. */ /* * ***************************Includes********************************* */ require_once dirname(__FILE__).'/../../../../core/php/core.inc.php'; class MerossIOT extends eqLogic { /* * Fonction exécutée automatiquement par Jeedom */ public static function cron10() { log::add('MerossIOT', 'debug', __('Mise à jour des consommations des équipements depuis le Cloud Meross', __FILE__)); $results = self::callMeross('syncMerossConso'); foreach( $results['result'] as $uuid=>$data ) { $eqLogic = MerossIOT::byLogicalId($uuid, 'MerossIOT'); if( is_object($eqLogic) ) { $eqLogic->checkAndUpdateCmd("conso_totale", $data['conso_totale']); } } log::add('MerossIOT', 'debug', __('Mise à jour des consommations terminées.', __FILE__)); } /** * Call the meross Python daemon. * @param string $action Action calling. * @param string $args Other arguments. * @return array Result of the callMeross. */ public static function callMeross($action, $args = '') { log::add('MerossIOT', 'debug', 'callMeross ' . print_r($action, true) . ' ' .print_r($args, true)); $apikey = jeedom::getApiKey('MerossIOT'); $sock = 'unix://' . jeedom::getTmpFolder('MerossIOT') . '/daemon.sock'; $fp = stream_socket_client($sock, $errno, $errstr); $result = ''; if ($fp) { $query = [ 'action' => $action, 'args' => $args, 'apikey' => $apikey ]; fwrite($fp, json_encode($query)); while (!feof($fp)) { $result .= fgets($fp, 1024); } fclose($fp); } $result = (is_json($result)) ? json_decode($result, true) : $result; log::add('MerossIOT', 'debug', 'result callMeross '.print_r($result, true)); return $result; } /** * Sync all meross devices. * @return none */ public static function syncMeross() { log::add('MerossIOT', 'debug', __('Synchronisation des équipements depuis le Cloud Meross', __FILE__)); $results = self::callMeross('syncMeross'); foreach( $results['result'] as $key=>$device ) { self::syncOneMeross($device); } log::add('MerossIOT', 'debug', __('syncMeross: synchronisation terminée.', __FILE__)); } /** * Sync one meross devices. * @return none */ public static function syncOneMeross($device) { $key = $device['uuid']; $eqLogic = self::byLogicalId($key, 'MerossIOT'); # Création ou Update if (!is_object($eqLogic)) { log::add('MerossIOT', 'debug', __('syncMeross: Ajout de ', __FILE__) . $device["name"] . ' - ' . $key); $eqLogic = new MerossIOT(); $eqLogic->setName($device['name']); $eqLogic->setEqType_name('MerossIOT'); $eqLogic->setLogicalId($key); if ($device['type'] != '') { $eqLogic->setConfiguration('type', $device['type']); } if ($device['famille'] != '') { $eqLogic->setConfiguration('famille', $device['famille']); } if ($device['online'] != '') { $eqLogic->setConfiguration('online', $device['online']); } else { $eqLogic->setConfiguration('online', '0'); } } else { log::add('MerossIOT', 'debug', __('syncMeross: Mise à jour de ', __FILE__) . $device["name"] . ' - ' . $key); if ($device['online'] != '') { $eqLogic->setConfiguration('online', $device['online']); } else { $eqLogic->setConfiguration('online', '0'); } } # Si online, on continue log::add('MerossIOT', 'debug', __('syncMeross: En ligne : ', __FILE__) . $device["online"] . ' - ' . $key); if( $device['online'] ) { if ($device['ip'] != '') { $eqLogic->setConfiguration('ip', $device['ip']); } if ($device['mac'] != '') { $eqLogic->setConfiguration('mac', $device['mac']); } $eqLogic->setIsEnable(1); $eqLogic->save(); # Les Commandes self::updateEqLogicCmds($eqLogic, $device); self::updateEqLogicVals($eqLogic, $device['values']); } else { $eqLogic->setIsEnable(0); $eqLogic->save(); $humanName = $eqLogic->getHumanName(); message::add('MerossIOT', $humanName.' '.__('semble manquant, il a été désactivé.', __FILE__)); } } /** * Update Values. * @return none */ public static function updateEqLogicVals($_eqLogic, $values) { # Valeurs log::add('MerossIOT', 'debug', 'updateEqLogicVals: Update eqLogic values'); foreach ($values as $key => $value) { if( $key == 'switch' ) { foreach( $value as $id=>$state ) { $_eqLogic->checkAndUpdateCmd('onoff_'.$id, $state); } } else { if( $key == "capacity" ) { if( $value == 1 || $value == 5 ) { $value = __('Couleur', __FILE__); } else { $value = __('Blanc', __FILE__); } } if( $key == "spray" ) { if( $value == 1 ) { $value = __('Continu', __FILE__); } elseif( $value == 2 ) { $value = __('Intermittent', __FILE__); } else { $value = __('Arrêt', __FILE__); } } if( $key == "rgbval" ) { $value = '#'.substr('000000'.dechex($value),-6); } $_eqLogic->checkAndUpdateCmd($key, $value); } } } /** * Sync one meross devices. * @return none */ public static function updateEqLogicCmds($_eqLogic, $_device) { log::add('MerossIOT', 'debug', 'updateEqLogicCmds: Update eqLogic commands'); $i = 0; $order = 1; $familly = $_device['famille']; # Switch $nb_switch = count($_device['onoff']); foreach ($_device['onoff'] as $key=>$value) { if( $i==0 && $nb_switch>1 ) { $allonoff = true;}; # status $cmd = $_eqLogic->getCmd(null, 'onoff_'.$i); if (!is_object($cmd)) { log::add('MerossIOT', 'debug', 'syncMeross: - Add cmd=onoff_'.$i); $cmd = new MerossIOTCmd(); $cmd->setType('info'); $cmd->setSubType('binary'); if( $familly == 'GenericGarageDoorOpener' ) { $cmd->setGeneric_type('GARAGE_STATE'); } elseif( $familly == 'GenericBulb' ) { $cmd->setGeneric_type('LIGHT_STATE'); } else { $cmd->setGeneric_type('ENERGY_STATE'); } $cmd->setIsVisible(0); $cmd->setIsHistorized(0); $cmd->setLogicalId('onoff_'.$i); $cmd->setEqLogic_id($_eqLogic->getId()); } else { log::add('MerossIOT', 'debug', 'syncMeross: - Update cmd=onoff_'.$i); } $cmd->setName($value); $cmd->setOrder($order); $cmd->save(); $status_id = $cmd->getId(); $order++; # off $cmd = $_eqLogic->getCmd(null, 'off_'.$i); if (!is_object($cmd)) { log::add('MerossIOT', 'debug', 'syncMeross: - Add cmd=off_'.$i); $cmd = new MerossIOTCmd(); $cmd->setType('action'); $cmd->setSubType('other'); if( $familly == 'GenericGarageDoorOpener' ) { $cmd->setTemplate('dashboard', 'garage'); $cmd->setTemplate('mobile', 'garage'); $cmd->setGeneric_type('GB_OPEN'); } elseif( $familly == 'GenericBulb' ) { $cmd->setTemplate('dashboard', 'light'); $cmd->setTemplate('mobile', 'light'); $cmd->setGeneric_type('LIGHT_OFF'); } else { $cmd->setTemplate('dashboard', 'prise'); $cmd->setTemplate('mobile', 'prise'); $cmd->setGeneric_type('ENERGY_OFF'); } $cmd->setIsVisible(1); $cmd->setName(__('Arrêt', __FILE__).' '.$i); $cmd->setLogicalId('off_'.$i); $cmd->setEqLogic_id($_eqLogic->getId()); } else { log::add('MerossIOT', 'debug', 'syncMeross: - Update cmd=off_'.$i); } $cmd->setOrder($order); $cmd->save(); $cmd->setValue($status_id); $cmd->save(); $order++; # on $cmd = $_eqLogic->getCmd(null, 'on_'.$i); if (!is_object($cmd)) { log::add('MerossIOT', 'debug', 'syncMeross: - Add cmd=on_'.$i); $cmd = new MerossIOTCmd(); $cmd->setType('action'); $cmd->setSubType('other'); if( $familly == 'GenericGarageDoorOpener' ) { $cmd->setTemplate('dashboard', 'garage'); $cmd->setTemplate('mobile', 'garage'); $cmd->setGeneric_type('GB_CLOSE'); } elseif( $familly == 'GenericBulb' ) { $cmd->setTemplate('dashboard', 'light'); $cmd->setTemplate('mobile', 'light'); $cmd->setGeneric_type('LIGHT_ON'); } else { $cmd->setTemplate('dashboard', 'prise'); $cmd->setTemplate('mobile', 'prise'); $cmd->setGeneric_type('ENERGY_ON'); } $cmd->setIsVisible(1); $cmd->setName(__('Marche', __FILE__).' '.$i); $cmd->setLogicalId('on_'.$i); $cmd->setEqLogic_id($_eqLogic->getId()); } else { log::add('MerossIOT', 'debug', 'syncMeross: - Update cmd=on_'.$i); } $cmd->setOrder($order); $cmd->save(); $cmd->setValue($status_id); $cmd->save(); $order++; $i++; } # Refresh $cmd = $_eqLogic->getCmd(null, 'refresh'); if (!is_object($cmd)) { log::add('MerossIOT', 'debug', 'syncMeross: - Add cmd=refresh'); $cmd = new MerossIOTCmd(); $cmd->setName('Refresh'); $cmd->setType('action'); $cmd->setSubType('other'); $cmd->setGeneric_type('DONT'); $cmd->setConfiguration('switch', 'read'); $cmd->setIsVisible(1); $cmd->setLogicalId('refresh'); $cmd->setEqLogic_id($_eqLogic->getId()); } else { log::add('MerossIOT', 'debug', 'syncMeross: - Update cmd=refresh'); } $cmd->setOrder($order); $cmd->save(); $order++; # Electicité if( $_device['elec'] ) { # Puissance $cmd = $_eqLogic->getCmd(null, 'power'); if (!is_object($cmd)) { log::add('MerossIOT', 'debug', 'syncMeross: - Add cmd=power'); $cmd = new MerossIOTCmd(); $cmd->setName(__('Puissance', __FILE__)); $cmd->setType('info'); $cmd->setSubType('numeric'); $cmd->setGeneric_type('POWER'); $cmd->setIsVisible(1); $cmd->setIsHistorized(1); $cmd->setEventOnly(1); $cmd->setTemplate('dashboard', 'default'); $cmd->setTemplate('mobile', 'default'); $cmd->setLogicalId('power'); $cmd->setConfiguration('minValue', 0); $cmd->setConfiguration('maxValue', 4000); $cmd->setUnite('W'); $cmd->setEqLogic_id($_eqLogic->getId()); } else { log::add('MerossIOT', 'debug', 'syncMeross: - Update cmd=power'); } $cmd->setOrder($order); $cmd->save(); $order++; # Courant $cmd = $_eqLogic->getCmd(null, 'current'); if (!is_object($cmd)) { log::add('merossiot', 'debug', 'syncMeross: - Add cmd=current'); $cmd = new MerossIOTCmd(); $cmd->setName(__('Courant', __FILE__)); $cmd->setType('info'); $cmd->setSubType('numeric'); $cmd->setIsVisible(1); $cmd->setIsHistorized(1); $cmd->setEventOnly(1); $cmd->setTemplate('dashboard', 'default'); $cmd->setTemplate('mobile', 'default'); $cmd->setLogicalId('current'); $cmd->setGeneric_type('GENERIC_INFO'); $cmd->setConfiguration('minValue', 0); $cmd->setConfiguration('maxValue', 17); $cmd->setUnite('A'); $cmd->setEqLogic_id($_eqLogic->getId()); } else { log::add('MerossIOT', 'debug', 'syncMeross: - Update cmd=current'); } $cmd->setOrder($order); $cmd->save(); $order++; # Tension $cmd = $_eqLogic->getCmd(null, 'tension'); if (!is_object($cmd)) { log::add('merossiot', 'debug', 'syncMeross: - Add cmd=tension'); $cmd = new MerossIOTCmd(); $cmd->setName(__('Tension', __FILE__)); $cmd->setType('info'); $cmd->setSubType('numeric'); $cmd->setGeneric_type('VOLTAGE'); $cmd->setIsVisible(1); $cmd->setIsHistorized(1); $cmd->setEventOnly(1); $cmd->setTemplate('dashboard', 'default'); $cmd->setTemplate('mobile', 'default'); $cmd->setLogicalId('tension'); $cmd->setConfiguration('minValue', 0); $cmd->setConfiguration('maxValue', 250); $cmd->setUnite('V'); $cmd->setEqLogic_id($_eqLogic->getId()); } else { log::add('MerossIOT', 'debug', 'syncMeross: - Update cmd=tension'); } $cmd->setOrder($order); $cmd->save(); $order++; } # Consommation if( $_device['conso'] ) { # Ce Jour $cmd = $_eqLogic->getCmd(null, 'conso_totale'); if (!is_object($cmd)) { log::add('MerossIOT', 'debug', 'syncMeross: - Add cmd=conso_totale'); $cmd = new MerossIOTCmd(); $cmd->setName(__('Consommation', __FILE__)); $cmd->setType('info'); $cmd->setSubType('numeric'); $cmd->setGeneric_type('CONSUMPTION'); $cmd->setIsVisible(1); $cmd->setIsHistorized(1); $cmd->setEventOnly(1); $cmd->setTemplate('dashboard', 'default'); $cmd->setTemplate('mobile', 'default'); $cmd->setLogicalId('conso_totale'); $cmd->setUnite('kWh'); $cmd->setEqLogic_id($_eqLogic->getId()); } else { log::add('MerossIOT', 'debug', 'syncMeross: - Update cmd=conso_totale'); } $cmd->setOrder($order); $cmd->save(); $order++; } # Lampe - Luminosité if( $_device['lumin'] ) { # Luminance information $cmd = $_eqLogic->getCmd(null, 'lumival'); if (!is_object($cmd)) { log::add('MerossIOT', 'debug', 'syncMeross: - Add cmd=lumival'); $cmd = new MerossIOTCmd(); $cmd->setName('lumi'); $cmd->setType('info'); $cmd->setSubType('numeric'); $cmd->setGeneric_type('LIGHT_STATE'); $cmd->setIsVisible(0); $cmd->setIsHistorized(0); $cmd->setLogicalId('lumival'); $cmd->setEqLogic_id($_eqLogic->getId()); } else { log::add('MerossIOT', 'debug', 'syncMeross: - Update cmd=lumival'); } $cmd->setConfiguration('minValue', 1); $cmd->setConfiguration('maxValue', 100); $cmd->setUnite('%'); $cmd->setOrder($order); $cmd->save(); $order++; $status_id = $cmd->getId(); # Luminance setter $cmd = $_eqLogic->getCmd(null, 'lumiset'); if (!is_object($cmd)) { log::add('MerossIOT', 'debug', 'syncMeross: - Add cmd=lumiset'); $cmd = new MerossIOTCmd(); $cmd->setName(__('Luminosité', __FILE__)); $cmd->setType('action'); $cmd->setSubType('slider'); $cmd->setGeneric_type('LIGHT_SLIDER'); $cmd->setIsVisible(1); $cmd->setIsHistorized(0); $cmd->setLogicalId('lumiset'); $cmd->setTemplate('dashboard', 'light'); $cmd->setTemplate('mobile', 'light'); $cmd->setEqLogic_id($_eqLogic->getId()); } else { log::add('MerossIOT', 'debug', 'syncMeross: - Update cmd=lumiset'); } $cmd->setConfiguration('minValue', 1); $cmd->setConfiguration('maxValue', 100); $cmd->setOrder($order); $cmd->save(); $cmd->setValue($status_id); $cmd->save(); $order++; } if( $_device['tempe'] ) { # Temperature information $cmd = $_eqLogic->getCmd(null, 'tempval'); if (!is_object($cmd)) { log::add('MerossIOT', 'debug', 'syncMeross: - Add cmd=tempval'); $cmd = new MerossIOTCmd(); $cmd->setName('temp'); $cmd->setType('info'); $cmd->setSubType('numeric'); $cmd->setGeneric_type('LIGHT_COLOR_TEMP'); $cmd->setIsVisible(0); $cmd->setIsHistorized(0); $cmd->setLogicalId('tempval'); $cmd->setEqLogic_id($_eqLogic->getId()); } else { log::add('MerossIOT', 'debug', 'syncMeross: - Update cmd=tempval'); } $cmd->setConfiguration('minValue', 1); $cmd->setConfiguration('maxValue', 100); $cmd->setOrder($order); $cmd->save(); $order++; $status_id = $cmd->getId(); # Temperature setter $cmd = $_eqLogic->getCmd(null, 'tempset'); if (!is_object($cmd)) { log::add('MerossIOT', 'debug', 'syncMeross: - Add cmd=tempset'); $cmd = new MerossIOTCmd(); $cmd->setName(__('Température', __FILE__)); $cmd->setType('action'); $cmd->setSubType('slider'); $cmd->setGeneric_type('LIGHT_SET_COLOR_TEMP'); $cmd->setIsVisible(1); $cmd->setIsHistorized(0); $cmd->setLogicalId('tempset'); $cmd->setTemplate('dashboard', 'light'); $cmd->setTemplate('mobile', 'light'); $cmd->setEqLogic_id($_eqLogic->getId()); } else { log::add('MerossIOT', 'debug', 'syncMeross: - Update cmd=tempset'); } $cmd->setConfiguration('minValue', 1); $cmd->setConfiguration('maxValue', 100); $cmd->setOrder($order); $cmd->save(); $cmd->setValue($status_id); $cmd->save(); $order++; } if( $_device['isrgb'] ) { # Color information $cmd = $_eqLogic->getCmd(null, 'rgbval'); if (!is_object($cmd)) { log::add('MerossIOT', 'debug', 'syncMeross: - Add cmd=rgbval'); $cmd = new MerossIOTCmd(); $cmd->setName('rgb'); $cmd->setType('info'); $cmd->setSubType('string'); $cmd->setGeneric_type('LIGHT_COLOR'); $cmd->setIsVisible(0); $cmd->setIsHistorized(0); $cmd->setLogicalId('rgbval'); $cmd->setEqLogic_id($_eqLogic->getId()); } else { log::add('merossiot', 'debug', 'syncMeross: - Update cmd=rgbval'); } $cmd->setOrder($order); $cmd->save(); $order++; $status_id = $cmd->getId(); # Color setter $cmd = $_eqLogic->getCmd(null, 'rgbset'); if (!is_object($cmd)) { log::add('MerossIOT', 'debug', 'syncMeross: - Add cmd=rgbset'); $cmd = new MerossIOTCmd(); $cmd->setName(__('Couleur', __FILE__)); $cmd->setType('action'); $cmd->setSubType('color'); $cmd->setGeneric_type('LIGHT_SET_COLOR'); $cmd->setIsVisible(1); $cmd->setIsHistorized(0); $cmd->setTemplate('dashboard', 'default'); $cmd->setTemplate('mobile', 'default'); $cmd->setLogicalId('rgbset'); $cmd->setEqLogic_id($_eqLogic->getId()); } else { log::add('MerossIOT', 'debug', 'syncMeross: - Update cmd=rgbset'); } $cmd->setOrder($order); $cmd->save(); $cmd->setValue($status_id); $cmd->save(); $order++; } # Light Mode if( $_device['tempe'] && $_device['isrgb'] ) { # information $cmd = $_eqLogic->getCmd(null, 'capacity'); if (!is_object($cmd)) { log::add('MerossIOT', 'debug', 'syncMeross: - Add cmd=capacity'); $cmd = new MerossIOTCmd(); $cmd->setName(__('Mode', __FILE__)); $cmd->setType('info'); $cmd->setSubType('string'); $cmd->setGeneric_type('GENERIC_INFO'); $cmd->setIsVisible(1); $cmd->setIsHistorized(0); $cmd->setEventOnly(1); $cmd->setTemplate('dashboard', 'default'); $cmd->setTemplate('mobile', 'default'); $cmd->setLogicalId('capacity'); $cmd->setEqLogic_id($_eqLogic->getId()); } else { log::add('merossiot', 'debug', 'syncMeross: - Update cmd=capacity'); } $cmd->setOrder($order); $cmd->save(); $order++; } # Spray Mode if( $_device['spray'] ) { # Spray OFF $cmd = $_eqLogic->getCmd(null, 'spray_0'); if (!is_object($cmd)) { log::add('MerossIOT', 'debug', 'syncMeross: - Add cmd=spray_0'); $cmd = new MerossIOTCmd(); $cmd->setType('action'); $cmd->setSubType('other'); $cmd->setTemplate('dashboard', 'default'); $cmd->setTemplate('mobile', 'default'); $cmd->setIsVisible(1); $cmd->setLogicalId('spray_0'); $cmd->setEqLogic_id($_eqLogic->getId()); $cmd->setName(__('Arrêt', __FILE__)); } else { log::add('MerossIOT', 'debug', 'syncMeross: - Update cmd=spray_0'); } $cmd->setOrder($order); $cmd->save(); $order++; # Spray continue $cmd = $_eqLogic->getCmd(null, 'spray_1'); if (!is_object($cmd)) { log::add('MerossIOT', 'debug', 'syncMeross: - Add cmd=spray_1'); $cmd = new MerossIOTCmd(); $cmd->setType('action'); $cmd->setSubType('other'); $cmd->setTemplate('dashboard', 'default'); $cmd->setTemplate('mobile', 'default'); $cmd->setIsVisible(1); $cmd->setLogicalId('spray_1'); $cmd->setEqLogic_id($_eqLogic->getId()); $cmd->setName(__('Continu', __FILE__)); } else { log::add('MerossIOT', 'debug', 'syncMeross: - Update cmd=spray_1'); } $cmd->setOrder($order); $cmd->save(); $order++; # Spray intermitent $cmd = $_eqLogic->getCmd(null, 'spray_2'); if (!is_object($cmd)) { log::add('MerossIOT', 'debug', 'syncMeross: - Add cmd=spray_2'); $cmd = new MerossIOTCmd(); $cmd->setType('action'); $cmd->setSubType('other'); $cmd->setTemplate('dashboard', 'default'); $cmd->setTemplate('mobile', 'default'); $cmd->setIsVisible(1); $cmd->setLogicalId('spray_2'); $cmd->setEqLogic_id($_eqLogic->getId()); $cmd->setName(__('Intermittent', __FILE__)); } else { log::add('MerossIOT', 'debug', 'syncMeross: - Update cmd=spray_2'); } $cmd->setOrder($order); $cmd->save(); $order++; # Spray information $cmd = $_eqLogic->getCmd(null, 'spray'); if (!is_object($cmd)) { log::add('MerossIOT', 'debug', 'syncMeross: - Add cmd=spray'); $cmd = new MerossIOTCmd(); $cmd->setName(__('Mode', __FILE__)); $cmd->setType('info'); $cmd->setSubType('string'); $cmd->setGeneric_type('GENERIC_INFO'); $cmd->setIsVisible(1); $cmd->setIsHistorized(0); $cmd->setEventOnly(1); $cmd->setTemplate('dashboard', 'default'); $cmd->setTemplate('mobile', 'default'); $cmd->setLogicalId('spray'); $cmd->setEqLogic_id($_eqLogic->getId()); } else { log::add('merossiot', 'debug', 'syncMeross: - Update cmd=spray'); } $cmd->setOrder($order); $cmd->save(); $order++; } log::add('MerossIOT', 'debug', 'updateEqLogicCmdVal: Update eqLogic informations Completed'); } /** * Effacer tous les EqLogic * @return none */ public function deleteAll() { log::add('MerossIOT','debug','***** DELETE ALL *****'); $eqLogics = eqLogic::byType('MerossIOT'); foreach ($eqLogics as $eqLogic) { $eqLogic->remove(); } return array(true, 'OK'); } /** * Get dependancy information * @return array Python3 command return. */ public static function dependancy_info() { $return = [ 'state' => 'nok', 'log' => 'MerossIOT_update', 'progress_file' => jeedom::getTmpFolder('MerossIOT') . '/dependance' ]; $meross_version = trim(file_get_contents(dirname(__FILE__) . '/../../resources/meross-iot_version.txt')); $cmd = "/usr/bin/python3 -c 'from distutils.version import LooseVersion;import pkg_resources,meross_iot,sys;" . "sys.exit(LooseVersion(pkg_resources.get_distribution(\"meross_iot\").version)&1"; exec($cmd, $output, $return_var); if ($return_var == 0) { $return['state'] = 'ok'; } return $return; } /** * Install dependancies. * @return array Shell script command return. */ public static function dependancy_install() { log::remove(__CLASS__ . '_update'); return [ 'script' => dirname(__FILE__) . '/../../resources/install_#stype#.sh ' . jeedom::getTmpFolder('MerossIOT') . '/dependance', 'log' => log::getPathToLog(__CLASS__ . '_update') ]; } /** * Start python daemon. * @return array Shell command return. */ public static function deamon_start() { $deamon_info = self::deamon_info(); if ($deamon_info['launchable'] != 'ok') { throw new Exception(__('Veuillez vérifier la configuration', __FILE__)); } $user = config::byKey('MerossUSR', 'MerossIOT'); $pswd = quotemeta(config::byKey('MerossPWD', 'MerossIOT')); $updp = intval(config::byKey('MerossUPD', 'MerossIOT')); if( is_int($updp) ) { if( $updp < 5 ) { $updp = 30; log::add('MerossIOT','info',__('Cycle mise à jour puissance inférieur à 5 secondes.', __FILE__)); } } else { $updp = 30; } $merossiot_path = realpath(dirname(__FILE__) . '/../../resources'); $callback = network::getNetworkAccess('internal', 'proto:') . '/plugins/MerossIOT/core/php/jeeMerossIOT.php'; $cmd = '/usr/bin/python3 ' . $merossiot_path . '/MerossIOTd/MerossIOTd.py'; $cmd.= ' --muser "'.$user.'"'; $cmd.= ' --mpswd "'.$pswd.'"'; $cmd.= ' --mupdp '.$updp; $cmd.= ' --callback '.$callback; $cmd.= ' --apikey '.jeedom::getApiKey('MerossIOT'); $cmd.= ' --loglevel '.log::convertLogLevel(log::getLogLevel('MerossIOT')); $cmd.= ' --pid '.jeedom::getTmpFolder('MerossIOT') . '/daemon.pid'; $cmd.= ' --socket '.jeedom::getTmpFolder('MerossIOT') . '/daemon.sock'; $log = str_replace($pswd, 'xxx', str_replace($user, 'xxx', $cmd)); log::add('MerossIOT','info',__('Lancement démon meross :', __FILE__).' '.$log); $result = exec($cmd . ' >> ' . log::getPathToLog('MerossIOT') . ' 2>&1 &'); $i = 0; while ($i < 10) { $deamon_info = self::deamon_info(); if ($deamon_info['state'] == 'ok') { break; } sleep(1); $i++; } if ($i >= 10) { log::add('MerossIOT', 'error', __('Impossible de lancer le démon meross, vérifiez le log', __FILE__), 'unableStartDeamon'); return false; } message::removeAll('MerossIOT', 'unableStartDeamon'); log::add('MerossIOT','info',__('Démon meross lancé.', __FILE__)); return true; } /** * Stop python daemon. * @return array Shell command return. */ public static function deamon_stop() { $pid_file = jeedom::getTmpFolder('MerossIOT') . '/daemon.pid'; if (file_exists($pid_file)) { $pid = intval(trim(file_get_contents($pid_file))); system::kill($pid); } $i = 0; while ($i < 5) { $deamon_info = self::deamon_info(); if ($deamon_info['state'] == 'nok') { break; } sleep(1); $i++; } if ($i >= 5) { log::add('MerossIOT', 'error', __('Impossible de stopper le démon meross, tuons le', __FILE__)); system::kill('MerossIOTd.py'); } } /** * Return information (status) about daemon. * @return array Shell command return. */ public static function deamon_info() { $pid_file = jeedom::getTmpFolder('MerossIOT') . '/daemon.pid'; $return = ['state' => 'nok']; if (file_exists($pid_file)) { if (@posix_getsid(trim(file_get_contents($pid_file)))) { $return['state'] = 'ok'; } else { shell_exec(system::getCmdSudo() . 'rm -rf ' . $pid_file . ' 2>&1 > /dev/null'); } } $return['launchable'] = 'ok'; if (self::dependancy_info()['state'] == 'nok') { $cache = cache::byKey('dependancy' . 'MerossIOT'); $cache->remove(); $return['launchable'] = 'nok'; $return['launchable_message'] = __('Veuillez (ré-)installer les dépendances', __FILE__); } return $return; } } class MerossIOTCmd extends cmd { public function execute($_options = array()) { $eqLogic = $this->getEqLogic(); $action = $this->getLogicalId(); log::add('MerossIOT', 'debug', $eqLogic->getLogicalId().' = action: '. $action.' - params '.json_encode($_options) ); $execute = false; // Handle actions like on_x off_x $splitAction = explode("_", $action); $action = $splitAction[0]; $channel = $splitAction[1]; switch ($action) { case "on": $res = MerossIOT::callMeross('setOn', [$eqLogic->getLogicalId(), $channel]); log::add('MerossIOT', 'debug', 'setOn: '.json_encode($res['result'])); break; case "off": $res = MerossIOT::callMeross('setOff', [$eqLogic->getLogicalId(), $channel]); log::add('MerossIOT', 'debug', 'setOff: '.json_encode($res['result'])); break; case "lumiset": $res = MerossIOT::callMeross('setLumi', [$eqLogic->getLogicalId(), $_options['slider']]); log::add('MerossIOT', 'debug', 'setLumi '.$_options['slider'].': '.$res['result']); break; case "tempset": $cmd = $eqLogic->getCmd(null, 'lumival'); $lumi = $cmd->execCmd(); $res = MerossIOT::callMeross('setTemp', [$eqLogic->getLogicalId(), $_options['slider'], $lumi]); log::add('MerossIOT', 'debug', 'setTemp '.$_options['slider'].': '.$res['result']); break; case "rgbset": $cmd = $eqLogic->getCmd(null, 'lumival'); $lumi = $cmd->execCmd(); $rgb = hexdec($_options['color']); $res = MerossIOT::callMeross('setRGB', [$eqLogic->getLogicalId(), $rgb, $lumi]); log::add('MerossIOT', 'debug', 'setRGB '.$_options['color'].' ('.$rgb.'): '.$res['result']); break; case "spray": $res = MerossIOT::callMeross('setSpray', [$eqLogic->getLogicalId(), $channel]); log::add('MerossIOT', 'debug', 'setSpray: '.json_encode($res['result'])); break; case "refresh": $res = MerossIOT::callMeross('syncDevice', [$eqLogic->getLogicalId()]); MerossIOT::syncOneMeross($res['result']); log::add('MerossIOT', 'debug', 'refresh: '.json_encode($res['result'])); break; default: log::add('MerossIOT','debug','action: Action='.$action.' '.__('non implementée.', __FILE__)); break; } } }