":{},"battery":{"level":0.83,"is_charging":false},"activity":{"confidence":100,"type":"still"},"timestampMeta":{"elapsedRealtime":209638690,"systemClockElaspsedRealtime":209680603,"systemTime":1633681613206,"time":1633681571292},"is_moving":false,"uuid":"312d2bb9-ab8e-4aec-b469-4dc40d94ed07","odometer":0,"coords":{"altitude":170.6,"altitude_accuracy":3,"heading_accuracy":-1,"heading":-1,"speed":-1,"accuracy":20,"longitude":-1.8951848,"speed_accuracy":-1,"latitude":48.2234843},"timestamp":"2021-10-08T08:26:11.292Z"} 10:26:53 | DEBUG | ws connection opened 10:26:53 | INFO | [ws] on close : {"isTrusted":false,"code":1000,"reason":""} 10:26:53 | DEBUG | ws connection opened 10:26:53 | DEBUG | [ws] received data type WELCOME 10:26:54 | DEBUG | [ws] send data : {"type":"GET_BATTERIES","payload":null} 10:26:54 | DEBUG | [ws] send data : {"type":"GET_JEEDOM_GLOBAL_HEALTH"} 10:26:54 | DEBUG | [ws] send data : {"type":"GET_BATTERIES","payload":null} 10:26:54 | DEBUG | [ws] send data : {"type":"GET_JEEDOM_GLOBAL_HEALTH"} 10:26:54 | DEBUG | [ws] send data : {"type":"GET_PLUGINS_UPDATE"} 10:26:56 | DEBUG | [ws] received data type SET_BATTERIES 10:26:56 | DEBUG | [ws] received data type SET_JEEDOM_GLOBAL_HEALTH 10:26:56 | DEBUG | [ws] received data type SET_BATTERIES 10:26:56 | DEBUG | [ws] received data type SET_JEEDOM_GLOBAL_HEALTH 10:26:56 | DEBUG | [ws] received data type SET_PLUGINS_UPDATE 10:26:57 | DEBUG | [ws] received data type CMD_INFO 10:26:57 | DEBUG | [ws] received data type OBJ_INFO 10:26:59 | DEBUG | [ws] received data type CMD_INFO 10:26:59 | DEBUG | [ws] received data type OBJ_INFO 10:27:04 | DEBUG | [ws] received data type CMD_INFO 10:27:04 | DEBUG | [ws] received data type OBJ_INFO 10:27:05 | DEBUG | [ws] received data type CMD_INFO 10:27:05 | DEBUG | [ws] received data type OBJ_INFO 10:27:07 | DEBUG | [ws] send data : {"type":"GET_JEEDOM_GLOBAL_HEALTH"} 10:27:07 | DEBUG | [ws] received data type CMD_INFO 10:27:07 | DEBUG | [ws] received data type OBJ_INFO 10:27:08 | DEBUG | [ws] received data type SET_JEEDOM_GLOBAL_HEALTH 10:27:08 | DEBUG | [ws] received data type CMD_INFO 10:27:08 | DEBUG | [ws] received data type OBJ_INFO 10:27:09 | DEBUG | [ws] received data type CMD_INFO 10:27:09 | DEBUG | [ws] received data type OBJ_INFO 10:27:11 | DEBUG | [ws] send data : {"type":"GET_JEEDOM_GLOBAL_HEALTH"} 10:27:11 | DEBUG | [ws] received data type SET_JEEDOM_GLOBAL_HEALTH 10:27:13 | INFO | App state changed to background 10:27:13 | DEBUG | sendToJcApi {"method":"SET_APPSTATE","params":{"state":"background","apiKey":"b0700bac9f55e62c41e0ae79c7693b37"},"jsonrpc":"2.0","id":1633681633434}