. */ require_once __DIR__ . '/../../../../core/php/core.inc.php'; class teleinfo extends eqLogic { public static function getTeleinfoInfo($_url) { $return = self::deamon_info(); if ($return['state'] != 'ok') { return ""; } } public static function cron() { self::calculatePAPP(); } public static function cronHourly() { self::moyLastHour(); cache::set('teleinfo::regenerateMonthlyStat', '0'); } public static function changeLogLive($level) { $value = array('apikey' => jeedom::getApiKey('teleinfo'), 'cmd' => $level); $value = json_encode($value); self::socket_connection($value,True); } public static function socket_connection($value) { try { $socket = socket_create(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0); socket_connect($socket, config::byKey('sockethost', 'teleinfo', ''), config::byKey('socketport', 'teleinfo', '55062')); socket_write($socket, $value, strlen($value)); socket_close($socket); $productionActivated = (config::byKey('port_modem2', 'teleinfo') == "") ? 0 : 1; //$productionActivated = config::byKey('activation_production', 'teleinfo'); if ($productionActivated == 1) { $socket = socket_create(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0); socket_connect($socket, config::byKey('sockethost', 'teleinfo', ''), config::byKey('socketport', 'teleinfo','55062') + 1); socket_write($socket, $value, strlen($value)); socket_close($socket); } return true; } catch (Exception $e) { return false; } } /** * Creation objet sur reception de trame * @param string $adco * @return eqLogic */ public static function createFromDef(string $adco) { $autorisationCreationObjet = config::byKey('createNewADCO', 'teleinfo'); if ($autorisationCreationObjet != 1) { $teleinfo = teleinfo::byLogicalId($adco, 'teleinfo'); if (!is_object($teleinfo)) { $eqLogic = (new teleinfo()) ->setName($adco); } $eqLogic->setLogicalId($adco) ->setEqType_name('teleinfo') ->setIsEnable(1) ->setIsVisible(1); $eqLogic->save(); return $eqLogic; } else { return null; } } /** * Creation commande sur reception de trame * @param $oADCO identifiant compteur * @param $oKey etiquette * @param $oValue valeur * @return Commande */ public static function createCmdFromDef($oADCO, $oKey, $oValue) { if (!isset($oKey) || !isset($oADCO)) { log::add('teleinfo', 'error', 'Information manquante pour ajouter l\'équipement : ' . print_r($oKey, true) . ' ' . print_r($oADCO, true)); return false; } $teleinfo = teleinfo::byLogicalId($oADCO, 'teleinfo'); if (!is_object($teleinfo)) { return false; } if ($teleinfo->getConfiguration('AutoCreateFromCompteur') == '1') { log::add('teleinfo', 'info', 'Création de la commande ' . $oKey . ' sur l\'ADCO ' . $oADCO); $cmd = (new teleinfoCmd()) ->setName($oKey) ->setLogicalId($oKey) ->setType('info'); switch ($oKey) { case "ADSC": case "OPTARIF": case "PTEC": case "DEMAIN": case "MOTDETAT": case "HHPHC": case "PPOT": case "NGTF": case "LTARF": case "STGE": case "STGE01": case "STGE02": case "STGE03": case "STGE04": case "STGE05": case "STGE06": case "STGE07": case "STGE08": case "STGE09": case "STGE10": case "STGE11": case "STGE12": case "STGE13": case "STGE14": case "STGE15": case "STGE16": case "STGE17": case "STGE18": case "STGE19": case "STGE20": case "DPM1": case "FPM1": case "DPM2": case "FPM2": case "DPM3": case "FPM3": case "MSG1": case "MSG2": case "PRM": case "NJOURF": case "NJOURF+1": case "PJOURF+1": case "PPOINTE": case "RELAIS01": case "RELAIS02": case "RELAIS03": case "RELAIS04": case "RELAIS05": case "RELAIS06": case "RELAIS07": case "RELAIS08": $cmd->setSubType('string') ->setDisplay('generic_type', 'GENERIC_INFO'); break; default: $cmd->setSubType('numeric') ->setDisplay('generic_type', 'GENERIC_INFO'); break; } $cmd->setEqLogic_id($teleinfo->id); $cmd->setConfiguration('info_conso', $oKey); $cmd->setIsHistorized(1)->setIsVisible(1); $cmd->save(); $cmd->event($oValue); return $cmd; } } /** * Fonction de détection du type de compteur * @param $port * @return $return */ public static function findModemType(string $port, string $type) { $twoCptCartelectronic = config::byKey('2cpt_cartelectronic', 'teleinfo'); if ($twoCptCartelectronic == 1) { $return['state'] = 'nok'; $return['message'] = 'Non disponible pour le modem 2 compteurs. Veuillez regarder la zone Configuration avancée afin de configurer le modem.'; return $return; } if ($type == "usb") { $port = jeedom::getUsbMapping($port); } exec('stty -F ' . $port . ' 1200 sane evenp parenb cs7 -crtscts'); passthru('timeout 5 sed -n 5,8p ' . $port, $return['data']); log::add('teleinfo', 'debug', "retour : " . $return['data']); if ($return['data'] > 5){ $return['state'] = 'ok'; $return['type'] = 'historique'; $return['linky'] = false; $return['vitesse'] = '1200'; $return['message'] = 'Il s\'agit d\'un compteur en mode historique.'; } else { exec('stty -F ' . $port . ' 9600 sane evenp parenb cs7 -crtscts'); passthru('timeout 5 sed -n 5,8p ' . $port, $return['data']); if ($return['data'] > 5){ $return['state'] = 'ok'; $return['type'] = 'standard'; $return['linky'] = true; $return['vitesse'] = '9600'; $return['message'] = 'Il s\'agit d\'un compteur en mode standard.'; } else { $return['state'] = 'nok'; $return['type'] = ''; $return['vitesse'] = ''; $return['message'] = 'Impossible de détecter le type de compteur.'; } } return $return; } /** * * @param type $debug * @param type $type * @return boolean */ public static function runDeamon($debug = false, $type = 'conso') { log::add('teleinfo', 'info', '[' . $type . '] Démarrage compteur '); $teleinfoPath = realpath(dirname(__FILE__) . '/../../ressources'); if ($type == 'conso') { $twoCptCartelectronic = config::byKey('2cpt_cartelectronic', 'teleinfo'); $linky = config::byKey('linky', 'teleinfo'); $modemVitesse = config::byKey('modem_vitesse', 'teleinfo'); $socketPort = config::byKey('socketport', 'teleinfo', '55062'); if (config::byKey('port', 'teleinfo') == "serie") { $port = config::byKey('modem_serie_addr', 'teleinfo'); } else { $port = jeedom::getUsbMapping(config::byKey('port', 'teleinfo')); if ($twoCptCartelectronic == 1) { $port = '/dev/ttyUSB1'; } else { if (!file_exists($port)) { log::add('teleinfo', 'error', '[' . $type . '] Le port n\'existe pas'); return false; } } } } else{ $twoCptCartelectronic = config::byKey('2cpt_cartelectronic_production', 'teleinfo'); $linky = config::byKey('linky_prod', 'teleinfo'); $modemVitesse = config::byKey('modem_compteur2_vitesse', 'teleinfo'); $socketPort = config::byKey('socketport', 'teleinfo', '55062') + 1; if (config::byKey('port_modem2', 'teleinfo') == "serie") { $port = config::byKey('modem_serie_compteur2_addr', 'teleinfo'); } else { $port = jeedom::getUsbMapping(config::byKey('port_modem2', 'teleinfo')); if ($twoCptCartelectronic == 1) { $port = '/dev/ttyUSB1'; } else { if (!file_exists($port)) { log::add('teleinfo', 'error', '[' . $type . '] Le port n\'existe pas'); return false; } } } } if ($linky == 1) { $mode = 'standard'; if ($modemVitesse == "") { $modemVitesse = '9600'; } } else { $mode = 'historique'; if ($modemVitesse == "") { $modemVitesse = '1200'; } } exec('sudo chmod 777 ' . $port . ' > /dev/null 2>&1'); log::add('teleinfo', 'info', '---------- Informations de lancement ---------'); log::add('teleinfo', 'info', 'Port modem : ' . $port); log::add('teleinfo', 'info', 'Socket : ' . $socketPort); log::add('teleinfo', 'info', 'Type : ' . $type); log::add('teleinfo', 'info', 'Mode : ' . $mode); log::add('teleinfo', 'info', '---------------------------------------------'); if ($twoCptCartelectronic == 1) { log::add('teleinfo', 'info', '[' . $type . '] Fonctionnement en mode 2 compteur'); $cmd = 'sudo nice -n 19 /usr/bin/python3 ' . $teleinfoPath . '/teleinfo_2_cpt.py'; } else { log::add('teleinfo', 'info', '[' . $type . '] Fonctionnement en mode 1 compteur'); $cmd = 'nice -n 19 /usr/bin/python3 ' . $teleinfoPath . '/teleinfo.py'; $cmd .= ' --type ' . $type; } $cmd .= ' --port ' . $port; $cmd .= ' --vitesse ' . $modemVitesse; $cmd .= ' --apikey ' . jeedom::getApiKey('teleinfo'); $cmd .= ' --mode ' . $mode; $cmd .= ' --socketport ' . $socketPort; $cmd .= ' --cycle ' . config::byKey('cycle', 'teleinfo','0.3'); $cmd .= ' --callback ' . network::getNetworkAccess('internal', 'proto:') . '/plugins/teleinfo/core/php/jeeTeleinfo.php'; $cmd .= ' --loglevel debug'; $cmd .= ' --cyclesommeil ' . config::byKey('cycle_sommeil', 'teleinfo', '0.5'); log::add('teleinfo', 'info', '[' . $type . '] Exécution du service : ' . $cmd); $result = exec($cmd . ' >> ' . log::getPathToLog('teleinfo_deamon_' . $type) . ' 2>&1 &'); if (strpos(strtolower($result), 'error') !== false || strpos(strtolower($result), 'traceback') !== false) { log::add('teleinfo', 'error', $result); return false; } sleep(2); if (!self::deamonRunning()) { sleep(10); if (!self::deamonRunning()) { log::add('teleinfo', 'error', '[' . $type . '] Impossible de lancer le démon téléinfo, vérifiez la configuration.', 'unableStartDeamon'); return false; } } message::removeAll('teleinfo', 'unableStartDeamon'); log::add('teleinfo', 'info', '[' . $type . '] Service OK'); log::add('teleinfo', 'info', '---------------------------------------------'); } /** * * @return boolean */ public static function deamonRunning() { $twoCptCartelectronic = config::byKey('2cpt_cartelectronic', 'teleinfo'); if ($twoCptCartelectronic == 1) { $result = exec("ps aux | grep teleinfo_2_cpt.py | grep -v grep | awk '{print $2}'"); if ($result != "") { return true; } log::add('teleinfo', 'info', '[deamonRunning] Vérification de l\'état du service : NOK '); return false; } else { $result = exec("ps aux | grep teleinfo.py | grep -v grep | awk '{print $2}'"); if ($result != "") { return true; } log::add('teleinfo', 'info', '[deamonRunning] Vérification de l\'état du service : NOK '); return false; } } /** * * @return array */ public static function deamon_info() { $return = array(); $return['log'] = 'teleinfo'; $return['state'] = 'nok'; $twoCptCartelectronic = config::byKey('2cpt_cartelectronic', 'teleinfo'); if ($twoCptCartelectronic == 1) { $pidFile = jeedom::getTmpFolder('teleinfo') . '/teleinfo2cpt.pid'; } else { $pidFile = jeedom::getTmpFolder('teleinfo') . '/teleinfo_conso.pid'; } if (file_exists($pidFile)) { if (posix_getsid(trim(file_get_contents($pidFile)))) { $return['state'] = 'ok'; } else { shell_exec('sudo rm -rf ' . $pidFile . ' 2>&1 > /dev/null;rm -rf ' . $pidFile . ' 2>&1 > /dev/null;'); } } $productionActivated = (config::byKey('port_modem2', 'teleinfo') == "") ? 0 : 1; //$productionActivated = config::byKey('activation_production', 'teleinfo'); if ($productionActivated == 1) { $pidFile = jeedom::getTmpFolder('teleinfo') . '/teleinfo_prod.pid'; if (file_exists($pidFile)) { if (posix_getsid(trim(file_get_contents($pidFile)))) { $return['state'] = 'ok'; } else { shell_exec('sudo rm -rf ' . $pidFile . ' 2>&1 > /dev/null;rm -rf ' . $pidFile . ' 2>&1 > /dev/null;'); } } } $return['launchable'] = 'ok'; return $return; } /** * appelé par jeedom pour démarrer le deamon */ public static function deamon_start($debug = false) { log::add('teleinfo', 'info', '[deamon_start] Démarrage du service'); $productionActivated = (config::byKey('port_modem2', 'teleinfo') == "") ? 0 : 1; //$productionActivated = config::byKey('activation_production', 'teleinfo'); if (config::byKey('port', 'teleinfo') != "" || config::byKey('2cpt_cartelectronic', 'teleinfo')) { // Si un port est sélectionné if (!self::deamonRunning()) { self::runDeamon($debug, 'conso'); } if ($productionActivated == 1) { self::runDeamon($debug, 'prod'); } message::removeAll('teleinfo', 'noTeleinfoPort'); } else { log::add('teleinfo', 'info', 'Pas d\'informations sur le port USB (Modem série ?)'); } } /** * appelé par jeedom pour arrêter le deamon */ public static function deamon_stop() { log::add('teleinfo', 'info', '[deamon_stop] Arret du service'); $deamonInfo = self::deamon_info(); if ($deamonInfo['state'] == 'ok') { $twoCptCartelectronic = config::byKey('2cpt_cartelectronic', 'teleinfo'); if ($twoCptCartelectronic == 1) { $pidFile = jeedom::getTmpFolder('teleinfo') . '/teleinfo2cpt.pid'; if (file_exists($pidFile)) { $pid = intval(trim(file_get_contents($pidFile))); $kill = posix_kill($pid, 15); usleep(1000); if ($kill) { return true; } else { system::kill($pid); } } //$result = exec("ps aux | grep teleinfo_2_cpt.py | grep -v grep | awk '{print $2}'"); //system::kill($result); system::kill('teleinfo_2_cpt.py'); } else { $productionActivated = (config::byKey('port_modem2', 'teleinfo') == "") ? 0 : 1; //$productionActivated = config::byKey('activation_production', 'teleinfo'); if ($productionActivated == 1) { $pidFile = jeedom::getTmpFolder('teleinfo') . '/teleinfo_prod.pid'; if (file_exists($pidFile)) { $pid = intval(trim(file_get_contents($pidFile))); $kill = posix_kill($pid, 15); usleep(500); if (!$kill) { system::kill($pid); } } } $pidFile = jeedom::getTmpFolder('teleinfo') . '/teleinfo_conso.pid'; if (file_exists($pidFile)) { $pid = intval(trim(file_get_contents($pidFile))); $kill = posix_kill($pid, 15); usleep(500); if ($kill) { return true; } else { system::kill($pid); } } system::kill('teleinfo.py'); $port = config::byKey('port', 'teleinfo'); if ($port != "serie") { $port = jeedom::getUsbMapping(config::byKey('port', 'teleinfo')); system::fuserk(jeedom::getUsbMapping($port)); sleep(1); } } } } public static function calculateTodayStats() { $indexConsoHP = config::byKey('indexConsoHP', 'teleinfo', 'BASE,HCHP,EASF02,BBRHPJB,BBRHPJW,BBRHPJR,EJPHPM'); $indexConsoHC = config::byKey('indexConsoHC', 'teleinfo', 'HCHC,EASF01,BBRHCJB,BBRHCJW,BBRHCJR,EJPHN'); $indexProduction = config::byKey('indexProduction', 'teleinfo', 'EAIT'); log::add('teleinfo', 'info', '----- Calcul des statistiques temps réel -----'); $startDateToday = (new DateTime())->setTimestamp(mktime(0, 0, 0, date("m"), date("d"), date("Y"))); $endDateToday = (new DateTime())->setTimestamp(mktime(date("H"), date("i"), date("s"), date("m"), date("d"), date("Y"))); log::add('teleinfo', 'info', 'Date de début : ' . $startDateToday->format('Y-m-d 00:00:00')); log::add('teleinfo', 'info', 'Date de fin : ' . $endDateToday->format('Y-m-d H:i:s')); log::add('teleinfo', 'info', 'Liste index HP : ' . $indexConsoHP); log::add('teleinfo', 'info', 'Liste index HC : ' . $indexConsoHC); log::add('teleinfo', 'info', 'Liste index Production : ' . $indexProduction); foreach (eqLogic::byType('teleinfo') as $eqLogic) { log::add('teleinfo', 'info', 'Objet : ' . $eqLogic->getName()); $statTodayHp = 0; $statTodayHc = 0; $statTodayProd = 0; $statYesterdayHp = 0; $statYesterdayHc = 0; $typeTendance = 0; $statHpToCumul = array(); $statHcToCumul = array(); $statProdToCumul = array(); foreach ($eqLogic->getCmd('info') as $cmd) { if ($cmd->getConfiguration('type') == "data" || $cmd->getConfiguration('type') == "") { if (strpos($indexConsoHP, $cmd->getConfiguration('info_conso')) !== false) { array_push($statHpToCumul, $cmd->getId()); } if (strpos($indexConsoHC, $cmd->getConfiguration('info_conso')) !== false) { array_push($statHcToCumul, $cmd->getId()); } if (strpos($indexProduction, $cmd->getConfiguration('info_conso')) !== false) { array_push($statProdToCumul, $cmd->getId()); } } if ($cmd->getConfiguration('info_conso') == "TENDANCE_DAY") { $typeTendance = $cmd->getConfiguration('type_calcul_tendance'); } } $startdateyesterday = (new DateTime())->setTimestamp(mktime(0, 0, 0, date("m"), date("d") - 1, date("Y"))); if ($typeTendance === 1) { $enddateyesterday = date("Y-m-d H:i:s", mktime(23, 59, 59, date("m"), date("d") - 1, date("Y"))); } else { $enddateyesterday = date("Y-m-d H:i:s", mktime(date("H"), date("i"), date("s"), date("m"), date("d") - 1, date("Y"))); } foreach ($statHcToCumul as $key => $value) { $cmd = cmd::byId($value); $statHcMaxToday = $cmd->getStatistique($startDateToday->format('Y-m-d 00:00:00'), $endDateToday->format('Y-m-d H:i:s'))['max']; $statHcMinToday = $cmd->getStatistique($startDateToday->format('Y-m-d 00:00:00'), $endDateToday->format('Y-m-d H:i:s'))['min']; log::add('teleinfo', 'debug', 'Commande HC N°' . $value); log::add('teleinfo', 'debug', ' ==> Valeur HC MAX : ' . $statHcMaxToday); log::add('teleinfo', 'debug', ' ==> Valeur HC MIN : ' . $statHcMinToday); $statTodayHc += intval($statHcMaxToday) - intval($statHcMinToday); $statYesterdayHc += intval($cmd->getStatistique($startdateyesterday->format('Y-m-d 00:00:00'), $enddateyesterday)['max']) - intval($cmd->getStatistique($startdateyesterday->format('Y-m-d 00:00:00'), $enddateyesterday)['min']); log::add('teleinfo', 'debug', 'Total HC --> ' . $statTodayHc); } foreach ($statHpToCumul as $key => $value) { $cmd = cmd::byId($value); $statHcMaxToday = $cmd->getStatistique($startDateToday->format('Y-m-d 00:00:00'), $endDateToday->format('Y-m-d H:i:s'))['max']; $statHcMinToday = $cmd->getStatistique($startDateToday->format('Y-m-d 00:00:00'), $endDateToday->format('Y-m-d H:i:s'))['min']; log::add('teleinfo', 'debug', 'Commande HP N°' . $value); log::add('teleinfo', 'debug', ' ==> Valeur HP MAX : ' . $statHcMaxToday); log::add('teleinfo', 'debug', ' ==> Valeur HP MIN : ' . $statHcMinToday); $statTodayHp += intval($statHcMaxToday) - intval($statHcMinToday); $statYesterdayHp += intval($cmd->getStatistique($startdateyesterday->format('Y-m-d 00:00:00'), $enddateyesterday)['max']) - intval($cmd->getStatistique($startdateyesterday->format('Y-m-d 00:00:00'), $enddateyesterday)['min']); log::add('teleinfo', 'debug', 'Total HP --> ' . $statTodayHp); } foreach ($statProdToCumul as $key => $value) { $cmd = cmd::byId($value); $statProdMaxToday = $cmd->getStatistique($startDateToday->format('Y-m-d 00:00:00'), $endDateToday->format('Y-m-d H:i:s'))['max']; $statProdMinToday = $cmd->getStatistique($startDateToday->format('Y-m-d 00:00:00'), $endDateToday->format('Y-m-d H:i:s'))['min']; log::add('teleinfo', 'debug', 'Commande Production N°' . $value); log::add('teleinfo', 'debug', ' ==> Valeur MAX : ' . $statProdMaxToday); log::add('teleinfo', 'debug', ' ==> Valeur MIN : ' . $statProdMinToday); $statTodayProd += intval($statProdMaxToday) - intval($statProdMinToday); log::add('teleinfo', 'debug', 'Total Production --> ' . $statTodayProd); } foreach ($eqLogic->getCmd('info') as $cmd) { if ($cmd->getConfiguration('type') == "stat") { switch ($cmd->getConfiguration('info_conso')) { case "STAT_TODAY": log::add('teleinfo', 'info', 'Mise à jour de la statistique journalière ==> ' . intval($statTodayHp + $statTodayHc)); $cmd->event(intval($statTodayHp + $statTodayHc)); break; case "STAT_TODAY_HP": log::add('teleinfo', 'info', 'Mise à jour de la statistique journalière (HP) ==> ' . intval($statTodayHp)); $cmd->event(intval($statTodayHp)); break; case "STAT_TODAY_HC": log::add('teleinfo', 'info', 'Mise à jour de la statistique journalière (HC) ==> ' . intval($statTodayHc)); $cmd->event(intval($statTodayHc)); break; case "STAT_TODAY_PROD": log::add('teleinfo', 'info', 'Mise à jour de la statistique journalière (PROD) ==> ' . intval($statTodayProd)); $cmd->event(intval($statTodayProd)); break; case "TENDANCE_DAY": log::add('teleinfo', 'debug', 'Mise à jour de la tendance journalière ==> ' . '(Hier : ' . intval($statYesterdayHc + $statYesterdayHp) . ' Aujourd\'hui : ' . intval($statTodayHc + $statTodayHp) . ' Différence : ' . (intval($statYesterdayHc + $statYesterdayHp) - intval($statTodayHc + $statTodayHp)) . ')'); $cmd->event(intval($statYesterdayHc + $statYesterdayHp) - intval($statTodayHc + $statTodayHp)); break; } } } } log::add('teleinfo', 'info', '----------------------------------------------'); } public static function calculateOtherStats() { $indexConsoHP = config::byKey('indexConsoHP', 'teleinfo', 'BASE,HCHP,EASF02,BBRHPJB,BBRHPJW,BBRHPJR,EJPHPM'); $indexConsoHC = config::byKey('indexConsoHC', 'teleinfo', 'HCHC,EASF01,BBRHCJB,BBRHCJW,BBRHCJR,EJPHN'); $indexProduction = config::byKey('indexProduction', 'teleinfo', 'EAIT'); log::add('teleinfo', 'info', '----- Calcul des statistiques de la journée -----'); foreach (eqLogic::byType('teleinfo') as $eqLogic) { $startDay = (new DateTime())->setTimestamp(mktime(0, 0, 0, date("m"), date("d"), date("Y"))); $endDay = (new DateTime())->setTimestamp(mktime(23, 59, 59, date("m"), date("d"), date("Y"))); $startDay->sub(new DateInterval('P1D')); $endDay->sub(new DateInterval('P1D')); $statYesterdayHc = 0; $statYesterdayHp = 0; $statYesterdayProd = 0; $statHpToCumul = array(); $statHcToCumul = array(); $statProdToCumul = array(); log::add('teleinfo', 'info', 'Objet : ' . $eqLogic->getName()); foreach ($eqLogic->getCmd('info') as $cmd) { if ($cmd->getConfiguration('type') == "data" || $cmd->getConfiguration('type') == "") { if (strpos($indexConsoHP, $cmd->getConfiguration('info_conso')) !== false) { array_push($statHpToCumul, $cmd->getId()); } if (strpos($indexConsoHC, $cmd->getConfiguration('info_conso')) !== false) { array_push($statHcToCumul, $cmd->getId()); } if (strpos($indexProduction, $cmd->getConfiguration('info_conso')) !== false) { array_push($statProdToCumul, $cmd->getId()); } } } foreach ($statHcToCumul as $key => $value) { log::add('teleinfo', 'debug', 'Commande HC N°' . $value); $cmd = cmd::byId($value); $statYesterdayHc += intval($cmd->getStatistique($startDay->format('Y-m-d 00:00:00'), $endDay->format('Y-m-d 23:59:59'))['max']) - intval($cmd->getStatistique($startDay->format('Y-m-d 00:00:00'), $endDay->format('Y-m-d 23:59:59'))['min']); } foreach ($statHpToCumul as $key => $value) { log::add('teleinfo', 'debug', 'Commande HP N°' . $value); $cmd = cmd::byId($value); $statYesterdayHp += intval($cmd->getStatistique($startDay->format('Y-m-d 00:00:00'), $endDay->format('Y-m-d 23:59:59'))['max']) - intval($cmd->getStatistique($startDay->format('Y-m-d 00:00:00'), $endDay->format('Y-m-d 23:59:59'))['min']); } foreach ($statProdToCumul as $key => $value) { log::add('teleinfo', 'debug', 'Commande Prod N°' . $value); $cmd = cmd::byId($value); $statYesterdayProd += intval($cmd->getStatistique($startDay->format('Y-m-d 00:00:00'), $endDay->format('Y-m-d 23:59:59'))['max']) - intval($cmd->getStatistique($startDay->format('Y-m-d 00:00:00'), $endDay->format('Y-m-d 23:59:59'))['min']); } foreach ($eqLogic->getCmd('info') as $cmd) { if ($cmd->getConfiguration('type') == "stat" || $cmd->getConfiguration('type') == "panel") { //$history = new history(); //$history->setCmd_id($cmd->getId()); //$history->setDatetime($startDay->format('Y-m-d 00:00:00')); //$history->setTableName('historyArch'); switch ($cmd->getConfiguration('info_conso')) { case "STAT_YESTERDAY": log::add('teleinfo', 'debug', 'Mise à jour de la statistique hier ==> ' . intval($statYesterdayHc) + intval($statYesterdayHp)); $cmd->event((intval($statYesterdayHc) + intval($statYesterdayHp)), $startDay->format('Y-m-d 00:00:00')); //$history->setValue(intval($statYesterdayHc) + intval($statYesterdayHp)); //$history->save(); break; case "STAT_YESTERDAY_HP": log::add('teleinfo', 'debug', 'Mise à jour de la statistique hier (HP) ==> ' . intval($statYesterdayHp)); $cmd->event((intval($statYesterdayHp)), $startDay->format('Y-m-d 00:00:00')); //$history->setValue(intval($statYesterdayHp)); //$history->save(); break; case "STAT_YESTERDAY_HC": log::add('teleinfo', 'debug', 'Mise à jour de la statistique hier (HC) ==> ' . intval($statYesterdayHc)); $cmd->event((intval($statYesterdayHc)), $startDay->format('Y-m-d 00:00:00')); //$history->setValue(intval($statYesterdayHc)); //$history->save(); break; case "STAT_YESTERDAY_PROD": log::add('teleinfo', 'debug', 'Mise à jour de la statistique hier (PROD) ==> ' . intval($statYesterdayProd)); $cmd->event((intval($statYesterdayProd)), $startDay->format('Y-m-d 00:00:00')); //$history->setValue(intval($statYesterdayProd)); //$history->save(); break; } } } } } public static function regenerateMonthlyStat(){ cache::set('teleinfo::regenerateMonthlyStat', '1', 86400); $indexConsoHP = config::byKey('indexConsoHP', 'teleinfo', 'BASE,HCHP,EASF02,BBRHPJB,BBRHPJW,BBRHPJR,EJPHPM'); $indexConsoHC = config::byKey('indexConsoHC', 'teleinfo', 'HCHC,EASF01,BBRHCJB,BBRHCJW,BBRHCJR,EJPHN'); $indexProduction = config::byKey('indexProduction', 'teleinfo', 'EAIT'); event::add('jeedom::alert', array( 'level' => 'warning', 'page' => 'teleinfo', 'message' => __('Les statistiques sont en cours de regénérations, cela peut prendre un peu de temps veuillez patienter ...', __FILE__), )); foreach (eqLogic::byType('teleinfo') as $eqLogic) { $startDay = (new DateTime())->setTimestamp(mktime(0, 0, 0, date("m"), date("d"), date("Y"))); $endDay = (new DateTime())->setTimestamp(mktime(23, 59, 59, date("m"), date("d"), date("Y"))); $statHpToCumul = array(); $statHcToCumul = array(); $statProdToCumul = array(); try{ $cmdYesterdayHP = $eqLogic->getCmd('info', 'STAT_YESTERDAY_HP'); $cmdYesterdayHC = $eqLogic->getCmd('info', 'STAT_YESTERDAY_HC'); $cmdYesterdayProd = $eqLogic->getCmd('info', 'STAT_YESTERDAY_PROD'); $sql = "DELETE FROM historyArch WHERE (cmd_id=:cmdIdHP OR cmd_id=:cmdIdHC OR cmd_id=:cmdIdPROD) AND MINUTE(datetime) <> '0'"; $values = array( 'cmdIdHP' => $cmdYesterdayHP->getId(), 'cmdIdHC' => $cmdYesterdayHC->getId(), 'cmdIdPROD' => $cmdYesterdayProd->getId(), ); DB::Prepare($sql, $values, DB::FETCH_TYPE_ALL); $sql = "DELETE FROM historyArch WHERE (cmd_id=:cmdIdHP OR cmd_id=:cmdIdHC OR cmd_id=:cmdIdPROD) AND SECOND(datetime) <> '0'"; DB::Prepare($sql, $values, DB::FETCH_TYPE_ALL); } catch (\Exception $e) { log::add('teleinfo', 'error', $e) ; } foreach ($eqLogic->getCmd('info') as $cmd) { if ($cmd->getConfiguration('type') == "data" || $cmd->getConfiguration('type') == "") { if (strpos($indexConsoHP, $cmd->getConfiguration('info_conso')) !== false) { array_push($statHpToCumul, $cmd->getId()); } if (strpos($indexConsoHC, $cmd->getConfiguration('info_conso')) !== false) { array_push($statHcToCumul, $cmd->getId()); } if (strpos($indexProduction, $cmd->getConfiguration('info_conso')) !== false) { array_push($statProdToCumul, $cmd->getId()); } } } for($i=1; $i < 730; $i++){ $statHc = 0; $statHp = 0; $statProd = 0; $startDay->sub(new DateInterval('P1D')); $endDay->sub(new DateInterval('P1D')); if (($i % 40) == 0){ event::add('jeedom::alert', array( 'level' => 'warning', 'page' => 'teleinfo', 'message' => __('Les statistiques sont en cours de regénérations, cela peut prendre un peu de temps veuillez patienter ... ('. intval($i/7.3) .' %)', __FILE__), )); } foreach ($statHcToCumul as $key => $value) { $cmd = cmd::byId($value); $statHc += intval($cmd->getStatistique($startDay->format('Y-m-d H:i:s'), $endDay->format('Y-m-d H:i:s'))['max']) - intval($cmd->getStatistique($startDay->format('Y-m-d H:i:s'), $endDay->format('Y-m-d H:i:s'))['min']); } foreach ($statHpToCumul as $key => $value) { $cmd = cmd::byId($value); $statHp += intval($cmd->getStatistique($startDay->format('Y-m-d H:i:s'), $endDay->format('Y-m-d H:i:s'))['max']) - intval($cmd->getStatistique($startDay->format('Y-m-d H:i:s'), $endDay->format('Y-m-d H:i:s'))['min']); } foreach ($statProdToCumul as $key => $value) { $cmd = cmd::byId($value); $statProd += intval($cmd->getStatistique($startDay->format('Y-m-d H:i:s'), $endDay->format('Y-m-d H:i:s'))['max']) - intval($cmd->getStatistique($startDay->format('Y-m-d H:i:s'), $endDay->format('Y-m-d H:i:s'))['min']); } foreach ($eqLogic->getCmd('info') as $cmd) { if ($cmd->getConfiguration('type') == "stat" || $cmd->getConfiguration('type') == "panel") { $history = new history(); $history->setCmd_id($cmd->getId()); $history->setDatetime($startDay->format('Y-m-d 00:00:00')); $history->setTableName('historyArch'); switch ($cmd->getConfiguration('info_conso')) { case "STAT_YESTERDAY_HP": log::add('teleinfo', 'debug', 'Mise à jour de la statistique HP ==> ' . $startDay->format('Y-m-d') . " / Valeur : " . intval($statHp)) ; $history->setValue(intval($statHp)); $history->save(); break; case "STAT_YESTERDAY_HC": log::add('teleinfo', 'debug', 'Mise à jour de la statistique HC ==> ' . $startDay->format('Y-m-d') . " / Valeur : " . intval($statHc)) ; $history->setValue(intval($statHc)); $history->save(); break; case "STAT_YESTERDAY_PROD": log::add('teleinfo', 'debug', 'Mise à jour de la statistique PROD ==> ' . $startDay->format('Y-m-d') . " / Valeur : " . intval($statProd)) ; $history->setValue(intval($statProd)); $history->save(); break; case "STAT_YESTERDAY": log::add('teleinfo', 'debug', 'Mise à jour de la statistique HIER ==> ' . $startDay->format('Y-m-d') . " / Valeur : " . (intval($statHp) + intval($statHc))) ; $history->setValue(intval($statHp) + intval($statHc)); $history->save(); break; } } } } } event::add('jeedom::alert', array( 'level' => 'success', 'page' => 'teleinfo', 'message' => __('Les statistiques ont étés regénérés.', __FILE__), )); } public static function moyLastHour() { $ppapHp = 0; $ppapHc = 0; $cmdPpap = null; $indexConsoHP = config::byKey('indexConsoHP', 'teleinfo', 'BASE,HCHP,EASF02,BBRHPJB,BBRHPJW,BBRHPJR,EJPHPM'); $indexConsoHC = config::byKey('indexConsoHC', 'teleinfo', 'HCHC,EASF01,BBRHCJB,BBRHCJW,BBRHCJR,EJPHN'); foreach (eqLogic::byType('teleinfo') as $eqLogic) { foreach ($eqLogic->getCmd('info') as $cmd) { if ($cmd->getConfiguration('type') == 'stat') { if ($cmd->getConfiguration('info_conso') == 'STAT_MOY_LAST_HOUR') { log::add('teleinfo', 'debug', '----- Calcul de la consommation moyenne sur la dernière heure -----'); $cmdPpap = $cmd; } } } if ($cmdPpap !== null) { foreach ($eqLogic->getCmd('info') as $cmd) { if ($cmd->getConfiguration('type') == "data" || $cmd->getConfiguration('type') == "") { if (strpos($indexConsoHP, $cmd->getConfiguration('info_conso')) !== false) { $ppapHp += $cmd->execCmd(); log::add('teleinfo', 'debug', 'Cmd : ' . $cmd->getId() . ' / Value : ' . $cmd->execCmd()); } if (strpos($indexConsoHC, $cmd->getConfiguration('info_conso')) !== false) { $ppapHc += $cmd->execCmd(); log::add('teleinfo', 'debug', 'Cmd : ' . $cmd->getId() . ' / Value : ' . $cmd->execCmd()); } } } $cacheHc = cache::byKey('teleinfo::stat_moy_last_hour::hc', false); $cacheHp = cache::byKey('teleinfo::stat_moy_last_hour::hp', false); $cacheHc = $cacheHc->getValue(); $cacheHp = $cacheHp->getValue(); log::add('teleinfo', 'debug', 'Cache HP : ' . $cacheHp); log::add('teleinfo', 'debug', 'Cache HC : ' . $cacheHc); log::add('teleinfo', 'debug', 'Conso Wh : ' . (($ppapHp - $cacheHp) + ($ppapHc - $cacheHc))); $cmdPpap->event(intval((($ppapHp - $cacheHp) + ($ppapHc - $cacheHc)))); cache::set('teleinfo::stat_moy_last_hour::hc', $ppapHc, 7200); cache::set('teleinfo::stat_moy_last_hour::hp', $ppapHp, 7200); } else { log::add('teleinfo', 'debug', 'Pas de calcul'); } } } public static function calculatePAPP() { $indexConsoHP = config::byKey('indexConsoHP', 'teleinfo', 'BASE,HCHP,EASF02,BBRHPJB,BBRHPJW,BBRHPJR,EJPHPM'); $indexConsoHC = config::byKey('indexConsoHC', 'teleinfo', 'HCHC,EASF01,BBRHCJB,BBRHCJW,BBRHCJR,EJPHN'); foreach (eqLogic::byType('teleinfo') as $eqLogic) { $ppapHp = 0; $ppapHc = 0; $cmdPpap = null; foreach ($eqLogic->getCmd('info') as $cmd) { if ($cmd->getConfiguration('type') == 'stat') { if ($cmd->getConfiguration('info_conso') == 'PPAP_MANUELLE') { log::add('teleinfo', 'debug', '----- Calcul de la puissance apparante moyenne -----'); $cmdPpap = $cmd; } } } if ($cmdPpap !== null) { log::add('teleinfo', 'debug', 'Cmd trouvée'); foreach ($eqLogic->getCmd('info') as $cmd) { if ($cmd->getConfiguration('type') == "data" || $cmd->getConfiguration('type') == "") { if (strpos($indexConsoHP, $cmd->getConfiguration('info_conso')) !== false) { log::add('teleinfo', 'debug', 'HP : ' . $cmd->getId()); $ppapHp += $cmd->execCmd(); } if (strpos($indexConsoHC, $cmd->getConfiguration('info_conso')) !== false) { log::add('teleinfo', 'debug', 'HC : ' . $cmd->getId()); $ppapHc += $cmd->execCmd(); } } } $cacheHc = cache::byKey('teleinfo::ppap_manuelle::' . $eqLogic->getId() . '::hc', false); $datetimeMesure = date_create($cacheHc->getDatetime()); $cacheHp = cache::byKey('teleinfo::ppap_manuelle::' . $eqLogic->getId() . '::hp', false); $cacheHc = $cacheHc->getValue(); $cacheHp = $cacheHp->getValue(); $datetimeMesure = $datetimeMesure->getTimestamp(); $datetime2 = time(); $interval = $datetime2 - $datetimeMesure; $consoResultat = ((($ppapHp - $cacheHp) + ($ppapHc - $cacheHc)) / $interval) * 3600; log::add('teleinfo', 'debug', 'Intervale depuis la dernière valeur : ' . $interval); log::add('teleinfo', 'debug', 'Conso calculée : ' . $consoResultat . ' Wh'); $cmdPpap->event(intval($consoResultat)); cache::set('teleinfo::ppap_manuelle::' . $eqLogic->getId() . '::hc', $ppapHc, 150); cache::set('teleinfo::ppap_manuelle::' . $eqLogic->getId() . '::hp', $ppapHp, 150); } else { log::add('teleinfo', 'debug', 'Pas de calcul'); } } } public function preSave() { log::add('teleinfo', 'debug', '-------- PRESAVE --------'); $this->setCategory('energy', 1); $cmd = $this->getCmd('info', 'HEALTH'); if (is_object($cmd)) { $cmd->remove(); } $array = array("STAT_JAN_HP", "STAT_JAN_HC", "STAT_FEV_HP", "STAT_FEV_HC", "STAT_MAR_HP", "STAT_MAR_HC", "STAT_AVR_HP", "STAT_AVR_HC", "STAT_MAI_HP", "STAT_MAI_HC", "STAT_JUIN_HP", "STAT_JUIN_HC", "STAT_JUI_HP", "STAT_JUI_HC", "STAT_AOU_HP", "STAT_AOU_HC", "STAT_SEP_HP", "STAT_SEP_HC"); foreach ($array as $value){ log::add('teleinfo', 'debug', 'Recherche de => ' . $value); $cmd = $this->getCmd('info', $value); if (is_object($cmd)) { log::add('teleinfo', 'debug', 'Suppression de => ' . $value); cache::set('teleinfo::needRegenerateMonthlyStat', '1'); $cmd->remove(); //$cmd->save(); } } $array = array("STAT_OCT_HP", "STAT_OCT_HC", "STAT_NOV_HP", "STAT_NOV_HC", "STAT_DEC_HP", "STAT_DEC_HC", "STAT_MONTH_LAST_YEAR", "STAT_YEAR_LAST_YEAR","STAT_MONTH","STAT_MONTH_PROD", "STAT_YEAR", "STAT_YEAR_PROD", "STAT_LASTMONTH"); foreach ($array as $value){ log::add('teleinfo', 'debug', 'Recherche de => ' . $value); $cmd = $this->getCmd('info', $value); if (is_object($cmd)) { log::add('teleinfo', 'debug', 'Suppression de => ' . $value); cache::set('teleinfo::needRegenerateMonthlyStat', '1'); $cmd->remove(); //$cmd->save(); } } } public function postSave() { log::add('teleinfo', 'debug', '-------- Sauvegarde de l\'objet --------'); foreach ($this->getCmd(null, null, true) as $cmd) { switch ($cmd->getConfiguration('info_conso')) { case "BASE": case "HCHP": case "EJPHN": case "BBRHPJB": case "BBRHPJW": case "BBRHPJR": case "HCHC": case "BBRHCJB": case "BBRHCJW": case "BBRHCJR": case "EJPHPM": case "EASF01": case "EASF02": case "EASD01": case "EASD02": case "EAIT": log::add('teleinfo', 'debug', $cmd->getConfiguration('info_conso') . '=> index'); if ($cmd->getDisplay('generic_type') == '') { $cmd->setDisplay('generic_type', 'GENERIC_INFO'); } $cmd->setConfiguration('historizeMode', 'none'); $cmd->save(); $cmd->refresh(); break; case "PAPP": case "SINSTS": log::add('teleinfo', 'debug', $cmd->getConfiguration('info_conso') . '=> papp'); if ($cmd->getDisplay('generic_type') == '') { $cmd->setDisplay('generic_type', 'GENERIC_INFO'); //$cmd->setDisplay('icon', '<\/i>'); } $cmd->setConfiguration('historizeMode', 'avg'); $cmd->save(); $cmd->refresh(); break; case "PTEC": log::add('teleinfo', 'debug', $cmd->getConfiguration('info_conso') . '=> ptec'); if ($cmd->getDisplay('generic_type') == '') { $cmd->setDisplay('generic_type', 'GENERIC_INFO'); } $cmd->save(); $cmd->refresh(); break; default : log::add('teleinfo', 'debug', $cmd->getConfiguration('info_conso') . '=> default'); if ($cmd->getDisplay('generic_type') == '') { $cmd->setDisplay('generic_type', 'GENERIC_INFO'); } break; } } log::add('teleinfo', 'info', '==> Gestion des id des commandes'); foreach ($this->getCmd('info') as $cmd) { log::add('teleinfo', 'debug', 'Commande : ' . $cmd->getConfiguration('info_conso')); $cmd->setLogicalId($cmd->getConfiguration('info_conso')); $cmd->save(); } log::add('teleinfo', 'debug', '-------- Fin de la sauvegarde --------'); if ($this->getConfiguration('AutoGenerateFields') == '1') { $this->CreateFromAbo($this->getConfiguration('abonnement')); } $this->createOtherCmd(); $this->createPanelStats(); if (cache::byKey('teleinfo::needRegenerateMonthlyStat', '0')->getValue() == '1'){ cache::set('teleinfo::needRegenerateMonthlyStat', '0'); $this->regenerateMonthlyStat(); } } public function preRemove() { log::add('teleinfo', 'debug', 'Suppression d\'un objet'); } public function createOtherCmd() { log::add('teleinfo', 'debug', '-------- Santé --------'); $array = array("HEALTH"); foreach ($array as $value){ $cmd = $this->getCmd('info', $value); if (!is_object($cmd)) { $cmd = new teleinfoCmd(); $cmd->setName($value); $cmd->setEqLogic_id($this->id); $cmd->setLogicalId($value); $cmd->setType('info'); $cmd->setConfiguration('info_conso', $value); $cmd->setConfiguration('type', 'health'); $cmd->setSubType('string'); $cmd->setIsHistorized(0); //$cmd->setEventOnly(1); $cmd->setIsVisible(0); $cmd->save(); } } } public function createPanelStats() { log::add('teleinfo', 'debug', '-------- Commandes des stats ---------'); $array = array("STAT_TODAY","STAT_TODAY_HC", "STAT_TODAY_HP", "STAT_TODAY_PROD","STAT_YESTERDAY","STAT_YESTERDAY_HC","STAT_YESTERDAY_HP","STAT_YESTERDAY_PROD"); foreach ($array as $value){ $cmd = $this->getCmd('info', $value); if ($cmd === false) { log::add('teleinfo', 'debug', 'Nouvelle => ' . $value); $cmd = new teleinfoCmd(); $cmd->setName($value); $cmd->setEqLogic_id($this->id); $cmd->setLogicalId($value); $cmd->setType('info'); $cmd->setConfiguration('info_conso', $value); $cmd->setConfiguration('type', 'stat'); $cmd->setConfiguration('historizeMode', 'none'); $cmd->setDisplay('generic_type', 'DONT'); $cmd->setSubType('numeric'); $cmd->setUnite('Wh'); $cmd->setIsHistorized(1); //$cmd->setEventOnly(1); $cmd->setIsVisible(0); $cmd->save(); $cmd->refresh(); } else { log::add('teleinfo', 'debug', 'Ancienne => ' . $value); $cmd->setIsHistorized(1); $cmd->setConfiguration('type', 'stat'); $cmd->setConfiguration('historizeMode', 'none'); $cmd->setDisplay('generic_type', 'DONT'); $cmd->save(); $cmd->refresh(); } } } public function CreateFromAbo($_abo) { $this->setConfiguration('AutoGenerateFields', '0'); $this->save(); } /* * ******** MANAGEMENT ZONE ******* */ public static function dependancy_info() { $return = array(); $return['log'] = 'teleinfo_update'; $return['progress_file'] = '/tmp/jeedom/teleinfo/dependance'; $return['state'] = (self::installationOk()) ? 'ok' : 'nok'; return $return; } public static function installationOk() { try { $dependances_version = config::byKey('dependancy_version', 'teleinfo', 0); if (intval($dependances_version) >= 1.0) { return true; } else { config::save('dependancy_version', 1.0, 'teleinfo'); return false; } } catch (\Exception $e) { return true; } } public static function dependancy_install() { log::remove(__CLASS__ . '_update'); return array('script' => __DIR__ . '/../../ressources/install_#stype#.sh ' . jeedom::getTmpFolder('teleinfo') . '/dependance', 'log' => log::getPathToLog(__CLASS__ . '_update')); } } class teleinfoCmd extends cmd { public function execute($_options = null) { } }