/* This file is part of Jeedom. * * Jeedom is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * Jeedom is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with Jeedom. If not, see . */ /* * Permet la réorganisation des commandes dans l'équipement */ $("#table_cmd").sortable({axis: "y", cursor: "move", items: ".cmd", placeholder: "ui-state-highlight", tolerance: "intersect", forcePlaceholderSize: true}); $('#bt_forcerDefaultCmd').off('click').on('click', function () { var dialog_title = '{{Recharge configuration par défaut}}'; var dialog_message = '
'; dialog_title = '{{Recharger la configuration par défaut ?}}'; dialog_message += ' '; dialog_message += '
'; bootbox.dialog({ title: dialog_title, message: dialog_message, buttons: { "{{Annuler}}": { className: "btn-danger", callback: function () {} }, success: { label: "{{Démarrer}}", className: "btn-success", callback: function () { $.ajax({ type: "POST", url: "plugins/alexaapi/core/ajax/alexaapi.ajax.php", data: { action: "forcerDefaultCmd", id: $('.eqLogicAttr[data-l1key=id]').value(), createcommand: 0, }, dataType: 'json', global: false, error: function (request, status, error) { handleAjaxError(request, status, error); }, success: function (data) { if (data.state != 'ok') { $('#div_alert').showAlert({ message: data.result, level: 'danger' }); return; } $('#div_alert').showAlert({ message: '{{Opération réalisée avec succès}}', level: 'success' }); $('.eqLogicDisplayCard[data-eqLogic_id=' + $('.eqLogicAttr[data-l1key=id]').value() + ']').click(); jeedomUtils.reloadPagePrompt('{{Equipement réinitialisé à sa configuration par défaut.}}'); } }); } }, } }); }); $('#bt_Lancer').off('click').on('click', function () { var tempo = 0; if (requeteremotevidecache.checked) { tempo = 2000; jeedom.log.clear({ log: log_display_name, }); } setTimeout("envoiQuery(requeteremote.value, requetedata.value)", tempo); //console.log ("fini"); }); $('#bt_resetEqlogicSearch').on('click', function () { $('#in_searchEqlogic').val('') $('#in_searchEqlogic').keyup() }) $('#in_searchEqlogic2').off('keyup').keyup(function () { var search = $(this).value().toLowerCase(); search = search.normalize('NFD').replace(/[\u0300-\u036f]/g, "") if (search == '') { $('.eqLogicDisplayCard.second').show(); $('.eqLogicThumbnailContainer.second').packery(); return; } $('.eqLogicDisplayCard.second').hide(); $('.eqLogicDisplayCard.second .name').each(function () { var text = $(this).text().toLowerCase(); text = text.normalize('NFD').replace(/[\u0300-\u036f]/g, "") if (text.indexOf(search) >= 0) { $(this).closest('.eqLogicDisplayCard.second').show(); } }); $('.eqLogicThumbnailContainer.second').packery(); }); $('#bt_resetEqlogicSearch2').on('click', function () { $('#in_searchEqlogic2').val('') $('#in_searchEqlogic2').keyup() }) $('#in_searchEqlogic3').off('keyup').keyup(function () { var search = $(this).value().toLowerCase(); search = search.normalize('NFD').replace(/[\u0300-\u036f]/g, "") if (search == '') { $('.eqLogicDisplayCard.third').show(); $('.eqLogicThumbnailContainer.third').packery(); return; } $('.eqLogicDisplayCard.third').hide(); $('.eqLogicDisplayCard.third .name').each(function () { var text = $(this).text().toLowerCase(); text = text.normalize('NFD').replace(/[\u0300-\u036f]/g, "") if (text.indexOf(search) >= 0) { $(this).closest('.eqLogicDisplayCard.third').show(); } }); $('.eqLogicThumbnailContainer.third').packery(); }); $('#bt_resetEqlogicSearch3').on('click', function () { $('#in_searchEqlogic3').val('') $('#in_searchEqlogic3').keyup() }) function envoiQuery(query, data) { //if (query=='') query='{"host":"alexa.amazon.fr","path":"/api/bootstrap?version=0","method":"GET","timeout":10000,"headers":{}}'; if (query == '') query = '{"host":"alexa.amazon.fr","path":"/api/behaviors/preview","method":"POST","timeout":12345,"headers":{}}'; if (data == '') data = '{"behaviorId":"PREVIEW","sequenceJson":"{\"@type\":\"com.amazon.alexa.behaviors.model.Sequence\",\"startNode\":{\"@type\":\"com.amazon.alexa.behaviors.model.OpaquePayloadOperationNode\",\"operationPayload\":{\"deviceType\":\"A3S5BH2HU6VAYF\",\"deviceSerialNumber\":\"G090LF118173117U\",\"locale\":\"fr-FR\",\"customerId\":\"A1P3694S7PYD78\",\"value\":50},\"type\":\"Alexa.DeviceControls.Volume\"}}","status":"ENABLED"}'; var yourUrl = "" + encodeURIComponent(query) + "&data=" + encodeURIComponent(data); var http = new XMLHttpRequest(); console.log("adresse:" + yourUrl); http.open('GET', yourUrl, true); http.send(); } $('#bt_cronGenerator').off('click').on('click', function () { jeedom.getCronSelectModal({}, function (result) { $('.configKey[data-l1key=autorefresh]').value(result.value); }); }); $("#bt_addespeasyAction").off('click').on('click', function (event) { var _cmd = { type: 'action' }; addCmdToTable(_cmd); }); $('#bt_addEvent').off('click').on('click', function () { $('#bt_calendartab').trigger('click'); $('#md_modal').dialog({ title: "{{Ajouter évènement}}" }); $('#md_modal').load('index.php?v=d&plugin=alexaapi&modal=alarm&eqLogic_id=' + $('.eqLogicAttr[data-l1key=id]').value()).dialog('open'); }); $('#bt_media').off('click').on('click', function () { $('#md_modal').dialog({ title: "{{Info Media}}" }); $('#md_modal').load('index.php?v=d&plugin=alexaapi&modal=media&iddevice=' + $('.eqLogicAttr[data-l1key=logicalId]').value()).dialog('open'); }); $('#bt_req').off('click').on('click', function () { $('#md_modal').dialog({ title: "{{Requêteur JSON}}" }); $('#md_modal').load('index.php?v=d&plugin=alexaapi&modal=req&iddevice=' + $('.eqLogicAttr[data-l1key=logicalId]').value()).dialog('open'); }); $('#bt_req2').off('click').on('click', function () { $('#md_modal').dialog({ title: "{{Requêteur}}" }); $('#md_modal').load('index.php?v=d&plugin=alexaapi&modal=req2&iddevice=' + $('.eqLogicAttr[data-l1key=logicalId]').value()).dialog('open'); }); $('#bt_sante').off('click').on('click', function () { $('#md_modal').dialog({ title: "{{Liste Amazon Echo}}" }); $('#md_modal').load('index.php?v=d&plugin=alexaapi&modal=health').dialog('open'); }); $('#bt_reminders').off('click').on('click', function () { $('#md_modal').dialog({ title: "{{Rappels/Alarmes}}" }); $('#md_modal').load('index.php?v=d&plugin=alexaapi&modal=reminders').dialog('open'); }); $('#bt_history').off('click').on('click', function () { $('#md_modal').dialog({ title: "{{Historique}}" }); $('#md_modal').load('index.php?v=d&plugin=alexaapi&modal=history').dialog('open'); }); $('#bt_routines').off('click').on('click', function () { $('#md_modal').dialog({ title: "{{Routines}}" }); $('#md_modal').load('index.php?v=d&plugin=alexaapi&modal=routines').dialog('open'); }); $('#bt_scan').off('click').on('click', function () { scanAmazonAlexa(); }); $('.eqLogicAttr[data-l1key=configuration][data-l2key=type]').on('change', function () { // Ici il faudra faire comme dans desktop/php/alexaapi.php ligne 268 chercher type et à défaut family $icon = $('.eqLogicAttr[data-l1key=configuration][data-l2key=type]').value(); if ($icon != '' && $icon != null) $('#img_device').attr("src", 'plugins/alexaapi/core/config/devices/' + $icon + '.png'); var id = $('.eqLogicAttr[data-l1key=id]')[0].value; if (id) { jeedom.eqLogic.byId({ "id": $('.eqLogicAttr[data-l1key=id]')[0].value, noCache: true, success: function (obj) { if (obj && obj.configuration && obj.configuration.capabilities && obj.configuration.capabilities.length && obj.configuration.capabilities instanceof Array) { $('.eqLogicAttr[data-l1key=configuration][data-l2key=capabilities]')[0].innerHTML = obj.configuration.capabilities.join(', '); } } }); } }); function scanAmazonAlexa() { $.ajax({ type: "POST", url: "plugins/alexaapi/core/ajax/alexaapi.ajax.php", data: { action: "scanAmazonAlexa", }, dataType: 'json', error: function (request, status, error) { handleAjaxError(request, status, error); }, success: function (data) { if (data.state != 'ok') { $('#div_alert').showAlert({ message: data.result, level: 'danger' }); return; } window.location.reload(); } }); } $("#table_cmd").sortable({ axis: "y", cursor: "move", items: ".cmd", placeholder: "ui-state-highlight", tolerance: "intersect", forcePlaceholderSize: true }); function addCmdToTable(_cmd) { if (!isset(_cmd)) { var _cmd = {configuration: {}} } if (!isset(_cmd.configuration)) { _cmd.configuration = {} } var DefinitionDivPourCommandesPredefinies = 'style="display: none;"'; if (init(_cmd.logicalId) == "") { DefinitionDivPourCommandesPredefinies = ""; } if ((init(_cmd.logicalId) == 'updateallalarms')) { return; } //console.log("addCmdToTable : " + init(_cmd.logicalId)); var tr = '' tr += '' tr += '' tr += '' tr += '' tr += '
' tr += '' tr += '' tr += '' tr += '
' tr += '' tr += '' tr += '' tr += '' + jeedom.cmd.availableType() + '' tr += '' tr += '' tr += '' if (init(_cmd.type) == 'action' && init(_cmd.logicalId) != 'refresh') { tr += '' } tr += '' tr += '' tr += '' tr += ''; tr += ''; tr += ' ' tr += ' ' tr += ' ' tr += '
' tr += '' tr += '' tr += '' tr += '
' tr += '' tr += '' if (is_numeric(_cmd.id)) { tr += ' ' if (!((init(_cmd.name) == "Routine") || (init(_cmd.name) == "xxxxxxxx"))) { //Masquer le bouton Tester tr += ' Tester' } } tr += '' tr += '' $('#table_cmd tbody').append(tr); var tr = $('#table_cmd tbody tr').last(); jeedom.eqLogic.buildSelectCmd({ id: $('.eqLogicAttr[data-l1key=id]').value(), filter: { type: 'info' }, error: function (error) { $('#div_alert').showAlert({ message: error.message, level: 'danger' }); }, success: function (result) { tr.find('.cmdAttr[data-l1key=value]').append(result); tr.setValues(_cmd, '.cmdAttr'); jeedom.cmd.changeType(tr, init(_cmd.subType)); } }); $('#table_cmd tbody tr').last().setValues(_cmd, '.cmdAttr'); if (isset(_cmd.type)) { $('#table_cmd tbody tr:last .cmdAttr[data-l1key=type]').value(init(_cmd.type)); } } jeedom.plugin.getDeamonCookieInfo = function (_params) { var paramsRequired = ['id']; var paramsSpecifics = { global: false, }; try { jeedom.private.checkParamsRequired(_params || {}, paramsRequired); } catch (e) { (_params.error || paramsSpecifics.error || jeedom.private.default_params.error)(e); return; } var params = $.extend({}, jeedom.private.default_params, paramsSpecifics, _params || {}); var paramsAJAX = jeedom.private.getParamsAJAX(params); paramsAJAX.url = 'plugins/alexaapi/core/ajax/alexaapi.ajax.php'; paramsAJAX.data = { action: 'getDeamonCookieInfo', id: _params.id }; $.ajax(paramsAJAX); }; jeedom.plugin.deamonCookieStart = function (_params) { var paramsRequired = ['id']; var paramsSpecifics = {}; try { jeedom.private.checkParamsRequired(_params || {}, paramsRequired); } catch (e) { (_params.error || paramsSpecifics.error || jeedom.private.default_params.error)(e); return; } var params = $.extend({}, jeedom.private.default_params, paramsSpecifics, _params || {}); var paramsAJAX = jeedom.private.getParamsAJAX(params); paramsAJAX.url = 'plugins/alexaapi/core/ajax/alexaapi.ajax.php'; paramsAJAX.data = { action: 'deamonCookieStart', id: _params.id, debug: _params.debug || 0, forceRestart: _params.forceRestart || 0 }; $.ajax(paramsAJAX); }; jeedom.plugin.deamonCookieStop = function (_params) { var paramsRequired = ['id']; var paramsSpecifics = {}; try { jeedom.private.checkParamsRequired(_params || {}, paramsRequired); } catch (e) { (_params.error || paramsSpecifics.error || jeedom.private.default_params.error)(e); return; } var params = $.extend({}, jeedom.private.default_params, paramsSpecifics, _params || {}); var paramsAJAX = jeedom.private.getParamsAJAX(params); paramsAJAX.url = 'plugins/alexaapi/core/ajax/alexaapi.ajax.php'; paramsAJAX.data = { action: 'deamonCookieStop', id: _params.id }; $.ajax(paramsAJAX); }; jeedom.plugin.VerifiePresenceCookie = function (_params) { var paramsRequired = ['id']; var paramsSpecifics = {}; try { jeedom.private.checkParamsRequired(_params || {}, paramsRequired); } catch (e) { (_params.error || paramsSpecifics.error || jeedom.private.default_params.error)(e); return; } var params = $.extend({}, jeedom.private.default_params, paramsSpecifics, _params || {}); var paramsAJAX = jeedom.private.getParamsAJAX(params); paramsAJAX.url = 'plugins/alexaapi/core/ajax/alexaapi.ajax.php'; paramsAJAX.data = { action: 'VerifiePresenceCookie', id: _params.id }; $.ajax(paramsAJAX); }; /*************************Node************************************************/ jeedom.plugin.node = function () {}; jeedom.plugin.node.action = function (_params) { //Delete reminder var paramsRequired = ['action', 'node_id']; var paramsSpecifics = {}; try { jeedom.private.checkParamsRequired(_params || {}, paramsRequired); } catch (e) { (_params.error || paramsSpecifics.error || jeedom.private.default_params.error)(e); return; } var params = $.extend({}, jeedom.private.default_params, paramsSpecifics, _params || {}); var paramsAJAX = jeedom.private.getParamsAJAX(params); paramsAJAX.url = 'plugins/alexaapi/desktop/php/alexaapiProxy.php'; paramsAJAX.data = { request: _params.action + 'reminder?id=' + _params.node_id + '&type=action&action=' + _params.action, }; $.ajax(paramsAJAX); } jeedom.plugin.node.action2 = function (_params) { //Lancement d'une routine var paramsRequired = ['action', 'node_id', 'node_id2']; var paramsSpecifics = {}; try { jeedom.private.checkParamsRequired(_params || {}, paramsRequired); } catch (e) { (_params.error || paramsSpecifics.error || jeedom.private.default_params.error)(e); return; } var params = $.extend({}, jeedom.private.default_params, paramsSpecifics, _params || {}); var paramsAJAX = jeedom.private.getParamsAJAX(params); paramsAJAX.url = 'plugins/alexaapi/desktop/php/alexaapiProxy.php'; paramsAJAX.data = { request: 'routine?device=' + _params.node_id2 + '&routine=' + _params.node_id, }; $.ajax(paramsAJAX); }